Results for ' political modernization processes'

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  1. Political organizations in modernization processes-Constitutional political aspects (revolution and the concept of constitution during Hegel's years in Jena, 1801-1806). [REVIEW]H. Lubbe - forthcoming - Hegel-Studien.
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    Chapter 5. the image of transitive democracies: Political modernization and digitalization of information influence.Павло Петров - 2024 - Epistemological studies in Philosophy, Social and Political Sciences 1 (1):92-119.
    The section of the collective monograph provides a comprehensive analysis of the digital information impact and political modernization on the formation of a holistic and high-quality image of transitive democracy. The technologies of implementing effective changes in the political system in the context of building the domestic and foreign policy image of a transitive state are revealed. The role of information and the impact of the digitalization process on it in the context of the formation of the (...)
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    Political Sociology: Between Civilizations and Modernities: A Multiple Modernities Perspective.Willfried Spohn - 2010 - European Journal of Social Theory 13 (1):49-66.
    This article outlines a comparative-civilizational multiple modernities perspective on political sociology. In the context of the major currents within political sociology — modernization approaches, critical and neo-Marxist as well as postmodern and global approaches — it is argued that a comparative-civilizational multiple modernities perspective is defined by several characteristics. First, against functionalist-evolutionist modernization approaches it emphasizes the fragility, contradictions and openness as well as civilizational multiplicity of political modernity and political modernization processes. (...)
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  4. State and Socio-Political Crises in the Process of Modernization.Leonid Grinin - 2013 - Social Evolution and History 12 (2):35-76.
    This article starts with a brief analysis of the causes of state collapse as states undergo the process of political evolution. Next, I describe and analyze the mechanisms of social-political crises arising in the process of modernization. Such crises are a consequence of the inability of many traditional institutions and ideologies to keep up with changes in technology, communication, system of education, medical sphere, and with the demographic change. This analysis suggests that an accelerated development can cause (...)
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    Post-modern art's political possibility in the age of the technological reproduction - Through the semiology of Saussure. 장문정 - 2018 - Journal of the Daedong Philosophical Association 83:27-54.
    This thesis is to make sure the art's political possibility especially in the age of the technological reproduction. Since Benjamin declared the death of the 'aura' in the modern art, the concept of the art has been criticized and changed, that of the simulacre which Plato had blamed in his 'republics' newly appeared passing through the post-modern application of Baudrillard. But the simulacre is not negative any more here, even though it was the side effect of the mimesis(the poetic (...)
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    Postmodern Politics for a Planet in Crisis: Policy, Process, and Presidential Vision.David Ray Griffin & Richard A. Falk (eds.) - 1993 - State University of New York Press.
    Argues that the planetary crisis, which has been produced by modernity, demands a postmodern politics.
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    Power and freedom in modern politics.Jeremy Moon & Bruce Stone (eds.) - 2002 - Crawley, W.A.: University of Western Australia Press.
    Over the past century, the tremendous concentration of power in the modern state has frequently been a threat to the life and liberty of individuals and social groups. Liberal democracy seeks to harness state power to the causes of individual freedom and public benefit - through such means as constitutional limits on and separation of powers, free and regular elections, and the vigilance of citizens, parliaments and media. This collection of essays offers perspectives on the difficulties of establishing and sustaining (...)
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    The Modern Political Imaginary and the Problem of Hierarchy.Craig Browne - 2019 - Social Epistemology 33 (5):398-409.
    Hierarchy has been a central concern of work on the modern political imaginary. The need to elucidate hierarchy’s deeper sources and its legitimations were some of the motivations behind Cornelius Castoriadis’ development of the notion of the imaginary. The work of Claude Lefort on the political imaginary similarly commences from a critical analysis of the hierarchical form of bureaucracy and its place in the constitution of totalitarian political regimes. In a different vein, Charles Taylor’s conception of the (...)
