Results for ' qualitative research methods'

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  1. (3 other versions)Qualitative research methods in human geography.Iain Hay (ed.) - 2000 - Oxford: Oxford University Press.
    This volume provides concise and accessible guidance on how to conduct qualitative research in human geography. It gives particular emphasis to examples drawn from social/cultural geography, perhaps the most vibrant area of inquiry in human geography over the past decade.
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    Qualitative research methods in psychology: Introduction through empirical studies.Larry Davidson - 2007 - Journal of Phenomenological Psychology 38 (1):151-154.
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    Qualitative Research Methods and Evidential Reasoning.Corrado Matta - 2019 - Philosophy of the Social Sciences 49 (5):385-412.
    This article discusses the concept of evidential reasoning in the context of qualitative research methods in the social sciences. A conceptualization of qualitative evidential reasoning is proposed...
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    Critical Realism, Dialectics, and Qualitative Research Methods.John Michael Roberts - 2014 - Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour 44 (1):1-23.
    Critical realism has been an important advance in social science methodology because it develops a qualitative theory of causality which avoids some of the pitfalls of empiricist theories of causality. But while there has been ample work exploring the relationship between critical realism and qualitative research methods there has been noticeably less work exploring the relationship between dialectical critical realism and qualitative research methods. This seems strange especially since the founder of the philosophy (...)
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    Training in Qualitative Research Methods.Michael B. Buck - 2009 - Research Ethics 5 (3):128-128.
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    Ethical review and the assessment of research proposals using qualitative research methods.Jeanne Daly, Mridula Bandyopadhyay, E. Riggs & L. Williamson - 2008 - Monash Bioethics Review 27 (3):S43-S53.
    The role of Human Research Ethics Committees (HRECs) in health research is well established. Ethics committees have the good of research participants in mind but they must also assess scientific merit including the design and conduct of studies. In this article the authors’ focus is on qualitative research method and the challenge that the National Statement on Ethical Conduct in Human Research (2007) poses for ethics committees when they assess proposals using the methods (...)
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  7. A Phenomenological Perspective on Certain Qualitative Research Methods.Amedeo Giorgi - 1994 - Journal of Phenomenological Psychology 25 (2):190-220.
    In this article the phenomonelogical approach to qualitative research is compared with certain other qualitative approaches following other paradigms. The thesis is that a deepened understanding of phenomenological philosophy can provide the alternative framework that many of these authors have been seeking. The comparison with other approaches is made in terms of theoretical and methodical consistency. Theoretically, the argument is that the situation known as "mixed discourse" exists because practitioners have not sufficiently freed themselves from the criteria (...)
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    Asynchronous email interview as a qualitative research method in the humanities.Kateřina Ratislavová & Jakub Ratislav - 2014 - Human Affairs 24 (4):452-460.
    The article focuses on a method for collecting qualitative data. The method is the asynchronous email interview. The authors assess the advantages, challenges and best practices of the asynchronous email interview method. They base their assessment on the academic literature and their own experiences using this data collection method in qualitative research on women who had experienced perinatal loss. The asynchronous email interview will never fully replace traditional face-to-face interviews, but it could gain a solid position as (...)
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  9. Qualitative research: From methods to conclusions.Jean Lythcott & Richard Duschl - 1990 - Science Education 74 (4):445-460.
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    Qualitative research in health care: I. The scope and validity of methods.Ray Fitzpatrick & Mary Boulton - 1996 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 2 (2):123-130.
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    Grounded Theology: Adopting and Adapting Qualitative Research Methods for Feminist Theological Enquiry.Jennie Barnsley - 2016 - Feminist Theology 24 (2):109-124.
    In feminist theology, the category of experience is given paramount importance. Here I examine this category and, specifically, what constitutes legitimate experience for theological reflection. Contending that both mainstream and feminist theologies dismiss too readily the individual’s quotidian experiences as a resource for exploring the Holy, I detail a methodological approach that combines the qualitative research practice of grounded theory with a Quaker practice of silent waiting, by giving prayerful attention to one-to-one interviews. I call this approach Grounded (...)
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  12. Mark Aulls is a professor at McGill University in the Counseling and Educational Psychology Department. He teaches doctoral and masters degree students an introductory research methods course, an advanced qualitative research course and an intermediate qualitative research methods course. He specializes in the study of classroom processes. He is the co-author of The Quest Developmental. [REVIEW]Liberato Cardellini - 2003 - Science & Education 12:799-802.
