Results for ' playful blending'

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  1.  21
    The cognitive motivation and purposes of playful blending in English.Boris Leffiliâtre - 2019 - Corela. Cognition, Représentation, Langage 17.
    La motivation de l’amalgamation de jeu de mots se circonscrit à la combinaison de lexèmes source cognitivement reconnus comme ayant une similitude linguistique, ou un effet d’oxymore. Il est possible que les interlocuteurs remotivent ensuite des groupes de consonnes de ces formes, s’ils leurs associent des traits sémantiques pour former d’autres amalgames.L’amalgamation de jeu de mots est destinée à renforcer la saillance cognitive. La forme produite se démarque alors de son cotexte essentiellement composé de lexèmes monomorphémiques, de dérivés et de (...)
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    The cognitive motivation and purposes of playful blending in English.Boris Lefilliâtre - 2019 - Corela. Cognition, Représentation, Langage 17.
    La motivation de l’amalgamation de jeu de mots se circonscrit à la combinaison de lexèmes source cognitivement reconnus comme ayant une similitude linguistique (qu’elle soit sémantique ou morphologique), ou un effet d’oxymore. Il est possible que les interlocuteurs remotivent ensuite des groupes de consonnes de ces formes, s’ils leurs associent des traits sémantiques pour former d’autres amalgames.L’amalgamation de jeu de mots est destinée à renforcer la saillance cognitive (une attention accrue est requise pour la réception de la forme produite). La (...)
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    Blended Social Impact Investment Transactions: Why Are They So Complex?Michael Moran & Libby Ward-Christie - 2022 - Journal of Business Ethics 179 (4):1011-1031.
    Blended social impact investment transactions, in which multiple types of capital are combined to support attainment of social impact, are a pervasive, yet not closely examined, feature of the SII market. This paper seeks to describe and understand blended SII transactions through the lens of institutional theory. Specifically, we use the institutional logics theoretical frame to shed light on the implications of combining several institutional logics in SII transactions. Consistent with other SII research, we find that parties to blended SII (...)
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    A blended-learning programme regarding professional ethics in physiotherapy students.Marta Aguilar-Rodríguez, Elena Marques-Sule, Pilar Serra-Añó, Gemma Victoria Espí-López, Lirios Dueñas-Moscardó & Sofía Pérez-Alenda - 2019 - Nursing Ethics 26 (5):1410-1423.
    Background: In the university context, assessing students’ attitude, knowledge and opinions when applying an innovative methodological approach to teach professional ethics becomes fundamental to know if the used approach is enough motivating for students. Research objective: To assess the effect of a blended-learning model, based on professional ethics and related to clinical practices, on physiotherapy students’ attitude, knowledge and opinions towards learning professional ethics. Research design and participants: A simple-blind clinical trial was performed (NLM identifier NCT03241693) (control group, n = (...)
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    Stoic Blends.Anna Marmodoro - 2017 - Proceedings of the Boston Area Colloquium of Ancient Philosophy 32 (1):1-24.
    The Stoics’ guiding principle in ontology is the Eleatic principle. Their existents are bodies that have the power to act and be acted upon. They account both for the constitution of material objects and the causal interactions among them in terms of such dynamic bodies. Blending is the physical mechanism that explains both constitution and causation; and is facilitated by the fact that for the Stoics all bodies exist as unlimited divided. In this paper I offer a novel analysis (...)
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  6.  21
    The Dominance of Blended Emotions: A Qualitative Study of Elementary Teachers’ Emotions Related to Mathematics Teaching.Dionne Indera Cross Francis, Ji Hong, Jinqing Liu, Ayfer Eker, Kemol Lloyd, Pavneet Kaur Bharaj & MiHyun Jeon - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11:531807.