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    Process Philosophy and Political Ideology: The Social and Political Thought of Alfred North Whitehead and Charles Hartshorne.Randall C. Morris - 1991 - State University of New York Press.
    Provides an ideology-critique of Whitehead's and Hartshorne's metaphysics and demonstrates how their metaphysical principles reflect their personal commitments to the values and norms of the modern liberal political ideology.
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    Changing attitudes to secularization processes within the theory of modernization of religion.Yuliya Medvedyeva - 2020 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 91:66-82.
    The article considers the key factors in development of the religious situation in the second half of the twentieth century, which caused a radical change in the attitude to the theory of secularization by sociologists of religion. From the beginning, the theory of secularization was a core part of the general theory of modernization and marked the specifics of modernization`s impact on religious life. However, the inability to explain such phenomena as the sharp rise in religiosity in post-socialist (...)
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  11. Ecologische of reflexieve modernisering? Recensie van Maarten Hajer, The Politics of Environmental Discourse. Ecological Modernization and the Policy Process.Martijntje Smits - 1997 - Krisis. Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 66 (1997):80-84.
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  12. Elite theory of democracy and modern Russian political process.V. P. Yelizarov - 1999 - Polis 1.
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    Theoretical aspects and discursive practice of the right-wing ideology in the political processes of modern Europe.Mikhail Golovin - 2020 - Sotsium I Vlast 2:29-40.
    Introduction. The article discusses the main approaches to the concept “right radicalism” in modern Russian and foreign political science. In addition, the author shows how actors in political processes use ideology in the framework of political struggle as exemplified by the ideological discourse of the far-right British National Party. The aim of the study is to trace the specifics of constructing the nationalist discourse of the rightwing political forces in modern Europe (using the example of (...)
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    Political praxis, social analysis and western modernization: a theoretical-political route for critical social theory.Leno Francisco Danner & Fernando Danner - 2020 - Griot : Revista de Filosofia 20 (2):154-173.
    This paper criticizes the emphasis placed by contemporary social theory and political philosophy on institutionalism as the basis for the understanding, legitimation and changing of institutions, or social systems, and society as a whole. The more impactful characteristic of institutionalism is its technical-logical structuring, based on an impartial, neutral and formal proceduralism that autonomizes social systems in relation to political praxis and social normativity, depoliticizing these social systems. Here, they are no longer depoliticized, but assume political centrality (...)
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  15. Modernity and Confucian Political Philosophy in a Globalizing World.Chen Ming - 2009 - Diogenes 56 (1):94-108.
    The scholarship of Confucianism in China is in the process of restoration. Its historical missions are two-fold. It should preserve Chinese national characters and promote China’s modernization. These objectives are partly in conflict with each other. To realize the former objective, it is necessary to stress a historical continuity and consistency, to re-examine and justify the preservation of classical Confucian ideas and values in order to provide spiritual support for Chinese cultural identity and social cohesion. As to the latter (...)
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    The Polish Immigrant Community in Spain in the Context of Political Changes and Modernization.Małgorzata Nalewajko - 2010 - Dialogue and Universalism 20 (9-10):29-38.
    Describing the formation of the Polish community in Spain in the 1990s, the article focuses on the political changes in both countries: processes of democratization (and, in the case of Poland, the resulting economic transformation) and then the EU enlargement, which contributed to this new influx. Polish expatriates, though not very numerous in comparison with other immigrant communities in contemporary Spain, became quite visible, especially in some towns of the Region of Madrid. In general, they enjoy a good (...)
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  17. ‘Potentia’ as ‘potestas’: An interpretation of modern politics between Thomas Hobbes and Carl Schmitt.Carlo Altini - 2010 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 36 (2):231-252.
