Results for ' the point of view of the cosmos'

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  1. The Point of View of the Cosmos: Deleuze, Romanticism, Stoicism.John Sellars - 1999 - Pli 8:1-24.
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    The construction of the view of the cosmos and the human world in hengxian.Zhongjiang Wang - 2009 - Frontiers of Philosophy in China 4 (4):493-510.
    A thorough interpretation of the ideological structure of the recently unearthed Daoist text Hengxian 恒先 has not yet been achieved, and a few doubtful and difficult points still remain to be discussed. Based on the concepts of “ hengxian ”, “ Qi ”, “the Field”, “beginning”, “movement”, “spontaneity”, and “name”, this paper comprehensively discusses the text of Hengxian with respect to the primordial state of the cosmos, the evolution of the cosmos, the production and existence of Heaven, Earth, (...)
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    (1 other version)Anthropology From a Pragmatic Point of View.Victor Lyle Dowdell & Hans H. Rudnick (eds.) - 1978 - Southern Illinois University Press.
    In the fall semester of 1772/73 at the Albertus University of Königsberg, Immanuel Kant, metaphysician and professor of logic and metaphysics, began lectures on anthropology, which he continued until 1776, shortly before his retirement from public life. His lecture notes and papers were first published in 1798, eight years after the publication of the _Critique of Judgment, _the third of his famous _Critiques. _The present edition of the _Anthropology _is a translation of the text found in volume 7 of _Kants (...)
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    The Point of View of the Universe: Sidgwick and Contemporary Ethics.Katarzyna de Lazari-Radek & Peter Singer - 2014 - New York: Oxford University Press. Edited by Peter Singer.
    What does the idea of taking 'the point of view of the universe' tell us about ethics? Lazari-Radek and Singer defend objectivism in ethics, and hedonistic utilitarianism, following Henry Sidgwick's lead. They explore how to justify an ethical theory; conflicts of self-interest and universal benevolence; and whether we should discount the future.
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    Science of the cosmos, science of the soul: the pertinence of Islamic cosmology in the modern world.William C. Chittick - 2007 - Oxford: Oneworld.
    Islamic Intellectualism is dead: or so argues William Chittick in this new book. Whilst many may say that Islamic studies thrives as a subject, Chittick points to the words of one of his former Professors when describing young colleagues: they know everything one can possibly know about a text, except what it says. Indeed, Chittick states that it is impossible to understand ancient Islamic texts without the years of contemplative study that are anathema to the modern education system. While modern (...)
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    The Stoics: Human Nature and the Point of View of the Universe.Julia Annas - 1993 - In The Morality of Happiness. New York: Oxford University Press.
    The Stoics appeal to human nature in their theory of virtue and ‘preferred indifferents’, showing in a developmental account how grasping virtue is the culmination of a natural progression. They also appeal to the nature of the cosmos to support ethics as a whole, but this does not, as issometimes claimed, provide premises from which specific ethical conclusions are inferred.
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  7. The point of view of the researcher.F. J. Varela & Pierre Vermersch - 2003 - In Natalie Depraz, Francisco J. Varela & Pierre Vermersch (eds.), On Becoming Aware: A Pragmatics of Experiencing. John Benjamins. pp. 115-154.
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    Kant’s Categories of Quantity and Quality, Reconsidered: From the Point of View of the History of Logic and Natural Science.Yasuhiko Tomida - 2022 - Philosophia 50 (5):2707-2731.
    According to Kant, the division of the categories “is not the result of a search after pure concepts undertaken at haphazard,” but is derived from the “complete” classification of judgments developed by traditional logic. However, the sorts of judgments that he enumerates in his table of judgments are not all ones that traditional logic has dealt with; consequently, we must say that he chose the sorts of judgments in question with a certain intention. Besides, we know that his choice of (...)
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    The baroque from the point of view of the art historian.John Rupert Martin - 1955 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 14 (2):164-171.
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    Shaftesbury on imagination and enthusiasm in the practice of Stoic “inward exercise”.Alexandra Bacalu - 2025 - Intellectual History Review 35 (1):87-104.
    This article takes a further step towards recovering the Stoic dimension of Shaftesbury's philosophical project and contributes to recent scholarly work uncovering the Stoic elements that specifically shape his poetics and aesthetics. I propose that Shaftesbury's famous rehabilitation of enthusiasm may be further reconsidered in light of his strong reliance on late Roman Stoic philosophical exercises for managing impressions and training the imagination. I begin by surveying the main imaginative exercises exemplified in Shaftesbury's writings and foreground his specific understanding of (...)
