Results for ' transformative justice'

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  1.  4
    Transformative justice to support truth and reconciliation within nurse–midwifery education.Molly R. Altman, Clare Sherley, Judy Lazarus, Ira Kantrowitz-Gordon & Teresa M. Ward - 2024 - Nursing Inquiry 31 (4):e12660.
    Nursing education holds a history framed in white supremacy and whiteness. Efforts to employ antiracist strategies have been hindered, largely due to an inability for faculty to acknowledge and hold accountability for racialized harms that occur within nursing educational structures. A nurse–midwifery program in the Pacific Northwest United States uncovered harm that impacted students and identified a need to respond and hold accountability. Guided by the framework of Transformative Justice, a truth and reconciliation process was implemented as a (...)
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    Transforming Justice.Thomas F. McMahon - 1999 - Business Ethics Quarterly 9 (4):593-602.
    Rights, justice, and power raise many interesting questions. Why do such basic concepts as rights and justice have such differentpoints of concern—equality, proportionality, medium rei (moderation or the middle of the thing itself without reference to the person using it)? Why are there such different perspectives in philosophy, theology, and law? Why is the notion of power in business ethics so isolated from the general discussion of applied justice in treatises on business contracts, employee relations, and in (...)
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    Transformative Justice in Ethics Consultation.Georgina Campelia, Aleksandra E. Olszewski, Tracy Brazg & Holly Hoa Vo - 2022 - Perspectives in Biology and Medicine 65 (4):612-621.
    ABSTRACT:Clinical ethics consultants bear witness to the direct harms of intersecting axes of oppression—such as racism and classism—as they impinge on elucidating and resolving ethical dilemmas in health care. Health Care Ethics Consultation (HCEC) professional guidance supports recognizing and analyzing power dynamics and social-structural obstacles to good care. However, the most relied upon bioethical principles in clinical ethics have been criticized for insufficiency in this regard. While individual ethics consultants have found ways to expand their approaches, they do so in (...)
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    Just Fanciers: Transformative Justice by Way of Fancy Rat Breeding as a Loving Form of Life.Julia D. Gibson - 2019 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 32 (1):105-126.
    A growing trend within feminist animal studies is to eschew the abolitionism/welfarism binary in favor of attending carefully to the politics of existing interspecies relationships in context. This literature maintains that domestication produces special interspecies relationships which generate ongoing responsibilities for human companions and communities. With the goal of clarifying how tending to these ongoing responsibilities to domesticated animals can qualify as enduring forms of interspecies justice, this paper unpacks the politics of these special relationships and obligations in context, (...)
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    The “Integrative Justice Model” as Transformative Justice for Base-of-the-Pyramid Marketing.Tina M. Facca-Miess, Gene R. Laczniak & Nicholas J. C. Santos - 2015 - Journal of Business Ethics 126 (4):697-707.
    Writing in the Business and Politics, Santos and Laczniak 2012) formulated a normative, ethical approach to be followed when marketers e ngage impoverished market segments. It is labeled the integrative justice model. As noted below, that approach called for authentic engagement, co-creation, and customer interest representation, among other elements, when transacting with vulnerable market segments. Basically, the IJM derived certain operational virtues, implied by moral philosophy, to be used when marketing to the poor. But this well-intentioned approach raises a (...)
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  6. Preaching God’s Transforming Justice: A Lectionary Commentary, Year C.[author unknown] - 2012
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    “Hope is a Discipline”: Practicing Moral Imagination in Transformative Justice.James W. McCarty - 2023 - Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics 43 (1):129-147.
    Rather than “embracing hopelessness,” many marginalized communities understand their practices of political resistance as exercises in hope. One space of contemporary activism where this is evident is in transformative justice movements. Utilizing the idea of moral imagination as articulated in peacebuilding and conflict transformation literature, and the idea of hope as a social practice as articulated by Keri Day, I argue that a close examination of transformative justice organizing reveals hope as a social practice of embodied (...)
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    “I Want to be Able to Walk the Street Without Fear”: Transforming Justice for Street Harassment.Bianca Fileborn & F. Vera-Gray - 2017 - Feminist Legal Studies 25 (2):203-227.
