Results for 'İsmâil AMÂYİRA AMÂYİRA'

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  1.  22
    Tari̇hsel süreçte oryantali̇stler ve arap di̇li̇ -oryantali̇st olgunun tari̇hî kökleri̇-.İsmâil AMÂYİRA AMÂYİRA & Ekrem GÜLŞEN - 2016 - Sakarya Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi 17 (32):191-191.
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    Knowing God: Ibn ʿArabī and ʿAbd al-Razzāq al-Qāshānī’s Metaphysics of the Divine.Ismail Lala - 2019 - Boston: BRILL.
    In _Knowing God_, Ismail Lala investigates the nature of God and whether we can truly know Him according to the influential mystic, Muḥyī al-Dīn ibn ʿArabī, and his disciple, ʿAbd al-Razzāq al-Qāshānī.
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    Muḥammad as the Qur’an in Ibn ‘Arabī’s Metaphysics.Ismail Lala - 2024 - Sophia 63 (2):195-213.
    Muḥyī al-Dīn Ibn ‘Arabī (d. 638/1240) is regarded as one of the foremost mystical thinkers in Islam. This paper explores the ways in which he and his followers distinguish between the reality of Muḥammad (al-ḥaqīqa al-Muḥammadiyya) or the light of Muḥammad (al-nūr al-Muḥammadī), as the metaphysical reality of Muḥammad, and his metahistorical manifestation as Muḥammad Ibn ‘Abd Allāh. In his metaphysical reality, Muḥammad is the manifestation of the qur’ān, which ‘brings together’ the divine and His creation. Muḥammad’s metaphysical reality, as (...)
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    The Effect of the Fear of COVID-19 on Healthcare Professionals’ Psychological Adjustment Skills: Mediating Role of Experiential Avoidance and Psychological Resilience.İsmail Seçer, Sümeyye Ulaş & Zeynep Karaman-Özlü - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Unity and multiplicity of Ibn ‘Arabī’s philosophy in Indonesian Sufism.Ismail Lala - 2024 - Asian Philosophy 34 (1):45-55.
    ABSTRACT The connection between the unity of God and the multiplicity seen in the universe represents the central concern for the Sufi thinker, Muḥyī al-Dīn ibn ‘Arabī (d. 638/1240). It deeply affected the thought of the Southeast Asian mystic, Ḥamza Fanṣūrī (d. 1590?), and his alleged disciple, Shams al-Dīn al-Sumatra’ī (d. 1630). Traces of this idea, through its popularisation in the poems of Fanṣūrī, exert a powerful influence on the Indonesian intellectual topography to this day. This article investigates the concept (...)
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    Open-world probabilistic databases: Semantics, algorithms, complexity.İsmail İlkan Ceylan, Adnan Darwiche & Guy Van den Broeck - 2021 - Artificial Intelligence 295 (C):103474.
  7.  38
    Trust Deficit and Anti-corruption Initiatives.Ismail Adelopo & Ibrahim Rufai - 2020 - Journal of Business Ethics 163 (3):429-449.
    This study explores the ways in which trust deficit undermines anti-corruption initiatives in a context with systemic corruption. Anti-corruption measures as panacea to systemic corruption are not new, but their effectiveness is debatable. Whilst understanding the causal relationship between corruption and trust remains germane to fighting corruption, a growing number of recent studies advocate better context sensitivity in developing anti-corruption initiatives. Consistent with this, we unpack the perceptions of a significant section of the population in which corruption is rampant to (...)
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    The Mediator Role of Academic Resilience in the Relationship of Anxiety Sensitivity, Social and Adaptive Functioning, and School Refusal With School Attachment in High School Students.İsmail Seçer & Sümeyye Ulaş - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Religious attitudes towards living kidney donation among Dutch renal patients.Sohal Y. Ismail, Emma K. Massey, Annemarie E. Luchtenburg, Lily Claassens, Willij C. Zuidema, Jan J. V. Busschbach & Willem Weimar - 2012 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 15 (2):221-227.
