Results for ' stimulus configuration'

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  1.  44
    Stimulus configuration, long-term potentiation, and the hippocampus.Nestor A. Schmajuk - 1997 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 20 (4):629-631.
    Shors & Matzel propose that hippocampal LTP increases the effective salience of discrete external stimuli and thereby facilitates the induction of memories at distant places. In line with this suggestion, a neural network model of associative learning and hippocampal function assumes that LTP increases hippocampal error signals to the cortex, thereby facilitating stimulus configuration in association cortex. Computer simulations show that under these assumptions the model correctly describes the effect of LTP induction and blockade in classical discriminations and (...)
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    Stimulus configuration, classical conditioning, and hippocampal function.Nestor A. Schmajuk & James J. DiCarlo - 1992 - Psychological Review 99 (2):268-305.
  3.  29
    Information value and stimulus configuring as factors in conditioned reinforcement.David R. Thomas, David L. Berman & George E. Serednesky - 1968 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 76 (2p1):181.
  4. Comparing different stimulus configurations for population receptive field mapping in human fMRI.Ivan Alvarez, Benjamin de Haas, Chris A. Clark, Geraint Rees & D. Samuel Schwarzkopf - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9.
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    The interaction of association value and stimulus configuration in size estimation.Margaret E. Dow & Jesse E. Gordon - 1957 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 54 (5):332.
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    The discrimination of stimulus configurations and the hypothesis of afferent neural interaction.C. L. Hull - 1945 - Psychological Review 52 (3):133-142.
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    Face Distortion Aftereffects Evoked by Featureless First-Order Stimulus Configurations.Pál Vakli, Kornél Németh, Márta Zimmer, Stefan R. Schweinberger & Gyula Kovács - 2012 - Frontiers in Psychology 3.
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    Differential effects of stimulus frequency and graphic configuration in free- and forced-choice experiments.Warren E. Foote & Leston L. Havens - 1967 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 73 (3):340.
  9.  19
    Studies in configural conditioning. VI. Comparative extinction and forgetting of pattern and of single-stimulus conditioning. [REVIEW]G. H. S. Razran - 1939 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 24 (4):432.
  10. Aspects of a stimulus: Features, dimensions, and configurations.Wendell R. Garner - 1978 - In Eleanor Rosch & Barbara Bloom Lloyd (eds.), Cognition and Categorization. Lawrence Elbaum Associates. pp. 99--121.
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    The Facial Expressive Action Stimulus Test. A test battery for the assessment of face memory, face and object perception, configuration processing, and facial expression recognition.Beatrice de Gelder, Elisabeth M. J. Huis in ‘T. Veld & Jan Van den Stock - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6:162648.
    There are many ways to assess face perception skills. In this study, we describe a novel task battery FEAST (Facial Expression Action Stimulus Test) developed to test recognition of identity and expressions of human faces as well as stimulus control categories. The FEAST consists of a neutral and emotional face memory task, a face and object identity matching task, a face and house part-to-whole matching task, and a human and animal facial expression matching task. The identity and part-to-whole (...)
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    Stereopsis produced without horizontally disparate stimulus loci.Paul C. Squires - 1956 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 52 (3):199.
  13.  41
    Is perception of 3-d surface configurations cognitively penetrable?Thomas V. Papathomas - 1999 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 22 (3):388-389.
    Among Pylyshyn's most important questions is determining the boundaries of early vision. A simple stimulus illustrates that, in addition to the dominant percept, most observers can perceive alternative interpretations of 3-D surface layout only after provided with suggestions. These observations may indicate that cognitive influences reach the stages of visual processing where 3-D surface configurations are resolved.
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    Rule learning in a stimulus integration task.Kent L. Norman - 1974 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 103 (5):941.
  15.  35
    Studies in configural conditioning. II. The effect of subjects' attitudes and of task-sets upon configural conditioning. [REVIEW]G. H. S. Razran - 1939 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 24 (1):95.
  16.  15
    Recognition memory of letter and nonletter configurations matched for imagery.Jessie Wong & Richard B. May - 1978 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 12 (2):162-164.