    Examining the nature of teachers’ emotions and how they are managed and regulated in the act of teaching is crucial to assess the quality of teachers’ instruction. Despite the essential role emotions play in teachers’ lives and instruction, research on teachers’ emotions has not paid much attention on teachers’ emotions in the context of daily teaching. This paper explored elementary teachers’ emotions while preparing for teaching and during teaching mathematics, reasons that underlie these emotions, and the relationship between their emotions (...)
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    Big–Thick Blending: A method for mixing analytical insights from big and thick data sources.Brian L. Due & Tobias Bornakke - 2018 - Big Data and Society 5 (1).
    Recent works have suggested an analytical complementarity in mixing big and thick data sources. These works have, however, remained as programmatic suggestions, leaving us with limited methodological inputs on how to archive such complementary integration. This article responds to this limitation by proposing a method for ‘blending’ big and thick analytical insights. The paper first develops a methodological framework based on the cognitivist linguistics terminology of ‘blending’. Two cases are then explored in which blended spaces are crafted from (...)
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  8.  19
    Biodiversity communication at the UN Summit 2020: Blending business and nature.Merel Keijzer, Janet Fuller & Matt Drury - 2022 - Discourse and Communication 16 (1):37-57.
    Biodiverse ecosystems play a key role in maintaining life on earth. In response to rapid declines in biodiversity throughout the world, the UN Biodiversity Summit 2020 brought together world leaders to discuss potential solutions. We draw on cognitive linguistics, critical discourse analysis and ecolinguistics in analysing the summit contributions. All speakers blended vocabulary from the fields of BUSINESS and NATURE; in doing so, they were able to advocate solving biodiversity loss by implementing approaches commonly found in business. In addition, three (...)
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  9.  32
    Mixed Emotions: Toward a Phenomenology of Blended and Multiple Feelings.Christopher L. Heavey, Noelle L. Lefforge, Leiszle Lapping-Carr & Russell T. Hurlburt - 2017 - Emotion Review 9 (2):105-110.
    After using descriptive experience sampling to study randomly selected moments of inner experience, we make observations about feelings, including blended and multiple feelings. We observe that inner experience usually does not contain feelings. Sometimes, however, feelings are directly present. When feelings are present, most commonly they are unitary. Sometimes people experience separate emotions as a single experience, which we call a blended feeling. Occasionally people have multiple distinct feelings present simultaneously. These distinct multiple feelings can be of opposite valence, with (...)
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  10.  35
    Impact of Self-Concept, Self-Imagination, and Self-Efficacy on English Language Learning Outcomes Among Blended Learning Students During COVID-19.Ruihua Chen, Javed Iqbal, Yanghe Liu, Mengmei Zhu & Yi Xie - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    The purpose of the present study was to explore the direct influence of self-concept and self-imagination on English language learning outcomes. Furthermore, this study examined the mediating role of self-efficacy in the relationship between self-concept, self-imagination, and ELLO. A survey questionnaire of 21 items was used in this study. We distributed the questionnaire through QR code and collected the data from 2,517 participants who enrolled in blended learning courses at the undergraduate level in Chinese universities. The relationship among the variables (...)
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  11.  23
    Making the brain/body connection: a playful guide to releasing mental, physical & emotional blocks to success.Sharon Promislow - 1999 - West Vancouver, B.C., Canada: Kinetic.
    A newly revised edition of the International Best-Seller, Making the Brain/Body Connection hit the book stores in June. This book has people raving about its user friendly approach and its solid research based information. Explore and experience how your brain, body and senses interrelate. Sharon Promislow's approach makes the brain research almost fun. Learn about your body's defence mechanism for stress and how you can adapt them to defuse stress instead of allowing it to accumulate into a full blown stress (...)
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  12.  20
    Shared spaces, shared mind: Connecting past and present viewpoints in American Sign Language narratives.Terry Janzen - 2019 - Cognitive Linguistics 30 (2):253-279.