    The present article discusses the relationship between might ( potentia ) and power ( potestas ) as it has unfolded throughout the modern age, from Thomas Hobbes to Carl Schmitt. Hobbes indicates the way forward for a progressive linguistic and conceptual coincidence of potentia and potestas : the goal of Hobbesian political philosophy (the search for peace and security) necessitates the reduction of potentia to potestas through the elimination of the content of actus . Schmitt accepts this reduction, by (...)
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  18. The Empty Locus of Power: Production of Political Urbanism in Modern Tehran.Asma Mehan - 2017 - Dissertation,
    Is there a connection between power struggles and urban context? How the urban space used for the symbolic manifestation of power and social control? How urban space becomes the site of conflict and resistance? How urban nodes like squares became political apparatus in social demonstrations and revolutions? How do specific squares become symbols of revolutions? This thesis investigated these questions by viewing the city as a place formed by politics, which built upon the central concept of Meydan (Public Square), (...)
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  19. Modernity and Architecture: The Evolution of Thought, Innovation, and Urbanism from the Renaissance to the Present (5th edition).K. Xhexhi - 2024 - 5Th International Conference on Engineering and Applied Natural Sciences 5:277-285.
    The paper examines the evolution of modernity concepts starting from the Renaissance to the present day, emphasizing the impact on architecture and urbanism. During the period of the Renaissance and the Enlightenment, people framed an evolutionary notion of history and the concept of the modern associated with the contemporary, the new, and the fleeting emerged. This period connected modernity with the idea of relativity of truth as opposed to the absolute truth of the Middle Ages. In the 18th and 19th (...)
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    The Process of Democratization and Political Communication in the Roman Catholic Church.Innocent-Maria V. Szaniszlo - 2011 - Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 10 (29):26-42.
    When we ask modern questions about democracy and democratization, we have to clarify the meaning of these words. It has been 21 years since the Velvet Revolution and we still think that it had to do with democracy and the democratization of our Czechoslovak society in that time, as if the common use of the word "democratization" makes possible the expression or the vindicate one´s own opinion. There is a question whether the majority of our society was thinking this way. (...)
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    Book Reviews : The Politics of Environmental Discourse: Ecological Modernization and the Policy Process, by Maarten A. Hajer. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press, 1995, xi + 332 pp. £30.00. [REVIEW]Chunglin Kwa - 1998 - Science, Technology and Human Values 23 (2):245-248.
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    Revolt Against the Modern World: Politics, Religion, and Social Order in the Kali Yuga.Julius Evola - 2018 - Simon & Schuster.
    With unflinching gaze and uncompromising intensity Julius Evola analyzes the spiritual and cultural malaise at the heart of Western civilization and all that passes for progress in the modern world. As a gadfly, Evola spares no one and nothing in his survey of what we have lost and where we are headed. At turns prophetic and provocative, Revolt against the Modern World outlines a profound metaphysics of history and demonstrates how and why we have lost contact with the transcendent dimension (...)
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    Dystopias of modernity. An approximation to the political function of the dystopian narrative.Fernando Alvear Atlagich - 2022 - Alpha (Osorno) 55:9-34.
    Resumen: Este artículo se propone ahondar en la función política del relato distópico, entendido como un tipo de imagen política. Siguiendo la intuición de Gordin, Tilley y Prakash (2010) de que las distopías son utopías que han errado su curso, se plantea que el relato distópico busca construir una imagen política indeseable que permita romper la captura del deseo que ha producido la persecución de una determinada ilusión-utopía. Se propone, como criterio de lectura de las narrativas distópicas, que su emergencia (...)
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    Reconfiguring Modernity: Concepts of Nature in Japanese Political Ideology (review). [REVIEW]William R. LaFleur - 2006 - Philosophy East and West 56 (1):172-178.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Reconfiguring Modernity: Concepts of Nature in Japanese Political IdeologyWilliam R. LaFleurReconfiguring Modernity: Concepts of Nature in Japanese Political Ideology. By Julia Adeney Thomas. Berkeley, Los Angeles, and London: University of California Press, 2001. Pp. xvi + 225.Books written by persons who self-identify as intellectual historians usually lend themselves more easily to review in history journals than in those that focus on philosophy. Reconfiguring Modernity: Concepts of (...)
