Results for ' transposition behavior'

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  1.  33
    Experimental investigation of the relation of language to transposition behavior in young children.M. R. Kuenne - 1946 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 36 (6):471.
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    Transposition in the white rat as a function of stimulus comparison.Robert Thompson - 1955 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 50 (3):185.
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    Transposable elements and their behaviour Transposition. Symposium 43: Society for General Microbiology, 1988. Ed. by A. J. Kingsman, K. F. Chater and S. M. Kingsman. Cambridge University Press. Pp. 390. £37.50, $75.00. [REVIEW]D. K. Summers - 1989 - Bioessays 11 (4):114-115.
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    Transposition in adults with simultaneous and successive stimulus presentation.Michael D. Zeiler - 1964 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 68 (1):103.
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    Behavioural ecology’s ethological roots.Jean-Sébastien Bolduc - 2012 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 43 (3):674-683.
    Since Krebs and Davies’s (1978) landmark publication, it is acknowledged that behavioural ecology owes much to the ethological tradition in the study of animal behaviour. Although this assumption seems to be right—many of the first behavioural ecologists were trained in departments where ethology developed and matured—it still to be properly assessed. In this paper, I undertake to identify the approaches used by ethologists that contributed to behavioural ecology’s constitution as a field of inquiry. It is my contention that the current (...)
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    Empathy for a reason? From understanding agency to phenomenal insight.Celine Boisserie-Lacroix & Marco Inchingolo - 2019 - Synthese 198 (8):7097-7118.
    The relationship between empathy, understood here as a cognitive act of imaginative transposition, and reasons, has been discussed extensively by Stueber :156–180, 2011; Emot Rev 4:55–63, 2012; in: Maibom The Routledge handbook of philosophy of empathy, Routledge, New York, pp 137–147, 2017). Stueber situates his account of empathy as the reenactment of another person’s perspective within a framework of folk psychology as guided by a principle of rational agency. We argue that this view, which we call agential empathy, is (...)
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    Heidegger’s philosophical botany.Tristan Moyle - 2016 - Continental Philosophy Review 50 (3):377-394.
    Heidegger argues that for being x to count as ‘alive’ it must satisfy three metaphysical conditions. It must be capable of engaging in active behaviour with a form of intentional directedness that offers to us a “sphere of transposition” into which we can intelligibly “transpose ourselves.” Heidegger’s discussion of these conditions, as they apply to the being of animals, is well-known. But, if his argument is sound, they ought also to apply to the being of plants. Heidegger, unfortunately, does (...)
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    Minimal Organizational Requirements for the Ascription of Animal Personality to Social Groups.Hilton F. Japyassú, Lucia C. Neco & Nei Nunes-Neto - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    Recently, psychological phenomena have been expanded to new domains, crisscrossing boundaries of organizational levels, with the emergence of areas such as social personality and ecosystem learning. In this contribution, we analyze the ascription of an individual-based concept (personality) to the social level. Although justified boundary crossings can boost new approaches and applications, the indiscriminate misuse of concepts refrains the growth of scientific areas. The concept of social personality is based mainly on the detection of repeated group differences across a population, (...)
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  9. Architecture and Deconstruction. The Case of Peter Eisenman and Bernard Tschumi.Cezary Wąs - 2015 - Dissertation, University of Wrocław
    Architecture and Deconstruction Case of Peter Eisenman and Bernard Tschumi -/- Introduction Towards deconstruction in architecture Intensive relations between philosophical deconstruction and architecture, which were present in the late 1980s and early 1990s, belong to the past and therefore may be described from a greater than before distance. Within these relations three basic variations can be distinguished: the first one, in which philosophy of deconstruction deals with architectural terms but does not interfere with real architecture, the second one, in which (...)
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  10. Relativity.Transpositions Projections - 1996 - In John J. Gumperz & Stephen C. Levinson (eds.), Rethinking Linguistic Relativity. Cambridge University Press. pp. 271--323.
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    The Value and the Identity of Business: Towards a Logical Framework of Business Value.Christopher S. Gifford - 2015 - Proceedings of The Third International Conference on Advances in Social Science, Management and Human Behaviour - SMHB 2015:47-51.