    In American Sign Language (ASL) narratives, signers map conceptualized spaces onto actual spaces around them that can reflect physical, conceptual, and metaphorical relations among entities. Because verb tenses are not attested in ASL, a question arises: How does a signer distinguish utterances about past events from utterances within a present conversational context? In narratives, the story-teller’s past-event utterances move the story along; accompanying these will often be subjective comments on the story, evaluative statements, and the like, that are geared, in (...)
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  13.  16
    Seeing Through God: A Geophenomenology.John Llewelyn - 2004 - Indiana University Press.
    Playing on the various meanings of Seeing Through God, John Llewelyn explores the act of looking in the wake of the death of the transcendent God of metaphysics. Taking up strategies developed by the Western sciences for seeing and observing, he finds that the so-called tough-minded practices of the physical sciences are very much at home with the so-called tender-minded practices of Eastern religions. Instead of opposing East and West, Llewelyn thinks that blending these spheres leads to a better (...)
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    Vibranium Dreams and Afrofuturist Visions.Alessio Gerola - 2022 - In Edwardo Pérez & Timothy E. Brown (eds.), Black Panther and Philosophy. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley. pp. 175–183.
    Technology clearly plays a central role in Black Panther. Black Panther tries to make us think about the benefits and risks of employing vibranium – and by extension any advanced technology – to different ends. Through the blend of traditional cultures and technology, the Black Panther movie works as a powerfully imaginative thought experiment that explores the technological and cultural ramifications of an enlightened technologically advanced Afrofuturistic civilization. Wakanda's depiction as an independent African technological utopia where people live in harmony (...)
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  15. Technopolis as the Technologised Kingdom of God. Fun as Technology, Technology as Religion in the 21st Century. God sive Fun.Marina Christodoulou - 2018 - Cahiers d'Études Germaniques 1 (74: 'La religion au XXIe siècle):119-132.
    Citation:Christodoulou, Marina. “Technopolis as the Technologised Kingdom of God. Fun as Technology, Technology as Religion in the 21st Century. God sive Fun.” Cahiers d'études germaniques N° 74, 2018. La religion au XXIe siècle - Perpectives et enjeux de la discussion autour d'une société post-séculière. Études reunites par Sébastian Hüsch et Max Marcuzzi, 119-132. -/- -------- -/- Neil Postman starts his book Technopoly: The Surrender of Culture to Technology (1993)1 with a quote from Paul Goodman’s New Reformation: “Whether or not it (...)
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    Misión de la universidad.José Ortega Y. Gasset - 1930 - Revista de Occidente.
    The second of Lorca's great trilogy of rural dramas, "Yerma" is a concentrated blend of contrasting moods through which Lorca charts the increasingly destructive obsession of a childless young country wife, and probes the darker zones of human fears and desires. The play's rich mode of expression--a powerful combination of verbal, visual and auditory images and rhythms--is also geared to celebrating sexual attraction and fertility, creation and procreation.
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    Philosophy of Population Health: Philosophy for a New Public Health Era.Sean A. Valles - 2018 - Abingdon OX14, UK: Routledge.
    Population health has recently grown from a series of loosely connected critiques of twentieth-century public health and medicine into a theoretical framework with a corresponding field of research—population health science. Its approach is to promote the public’s health through improving everyday human life: affordable nutritious food, clean air, safe places where children can play, living wages, etc. It recognizes that addressing contemporary health challenges such as the prevalence of type 2 diabetes will take much more than good hospitals and public (...)
  18. Objects in a storied world: Materiality, normativity, narrativity.Chris Sinha - 2009 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 16 (6-8):6-8.
    There exists broad agreement that participatory, intersubjective engagements in infancy and early childhood, particularly triadic engagements, pave the way for the folk psychological capacities that emerge in middle childhood. There is little agreement, however, about the extent to which early participatory engagements are cognitively prerequisite to the later capacities; and there remain serious questions about exactly how narrative and other language practices can be shown to bridge the gap between early engagements and later abilities, without presupposing the very abilities that (...)