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    The Unmaking of a Modern Synthesis: Noam Chomsky, Charles Hockett, and the Politics of Behaviorism, 1955–1965.Gregory Radick - 2016 - Isis 107 (1):49-73.
    A familiar story about mid-twentieth-century American psychology tells of the replacement of behaviorism by cognitive science. Between these two, however, lay a borderland, muddy and much trespassed-upon. This paper relocates the origins of the Chomskyan program in linguistics there. Following his introduction of transformational generative grammar, Chomsky mounted a highly publicized attack on behaviorist psychology. Yet when he first developed that approach to grammar, he was a defender of behaviorism. His anti-behaviorism emerged only in the course of what became a (...)
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    Autonomization of the Political within the Boundaries of Legal Reality.Irina Zhurbina - 2024 - Dialogue and Universalism 34 (3):115-129.
    This paper explores ways of defining the political within the framework of legal reality. The relevance of the research topic is due to modern processes of economic globalization, which contribute to the establishment of a neoliberal type of state that transforms the state of exception, turning the exceptional measure into a permanent management technology. Economic globalization raises anew the question of the specificity of the political. It is shown that the dual nature of the state of exception (...)
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  27. A Trap at the Escape from the Trap? Some Demographic Structural Factors of Political Instability in Modernizing Social Systems.Leonid Grinin, Andrey V. Korotayev & Sergey Yu Malkov - 2014 - In Leonid Grinin & Andrey Korotayev, History & Mathematics: Trends and Cycles. Volgograd: "Uchitel" Publishing House. pp. 201-267.
    The escape from the ‘Malthusian trap’ is shown to tend to generate in a rather systematic way quite serious political upheavals. Some demographic structural mechanisms that generate such upheavals have been analyzed, which has made it possible to develop a mathematical model of the respective processes. The forecast of political instability in Sub-Saharan African countries in 2015– 2050 produced on the basis of this model is presented.
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    Cohort Change in Political Gender Gaps in Europe and Canada: The Role of Modernization.Rosalind Shorrocks - 2018 - Politics and Society 46 (2):135-175.
    This article finds firmer evidence than has previously been presented that men are more left-wing than women in older birth cohorts, while women are more left-wing than men in younger cohorts. Analysis of the European Values Study/world Values Survey provides the first systematic test of how processes of modernization and social change have led to this phenomenon. In older cohorts, women are more right-wing primarily because of their greater religiosity and the high salience of religiosity for left-right self-placement (...)
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    Hegemony, passive revolution and the modern Prince.Peter D. Thomas - 2013 - Thesis Eleven 117 (1):20-39.
    Gramsci’s concept of hegemony has been interpreted in a wide variety of ways, including a theory of consent, of political unity, of ‘anti-politics’, and of geopolitical competition. These interpretations are united in regarding hegemony as a general theory of political power and domination, and as deriving from a particular interpretation of the concept of passive revolution. Building upon the recent intense season of philological research on the Prison Notebooks, this article argues that the concept of hegemony is better (...)
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    Political Categories: Thinking Beyond Concepts.Michael Marder - 2018 - New York: Columbia University Press.
    Western philosophy has been dominated by the concept or the idea—the belief that there is one sovereign notion or singular principle that can make reality explicable and bring all that exists under its sway. In modern politics, this role is played by ideology. Left, right, or center, political schools of thought share a metaphysics of simplification. We internalize a dominant, largely unnoticeable framework, oblivious to complex, plural, and occasionally conflicting or mutually contradictory explanations for what is the case. In (...)
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    Rendering quality technical: modern quinoa, modern farmers, and the moral politics of quality standards.Emma McDonell - forthcoming - Agriculture and Human Values:1-11.
