Results for ' uninhabitability'

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  1.  60
    Arms control for armed uninhabited vehicles: an ethical issue.Jürgen Altmann - 2013 - Ethics and Information Technology 15 (2):137-152.
    Arming uninhabited vehicles (UVs) is an increasing trend. Widespread deployment can bring dangers for arms-control agreements and international humanitarian law (IHL). Armed UVs can destabilise the situation between potential opponents. Smaller systems can be used for terrorism. Using a systematic definition existing international regulation of armed UVs in the fields of arms control, export control and transparency measures is reviewed; these partly include armed UVs, but leave large gaps. For preventive arms control a general prohibition of armed UVs would be (...)
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  2. Uninhabited aerial vehicles and the asymmetry objection: A response to Strawser.Jai C. Galliott - 2012 - Journal of Military Ethics 11 (1):58-66.
    Abstract The debate about the ethics of uninhabited aerial vehicles (UAVs) is failing to keep pace with the rise of the technology. Therefore, all the key players, including ethicists, lawyers, and roboticists, are keen to offer their views on the use of these drone aircraft. Some are opposed to their use, citing a range of ethical, legal and operational issues, while others argue for their ethically mandated use. B.J. Strawser fits into this latter category. He develops a principle of ?unnecessary (...)
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    The Uninhabitable Earth: Life After Warming: by David Wallace-Wells, New York, NY, Tim Duggan Books, 2019, 320 pp., 27 USD.00 (hardcover), ISBN 978-0525576709.Aart Van Gils - 2020 - Ethics, Policy and Environment 23 (1):118-121.
    The Uninhabitable Earth has one of the most arresting book covers I have ever seen: a single dead honeybee against a clinically white background. If that does not send a chill down your spine, then...
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  4. Ethics for an uninhabited planet.Erik Persson - 2019 - In Konrad Szocik (ed.), The Human Factor in a Mission to Mars: An Interdisciplinary Approach. Springer. pp. 201-216.
    Some authors argue that we have a moral obligation to leave Mars the way it is, even if it does not harbour any life. This claim is usually based on an assumption that Mars has intrinsic value. The problem with this concept is that different authors use it differently. In this chapter, I investigate different ways in which an uninhabited Mars is said to have intrinsic value. First, I investigate whether the planet can have moral standing. I find that this (...)
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    Ethics for an Uninhabited Planet.Erik Persson - 2019 - In Konrad Szocik (ed.), The Human Factor in a Mission to Mars: An Interdisciplinary Approach. Springer. pp. 201-216.
    Some authors argue that we have a moral obligation to leave Mars the way it is, even if it does not harbour any life. This claim is usually based on an assumption that Mars has intrinsic value. The problem with this concept is that different authors use it differently. In this chapter, I investigate different ways in which an uninhabited Mars is said to have intrinsic value. First, I investigate whether the planet can have moral standing. I find that this (...)
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    A Glowworm Swarm Optimization Algorithm for Uninhabited Combat Air Vehicle Path Planning.Yongquan Zhou & Zhonghua Tang - 2015 - Journal of Intelligent Systems 24 (1):69-83.
    Uninhabited combat air vehicle path planning is a complicated, high-dimension optimization problem. To solve this problem, we present in this article an improved glowworm swarm optimization algorithm based on the particle swarm optimization algorithm, which we call the PGSO algorithm. In PGSO, the mechanism of a glowworm individual was modified via the individual generation mechanism of PSO. Meanwhile, to improve the presented algorithm’s convergence rate and computational accuracy, we reference the idea of parallel hybrid mutation and local search near the (...)
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  7. What does it take to establish that a world is uninhabited prior to exploitation? – A question of ethics as well as science.Erik Persson - 2014 - Challenges 5:224-238.
    If we find life on another world, it will be an extremely important discovery and we will have to take great care not to do anything that might endanger that life. If the life we find is sentient we will have moral obligations to that life. Whether it is sentient or not, we have a duty to ourselves to preserve it as a study object, and also because it would be commonly seen as valuable in its own right. In addition (...)
