Results for ' ventriloquism'

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  1.  23
    A Communicative Constitutive Perspective on Corporate Social Responsibility: Ventriloquism, Undecidability, and Surprisability.François Cooren - 2020 - Business and Society 59 (1):175-197.
    Adopting a communication as constitutive of organization (CCO) perspective on ethics and corporate social responsibility (CSR) invites us to create the conditions of a dialogue, discussion, or debate between various stakeholders, who can then try to confront their respective positions on a given issue, and possibly come to a decision regarding how a situation should be evaluated and/or responded to. As shown in this article, getting human stakeholders to voice their concerns about a specific situation is a way not only (...)
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  2. Ventriloquism: Ecstatic exchange and the history of the artwork.David Goldblatt - 1993 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 51 (3):389-398.
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    Sex Drugs and Corporate Ventriloquism: How to Evaluate Science Policies Intended to Manage Industry-Funded Bias.Bennett Holman & Sally Geislar - 2018 - Philosophy of Science 85 (5):869-881.
    “Female sexual dysfunction” is the type of contested disease that has sparked concern about the role of the pharmaceutical industry in medical science. Many policies have been proposed to manage industry influence without carefully evaluating whether the proposed policies would be successful. We consider a proposal for incorporating citizen stakeholders into scientific research and show, via a detailed case study of the pharmaceutical regulation of flibanserin, that such programs can be co-opted. In closing, we use Holman’s asymmetric arms race framework (...)
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  4. Ventriloquism in Geneva : the league of nations as international organisation.Megan Donaldson - 2021 - In Annabel S. Brett, Megan Donaldson & Martti Koskenniemi (eds.), History, politics, law: thinking internationally. New York, NY: Cambridge University Press.
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    Art and Ventriloquism.David Goldblatt - 2006 - Routledge.
    "Like ventriloquial dummies, artworks take on personalities, characters of their own, often saying what the artist herself would or could not say in voices distinct from her daily modes of expression. Goldblatt uses ventriloquism as an apt metaphor to help understand a variety of art-world phenomena - how the vocal vacillation between ventriloquist and dummy is mimicked in the relationship of artist, artwork and audience, including the ways in which artworks are interpreted. Moreover, Goldblatt employs the concept of (...) to generate insights into many of our important philosophers' writings on the arts, discussing the work of Nietzsche, Foucault, Derrida, Cavell, and Wittgenstein, among others."--BOOK JACKET. (shrink)
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    Beyond Inadvertent Ventriloquism: Caring Virtues for Anti‐paternalist Development Practice.Serene J. Khader - 2011 - Hypatia 26 (4):742-761.
    I argue that the epistemological virtues of concrete thinking, self-transparency, and narrative understanding developed by care ethicists can help international development practitioners combat their own temptations to engage in “unconscious unjustified paternalism” (UUP). I develop the concept of UUP—a type of paternalism in which one party unjustifiably substitutes her judgment for another's because of difficulty distinguishing her desires for the other from the other's good. I show that the temptation to UUP is endemic to development and that care ethics contains (...)
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  7. Art and Ventriloquism.David Goldblatt & Garry L. Hagberg - 2007 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 65 (2):238-240.
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    The Romantic Ventriloquists: Wordsworth, Coleridge, Keats, Shelley, Byron.Edward E. Bostetter - 1965 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 24 (2):322-323.
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    The effects of ventriloquism on the right-side advantage for verbal material.José Morais - 1974 - Cognition 3 (2):127-139.
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    Art and ventriloquism by Goldblatt, David.Jonathan A. Neufeld - 2007 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 65 (2):238–240.
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    And now I become its mouth: On Arthur Schopenhauer and weird ventriloquism.Brian Zager - 2019 - Empedocles: European Journal for the Philosophy of Communication 10 (1):55-69.
    From Arthur Schopenhauer we can glean a characteristically moody perspective on the primordial condition of speaking and being spoken. Focusing on his dualistic view of the embodied subject as having to contend with the forces of both Will and presentation, in this article I argue that his philosophy construes communication as a sort of weird ventriloquism. Drawing on François Cooren’s proposed method of ‘ventriloqual analysis’, I re-examine Schopenhauer’s subject as a being that both animates and is animated by his (...)
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    Art and Ventriloquism.P. Alperson - 2007 - British Journal of Aesthetics 47 (3):320-322.
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  13. David Goldblatt, Art and Ventriloquism Reviewed by.Jeffrey Strayer - 2008 - Philosophy in Review 28 (3):199-202.