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    The point of view of the universe: Sidgwick and contemporary ethics.Katarzyna de Lazari-Radek - 2014 - New York: Oxford University Press. Edited by Peter Singer.
    Tests the views and metaphor of 19th-century utilitarian philosopher Henry Sidgwick against a variety of contemporary views on ethics, determining that they are defensible and thus providing a defense of objectivism in ethics and of hedonistic utilitarianism.
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    Kierkegaard from the point of view of the political.Graham M. Smith - 2005 - History of European Ideas 31 (1):35-60.
    This article considers Kierkegaard's contribution to our understanding of the political. Building on previous scholarship exploring the social dimensions of Kierkegaard's thought, I argue that for Kierkegaard the modern understanding and practice of politics should be understood as ?despair?. Thus, whilst Kierkegaard's criticisms of politics might have been produced in an ad hoc fashion, this article argues that there is an underlying principle which guides these criticisms: that politics is subordinate to, and must be grounded in, spiritual or religious selfhood. (...)
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  13. Problems of to-Day, From the Point of View of a Psychologist.Hugo Münsterberg - 1910
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    Work and Self-Development: The Point of View of the Psychodynamics of Work.Christophe Dejours - 2014 - Critical Horizons 15 (2):115-130.
    A subject’s relationship with work is by no means “neutral” as regards selfdevelopment. What becomes of the psychical relationship with work does not depend solely on the individual’s particular characteristics as a person, in particular their gender; it depends also on the nature and organization of work. In order to analyse the importance of work in the development of the psychic erotic economics, I refer to the psychotherapy of a young woman that took place towards the end of her adolescence. (...)
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    Health and disease from the point of view of the clinical laboratory.Ralph Gräsbeck - 1984 - In Lennart Nordenfelt & B. Ingemar B. Lindahl (eds.), Health, Disease, and Causal Explanations in Medicine. Reidel. pp. 47--60.
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    The point of view of morality.K. Baier - 1954 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 32 (2):104 – 135.
    The author proposes a method of verification for moral statements. (staff).
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    The Point of View of the Universe: Sidgwick and Contemporary Ethics.Robert Shaver - 2015 - Philosophical Quarterly 65 (259):301-304.
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    Beneficent Governor of the Cosmos: Kant and Sidgwick on the Moral Necessity of God.Tyler Paytas - 2020 - In Tyler Paytas & Tim Henning (eds.), Kantian and Sidgwickian Ethics: The Cosmos of Duty Above and the Moral Law Within. New York and London: Routledge. pp. 210-244.
    Kant and Sidgwick agree that genuine ethical principles must be sourced in reason rather than divine commands. Yet, despite sharing this secular starting point, both philosophers ultimately conclude that the assumption of God’s existence is necessary for the complete viability of practical reason (including principles of morality) within human beings. This mutual reintroduction of God is especially surprising given that Kant and Sidgwick advocate divergent moral theories. The central claim of this chapter is that, despite their philosophical differences, Kant’s (...)
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    From the Point of View of Sport.Luther J. Binkley - 1979 - Journal of the Philosophy of Sport 6 (1):101-115.
  20. Liberation philosophy-from the point-of-view of the experience of the oppressed.E. Dussel - 1992 - Filosoficky Casopis 40 (6):1007-1024.
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    Legal Security from the Point of View of the Philosophy of Law.Gregorio Peces-Barba Martínez - 1995 - Ratio Juris 8 (2):127-141.
    . The author analyses the concept of legal security from its historical evolution to its main structural aspects. In the first part he argues that legal security is a historical and cultural concept of the modern world. He considers a series of factors which lead from the general concept of security generated by an ideological monism and the social rigidity characterizing the Middle Ages to the concept of legal security protected by the legal monism of the modern state, where legal (...)
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    The point of view of shared agency.Glenda Satne & Johannes Roessler - 2024 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 67 (4):1009-1017.
    This paper introduces the special issue 'The point of view of shared agency', a collection of papers that develops, and critically assesses, a striking development in recent philosophy of mind, epistemology, and developmental psychology, that is, the fundamental reappraisal of the time-honoured distinction between a ‘first-person' and a ‘third-person perspective' on our mental lives. In recent years, the nature of the ‘second-person standpoint' has become a major focus of work across a range of disciplines. More recently, the idea (...)
