Results for ' victims of conflicts'

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  1.  15
    Victim in a Social and Political Conflict: Origin, Role, Use.Victor On'sha - 2019 - Researcher. European Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences 2 (1):27-34.
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    Victim and Society: Sharing Wrongs, but in Which Roles? [REVIEW]Claes Lernestedt - 2014 - Criminal Law and Philosophy 8 (1):187-203.
    This paper discusses what kinds of conflicts arise when a crime has been committed, and with whom—and in which of their possible roles—the offender should be seen as having such conflicts. The possible roles of the victim are in focus, as is the constitutive role of the act of criminalizing a certain kind of behavior. It is argued that while in the tort conflict the victim should be seen as a party qua him- or herself in a ‘fuller’ (...)
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    The Mob and the Victim in the Psalms and Job.Robert Hamerton-Kelly - 2001 - Contagion: Journal of Violence, Mimesis, and Culture 8 (1):151-160.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:THE MOB AND THE VICTIM IN THE PSALMS AND JOB Robert Hamerton-Kelly Woodside Church IrecaiI a passage from Elie Wiesel's novel, Night, where, looking at the frail body of a young boy writhing on the gallows—his body weight was too light to kill him outright when he dropped through the trap door—someone asksthe narrator, "Where is nowyourGod?" This question is often on my mind, not least because for the (...)
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    Suffering, Victims, and Poetic Inspiration.Raymund Schwager & Patrick O'Liddy - 1994 - Contagion: Journal of Violence, Mimesis, and Culture 1 (1):63-72.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Suffering, Victims, and Poetic Inspiration Raymund Schwager University ofInnsbruck Poetic inspiration has something to do with the divine. The Greek tragedies are classic examples of that. The poets regarded themselves as inspired by the divine Muses, and in their works the gods are quite naturally present in the lives of human beings. Sometimes the gods treat them in a friendly way, sometimes they spur on conflicts or (...)
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  5. Gender, Nationalism, and War: Conflict on the Movie Screen.Matthew Evangelista - 2011 - Cambridge University Press.
    Virginia Woolf famously wrote 'as a woman I have no country', suggesting that women had little stake in defending countries where they are considered second-class citizens, and should instead be forces for peace. Yet women have been perpetrators as well as victims of violence in nationalist conflicts. This unique book generates insights into the role of gender in nationalist violence by examining feature films from a range of conflict zones. In The Battle of Algiers, female bombers destroy civilians (...)
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    Tryhards, Fashion Victims, and Effortless Cool.Luke Russell - 2011 - In Fritz Allhoff, Jessica Wolfendale & Jeanette Kennett, Fashion - Philosophy for Everyone: Thinking with Style. Wiley. pp. 37–49.
    This chapter contains sections titled: Being Fashionable Tryhards and Fashion Victims Effortless Cool Self‐effacing Goals.
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  7. Forgiveness: The Victim's Prerogative.Trudy Govier & Wilhelm Verwoerd - 2002 - South African Journal of Philosophy 21 (2):97-111.
    This article explores and offers a qualified defence of the claim that the entitlement to forgive a wrongdoer belongs to the victim of the wrong. A summary account of forgiveness is given, followed by arguments in favor of the victim's prerogative to forgive. Primary, or direct victims are then distinguished from secondary and tertiary ones, which point to a plurality of prerogatives to forgive. In cases of conflicts between these prerogatives it is emphasized that special care should be (...)
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    Victims, Their Stories, and Our Rights.Vittorio Bufacchi - 2018 - Metaphilosophy 49 (1-2):3-12.
    Diana Meyers argues that breaking the silence of victims and attending to their stories are necessary steps towards realizing human rights. Yet using highly personal victims' stories to promote human rights raises significant moral concerns, hence Meyers suggests that before victims' stories can be accessed and used, it is morally imperative that requirements of informed consent and non-retraumatization are secured. This article argues that while Meyers' proviso is important, and necessary, it may not be sufficient. First, one (...)
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    Peaceful conflict resolution and its discontents in aeschylus's Eumenides.Edith Hall - 2015 - Common Knowledge 21 (2):253-269.
    The earliest ancient Greek text to narrate the resolution of a large-scale conflict by judicial means is Aeschylus's tragedy Eumenides, first performed in Athens in 458 BC. After explaining the historical context in which the play was performed—a context of acute civic discord and the imminent danger of an escalation of reciprocal revenge killings by the lower-class faction in Athens—this article offers a new reading of the play and asks if it can help us think about the challenges inherent in (...)