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  14. How things do things with words: Ventriloquism, passion and technology.F. Cooren & N. Bencherki - 2010 - ENCYCLOPAIDEIA 14 (28):35-62.
    È possibile rendere compiutamente conto di ciò che gli artefatti e le tecnologie fanno, senza per questo sminuire il ruolo dell’agentività umana, ossia la capacità dell’essere umano di essere all’origine dell’azione e del senso?Per quanto determinismo tecnologico e sociocostruzionismo siano ormai approcci sufficientemente integrati, sembra quasi impossibile poter riconoscere l’uno senza pagare nulla di più che un piccolo contributo all’altro.Gli autori sottolineano quanto questa cesura che apparentemente riguarda un fenomeno circoscritto e settoriale come il ruolo degli artefatti nella costruzione del (...)
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    Beyond Diversity Ventriloquism: How Mujer T Is Transing Inclusion in Bogotá.Juliana Martínez - 2017 - Hypatia 32 (3):679-695.
    In 2013 the mayor's office of Bogotá organized the first ever Mujer T. The event, originally conceived as a beauty pageant, generated considerable controversy. Unexpectedly, however, most of the criticism came not from conservative groups, but from well-known cisgender feminist scholars who criticized the event from a traditional gender perspective. A heated debate about the needs, challenges, desires, and opportunities of trans women continued during the weeks prior to the event. The discussion played out through blogs, social media, and private (...)
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    Perceptual load influences auditory space perception in the ventriloquist aftereffect.Ranmalee Eramudugolla, Marc R. Kamke, Salvador Soto-Faraco & Jason B. Mattingley - 2011 - Cognition 118 (1):62-74.
    A period of exposure to trains of simultaneous but spatially offset auditory and visual stimuli can induce a temporary shift in the perception of sound location. This phenomenon, known as the 'ventriloquist aftereffect', reflects a realignment of auditory and visual spatial representations such that they approach perceptual alignment despite their physical spatial discordance. Such dynamic changes to sensory representations are likely to underlie the brain's ability to accommodate inter-sensory discordance produced by sensory errors (particularly in sound localization) and variability in (...)
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  17. Action and Agency in Dialogue: Passion, Incarnation, and Ventriloquism.[author unknown] - 2010
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    Violation of the Unity Assumption Disrupts Temporal Ventriloquism Effect in Starlings.Gesa Feenders & Georg M. Klump - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Who Speaks for Margaret Garner? Slavery, Silence, and the Politics of Ventriloquism.Mark Reinhardt - 2002 - Critical Inquiry 29 (1):81-119.
  20.  46
    François Cooren. Action and Agency in Dialogue: Passion, Incarnation and Ventriloquism.Hiroko Itakura - 2013 - Pragmatics and Society 4 (3):393-396.
  21.  23
    Borrowed voices: narrating the migrant’s story in contemporary European literature between advocacy, silence and ventriloquism.Caterina Scarabicchi - 2019 - Journal for Cultural Research 23 (2):173-186.
    ABSTRACTOver the last decade, Europe’s immigration regulations have raised concerns regarding human rights and divided the public opinion on transnational movement, particularly with the ever-growi...
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    Sade and Sollers: Hoax or Ventriloquism?Cory Stockwell - 2011 - Substance 40 (2):22-36.
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    Mindfulness Meditation Biases Visual Temporal Order Discrimination but Not Under Conditions of Temporal Ventriloquism.Yue Tian, Xinghua Liu & Lihan Chen - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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  24. Review of the book Art and Ventriloquism by David Goldblatt. [REVIEW]Jeffrey Strayer - 2008 - Philosophy in Review 28 (3).
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    Book review: François Cooren, Action and Agency in Dialogue: Passion, Incarnation, and Ventriloquism[REVIEW]Mariaelena Bartesaghi - 2012 - Discourse and Communication 6 (4):471-473.
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  26. III. Fragile materialities. The silent draw / Flora Könemann ; The voice that touches also has a skin. Exploring the exercise of vocal touch / Veza Fernandez ; ELP - a choreographic research project / Paola Bianchi ; Rifts in time. Distortion, possession and ventriloquism in my operatic works / Liza Lim ; The development of Brittle. On the delicacies of minerals. [REVIEW]Electric Indigo - 2022 - In Irene Lehmann, Pia Palme, Elisabeth Schimana, Susanne Kogler, Christina Lessiak, Margarethe Maierhofer-Lischka, Suvani Suri, Flora Könemann, Veza Fernández, Paola Bianchi, Liza Lim, Electric Indigo, Germán Toro, Chikako Morishita, Juliet Fraser, Molly McDolan, Malik Sharif & Chaya Czernowin (eds.), Sounding fragilities: an anthology. Hofheim: Wolke.