    Some researchers have concluded that nonverbal recognition is generally superior to verbal recognition memory performance. The present study involved two experiments designed to assess claims of superior nonverbal memory. Experiment 1 compared performance for letter (common words) and nonletter (meaningful line drawings) items with matched high-imagery values. Experiment 2 compared performance for matched low-imagery items consisting of letters (pseudowords) and nonletter items (geometric matrices). Performance did not differ significantly between verbal and nonverbal items in either experiment, although the expected effects (...)
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    Perceptual versus analytical responses to the number concept of a Weigl-type card sorting test.David A. Grant - 1951 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 41 (1):23.
  18.  26
    Vagueness, Hysteresis, and the Instability of Color.Diana Raffman - 2017 - In Marcos Silva (ed.), How Colours Matter to Philosophy. Cham: Springer.
    This paper explores the implications of some experimental data for views that identify colors with objective physical properties such as reflectance profiles. Those who reject objectivist views often argue from the existence of intersubjective differences in color categorization ; but objectivists have managed to stand their ground by identifying colors with sets or ranges of reflectances individuated by the ways in which they stimulate the visual system. In the interest of moving the debate forward, I provide a new kind of (...)
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    Explorations in Transactional Psychology. [REVIEW]J. B. R. - 1962 - Review of Metaphysics 15 (3):532-532.
    A collection of experimental papers focusing on problems of visual perception treated from a transactional viewpoint where "the perceiving mechanism and the stimulus configuration are merely integrally related parts, and in which the assumptions, needs, values and purposes of the perceiver are equally important." Though some of the general conclusions drawn do not seem fully warranted, the experiments themselves are fascinating, showing the varied factors influencing perception. --R. J. B.
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    Too Cute for Words: Cuteness Evokes the Heartwarming Emotion of Kama Muta.Kamilla Knutsen Steinnes, Johanna Katarina Blomster, Beate Seibt, Janis H. Zickfeld & Alan Page Fiske - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10:428867.
    A configuration of infantile attributes including a large head, large eyes, with a small nose and mouth low on the head comprise the visual baby schema or Kindchenschema that English speakers call “cute.” In contrast to the stimulus gestalt that evokes it, the evoked emotional response to cuteness has been little studied, perhaps because the emotion has no specific name in English, Norwegian, or German. We hypothesize that cuteness typically evokes kama muta, a social-relational emotion that in other (...)
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  21.  25
    Emotional interference during conflict resolution depends on task context.S. P. Ahmed & C. L. Sebastian - 2020 - Cognition and Emotion 34 (5):920-934.
    Evidence is currently mixed regarding the way in which cognitive conflict modulates the effect of emotion on task performance. The present study aimed to address methodological differences across previous studies and investigate the conditions under which interference from emotional stimuli can either be elicited or eliminated under high cognitive conflict. Four behavioural experiments were conducted with a university sample using a gender-discrimination stimulus-response compatibility task. In line with our previous findings, Experiment 1 found that when emotion and cognitive conflict (...)
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  22.  32
    Some effects of contour on simultaneous brightness contrast.Phyllis W. Berman & H. W. Leibowitz - 1965 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 69 (3):251.
  23.  29
    Does dietary learning occur outside awareness?Jeffrey M. Brunstrom - 2004 - Consciousness and Cognition 13 (3):453-470.
    Several forms of dietary learning have been identified in humans. These include flavor–flavor learning, flavor–postingestive learning , and learned satiety. Generally, learning is thought to occur in the absence of contingency or demand awareness. However, a review of the literature suggests that this conclusion may be premature because measures of awareness lack the rigor that is found in studies of other kinds of human learning. If associations do configure outside awareness then this should be regarded as a rare instance of (...)
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  24.  33
    Demonstration of acquired distinctiveness of cues using a paired-associate learning task.Erwin M. Segal - 1964 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 67 (6):587.
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    Such stuff as dreams are made on? Elaborative encoding, the ancient art of memory, and the hippocampus.Sue Llewellyn - 2013 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 36 (6):589-607.
    This article argues that rapid eye movement (REM) dreaming is elaborative encoding for episodic memories. Elaborative encoding in REM can, at least partially, be understood through ancient art of memory (AAOM) principles: visualization, bizarre association, organization, narration, embodiment, and location. These principles render recent memories more distinctive through novel and meaningful association with emotionally salient, remote memories. The AAOM optimizes memory performance, suggesting that its principles may predict aspects of how episodic memory is configured in the brain. Integration and segregation (...)