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    A Qualitative Research About Chancing Child Perception, Methods of Education and Effects of Internet in Society.Eyüp Çelik & Fatma Betül Çat - 2018 - Akademik İncelemeler Dergisi 13 (2):265-300.
    This research was conducted to reveal the views of the parents and prospective parents in our country on the oncept of childhood, the methods of education they applied and their opinions about the effects of the internet. In this context; under the 40; 26 male 32 female, between 40-60; 7 male, 9 female, over the 60; 2 male, 2 female total78 people were interviewed. The findings were assessed regarding gender-generation and gender-repeat/expression. The results of this research show (...)
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    Photo methods for qualitative research in nursing: An ontological and epistemological perspective.Patricia Hansen-Ketchum & Florence Myrick - 2008 - Nursing Philosophy 9 (3):205-213.
    Abstract The use of photo research methods is influenced by underlying ontological and epistemological assumptions. Variant assumptions about reality and knowledge converge to conceive a relationship between the knower and what can be known. These assumptions provide the rationale for decided ways of engaging participants in the process of scientific inquiry. In this paper, we examine how perspectives of realism and relativism may shape epistemological understandings and influence type and use of photo methods in qualitative (...). Based on deliberations about underlying ontological and epistemological assumptions and related strengths and challenges of photo methods, we assert that photo methods contribute to the development of knowledge that both matters to participants and informs nursing practice. (shrink)
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  15. The Theory, Practice, and Evaluation of the Phenomenological Method as a Qualitative Research Procedure.Amedeo Giorgi - 1997 - Journal of Phenomenological Psychology 28 (2):235-260.
    This article points out the criteria necessary in order for a qualitative scientific method to qualify itself as phenomenological in a descriptive Husserlian sense. One would have to employ description within the attitude of the phenomenological reduction, and seek the most invariant meanings for a context. The results of this analysis are used to critique an article by Klein and Westcott , that presents a typology of the development of the phenomenological psychological method.
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    “Dear researcher”: The use of correspondence as a method within feminist qualitative research.Dawn Zdrodowski & Gayle Letherby - 1995 - Gender and Society 9 (5):576-593.
    This article is concerned with the use of correspondence as research data. It focuses on the author's own experience of this method and considers the methodological implications of correspondence as a research method for research in general and feminist research in particular. We argue that at present this method is not often used, even though it provides rich data and is a potential powerful tool for feminist research.
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    Qualitative research ethics on the spot.C. Oye, N. O. Sorensen & S. Glasdam - 2016 - Nursing Ethics 23 (4):455-464.
    Background: The increase in medical ethical regulations and bureaucracy handled by institutional review boards and healthcare institutions puts the researchers using qualitative methods in a challenging position. Method: Based on three different cases from three different research studies, the article explores and discusses research ethical dilemmas. Objectives and ethical considerations: First, and especially, the article addresses the challenges for gatekeepers who influence the informant’s decisions to participate in research. Second, the article addresses the challenges in (...)
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  18. Existential phenomenology and qualitative research.Anthony Vincent Fernandez - 2024 - In Kevin Aho, Megan Altman & Hans Pedersen, The Routledge Handbook of Contemporary Existentialism. Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge.
    This chapter provides an overview of how existential phenomenology has influenced qualitative research methods across a range of disciplines across the social, health, educational, and psychological sciences. It focuses specifically on how the concepts of “existential structures,” or “existentials”—such as selfhood, temporality, spatiality, affectivity, and embodiment—have been used in qualitative research. After providing a brief introduction to what qualitative research is and why philosophers should be interested in it, the chapter provides clear, straightforward (...)
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    Abductive Analysis: Theorizing Qualitative Research.Iddo Tavory & Stefan Timmermans - 2014 - Chicago: University of Chicago Press. Edited by Stefan Timmermans.
    In _Abductive Analysis_, Iddo Tavory and Stefan Timmermans provide a new navigational map for constructing empirically based generalizations in qualitative research. They outline an accessible way to think about observations, methods, and theories that nurtures theory-formation without locking it into predefined conceptual boxes. The authors view research as continually moving back and forth between a set of observations and theoretical generalizations. To craft theory is to then pitch one’s observations in relation to other potential cases, both (...)