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    Book review: François Cooren, Action and Agency in Dialogue: Passion, Incarnation, and Ventriloquism[REVIEW]Jimmie Manning - 2012 - Discourse Studies 14 (2):267-268.
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    How Bodily Perception Parallels Distal Perception.Richard Gray - 2024 - Philosophical Quarterly.
    Bodily perception is standardly contrasted with distal perception. In this paper, I argue that the standard view overlooks a significant respect in which bodily perception parallels distal perception. The parallel is motivated by a comparison between two cross-modal illusions. The ventriloquism effect manifests cross-modal relations between the distal senses of vision and audition and multi-sensory experiences jointly constituted by vision and audition. Thermal referral is a laboratory induced illusion that involves the bodily sensory systems underlying the perception of pressure (...)
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  29.  12
    Socrates: a man for our times.Paul Johnson - 2011 - New York: Viking Press.
    Living man and ventriloquist's doll -- The ugly joker with the gift for happiness -- Socrates and the climax of Athenian optimism -- Socrates the philosophical genius -- Socrates and justice -- The demoralisation of Athens and the death of Socrates -- Socrates and philosophy personified.
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  30. Making Sense of Multiple Senses.Kevin Connolly - 2013 - In Richard Brown (ed.), Consciousness Inside and Out: Phenomenology, Neuroscience, and the Nature of Experience. Dordrecht: Springer Studies in Brain and Mind.
    In the case of ventriloquism, seeing the movement of the ventriloquist dummy’s mouth changes your experience of the auditory location of the vocals. Some have argued that cases like ventriloquism provide evidence for the view that at least some of the content of perception is fundamentally multimodal. In the ventriloquism case, this would mean your experience has constitutively audio-visual content (not just a conjunction of an audio content and visual content). In this paper, I argue that cases (...)
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  31. (1 other version)Setting Things before the Mind: M.G.F. Martin.M. G. F. Martin - 1998 - Royal Institute of Philosophy Supplement 43:157-179.
    Listening to someone from some distance in a crowded room you may experience the following phenomenon: when looking at them speak, you may both hear and see where the source of the sounds is; but when your eyes are turned elsewhere, you may no longer be able to detect exactly where the voice must be coming from. With your eyes again fixed on the speaker, and the movement of her lips a clear sense of the source of the sound will (...)
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    Schooling in Persona: Imagination and Subordination in Roman Education.W. Martin Bloomer - 1997 - Classical Antiquity 16 (1):57-78.
    This article explores the relationship between Roman school texts and the socialization of the student into an elite man. I argue that composition and declamation communicated social values; in fact, the rhetorical education of the late republic and the empire was a process of socialization that produced a definite subjectivity in its elite participants. I treat two genres of Roman school texts: the expansions on a set theme known as declamation and the bilingual, Greek and Latin, writing exercises known as (...)
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    Social robots as depictions of social agents.Herbert H. Clark & Kerstin Fischer - 2023 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 46:e21.
    Social robots serve people as tutors, caretakers, receptionists, companions, and other social agents. People know that the robots are mechanical artifacts, yet they interact with them as if they were actual agents. How is this possible? The proposal here is that people construe social robots not as social agentsper se, but asdepictionsof social agents. They interpret them much as they interpret ventriloquist dummies, hand puppets, virtual assistants, and other interactive depictions of people and animals. Depictions as a class consist of (...)
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    Binding and differentiation in multisensory object perception.E. J. Green - 2019 - Synthese 198 (5):4457-4491.
    Cognitive scientists have long known that the modalities interact during perceptual processing. Cross-modal illusions like the ventriloquism effect show that the course of processing in one modality can alter the course of processing in another. But how do the modalities interact in the specific domain of object perception? This paper distinguishes and analyzes two kinds of multisensory interaction in object perception. First, the modalities may bind features to a single object or event. Second, the modalities may cooperate when differentiating (...)
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  35. High-Level Perception and Multimodal Perception.Dan Cavedon-Taylor - 2021 - In Heather Logue & Louise Richardson (eds.), Purpose and Procedure in Philosophy of Perception. New York: Oxford University Press.
    What is the correct procedure for determining the contents of perception? Philosophers tackling this question increasingly rely on empirically-oriented procedures in order to reach an answer. I argue that this constitutes an improvement over the armchair methodology constitutive of phenomenal contrast cases, but that there is a crucial respect in which current empirical procedures remain limited: they are unimodal in nature, wrongly treating the senses as isolatable faculties. I thus have two aims: first, to motivate a reorientation of the admissible (...)