    This article is an exercise in the transposition of certain approaches in analytic philosophy to issues concerning business value and identity in business. We examine the notion of business value and several accounts of value that have been offered in the literature. Luciano Floridi’s formal logical account of a business is introduced and applied as a first step towards a logical framework of business value. Peter Peverelli has claimed that Chinese business identity is accounted for in terms of competitors, (...)
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  12. The Access Paradox in Analogical Reasoning and Transfer: Whither Invariance?Robert E. Haskell - 2009 - Journal of Mind and Behavior 30 (1):33.
    Despite the burgeoning research in recent years on what is called analogical reasoning and transfer, the problem of how similarity or invariant relations are fundamentally accessed is typically either unrecognized, or ignored in componential and computational analyses. The access problematic is not a new one, being outlined by the paradox found in Plato’s Meno. In order to understand the analogical-access problematic, it is suggested that the concepts of analogical relations including the lexical concept metaphor, isomorphic relation in mathematics, homology in (...)
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    see also Perspective taking Differential ability scales (DAS), 200 Disruptive behavior disorder (DBD), 72, 155 Distal cause, 323, 332–333, 338, 343, 346–. [REVIEW]Child Behavior Checklist Cbc - 2003 - In Betty Repacholi & Virginia Slaughter (eds.), Individual Differences in Theory of Mind: Implications for Typical and Atypical Development. Hove, E. Sussex: Psychology Press. pp. 363.
  14. Attitude Toward and Propensity to Engage in Unethical Behavior: Measurement Invariance across Major among University Students.Yuh-Jia Chen & Thomas Li-Ping Tang - 2006 - Journal of Business Ethics 69 (1):77-93.
    This research examines business and psychology students’ attitude toward unethical behavior (measured at Time 1) and their propensity to engage in unethical behavior (measured at Time 1 and at Time 2, 4 weeks later) using a 15-item Unethical Behavior measure with five Factors: Abuse Resources, Not Whistle Blowing, Theft, Corruption, and Deception. Results suggested that male students had stronger unethical attitudes and had higher propensity to engage in unethical behavior than female students. Attitude at Time 1 (...)
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  15. Patterns of Behavior: Konrad Lorenz, Niko Tinbergen, and the Founding of Ethology.Richard W. Burkhardt & Hans Kruuk - 2007 - Journal of the History of Biology 40 (3):565-575.
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  16. Eye movements in natural behavior.Mary Hayhoe & Dana Ballard - 2005 - Trends in Cognitive Sciences 9 (4):188-194.
  17. Waft.Nuclear Fuel Rod Behavior During - 2005 - In Alan F. Blackwell & David MacKay (eds.), Power. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 2.
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  18. (1 other version)Moral values and political behaviour in ancient Greece.A. W. H. Adkins - 1972 - New York,: Norton.
  19.  28
    Investigating the Impacts of Organizational Factors on Employees’ Unethical Behavior Within Organization in the Context of Chinese Firms.Xiaolin Lin, Paul F. Clay, Nick Hajli & Majid Dadgar - 2018 - Journal of Business Ethics 150 (3):779-791.
    Unethical behavior is under-examined in the workplace. To date, few studies have attempted to explore the antecedents of an employee’s ethical decisions, particularly with respect to unethical behavior and its effects. To capture an employee’s psychological perception of unethical behavior in the workplace, this paper integrates organizational factors into the Theory of Reasoned Action. By conducting an empirical study in a Chinese firm, we found that codes of conduct and performance pressure have a significant influence on an (...)
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    Rotating With Rotated Text: A Natural Behavior Approach to Investigating Cognitive Offloading.Evan F. Risko, Srdan Medimorec, Joseph Chisholm & Alan Kingstone - 2014 - Cognitive Science 38 (3):537-564.
    Determining how we use our body to support cognition represents an important part of understanding the embodied and embedded nature of cognition. In the present investigation, we pursue this question in the context of a common perceptual task. Specifically, we report a series of experiments investigating head tilt (i.e., external normalization) as a strategy in letter naming and reading stimuli that are upright or rotated. We demonstrate that the frequency of this natural behavior is modulated by the cost of (...)