    Terminal kidney patients are faced with lower quality of life, restricted diets and higher morbidity and mortality rates while waiting for deceased donor kidney transplantation. Fortunately, living kidney donation has proven to be a better treatment alternative (e.g. in terms of waiting time and graft survival rates). We observed an inequality in the number of living kidney transplantations performed between the non-European and the European patients in our center. Such inequality has been also observed elsewhere in this field and it (...)
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    Islamism, Re-Islamization and the Fashioning of Muslim Selves: Refiguring the Public Sphere.Salwa Ismail - 2007 - Muslim World Journal of Human Rights 4 (1).
    This article explores the political implications of Muslim public self-presentation and forms of self-fashioning associated with the ongoing processes of re-Islamisation in both Muslim-majority and Muslim-minority societies. It sketches how projects of the Muslim public self contribute to a refiguring of the public sphere. The argument put forward is that public practices of self-reform grounded in religion and presented in pietistic terms are political by virtue of being tied to projects of societal reform and because they have a bearing on (...)
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  11. Avicenna's Intuitionist Rationalism.Ismail Kurun - 2021 - History of Philosophy Quarterly 38 (4):317-336.
    This study is the first part of an attempt to settle a vigorous debate among historians of medieval philosophy by harnessing the resources of analytic philosophy. The debate is about whether Avicenna's epistemology is rationalist or empirical. To settle the debate, I first articulate in this article the three core theses of rationalism and one core thesis of empiricism. Then, I probe Avicenna's epistemology in his major works according to the first core thesis of rationalism (the intuition thesis). In the (...)
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  12. Karl Popper's Critique of Idealism.İsmail Kurun - 2018 - Beytulhikme An International Journal of Philosophy 8 (1):273-301.
    Karl Popper’s critique of idealism manifests itself with the application of his method, falsificationism, to metaphysics, epistemology, and social and political philosophy. According to Popper, who identifies himself as a philosophical realist, idealism has emerged as a result of the idea that reality cannot be known by reason and of the search for certainty which is erroneous, and it has begotten two mistaken and detrimental views. These views are historicism, the notion that history has an irresistible course, and holism, the (...)
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    Influence of emotional intelligence, ethical climates, and corporate ethical values on ethical judgment of Malaysian auditors.Suhaiza Ismail - 2015 - Asian Journal of Business Ethics 4 (2):147-162.
    The present study attempts to investigate the effect of emotional intelligence, corporate ethical values, and ethical climates on the ethical judgment of auditors in Malaysia. The study used a questionnaire survey comprising instruments on emotional intelligence, 483, 2004), corporate ethical values, 339–359, 1985), ethical climate, and ethical vignettes related to the auditors’ job, 287–306, 1971 and Cohen et al. 1994). A total 263 usable responses were obtained and analyzed using statistical tests of mean score, standard deviation, correlation, and multiple regression. (...)
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    Antimessianism and the temporal ontology of Ibn ‘Arabī.Ismail Lala - 2024 - Asian Philosophy 34 (2):187-198.
    This study investigates the prophetic tradition in Islam, which states that the fabric of time will become erratic with the coming of the Antichrist. The temporal ontology of one of the most influential philosophical thinkers in the Islamic tradition, Muḥyī al-Dīn ibn ‘Arabī (d. 638/1240), is employed to decode the tradition and expatiate on the nature of time and how it will manifest in the apocalyptic future. Ibn ‘Arabī explains that there are three modalities of temporal reality: ‘the day of (...)
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    Perceptual transformation in Ibn ‘Arabī’s philosophy: The night journey ( isrā’) and ascension ( mi‘rāj) of Prophet Muḥammad.Ismail Lala - 2024 - Asian Philosophy 35 (1):1-13.
    The night journey (isrā’) and ascension (mi‘rāj) represent arguably the most significant and unique events in the life of Prophet Muḥammad. However, the influential Sufi thinker Muḥyī al-Dīn ibn ‘Arabī (d. 638/1240) argues that the Prophet had thirty-four night journeys of which only one was physical. This physical night journey, and the ascension that took place with it, was the one in which he was given the five daily prayers. Ibn ‘Arabī thus employs the secondary night journeys and ascensions of (...)