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  36. The structure of audio–visual consciousness.Błażej Skrzypulec - 2019 - Synthese 198 (3):2101-2127.
    It is commonly believed that human perceptual experiences can be, and usually are, multimodal. What is more, a stronger thesis is often proposed that some perceptual multimodal characters cannot be described simply as a conjunction of unimodal phenomenal elements. If it is the case, then a question arises: what is the additional mode of combination that is required to adequately describe the phenomenal structure of multimodal experiences? The paper investigates what types of audio–visual experiences have phenomenal character that cannot be (...)
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    Socrates Dissatisfied: An Analysis of Plato's Crito (review).Mark L. Mcpherran - 1998 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 36 (4):620-621.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Socrates Dissatisfied: An Analysis of Plato’s Crito by Roslyn WeissMark L. McPherranRoslyn Weiss. Socrates Dissatisfied: An Analysis of Plato’s Crito. New York: Oxford University Press, 1997. Pp. xii + 187. Cloth, $39.95.The speech by ‘the Laws’ of the Crito has commonly been understood as a case of Socratic ventriloquism, voicing a doctrine of authoritarian civic obligation that Socrates himself endorses. This, of course, generates the standard problem (...)
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  38. "We Are the Disease": Truth, Health, and Politics from Plato's Gorgias to Foucault.C. T. Ricciardone - 2014 - Epoché: A Journal for the History of Philosophy 18 (2):287-310.
    Starting from the importance of the figure of the parrhesiastes—the political and therapeutic truth-teller—for Foucault’s understanding of the care of the self, this paper traces the political figuration of the analogy between philosophers and physicians on the one hand, and rhetors and disease on the other in Plato’s Gorgias. I show how rhetoric, in the form of ventriloquism, infects the text itself, and then ask how we account for the effect of the “contaminated” philosophical dialogue on our readerly health. (...)
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    Generality, mathematical elegance, and evolution of numerical/object identity.Felice L. Bedford - 2001 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 24 (4):654-655.
    Object identity, the apprehension that two glimpses refer to the same object, is offered as an example of combining generality, mathematics, and evolution. We argue that it applies to glimpses in time (apparent motion), modality (ventriloquism), and space (Gestalt grouping); that it has a mathematically elegant solution of nested geometries (Euclidean, Similarity, Affine, Projective, Topology); and that it is evolutionarily sound despite our Euclidean world. [Shepard].
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    Labour’s utopias revisited.Peter Beilharz - 2012 - Thesis Eleven 110 (1):46-53.
    This paper revisits a book I published 20 years ago. Labour’s Utopias – Bolshevism, Fabianism, Social Democracy (Routledge, 1992) began from the proposition that utopia was a ubiquitous figure in Western political and social thinking. On the Left the common sense has often been that reform and revolution are but different proposed roads to the same utopian end. Labour’s Utopias shows that this is not the case: Bolshevism, Fabianism and social democracy actually embody different ends. Revisiting the text 20 years (...)
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    Othering and its guises.Molly Carroll - 2016 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 23 (3):253-256.
    Flick Grey discusses three main processes of benevolent othering: Claims to ownership of territory, claims to superiority, and claims to authorship. The claim to ownership of territory is explored partly through the concept of ‘domestication’ within co-production and a benevolence contingent upon the harmlessness and usefulness of the other. This claim supports the claim to superiority, the ‘giving being’ who is in a position to ‘give’ opportunities for ‘rehabilitative identities’ within a stigmaphobic, normative world view claiming others as external and (...)
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  42.  21
    Spoiled Distinctions: Aesthetics and the Ordinary in French Modernism.Hannah Freed-Thall - 2015 - Oxford University Press USA.
    Spoiled Distinctions investigates crises of evaluation in twentieth-century France. Taking Marcel Proust as its central figure, the book theorizes the disorienting force of everyday aesthetic experience. In a series of surprising readings, Hannah Freed-Thall frees Proust from his reputation as the most refined of high modernists. The author of In Search of Lost Time appears here as a journalist and newspaper enthusiast, a literary ventriloquist and connoisseur of popular scandals, and a writer attentive to the unsophisticated phenomenology of the here (...)
