Results for ' theory of action'

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  1.  66
    Causal Theories of Action.Michael J. Costa - 1987 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 17 (4):831 - 854.
    Causal theories of action are attempts to develop an account of actions in terms of events which have the right kind of causal ancestry. The causal ancestry must be traced back to some kind of intentional state in the agent, such intentional state must have the right kind of content, and it must cause the bodily movement in the ‘right’ way. Causal accounts differ on the nature of the intentional state, the nature of the content it must have, and (...)
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    Two Theories of Action and the Permissibility of Abortion.Elisabeth Parish - 2020 - The National Catholic Bioethics Quarterly 20 (1):59-72.
    An exchange between Christopher Tollefsen and Steven Jensen highlights the contrast between a theory of natural law that relies purely first-person account of intention and one that relies more on elements from the physical world. Tollefsen, a proponent of New Natural Law theory, argues that the fetus’s death in the Phoenix case was an unintended side effect of saving the mother’s life. Jensen criticizes NNL generally and particularly for this conclusion. He argues that facts outside the agent make (...)
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    A theory of action identification.Robin R. Vallacher - 1985 - Hillsdale, N.J.: L. Erlbaum. Edited by Daniel M. Wegner.
    'With admirable clarity, Mrs Peters sums up what determines competence in spelling and the traditional and new approaches to its teaching.' -Times Literary Supplement.
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    Three Theories of Action.David-Hillel Ruben - 1997 - In J. Hintikka & R. Tuomela (eds.), Contemporary Action Theory. Kluwer Academic Publishers.
    Book synopsis: Contemporary Action Theory, Volume I is concerned with topics in philosophical action theory such as reasons and causes of action, intentions, freedom of will and of action, omissions and norms in legal and ethical contexts, as well as activity, passivity and competence from medical points of view. Cognitive trying, freedom of the will and agent causation are challenges in the discussion on computers in action. The Volume consists of contributions by leading (...)
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  5. Theory of Action.Lawrence Davis & Jennifer Hornsby - 1979 - Ethics 92 (2):343-345.
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    Kierkegaards theory of action.Peter M. Simons - 1976 - Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology 7 (2):111-122.
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    Institutional Theory of Action and Its Significance for Jurisprudence.Ota Weinberger - 1993 - Ratio Juris 6 (2):171-180.
    Once affirmed that a formal and finalistic theory of action is one of the four pillars of neo‐institutionalism, the author introduces the concept of Freedom of action, which is based on two points: the empirical existence of a scope for action and an information process which determine the choice between alternative actions. He then analyzes different versions of determinism and the distinction between descriptive and practical sentences, and concludes that a theory of action based (...)
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    The Causal Theory of Action.Wayne A. Davis - 2010 - In Timothy O'Connor & Constantine Sandis (eds.), A Companion to the Philosophy of Action. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 32–39.
    This chapter contains sections titled: Action Intentional vs Unintentional Action Autonomous Action Action for Reasons References Further reading.
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    Alexander of Aphrodisias’ Theory of Action and the Capacity of Doing Otherwise.Orna Harari - 2023 - Apeiron 56 (4):693-721.
    I examine Alexander of Aphrodisias’ theory of action, addressing the question how his view that human actions are determined by reason accounts for the capacity of doing otherwise. Calling into question the standard view that Alexander frees agents from internal determination, I argue that (1) the capacity of doing otherwise is a consequence of determination by reason, since it enables agents to do something different from what they would have done had they followed external circumstances; and (2) this (...)
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    Theories of action and morality: perspectives from philosophy and social theory.José María Torralba & Mark Alznauer (eds.) - 2016 - Hildesheim: Georg Olms.
    Die in diesem Band versammelten Essays erörtern die Frage nach der Möglichkeit des Verstehens menschlichen Handelns ohne den Rückbezug auf moralische Werte und Normen. Obwohl die Autoren sich dieser Frage auf ganz unterschiedliche, manchmal divergierende, Weisen nähern, verbindet sie alle die Annahme, es sei nicht wünschenswert oder sogar inkohärent, das menschliche Handeln grundsätzlich unabhängig von moralischen Werten zu betrachten. Die Herausgeber haben sich um eine für Philosophen und Gesellschaftswissenschaftler gleichermaßen attraktive Beitragssammlung bemüht. Die Verknüpfung philosophischer und soziologischer Perspektiven könnte zur (...)
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    Kant’s Causal Theory of Action and the Freedom of the Will.Robert Greenberg - 2018 - Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 14:47-53.