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  19.  15
    New Working Capabilities for Coping With COVID Time Challenges.Ezio Fregnan, Giuseppe Scaratti, Leonardo Ciocca & Silvia Ivaldi - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    The COVID-19 pandemic played as a booster to the cultural, social, and economic transformations triggered by the 4.0 Industrial Revolution, increasing the diffusion and employment of technological devices and requiring to reconsider the traditional approach to work and organization. Dealing with an emblematic organizational case, the article highlights the main key capabilities requested to face the current scenario, suggesting transformed attitudes needed to cope with the unfolding complex, uncertain, changing digital and blended world. The findings, gathered through an extensive survey (...)
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  20. Truth and Truthfulness: An Essay in Genealogy.Bernard Williams - 2002 - Princeton: Princeton University Press.
    What does it mean to be truthful? What role does truth play in our lives? What do we lose if we reject truthfulness? No philosopher is better suited to answer these questions than Bernard Williams. Writing with his characteristic combination of passion and elegant simplicity, he explores the value of truth and finds it to be both less and more than we might imagine.Modern culture exhibits two attitudes toward truth: suspicion of being deceived and skepticism that objective truth exists at (...)
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  21.  16
    Domesticating the Body of the Exotic Other: The Multisensory Use of a Sixteenth-century Brass Candlestick.Dasol Kim - 2020 - Das Mittelalter 25 (2):311-337.
    Through the medium of a brass candlestick made in a sixteenth-century German foundry, I discuss the Christian European household’s sensory engagement and spatial control of the Muslim body. I argue that the Europeans’ sensory experience of the turbaned candlestick reflects and reinforces their conceptualization of Islamic culture, which is a blend of fear and fascination. The turbaned candlestick allows us to explore issues rarely discussed in the study of metalwork and the European imagery of ‘the East’. The shape and scale (...)
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  22.  13
    Harmful Thoughts: Essays on Law, Self, and Morality.Meir Dan-Cohen - 2002 - Princeton University Press.
    In these writings by one of our most creative legal philosophers, Meir Dan-Cohen explores the nature of the self and its response to legal commands and mounts a challenge to some prevailing tenets of legal theory and the neighboring moral, political, and economic thought. The result is an insider's critique of liberalism that extends contemporary liberalism's Kantian strand, combining it with postmodernist ideas about the contingent and socially constructed self to build a thoroughly original perspective on some of the most (...)
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  23. For an Audience: A Philosophy of the Performing Arts.Paul Thom - 1993 - Temple University Press.
    This is an examination of the criteria for identifying, evaluating, and appreciating art forms that require performance for their full realization. Unlike his contemporaries, Paul Thom concentrates on an analytical approach to evaluating music, drama, and dance. Separating performance art into its various elements enables Thom to study its nature and determine essential features and their relationships. Throughout the book, he debates traditional thought in numerous areas of the performing arts. He argues, for example, against the invisibility of the performer (...)
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  24.  18
    Schleiermacher as preacher: A contemporary South African perspective.Martin Laubscher - 2019 - HTS Theological Studies 75 (4):1-7.
    South African homiletics is in a crisis and it has – contrary to our expectation – nothing to do with either the presence or the influence of the great 19th-century theologian Friedrich Schleiermacher. In fact, this article shows that his absence stretches even deeper and wider than is often assumed. What makes this state in scholarship even more strange and remarkable is that the practice of preaching played an immense and crucial role in Schleiermacher’s own life and theology. By coming (...)
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    Investigating the Evolution of Technological Integration on Teaching Effectiveness and Staff Development.Lalit Khanna, Dr Aditya Yadav, B. N. Krishna Reddy, Girish Kalele, Dr Bijal Zaveri, Shitij Goyal & Ameya Ambulkar - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:940-951.