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    Din ve Hayat Dergisi “Selefîlik” Özel Sayısı Bağlamında Bir Selefîlik Analizi.İsmail Akkoyunlu - 2024 - Dini Araştırmalar 67:431-468.
    İslam düşünce tarihinin erken dönemlerine kadar uzanan selef olgusunun aksine Selefîlik, son birkaç asırda varlığını hissettiren bir yapı olarak karşımıza çıkmaktadır. İslam’ın selef nesline dayalı bir biçimde anlaşılması ve yaşanması ülküsünü güden Selefîlik, ortaya çıkışının ardından araştırma ve tartışmalara konu edinilerek birbirinden farklı anlama ve yorumlama çabalarına maruz bırakılmıştır. Bu doğrultuda Selefîliğin selef olgusuyla yani sahâbe, tâbiîn ve tebe-i tâbiîn ile ilişkisi; ehl-i hadis, Hanbelîlik, Ehl-i Sünnet, Vehhâbîlik, ıslahat hareketleri, radikal akımlar hatta Haricîlikle benzer ve farklı yönleri analiz edilmiştir. Ayrıca (...)
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    Companies' ethical certification and their attractiveness to institutional investors: An intermediate signaling perspective.Ahmad K. Ismail, Dima Jamali, Samer Khalil, Assem Safieddine & Georges Samara - 2024 - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility 33 (4):568-582.
    Our research investigates how the inclusion of a company on an independent ethics index affects its attractiveness to institutional investors. Using a sample of 864 U.S. firms over the 2010–2018 period, we find that institutional investors significantly increase their holdings in companies in the quarter that they are included on the ethics index and maintain larger holdings in the four quarters following the inclusion on the Ethisphere list relative to pre-inclusion period, with dedicated institutional investors being more swayed to invest (...)
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    Explanations for query answers under existential rules.İsmail İlkan Ceylan, Thomas Lukasiewicz, Enrico Malizia & Andrius Vaicenavičius - 2025 - Artificial Intelligence 341 (C):104294.
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    Ibn ‘Arabī on Divine Atemporality and Temporal Presentism.Ismail Lala - 2022 - TheoLogica: An International Journal for Philosophy of Religion and Philosophical Theology 8 (1).
    Muḥyī al-Dīn ibn ‘Arabī (d. 638/1240) is arguably the most influential philosophical mystic in Islam. He is also a presentist. This paper responds to the arguments of contemporary philosophers, Norman Kretzmann, William Lane Craig, Garrett DeWeese, and Alan Padgett, who argue that divine atemporality and temporal presentism are incompatible, through the temporal ontology of Ibn ‘Arabī. Ibn ‘Arabī asserts that all entities in the universe are loci of manifestation of God’s most beautiful Names. These divine Names constitute sensible reality. The (...)
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    (1 other version)What World Is This? A Pandemic Phenomenology.Ismail Shogo - 2023 - Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology 54 (4):389-391.
    The coronavirus has brought unprecedented shifts to our world. Fracturing social arrangements, yet evincing also long-time weaknesses therein, the pandemic beckons from us now new forms of organizi...
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  21. The Egyptian Revolution against the Police.Salwa Ismail - 2012 - Social Research: An International Quarterly 79 (2):435-462.
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    The Debate About Creating out of Nothing Around Ibn Sina's Ibda‘ Nazariyah.İsmail KOÇAK - 2022 - Dini Araştırmalar 25 (63):579-602.
    The matter of creation is a topic on which the humanity focuses for many centuries. In our opinion, the elements which make this matter important could be evaluated within three categories: The ontological query of the human being arising from the necessity of “knowing”, the obligation of placing the being on the basis of epistemology in terms of the commonality of the quality of being, and creation being the commencement date of universe and human being. Throughout the history, some distinct (...)
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    Unintentional Insult (Microaggressions) and Its Common Examples in Turkey.İsmail GÜLEÇ & Erkan ÖZDEN - 2019 - Akademik İncelemeler Dergisi 14 (2):121-162.