    This paper presents an interpretation of Kant’s understanding of the concept of an action of a subject as an instance of a causal way he has of understanding certain other concepts as well, including his concept of appearance and that of event. I will call this way of understanding a concept “a causal theory” of the object so conceived, e.g. a causal theory of an action, an appearance, or an event, because the indicated concept logically requires (...)
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    Theory of Action[REVIEW]M. M. - 1982 - Review of Metaphysics 35 (4):864-865.
    This book deals with central topics in the theory of action: the nature of action, ability and intention, the explanation of actions, and finally autonomy and responsibility. However, it is no mere simplified summary of the field for philosophical beginners. Rather, the summary is usually fairly sophisticated and always preparation for the presentation and defense of the author's own views. As such the book can be recommended not only as an excellent introduction to action theory, (...)
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  13. A Control Theory of Action.Mikayla Kelley - forthcoming - Australasian Journal of Philosophy.
    One of the central problems in the philosophy of action is to spell out the distinction between action and what merely happens, e.g., a wink versus an eye twitch. This essay proposes a theory of action offering an account of this distinction. The central claim of the theory is that action is movement that is controlled by the mover, where movement is understood capaciously and control is characterized by a trio of conditions consisting of (...)
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  14.  29
    Toward a reformational philosophical theory of action.Andree Troost - 1993 - Philosophia Reformata 58 (2):221-236.
    During the past 25 years, the words “theory of action” and “agency theory” have become key-terms in a new branch of philosophy. The themes appear to gain a centrality and influence such that one is led to think that they should cover most of philosophy, including the foundation for all of the human sciences. The number of treatises on human action and on philosophical and special-scientific theories of action is staggering. For the most part inspired (...)
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  15. Chisholm's theory of action.Alvin I. Goldman - 1978 - Philosophia 7 (3-4):583-596.
    In any generation there are relatively few people who make major original contributions to even a single area of philosophy. But the man whose work is the topic of this conference has made such contributions not only in a single field, but in several. This morning and afternoon we have devoted our attention to Chisholm's epistemology, the breadth and significance of which is evident. Equally deserving of our attention, however, are his contributions to the theory of action and (...)
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    Theory of Action.Charles Marks & Lawrence H. Davis - 1980 - Philosophical Review 89 (4):634.
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    A theory of actions and habits: The interaction of rate correlation and contiguity systems in free-operant behavior.Omar D. Perez & Anthony Dickinson - 2020 - Psychological Review 127 (6):945-971.
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    Model Theory of Fields with Finite Group Scheme Actions.Daniel Max Hoffmann & Piotr Kowalski - 2023 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 88 (4):1443-1468.
    We study model theory of fields with actions of a fixed finite group scheme. We prove the existence and simplicity of a model companion of the theory of such actions, which generalizes our previous results about truncated iterative Hasse–Schmidt derivations [13] and about Galois actions [14]. As an application of our methods, we obtain a new model complete theory of actions of a finite group on fields of finite imperfection degree.
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  19. Is Davidson’s Theory of Action Consistent?Robert Murray - 1995 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 25 (3):317-334.
    According to a familiar objection to Davidson's causal theory of action, reasons are not causes qua reasons unless explanations of actions fit reason and action into a nomic nexus. The focus of this criticism should really be redirected to the issue of whether or not Davidson's theory provides an account of the explanatory force of explanations of actions.
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    Prolegomena to concise theories of action.Pavlos Peppas, Costas D. Koutras & Mary-Anne Williams - 2001 - Studia Logica 67 (3):403-418.
    A new methodology for developing theories of action has recently emerged which provides means for formally evaluating the correctness of such theories. Yet, for a theory of action to qualify as a solution to the frame problem, not only does it need to produce correct inferences, but moreover, it needs to derive these inferences from a concise representation of the domain at hand. The new methodology however offers no means for assessing conciseness. Such a formal account of (...)
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    Kant's theory of action.Richard McCarty - 2009 - New York: Oxford University Press.
  22. Critique of Volitional Theory of Action.Neeti Singh - 2017 - Daarshanika Anugoonja 11 (1):159-165.
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  23. What a theory of actions is possible?Gerhard Preyer - 2006 - Rechtstheorie 37 (4):427-442.
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    Against an Agent-Causal Theory of Action.Noel Hendrickson - 2002 - Southern Journal of Philosophy 40 (1):41-58.
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    The Structure of Agentive Awareness in Kent Bach’s Representational Theory of Action.Artem S. Yashin - 2023 - Epistemology and Philosophy of Science 60 (2):133-150.