    Technology Integration (TI) has been incorporated into education and how it has affected both the efficacy of coaching and the development of teams. The research used a blended-techniques approach, integrating qualitative interviews, consciousness businesses, and quantitative surveys to provide a comprehensive understanding of the role that generations play in schooling. As part of the inquiry, 150 educators and administrators participated in awareness seminars and surveys. The findings demonstrate significant gains in instructional efficacy due to technology-enabled tools like interactive software and (...)
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    Contribution to the Correction of the Public's Judgments on the French Revolution.J. G. Fichte, Jeffrey Church & Anna Marisa Schön - 2021 - SUNY Press.
    The reception history of the French Revolution in France and England is well documented among Anglophone scholars; however, the debate over the Revolution in Germany is much less well known. Fichte's Contribution played an important role in this debate. Presented here for the first time in English, Fichte's work provides a distinctive synthesis of Locke's "possessive individualism," Rousseau's general will, and Kant's moral philosophy. This eclectic blend results in an unusual rights theory that at times veers close to a form (...)
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  27.  15
    Bridging Dynamical Systems and Optimal Trajectory Approaches to Speech Motor Control With Dynamic Movement Primitives.Benjamin Parrell & Adam C. Lammert - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10:459697.
    Current models of speech motor control rely on either trajectory-based control (DIVA, GEPPETO, ACT) or a dynamical systems approach based on feedback control (Task Dynamics, FACTS). While both approaches have provided insights into the speech motor system, it is difficult to connect these findings across models given the distinct theoretical and computational bases of the two approaches. We propose a new extension of the most widely used dynamical systems approach, Task Dynamics, that incorporates many of the strengths of trajectory-based approaches, (...)
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    Eroticism—Politics—Identity: The Case of Richard III.Urszula Kizelbach - 2013 - Text Matters - a Journal of Literature, Theory and Culture 3 (3):88-101.
    Richard III’s courtship of Lady Anne in William Shakespeare’s King Richard III is a blend of courtly speech and sexual extravaganza. His sexual energy and power of seduction were invented by Shakespeare to enhance the theatrical effect of this figure and, at the same time, to present Richard as a tragic character. Richard’s eroticism in Act 1 Scene 2 makes him a complicated individual. Playing a seducer is one of the guises he uses to achieve his political aims on the (...)
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  29.  33
    Pedagogy Without Pedagogy: Dancing with Living, Knowing and Morale.Rosa Hong Chen - 2015 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 47 (7):688-703.
    This article takes its retrospective lead from the oppressive schooling years during the Chinese Cultural Revolution to reflect on the educational significance of artistic activities through considering aesthetic virtues and moral agency cultivated in these activities. Describing an unconventional educational milieu where schooling was deliberately ‘dismantled’, I emphasize the important role that artistic endeavours can play in building a person’s aesthetic strength and moral power to overcome the adversity of life, hence for the fuller human development. By blending philosophical (...)
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  30. From Method to Road-Thaddaeus Hang and Methodology of Studying Chinese Philosophy.Vincent Shen - 2005 - Philosophy and Culture 32 (9):61-78.
    Contemporary scholars in Chinese philosophy, Thaddaeus particularly concerned about Chinese philosophy and methodological issues. Of this paper is designed to make way for the study of Chinese philosophy, the discussion to commemorate him, the first part will describe Thaddaeus study of Chinese philosophy, methods and contribution to the idea, the latter part of the study will be my personal view of Chinese philosophy, methods to further to call upon and complement. Thaddaeus based on the fundamental principles of truth and goodness, (...)
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  31.  97
    (1 other version)Symbolism and linguistic semantics. Some questions (and confusions) from late antique neoplatonism up to eriugena.Stefania Bonfiglioli & Costantino Marmo - 2007 - Vivarium 45 (s 2-3):238-252.