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  8. Moral Predators: The Duty to Employ Uninhabited Aerial Vehicles.Bradley Jay Strawser - 2010 - Journal of Military Ethics 9 (4):342-368.
    A variety of ethical objections have been raised against the military employment of uninhabited aerial vehicles (UAVs, drones). Some of these objections are technological concerns over UAVs abilities’ to function on par with their inhabited counterparts. This paper sets such concerns aside and instead focuses on supposed objections to the use of UAVs in principle. I examine several such objections currently on offer and show them all to be wanting. Indeed, I argue that we have a duty to protect an (...)
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    Witnessing the Uninhabitable Place: On the Experience and Testimony of Refugees.Gert-Jan van der Heiden - 2022 - Research in Phenomenology 52 (2):223-241.
    Symptomatic of the crisis of the current global political order are the millions of displaced that have fled their homes but are not allowed to enter the country in which they seek refuge. Instead, they are placed in camps. To understand the site of the camp and the bare life it produces, testimonies of refugees are indispensable. This essay aims to examine and listen to these testimonies by, first, introducing the notion of testimony and some of the characteristics of the (...)
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  10.  39
    Non-Projects for the Uninhabitable: Lyotard's Architecture Philosophy.Ashley Woodward - 2022 - Architecture Philosophy 5 (2).
  11. Between scorching heat and freezing cold: Medieval jewish authors on the inhabited and uninhabited parts of the earth.Resianne Fontaine - 2000 - Arabic Sciences and Philosophy 10 (1):101-137.
    The question of which areas of the earth are fit for human habitation and which ones are not is dealt with in several Hebrew scientific texts of the twelfth and thirteenth century. Medieval Jewish scholars such as Abraham bar [Hdotu]iyya, Samuel ibn Tibbon, and the three thirteenth-century Hebrew encyclopedists were familiar with theories of the oikoumene and its boundaries through Arabic sources. These Hebrew texts display a variety of views on the earth's habitability, all of which ultimately go back to (...)
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  12.  59
    Territorial Instability and the Right to a Livable Locality.Simona Capisani - 2020 - Environmental Ethics 42 (2):189-207.
    Territory loss and uninhabitability characterize the current environmental background conditions of the international state system. Such conditions present pressing moral questions about our obligations to protect those who are displaced by anthropogenic climate change. By virtue of our participation in the territorial state system, understood as a social practice, we have principled grounds to address some of the consequences of the uninhabitability conditions brought on by climate change. By assuming territorial instability and employing a practice-based method of justification (...)
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    Armed military robots: editorial.Jürgen Altmann, Peter Asaro, Noel Sharkey & Robert Sparrow - 2013 - Ethics and Information Technology 15 (2):73-76.
    Arming uninhabited vehicles is an increasing trend. Widespread deployment can bring dangers for arms-control agreements and international humanitarian law. Armed UVs can destabilise the situation between potential opponents. Smaller systems can be used for terrorism. Using a systematic definition existing international regulation of armed UVs in the fields of arms control, export control and transparency measures is reviewed; these partly include armed UVs, but leave large gaps. For preventive arms control a general prohibition of armed UVs would be best. If (...)
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  14.  20
    In/habitable.Thangam Ravindranathan - 2022 - Substance 51 (1):3-7.
    L’inhabitable—the uninhabitable—was the bass note sounding through all of the work of Georges Perec, less a category than what categories failed to insure against: the depersonalizing, devitalizing, dark matter of modern histories and geographies, as scandalous as it was ubiquitous. At the end of Espèces d’espaces, Perec would parse “the uninhabitable” into a litany of alienating spaces produced by the very processes of industrial advancement and urban growth:L’inhabitable: la mer dépotoir, les côtes hérissées de fils de fer barbelés, la terre (...)
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    Dead Slow: Unmanned Aerial Vehicles Loitering in Battlespace.Tim Blackmore - 2005 - Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society 25 (3):195-214.
    Unmanned (or Uninhabited) Aerial Vehicles are a key part of the American military's so-called revolution in military affairs (RMA) as practiced over Iraq. They are also part of the drive to shift agency away from humans and toward machines. This article considers the ways in which humans have, in calling on high technologies to distance them from what the military calls the “dull, the dirty, and the dangerous,” hoped to avoid responsibility for murder in wartime. In examining the claims of (...)