    This study aims to investigate the experiences and problems of foreign nationals in Turkey, concerning microaggressions. Thus, it was aimed to find out which types of microaggressions -and at what frequency- are experienced by people who come to Turkey for different reasons like education, pursuit of a better life or escaping from war. The study was conducted in five different cities of Turkey. Students from primary school to university, teachers, parents and doctors took part in the study. The participants were (...)
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    The Fatimids and Their Traditions of Learning.Ismail K. Poonawala & Heinz Halm - 1999 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 119 (3):542.
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    Al-Qāḍī al-Nuʿmān, The Disagreements of the Jurists: A Manual of Islamic Legal Theory. Edited and translated by Devin J. Stewart.Ismail K. Poonawala - 2021 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 137 (2).
    Al-Qāḍī al-Nuʿmān, The Disagreements of the Jurists: A Manual of Islamic Legal Theory. Edited and translated by Devin J. Stewart. Library of Arabic Literature. New York: New York University Press, 2015. Pp. xxxviii + 405. $40.
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    Perceptions of Abraham’s Attempted Sacrifice of Isaac in the Latin Philosophical Tradition, the Sunnī Exegetical Tradition, and by Ibn ʿArabī.Ismail Lala - 2021 - Journal of Islamic Philosophy 12:5-44.
    Kierkegaard raises many issues in his account of the near sacri­fice of Isaac by his father. Responding to and critiquing Hegelian and Kantian depictions of Abraham, Kierkegaard moves to elevate Abraham into a position as a knight of faith. The Sunnī perception of the incident in the exegetical tradition is far more ethically unequivocal than that of the Latin philosophical tradi­tion. The ubiquitous Sufi theorist, Ibn ʿArabī, however, in a single act of interpretive ingenuity, managed to extirpate the central root (...)
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    A Thorough Examination of Bosnia's Antisemitic History.Evin Ismail - 2024 - Nordisk judaistik/Scandinavian Jewish Studies 35 (2):97-99.
    Book review of _Antisemitic Discourse and Historical Amnesia in Bosnia: The Case of Mustafa Busuladžić._ Kjell Magnusson. Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis, Uppsala Jewish Studies, 2024.
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    Financial Accountability and Religious Sentiments: The Case of Sukuk Bond.Ismail Adelopo, Ibrahim Rufai & Moshood Bello - 2021 - Journal of Business Ethics 182 (2):397-420.
    This study bridged the gap in the literature by exploring the overlaps between public financial accountability and religious sentiments. Previous studies have considered accountability in specific religions and religious organisations through the expositions of their application of accounting concepts and procedures. However, the ways in which religious sentiments affect public accountability are rarely researched. Yet, religion and religious sentiments play central roles in the lived experiences of many people and affect their decisions and perceptions. We used the issuance of Sukuk (...)
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    Barış Harek'tı Sonrasında Türkiye'den Kıbrıs'a Yapılan Göçler Ve Tatbik Edilen İsk'n Politikası.İsmail ŞAHİN - 2013 - Journal of Turkish Studies 8 (Volume 8 Issue 7):599-599.
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    Sosyo Poli̇Ti̇K Etki̇Ler Bağlamda Ortaya Çikan İMam Hati̇P Kuşaklari Üzeri̇Ne Bi̇R Değerlendi̇Rme.İsmail Akyüz - 2021 - Marifetname 8 (2):563-590.
    Dindar bir nesil yetiştirme ideali uzun bir süre Türkiye’de resmi politika olmamış, İmam Hatip okulları sadece din görevlisi yetiştiren eğitim kurumları olarak düşünülmüştür. Ancak 2012 yılında Recep Tayyip Erdoğan tarafından dile getirilen dindar nesil yetiştirme ideali ile ilk kez dindarlık ve bu bağlamda İmam Hatip okulları devletin toplum tasavvurunda önemli bir bileşen haline gelmiştir. Bu bağlamda yüz yıla yaklaşan tarihiyle İmam Hatip okullarının farklı dönemlerde yetişen nesillerinin farklı karakteristiklerinin ortaya koyulması, yetişecek nesillerin nasıl bir tarihsel tecrübeden beslendiğinin anlaşılması açısından önem (...)