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    Constructing Africa in Chinese international news reporting: peace or conflict journalism?Valerie A. Cooper & Innocent Chiluwa - forthcoming - Critical Discourse Studies.
    China’s extensive media presence in Africa aims to distinguish itself through the use of constructive journalism in contrast with the perceived dominance of conflict journalism by Western media outlets. However, many scholars have raised questions of consistency surrounding Chinese media’s use of constructive journalism in representing Africa (e.g. Marsh, Citation2016). With perspectives from Galtung’s (Citation1987, p. 1998) conflict and peace journalism, this research applies Critical Discourse Analysis to examine Chinese media’s representation of Africa to an international audience. Using linguistic data (...)
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    How Is Existential Threat Related to Intergroup Conflict? Introducing the Multidimensional Existential Threat (MET) Model.Gilad Hirschberger, Tsachi Ein-Dor, Bernhard Leidner & Tamar Saguy - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7:195205.
    Existential threat lies at the heart of intergroup conflict, but the literature on existential concerns lacks clear conceptualization and integration. To address this problem, we offer a new conceptualization and measurement of existential threat. We establish the reliability and validity of our measure, and to illustrate its utility, we examine whether different existential threats underlie the association between political ideology and support for specific political policies. Study 1 (N = 798) established the construct validity of the scale, and revealed four (...)
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    Healthcare Workers in Conflict: Challenges and Choices.Melissa McRae & Maria Guevara - 2023 - Narrative Inquiry in Bioethics 13 (3):187-192.
    ‘War is definitely hell on earth’. All too often, we hope the hell will be short-lived, over in a few days, and yet, as we know from experience, hell can go on and on and on. For healthcare workers who provide care to victims of conflict, the work raises many ethical dilemmas. The stories showcased in this edition of NIB share the experiences of a handful of brave individuals and how they navigated their professional ethical obligations as well as (...)
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  13. Terrorists, Hostages, Victims, and “The Crisis Team”: A “Who's Who” Puzzle.Nancy Potter - 1999 - Hypatia 14 (3):126-156.
    This essay examines the relationship between nonviolence and trustworthiness. I focus on questions of accountability for people in midlevel positions of power, where multiple loyalties and responsibilities create conflicts and where policies can push people into actions that reinstate hegemonic relations. A case study from crisis counseling is presented in which the management of the case exacerbated previous violence done to a biracial female. The importance of resistance to dominant ideology is scrutinized.
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    Development on a theater: Democracy, governance, and the socio-political conflict in Burundi. [REVIEW]Rockfeler P. Herisse - 2001 - Agriculture and Human Values 18 (3):295-304.
    The flood of events rivetingthe Great Lakes Region since the late 1980s hasattracted much attention. Countries in thisregion have been in a proverbial greenhousehighlighted by the well-publicized crimesagainst humanity in Rwanda. In Burundi to date,more than 200,000 have died as victims of thepower struggle. While Burundians and theinternational community analyze the best waysto bring the country back on the developmenttrack, the primarily agrarian nation wrestleswith its new and fragile institutions. Thosenew institutions replaced elements that onceserved as a social cement (...)
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    A feminist reflection on male victims of conflict-related sexual violence.Elisabet le Roux & Louise du Toit - 2021 - European Journal of Women's Studies 28 (2):115-128.
    The authors identify a pervasive tendency, especially in the world of development and humanitarian response, to hierarchize or prioritize certain types of victims of sexual violence in armed conflict over others. Within this broader context, they focus on what a considered feminist acknowledgement of male victims of conflict-related sexual violence should look like. On the one hand, they emphasize that one and the same patriarchal template is used to humiliate and shame male and female victims of sexual (...)
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    Post-Coloniality and Racial Subjugation in the South Asian Conflict-Affected Chittagong Hill Tracts.Muhammad Sazzad Hossain Siddiqui - forthcoming - Philosophy and Progress:61-77.
    The absence of colonial and post-colonial examinations of the conflict-ravaged Chittagong Hill Tracts (CHT) – a Bangladesh’s distant fringe– warranted me to explore how colonial legacy facilitated the post-colonial statist approach and majoritarian Bengali supremacists’ tendencies to exploit and subjugate the distinct CHT culture. This reconnaissance endeavour finds that the history of extortion of the Chittagong Hill Tracts (CHT)indigenous peoples is a suitable example of racism victims, and thus it examines in the light of the colonial and post-colonial discourses. (...)
