Results for ' talmud'

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  1. Tanakh 1985. Tanakh. The Holy Scriptures: The New JPS Translation Ac-cording to the Traditional Hebrew Text. Philadelphia: Jewish Publica-tion Society. [REVIEW]Babylonian Talmud, Midrash Kabbah, Palestinian Talmud & Sifre Devarim - 2005 - In Kenneth Seeskin (ed.), The Cambridge companion to Maimonides. New York: Cambridge University Press.
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    Talmud /and/ philosophy: conjunctions, disjunctions, continuities.Sergey Dolgopolski & James Adam Redfield (eds.) - 2024 - Bloomington, Indiana: Indiana University Press.
    Wide-ranging and astutely argued, Talmud /and/ Philosophy examines the intersections, partitions, and mutual illuminations and problematizations of western philosophy and the Talmud. Among its devoted students or "learners," the Talmud - both as text and mode of thought - is a constantly unfolding truth about humans in their relationship to God in the world. Among many philosophers, the Talmud has been at best an idealized and remote object, and at worse, if noticed at all, an object (...)
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  3. Obligations and prohibitions in Talmudic deontic logic.M. Abraham, D. M. Gabbay & U. Schild - 2011 - Artificial Intelligence and Law 19 (2-3):117-148.
    This paper examines the deontic logic of the Talmud. We shall find, by looking at examples, that at first approximation we need deontic logic with several connectives: O T A Talmudic obligation F T A Talmudic prohibition F D A Standard deontic prohibition O D A Standard deontic obligation. In classical logic one would have expected that deontic obligation O D is definable by $O_DA \equiv F_D\neg A$ and that O T and F T are connected by $O_TA \equiv (...)
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    The Talmudic Logic Project, Ongoing Since 2008.Dov M. Gabbay, Uri Schild & Esther David - 2019 - Logica Universalis 13 (4):425-442.
    We describe the state of the Talmudic Logic project as of end of 2019. The Talmud is the most comprehensive and fundamental work of Jewish religious law, employing a large number of logical components centuries ahead of their time. In many cases the basic principles are not explicitly formulated, which makes it difficult to formalize and make available to the modern student of Logic. This project on Talmudic Logic, aims to present logical analysis of Talmudic reasoning using modern logical (...)
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    Le Talmud et la « sagesse grecque ».Ivan Segré - 2016 - Cahiers Philosophiques 145 (2):27-53.
    Un célèbre enseignement du Talmud de Babylone maudit la « sagesse grecque ». Or qu’est-ce que la « sagesse grecque »? On a souvent compris que le Talmud récusait la philosophie. C’est pourtant une lecture hâtive et, en définitive, erronée. Car par « sagesse grecque », le Talmud entend désigner une forme d’intelligence pratique qui caractérise les hommes de pouvoir. Ce que le Talmud maudit, c’est donc une forme de « machiavélisme » avant la lettre, et (...)
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    How the Talmud works and why the Talmud won.Jacob Neusner - 1996 - Nordisk judaistik/Scandinavian Jewish Studies 17 (1-2):118-138.
    A single document, the Talmud of Babylonia – that is to say, the Misha, a philosophical law code that reached closure at ca 100 C.E., as read by the Gemara, a commentary to thirty-seven of the sixty-three tractates of that code, compiled in Babylonia, reaching closure by ca 600 C.E. – from ancient times to the present day has served as the medium of instruction for all literate Jews, teaching, by example alone, the craft of clear thinking, compelling argument, (...)
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  7. Patient Autonomy in Talmudic Context: The Patient’s ‘‘I Must Eat’’ on Yom Kippur in the Light of Contemporary Bioethics.Zackary Berger & Joshua Cahan - 2016 - Journal of Religion and Health 5 (5):5.
    In contemporary bioethics, the autonomy of the patient has assumed considerable importance. Progressing from a more limited notion of informed consent, shared decision making calls upon patients to voice the desires and preferences of their authentic self, engaging in choice among alternatives as a way to exercise deeply held values. One influential opinion in Jewish bioethics holds that Jewish law, in contradistinction to secular bioethics, limits the patient's exercise of autonomy only in those instances in which treatment choices are sensitive (...)