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    A Contemporary Turkish Prison Diary : Reflections on the Writings of Said Nursi and Aleksander Solzhenitsyn.Ismail Albayrak - 2024 - Springer Nature Singapore.
    This book explores the religious experiences of two notable figures who endured severe trials under authoritarian regimes: Bediuzzaman Said Nursi (1877–1960) within the Islamic tradition, and Aleksander Solzhenitsyn (1918–2008) within the Russian Orthodox Christian tradition. Against the tumultuous backdrop of the twentieth century’s spiritual, social, political, and intellectual upheavals, both Nursi and Solzhenitsyn grappled with immense hardships because of their beliefs. Despite immense tribulations, both individuals demonstrated unwavering faith and resilience in the face of adversity, continuing their scholarly and literary (...)
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  32. Hz. Osman’ın Amm'r b. Y'sir’i Cezalandırdığına Dair Rivayetlerin Bel'zürî Özelinde Tahlil ve Tenkidi.İsmail Altun - 2019 - Ilahiyat Tetkikleri Dergisi 51:419-443.
    İslâm tarihi kaynaklarında sahabe arasında yaşanan hadiseler hakkında pek çok rivayet bulunmaktadır. Ancak bu rivayetlerin tamamının sahih olmadığı ehlinin malumudur. Binaenaleyh bu tür tarihî rivayetlerin tahlil edilmesi, tenkide ve kritiğe tabi tutulması gerekmektedir. Çünkü sahabe konusundaki düşünce ve kanaatlerimiz, başta Kur’an’ın anlaşılması olmak üzere İslâm’ın kaynak, kavram ve kurumlarıyla ilgili anlayışımızı belirleyecek ve dinî telakkimize de doğrudan yansıyacaktır. Bu durumda araştırmacıların vazifesi, sahabe ile ilgili rivayetlerin sahih olanlarını tespit etmek ve bu sahih rivayetler ışığında doğru değerlendirmeler yapmaktır. Bu çalışmada, sahabenin (...)
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  33. Müsteşrik Alfred Guillaume’nin Mescid-i Aks'’nın Yerine Dair Görüşlerine Eleştirel Bir Yaklaşım.İsmail Altun - 2019 - Ilahiyat Tetkikleri Dergisi 52:287-309.
    Dini metinlerde önemine ve faziletine vurgu yapılan ve Müslümanlar tarafından yeryüzündeki üç büyük mescitten biri olarak kabul edilen Mescid-i Aksâ’nın, Kudüs topraklarında bulunduğu hususunda kadim Sünnî kaynaklar ittifak halindedir. Şiiler hariç yirminci yüzyılın ikinci yarısına kadar Müslümanlar arasında Mescid-i Aksâ’nın yerine dair herhangi bir tartışma olmadığı söylenebilir. Ancak bu tarihten itibaren çeşitli gerekçelerle farklı görüşler ve iddialar ortaya atılmış, mezkûr Mescid’in Kudüs’te bulunup bulunmadığı tartışma konusu yapılmıştır. Tespit edebildiğimiz kadarıyla bu tartışmaları başlatan ilk isim, 1953’de konuyla ilgili bir makale kaleme (...)
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    A Critical Approach to Views of Muhammad Hamîdullah regarding The location of Al-Aqsā Mosque.İsmail Altun - 2018 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 22 (1):293-316.
    According to the consencus of Muslim world, al-Aqsā Mosque is located in the land of al-Quds (Jerusalem). In this matter, especially the old Sunnite sources are in agreement with each other. However, there are recently some different views regarding the location of al-Aqsā Mosque. It has been argued that al-Aqsā Mosque most likley was built in a location differnet from Jerusalem. One of the defenders of this opinion is Muhammad Hamīdullah, who is a prominent scholar of Islamic studies and considered (...)