    The practices comprising the analytic category of street harassment are rarely responded to through either criminal or restorative justice approaches, and the possibilities for transformative justice have to date not been considered. In this article we advocate for a victim-centred justice response to street harassment, specifically examining the potential for transformative justice to function in this way. Drawing on data from a recent Australian study, we examine participants’ understandings of justice and desired (...) responses to street harassment. Participants’ responses drew attention to a range of perceived shortcomings of the formal justice system as a mechanism for responding to street harassment. Instead, participants advocated for a justice response concerned with transforming cultural and structural norms, in particular gender norms. We end in an examination of the limitations of transformative justice, looking to recent work on “kaleidoscopic justice” as a way of transforming common conceptions of justice itself. (shrink)
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    Between Carceral Feminism and Transformative Justice.Anna Terwiel - 2019 - Social Philosophy Today 35:161-165.
  10.  35
    “Something Else to Be”: A Chicana Survivor’s Journey from Vigilante Justice to Transformative Justice.Palacios Lena - 2016 - philoSOPHIA: A Journal of Continental Feminism 6 (1):93-108.
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    Ethical Leadership Through Transforming Justice[REVIEW]Leo V. Ryan - 2006 - Business Ethics Quarterly 16 (3):443-443.
  12.  29
    In It Together: Theorizing Collective Karma through Transformative Justice.Jessica Locke - 2021 - Journal of Speculative Philosophy 35 (4):305-322.
  13.  59
    (1 other version)Transforming genetic research practices with marginalized communities: A case for responsive justice.Sara Goering, Suzanne Holland & Kelly Fryer-Edwards - 2008 - Hastings Center Report 38 (2):43-53.
    : Genetics researchers often work with distinct communities. To take moral account of how their research affects these communities, they need a richer conception of justice and they need to make those communities equal participants in decision-making about how the research is conducted and what is produced and published out of it.
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    Social Justice and Transformative Learning: Culture and Identity in the United States and South Africa.Saundra Tomlinson-Clarke & Darren L. Clarke (eds.) - 2015 - Routledge.
    The similarities between the United States and South Africa with respect to race, power, oppression and economic inequities are striking, and a better understanding of these parallels can provide educational gains for students and educators in both countries. Through shared experiences and perspectives, this volume presents scholarly work from U.S. and South African scholars that advance educational practice in support of social justice and transformative learning. It provides a comprehensive framework for developing transformational learning experiences that facilitates leadership (...)
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    Transitional justice and the Quest for democracy: A contribution to a political theory of democratic transformations.Mihaela Mihai - 2010 - Ratio Juris 23 (2):183-204.
    The paper seeks to contribute to the transitional justice literature by overcoming the Democracy v. Justice debate. This debate is normatively implausible and prudentially self-defeating. Normatively, transitional justice will be conceptualised as an imperative of democratic equal concern. Prudentially, it can prevent further violence and provide an opportunity for initiating processes of democratic emotional socialisation. The resentment and indignation animating transitions should be acknowledged as markers of a sense of justice. As such, they can help the (...)
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    Justice in the genetically transformed society.Colin Patrick Farrelly - 2005 - Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 15 (1):91-99.
    : This paper explores some of the challenges raised by human genetic interventions for debates about distributive justice, focusing on the challenges that face prioritarian theories of justice and their relation to the argument advanced by Ronald Lindsay elsewhere in this issue of the Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal. Also examined are the implications of germ-line genetic enhancements for intergenerational justice, and an argument is given against Fritz Allhoff's conclusion, found in this issue as well, that such (...)
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    The transformation of the city of Zion: From decadence to justice and prophetic hope (Is. 1:1–2:5).Alphonso Groenewald - 2016 - HTS Theological Studies 72 (1):5.
    This article focuses on the story of the transformation of the city called Zion. Isaiah 1:1–2:5 is the key to the book. This chapter describes the failure of Israel to be the people of God: Israel’s covenant breach, a corrupted cult and imminent punishment. It tells of the existence of two groups within Israel: the righteous remnant who would be saved and the wicked who would be judged. This chapter furthermore presents the reader with a picture of decadent Jerusalem whose (...)