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  26. The emergence of a new paradigm in ape language research.Stuart G. Shanker & Barbara J. King - 2002 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 25 (5):605-620.
    In recent years we have seen a dramatic shift, in several different areas of communication studies, from an information-theoretic to a dynamic systems paradigm. In an information processing system, communication, whether between cells, mammals, apes, or humans, is said to occur when one organism encodes information into a signal that is transmitted to another organism that decodes the signal. In a dynamic system, all of the elements are continuously interacting with and changing in respect to one another, and an aggregate (...)
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  27. Preemption effects in visual search: Evidence for low-level grouping.Ronald A. Rensink & James T. Enns - 1995 - Psychological Review 102 (1):101-130.
    Experiments are presented showing that visual search for Mueller-Lyer (ML) stimuli is based on complete configurations, rather than component segments. Segments easily detected in isolation were difficult to detect when embedded in a configuration, indicating preemption by low-level groups. This preemption—which caused stimulus components to become inaccessible to rapid search—was an all-or-nothing effect, and so could serve as a powerful test of grouping. It is shown that these effects are unlikely to be due to blurring by simple spatial (...)
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  28.  15
    The Question of Lag: An Exploration of the Relationship Between Conductor Gesture and Sonic Response in Instrumental Ensembles.Cory D. Meals - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    Group musical performance, especially large instrumental ensembles, present the outward appearance of an asymmetric, temporally immediate stimulus-response relationship between conductor and ensemble. Interestingly, anecdotal reports from both conductors and performers indicate a degree of variability in the timing of orchestral response to the conductor’s gestures. This observation is not present in anecdotal accounts of other instrumental ensemble settings, like wind bands, but commonplace occurrence among orchestral musicians indicates the potential presence of greater complexity in the observed relationship. This study (...)
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  29.  76
    Semantic priming: On the role of awareness in visual word recognition in the absence of an expectancy.Matthew Brown & Derek Besner - 2002 - Consciousness and Cognition 11 (3):402-422.
    By hypothesis, awareness is involved in the modulation of feedback from semantics to the lexical level in the visual word recognition system. When subjects are aware of the fact that there are many related prime–target pairs in a semantic priming experiment, this knowledge is used to configure the system to feed activation back from semantics to the lexical level so as to facilitate processing. When subjects are unaware of this fact, the default set is maintained in which activation is not (...)
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  30.  37
    Analytical modeling of the hysteresis phenomenon in guinea pig ventricular myocytes.Paco Lorente, Carmen Delgado, Mario Delmar & Jose Jalife - 1992 - Acta Biotheoretica 40 (2):177-193.
    In the present study, we have demonstrated hysteresis phenomena in the excitability of single, enzymatically dissociated guinea pig ventricular myocytes. Membrane potentials were recorded with patch pipettes in the whole-cell current clamp configuration. Repetitive stimulation with depolarizing current pulses of constant cycle length and duration but varying strength led to predictable excitation (1:l) and non-excitation (1:0) patterns depending on current strength. In addition, transition between patterns depended on the direction of current intensity change and stable hysteresis loops were obtained (...)
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    Context learning for threat detection.Akos Szekely, Suparna Rajaram & Aprajita Mohanty - 2017 - Cognition and Emotion 31 (8):1525-1542.
    It is hypothesised that threatening stimuli are detected better due to their salience or physical properties. However, these stimuli are typically embedded in a rich context, motivating the question whether threat detection is facilitated via learning of contexts in which threat stimuli appear. To address this question, we presented threatening face targets in new or old spatial configurations consisting of schematic faces and found that detection of threatening targets was faster in old configurations. This indicates that individuals are able to (...)
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  32.  19
    Phonological Concept Learning.Elliott Moreton, Joe Pater & Katya Pertsova - 2017 - Cognitive Science 41 (1):4-69.
    Linguistic and non-linguistic pattern learning have been studied separately, but we argue for a comparative approach. Analogous inductive problems arise in phonological and visual pattern learning. Evidence from three experiments shows that human learners can solve them in analogous ways, and that human performance in both cases can be captured by the same models. We test GMECCS, an implementation of the Configural Cue Model in a Maximum Entropy phonotactic-learning framework with a single free parameter, against the alternative hypothesis that learners (...)
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  33. Simultaneous brightness and apparent depth from true colors on grey: Chevreul revisited.Birgitta Dresp-Langley & Adam Reeves - 2012 - Seeing and Perceiving 25 (6):597-618.