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    Qualitative research and scientific knowledge: Social science in post-totalitarian academia.Juraj Podoba - 2012 - Human Affairs 22 (4):591-602.
    The paper presents a critical analysis of the current state of qualitative research approaches in the social sciences and humanities within Slovak academic institutions. The author has been inspired by the metaphor of academic “barbaricum”. This analytical category is based on a model of the relationship between core and periphery, which has no clear function or organisational logic. From the scientific point of view, the core/centre should produce and innovate the theory, whereas the periphery should apply it. In (...)
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    Qualitative research within the Deaf community in Northern Ireland.Brent C. Elder & Michael A. Schwartz - 2021 - Alter - European Journal of Disability Research / Revue Européenne de Recherche Sur le Handicap 15-3 (15-3):230-248.
    Dans cet article méthodologique, les auteurs reviennent sur la manière dont ils ont conduit une recherche qualitative multilingue consistant à explorer les barrières rencontrées par les personnes Sourdes en Ireland du Nord lorsqu’elles cherchent à avoir accès au système judiciaire. Dans la mesure du possible, les pratiques de recherche des auteurs ont respecté les principes d’une recherche participative prenant appui sur la communauté (CBPR). Ils explorent les défis d’une recherche réalisée en langue des signes américaine (ASL), britannique (BSL) et (...)
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    Grounded theory method, part I: within the five moments of qualitative research.Merilyn Annells - 1997 - Nursing Inquiry 4 (2):120-129.
    While discussing how the grounded theory mediod has been situated during the five moments of qualitative research history, a detailed analysis is offered of die differences between the classic mode of die mediod and Strauss and Corbin's reformulation of the mediod. Such differences include: philosophical perspectives, paradigm of inquiry, intended product, dieoretical underpinnings, procedural steps and claims of rigour. Reasons for Strauss. and Corbin's elaboration of the mediod are suggested, widiin an historical context.
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    Qualitative Research in Midwifery and Childbirth: Phenomenological Approaches.Gill Thomson, Fiona Dykes & Soo Downe (eds.) - 2011 - Routledge.
    Qualitative research, particularly phenomenology, is increasingly popular as a method for midwifery and health-related research. These approaches enable rich and detailed explanations to be uncovered and bring experience to life. Important recommendations and practice- based implications may then be raised and debated for future use. This book brings together a range of phenomenological methods and insights into one accessible text. Illustrated with plenty of examples of successful phenomenological research, Qualitative Research in Midwifery and (...)
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    Quantitative and/or qualitative methods in the scientific study of religion.T. L. Brink - 1995 - Zygon 30 (3):461-475.
    Qualitative research methods are essential to provide richness, but they are vulnerable to distortion of data by theory. The quantitative approach is necessary for the precision of hypothesis testing, but, by itself, this method is too critical to be creative. Religious studies should use both methods in alternate phases, with the qualitative approach creating new hypotheses and the quantitative approach critically testing them.
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    Qualitative research from a feminist perspective in the postmodern era: methodological, ethical and reflexive concerns.Carmel Seibold - 2000 - Nursing Inquiry 7 (3):147-155.
    Qualitative research from a feminist perspective in the postmodern era: methodological, ethical and reflexive concerns Developing methodology is an ongoing process in certain types of qualitative research. This paper describes the process in a study of single midlife women, detailing reflexive concerns on the ethics of data collection and dissemination of research findings from a feminist postmodern perspective, as well as the way in which modification of techniques of analysis occurred as the study progressed. Beginning (...)
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    Big Five Personality, Academic Entrepreneurial Motivation, and Academic Entrepreneurial Intention: A Research Method Based on Fuzzy Set Qualitative Comparative Analysis.Yuying Zhang, Peng Wang & Yanzhi Zhao - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Scholars are the main force behind academic entrepreneurship. The method of how to stimulate scholars’ academic entrepreneurial intention and how to further promote social and economic development are important questions for the academic community. Research on the “net effect” of the factors affecting academic entrepreneurial intention has achieved some theoretical results. However, the results that affect academic entrepreneurial intention are complex and not influenced by a single factor, but rather by the interaction between various factors. Therefore, this study used (...)