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  35. Sahabe Gözünde Kudüs ve Mescid-i Aks'.İsmail Altun - 2017 - Ilahiyat Tetkikleri Dergisi 47:153-169.
    Peygamberler diyarı Kudüs, İslâm’da özel bir yere ve kudsiyete sahiptir. Müslümanların ilk kıblesi olması ve Allah Resûlü’nün İsrâ gecesinde içine girip namaz kıldığı Mescid-i Aksâ’yı bünyesinde barındırması sebebiyle Kudüs, evvela sahabenin sonra da bütün İslâm âleminin ilgi odağı hâline gelmiştir. Bu makalede, faziletine dair ayet ve hadislerin bulunduğu, tarihî ve manevî değeri yüksek yerlerden biri olan Kudüs topraklarına ve Mescid-i Aksâ’ya gerek Hz. Peygamber döneminde gerekse Hz. Peygamber’in vefatından sonra sahabenin gösterdiği ilgi ve bu ilginin sebepleri üzerinde durulacaktır. Ayrıca sahabenin (...)
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    Seviye Belirleme Sınavlarının Matematik.İsmail ŞAN - 2013 - Journal of Turkish Studies 8 (Volume 8 Issue 6):697-706.
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    The Level of Self-Efficacy of Prospective Mathematics Teachers about Competencies for Planning and Organizing Instruction.İsmail ŞAN - 2013 - Journal of Turkish Studies 8:517-537.
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    Syncretism: The Mystery Behind Korean Miracle.İsmail Başaran - 2023 - Entelekya Logico-Metaphysical Review 7 (2):63-81.
    South Korea created miracles out of a mess in the second half of the twentieth century. They have built an industrial production and export giant called Han Miracle and a democratic culture. They also began to create a cultural fever worldwide called the Korean Wave. However, what makes the Korean modernisation story unique compared to other development experiences in Asia is neither its industrial development nor its democratisation. The rapid Christianisation, especially the Protestantisation of Korea, which walks alongside modernisation, is (...)
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    The Relationship Between Iranian Female Dentistry Students’ Metacognitive Awareness and Listening Performance in English for General Purposes.Ismail Baniadam, Nasim Meskini & Afsaneh Afra - 2019 - Philosophy Study 9 (7).
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  40. İbn-i Kem'l’in et-Ta’rîb Ris'lesinde Kur’'n’da Mu‘arreb Konusuna Bakısı.İsmail Bayer - 2015 - Ilahiyat Tetkikleri Dergisi 44:103-114.
    Kemal Pasazâde (873-940/1468-1534) “fî Tahkîki Ta’rîbi’l-Kelimeti’l-A’cemiyye” adlı risalesinde “ta’rîb” yani “yabancı kelimelerin Arapçalastırılması” konusunu teorik ve pratik olarak inceler. Müellif verdigi çok sayıda örnekle neredeyse alanında küçük bir sözlük telif etmistir. Arap dünyasında iki kez tahkîk edilen ve karsılastırmalı çalısmaları yapılan risalede incelenen kelimelerin yaklasık beste biri, özel isimlerin büyük çogunlugunu olusturdugu Kur’ân-ı Kerîm kelimelerinden seçilmistir. Eser, bu yönleriyle Kur’ân’da Arapça dısı kelimelerin varlıgı üzerine yapılan tartısmalara önemli katkılar saglamaktadır.
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    İbn-i Kem'l’in “El-Üslûbu’l-Hakîm” Risalesinde İlgili Âyetlere Bakışı ve Es-Sekk'kî Eleştirisi / İbn-i Kemal’s View in his Epistle “al-Usloobu’l-Hakeem” in Relevant Verses and Criticism Against al-Sakkaki.İsmail Bayer - 2016 - Ilahiyat Tetkikleri Dergisi 45:215-231.