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    Dynamic Transparency, Prudential Justice, and Corporate Transformation: Becoming Socially Responsible in the Internet Age.Peter Madsen - 2009 - Journal of Business Ethics 90 (S4):639 - 648.
    This article brings together two concepts of ethical practice into a single construct that describes how modern corporations can responsibly meet the information needs of their stakeholder networks in a way that promotes both corporate self-interest and widespread distributive justice. Internet technology is providing corporations with transformative tools that permit and encourage the exercise of social responsibility through "dynamic transparency." "Prudential justice" is a concept representing a set of values that can provide an ethical justification for corporate (...)
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  19.  12
    Preferring Justice: Rationality, Self-transformation, And The Sense Of Justice.Eric Cave - 1998 - Westview Press.
    Does which side of the fence we are on determine our perceptions of justice? Philosopher Eric M. Cave argues that rules of justice would benefit the members of a community little if individuals lacked an effective desire to comply with these rules. However, sometimes a sense of justice appears to do no more than to limit what individuals can do in pursuit of their own ends. Cave presents a provocative vehicle for self-examination.
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    Justice as attunement: transforming constitutions in law, literature, economics, and the rest of life.Richard Dawson - 2014 - New York, NY: Routledge.
    The meaning of an expression resides not in the expression itself but in the experience of a person’s engagement with it. Meaning will be different not only to different people but also to the same person at different times. This book offers a way of attending to these different meanings. This way is a version of a trans-cultural activity that Richard Dawson calls attunement. The activity of attunement involves a movement of self-adjustment to a language, which a person transforms in (...)
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    Toward justice and social transformation? Appealing to the tradition against the tradition.Piet J. Naude - 2017 - HTS Theological Studies 73 (3):1-8.
    This article starts with a brief statement on the well-known contradictory nature of the Reformed tradition in South Africa, defending injustice and struggling for justice in the name of the same tradition. By following the work of Reformed systematic theologian D.J. Smit, it argues that the justice-affirming potential of the Reformed tradition is a hermeneutical task built on three specific re-interpretations: the reinterpretation of Scripture from the perspective of the weak, the poor and the oppressed a rereading of (...)
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    Transformative Participation in Agrobiodiversity Governance: Making the Case for an Environmental Justice Approach.Brendan Coolsaet - 2015 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 28 (6):1089-1104.
    This paper makes the case for an environmental justice approach to the practice and study of participation and effectiveness in agrobiodiversity governance. It is argued that, in order to understand the conditions under which participation leads to improved outcomes, the concept has to be rethought, both from a political and a methodological perspective. This can be done by applying an ex-ante environmental justice approach to participation, including notions of distribution, recognition and representation. By exploring the approach through empirical (...)
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  23. Can Restorative Justice Transform Structural and Cultural Violence?Jason A. Springs - 2022 - In The Wiley Blackwell Companion to Religion and Peace. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley Blackwell. pp. 438-453.
    This article provides an exposition of restorative justice ethics, briefly explaining how and why its relational constitution enables it to comprise a theory of justice. I then describe how that relational constitution permits it to overlap, and work in tandem, with a wide range of religious and philosophical traditions. Numerous writings in religion and peacebuilding explore the roles that restorative justice has played in transitional justice contexts (Tutu 2000, Abu-Nimer 2001, de Gruchy 2002, Biggar 2003, Walker (...)
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    A Climate Justice Compass for Transforming Self and World.M. Paloma Pavel - 2015 - World Futures 71 (3-4):96-113.
    Climate change is a turning point in human history, necessitating human–ecological transformation on an individual, local, and global scale. Metropolitan regions offer an opportunity for collective action that can transform individuals and communities by expanding and re-integrating our localities, while making a significant impact on global climate change. The Breakthrough Compass is a conceptual tool for navigating the transition from fragmented self toward wholeness and connection to place, while transforming our world. This article offers stories and case studies illustrating how (...)