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  23. NINETEEN. The Point of View of the Universe: Sidgwick and the Ambitions of Ethics.Bernard Williams - 2006 - In The Sense of the Past: Essays in the History of Philosophy. Princeton: Princeton University Press. pp. 277-296.
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    The comprehensible cosmos: where do the laws of physics come from?Victor J. Stenger - 2006 - Amherst, NY: Prometheus Books.
    What are the laws of physics? -- The stuff that kicks back -- Point-of-view invariance -- Gauging the laws of physics -- Forces and broken symmetries -- Playing dice -- After the bang -- Out of the void -- The comprehensible cosmos -- Models of reality.
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    Kantian and Sidgwickian Ethics: The Cosmos of Duty Above and the Moral Law Within.Tyler Paytas & Tim Henning (eds.) - 2020 - New York and London: Routledge.
    Immanuel Kant and Henry Sidgwick are towering figures in the history of moral philosophy. Kant's views on ethics continue to be discussed and studied in detail not only in philosophy, but also theology, political science, and legal theory. Meanwhile, Sidgwick is emerging as the philosopher within the utilitarian tradition who merits the same meticulous treatment that Kant receives. As champions of deontology and consequentialism respectively, Kant and Sidgwick disagree on many important issues. However, close examination reveals a surprising amount of (...)
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    Divine Creation of eternal Truths from the Point of View of Physics.Joo Jin Paik - 2019 - Journal Of pan-Korean Philosophical Society 95:61-86.
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    The point of view on the justice of Socrates in Plato's Republic and its limits. 이명곤 - 2015 - 동서철학연구(Dong Seo Cheol Hak Yeon Gu; Studies in Philosophy East-West) 75 (75):279-302.
    소크라테스는 당시 그리스 사회에 통용하고 있던 다양한 정의개념을 논박하면서 자신의 정의관을 말하고 있다. 그가 비판하고 있는 정의 개념들은 정직함과 빌린 것을 제때에 갚는 것이라는 ‘형식적 정의개념’, 친구에게는 좋은 것을 주고 적에게는 나쁜 것을 준다는 ‘이기적 정의개념’, 착한 사람에게는 좋은 것을 주고 나쁜 사람에게는 나쁜 것을 준다는 ‘복수법의 정의개념’ 그리고 보다 강한 자들의 자기이익을 추구하는 것이라는 ‘정글의 정의개념’ 등이다. 소크라테스가 제시하는 정의 개념은 한 개인의 사회적 자기 동일성에 적합한 ‘탁월한 내적인 상태(aretē)’를 갖추는 것으로 본 논문에서는 이를 ‘개인적 정의’ 혹은 ‘존재론적인 정의’ (...)
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    1. The point of view of the agent.D. G. Brown - 1968 - In Donald George Brown (ed.), Action. London,: University of Toronto Press. pp. 1-27.
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  29. Reconstructing the Religious: Deconstruction, Transfiguration, and Witnessing in The Point of View and On My Work as an Author.John Whitmire - 2010 - In Robert L. Perkins (ed.), International Kierkegaard Commentary: The Point of View. Macon GA: Mercer Univ Pr. pp. 325-358.
    Several deconstructive readings of Kierkegaard from the early 1980’s and 1990’s begin with a critique of the role the aesthetic plays in The Point of View for My Work as an Author in order to trouble the entire (ostensive) hierarchy of religious-ethical-aesthetic. These readings suggest that there is no way to discern with certainty whether the signature “Kierkegaard” (here and elsewhere) indeed refers to the factical author, or is just another playful aesthetic pose. From this point, they (...)
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    The five-element principle as a Philosophy at Sa-Sang Constitutional Medicine - The point of views of the Lee eul-ho(李乙浩) -. 허훈 - 2016 - Cheolhak-Korean Journal of Philosophy 128:1.