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    Examination of the Arabic Grammar Works Named al-Naḥw al-Wāḍiḥ and al-Qavā’id al-‘Arabiyya al-Muyassara in Terms of the Inductive Method and a Qualitative Research.Mesut Köksoy - 2022 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 26 (2):841-861.
    In this study, information about inductive and deductive methods and the differences between these methods was given. Afterwards, grammar teaching in Turkey was evaluated in terms of method. Then, the grammar teaching methods of the Arabic grammar books called al-Naḥwu'l-Wâḍıḥ and al-Qawâʻid al-ʻArabiyya al-Muyassara, which were prepared by following the inductive method, were examined under the headings of preface, handling of the subjects and exercises. In the continuation of the study a qualitative research was conducted (...)
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  28. Ten standard Objections to Qualitative Research Interviews.Steinar Kvale - 1994 - Journal of Phenomenological Psychology 25 (2):147-173.
    Qualitative research has tended to evoke rather stereotyped objections from the mainstream of social science. Ten standardized responses to the stimulus "qualitative research interview" are discussed: it is not scientific, not objective, not trustworthy, nor reliable, not intersubjective, not a formalized method, not hypothesis testing, not quantitative, not generalizable, and not valid. With the objections to qualitative interviews highly predictable, they may be taken into account when designing, reporting, and defending an interview study. As a (...)
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    The standard of integrity may be useful when assessing arguments over qualitative review methods: The case of the Joanna Briggs Institute's rebuttal of a fundamental critique.Marielle de Vaal & Peter Andrew Tamás - 2022 - Nursing Inquiry 29 (3):e12465.
    One challenge for those reading methodological debates in low consensus fields is determining the outcome when participants do not share standards. When parties to a debate do not agree on the standards to be used in assessing their arguments (i.e., quality), it may be useful to ask first if parties’ contributions meet their own expectations (i.e., integrity). Most protocols for review of qualitative research specify some form of quality assessment. These protocols normally require some test of internal coherence. (...)
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    Disentangling paradigm and method can help bring qualitative research to post-positivist psychology and address the generalizability crisis.Moin Syed & Kate C. McLean - 2022 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 45.
    For decades, psychological research has heavily favored quantitative over qualitative methods. One reason for this imbalance is the perception that quantitative methods follow from a post-positivist paradigm, which guides mainstream psychology, whereas qualitative methods follow from a constructivist paradigm. However, methods and paradigms are independent, and embracing qualitative methods within mainstream psychology is one way of addressing the generalizability crisis.
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    Researching Education Policy, Public Policy, and Policymakers: Qualitative Methods and Ethical Issues.Dan Gibton - 2015 - Routledge.
    _Researching Education Policy, Public Policy, and Policymakers_ is a theoretical and hands-on practical guide to conducting qualitative research on education policy and public policy, with an emphasis on studies that involve senior participants and high-status government and non-government organisations. Building on over a decade of extensive experience in qualitative research on education policy among the most senior policymakers, this book explores and illustrates successful approaches to working with senior policymakers through examples from both the UK and (...)
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  32. Investigating Research Practices: How Qualitative Methods Enhance Philosophical Understandings of Science.Rachel Allyson Ankeny & Sabina Leonelli - 2024 - Qualitative Psychology 11 (2):247–262.
    Qualitative research provides rigorous methods not only for investigating behavioral or social issues, but can also be used for exploring epistemic issues related to science and its practices. There is growing scholarly awareness that important aspects of science can be best understood through qualitative analyses and cannot be captured using more traditional textual sources such as publications or archival documents or via more quantitative or formalized methodologies such as citation analysis or bibliometrics. Reflecting on our own (...)
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    Qualitative Research in Education: The Origins, Debates, and Politics of Creating Knowledge.Aaron Cooley - 2013 - Educational Studies: A Jrnl of the American Educ. Studies Assoc 49 (3):247-262.
    This article presents an overview and discussion of qualitative research in education by analyzing the roles of researchers, the history of the field, its use in policymaking, and its future influence on educational reform. The article begins by describing the unique position that qualitative educational researchers have in higher education, as they often attempt to serve both academic and policymaking audiences. The article then moves to discuss the ascent of qualitative methods in the social sciences (...)