    We show that true colors as defined by Chevreul (1839) produce unsuspected simultaneous brightness induction effects on their immediate grey backgrounds when these are placed on a darker (black) general background surrounding two spatially separated configurations. Assimilation and apparent contrast may occur in one and the same stimulus display. We examined the possible link between these effects and the perceived depth of the color patterns which induce them as a function of their luminance contrast. Patterns of square-shaped inducers of (...)
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  34. The linguistic and embodied nature of conceptual processing.Max M. Louwerse & Patrick Jeuniaux - 2010 - Cognition 114 (1):96-104.
    Recent theories of cognition have argued that embodied experience is important for conceptual processing. Embodiment can be contrasted with linguistic factors such as the typical order in which words appear in language. Here, we report four experiments that investigated the conditions under which embodiment and linguistic factors determine performance. Participants made speeded judgments about whether pairs of words or pictures were semantically related or had an iconic relationship. The embodiment factor was operationalized as the degree to which stimulus pairs (...)
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    Seeing wood because of the trees? A case of failure in reverse-engineering.Philip J. Benson - 1998 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 21 (4):468-468.
    Failure to take note of distinctive attributes in the distal stimulus leads to an inadequate proximal encoding. Representation of similarities in Chorus suffers in this regard. Distinctive qualities may require additional complex representation (e.g., reference to linguistic terms) in order to facilitate discrimination. Additional semantic information, which configures proximal attributes, permits accurate identification of true veridical stimuli.
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  36. Increasing increment generalizations of rank-dependent theories.R. Duncan Luce - 2003 - Theory and Decision 55 (2):87-146.
    Empirical evidence from both utility and psychophysical experiments suggests that people respond quite differently—perhaps discontinuously—to stimulus pairs when one consequence or signal is set to `zero.' Such stimuli are called unitary. The author's earlier theories assumed otherwise. In particular, the key property of segregation relating gambles and joint receipts (or presentations) involves unitary stimuli. Also, the representation of unitary stimuli was assumed to be separable (i.e., multiplicative). The theories developed here do not invoke separability. Four general cases based on (...)
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  37.  19
    Points and Stripes: A Novel Technique for Masking Biological Motion Point-Light Stimuli.Georg Layher & Heiko Neumann - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9:347958.
    Human articulated motion can be readily recognized robustly even from impoverished so-called point-light displays. Such sequence information is processed by separate visual processing channels recruiting different stages at low and intermediate levels of the cortical visual processing hierarchy. The different contributions that motion and form information make to form articulated, or biological, motion perception are still under investigation. Here we investigate experimentally whether and how specific spatio-temporal features, such as extrema in the motion energy or maximum limb expansion, indicated by (...)
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  38. La presencia del nietzscheanismo en la biopolítica contemporánea.Marina García-Granero - 2022 - Enrahonar: Quaderns de Filosofía 68:91-117.
    La filosofía de Nietzsche anticipó notablemente el umbral de la modernidad biológica al conceptualizar el alcance fisiológico de la moral, la política y la religión, así como su instrumentalización con fines de control social. El objetivo de este artículo es analizar el estímulo que ha representado la filosofía de Nietzsche para algunos de los principales pensadores de la cuestión biopolítica, en concreto, Michel Foucault, Roberto Esposito y Peter Sloterdijk, y desvelar en qué medida sus núcleos conceptuales convergen y divergen. La (...)
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  39.  52
    Perception of temporally interleaved ambiguous patterns.Alexander Maier, Melanie Wilke, Nikos K. Logothetis & David A. Leopold - 2003 - Current Biology.
    Background: Continuous viewing of ambiguous patterns is characterized by wavering perception that alternates between two or more equally valid visual solutions. However, when such patterns are viewed intermittently, either by repetitive presentation or by periodic closing of the eyes, perception can become locked or "frozen" in one configuration for several minutes at a time. One aspect of this stabilization is the possible existence of a perceptual memory that persists during periods in which the ambiguous stimulus is absent. Here, (...)
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    (1 other version)On simultaneous masking in the visual field.Giovanni Bruno Vicario - 2003 - Axiomathes 13 (3):399-432.