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    The Talmud meets church history.Daniel Boyarin - 1998 - Diacritics 28 (2):52-80.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:The Talmud Meets Church HistoryDaniel Boyarin (bio)Virginia Burrus. Chastity as Autonomy: Women in the Stories of the Apocryphal Acts. New York: Edwin Mellen, 1987.———. ‘“Equipped for Victory’: Ambrose and the Gendering of Orthodoxy.” Journal of Early Christian Studies 4.4 (1996): 461–75.———. The Making Of A Heretic: Gender, Authority, And The Priscillianist Controversy. Berkeley: U of California P, 1995.———. “Reading Agnes: The Rhetoric of Gender in Ambrose and Prudentius.” (...)
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    Le Talmud.Abraham Cohen - 1933 - Paris,: Payot.
    Nul n'était mieux qualifié que l'autour de ce livre - docteur en philosophie et rabbin de la synagogue de Birmingham - pour entreprendre le véritable tour de force qu'il a réussi en réalisant la synthèse de l'enseignement contenu dans le Talmud. La richesse de son information n'a d'égale que la maîtrise avec laquelle il répartit son savoir en une suite de chapitres aussi clairs que précis. Cet ouvrage, pendant longtemps encore, rendra d'inestimables services à ses lecteurs.
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    Talmud, Totality, and Jewish Pluralism.Laura Duhan Kaplan - 2000 - Philosophy in the Contemporary World 7 (1):47-51.
    Levinas’s conception of listening for the “trace” of the infinite implies that the human spirit grows when it comes into contact with something greater than it had previously known. When Levinas reads the Talmud, sourcebook of Jewish Law, he tries to enter into conversation with it, allowing the meaning of the text to expand to touch his own contemporary concerns. At the flip side of this expansion, however, lies my worry that the text junctions as a “totality,” assimilating all (...)
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    Education in nonviolence: Levinas' Talmudic readings and the study of sacred texts.Hanan Alexander - 2014 - Ethics and Education 9 (1):58-68.
    The essay offers a Jewish account of education in nonviolence by examining the first of Emmanuel Levinas' Talmudic readings ‘Toward the Other.’ I begin by exploring Levinas' unique philosophy of religious education, which nurtures responsibility for the other, as part of an alternative to enlightenment-orientated modern Jewish thought pioneered by the likes of Gershom Scholem, Martin Buber, and Franz Rosenzweig. I then consider a question raised by Yusef Waghid and Zehavit Gross at the 2012 meeting of the Philosophy of Education (...)
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    Deconstructing the Talmud: The Absolute Book.Federico Dal Bo - 2019 - London-New York: Routledge.
    This monograph uses deconstruction—a philosophical movement originated by Jacques Derrida—to read the most authoritative book in Judaism: the Talmud. Examining deconstruction in comparison with Kant’s and Hegel’s philosophies, the volume argues that the movement opens an innovative debate on Jewish Law. -/- First, the monograph interprets deconstruction within the major streams of continental philosophy; then, it criticizes many aspects of Foucault’s and Agamben’s philosophy, rejecting their notion of law. On these premises, the research delivers a close examination of many (...)
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  13. Logic in the Talmud.Avi Sion - 2018 - Geneva, Switzerland: CreateSpace & Kindle; Lulu..
    Logic in the Talmud is a ‘thematic compilation’ by Avi Sion. It collects in one volume essays that he has written on this subject in Judaic Logic (1995) and A Fortiori Logic (2013), in which traces of logic in the Talmud (the Mishna and Gemara) are identified and analyzed. While this book does not constitute an exhaustive study of logic in the Talmud, it is a ground-breaking and extensive study. A new essay, The Logic of Analogy, was (...)
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    On Borges' Amnesia and Talmudic Understanding: Reviving Ancient Traditions in Re-Search.Zvi Bekerman & Yair Neuman - 2005 - Journal of Research Practice 1 (1):Article P1.
    The paradigmatic bases, which sustain traditional western psychological interpretative efforts, need not be just a footnote to Plato. In this paper we introduce the Talmudic interpretative perspective, which we use to point at some weaknesses we identify in contemporary research imaginings. While the empiricist approach may be traced to Plato and the interpretative and the critical approaches may be traced to Heraclitus, we argue that the Talmudic approach is a differentiated and unique perspective that, because of its non-epistemic nature, its (...)
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    Who Thinks in the Talmud?Sergey Dolgopolski - 2012 - Journal of Jewish Thought and Philosophy 20 (1):1-34.