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  17.  12
    Benedetta Faedi Duramy: Gender and Violence in Haiti: Women’s Path from Victims to Agents: Rutgers University Press, New Brunswick, NJ, 2014, 172 pp, price US$25.95, ISBN: 978-0-8135-6134-5. [REVIEW]Leanne Levers - 2016 - Feminist Legal Studies 24 (2):227-231.
    This book review examines the recent publication, Gender and Violence in Haiti: Women’s Path from Victims to Agents by Benedetta Faedi Duramy. Duramy provides an in-depth contextualized discussion of sexual violence in Haiti, where she examines the role that women survivors of sexual violence play as perpetrators of violence. Duramy engages personally with female victim-survivors to gain insight as to the daily threat of violence they experience and their motivations for participating in this widespread conflict. In light of the (...)
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  18.  52
    Invisible victims? Where are male victims of conflict-related sexual violence in international law and policy?Ellen Anna Philo Gorris - 2015 - European Journal of Women's Studies 22 (4):412-427.
    In this article the author argues that men and boys have been historically and structurally rendered an invisible group of victims in international human rights and policy responses towards conflict-related sexual violence stemming from the United Nations. The apparent female-focused approach of instruments on sexual violence is criticized followed by a discussion – through analysis and interviews with legal scholars and champions for the recognition of male survivors’ experiences – of the first ‘emergence’ of male victims in these (...)
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    Victimhood dissociation and conflict resolution: evidence from the Colombian peace plebiscite.Laura Acosta - 2021 - Theory and Society 50 (4):679-714.
    How does violence shape citizens’ preferences for conflict termination? The existing literature has argued that violence either begets sympathy for more violence or drives support for making peace. Focusing on the 2016 Colombian Peace Agreement, this article finds that victimhood dissociation strongly shapes these preferences. With victimhood dissociation, a discrepancy exists between objective and subjective victimization, and the effect of violence on peace attitudes depends on citizens’ subjective interpretations of their personal experiences of violence. Citizens who do not experience violence (...)
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  20.  24
    Guilt – Forgiveness – Reconciliation – and Recognition in Armed Conflict.Bernard Koch - 2022 - Russian Journal of Philosophical Sciences 64 (6):74-91.
    The paper argues that in our usage of moral language we relate three concepts: guilt, forgiveness, and reconciliation. This assumes that we can distinguish between external actions and internal executions, because guilt as well as forgiveness and reconciliation are realities that first affect our inner humanity. When a relationship has been damaged by culpable actions (sometimes even by both sides), forgiveness is the precondition of reconciliation. As long as people accuse each other, there can be no talk of true reconciliation. (...)
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    Forgiveness Therapy: The Context and Conflict.Sharon Lamb - 2005 - Journal of Theoretical and Philosophical Psychology 25 (1):61-80.
    This paper is a critique of forgiveness therapy that focuses on the cultural contexts in which forgiveness therapy arose, with a special focus on the movement to address the victimization of women. I describe forgiveness as described by forgiveness therapy advocates and the moral and non-moral benefits claimed on its behalf. I then describe the cultural context that may explain the popularity of this form of therapy at this historical moment; the first context is a broad cultural context, looking at (...)
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    Victims and prisoners of conflict and violence: The flight of children and youth as mirrored in Nigerian literature and mass media.S. I. Duruoha - 2011 - Sophia: An African Journal of Philosophy 11 (1).
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  23. Dialectical Philosophy after Auschwitz Remaining Silent, Speaking Out, Engaging with the Victims.Andreas Herberg-Rothe - 2019 - Philosophical Journal of Conflict and Violence 3 (2):188-199.
    Auschwitz is still the greatest challenge for philosophy and reason, rather than representing their end, as Lyotard most prominently seems to imply. The article shows how the evolution of the question of dialectics from Hegel to postmodernism must be thought in relation to Auschwitz. The critics of reason and Hegel such as Lyotard, Derrida and Foucault are highlighting the break between reason and unspeakable suffering, for which Auschwitz is the most prominent symbol, but reintroduce ‘behind’ the scene much more speculative (...)
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    The Gendered Dimensions of Conflict's Aftermath: A Victim-Centered Approach to Compensation.Sara L. Zeigler & Gregory Gilbert Gunderson - 2006 - Ethics and International Affairs 20 (2):171-192.
    Although international security studies tend to focus on the nature of armed conflict and how nations fare in the face of such conflicts, our attention has been drawn to the challenge of managing the peace.
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  25. The fortieth annual lecture series 1999-2000.Brain Computations & an Inevitable Conflict - 2000 - Journal for General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 31:199-200.