    The quinoa export boom generated a rapid standardization project that sought to transform a heteroglot local grain into a uniform global commodity that could flow smoothly through global markets. All agricultural commodities come into being through different standardization processes that materialize specific concepts of quality. Yet the sudden rise in export demand for quinoa, massive price surge, and the biodiverse nature and local orientation of existing quinoa production made quinoa’s standardization particularly dramatic. This article traces the enforcement of quality (...)
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    Housing as Politics: The case of Tehran.Asma Mehan & Mahziar Mehan - 2020 - In Simona Canepa, Spaces for living, Spaces for sharing. Syracuse, Italy: LetteraVentidue Edizioni. pp. 56-65.
    Iran, as a country that has never been colonized, underwent a rapid modernization process, which arose from its internal pressures. Starting from 1945, with the rise of globalism at the end of World War II, a new stage of modernization began in Iran which continued to grow and foster the culture of mass consumption. Globalization also led to the rise of different maternities in the housing sector. Focusing on Tehran, the dominant tendency to create a modern society based (...)
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    Kautilya's Arthashastra: an intellectual portrait: the classical roots of modern politics in India.Subrata Kumar Mitra - 2016 - Baden-Baden: Nomos. Edited by Michael Liebig.
    India is a rising power in the multipolar world. This book showcases India's endogenous political ideas and strategic thinking, both of which are the key resources that underpin and drive this rise. Kautilya's Arthashastra is a major source of these ideas. It is a premodern treatise on statecraft and a foundational text of political science. So far, political science and international relations theory have largely ignored Kautilya, or, at best, labelled him merely as the 'Indian Machiavelli'. Such (...)
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    Theoretical Background and Peculiarities of Thematization Process of Modern Ukrainian Identity.I. P. Zainchkovskaya - 2019 - Philosophical Horizons 41:77-94.
    Socio-cultural and political transformations that are taking place in the modern world under the influence of globalization, predetermine the growth of scientific interest in the history and the theory of shaping the group unity.The coverage of various aspects of this problem is found in the works of foreign philosophers (M. Gibernau, S. Huntington, E. Hiddens, B. Yak, et al.), which focus their primary attention on studying the factors, contributing to the emergence of communities in the modern world, while distancing (...)
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  35. (1 other version)Militant Modern Atheism.Philip Kitcher - 2010 - Journal of Applied Philosophy 28 (1):1-13.
    Militant modern atheism, whose most eloquent champion is Richard Dawkins, provides an effective and necessary critique of fundamentalist forms of religion and their role in political life, both within states and across national boundaries. Because it is also presented as a more general attack on religion (tout court), it has provoked a severe reaction from scholars who regard its conception of religion as shallow and narrow. My aim is to examine this debate, identifying insights and oversights on both sides.Two (...)
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    Friendship and Love, Ethics and Politics: Studies in Mediaeval and Early Modern History.Eva Österberg - 2010 - Central European University Press.
    Today, friendship, love and sexuality are mostly viewed as private, personal and informal relations. In the mediaeval and early modern period, just like in ancient times, this was different. The classical philosophy of friendship included both friendship and love in the concept of philia. It was also linked to an argument about the virtues needed to become an excellent member of the city state. Thus, close relations were not only thought to be a matter of pleasant gatherings in privacy, but (...)
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    Public life and public lives: politics and religion in modern British history: essays in honour of Richard W. Davis.Nancy LoPatin-Lummis & Richard W. Davis (eds.) - 2008 - Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell for the Parliamentary History Yearbook Trust.
    Contains fourteen essays and an introduction addressing the main areas of scholarly interest for Richard W. Davis, Professor Emeritus, Washington University, St Louis Questions how individuals envision the public good in modern Britain and how, through religious and moral beliefs, coupled with wisdom and political savvy, they can improve the public good through the ever-changing nineteenth century political institutions Essays range from studies of local electoral politics and parliamentary reform campaign to national political party organization, high politics (...)