    玄庵 李乙浩(1910∼1988)는 東武 李濟馬(1937∼1900)의 제자 海初 崔承達(1888∼1967)에게 사상의학을 사사받았으며, 처음에는(1935년 동아일보에 기사 연재) 사상의학을 오행론으로 해명한다. 하지만 바로 이듬 해 오행설은 對待原理가 아니라 상생상극의 循環原理이기 때문에 동무가 오행설에 대해 한 마디 언급도 하지 않은 것으로 보았다. 무엇보다도 사상의학의 오행론 부정설의 가장 큰 근거는 동무의 『東醫壽世保元』에 일절 오행설이 나오지 않는다는 사실이다. 그리고 이 견해는 후학들의 사상의학의 오행관 설정에 결정적인 지침 역할을 한다.BR 하지만 동무의 저작으로 인정받고 있는 『東醫壽世保元四象草本卷』에는 오행과 장부의 관계가 직접 언급되어 있다. 또한 동무 자신이 직접 주해한 저술로 알려진 「東武自註」 (...)
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    Informational foundations of quantum theory: critical reconsideration from the point of view of a phenomenologist.Tina Bilban - 2021 - Continental Philosophy Review 54 (4):581-594.
    Several contemporary interpretations of quantum mechanics use the concept of information as a tool for addressing and explaining the quantum world. In the article, I focus on Zeilinger-Brukner's informational foundations of quantum theory. I propose that with a phenomenological approach—which, unlike most of the contemporary interpretations of quantum mechanics, exceeds the mere dichotomy between realism and anti-realism—we can address the epistemological questions re-opened by IFQT and the parts of the interpretation that are recognized as problematic by its critics. After the (...)
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    Loeb Measure from the Point of View of a Coin Flipping Game.Vladimir Kanovei & Michael Reeken - 1996 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 42 (1):19-26.
    A hyperfinitely long coin flipping game between the Gambler and the Casino, associated with a given set A, is considered. It turns out that the Gambler has a winning strategy if and only if A has Loeb measure 0. The Casino has a winning strategy if and only if A contains an internal subset of positive Loeb measure.
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    Review of Katarzyna de Lazari-Radek and Peter Singer's The Point of View of the Universe: Sidgwick and Contemporary Ethics. [REVIEW]Jussi Suikkanen - 2014 - The Philosophers' Magazine 67:114-118.
    This is a short review of Katarzyna de Lazari-Radek and Peter Singer's book The Point of View of the Universe: Sidgwick and Contemporary Ethics.
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  34. Death and Resurrection from the Point of View of the Cell-Theory.Gustaf Bjorklund - 1911 - Philosophical Review 20:569.
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  35. Review of Contigency regarded from the point of view of logic. [REVIEW]Frederik Christian Sibbern - 2008 - In Johan Ludvig Heiberg (ed.), Heiberg's Contingency regarded from the point of view of logic and other texts. Copenhagen, Denmark: Søren Kierkegaard Research Centre, University of Copenhagen.
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  36. Contingency regarded from the point of view of logic.Johan Ludvig Heiberg - 2008 - In Heiberg's Contingency regarded from the point of view of logic and other texts. Copenhagen, Denmark: Søren Kierkegaard Research Centre, University of Copenhagen.
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    A logic-mathematical point of view of the truth: Reality, perception, and language.Josué Antonio Nescolarde-Selva, Josep-Lluis Usó-Doménech & Hugh Gash - 2015 - Complexity 20 (4):58-67.
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    Causality from the point of view of the engineer.R. Howard Claudius - 1932 - Philosophical Review 41 (4):399-409.
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    The point of view of the universe: Sidgwick and contemporary ethics Katarzyna de lazari-Radek and Peter Singer oxford: Oxford university press, 2014; 352 pp.; $63.00. [REVIEW]Eric Mathison - 2016 - Dialogue 55 (3).
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    Indian Tales Interpreted from the Point of View of the Smṛtis: Pañcatantra 1. 13Indian Tales Interpreted from the Point of View of the Smrtis: Pancatantra 1. 13. [REVIEW]Ludwik Sternbach - 1948 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 68 (2):84.
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    Weak Measurements from the Point of View of Bohmian Mechanics.C. R. Leavens - 2005 - Foundations of Physics 35 (3):469-491.
    The theory of weak measurements developed by Aharonov and coworkers has been applied by them and others to several interesting problems in which the system of interest is both pre- and post-selected. When the probability of successful post-selection is very small the prediction for the weak value of the measured quantity is often “bizarre” and sometimes controversial, lying outside the range of possibility for a classical system or for a quantum system in the absence of post-selection (e.g. negative kinetic energies (...)
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    The moral point of view of Chang Tsai.Siu-chi Huang - 1971 - Philosophy East and West 21 (2):141-156.