    Abstract This article traces a historical shift, and in particular its erasure from memory on the intellectual map of the West, in concepts of subjectivity across practices of rabbinic thinking in late antiquity, medieval interpretations of the Talmud, and modern talmudic scholarship. I first introduce a comparative perspective that relies on a mutual hermeneutics of philosophical and talmudic traditions. I consequently engage with Alain de Libera's archaeological analysis of the birth of the thinking subject in medieval philosophy and theology. (...)
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    Educação e Talmud: uma releitura da Etica dos pais.Ana Szpiczkowski - 2002 - São Paulo, SP, Brasil: Humanitas, FFLCH/USP.
    Este livro procura orientar o leitor em geral e os interessados em educação em particular, no estudo e na recuperação do Tratado de Pirkei Avot - Ética dos Pais, que integra o Talmud, à luz das modernas teorias da educação, permite o resgate de noções fundamentais relacionadas, principalmente, a atitudes e comportamentos do mestre e do aprendiz. Tais atitudes implicam uma relação horizontal e dialógica entre ambos e o constante intercâmbio de seus repertórios, condições imprescindíveis para a aquisição do (...)
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  17. Analysis of the Talmudic Argumentum A Fortiori Inference Rule (Kal Vachomer) using Matrix Abduction.M. Abraham, Dov M. Gabbay & U. Schild - 2009 - Studia Logica 92 (3):281-364.
    We motivate and introduce a new method of abduction, Matrix Abduction, and apply it to modelling the use of non-deductive inferences in the Talmud such as Analogy and the rule of Argumentum A Fortiori. Given a matrix $${\mathbb {A}}$$ with entries in {0, 1}, we allow for one or more blank squares in the matrix, say a i,j =?. The method allows us to decide whether to declare a i,j = 0 or a i,j = 1 or a i,j (...)
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    Find it in the Talmud: an encyclopedia of Jewish ethics and conduct: thousands of Talmudic subjects, stories & expressions.Mordechai Judovits - 2014 - New York: Urim Publications.
    The Talmud--an ancient and seminal text central to Rabbinic Judaism--is the focal point of this reference book. With more than 6,000 entries, this book serves as a path finder for those interested in the Talmud and a useful tool when searching for a particular Talmudic subject.
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  19. The Talmudist Enlightenment: Talmudic Judaism’s Confrontational Rational Theology.Menachem Fisch - 2020 - European Journal for Philosophy of Religion 12 (2):37-63.
    Robert Brandom's "The Pragmatist Enlightenment" describes the advent of American pragmatism as signaling a sea-change in our understanding of human reason away from the top-down Euclidian models of reasoning, warrant and knowledge inspired by the physical sciences, toward the far more bottom-up, narrative, inherently fallible and dialogical forms of reasoning of the life and human sciences. It is against this backdrop that Talmudic Judaism emerges not only as an early anticipation of the pragmatist enlightenment, but as going a substantial and (...)
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    The talmudic concept of “beyond the letter of the law”: Relevance to business social responsibilities. [REVIEW]Moses L. Pava - 1996 - Journal of Business Ethics 15 (9):941 - 950.
    The idea of corporate social responsibility is neither new nor radical. The core belief is that business managers, even in their role as managers, have responsibilities to society beyond profit maximization. Managers, in pursuing their primary goal of increasing shareholder value, have social responsibilities in addition to meeting the minimal requirements of the law. Nevertheless, the call for increased social responsibility on the part of business managers remains controversial. At least two major perspectives on social responsibility can be isolated. The (...)
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  21. Talmud as Hypertext.David Porush - forthcoming - Kairos.
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    The Talmudic View of Epicureanism.S. J. Bastomsky - 1973 - Apeiron 7 (1):17 - 19.
  23.  7
    Freud, Talmud, Taswir: Lesebuch für meine kleine Mnemosyne.Bruckstein Çoruh & S. A. - 2018 - Berlin: Taswir Publishing.
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    The Talmud Yerushalmi and Graeco-Roman Culture, Vol. 1The Talmud Yerushalmi and Graeco-Roman Culture, Vol. 2.Yaron Z. Eliav, Peter Schafer & Catherine Hezser - 2002 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 122 (1):132.
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    Uncertainty Rules in Talmudic Reasoning.Dov M. Gabbay & Moshe Koppel - 2011 - History and Philosophy of Logic 32 (1):63-69.