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  16. On the Mountains, or The Aristocracies of Space.Michael Marder - 2012 - Environment, Space, Place 4 (2):63-74.
    Mountain peaks, like all uninhabitable and barely accessible environments, stand in the way of a clear-cut distinction between “place” and “space.” Building on the environmental thought of Aldo Leopold, as well as the philosophy of Friedrich Nietzsche and twentieth-century phenomenology, I draw attention to this obscure in-between region and argue that the conceptual distinction must be subject to careful adumbration, depending on the concrete place where it is employed. Subsequently, mountains are theorized as the sites of friction between earth and (...)
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    The Fundamental Ontology of Study.Tyson E. Lewis - 2014 - Educational Theory 64 (2):163-178.
    In an effort to disrupt the hegemonic dominance of learning theory, in this article Tyson Lewis explores the unique educational logic of studying. Drawing on the work of Giorgio Agamben, we can understand the operation of study as one of suspension through three modes: preferring not; no longer, not yet; and as not. But the relationship between the operation of suspension and the everyday mode of learning remains an open question requiring further analysis. In order to accomplish this task, it (...)
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  18.  74
    What is climate change doing to us and for us?Paul H. Carr - 2018 - Zygon 53 (2):443-461.
    What are we doing to our climate? Emissions from fossil fuel burning have raised carbon dioxide concentrations 35 percent higher than in the past millions of years. This increase is warming our planet via the greenhouse effect. What is climate change doing to and for us? Dry regions are drier and wet ones wetter. Wildfires have increased threefold, hurricanes more violent, floods setting record heights, glaciers melting, and seas rising. Parts of Earth are increasingly uninhabitable. Climate change requires us to (...)
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  19. Dworkin’s auction.Joseph Heath - 2004 - Politics, Philosophy and Economics 3 (3):313-335.
    Ronald Dworkin’s argument for resource egalitarianism has as its centerpiece a thought experiment involving a group of shipwreck survivors washed ashore on an uninhabited island, who decide to divide up all of the resources on the island equally using a competitive auction. Unfortunately, Dworkin misunderstands how the auction mechanism works, and so misinterprets its significance for egalitarian political philosophy. First, he makes it seem as though there is a conceptual connection between the ‘envy-freeness’ standard and the auction, when in fact (...)
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  20.  32
    The Promise of the World: Towards a Transcendental History of Trust.István Fazakas & Tudi Gozé - 2020 - Husserl Studies 36 (2):169-189.
    This paper aims at a phenomenological analysis of trust. We argue that trust has a transcendental dimension in that it functions as a condition of possibility of the basic ego-world relation. Tacit for the most part in ordinary experience, it comes forth in its problematicity in schizophrenia spectrum disorders. People experiencing psychic disturbances lose trust in the continuity and the mineness of lived experience and conceive the world as uninhabitable. In order to address the transcendental problem of trust, we first (...)
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  21.  18
    An examination of the moral habitability of resource-constrained obstetrical settings.Priscilla N. Boakye, Elizabeth Peter, Anne Simmonds & Solina Richter - 2021 - Nursing Ethics 28 (6):1026-1040.
    Background: While there have been studies exploring moral habitability and its impact on the work environments of nurses in Western countries, little is known about the moral habitability of the work environments of nurses and midwives in resource-constrained settings. Research objective: The purpose of this research was to examine the moral habitability of the work environment of nurses and midwives in Ghana and its influence on their moral agency using the philosophical works of Margaret Urban Walker. Research design and participants: (...)
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  22. Libertarianism and Human Agency.Alfred R. Mele - 2011 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 87 (1):72-92.
    Some scientists have reported what they regard as evidence of indeterministic brain processes that influence behavior (Brembs 2011, Maye et al. 2007). How do these reports bear on the positive side of libertarianism about free will? That is an approximation of my guiding question in this article. I make the question more precise in section 1, in light of some conceptual and scientific background. In the remainder of the article, I seek—and eventually offer—an answer. Topics dis-cussed along the way include (...)