    This article discusses the arguments of chang tsai (1020-1077) against buddhism on the one hand and for reassertion of the confucian ethics on the other, With quotations translated from the chinese texts relevant to the following points: i) chang's criticism of buddhism, Ii) "the western inscription" or hsi ming, Iii) the dual concept of nature or hsing, Iv) man by nature a moral being, V) the problem of evil, Vi) the problem of moral knowledge, And vii) the religious significance of (...)
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    Locke and Berkeley on Abstract Ideas: From the Point of View of the Theory of Reference.Yasuhiko Tomida - 2022 - Philosophia 50 (4):2161-2182.
    In the Essay Locke argues abstract ideas within the framework of the descriptivist theory of reference. For him, abstract ideas are, in many cases, conceptual ideas that play the role of “descriptions” or “descriptive contents,” determining general terms’ referents. In contrast, in the introduction of the Principles, Berkeley denies Lockean abstract ideas adamantly from an imagistic point of view, and he offers his own theory of reference seemingly consisting of referring expressions and their referents alone. However, interestingly, he (...)
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  44. From a Logical Point of View.Willard Van Orman Quine - 1953 - Cambridge: Harvard University Press.
    Several of these essays have been printed whole in journals; others are in varying degrees new. Two main themes run through them. One is the problem of meaning, particularly as involved in the notion of an analytic statement. The other is the notion of ontological, commitment, particularly as involved in the problem of universals.
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    Belief Revision From the Point of View of Doxastic Logic.Krister Segerberg - 1995 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 3 (4):535-553.
    In 1985 Alchourrón, Gärdenfors and Makinson presented their now classic theory of theory change . In 1988 Adam Grove, generalizing David Lewis's theory of counterfactuals, presented a model theory suitable for the AGM theory. Although AGM and Grove mentioned object languages, neither used them. But recently, Maarten de Rijke has shown how object languages can be brought into the picture. In the present paper we take de Rijke's idea further, addressing the question whether there is a particular doxastic or epistemic (...)
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    Introduction to Jessie Taft, “The Woman Movement from the Point of View of Social Consciousness”.Charlene Haddock Seigfried - 1993 - Hypatia 8 (2):215-218.
    This essay introduces Jessie Taft's pragmatist feminist dissertation, which was written under the guidance of George Herbert Mead at the University of Chicago in 1913 and published in 1915. It gives a brief biography of Taft and summarizes the four chapters of her dissertation, the second of which is reprinted below.
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    BCI-algebras from the point of view of logic.Jacek K. Kabzinski - 1983 - Bulletin of the Section of Logic 12 (3):126-128.
    The following logics are the most noteworthy from the perspective of the calculus of combinators: the Hilbert’s positive implicational logic , the Church’s weak theory of implication , the BCK-logic, and the BCI-logic. Their significance is due to a certain correspondence between combinators and implicational formulas . The first three logics mentioned have been immensely investigated but it was not so in case of the remaining one. The BCI-logics was mentioned by A. N. Prior in the second edition of his (...)
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  48. The "Dutch's Problem" and Leibniz's Point of View on the "Analytic Art".Romano Gatto & Franco Palladino - 1992 - Studia Leibnitiana 24 (1):73-92.
    In diesem Aufsatz untersuchen wir Leibniz' Ansicht uber die "Ars Analytica". Gelegenheit dazu bietet die Diskussion uber die Losung der sogenannten "Probleme eines Hollanders". Es geht dabei um 12 Probleme uber das Dreieck. Gegeben sind in diesen Problemen: einer der Basiswinkel, die Differenz von Basissegmenten und ein Verhaltnis,das bei den einzelnen Problemen variiert zwischen den Seiten des Dreiecks. "Die Probleme des Hollanders" sind aus mehreren Grunden wichtig. Sie liefern einen aufschllussreichen Test, den Stand der Mathematik in Italien in der zweiten (...)
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    Some questions from the point of view of an axiology of science.Javier Echeverría - 2003 - Poznan Studies in the Philosophy of the Sciences and the Humanities 81 (1):311-315.
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    A Study of Cīvakacintāmaṇi: Particularly from the Point of View of Interaction of Sanskrit Language and Literature with TamilA Study of Civakacintamani: Particularly from the Point of View of Interaction of Sanskrit Language and Literature with Tamil.Indira Viswanathan Peterson & R. Vijayalakshmy - 1983 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 103 (4):779.
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