    The Babylonian Talmud, compiled from the 2nd to 7th centuries C.E., is the primary source for all subsequent Jewish laws. It is not written in apodeictic style, but rather as a discursive record of (real or imagined) legal (and other) arguments crossing a wide range of technical topics. Thus, it is not a simple matter to infer general methodological principles underlying the Talmudic approach to legal reasoning. Nevertheless, in this article, we propose a general principle that we believe helps (...)
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    Talmud and Apocrypha.Robert Travers Herford - 1933 - New York,: Ktav Pub. House.
    Introduction.--The Old Testament as the main source of the later ethical teaching.--The development along the rabbinical line.--The non-rabbinical literature: The Apocrypha and pseudepigrapha. The New Testament and Philo.
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  27. Talmudic destiny.Eli Hirsch - 2019 - In Samuel Lebens, Dani Rabinowitz & Aaron Segal (eds.), Jewish Philosophy in an Analytic Age. Oxford: Oxford University Press, Usa.
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  28. The Talmudic Concept hamar-gamal (Donkey Driver-Camel Driver): A Legal and Somatic Analysis of Talmudic Imagery.Lynn Kaye - 2024 - In Sergey Dolgopolski & James Adam Redfield (eds.), Talmud /and/ philosophy: conjunctions, disjunctions, continuities. Bloomington, Indiana: Indiana University Press.
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    The Talmudic anthology in three volumes.Jacob Neusner (ed.) - 1995 - New York: P. Lang.
    1. Torah : issues of ethics. -- 2. God : issues of Theology. -- 3. Israel : issues of public policy.
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  30. Talmud jako źródło dla filozoficznego namysłu.David Novak - 2008 - Studia Philosophica Wratislaviensia:97-112.
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    The Talmud of relationships / Rabbi Amy Scheinerman.Amy Scheinerman - 2018 - Philadelphia: The Jewish Publication Society.
    volume 1. God, self, and family -- volume 2. The Jewish community and beyond.
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  32. Talmud shanui be-maḥloḳet: keriʼot filosofiyot be-sugyot maḳbilot ba-Talmud ha-Yerushalmi uva-Talmud ha-Bavli = Controversial Talmud: philosophical readings in the Jerusalem Talmud and the Babylonian Talmud.Elyasaf Tel-Or - 2019 - Tel Aviv: Resling.
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    Plato and the Talmud.Jacob Howland - 2010 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    This innovative study sees the relationship between Athens and Jerusalem through the lens of the Platonic dialogues and the Talmud. Howland argues that these texts are animated by comparable conceptions of the proper roles of inquiry and reasoned debate in religious life, and by a profound awareness of the limits of our understanding of things divine. Insightful readings of Plato's Apology, Euthyphro and chapter three of tractate Ta'anit explore the relationship of prophets and philosophers, fathers and sons, and gods (...)
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    Management ethics and Talmudic dialectics: navigating corporate dilemmas with the indivisible hand.Nathan Lee Kaplan - 2014 - Wiesbaden: Springer VS.
    Nathan Lee Kaplan develops a talmudic perspective on management ethics. By analyzing the central ethical dilemmas of corporate managers in light of applicable traditions from the Oral Torah, this book offers a critical bridge between the contemporary business corporation and rabbinic Judaism’s foundational tradition. The issues studied thereby include organizational culture, fraud and corruption, whistle-blowing, investor and employment relations, executive compensation, corporate social responsibility and environmental sustainability.
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    Time in the Babylonian Talmud : Natural and Imagined Times in Jewish Law and Narrative.Lynn Kaye - 2018 - Cambridge University Press.
    In this book, Lynn Kaye examines how rabbis of late antiquity thought about time through their legal reasoning and storytelling, and what these insights mean for thinking about time today. Providing close readings of legal and narrative texts in the Babylonian Talmud, she compares temporal ideas with related concepts in ancient and modern philosophical texts and in religious traditions from late antique Mesopotamia. Kaye demonstrates that temporal flexibility in the Babylonian Talmud is a means of exploring and resolving (...)
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    Emmanuel Levinas's Talmudic turn: philosophy and Jewish thought.Ethan Kleinberg - 2021 - Stanford, California: Stanford University Press.