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  25. Restorative Justice and Domestic Violence.Derek R. Brookes - manuscript
    This paper explores the feasibility of offering a restorative justice (RJ) approach in cases of domestic violence (DV). I argue that widely used RJ processes—such as ‘conferencing’—are unlikely to be sufficiently safe or effective in cases of DV, at least as these processes are standardly designed and practiced (Sections 1-6). I then support the view that if RJ is to be used in cases of DV, then new specialist processes will need to be co-designed with key stakeholders to ensure (...)
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  26. Incorporeal transformations in truth and reconciliation : a posthuman approach to transitional justice.Mickey Vallee - 2022 - In Christine Daigle & Terrance H. McDonald (eds.), From Deleuze and Guattari to posthumanism: philosophies of immanence. New York: Bloomsbury Academic.
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    Transforming Socially Responsible Investment: Lessons from Environmental Justice.Devon Reynolds & David Ciplet - 2022 - Journal of Business Ethics 183 (1):53-69.
    There is limited evidence that socially responsible investment (SRI) strategies can resolve persistent concerns brought up in scholarship on the industry, particularly as it relates to considerations of justice. It is critical that SRI initiatives be interrogated about their broader impacts on environmental inequality and justice in the context of global power relations. Drawing upon environmental justice (EJ) theory, we propose a framework for transformative investment to halt the exploitation of humans and environment in pursuit of (...)
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  28. Restorative Justice and Lived Religion: Transforming Mass Incarceration in Chicago.Jason A. Springs - 2024 - New York,: New York University Press.
    In the United States “restorative justice” typically refers to small-scale measures that divert alleged wrongdoers from a standard path through the criminal justice system by funneling them into alternative justice programs. These aim not to punish the offender, but to constructively address the harm that wrongdoing may have caused to individuals or to the community, engaging with the wrongdoer to come to a response that might heal and repair the harm. -/- Yet restorative justice initiatives generally (...)
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    Engendering Transitional Justice: a Transformative Approach to Building Peace and Attaining Human Rights for Women.Wendy Lambourne & Vivianna Rodriguez Carreon - 2016 - Human Rights Review 17 (1):71-93.
    In this article, we examine the continuity of harms and traumas experienced by women before, during and after war and other mass violence. We focus on women because of the particular challenges they face in accessing justice due to patriarchal structures and ongoing discrimination in the political, economic and social, as well as legal spheres, and because of the gendered nature of the crimes and harms they experience. We use the four key pillars of transitional justice identified by (...)
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  30. Incorporeal transformations in truth and reconciliation : a posthuman approach to transitional justice.Mickey Vallee - 2022 - In Christine Daigle & Terrance H. McDonald (eds.), From Deleuze and Guattari to posthumanism: philosophies of immanence. New York: Bloomsbury Academic.
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    Transformation Towards Social Justice: Artistic Amalgams Seen Through a Hip-Hop Pedagogical Lens.Lisa Delgado Brown & Ebony N. Perez - 2023 - Studies in Social Justice 17 (3):521-526.
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    Abolition, justice, transformation.Emma Bigé, Yves Citton & Camille Noûs - 2022 - Multitudes 88 (3):54-56.
    Cet article propose de situer l’originalité de la justice transformatrice dans le paysage plus général des théories de la justice. Il suggère que la justice transformatrice est à découvrir dans sa spécificité, venue des mouvements anti-racistes africains-américains, mais qu’elle s’inscrit aussi dans toute une série de questions très anciennes, qui s’en trouvent relancées sur de nouvelles pistes. C’est désormais à l’échelle planétaire qu’il faut élever le slogan Pas de paix sans justice, et devant les impasses des (...)
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    Transforming the Powers: Peace, Justice, and the Domination System; Justice in a Global Economy: Strategies for Home, Community, and World.Dawn M. Nothwehr - 2008 - Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics 28 (2):262-266.
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    The Transformation of Property Regimes and Transitional Justice in Central Eastern Europe : In Search of a Theory.Liviu Damşa - 2016 - Cham: Imprint: Springer.
    This volume examines the property transformations in post-communist Central Eastern Europe (CEE) and focuses on the role of restitution and privatisation in such transformations. It argues that the theorisation of 'restitution' in post-communist CEE is incomplete in the transitional justice scholarship and in the literature on correction of historical wrongs. The book also argues that, for a more complete theorisation of (post-communist) restitution, the transformations of property in post-communist societies ought to be studied in a more holistic way. The (...)
