Results for ' professores'

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  1. Introduction: Why is understanding the development of reasoning important?Professor Henry Markovits & Pierre Barrouillet - 2004 - Thinking and Reasoning 10 (2):113 – 121.
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    The Unknown Virginia Woolf.Professor Roger Poole & Roger Poole - 1995 - CUP Archive.
    This new edition of a classic study contains a specially written preface evaluating contemporary feminist criticism.
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    Notes on Professor Bodde's Review of "Confucius, the Man and the Myth".Professor Bodde & H. G. Creel - 1951 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 71 (2):146-147.
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    The General Theory: Volume 1.Professor Geoffrey Harcourt & Peter Riach (eds.) - 1997 - Routledge.
    Keynes always intended to write 'footnotes' to his masterwork _The General Theory_, which would take account of the criticisms made of it and allow him to develop and refine his ideas further. However, a number of factors combined to prevent him from doing so before his death in 1946. A wide range of Keynes scholars - including James Tobin, Paul Davidson and Lord Skidelsky - have written here the 'footnotes' that Keynes never did.
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  5. The life of a polymath : shared threads of thinking and action.Professor Tony Bertram & Professor Chris Pascal - 2019 - In Nóirín Hayes & Mathias Urban, In search of social justice: John Bennett's lifetime contribution to early childhood policy and practice. New York, NY: Routledge.
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    The philosophical theology of Paul Tillich.Professor David Hugh Freeman - 1957 - Philosophia Reformata 22 (2):53-77.
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    The ethics activities of the World Medical Association.Professor John R. Williams - 2005 - Science and Engineering Ethics 11 (1):7-12.
    Since its formation in 1947, the World Medical Association (WMA) has been a leading voice in international medical ethics. The WMA’s principal ethics activity over the years has been policy development on a wide variety of issues in medical research, medical practice and health care delivery. With the establishment of a dedicated Ethics Unit in 2003, the WMA’s ethics activities have intensified in the areas of liaison, outreach and product development. Initial priorities for the Ethics Unit have been the review (...)
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    Psychological studies.Professor L. H. Allen M. A. PhD - 1926 - Australasian Journal of Psychology and Philosophy 4 (2):110-118.
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    Process or outcome: Research passion transcends substance.Patricia C. Jenkinsrn Mba Phdassistant Professor & Margaret M. Aikenrn Phdprofessor - 2002 - Nursing Philosophy 3 (3):268–269.
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    What society will expect from the future research community.Professor Dale Jamieson - 1995 - Science and Engineering Ethics 1 (1):73-80.
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    Thinking Past a Problem: Essays on the History of Ideas.Professor Preston King & Preston King - 2013 - Routledge.
    Professor King's concept of the philosophy of history leads him to offer this demonstration of the incoherence, even absurdity, of the notion that the past can have nothing to teach us - whether posed by those who argue that history is "unique" or that it is merely "contextual".
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    Mentoring and the impact of the research climate.Professor Glyn C. Roberts, Maria Kavussanu & Robert L. Sprague - 2001 - Science and Engineering Ethics 7 (4):525-537.
    In this article, we focus on the mentoring process, and we argue that the internal and external pressures extant at research universities may create a research culture that may be antithetical to appropriate mentoring. We developed a scale based on motivation theory to determine the perceived research culture in departments and research laboratories, and a mentoring scale to determine approaches to mentoring graduate students. Participants were 610 faculty members across 49 departments at a research oriented university. The findings were that (...)
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    Two Roads to Wisdom?: Chinese and Analytic Philosophical Traditions.Professor Bo Mou & Bo Mou - 2001 - Open Court Publishing.
    How are Chinese philosophy and analytic philosophy-two very distinct traditions-alike? In this volume, fifteen distinguished scholars compare and contrast the methodologies, finding areas in which each tradition can learn from, contribute to, and complement the other.
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    Unique ethical problems in information technology.Professor Walter Maner - 1996 - Science and Engineering Ethics 2 (2):137-154.
    A distinction is made between moral indoctrination and instruction in ethics. It is argued that the legitimate and important field of computer ethics should not be permitted to become mere moral indoctrination. Computer ethics is an academic field in its own right with unique ethical issues that would not have existed if computer technology had not been invented. Several example issues are presented to illustrate this point. The failure to find satisfactory non-computer analogies testifies to the uniqueness of computer ethics. (...)
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    How to reason without words: inference as categorization.Professor Ronaldo Vigo & Colin Allen - 2009 - Cognitive Processing 10:77-88.