    In this rich intellectual history of the French-Jewish philosopher Emmanuel Levinas's Talmudic lectures in Paris, Ethan Kleinberg addresses Levinas's Jewish life and its relation to his philosophical writings while making an argument for the role and importance of Levinas's Talmudic lessons. Pairing each chapter with a related Talmudic lecture, Kleinberg uses the distinction Levinas presents between "God on Our Side" and "God on God's Side" to provide two discrete and at times conflicting approaches to Levinas's Talmudic readings. One is historically (...)
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    Embryology in Talmudic and Midrashic literature.Samuel S. Kottek - 1981 - Journal of the History of Biology 14 (2):299-315.
    In this paper I have not, of course, presented all the embryological data that can be collected from the Talmudic and Midrashic literature. More details can be found in Julius Preuss' classical work on biblical and talmudic medicine, now available in Fred Rosner's English translation and in a French M.D. thesis by Martine Michel.75 I also did not present any data on teratology, and did not deal with the very rich Jewish mystical lore, the Cabbala. But a few comments are (...)
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    How the Talmud can change your life: surprisingly modern advice from a very old book.Liel Leibovitz - 2023 - New York: W.W. Norton & Company.
    A witty and wide-ranging exploration of a book that has perplexed and delighted people for centuries: the Talmud. For numerous centuries, the Talmud--an extraordinary work of Jewish ethics, law, and tradition--has compelled readers to grapple with how to live a good life. Full of folk legends, bawdy tales, and rabbinical repartee, it is inspiring, demanding, confounding, and thousands of pages long. As Liel Leibovitz enthusiastically explores the Talmud, what has sometimes been misunderstood as a dusty and arcane (...)
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    The philosophy of the Talmud.Hyam Maccoby - 2002 - New York, NY: RoutledgeCurzon.
    This is a new presentation of the philosophy of the Talmud. The Talmud is not a work of formal philosophy, but much of what it says is relevant to philosophical enquiry, including issues explored in contemporary debates. In particular, the Talmud has original ideas about the relation between universal ethics and the ethics of a particular community. This leads into a discussion on the relation between morality and ritual, and also about the epistemological role of tradition. The (...)
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    Understanding the Talmud: A Dialogic Approach.Jacob Neusner - 2004 - KTAV Publishing House.
    As far back as the time of the Byzantine emperor Justinian, the place of the Oral Torah, even more than the Bible, in maintaining Jewish cohesion has been recognized. In his revolutionary guide to Talmud study, Prof. Jacob Neusner defines the unique quality of Talmud study and the secret of its attraction to many generations of Jews, and, in our time, to not a few non-Jews. As Neusner himself explains, "The genera of the Talmud of Babylonia conducts (...)
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    Becoming a Mensch: Timeless Talmudic Ethics for Everyone.Ronald Pies - 2010 - Lanham, MD: Hamilton Books.
    This 'user's guide' to becoming a better person takes readers through a process of personal growth by means of modern-day vignettes that draw upon the Talmud's ancient wisdom. Readers of any or no faith learn what it takes to become a 'mensch' —- a decent and honorable human being.
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    Ronna Burger’s Talmudic Reading of the Nicomachean Ethics.David Roochnik - 2010 - Epoché: A Journal for the History of Philosophy 15 (1):61-79.
    Ronna Burger’s Aristotle’s Dialogue with Socrates argues that the Nicomachean Ethics is a unified whole. Her reading runs against the tide of most contemporary scholarship. In particular, Book X.7–8, Aristotle’s valorization and near apotheosis of the “contemplative life,” has been taken to be a Platonic intrusion in a work otherwise characterized by a resolute “anthropocentrism,” as Nussbaum puts it. To account for such an apparent fracture commentators have attributed both chronological development and later editorship to the corpus. Burger, by contrast, (...)
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    Logical Analysis of the Talmudic Rules of General and Specific (Klalim-u-Pratim).Michael Abraham, Dov M. Gabbay, Gabriel Hazut, Yosef E. Maruvka & Uri Schild - 2011 - History and Philosophy of Logic 32 (1):47-62.
    This article deals with a set-theoretic interpretation of the Talmudic rules of General and Specific, known as Klal and Prat (KP), Prat and Klal (PK), Klal and Prat and Klal (KPK) and Prat and Klal and Prat (PKP).
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    The Evolution of Talmudic Reasoning.Norman Solomon - 2011 - History and Philosophy of Logic 32 (1):9-28.