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  35.  13
    The Idea of Truth-Justice as a Tool for the Transformation of the Legal Mentality of the Ukrainian Ethnosis in the Context of Nationwide State Creation: A Social-Philosophical Analysis.O. Shtepa & S. Kovalenko - 2023 - Philosophical Horizons 47:69-79.
    In the last years of its history, the Ukrainian ethnic group faced numerous external and internal challenges, which, to a large extent, were the result of its previous genesis and profound transformations in public consciousness. At the same time, one of the central stereotypes of the domestic political and legal mentality is the idea of truth and justice as a basic social ideal and the basis of the legal order. Analysis of research and publications. The problem of mentality and (...)
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  36.  8
    Critical Pedagogies and Social Justice in Environmental Education: A Transformative Approach to Educational Project Management.Fermín Carreño Meléndez, Jose Raúl López Kohler, Marlon Javier Mera Párraga & Viviana Katherine Usgame Peña - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:132-140.
    This article explores the intersection between critical pedagogies and social justice in the context of environmental education, with a focus on transforming educational projects to promote meaningful social change. Through theoretical analysis and qualitative methodology, it highlights how critical pedagogies offer a valuable framework for addressing social and environmental inequalities. This approach fosters students' awareness of their role as agents of change in environmental protection and in creating more equitable and resilient communities. The results show that the application of (...)
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  37.  28
    Transformative Anti-Ableist Pedagogy for Social Justice.Dušana Podlucká - 2020 - Outlines. Critical Practice Studies 21 (1):69-97.
    Higher education institutions are legally bound to provide equal educational opportunities for diverse learners, traditionally materialized as individualized accommodations. This paper contends that despite the growing interest and scholarship in implementing more inclusive pedagogy enabling access to education for all students, those efforts still fall short of systematically addressing intersecting, oppressive, and anti-ableist practices in the classrooms. I argue, that in order to develop a truly inclusive, equitable, socially just and transformative pedagogy and teaching practices, we need a theory (...)
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    Social Justice, Peace, and Environmental Education: Transformative Standards; Julie Andrzejewski, Marta P. Baltodano, and Linda Symcox(editors). [REVIEW]Francis A. Galgano - 2014 - Journal for Peace and Justice Studies 24 (2):108-110.
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  39. Transformation vs. resistance identity projects: Epistemological resources for social justice movements.Sandra Harding - 2006 - In Linda Alcoff (ed.), Identity politics reconsidered. New York: Palgrave-Macmillan. pp. 246--263.
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    Preferring Justice: Rationality, Self-Transformation, and the Sense of Justice, Eric M. Cave. Westview Press, 1998, xiv + 183 pages. [REVIEW]Daniel M. Farrell - 2000 - Economics and Philosophy 16 (1):147-174.
  41.  35
    Transformational Medical Education Leadership: Ethics, Justice and Equity—The U. S. Public Health Service Syphilis Study at Tuskegee Provides Insight for Health Care Reform.John E. Maupin Jr & Rueben C. Warren - 2012 - Ethics and Behavior 22 (6):501-504.
  42. (1 other version)Advocating for Justice – An Evangelical Vision for Transforming Systems and Structures.[author unknown] - 2016
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    Higher Education and Social Justice: The Transformative Potential of University Teaching and the Power of Educational Paradox.Leonie Rowan - 2019 - Cham: Imprint: Palgrave Pivot.
    This book demonstrates how the pedagogical decision making of university academics can be shaped by engagement with an educational philosophy known as "relationship-centred education". Beginning with critical analysis of concepts such as student engagement, student satisfaction, and student-centred learning, the author goes on to investigate how literature relating to social justice challenges educators to consider these terms in particular ways. From this basis, the book explores the factors featuring in inclusive, respectful, diverse and student-centred environments. In analysing these factors, (...)
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  44. Enhancements and Justice: Problems in Determining the Requirements of Justice in a Genetically Transformed Society.Ronald Alan Lindsay - 2005 - Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 15 (1):3-38.