    The idea that reasoning is a singular accomplishment of the human species has an ancient pedigree.Yet this idea remains as controversial as it is ancient. Those who would deny reasoning to nonhuman animals typically hold a language-based conception of inference which places it beyond the reach of languageless creatures. Others reject such an anthropocentric conception of reasoning on the basis of similar performance by humans and animals in some reasoning tasks, such as transitive inference. Here, building on the modal similarity (...)
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    Concise Routledge Encyclopedia of Philosophy.Professor Edward Craig & Edward Craig (eds.) - 1999 - Routledge.
    The most complete and up-to-date philosophy reference for a new generation, with entries ranging fromObjects to Wisdom, Socrates to Jean-Paul Sartre, Ancient Egyptian Philosophy to Yoruba Epistemology. The Concise Routledge Encyclopedia of Philosophy includes: * More than 2000 alphabetically arranged, accessible entries * Contributors from more than 1200 of the world's leading thinkers * Comprehensive coverage of the classic philosophical themes, such as Plato, Arguments for the Existence of God and Metaphysics * Up-to-date coverage of contemporary philosophers, ideas, schools and (...)
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    Evidence for the effectiveness of peer review.Professor Robert H. Fletcher & Professor Suzanne W. Fletcher - 1997 - Science and Engineering Ethics 3 (1):35-50.
    Scientific editors’ policies, including peer review, are based mainly on tradition and belief. Do they actually achieve their desired effects, the selection of the best manuscripts and improvement of those published? Editorial decisions have important consequences—to investigators, the scientific community, and all who might benefit from correct information or be harmed by misleading research results. These decisions should be judged not just by intentions of reviewers and editors but also by the actual consequences of their actions. A small but growing (...)
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    Justifying Toleration: Conceptual and Historical Perspectives.Professor Susan Mendus - 1988 - Cambridge University Press.
    This book traces the growth of philosophical justifications of toleration. The contributors discuss the grounds on which we may be required to be tolerant and the proper limits of toleration. They consider the historical and conceptual relation between toleration and scepticism and ask whether toleration is justified by considerations of autonomy or of prudence. The papers cover a range of perspectives on the subject, including Marxist and Socialist as well as liberal views. The editor's introduction prepares the ground by discussing (...)
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    The ethical implications of the new research paradigm.Professor Peter Scott - 2003 - Science and Engineering Ethics 9 (1):73-84.
    Research is now an increasingly heterogeneous activity involving an expanded range of new actors and stake-holders and employing an eclectic range of epistemologies and methodologies. The emergence of these new research paradigms — and, in particular, of so-called ‘Mode 2’ knowledge production that is highly contextualised and socially distributed — raises new and challenging ethical issues and also important questions about the autonomy of science and the social responsibilities of scientists.
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    Imitation.Joel Weinsheimer & Professor Joel Weinsheimer - 1984 - Routledge & Kegan Paul Books.
    In this book, first published in 1984, Joel Weinsheimer advocates revitalizing the practice of imitating literature as a mode appropriate for literary critics as well as artists. The book is not only about imitation; it is itself an imitation, specifically of Samuel Johnson. As both the focus and mode of presentation, imitation is presented not merely as a kind of poetry that once flourished in the eighteenth century but also as a kind of criticism particularly relevant today. Applying arguments from (...)
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    Conflict of interest in medical research in Estonia.Professor Arvo Tikk - 2002 - Science and Engineering Ethics 8 (3):317-318.
    An area where conflicts of interest can take place in Estonia is in the conduct of clinical trials. The paper lists the main areas where such conflicts of interest can occur. The author also briefly discusses Estonia’s current position with regard to regulating genetic information and the commencement of the Estonian Genome Project.
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    Comments on “the psychology of whistleblowing” (J.E. Sieber) and “the voice of experience” (R.L. Sprague).Professor Vivian Weil - 1998 - Science and Engineering Ethics 4 (1):29-31.
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    Defining an appropriateness in the technological environment.Professor Shigeru Nakayama - 1993 - AI and Society 7 (2):163-169.
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    Must we choose our leaders? human rights and political participation in China.Professor Stephen C. Angle - 2005 - Journal of Global Ethics 1 (2):177-196.
    The essay begins from Alan Gewirth's influential account of human rights, and specifically with his argument that the human right to political participation can only be fulfilled by competitive, liberal democracy. I show that his argument rests on empirical, rather than conceptual grounds, which opens the possibility that in China, alternative forms of participation may be legitimate or even superior. An examination of the theory and contemporary practice of ‘democratic centralism’ shows that while it does not now adequately support the (...)
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    On the hazards of whistleblowers and on some problems of young biomedical scientists in our time.Professor John T. Edsall - 1995 - Science and Engineering Ethics 1 (4):329-340.