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  21. Unethical and Fraudulent Financial Reporting: Applying the Theory of Planned Behavior.Tina D. Carpenter & Jane L. Reimers - 2005 - Journal of Business Ethics 60 (2):115-129.
    This research applies the theory of planned behavior to corporate managers’ decision making as it relates to fraudulent financial reporting. Specifically, we conducted two studies to examine the effects of attitude, subjective norm and perceived control on managers’ decisions to violate generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP) in order to meet an earnings target and receive an annual bonus. The results suggest that the theory of planned behavior predicts whether managers’ decisions are ethical or unethical. These findings are relevant (...)
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  22. (1 other version)Embodiment and Behavior.Sydney Shoemaker - 1976 - In Amélie Rorty (ed.), The Identities of Persons. University of California Press.
  23. Cognitive control in the self-regulation of physical activity and sedentary behavior.Jude Buckley, Jason D. Cohen, Arthur F. Kramer, Edward McAuley & Sean P. Mullen - 2014 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 8:104230.
    Cognitive control of physical activity and sedentary behavior is receiving increased attention in the neuroscientific and behavioral medicine literature as a means of better understanding and improving the self-regulation of physical activity. Enhancing individuals’ cognitive control capacities may provide a resilient means to increase physical activity and reduce sedentary behavior. First, this paper reviews emerging evidence of the antecedence of cognitive control abilities in successful self-regulation of physical activity, and in precipitating self-regulation failure that predisposes to sedentary (...). We then highlight the brain networks that may underpin the cognitive control and self-regulation of physical activity, including the default mode network, prefrontal cortical networks and brain regions and pathways associated with reward. We then discuss research on cognitive training interventions that document improved cognitive control and that suggest promise of influencing physical activity regulation. Key cognitive training components likely to be the most effective at improving self-regulation are also highlighted. The review concludes with suggestions for future research. (shrink)
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  24. Rejoinder. Mind, Brain & Behavior - 1995 - International Studies in the Philosophy of Science 9 (1):103 – 104.
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    Bootstrapping Cognition from Behavior—A Computerized Thought Experiment.Ralf Möller & Wolfram Schenck - 2008 - Cognitive Science 32 (3):504-542.
    We show that simple perceptual competences can emerge from an internal simulation of action effects and are thus grounded in behavior. A simulated agent learns to distinguish between dead ends and corridors without the necessity to represent these concepts in the sensory domain. Initially, the agent is only endowed with a simple value system and the means to extract low‐level features from an image. In the interaction with the environment, it acquires a visuo‐tactile forward model that allows the agent (...)
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  26. ÔIllegal Corporate Behavior and the Question of Moral Agency: An Empirical ExaminationÕ.P. L. Cochran & D. Nigh - forthcoming - Empirical Studies of Business Ethics and Values, V.(Jai Press, Greenwich, Ct).
  27.  21
    Fostering resident pro-environmental behavior: the roles of destination image and Confucian culture.Jiangchi Zhang, Chaowu Xie, Alastair Morrison & Kun Zhang - unknown
    Residents are important participants and stakeholders in destination development. Identifying factors that assist in predicting resident pro-environmental behavior (PEB) may contribute to enhanced sustainability. Based on a traditional Chinese culture, this research constructed a model of resident PEB by introducing pro-environmental destination image (PEDI) and Confucianism as the independent and moderating variables, respectively. The structural equation modeling for 402 residents indicated the model had a satisfactory level of predictive power for PEB. The results showed that: (1) PEDI positively affected (...)
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  28.  35
    The Effect of Abusive Supervision on Employees’ Work Procrastination Behavior.Qi He, Mengyun Wu, Wenhao Wu & Jingtao Fu - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12:596704.
    Work procrastination is a retreat behavior associated with negative cognitive experience and it results in great losses to individual as well as organizational development. Understanding the antecedents of employees’ work procrastination behavior contributes to lower frequency of its occurrence. This research builds a dual-moderated mediation model from the perspective of cognitive appraisal theory and explored work procrastination behavior of employees subjected to abusive supervision. With 378 valid returned questionnaires, data collected from 32 companies in Beijing, Shanghai, Tianjin, (...)