    The notion of 'symbol' in Eriugena's writing is far from clear. It has an ambiguous semantic connection with other terms such as 'signification', 'figure', 'allegory', 'veil', 'agalma', 'form', 'shadow', 'mystery' and so on. This paper aims to explore into the origins of such a semantic ambiguity, already present in the texts of the pseudo-Dionysian corpus which Eriugena translated and commented upon. In the probable Neoplatonic sources of this corpus, the Greek term symbolon shares some aspects of its meaning with other (...)
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  32.  40
    The Shape of the History of Science Profession, 2038: A Prospective Retrospective.Lynn Nyhart - 2013 - Isis 104 (1):131-139.
    Presented as a retrospective speech by the president of the History of Science Society in 2038, this essay imagines a future for the profession of the history of science in the United States. Acknowledging that self-described historians of science do not fully control the subject, it considers the place of the history of science in a future university landscape in which interdisciplinary “studies” have supplanted disciplines as the fundamental organizing structure. It then situates this academic scene within a broader professional (...)
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  33.  41
    Should Cities Control Immigration Policy?David Miller - 2023 - Journal of Applied Philosophy 40 (3):385-395.
    Avner de Shalit wants cities to have their own immigration policies. On a radical reading, this would transfer control over immigrant admissions from states to cities. But can cities choose the immigrants they prefer on economic or cultural grounds, or does this discriminate unfairly against those judged to be less desirable? I argue that de Shalit fails to apply the luck egalitarian principle consistently when discussing immigrant admissions. I also claim that there is a tension between seeing cities as the (...)
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    Philosophical and Scientific Empiricism and Rationalism in the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries.Catherine Wilson - 2018 - In Anne-Lise Rey & Siegfried Bodenmann (eds.), What Does It Mean to Be an Empiricist?: Empiricisms in Eighteenth Century Sciences. Cham: Springer Verlag. pp. 123-138.
    The paper critically evaluates two commonplaces of historiography. One is that Empiricism as a philosophical movement of the seventeenth and early eighteenth centuries was opposed to Rationalism corresponding to an English-Continental division of personnel. The other commonplace is the view that the main accomplishments of eighteenth century science were mainly taxonomic in contrast to the remarkable conceptual innovations of Galileo, Descartes and Newton. I point instead, as characteristic of eighteenth century science, to an energetic blend of hands-on experimentalism, methodological caution (...)
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    Entre médecine et philosophie.Marion Bourbon - 2024 - Philosophie Antique 24 (24):151-174.
    This paper attempts to trace part of the history of medical and philosophical exchanges within the materialist tradition. I focus on this decisive role that they play on the emergence of organismic conception of the body. From its very beginnings, medical thought as the thought of mixture and as psychophysiology has been in close connection with the pre-Socratic tradition, and with Empedocles in particular. Both of them propose accounts of the blending as protoconceptions of an organic model of the (...)
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    Horace and the Rhetoric of Authority, and: The Knotted Thong: Structures of Mimesis in Persius.Kenneth J. Reckford - 1999 - American Journal of Philology 120 (2):313-318.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Horace and the Rhetoric of AuthorityKenneth J. ReckfordEllen Oliensis. Horace and the Rhetoric of Authority. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1998. xii 1 241 pp. Cloth, $64.95.In a gratifying book, crafted with unusual care, Ellen Oliensis investigates Horace’s self-fashioning in his poetry. “Horace is present,” she argues, “in his personae... not because these personae are authentic and accurate impressions of his true self, but because they effectively construct that (...)
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    Raymond Klibansky and the Warburg Library Network: Intellectual Peregrinations From Hamburg to London and Montreal.Philippe Despoix & Jillian Tomm (eds.) - 2018 - Chicago: Mcgill-Queen's University Press.
    The Warburg Institute, founded in the 1920s in Hamburg by art and cultural historian Aby Warburg, is a pioneering institution that has greatly shaped the fields of art, myth, religion, medicine, philosophy, and intellectual history. When, in 1933, the institute was moved to London to escape the Nazis, its research and legacy were protected and further developed by a network of researchers dispersed throughout the UK, the US, and Canada. The first interdisciplinary study of the Warburg network as an arena (...)