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  23. Just War contra Drone Warfare.Joshua M. Hall - 2023 - Conatus 8 (2):217-239.
    In this article, I present a two-pronged argument for the immorality of contemporary, asymmetric drone warfare, based on my new interpretations of the just war principles of “proportionality” and “moral equivalence of combatants” (MEC). The justification for these new interpretations is that drone warfare continues to this day, having survived despite arguments against it that are based on traditional interpretations of just war theory (including one from Michael Walzer). On the basis of my argument, I echo Harry Van der Linden’s (...)
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  24.  12
    Sustainable Transition in Iran’s Oil Towns: A Focus on Masjed Soleyman.Seyed Alireza Seyedi & Asma Mehan - 2024 - In Francesco Calabrò, Livia Madureira, Francesco Carlo Morabito & María José Piñeira Mantiñán (eds.), Networks, Markets & People. Cham, Switzerland: Springer. pp. 3-13.
    This study explores the sustainability transition in Iran's oil towns, emphasizing Masjed Soleyman’s evolution. Stemming from the Industrial Revolution, the search for new energy led to the early 20th century D'Arcy Concession, catalyzing oil exploration in Iran. This resulted in the pivotal discovery of oil in Masjed Soleyman in 1908, transforming an uninhabited area into a thriving town intricately linked to the Anglo-Persian Oil Company (APOC). This research critically analyzes the unsustainable nature of oil exploration, particularly highlighting APOC's colonial practices, (...)
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    “Apocalypse Blindness,” Climate Trauma and the Politics of Future-Oriented Affect.Christopher John Müller - 2023 - Angelaki 28 (4):90-102.
    In the Anglo-American cultural sphere, the growing awareness of global warming and ecocide has coincided with the proliferation of a much discussed, post-apocalyptic imaginary that transports us to uninhabitable planetary futures. These “fictions,” as E. Ann Kaplan notes in a discussion of their mobilising potential, act as “memories for the future” which make us “identify with future selves struggling to survive.” This article turns to Günther Anders’s notion of “apocalypse-blindness” (1956) and Cormac McCarthy’s The Road to set out an alternative (...)
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    The problem of finding a positive role for humans in the natural world.Ned Hettinger - 2002 - Ethics and the Environment 7 (1):109-123.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Ethics & the Environment 7.1 (2002) 109-123 [Access article in PDF] The Problem of Finding a Positive Role for Humans in the Natural World Ned Hettinger As necessary as it obviously is, the effort of "wilderness preservation" has too often implied that it is enough to save a series of islands of pristine and uninhabited wilderness in an otherwise exploited, damaged, and polluted land. And, further, that the pristine (...)
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    Love and social justice in learning for sustainability.Morwenna Griffiths & Rosa Murray - 2017 - Ethics and Education 12 (1):39-50.
    The planet seems to be heading into an ecological catastrophe, in which the earth will become uninhabitable for many species, including human beings. At the same time we humans are beset by appalling injustices. The Rio Declaration which addressed both these sets of problems contains conceptual contradictions about ‘development and ‘nature’. This paper addresses the issue of whether it is logically possible to work for both global justice and ecological sustainability. The article proposes a way of responding to the spirit (...)
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    'Everything you always wanted to know about Atomic Warfare but were afraid to ask': Nuclear Strategy in the Ukraine War era.Demetrius Floudas - forthcoming - Cambridge Existential Risk Initiative Termly Lectures; Emmanuel College, University of Cambridge.
    The ongoing conflict in Ukraine constitutes a poignant reminder of the enduring relevance and potential devastation associated with nuclear weapons. For decades, the possibility of such catastrophic conflict has not seemed so imminent as in the current world affairs. -/- This contribution presents a comprehensive analysis of nuclear strategy for the 21st century. By examining the evolving geostrategic landscape the talk illuminates key concepts such as nuclear posture, credible deterrence, first & second strike capabilities, flexible response, EMP , variable yield, (...)
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    Oceanic cosmopolitanism: the complexity of waiting for future climate refugees.Odin Lysaker - 2022 - Journal of Global Ethics 18 (3):349-367.