    This paper examines two different, but closely related, classes of problems. The first part deals with whistleblowers, and the difficulties and dangers that they have often faced, although their actions, in the rare cases where they become necessary, are indispensable for the maintenance of honest science. The problems are illustrated by discussion of several specific cases from 1960 to 1990.The second part deals with problems that face many young scientists today, and the stresses to which they are exposed in an (...)
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    The physician's role in the protection of human research subjects.Professor John R. Williams - 2006 - Science and Engineering Ethics 12 (1):5-12.
    Responsibility for the protection of human research subjects is shared by investigators, research ethics committees, sponsors/funders, research institutions, governments and, the focus of this article, physicians who enrol patients in clinical trials. The article describes the general principles of the patient-physician relationship that should regulate the participation of physicians in clinical trials and proposes guidelines for determining when and how such participation should proceed. The guidelines deal with the following stages of the trial: when first considering participation, when deciding whether (...)
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    Ecology of technology: A perspective. [REVIEW]Professor Takeshi Hayashi - 1993 - AI and Society 7 (2):109-116.
    Science and technology are on trial due to the rapid changes — neither university nor science lead developments in technology, the most advanced military technology has lost linkages with industries, the widened North-South gaps — they are all sources of crisis in the global ecological balance. The Euro-centric universalism is useless to solve the global technology problems.
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    Letter to the institute of philosophy of the academy of sciences of the Georgian SSR.Professor Ash Gobar - 1982 - Studies in Soviet Thought 24 (2):161-166.
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    The engineer's moral right to reputational fairness.Professor Robert E. McGinn - 1995 - Science and Engineering Ethics 1 (3):217-230.
    This essay explores the issue of the moral rights of engineers. An historical case study is presented in which an accomplished, loyal, senior engineer was apparently wronged as a result of actions taken by his employer in pursuit of legitimate business interests. Belief that the engineer was wronged is justified by showing that what happened to him violated what can validly be termed one of his moral rights as an engineer: the right to reputational fairness. It is then argued that, (...)
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    Ethical aspects of the safety of medicines and other social chemicals.Professor Dennis V. Parke - 1995 - Science and Engineering Ethics 1 (3):283-298.
    The historical background of the discovery of adverse health effects of medicines, food additives, pesticides, and other chemicals is reviewed, and the development of national and international regulations and testing procedures to protect the public against the toxic effects of these drugs and chemicals is outlined. Ethical considerations of the safety evaluation of drugs and chemicals by human experimentation and animal toxicity studies, ethical problems associated with clinical trials, with the falsification of clinical and toxicological data, and with inadequate experimental (...)
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    The concept of placebo.Professor Zbigniew Szawarski - 2004 - Science and Engineering Ethics 10 (1):57-64.
    This paper attempts to define the concept of placebo as it is used in the clinical context The author claims that X is a placebo if and only if X has such a property dp, that whenever in a therapeutic situation T a stimulus S appears, then in attending conditions A, it will cause a beneficial reaction R in the patient. Formally, the same structure may be used to define any pharmacologically active drug. The main difference between the drug and (...)
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    There is no such thing as environmental ethics.Professor P. Aarne Vesilind - 1996 - Science and Engineering Ethics 2 (3):307-318.
    Engineers and scientists, whose professional responsibilities often influence the natural environment, have sought to develop an environmental ethic that will be in tune with their attitudes toward the non-human environment, and that will assist them in decision making regarding questions of environmental quality. In this paper the classical traditions in normative ethics are explored in an attempt to formulate such an environmental ethic. I conclude, however, that because the discipline of ethics is directed at person-person interactions, ethics as a scholarly (...)
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    Placebo and the helsinki declaration — What to do?Professor Bozidar Vrhovac - 2004 - Science and Engineering Ethics 10 (1):81-93.
    The Helsinki Declaration is the ‘gold standard’ — a directive, not a law, on how to conduct controlled studies in humans in conformity with ethical principles. In spite of many discussions about their unsuitability some articles have remained unchanged in the most recent (sixth) revision of the Declaration. The demand to use “the best treatment” excludes use of placebo in the control group and presents an obstacle to the scientific evaluation of a number of drugs and treatments in general. The (...)
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    Credit allocation in psychology.Professor Joan Sieber - 1997 - Science and Engineering Ethics 3 (3):261-264.
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    Clones on stage.Professor R. E. Spier - 1997 - Science and Engineering Ethics 3 (2):106-108.
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    Ethics as a control system component.Professor R. E. Spier - 1996 - Science and Engineering Ethics 2 (3):259-262.
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    In memoriam.Professor John L. Stanley - 1998 - The European Legacy 3 (5):1-1.