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    Beyond Liberty and Property: The Process of Self-Recognition in Eighteenth-Century Political Thought.Richard Gunn & J. A. W. Gunn - 1983 - Mcgill-Queen's University Press.
    The themes explored include political liberty, "legal tyranny," defences of influence in government, recognition of the Opposition, and the development of organic categories of political analysis - the latter in a chapter that explodes the association often presumed between organicism and conservative modes of thought. A chapter on the "Fourth Estate" examines the gradual process of legitimation of "interests," culminating in the influence of the press. Central to the account of new political forces and their recognition is (...)
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    The political economy of the image.John Roberts - 2015 - Philosophy of Photography 6 (1):25-35.
    This article analyses the political economy of the image today, a historical conjuncture in which art contributes its meanings (even its critiques and negations) to a process of socialization through consumption. This analysis is pursued in light of the reception of an idea of the image drawn from a world before capitalism – or certainly on the edge of capitalism and modernity – as found in Novalis’s unfinished and posthumous novel Henry von Ofterdingen of 1802.
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    Legitimating reason or self-created uncertainty? Public opinion as an observer of modern politics.Giancarlo Corsi - 2017 - Thesis Eleven 143 (1):44-55.
    Theoretical approaches to public opinion are hard to find in the sociological literature, with the exception of the seminal work of Jürgen Habermas. One important alternative, although almost unknown in the English-speaking world, is offered in a few contributions by the systems theoretician Niklas Luhmann. Both critical theory and systems theory start from a historical analysis of the conditions that led to the rise of a public sphere and understand its function as the limitation and control of the arbitrariness of (...)
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    Keigo in Modern Japan: Polite Language from Meiji to the Present (review). [REVIEW]Ann Wehmeyer - 2006 - Philosophy East and West 56 (1):191-194.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Keigo in Modern Japan: Polite Language from Meiji to the PresentAnn WehmeyerKeigo in Modern Japan: Polite Language from Meiji to the Present. By Patricia J. Wetzel. Honolulu: University of Hawai'i Press, 2004. Pp. 206.In Keigo in Modern Japan: Polite Language from Meiji to the Present, Patricia Wetzel delves deeply into social and analytical aspects of honorific and polite language from historical and contemporary perspectives. It is a work (...)
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    Religion and Modernization in Theology Faculty Students -The Case of Sivas Cumhuriyet University-.Şaban Erdi̇ç - 2022 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 26 (3):1021-1035.
    In the context of the main principles, modernity has affected the relationship of individuals with society in two ways; either by promoting a comprehensive individualization or by paradoxically surrendering individual freedoms to new relations due to the many risks it carries. In the modernization process, religion has been affected not only in the context of traditional and everyday patterns; but also, it has been significantly influenced in terms of its dimensions corresponding to the public space. This study examined the (...)
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    Anthropological Problems in the Philosophy of H. S. Skovoroda in the Context of Modern National State-Forming Processes.P. Kravchenko - 2023 - Philosophical Horizons 47:113-123.
    The philosophical symbolism of H. Skovoroda’s works lies in wisdom, congenial work, seeing the big in the small, unveiling mysteries through the symbolic world. Skovoroda states that to be a human-being is to be a philosopher. The aim of philosophy is to reawaken the main mottos of the Age of Enlightenment (honor, dignity, freedom, justice, solidarity, morality). Creating open society in Ukraine on the basis of these mottos is the aim of the modern national state-building. The aim of the article (...)
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    On the question about current processes of development of modern society.L. I. Pakhar - 2016 - Liberal Arts in Russia 5 (2):171.
    In the article the socio-political and socio-economic processes of the modern post-industrial society and the possible prospects of its future are analyzed. Existing at this moment concepts of the historical process, in particular, formational, civilizational, theories of modernization, do not provide an adequate analysis of the processes taking place in society. Thus, according to the theory of local civilizations, the basis of civilization are unique cultures that are resistant and incapable of self-transformation. However, the modern world (...)