    Waiting may feel like wasted time for people inhabiting small, low-lying, and extremely vulnerable island states as they await rising sea levels. Their homes may soon become uninhabitable due to climate change. The interplay between accelerating natural hazards, an increasing number of climate refugees, and the lack of adequate international refugee protection can prolong their waiting time. Therefore, I examine this experience within the complexity of the waiting framework consisting of existential, legal, and natural waiting. I explore the negative implications (...)
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    The Lesser of Two Evils: Application of Maslahah-Mafsadah Criteria in Islamic Ethical-Legal Assessment of Genetically Modified Mosquitoes in Malaysia.Ahmad Firdhaus Arham, Nur Asmadayana Hasim, Mohd Istajib Mokhtar, Nurhafiza Zainal, Noor Sharizad Rusly, Latifah Amin, Shaikh Mohd Saifuddeen, Muhammad Adzran Che Mustapa & Zurina Mahadi - 2022 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 19 (4):587-598.
    The release of over 6,000 genetically modified mosquitoes (GMM) into uninhabited Malaysian forests in 2010 was a frantic step on the part of the Malaysian government to combat the spread of dengue fever. The field trial was designed to control and reduce the dengue vector by producing offspring that die in the early developmental stage, thus decreasing the local Aedes aegypti population below the dengue transmission threshold. However, the GMM trials were discontinued in Malaysia despite being technologically feasible. The lack (...)
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  31. Predators or Ploughshares? Arms Control of Robotic Weapons.Robert Sparrow - 2009 - IEEE Technology and Society 28 (1):25-29.
    This paper makes the case for arms control regimes to govern the development and deployment of autonomous weapon systems and long range uninhabited aerial vehicles.
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  32.  44
    Addressing Ableism: Philosophical Questions Via Disability Studies.Jennifer Scuro - 2017 - Lexington Books.
    This book outlines the scale and scope of ableist bias, as it manifests both institutionally and intergenerationally. Ranging across disability studies, continental philosophy, and bioethics, the philosophical questions addressed in this work confront and resist ableism as it frames our world in uninhabitable and unsustainable ways.
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  33.  7
    Why Do We Need a Political Theory of Territory?Margaret Moore - 2015 - In A Political Theory of Territory. New York: Oxford University Press.
    This chapter argues why we need a political theory of territory. We need it because the entire usable earth is divided into territorially distinct states, and the territorialization process is not complete yet, as states extend their control to the seabed, the oceans, and other uninhabited places. Yet we have no overarching theory of what justifies territory, how boundaries should be drawn or territorial disputes resolved. This lacuna extends to a range of disciplines, which have barely addressed territory itself. In (...)
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    Sinking Into Statelessness.Heather Alexander & Jonathan A. Simon - 2014 - Tilburg Law Review 2014 (19):20-25.
    If rising seas render small islands uninhabitable, will displaced islanders become stateless? The modern intellectual and legal tradition tells us that states must have defined, habitable territory. If so, small islands will cease to be states, and their inhabitants will accordingly become stateless. Against this, leading scholars have recently argued that the principle of presumption of continuity of state existence implies that island states continue to be states even after becoming uninhabitable. We argue to the contrary: the principle of presumption (...)
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    Nuking the Colony to Save It.Louis Melançon - 2017 - In Jeffrey A. Ewing & Kevin S. Decker (eds.), Alien and Philosophy. Wiley. pp. 81–92.
    When its atmosphere processing plant's fusion reactor exploded, it turned it into a desolate, irradiated hunk of rock uninhabitable by humans for thousands of years. The explosion was not far off from what the surviving humans in Aliens were planning anyway: nuke the site from orbit. To set the stage for considering the military decisions of Colonial Marines from an ethical perspective, strap in like it's a simulated combat drop from low orbit. This chapter looks at the Aliens future of (...)
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  36. No man is an island: Nature and neo-platonic ethics in ḥayy Ibn yaqẓān.Taneli Kukkonen - 2008 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 46 (2):pp. 187-204.