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    Commentary.Professor Sheldon Krimsky - 1995 - Science and Engineering Ethics 1 (4):341-344.
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    Buddhism: Critical Concepts in Religious Studies. Buddhist Origins and the Early History of Buddhism in South and Southeast Asia. Vol. 1.Professor Paul Williams (ed.) - 2005 - Routledge.
    From a field primarily of interest to specialist orientalists, the study of Buddhism has developed to embrace inter alia, theology and religious studies, philosophy, cultural studies, anthropology and comparative studies. There is now greater direct access to Buddhism in the West than ever before, and Buddhist studies are attracting increasing numbers of students. This eight-volume set brings together seminal papers in Buddhist studies from a vast range of academic disciplines, published over the last forty years. With a new introduction by (...)
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    Chiasms: Merleau-Ponty's Notion of Flesh.Professor Fred Evans, Fred Evans, Leonard Lawlor & Professor Leonard Lawlor (eds.) - 2000 - SUNY Press.
    Leading scholars explore the later thought of Merleau-Ponty and its central role in the modernism-postmodernism debate.
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    Imagining ethical globalization: The contributions of a care ethic.Professor Olena Hankivsky - 2006 - Journal of Global Ethics 2 (1):91-110.
    Approaches to global ethics have drawn on a number of diverse theoretical traditions, such as Kantianism and utilitarianism. While emerging frameworks contribute to a growing awareness of and interest in ethics within a global society, the values that they prioritize are not adequate for realizing a just, equitable and fair system of global governance. This article considers the possibilities of an alternative ethic—a feminist ethic of care—and explores how it can bear on present circumstances, including global inequity and injustice. This (...)
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    1910, the Emancipation of Dissonance.Thomas Harrison & Professor of Ancient History Thomas Harrison - 1996 - Berkeley: University of California Press.
    "1910 stands out as a model of interdisciplinary and comparative study.... It brilliantly illustrates the complexity of a crucial period in European culture... focusing in particular on the intellectual intricacies of Mitteleuropa on the eve of World War I and of the dissolution of the Austro-Hungarian empire."—Lucia Re "Compellingly original.... In Harrison's work, Michelstaedter and his confreres (Campana, Slataper, Kokoschke, Rilke, Kandinsky, Lukàcs, Trakl, et al.) turn out to be considerably more fascinating and more emblematic of their time than anyone (...)
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    Response to "ordinary reasonable care is not the minimum for engineers" (M. Davis).Professor Michael S. Pritchard - 2001 - Science and Engineering Ethics 7 (2):291-297.
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    A call for a statement of expectations for the global information infrastructure.Professor Fank W. Connolly - 1996 - Science and Engineering Ethics 2 (2):167-176.
    This paper considers the relationship between ethics, technology and law, and the roles and limitations each has in this relationship. It argues that ethics has the key role in establishing a resilient, comprehensive and sensitive information infrastructure. It puts forward a Bill of Rights and Responsibilities for the electronic community. … the most important use of the internet, and indeed the NII, will be to allow individuals to communicate with each other and to rapidly access the information they require or (...)
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    Talking and teaching about human biological variation.Professor Fatimah Jackson - 2000 - Science and Engineering Ethics 6 (4):495-497.
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    Mild Mania and the Theory of Health: A Response to "Mild Mania and Well-Being".Professor Lennart Nordenfelt - forthcoming - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 1 (3):179-184.
    In this response to "Mild Mania and Well-Being" I propose a different analytic strategy and scrutinize the presented case of mild mania within the framework of a holistic theory of health. I distinguish between the following fundamental questions: (1) is mild mania a disease or illness? (2) does the mild mania of Mr. M. reduce his health significantly? and (3) should Mr. M. be recommended treatment with lithium or not? I answer the first question in the affirmative. I propose some (...)
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    Scientific policy in the USSR.Professor S. Lisichkin - 1967 - Minerva 5 (3):387-390.
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    Technology and its environment.Professor Howard Rosenbrock - 1993 - AI and Society 7 (2):117-126.
    If one interprets the ‘ecology of technology’ as the study of technology in relation to its environment, there are two important levels at which this study can be made. It is possible to consider the different environments in Europe, Japan and the USA, and look for the different technological influences which accompany them. At a more general level, one can look at those factors which are common to all three environments, and which are associated with generic similarities in the technology (...)
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    Philosophy in its national developments.Professor Knight - 1896 - Mind 5 (1):60-70.
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    Ethical issues in communicating science.Professor Jinnie M. Garreu & Stephanie J. Bird - 2000 - Science and Engineering Ethics 6 (4):435-442.
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