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  43. Cavellian conversation and the life of art.David Goldblatt - 2005 - Philosophy and Literature 29 (2):460-476.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Cavellian Conversation and the Life of ArtDavid GoldblattThe issue of the death or end of art has led me think about its life. Although I will be writing about the life of art, it should be made clear that my use of that phrase is only tangentially related to the issue resurrected by Arthur Danto in his essay "The End of Art."1 In that essay and elsewhere Danto recognized (...)
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    A Tale of Two Faculties: Heidegger's Method of Interpreting Kant.Morganna Lambeth - 2021 - History of Philosophy Quarterly 38 (1):57-80.
    Against the consensus that Heidegger reads his own philosophical views into Kant, I argue that Heidegger takes up the main question posed by the first Critique and attempts to identify Kant's best answer to it. Heidegger's method resembles those of Gadamer and Davidson. But by reading the first Critique as offering two conflicting strands of argument, he abandons their aim of maximizing truth, and his theory of error explains why Kant offers the less-promising strand. Heidegger thus provides a distinctive model (...)
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    If you love me when I'm breathing; you don't love me when I'm dead?Emma Minkley - 2023 - Kronos 49 (1):1-14.
    This article looks to the form of the puppet, both an oral and aural entity, as a receptacle or instrument which allows for a ventriloquism to take place in partnership with the puppeteer. In the work of South African Handspring Puppet Company, the puppet is a receptacle for sound, but also for the human body itself - a chamber within a chamber - highlighting the instrumentalisation of the body. In this regard, the article looks to Handspring's I Love You (...)
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    We’ve Found Something Good Here.M. Joseph Aloi & Charles Hayes - 2024 - Environmental Ethics 46 (4):421-436.
    Steven Vogel and Albert Borgmann have much in common. Both thinkers agree we collectively and materially build our environment. Both also believe communal discussion is essential for constructing better environments. Yet Borgmann does not hesitate to speak of “eloquent things,” while Vogel insists on nature’s silence. This essay examines that disagreement, arguing Vogel’s position is made stronger by the inclusion of what Borgmann calls “deictic discourse.” Such discourse testifies to the goodness of things, but without being either straightforward first-person speech, (...)
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    So Radically Jewish that He’s an Evangelical Christian: N.T. Wright’s Judeophobic and Privileged Paul.Stephen L. Young - 2022 - Interpretation: A Journal of Bible and Theology 76 (4):339-351.
    N.T. Wright remains an influential biblical interpreter among evangelical and conservative-mainline Christians. Critiques of his readings of Paul by scholars from the wider academy are not common in these spaces. This article illustrates the historical inaccuracies, Judeophobia, and erasures of exploitation that animate Wright’s discussions of Paul and philosophy, ancient Judaism, and the question of whether Paul was counter-cultural in Paul and the Faithfulness of God. Ultimately the apostle becomes a ventriloquist for the narratives, fixations, and voices that are comfortable (...)
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    Couch City: Socrates against Simonides.Harry Berger - 2021 - Fordham University Press.
    Crowning six decades of literary, rhetorical, and historical scholarship, Harry Berger, Jr., offers readers another trenchant reading. Berger subverts the usual interpretations of Plato’s kalos kagathos, showing Socrates to be trapped in a double ventriloquism, tethered to his interlocutors’ speech acts even as they are tethered to his. Plato’s Republic and Protagoras both reserve a small but significant place for a poet who differs from Homer and Hesiod: the lyric poet Simonides of Ceos. In the Protagoras, Socrates takes apart (...)
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  49. Multisensory Consciousness and Synesthesia.Berit Brogaard & Elijah Chudnoff - 2020 - In Berit Brogaard & Elijah Chudnoff (eds.), Routledge Handbook of Consciousness. Routledge. pp. 322-336.
    This chapter distinguishes between two kinds of ordinary multisensory experience that go beyond mere co-consciousness of features (e.g., the experience that results from concurrently hearing a sound in the hallway and seeing the cup on the table). In one case, a sensory experience in one modality creates a perceptual demonstrative to whose referent qualities are attributed in another sensory modality. For example, when you hear someone speak, auditory experience attributes audible qualities to a seen event, a person’s speaking motions. The (...)
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  50. Multisensory Processing and Perceptual Consciousness: Part I.Robert Eamon Briscoe - 2016 - Philosophy Compass 11 (2):121-133.
    Multisensory processing encompasses all of the various ways in which the presence of information in one sensory modality can adaptively influence the processing of information in a different modality. In Part I of this survey article, I begin by presenting a cartography of some of the more extensively investigated forms of multisensory processing, with a special focus on two distinct types of multisensory integration. I briefly discuss the conditions under which these different forms of multisensory processing occur as well as (...)
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