    This paper analyzes Kent Bach’s representational theory of action, one of the causal theories of action. Bach’s theory sets requirements not only for the cause of an action, but also for how it unfolds in time and transitions into another action. These requirements suggest a sequential emergence of two components of the agent’s action awareness: the representation of the prepared movement and the perception of its sensory consequences. Bach introduces the concepts of “effective (...)
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  26.  48
    Theory of Action[REVIEW]Thomas Atwater - 1980 - New Scholasticism 54 (1):111-115.
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    Readings in the theory of action.Norman S. Care (ed.) - 1968 - Bloomington,: Indiana University Press.
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    Ryle's theory of action in the concept of mind.Richard D. Parry - 1980 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 40 (3):379-392.
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    Practical Reason: On the Theory of Action.Pierre Bourdieu - 1998 - Stanford University Press.
    This work by Pierre Bourdieu develops the anthropological theory which has formed the basis of his scientific research. It discusses the problems posed by "structuralist" philosophers in order to solve or dissolve them.
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    On Intellectualism in the Theory of Action.Robert Audi - 2017 - Journal of the American Philosophical Association 3 (3):284-300.
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    Rationality and Freedom in Hobbes's Theory of Action.Laurens van Apeldoorn - 2014 - History of European Ideas 40 (5):603-621.
    SummaryThomas Hobbes's theory of action seems to give up on the idea that actions are ‘up to us’. Thomas Pink has argued that this counter-intuitive stance should be understood as the implication of his radical assault on the scholastic Aristotelian model of action. Hobbes rejects the existence of the immaterial soul. This means that he must also reject the existence of so-called elicited acts of the will, which form the primary locus of human agency. In this paper (...)
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  32.  16
    Readings in the Theory of Action[REVIEW]J. B. R. - 1969 - Review of Metaphysics 22 (4):773-773.
    Hardly a month goes by without another book or article concerning some aspect of the philosophy of action. The cluster of issues involved are in the very center of philosophic discussion. Much of the recent concern has been inspired by the liberation from various reductivistic approaches effected by Wittgenstein's Philosophical Investigations. And philosophers are coming to realize that the theory of action is not the study of a well delineated specific issue, but rather a focal point where (...)
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    Rawls’s Theory of Justice and Affirmative Action in Science.Seungbae Park - 2024 - Filosofija. Sociologija 35 (3):378–386.
    Rival applied ethicists have constructed arguments for and against affirmative action independently of Rawls’s theory of justice. Those arguments do not resolve the dispute about affirmative action. I reformulate them with the use of Rawls’s theory of justice and conclude that the reformulated arguments do not resolve the dispute about affirmative action either. Therefore, Rawls’s theory of justice is not useful in resolving the dispute about affirmative action. This point applies to affirmative (...) in science, contrary to what some writers suggest. (shrink)
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    Farewell to davidson´ S theory of action.Joseph Margolis - 1991 - Daimon: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 3:65-79.
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    Towards a general theory of action and time.James F. Allen - 1984 - Artificial Intelligence 23 (2):123-154.
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    Defending the Anti-casual Theory of Action Based on the Anti-psychologism of Reason.Yudai Suzuki - 2016 - Kagaku Tetsugaku 49 (1):1-17.
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    Noumenal Will in Kant’s Theory of Action.Pirmin Stekeler-Weithofer - 2003 - Graduate Faculty Philosophy Journal 24 (1):45-73.
    The following account of a Kantian theory of action, in which I do not proceed in accordance with just one text of Kant’s, has as its main aim a critical assessment of Kant’s ‘solution’ of the third antinomy, i.e., of the dilemma between the principle of causality in the domain of understanding nature and the cardinal proposition of free will in the domain of understanding action. According to the first horn of the dilemma, we assume that at (...)
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  38. Thomas Reid: Theory of Action.Esther Engels Kroeker - 2016 - Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
    Thomas Reid: Theory of Action Thomas Reid made important contributions to the fields of epistemology and philosophy of mind, and is often regarded as the founder of the common sense school of philosophy. However, he also offered key arguments and observations concerning human agency and morality. Reid carefully criticized the views of his contemporaries, and defended … Continue reading Reid: Theory of Action →.
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    Action and Conduct: Thomas Aquinas and the Theory of Action.Stephen L. Brock - 2021 - CUA Press.
    "Both Thomistic scholars and analytic philosophers interested in theories of human action and accountability will find this book a welcome addition to their libraries. Truly a substantive addition to both Thomistic scholarship and the ongoing analytic investigation into human action and responsible agency."—American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly "A first-rate book...Brock's lucid and illuminating analysis offers much of value to both intellectual historians and theologians, as well as philosophers."—Theological Studies"Brock's treatment of Aquinas's account of action exhibits a rare combination (...)