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    Gaining Control: How Human Behavior Evolved.Robert Aunger & Valerie Curtis - 2015 - Oxford University Press.
    'Gaining control' tells the story of how human behavioral capacities evolved from those of other animal species. Exploring what is known about the psychological capacities of other groups of animals, the authors reconstruct a fascinating history of our own mental evolution. The result is a provocative and insightful book.
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    The Effects of Instructor Fear Appeals and Moral Appeals on Cheating-Related Attitudes and Behavior of University Students.Jennifer Akeley Spear & Ann Neville Miller - 2012 - Ethics and Behavior 22 (3):196 - 207.
    Little attention has been paid in academic dishonesty literature to empirically testing the effectiveness of different instructor communication strategies to minimize cheating. Using a quasi-experimental design, we compared the effectiveness of instructor fear appeals and moral appeals on student cheating-related attitudes and behavior. Cheating was most strongly associated with neutralizing attitudes in the moral appeal condition. Also, the relationship between observation of others cheating and self-reported cheating behaviors was stronger in both treatment conditions than in the control condition. Although (...)
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  31.  53
    A Conceptual Framework for Understanding the Effects of Corporate Social Marketing on Consumer Behavior.Yuhei Inoue & Aubrey Kent - 2014 - Journal of Business Ethics 121 (4):621-633.
    This theoretical paper develops a conceptual framework that explains how companies can influence consumer behavior in terms of both social and business benefits through their corporate social marketing initiatives. Drawing from the source credibility literature, the article asserts that the effectiveness of CSM depends largely on the corporate credibility of a company in supporting a social cause. Based on this assertion, the framework identifies ten different antecedents of CSM credibility, which are organized into attributes of the company, attributes of (...)
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  32.  32
    When Human Behavior Enters the Equation.Philip Larsen - 2018 - Critical Review: A Journal of Politics and Society 30 (3-4):316-324.
    ABSTRACTIn political science, there is a profound tension between those who argue that the prediction of human behavior is possible and those who disagree. On the one hand, experimental methods may be able to detect behavioral patterns. On the other hand, events, the evolution of institutions, and individual behavior itself may in many cases be too historically contingent to be reliably predicted. Methodological pluralism, and a greater degree of openness to mere historical understanding, would therefore seem to be (...)
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  33. Anecdote, anthropomorphism, and animal behavior.Bernard E. Rollin - 1997 - In Robert W. Mitchell, Nicholas S. Thompson & H. Lyn Miles (eds.), Anthropomorphism, Anecdotes, and Animals. SUNY Press. pp. 125--33.
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    Increased Amygdala-Paracentral Lobule/Precuneus Functional Connectivity Associated With Patients With Mood Disorder and Suicidal Behavior.Ran Zhang, Luheng Zhang, Shengnan Wei, Pengshuo Wang, Xiaowei Jiang, Yanqing Tang & Fei Wang - 2021 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 14:585664.
    Mood disorder patients have greater suicide risk than members of the general population, but how suicidal behavior relates to brain functions has not been fully elucidated. This study investigated how functional connectivity (FC) values between the right/left amygdala and the whole brain relate to suicidal behavior in patients with mood disorder. The participants in this study were 100 mood disorder patients with suicidal behavior (SB group), 120 mood disorder patients with non-suicidal behavior (NSB group), and 138 (...)
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    Ostensive behavior in great apes: The role of eye contact.Juan-Carlos Gomez - 1996 - In A. Russon, Kim A. Bard & S. Parkers (eds.), Reaching Into Thought: The Minds of the Great Apes. Cambridge University Press. pp. 131--151.
  36. Conditions of innovative behaviour in primates.Hans Kummer & Jane Goodall - 2003 - In Simon M. Reader & Kevin N. Laland (eds.), Animal Innovation. Oxford University Press.
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    Reciprocal Relationships Between Moral Competence and Externalizing Behavior in Junior Secondary Students: A Longitudinal Study in Hong Kong.Daniel T. L. Shek & Xiaoqin Zhu - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10:428801.