    Ibn Ṭufayl’s story of the solitary philosopher Ḥayy who, aided only by the power of his natural reason, comes to his own on an uninhabited equatorial island, attractively portrays the neo-Platonic worldview of the Muslim falāsifah . At the same time it forces to the foreground the most trenchant problem in any intellectualist ethics. If the highest virtue consists in the unmixed contemplative life, what good can a thinker do any longer, in any more mundane context? In this article, a (...)
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    Kiska: The Japanese Occupation of an Alaska Island.Brendan Coyle - 2014 - University of Alaska Press.
    Alaska s Aleutian Island chain, barren and windswept, arcs for over a thousand miles toward Asia from the Alaska Peninsula. In this remote and hostile archipelago is Kiska, an uninhabited sub-arctic speck in the tempestuous Bering Sea. Few have the opportunity even to visit this island, but in June of 1942 Japanese troops seized Kiska and neighboring Attu in the only occupation of North American territory since the War of 1812. The bastion of Japan s possessions in Alaska, Kiska was (...)
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  38. L’éthique clinique face à la fin du monde annoncée.Guillaume Durand - 2020 - Canadian Journal of Bioethics / Revue canadienne de bioéthique 3 (3):110-114.
    The Earth is increasingly hostile towards many living species and uninhabitable in some parts of the world. What is foretold in the coming decades is not the end of the world, but the end of the world as we know it. All over the world, many individuals (scientists, intellectuals, citizens) today believe in the inevitability of a collapse of our civilization and their existence is profoundly disrupted: can they still plan to start a family? Should they continue their studies, or (...)
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    Desiring nature: Identity and becoming in narratives of travel.Simone Fullagar - 2000 - Cultural Values 4 (1):58-76.
    This paper explores the cultural value of desiring nature through reading the travel narratives of Val Plumwood and Alphonso Lingis with the writings of Deleuze and Guattari. As Game suggests this textual practice produces different ways of writing the social that undoes the nature/culture opposition informing popular discourses and much cultural theory. Rethinking the value of nature/culture relations has tended to be the domain of environmental philosophy. Yet a cultural analysis also has much to contribute to current debates around value (...)
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    ‘The Stone Sky’: Dwelling and habitation in other worlds.Jane Grant - 2014 - Technoetic Arts 12 (2):329-336.
    Have humans always had the desire to inhabit other worlds? From the microscopic scale to the vastness of outer space, it seems our capacity for occupying uninhabitable spaces with our intellect, our bodies, our sensorium, our desire, is fundamental to our being. What are these spaces and how do we come to ‘know’ them? Whether mythological, religious or scientific, these minute or vast worlds are spaces that we unfold, narrate and dwell in. In his short story ‘The Stone Sky’ the (...)
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    A Critique of the Theoretical Foundations of Bourgeois "Sociology of Knowledge".L. E. Khoruts - 1964 - Russian Studies in Philosophy 3 (3):9-19.
    In recent year bourgeois scholars have given much attention to the analysis of various systems of knowledge as products of societal development which exercise vast influence upon all spheres of the life of society. This should cause no surprise. In our day, when it has become obvious that ideas are intimately connected with classes, that is, that the content of ideas is closely bound up with the needs, objectives, and interests of classes, an epistemology which ignores the societal aspect of (...)
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    Role-based policing: Restraining police conduct 'outside the legitimate investigative sphere'.Eric J. Miller - manuscript
    Quality-of-life policing, responsive to the concerns of urban communities, presents a profound paradox. On the one hand, the collateral effects of drug use, especially in public and in racially fragmented, low-income communities, result in levels of crime and fear of crime that renders the communities almost uninhabitable; on the other, the collateral effects of policing drug crime, for these same communities, destroy the community's human fabric. A "new" generation of legal scholars have embraced and transformed the Broken Windows model of (...)
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    The Anti-Landscape.David E. Nye & Sarah Elkind (eds.) - 2014 - Brill | Rodopi.
    There have always been some uninhabitable places, but in the last century human beings have produced many more of them. These anti-landscapes have proliferated to include the sandy wastes of what was once the Aral Sea, severely polluted irrigated lands, open pit mines, blighted nuclear zones, coastal areas inundated by rising seas, and many others. _The Anti-Landscape_ examines the emergence of such sites, how they have been understood, and how some of them have been recovered for habitation. The anti-landscape refers (...)