    In this article I show that rabbinic reasoning, in its mature Talmudic form, rests on a foundation of five presuppositions, or axioms, including the comprehensiveness and non-redundancy of Scripture, and is guided by two formulas. The first formula is the formula of bijection, A∼B, which establishes a one-to-one correspondence between A, the textual elements of the Torah and B, the propositions of law comprising the system of halakhah; the second is the formula of adequate justification, ∃fx ( fx ⊃L ), (...)
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    Fixity and Time in Talmudic Law and Legal Language.Lynn Kaye - 2015 - Journal of Jewish Thought and Philosophy 23 (2):127-160.
    _ Source: _Volume 23, Issue 2, pp 127 - 160 This article illuminates rabbinic concepts of temporality through examining metaphorical uses of the root qbʿ. The root has both concrete and metaphorical meanings, describing the physical attachment of objects as well as temporal ideas of permanence, stability, and endurance. While it has been argued that rabbinic texts do not display concepts of time in the modern sense, a combination of philological and conceptual analysis shows how rabbinic images of temporal themes (...)
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    Hospitality, asylum and education: around Emmanuel Levinas’s Talmudic readings.Rafał Włodarczyk - 2021 - Ethics and Education 16 (3):355-374.
    ABSTRACT In reference to the article by Hanan Alexander ‘Education in nonviolence’, the text takes up the issue of reading Emmanuel Levinas’s Talmudic texts for the philosophy of education. It intends to positively answer the question about the value and potential of such inspiration, focusing on concepts from two of Levinas’s Talmudic readings. The first part of the text is devoted to the characteristics of the intellectual output of the thinker. The second part analyses and discusses Alexander’s commentary on one (...)
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    Conflict of Interest and the Talmud.Joshua Fogel & Hershey H. Friedman - 2008 - Journal of Business Ethics 78 (1-2):237-246.
    A core value of Judaism is leading an ethical life. The Talmud, an authoritative source on Jewish law and tradition, has a number of discussions that deal with honesty in business and decision-making. One motive that can cause individuals to be unscrupulous is the presence of a conflict of interest. This paper will define, discuss, and review five Talmudic concepts relevant to conflict of interest. They are (1) Nogea B’Davar (being an interested party), (2) V’hiyitem N’keyim (behaving to ensure (...)
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    Leibniz’s Monad and the Talmudic Concept of “Malchut” in Yoma 38a-b.Kuti Shoham & Idan Shimony - 2023 - In Wenchao Li, Charlotte Wahl, Sven Erdner, Bianca Carina Schwarze & Yue Dan (eds.), »Le present est plein de l’avenir, et chargé du passé«. Hannover: Gottfried-Wilhelm-Leibniz-Gesellschaft e.V.. pp. Vol. 3, 294-298.
    Leibniz’s interest in the Talmud and in Jewish philosophy and theology in general, is well established in the scholarly literature. In this paper, we suggest a short comparative study of Leibniz’s concept of the monad and the Talmudic idea of “Malchut.” Our study is based, specifically, on a tractate of the Talmud titled Yoma. This tractate is mainly focused on the Jewish Atonement Day, in which Jews are judged by God for their sins in the previous year. In (...)
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  49. Judaic Logic: A Formal Analysis of Biblical, Talmudic and Rabbinic Logic.Avi Sion - 1995 - Geneva, Switzerland: Slatkine; CreateSpace & Kindle; Lulu..
    Judaic Logic is an original inquiry into the forms of thought determining Jewish law and belief, from the impartial perspective of a logician. Judaic Logic attempts to honestly estimate the extent to which the logic employed within Judaism fits into the general norms, and whether it has any contributions to make to them. The author ranges far and wide in Jewish lore, finding clear evidence of both inductive and deductive reasoning in the Torah and other books of the Bible, and (...)
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    The tripartite structure in Sugyot from Tractate Eruvin of the Babylonian Talmud.Zur Uri - 2017 - Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 16 (47):3-18.
    This article describes the tripartite structure, a formative style used in the redaction of some sugyot in Tractate Eruvin. The attitude to the tripartite structure is portrayed here as reflected by commentators and researchers who mentioned this pattern, whether directly or indirectly. The purpose of the article is to present several select examples of the tripartite structure in some sugyot in Tractate Eruvin. This will have the significant effect of illuminating different literary forms worthy of exploration, such as the tripartite (...)
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