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    Highlights of Qualitative Research Articles in Bioethics: Academic Year 2013–2014.Ariel Cairns & James M. DuBois - 2014 - Narrative Inquiry in Bioethics 4 (3):279-286.
    Ten qualitative research articles published from July 2013 through June 2014 on ethical topics in healthcare and health research are examined here. Full reference information is given for each article. A brief summary of the background, objectives, methods, results and conclusions is offered. These articles were chosen based on the quality of the work done and how well the work fits the interests of Narrative Inquiry in Bioethics readers.
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    Teaching Research Methods in the Social Sciences: Expert Perspectives on Pedagogy and Practice.Sarah Lewthwaite & Melanie Nind - 2016 - British Journal of Educational Studies 64 (4):413-430.
    Capacity building in social science research methods is positioned by research councils as crucial to global competitiveness. The pedagogies involved, however, remain under-researched and the pedagogical culture under-developed. This paper builds upon recent thematic reviews of the literature to report new research that shifts the focus from individual experiences of research methods teaching to empirical evidence from a study crossing research methods, disciplines and nations. A dialogic, expert panel method was used, engaging (...)
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    Book Review: Social Research Methods: Qualitative and Quantitative Approaches. [REVIEW]Irene Khosla - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
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    Research method in the postmodern.James Joseph Scheurich - 1997 - Washington, DC: Falmer Press.
    In recent years, the debate over the merits of the qualitative method versus the quantitative method has dominated social science. Until the postmodernist theory appeared on the scene, challenging all our preconceptions about research methods, the debate appeared to have been won by those promoting the qualitative approach. The implications of this change are show in this book, essential reading for those undertaking their own research.
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    “Having to Shift Everything We’ve Learned to the Side”: Expanding Research Methods Taught in Psychology to Incorporate Qualitative Methods.Lynne D. Roberts & Emily Castell - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
  39. Strategies of Dyadic Coping and Self-Regulation in the Family Homes of Chronically Ill Persons: A Qualitative Research Study Using the Emotional Map of the Home Interview Method.Viola Sallay, Tamás Martos, Sheryl L. Chatfield & Andrea Dúll - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Teaching Phenomenology to Qualitative Researchers, Cognitive Scientists, and Phenomenologists.Shaun Gallagher & Denis Francesconi - 2012 - Indo-Pacific Journal of Phenomenology 12 (sup3):183-192.
    The authors examine several issues in teaching phenomenology (1) to advanced researchers who are doing qualitative research using phenomenological interview methods in disciplines such as psychology, nursing, or education, and (2) to advanced researchers in the cognitive neurosciences. In these contexts, the term “teaching” needs to be taken in a general and nondidactic way. In the case of the first group, it involves guiding doctoral students in their conception and design of a qualitative methodology that is (...)
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    Qualitative research in health care: II. A structured review and evaluation of studies.Mary Boulton, Ray Fitzpatrick & Clare Swinburn - 1996 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 2 (3):171-179.
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    Methodological Reflections on the Contribution of Qualitative Research to the Evaluation of Clinical Ethics Support Services.Sebastian Wäscher, Sabine Salloch, Peter Ritter, Jochen Vollmann & Jan Schildmann - 2017 - Bioethics 31 (4):237-245.
    This article describes a process of developing, implementing and evaluating a clinical ethics support service intervention with the goal of building up a context-sensitive structure of minimal clinical-ethics in an oncology department without prior clinical ethics structure. Scholars from different disciplines have called for an improvement in the evaluation of clinical ethics support services for different reasons over several decades. However, while a lot has been said about the concepts and methodological challenges of evaluating CESS up to the present time, (...)
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    Estranged Familiars: A Deweyan Approach to Philosophy and Qualitative Research.Amy Shuffelton - 2015 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 34 (2):137-147.
    This essay argues that philosophy can be combined with qualitative research without sacrificing the aims of either approach. Philosophers and qualitative researchers have articulated and supported the idea that human meaning-constructions are appropriately grasped through close attention to “consequences incurred in action,” in Dewey’s words. Furthermore, scholarship in both domains explores alternative possibilities to familiar constructions of meaning. The essay explains by means of a concrete example the approach I took to hybridizing these approaches. It describes an (...)
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    Arts-based research methods for educational researchers.Meng Tian - 2023 - New York: Routledge.