    : There is a concern that genetic engineering will exacerbate existing social divisions and inequalities, especially if only the wealthy can afford genetic enhancements. Accordingly, many argue that justice requires the imposition of constraints on genetic engineering. However, it would be unwise to decide at this time what limits should be imposed in the future. Decision makers currently lack both the theoretical tools and the factual foundation for making sound judgments about the requirements of justice in a genetically (...)
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  45. Spatial justice through immersive art: an interdisciplinary approach.Asma Mehan & Sina Mostafavi - 2024 - In C. Gray, E. Ciliotta Chehade, P. Hekkert, L. Forlano, P. Ciuccarelli & P. Lloyd (eds.), DRS2024: Boston. Boston, USA: DRS2024: Boston. pp. 1-15.
    This paper explores spatial justice in urban environments through immersive art and design, focusing on Amsterdam and Houston. It presents a case study from the Venice Biennale 2023, showcasing art's potential in fostering inclusive urban spaces. The study delves into the socio-political complexities of urban areas, highlighting often-ignored liminal spaces and their tensions and possibilities. Immersive art emerges as a transformative medium, capable of challenging and reshaping perceptions of space, and addressing systemic socio-economic disparities. Adopting a transdisciplinary approach, (...)
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  46. Christianity, Art and Transformation: Theological Aesthetics in the Struggle for Justice.John W. de Gruchy - 2001
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    Behind the smoke and mirrors of the Treaty of Waitangi claims settlement process in New Zealand: no prospect for justice and reconciliation for Māori without constitutional transformation.Margaret Mutu - 2018 - Journal of Global Ethics 14 (2):208-221.
    Governments in New Zealand have legislated a large number of settlements extinguishing many hundreds of claims taken by Māori against the Crown for breaches of the country’s founding document, Te Tiriti o Waitangi. They portray settlements as a great success for Māori and the Crown. Māori disagree. Settlements are government-determined and imposed on Māori using a smoke and mirrors approach that masks successive governments’ true intentions: to claw back Māori legal rights; to extinguish all claims; and to maintain White control (...)
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  48. The Intersection of Restorative Justice with Trauma Healing, Conflict Transformation and Peacebuilding.Howard Zehr - 2009 - Journal for Peace and Justice Studies 18 (1/2):20-30.
    Although it originated in criminal justice, restorative justice is essentially a peacebuilding or conflict transformation approach to justice. The crossdisciplinary experience at the Center for Justice and Peacebuilding has suggested some important lessons for restorative justice, peacebuilding and related fields. These include the role of trauma and victimization in justice and peacebuilding; the significance of justice questions in trauma and conflict resolution; the importance of addressing responsibilities as well as needs; the role of (...)
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    A peaceful revenge: achieving structural and agential transformation in a South African context using cognitive justice and emancipatory social learning.Jane Burt, Anna James & Leigh Price - 2018 - Journal of Critical Realism 17 (5):492-513.
    ABSTRACTThis is an account of the emancipatory struggle that faces agents who seek to change the oppressive social structures associated with neo-liberalism. We begin by ‘digging amongst the bones’ of the calls for resistance that have been declared dead or assimilated/co-opted by neoliberal theorists. This leads us to unearth, then utilize, Paulo Freire’s Pedagogy of the Oppressed, Steve Biko’s Black Consciousness and Shiv Visvanathan's ideas; which are examples of Roy Bhaskar’s transformative dialectic. We argue, using examples, that cognitive (...) – a concept common to each of our chosen theorists – is vital in enabling emancipatory social learning. By embracing cognitive justice, the agents gained confidence, which led to their increased ability to champion community and non-academic knowledge. It also uncovered structural tensions – attendant in neoliberalism – around privilege. By articulating these tensions, the participants were able to ‘come closer together’. Such processes, initiated by ensuring cognitive justice, are possible steps in achieving universal solidarity; which is likely to be a necessary step along the path of achieving emancipation. (shrink)
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    Richard Dawson, Justice as Attunement: Transforming Constitutions in Law, Literature, Economics and the Rest of Life.Willem Witteveen PhD - 2014 - Netherlands Journal of Legal Philosophy 43 (2):195-197.
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