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    Moderating Effect of the Situation of Return or Relocation on the Well-Being and Psychosocial Trauma of Young Victims of the Armed Conflict in Colombia.Sandra Milena Quintero-González, Camilo Alberto Madariaga-Orozco, Anthony Constant Millán-de Lange, Diany Marcela Castellar-Jiménez & Jorge Enrique Palacio-Sañudo - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    Colombia is the second country with the highest number of internally displaced persons. In the last 10 years, more than 400,000 young people carry, in their life experiences, the title of victims. The psychological and social circumstances that determine the lives of displaced young people in the world are not unknown. Fear, the poor resources for social adaptation available to them, and the possible reproduction of the cycle of violence, represent psychosocial risk factors in the young and displaced population. (...)
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  27. The politics of memory, victimization and activism in post-conflict Bosnia and Herzegovina.Elazar Barkan & Belma Becirbasic - 2015 - In Klaus Neumann & Janna Thompson, Historical justice and memory. Madison, Wisconsin: The University of Wisconsin Press.
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    Political messianism in Walter Benjamin: victims and armed conflict in Colombia.Yeison Hernando Cruz Fuentes - 2025 - Revista Internacional de Filosofía Teórica y Práctica 5 (1):115-155.
    El estudio se centra en el mesianismo político de Walter Benjamin y su relevancia para la violencia en Colombia. Benjamin critica la narración histórica desde la perspectiva de los vencedores, proponiendo una nueva forma de contar la historia desde la perspectiva de los vencidos. Esta perspectiva incluye un enfoque político y mesiánico, que busca redimir a los oprimidos y desechados de la historia. La primera parte del análisis sobre el mesianismo político de Walter Benjamin, versa en las tesis de Reyes (...)
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    The Vietnam war and the cross: A narrative for peace.Hoa Trung Dinh - 2016 - The Australasian Catholic Record 93 (2):131.
    Dinh, Hoa Trung Every war is sustained by a narrative that explains the conflict and the necessity of the use of force. A war narrative gives the assembly a common identity, a sense of solidarity, and a mandate for action. This paper examines the ethical significance of war narratives, with particular reference to the Vietnam War, and how war narratives can continue to foster enmity for decades after the fighting. The paper discusses two war narratives that played vital roles in (...)
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    Invisible Victims and the Case for OTC SSRIs.Jacob M. Appel - forthcoming - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics:1-8.
    Major depressive disorder is one of the most common serious illnesses worldwide; the disease is also among those with the lowest rates of treatment. Barriers to access to care, both practical and psychological, contribute significantly to these low treatment rates. Among such barriers are regulations in many nations that require a physician’s prescription for most pharmacological treatments including selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs). These rules are designed to protect patients. However, such regulations involve a tradeoff between the welfare of “visible” (...)
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  31. What does it mean to occupy?Tim Gilman & Matt Statler - 2012 - Continent 2 (1):36-39.
    Place mouse over image continent. 2.1 (2012): 36–39. From an ethical and political perspective, people and property can hardly be separated. Indeed, the modern political subject – that is, the individual, the person, the self, the autonomous actor, the rational self-interest maximizer, etc. – has taken shape in and through the elaboration, institutionalization, and enactment of that which rightfully belongs to it. This thread can be traced back perhaps most directly to Locke’s notion that the origin of the political state (...)
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    Peace, Conflict and Resolution (Good vs. Evil).Arif Hossain - 2013 - Bangladesh Journal of Bioethics 4 (1):9-19.
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  33. Envy's Non-Innocent Victims.Iskra Fileva - 2019 - Journal of Philosophy of Emotion 1 (1):1-22.
    Envy has often been seen as a vice and the envied as its victims. I suggest that this plausible view has an important limitation: the envied sometimes actively try to provoke envy. They may, thus, be non-innocent victims. Having argued for this thesis, I draw some practical implications.
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  34. Empathy for victims in criminal justice : revisiting Susan Bandes in victimology.Antony Pemberton - 2016 - In Heather Conway & John E. Stannard, The emotional dynamics of law and legal discourse. Portland, Oregon: Hart Publishing.
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    Протестантські євангелічні течії в україні у репресіях 30-х-40-х років.Olena Zaichenko - 2019 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 89:26-43.
    The article deals with the specific conditions of existence of protestant evangelical communities in Ukraine, showing the case of the repressions against the peasants who belonged to the Maliovanian sect. The materials of the case are used to explain the popularity of the Maliovanian sect among the peasants in Ukraine, as well as to find out the biographical and ideological reasons that led the accused people to the belonging to this sect. Some attention is given to the ideological conflict between (...)