    The concept of simultaneous masking in visual field is discussed, in the light of classical examples, of the various kinds of the phenomenon, of a modal completion, of the figure/ground phenomenon, of ambiguous and reversible figures, of mimicry and camouflage and eventually of the complexity of the stimulus. There is some reference to masking in auditory field. The “reality” of the masked configuration is discussed, drawing the conclusion that it is perceptually unreal. The fact that the masking phenomenon (...)
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  41.  14
    The combination of target motion and dynamic changes in context greatly enhance visual size illusions.Ryan E. B. Mruczek, Matthew Fanelli, Sean Kelly & Gideon P. Caplovitz - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 16:959367.
    Perceived size is a function of viewing distance, retinal images size, and various contextual cues such as linear perspective and the size and location of neighboring objects. Recently, we demonstrated that illusion magnitudes of classic visual size illusions may be greatly enhanced or reduced by adding dynamic elements. Specifically, a dynamic version of the Ebbinghaus illusion (classically considered a “size contrast” illusion) led to a greatly enhanced illusory effect, whereas a dynamic version of the Corridor illusion (a “size constancy” illusion) (...)
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  42. Interaction of color and geometric cues in depth perception: When does red mean "near"?Christophe Guibal & Birgitta Dresp - 2004 - Psychological Research 69:30-40.
    Luminance and color are strong and self-sufficient cues to pictorial depth in visual scenes and images. The present study investigates the conditions Under which luminance or color either strengthens or overrides geometric depth cues. We investigated how luminance contrasts associated with color contrast interact with relative height in the visual field, partial occlusion, and interposition in determining the probability that a given figure is perceived as ‘‘nearer’’ than another. Latencies of ‘‘near’’ responses were analyzed to test for effects of attentional (...)
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  43.  25
    The Child Affective Facial Expression Set Short Versions (CAFE-Ss): Development and Validation of Two Subsets of Children’s Emotional Faces With Variability.Yang Yang & Vanessa LoBue - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    Emotion recognition plays an important role in children’s socio-emotional development. Research on children’s emotion recognition has heavily relied on stimulus sets of photos of adults posed stereotyped facial configurations. The Child Affective Facial Expression set is a relatively new stimulus set that provides researchers with photographs of a diverse group of children’s facial configurations in seven emotional categories—angry, sad, happy, fearful, disgusted, surprised, and neutral. However, the large size of the full CAFE set makes it less ideal for (...)
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  44.  26
    Introduction: Quis se Caesaribus notus non fingit amicum?Richard Talbert - 2011 - American Journal of Philology 132 (1):1-13.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Introduction:Quis se Caesaribus notus non fingit amicum? 1Richard TalbertThis volume owes its origin to a chance encounter in March 2008. As fellow Roman historians, David Potter and I always welcome the opportunity of a conversation whenever our paths happen to cross. Finding myself in Ann Arbor in this instance, I mentioned to David as we talked how impressed I was with the recently published volume The Court and Court (...)
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    On subjective back-referral and how long it takes to become conscious of a stimulus: A reinterpretation of Libet's data.Susan Pockett - 2002 - Consciousness and Cognition 11 (2):141-61.
    The original data reported by Benjamin Libet and colleagues are reinterpreted, taking into account the facilitation which is experimentally demonstrated in the first of their series of articles. It is shown that the original data equally well or better support a quite different set of conclusions from those drawn by Libet. The new conclusions are that it takes only 80 ms for stimuli to come to consciousness and that “subjective back-referral of sensations in time” to the time of the (...) does not occur. (shrink)
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  46. Binding of stimulus and response features after a task switch.B. Posse & B. Hommel - 2000 - Consciousness and Cognition 9 (2):S85 - S85.
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  47. Concept of empirical meaning (stimulus-meaning) in Quine.Jules Vuillemin - 1976 - Revue Internationale de Philosophie 30 (117):350-375.
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    Levels of stimulus control: A functional approach.R. J. Herrnstein - 1990 - Cognition 37 (1-2):133-166.
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  49. The Gestalt Theory and the Problem of Configuration.Bruno Petermann - 1933 - Mind 42 (167):382-388.
    First Published in 1999. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.
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  50. Associations to stimulus-response theories of language.Thomas G. Bever - 1968 - In T. Dixon & Deryck Horton (eds.), Verbal Behavior and General Behavior Theory. Prentice-Hall. pp. 478--494.
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