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    2. once again, with more feeling.Philip Pomper - 2011 - History and Theory 50 (2):243-253.
    This book summarizes in a compact volume Runciman’s arguments to comparative sociologists that their discipline belongs under the theoretical umbrella of neo-Darwinian selectionism. In his view, heritable variation and competitive selection govern cultural and social as well as biological evolution. Runciman makes a strong case for the usefulness of selectionism, but two of the theory’s central features are problematic: his choice of units of selection; and the notion that culture can be distinguished from society historically as well as analytically. No (...)
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  39. One Self per Customer? From Disunified Agency to Disunified Self.David Lumsden & Joseph Ulatowski - 2017 - Southern Journal of Philosophy 55 (3):314-335.
    The notion of an agent and the notion of a self are connected, for agency is one role played by the self. Millgram argues for a disunity thesis of agency on the basis of extreme incommensurability across some major life events. We propose a similar negative thesis about the self, that it is composed of relatively independent threads reflecting the different roles and different mind-sets of the person's life. Our understanding of those threads is based on theories of the narrative (...)
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    (1 other version)Neorealism, genre and nostalgia: Italian urban modernity in Renato Castellani’s Sotto il sole di Roma.Lorenzo Marmo - 2017 - Latest Issue of Empedocles European Journal for the Philosophy of Communication 8 (1):37-53.
    The article centres on Italian Neorealist cinema and its crucial role in negotiating the positioning of Italy in the transnational post-war scenario. Recent scholarship on the topic has come to challenge many deeply rooted assumptions about Neorealism, claiming that the disproportioned attention paid to this particular filmic trend has proven in the long term to be an hindrance to a full comprehension of the Italian visual culture of the period. I seek to contribute to such a renewed understanding of the (...)
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  41. Logic and Abstraction as Capabilities of the Mind: Reconceptualizations of Computational Approaches to the Mind.D. J. Saab & U. V. Riss (eds.) - 2010 - IGI.
    In this chapter we will investigate the nature of abstraction in detail, its entwinement with logical thinking, and the general role it plays for the mind. We find that non-logical capabilities are not only important for input processing, but also for output processing. Human beings jointly use analytic and embodied capacities for thinking and acting, where analytic thinking mirrors reflection and logic, and where abstraction is the form in which embodied thinking is revealed to us. We will follow the philosophical (...)
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    Exploring Mandam [Comic Talk] as a Unique Form of Political Entertainment in Korea During the Japanese Colonial Period.Kyung Han You - 2017 - Cultura 14 (1):133-150.
    Using a lens of cultural industry approach, this study explores the rise and fall of the political entertainment with a focus on specific moments associated with the trajectory of Korean political entertainment in public setting. A historical overview of Korean political entertainment traces back to the 1930s when Mandam, a unique kind of political satiric talk became popular in 1930s. Mandam played a satiric role in influencing public opinion on political affairs, particularly led by the early generation of Mandam storytellers. (...)
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    Humanistic and economistic approaches to banking – better banking lessons from the financial crisis?Michael Pirson, Anuj Gangahar & Fiona Wilson - 2016 - Business Ethics: A European Review 25 (4):400-415.
    We sketch out two basic paradigms informing banking practice: the economistic paradigm focusing on profit maximization and the humanistic one, serving the common good. We then highlight paradigmatic cases to explore how each of these business models fared during the quasi-natural experiment of the financial crisis. We find that many humanistic banks outperformed traditional economistic banks. Despite the uneven playing field humanistic banks fared remarkably well with regard to traditional financial performance judgements, muting criticisms of competitiveness. We find that overall (...)
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    "The whole is greater than the part." Mereology in Euclid's Elements.Klaus Robering - 2016 - Logic and Logical Philosophy 25 (3):371-409.