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  36. Victims, resistance, and civilized oppression.Jean Harvey - 2010 - Journal of Social Philosophy 41 (1):13-27.
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    The Conflict 0f Hermeneutical Traditions and Christian Theology.Francis Schüssler Fiorenza - 2000 - Journal of Chinese Philosophy 27 (1):3-31.
  38. Social conflict and value education in contemporary india.Mm Agrawal - 2002 - In Kireet Joshi, Philosophy of value-oriented education: theory and practice: proceedings of the National Seminar, 18-20 January, 2002. New Delhi: Indian Council of Philosophical Research. pp. 375.
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    Between conflict and reconciliation: the hard truth.Rosemary R. P. Lerner - 2007 - Human Studies 30 (2):115-130.
    In the context of the fairly recent Truth and Reconciliation Commissions (TRC), I examine phenomenologically the nature of truth as the essential condition for overcoming social and political conflicts, and as an instrument for enforcing so-called “transitional justice” periods and promoting reconciliation. I also briefly approach the limits of this truth’s possibility of being recognized, if its evaluative and practical dimensions and its appeal to an “intelligence of emotions” do not prevail over its merely theoretical claims. Though not expounding (...)
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    Conceptual Conflicts in Metaphors and Pragmatic Strategies for Their Translation.Ilaria Rizzato - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12:662276.
    This article seeks to provide a theoretical exploration of Prandi's model of conceptual conflicts in metaphors (2017) and to highlight the advantages such model presents in its applications to translation and the text analysis preceding and preparing translation. Such advantages are mainly identified in the model aptness to meet the pragmatic requirements of translation, seen as a practice-based, goal-oriented and context-driven activity. These advantages also distinctly emerge from a comparison with the main tenets of the cognitive tradition. The theoretical (...)
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    Testimoniar sometida a la injusticia hermenéutica. Daño sexual y discernimiento.Carmen Martínez-Sáez - 2022 - Quaderns de Filosofia 9 (2):51.
    Testifying subjected to hermeneutical injustice. Sexual harm and discernment Resumen: Junto a la concepción del testimonio como institución social sometida a condiciones y normas, hay en Conocimiento expropiado (Broncano 2020) una segunda forma de concebir la práctica epistémica del testimonio que entra en conflicto con la primera y que parece pasar inadvertida. Esta segunda concepción se manifiesta en el modo en que Broncano delimita el acto de testimoniar y la dependencia epistémica. El objetivo de esta contribución es mostrar el conflicto (...)
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  42. War as a disaster. Its psychological consequences.Liuba Yamila Peña Galbán, Arnaldo Espíndola Artola, Jorge Cardoso Hernández & Tomás González Hidalgo - 2007 - Humanidades Médicas 7 (3).
    En más de 100 conflictos bélicos que se han producido en los últimos diez años, más del 80 por ciento de las víctimas son civiles. Se ha producido un desarrollo acelerado en las investigaciones concernientes a las consecuencias psico-sociales de la guerra en la población civil, la cual es el blanco principal de las víctimas en la guerra contemporánea. Este trabajo constituye una revisión bibliográfica sobre la guerra como desastre, acerca de los conceptos “modernos” de “guerra total”, desastre y las (...)
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    Victims and Values. [REVIEW]John A. Kromkowski - 1992 - Radical Philosophy Review of Books 5 (5):46-48.
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    Conflict between Paternalism and Autonomy.Sayani Ah - 2015 - Journal of Clinical Research and Bioethics 6 (6).
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    Editors' conflicting interests remain in the shadows.Harvey Marcovitch - 2012 - Journal of Medical Ethics 38 (11):685-685.
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  46. Moral conflict for the film librarian.Douglas Low - 2002 - Journal of Information Ethics 11 (2):33-45.
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    The Conflicts between Theory and Practice Implied in Curriculum Studies with Metapraxis.Chae-Hyeong Park - 2018 - The Journal of Moral Education 30 (1):73-93.
  48. The mob and the victim in the psalms and job.Woodside Church - 2001 - Contagion: Journal of Violence, Mimesis, and Culture 8:151.
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  49. Principles, conflicts, and defeats : an approach from a coherentist theory.Juan Manuel Pérez Bermejo - 2012 - In Jordi Ferrer Beltrán & Giovanni Battista Ratti, The Logic of Legal Requirements: Essays on Defeasibility. Oxford, U.K.: Oxford University Press.
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  50. Conflict, anthropological perspective.Georg Elwert - 2001 - In Neil J. Smelser & Paul B. Baltes, International Encyclopedia of the Social and Behavioral Sciences. Elsevier. pp. 2542--2547.
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