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  40.  13
    Miracles in formal theories of action.Vladimir Lifschitz & Arkady Rabinov - 1989 - Artificial Intelligence 38 (2):225-237.
  41.  3
    Why are people often rational? Saving the causal theory of action.of Mind Kazakhstanhe Works Inter Alia in the Philosophy of Language & Of Biology - forthcoming - Philosophical Explorations:1-17.
    Since Donald Davidson issued his challenge to anticausalism in 1963, most philosophers have espoused the view that our actions are causally explained by the reasons why we do them. This Davidsonian consensus, however, rests on a faulty argument. Davidson’s challenge has been met, in more than one way, by anticausalists such as C. Ginet, G. Wilson, and S. Sehon. Hence I endeavor to support causalism with a stronger argument. Our actions are correlated with our motivating reasons; to wit, we often (...)
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  42. Hart's rule theory of action and descriptive sociology.O. Francis - 2008 - In Benjamin Ike Ewelu (ed.), African problems in the light of philosophy. Enugu, Nigeria: Fourth Dimension Publishing Co.. pp. 29.
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  43. Philosophy in Engineering Systems of Action: Analysis and Interpretation of the Selected Ontological Aspects of Józef Konieczny’s Theory of Action.Maksymilian Smolnik - 2024 - Studies in Logic, Grammar and Rhetoric 69 (1):383-409.
    Designing and examining systems of action plays an important role in modern engineering. Such a general approach to actions is also supportive to the discussions on the development of artificial intelligence agents. As a philosophically remarkable and practically useful approach to actions the theory of action proposed by the Polish philosopher, scientist and military specialist Józef Konieczny undergoes here further considerations. The Konieczny’s concepts have not been intensively thoroughly researched and further developed, and a deep philosophical analysis (...)
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    Situated agency: towards an affordance-based, sensorimotor theory of action.Martin Weichold - 2018 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 17 (4):761-785.
    Recent empirical findings from social psychology, ecological psychology, and embodied cognitive science indicate that situational factors crucially shape the course of human behavior. For instance, it has been shown that finding a dime, being under the influence of an authority figure, or just being presented with food in easy reach often influences behavior tremendously. These findings raise important new questions for the philosophy of action: Are these findings a threat to classical conceptions of human agency? Are humans passively pushed (...)
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  45. Partial order reasoning for a nonmonotonic theory of action.Matthew Stone - unknown
    This paper gives a new, proof-theoretic explanation of partial-order reasoning about time in a nonmonotonic theory of action. The explanation relies on the technique of lifting ground proof systems to compute results using variables and unification. The ground theory uses argumentation in modal logic for sound and complete reasoning about specifications whose semantics follows Gelfond and Lifschitz’s language. The proof theory of modal logic A represents inertia by rules that can be instantiated by sequences of time (...)
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  46.  32
    Kant’s Theory of Action.Michael Kraft - 1973 - Graduate Faculty Philosophy Journal 2 (1):25-36.
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    Political science and the theory of action: Prolegomena.John G. Gunnell - 1979 - Political Theory 7 (1):75-100.
  48. Causation without the causal theory of action.Elena Popa - 2022 - Human Affairs 32 (4):389-393.
    This paper takes a critical stance on Tallis’s separation of causation and agency. While his critique of the causal theory of action and the assumptions about causation underlying different versions of determinism, including the one based on neuroscience is right, his rejection of causation (of all sorts) has implausible consequences. Denying the link between action and causation amounts to overlooking the role action plays in causal inference and in the origin of causal concepts. I suggest that (...)
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  49. Divine Simplicity and the Theory of Action.Clemente Huneeus - 2024 - TheoLogica: An International Journal for Philosophy of Religion and Philosophical Theology 9 (1).
    The modal collapse argument states that the traditional doctrine of divine simplicity entails that God necessarily creates whatever he creates and also that all creatures necessarily perform whatever actions they perform. In response to these objections, many authors argue that God’s willing to create this precise world and God’s knowing everything about individual creatures are at least partially extrinsic or Cambridge properties (i.e., the truthmaker of the respective propositions is, in part, a fact about something contingent other than God). This (...)
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    Intentions, actions and routines: A problem in Krister Segerberg's theory of action.Dag Elgesem - 1990 - Synthese 85 (1):153 - 177.
    The aim of this paper is to make a critical assessment of Krister Segerberg''s theory of action. The first part gives a critical presentation of the key concepts in Segerberg''s informal theory of action. These are the ideas that motivate the formal models he develops. In the second part it is argued that if one takes all of Segerberg''s motivating ideas seriously, problems are forthcoming. The main problem is that on this theory the agents seem (...)
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