    Defining moral competence using a virtue approach, this longitudinal study examined the prospective relationships between moral competence and externalizing behavior indexed by delinquency and intention to engage in problem behavior in a large and representative sample of Hong Kong Chinese adolescents. Starting from the 2009–2010 academic year, Grade 7 students in 28 randomly selected secondary schools in Hong Kong were invited to join a longitudinal study, which surveyed participating students annually during the high school years. The current study (...)
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  38. Learning, evolvability and exploratory behaviour: extending the evolutionary reach of learning.Rachael L. Brown - 2013 - Biology and Philosophy 28 (6):933-955.
    Traditional accounts of the role of learning in evolution have concentrated upon its capacity as a source of fitness to individuals. In this paper I use a case study from invasive species biology—the role of conditioned taste aversion in mitigating the impact of cane toads on the native species of Northern Australia—to highlight a role for learning beyond this—as a source of evolvability to populations. This has two benefits. First, it highlights an otherwise under-appreciated role for learning in evolution that (...)
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    Self-organized behavior: Case studies.Carl Anderson - 2001 - Complexity 7 (2):14-15.
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  40. Theories of choice behavior.Sudeep Bhatia - 2022 - In Chris Melenovsky (ed.), Routledge Handbook of Philosophy, Politics, and Economics. New York: Routledge.
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  41. Dangers of behavior modification in treatment of anorexia nervosa.H. Bruch - 1978 - In John Paul Brady & Harlow Keith Hammond Brodie (eds.), Controversy in psychiatry. Philadelphia: Saunders. pp. 645--654.
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    Microstructure-dependent deformation behaviour of bcc-metals – indentation size effect and strain rate sensitivity.Verena Maier, Christopher Schunk, Mathias Göken & Karsten Durst - 2015 - Philosophical Magazine 95 (16-18):1766-1779.
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  43. Action as meaningful behavior.John McGowan - 2017 - In Vivasvan Soni & Thomas Pfau (eds.), Judgment and Action: Fragments toward a History. Evanston, Illinois: Northwestern University Press.
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    Open-field behavior, emotionality during fear conditioning, and fear-motivated instrumental performance.Ronald Ley - 1975 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 6 (6):598-600.
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  45. A manual on good behavior.Argüelles Y. Marasigan & V. Manuel - 1969 - Quezon City,: Manlapaz Pub. Co..
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  46.  31
    Employee Perceptions of Workplace Theft Behavior: A Study Among Supermarket Retail Employees in Malaysia.M. Krishna Moorthy, A. Seetharaman, Nahariah Jaffar & Yeap Peik Foong - 2015 - Ethics and Behavior 25 (1):61-85.
    Employee theft is costly to any business, especially to big retail chain organizations. This research is to study the perception of retail employees on the impact of the individual and organizational factors contributing to workplace theft behavior in supermarkets in Malaysia and to study the mediating effect of intention to steal and the moderating effect of internal control systems. The results proved that individual and organizational factors do influence workplace theft behavior. It is also established that internal control (...)
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    Guinea pigs—The “Small Great” Therapist for Autistic Children, or: Do Guinea Pigs Have Positive Effects on Autistic Child Social Behavior?Lucia Kršková, Alžbeta Talarovičová & Lucia Olexová - 2010 - Society and Animals 18 (2):139-151.
    The aim of our study was to investigate the effects of a small therapeutic animal on the social behavior of nine autistic children. The social contacts of the autistic children were evaluated by a descriptive method of direct observation that was performed without and with the presence of a TA. In period one, contacts with an unfamiliar person and acquaintances were registered; in period two, contacts with the acquaintances and the TA were registered. The frequency of contacts of autistic (...)
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  48. Strength and behavior of deep beams in shear.Ha Rawdon de Paiva & Chester P. Siess - 1965 - In Karl W. Linsenmann (ed.), Proceedings. St. Louis, Lutheran Academy for Scholarship.
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    Between Brain and Behavior: Response to Marton.Andrea diSessa - 1993 - Ethics and Behavior 10 (2):261-280.
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  50. Game theory and judicial behaviour.Arthur Dyevre - 2011 - In Jerzy Stelmach & Wojciech Załuski (eds.), Game theory and the law. Kraków: Copernicus Center Press.
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