    The present article provides a mereological analysis of Euclid’s planar geometry as presented in the first two books of his Elements. As a standard of comparison, a brief survey of the basic concepts of planar geometry formulated in a set-theoretic framework is given in Section 2. Section 3.2, then, develops the theories of incidence and order using a blend of mereology and convex geometry. Section 3.3 explains Euclid’s “megethology”, i.e., his theory of magnitudes. In Euclid’s system of geometry, megethology takes (...)
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    Luhmann’s Judgment.Claudius Messner - 2014 - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique 27 (2):359-387.
    This paper explores what is apparently a non-topic for Luhmann. Luhmann is preoccupied with decision-making rather than with judgment. The paper argues that Luhmann, attempting to find a way out of the dilemma between the fundamentalism of positivistic legal theory and the relativism of anti-foundationalist post-modern thinking, presents the epistemological–ethical doublet of a “self-binding” of the law. In this bootstrapping manoeuvre decision plays the central part. The paper begins by examining judgment in its relation to decision as considered by non-system-theoretical (...)
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    “Republicanism”: a grounding concept for the American Revolution?Peter de Bolla - 2023 - Intellectual History Review 33 (1):57-81.
    This essay revisits the long-standing debate concerning the sources for the underlying political beliefs and commitments held by the “founding generation,” those colonists who came to the conclusion that separation from the mother country was necessary and inevitable. It uses a mixed mode of enquiry and analysis, blending standard close reading of texts with computer-aided inspection of the archive at scale. It seeks to clarify the extent to which a set of political assumptions and theories widely assumed to be (...)
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    The International Element, Statehood and Democratic Nation-building: Exploring the Role of the EU and International Community in Kosovo's State-formation and State-building.Dren Doli - 2019 - Cham: Imprint: Springer.
    This book represents a unique endeavor to elucidate the story of Kosovo's unilateral quest for statehood. It is an inquiry into the international legal aspects and processes that shaped and surrounded the creation of the state of Kosovo. Being created outside the post-colonial context, Kosovo offers a unique yet controversial example of state emergence both in the theory and practice of creation of states. Accordingly, the book investigates the legal pathways, strategies, developments and policy positions of international agencies/actors and regional (...)
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    Referring.Robert Sokolowski - 1988 - Review of Metaphysics 42 (1):27 - 49.
    WHEN WORDS APPEAR THEY INTERRUPT the dense continuity of things. Pictures do so as well, but in a different way. The things surrounding me form a dense continuum: my attention can move from one thing to another without leaving what is immediately there. I can go from the table to the rug to the chair to the lamp and to the wall. But if at some point I come to a picture, this plain sequence is broken, and although it may (...)
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    The Russian Prospero: The Creative Universe of Viacheslav Ivanov.Robert Bird - 2006 - University of Wisconsin Press.
    Viacheslav Ivanov, the central intellectual force in Russian modernism, achieved through his work an original synthesis of Christianity, Platonism, and the philosophy of Friedrich Nietzsche. His powerful intellect exerted an immeasurable influence in modernist Russia and the early Soviet Union, and after emigrating to Italy in 1924 he played an important role in intellectual debates in Western Europe between the wars. In recent years, Ivanov's manifold contributions have been recognized in all major aspects of Russian culture, including poetry, literary theory, (...)
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    The linguistic sources of offense of taboo terms in German Sign Language.Donna Jo Napoli, Jens-Michael Cramer & Cornelia Loos - 2020 - Cognitive Linguistics 31 (1):73-112.
    Taboo terms offer a playground for linguistic creativity in language after language, and sign languages form no exception. The present paper offers the first investigation of taboo terms in sign languages from a cognitive linguistic perspective. We analyze the linguistic mechanisms that introduce offense, focusing on the combined effects of cognitive metonymy and iconicity. Using the Think Aloud Protocol, we elicited offensive or crass signs and dysphemisms from nine signers. We find that German Sign Language uses a variety of linguistic (...)
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