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    The Normative Root of the Climate Change Problem.Stephen James Purdey - 2012 - Ethics and the Environment 17 (2):75-96.
    In his popular film An Inconvenient Truth (Guggenheim 2006), Al Gore identifies anthropogenic climate change as the most menacing threat to the future of life on Earth, and he describes that threat specifically as a moral problem: an uninhabitable planetary environment would be an immoral outcome of human behavior. That outcome must be avoided which means, he argues, that a low-carbon trajectory for future human development must be charted without delay. His call-to-action then advocates, among many other things, fast-tracking clean (...)
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    How was Haiti?Sadath Sayeed - 2012 - Narrative Inquiry in Bioethics 2 (2):98-101.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:How was Haiti?Sadath Sayeed"She smelled of milk and urine. Chacko marveled at how someone so small and undefined, so vague in her resemblances, could so completely command the attention, the love, the sanity of a grown man."—Arundhati Roy from The God of Small ThingsFather and SonTwenty minutes before I was to be taxied to the airport in Port-au-Prince, the baby boy handed to me did not breathe continuously. He (...)
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    Distant Relation: Time and Identity in Spanish American Fiction.Eoin Scott Thomson - 2000 - McGill-Queen's Press - MQUP.
    In The Distant Relation Eoin Thomson presents innovative readings of canonical philosophic and literary texts, focusing on the distance that mediates the relation between word and thing, past and present, I and you. Through a novel convergence, itself arising from a field of philosophic and literary experimentation, he challenges previous traditions while demonstrating that his strategy is appropriate to the texts considered. The Distant Relation breaks down the artificial division between philosophy and literature by weaving contemporary philosophic arguments through close (...)
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  47. A Livable Life? An Inhabitable World? Scheler on the Tragic.Judith Butler - 2022 - Puncta 5 (2):8-27.
    The question of what makes a life livable is linked with the question, what makes for an inhabitable world. This last was not Scheler’s question, but it follows from the world that he describes, the world that he claims is exhibited through the tragic. When the world is an object immersed in sorrow, how is it possible to inhabit such a world? What about the persistence of uninhabitable sorrow? The answer lies less in individual conduct or practice than in the (...)
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    An Essay on Self and Camp.Andrew Travers - 1993 - Theory, Culture and Society 10 (1):127-143.
    There is a time of day immediately before dusk when the outline of every object becomes sharply delineated. It was just that moment. The lacerated edges of wooden beams in the wreckage, the freshness of the rents in the shredded trees, and the curled zinc sheets with their puddles of rain water - everything appeared almost unpleasantly vivid. In the extreme west only a horizontal line of scarlet was to be seen in the sky between two or three towering black (...)
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    Settler Colonialism and the US Conservation Movement: Contesting Histories, Indigenizing Futures.David Baumeister & Lauren Eichler - 2021 - Ethics, Policy and Environment 24 (3):209-234.
    Despite recent strides in the direction of achieving a more equitable and genuine place for Indigenous voices in the conservation conversation, the conservation movement must more deliberately and thoroughly grapple with the legacy of its deeply settler colonial history if it is to, in actuality and not merely in rhetoric, achieve the aim of being more equitable. In this article, we show how the conservation movement, historically and still largely today, traffics in certain ethical and political values that are, in (...)
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  50. Those Fleeing States Destroyed by Climate Change Are Convention Refugees.Heather Alexander & Jonathan A. Simon - 2023 - Biblioteca Della Libertà 2023 (237):63-96.
    Multiple states are at risk of becoming uninhabitable due to climate change, forcing their populations to flee. While the 1951 Refugee Convention provides the gold standard of international protection, it is only applied to a limited subset of people fleeing their countries, those who suffer persecution, which most people fleeing climate change cannot establish. While many journalists and non-lawyers freely use the term “climate refugees,” governments, and courts, as well as UNHCR and many refugee experts, have excluded most climate refugees (...)
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