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  45. Early confucian principles: The potential theoretic foundation of democracy in modern china.Keqian Xu - 2006 - Asian Philosophy 16 (2):135 – 148.
    The subtle and complex relation between Confucianism and modern democracy has long been a controversial issue, and it is now again becoming a topical issue in the process of political modernization in contemporary China. This paper argues that there are some quite basic early Confucian values and principles that are not only compatible with democracy, but also may become the theoretic foundation of modern democracy in China. Early Confucianism considers 'the people's will' as the direct representative of 'Heaven's (...)
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    Features of Mediatization of the Socio-Political Sphere in Modern Ukrainian Society.Руслан Владиславович ВЕЛИЧКОВСЬКИЙ - 2023 - Epistemological studies in Philosophy, Social and Political Sciences 6 (1):77-88.
    This scientific article is devoted to the study of the features of mediatization of the socio-political sphere in modern Ukrainian society. Using methodological approaches, the author proposes to clarify the main theoretical principles underlying the study of mediatization.The article identifies and classifies the key factors that influence the process of mediatization in Ukrainian society. Special attention is paid to the impact of the Internet, information warfare, media space and “new media” on the socio-political sphere.Applying content analysis of reports (...)
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  47. Between Form and Event: The Foundation of Political Freedom in Modernity.Miguel E. Vatter - 1998 - Dissertation, New School for Social Research
    This dissertation advances the thesis that modern political freedom has an aporetical relation to the possibility of its own foundation. In the first volume, I examine how Machiavelli establishes the internal relation between political freedom and historical contingency that gives rise to the non-foundational concept of political freedom in early modernity. Far from reducing politics to the activity of providing secure foundations for the state, Machiavelli elaborates a conception of politics torn by the antinomical tasks of giving (...)
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    Doctrinal Provisions of the General Program of the Communist Party of China as a System of Ideational-Theoretical and Political-Ideological Prescriptions for Research of Modern Chinese Marxism.Viacheslav Vilkov - 2022 - Bulletin of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv Philosophy 2 (7):10-18.
    The article reveals ideological-theoretical, methodological, and politico-ideological basic principles for an adequate analysis of the specifics of modern Chinese (Sinicized) Marxism. The attributive features of modern Chinese Marxism (Marxism with Chinese specifics (the adaptation of Marxism to the Chinese Context, Sinicized Marxism), as the most effective version in world history for correcting and modernizing the axiomatics of the Marxist-Leninist theoretical model of social development, as well as improving the ideology of the ruling Communist Party in order to increase the effectiveness (...)
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  49. The Politics of Natural History in Rousseau's "Second Discourse".Francis Moran - 1992 - Dissertation, New York University
    Rousseau's Discourse on Inequality argues that human socio-political inequality is product of human activity and not a function of natural processes. Recent studies have begun to address the role of natural history in the Discourse and have argued that Rousseau anticipated modern developments in evolutionist theory, sociobiology, ethology, and primatology. I take issue with this trend in Rousseau scholarship. In this work I demonstrate that Rousseau should not be counted as a forerunner of either Darwin or more recent (...)
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  50. Features of the Transformation of Political and Institutional Communication Relations with the Internal and External Environment Under the Influence of the Digitalization Process.Павло ПЕТРОВ - 2024 - Epistemological studies in Philosophy, Social and Political Sciences 7 (2):160-166.
    The rapid development of digital technologies has fundamentally changed political-institutional communication relations, changing the dynamics between internal and external environments. As part of the research, based on classical methodology, a theoretical analysis of the transformation of political-institutional communication relations with the internal and external environment under the influence of the digitalization process is carried out. The study examines the specifics of such transformations in the context of digitalization, emphasizing the institutional challenges for political institutions, internal and external (...)
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