    Arts-Based Research Methods for Educational Researchers is a book for early-career and established scholars who aim to use the arts to spark new ideas and empower participants in educational research. It will allow readers to conduct arts-based research and phenomenography research in their own projects. The book starts with a brief history of the arts in research, going on to provide an in-depth understanding of the philosophical foundations of arts-based research - different (...) designs, material preparation, ethical considerations, data collection, analysis and reporting. Chapters highlight the impact of arts-based research, how it can be used to facilitate positive changes in educational research, practice, and policymaking. Tian suggests avenues for those who want to further develop these methods, guiding readers to reflect on their positionality and ethical issues involved in the research process. This insightful book is ideal for early career and experienced educational researchers who use qualitative methods in their inquiries. It offers a reader-friendly guide to methodology for scholars, educators as well as undergraduate and postgraduate students. (shrink)
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    Response—An Extreme Ordeal: Writing Emotion in Qualitative Research.Siun Gallagher - 2022 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 19 (1):101-108.
    Responding to the stimulus afforded by Little et al.’s “Pragmatic pluralism: Mutual tolerance of contested understandings between orthodox and alternative practitioners in autologous stem cell transplantation,” this paper explores how the norms of qualitative inquiry affect the representation of emotion in research reports. It describes a conflict between the construction of emotion in qualitative research accounts and its application to analysis and theorization, whose origins may lie in researchers’ reticence when it comes to conveying or using (...)
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    Lessons for Teaching Social Science Research Methods in Higher Education: Synthesis of the Literature 2014-2020.Melanie Nind & Angeliki Katramadou - 2023 - British Journal of Educational Studies 71 (3):241-266.
    The underdevelopment of a pedagogical culture for research methods education and the lack of a body of knowledge with the potential to influence practice have been highlighted by previous studies. This systematic review explores the pedagogic approaches and strategies evident in recent literature (2014–2020) on teaching social science research methods in higher education. It synthesises 55 papers offering a detailed rationale for the approach and strategies employed in doctoral/post-doctoral education. While dispersed across journals, there is a (...)
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    A Qualitative Study of the Views of Patients With Medically Unexplained Symptoms on The BodyMind Approach®: Employing Embodied Methods and Arts Practices for Self-Management.Helen Payne & Susan Deanie Margaret Brooks - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    The arts provide openings for symbolic expression by engaging the sensory experience in the body they become a source of insight through embodied cognition and emotion, enabling meaning-making, and acting as a catalyst for change. This synthesis of sensation and enactive, embodied expression through movement and the arts is capitalized on in The BodyMind Approach®. It is integral to this biopsychosocial, innovative, unique intervention for people suffering medically unexplained symptoms applied in primary healthcare. The relevance of embodiment and arts practices (...)
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  48. Investigating modes of being in the world: an introduction to Phenomenologically grounded qualitative research.Allan Køster & Anthony Vincent Fernandez - 2021 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 22 (1):149-169.
    In this article, we develop a new approach to integrating philosophical phenomenology with qualitative research. The approach uses phenomenology’s concepts, namely existentials, rather than methods such as the epoché or reductions. We here introduce the approach to both philosophers and qualitative researchers, as we believe that these studies are best conducted through interdisciplinary collaboration. In section 1, we review the debate over phenomenology’s role in qualitative research and argue that qualitative theorists have not (...)
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    Toward a social history of qualitative research.Gordana Jovanović - 2011 - History of the Human Sciences 24 (2):1-27.
    There are plausible academic as well as social indicators that qualitative research has become an indispensable part of the methodological repertoire of the social sciences. Relying upon the tenets of the qualitative approach which require a priority of subject matter over method and a necessary socio-historical contextualization, I reconstruct some aspects of a social history that have shaped the quantitative—qualitative dichotomy and the quantitative imperative; these include modern individualism, monological rationality, manufacture operating on the grounds of (...)
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    Researching values with qualitative methods: empathy, moral boundaries and the politics of research.Antje Bednarek-Gilland - 2015 - Burlington, VT, USA: Ashgate.
    Acknowledgments -- Introduction -- Values in the social sciences -- Empathy, verstehen and values -- Moral values and qualitative research -- The political values of the research community -- Conclusion: how to do value-sensitive fieldwork -- Bibliography.
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