    Makalede, İbn-i Kemâl’in “Risâletun fî Beyâni’l-Uslûbi’l-Hakîm” adlı risalesinde “el-üslûbu’lhakîm” belâğî sanatını incelemesi ele alınmıştır. es-Sekkâkî’nin isim babası olduğu söz konusu sanatın tanımı, örnekleri ve özellikle Kur’ân’daki yansımaları eserin genel konularıdır. es-Sekkâkî’nin tanımıyla sunduğu bazı örnekler arasında tam bir uygunluk olmadığına dikkatleri çeken müellif, konuyu daha doğru bir zemine oturtabilmek için öncelikle mevcut tanımı ıslah etmeye gayret etmiştir. es-Sekkâkî’nin örneklerini her iki bakış açısıyla tartışan Kemâl Paşazâde, yeni örnekler sunarak ilgili sanatın anlaşılmasına önemli katkılarda bulunmuştur. Ayrıca müellifin, âyetlerin daha doğru anlaşılması (...)
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    Global Stability of Enzymatic Chains of Full Reversible Michaelis-Menten Reactions.Ismail Belgacem & Jean-Luc Gouzé - 2013 - Acta Biotheoretica 61 (3):425-436.
    We consider a chain of metabolic reactions catalyzed by enzymes, of reversible Michaelis-Menten type with full dynamics, i.e. not reduced with any quasi-steady state approximations. We study the corresponding dynamical system and show its global stability if the equilibrium exists. If the system is open, the equilibrium may not exist. The main tool is monotone systems theory. Finally we study the implications of these results for the study of coupled genetic-metabolic systems.
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  43. Eros, eroti̇kli̇k ve antEros üzeri̇ne...‹*›.İsmail H. Demirdöven - 2006 - In Mustafa Günay & Arslan Kaynardağ, Arslan Kaynardağ'a armağan: Türkiye'de felsefenin kurumsallaşması. İzmir [Turkey]: İlya. pp. 11--228.
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    The Major Intersections In The Geographical And Sociological Mobility Of Science.İsmail Doğan - 2018 - Metafizika 1 (2):5-22.
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    İlahiyat Fakültesi Öğrencilerine Verilen Arapça Hazırlık Eğitimine Dair Bir İnceleme.İsmail EKİNCİ - 2019 - van İlahiyat Dergisi 7 (11):144-161.
    Kadim bir dil olan Arapça, İslamiyet’in gelişiyle birlikte kutsal bir kitap olan Kur’an-ı Kerim’in dili olmuş, günümüze kadar varlığını ve önemini korumuştur. Anadili Arapça olmayanlara bu dilin öğretilmesi için farklı coğrafya ve farklı dönemlerde medreselerde veya devletin resmi eğitim kurumlarında Arapça dersleri verilmiştir. Verilen Arapça eğitimlerinde nahiv ve sarf temelli bir eğitim uygulanmıştır. Gramere dayalı bu dil eğitimi İlahiyat veya İslami İlimler fakültelerinde verilen eğitimlerle daha ileri bir seviyeye taşınmaya çalışılmıştır. İlahiyat veya İslami İlimler fakültelerinde verilen Arapça eğitimleri temelde dört (...)
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    Optical investigation of electron-beam-deposited tungsten-tellurite 100−xxamorphous films.M. Emam-Ismail, E. R. Shaaban, M. El-Hagary & I. Shaltout - 2010 - Philosophical Magazine 90 (25):3499-3509.
  47. İnternet ve Ekonomik Etkileri.İsmail Ertürk - 2002 - Cogito 30:198.
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    The Helping To “Gathering Together Dispersed Pearls”: The Little Contribution To The Classification Of Commentary.İsmail GÜLEÇ - 2009 - Journal of Turkish Studies 4:213-230.
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    Türkiye'de Sosyoloji Bölümlerindeki Din Sosyolojisi Dersi Üzerine Epistemolojik.İsmail GÜLLÜ - 2016 - Journal of Turkish Studies 11 (Volume 11 Issue 2):473-473.
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    Kit'b-ı Ata-Dede'deki Karışık Dil Özellikleri.İsmail GÜNEŞ - 2015 - Journal of Turkish Studies 10 (Volume 10 Issue 16):605-605.
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