Results for 'židovska misao'

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  1.  17
    Prophets of the Jewish Counterculture – Martin Buber, Erich Fromm, and Abraham Joshua Heschel.Domagoj Akrap - 2022 - Filozofska Istrazivanja 42 (4):761-773.
    The text deals with the emergence of a specific Jewish counterculture in the wake of the civil rights movement and the anti-war movement in the USA in the late 1960s and early 1970s. Martin Buber’s philosophy of dialogue, Erich Fromm’s humanism and the religious existentialism of Abraham Joshua Heschel had a significant impact on the ideas of the young Jewish generation and influenced their striving for a renewal of Jewish life. Although the three Jewish thinkers differed in their forms of (...)
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    Teologija: teološka analiza Einsteinova pojma Boga s implikacijama za njegovu sliku svijeta.Tonči Matulić - 2006 - Filozofska Istrazivanja 26 (3):531-557.
    istovremeno otkriva Božje tragove. Štoviše, po njemu je upravo pomoću prirodnih znanosti moguće uhvatiti i shvatiti Božju za-misao. Ovakvo gledanje na prirodu u XVIII. stoljeću je sačinjavalo sukus »prirodne teologije«. No, Einsteinov život i djelo se smještaju cijela dva stoljeća kasnije. Stoga je sasvim na mjestu istraživanje nekih teoloških implikacija Einsteinove fizikalne slike svijeta. Jer upravo je Einstein svojim najvažnijim prirodoznanstvenim otkrićima, točnije specijalnom teorijom relativnosti i općom teorijom relativnosti istovremeno »pokopao« dva i pol stoljeća dugu vladavinu newtonovske slike (...)
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    On a property of BCK-identities.Misao Nagayama - 1994 - Studia Logica 53 (2):227 - 234.
    A BCK-algebra is an algebra in which the terms are generated by a set of variables, 1, and an arrow. We mean by aBCK-identity an equation valid in all BCK-algebras. In this paper using a syntactic method we show that for two termss andt, if neithers=1 nort=1 is a BCK-identity, ands=t is a BCK-identity, then the rightmost variables of the two terms are identical.This theorem was conjectured firstly in [5], and then in [3]. As a corollary of this theorem, we (...)
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    Current status of umbilical cord blood storage and provision to private biobanks by institutions handling childbirth in Japan.Misao Fujita, Shoichi Maeda, Taichi Hatta, Kenichiro Kawabe & Maho Murata - 2022 - BMC Medical Ethics 23 (1):1-7.
    BackgroundThe Act Regarding the Promotion of the Appropriate Supply of Hematopoietic Stem Cells for Transplant regulates only how public banks store and provide umbilical cord blood for research or transplantation. Japan had no laws to regulate how the private banks manage the procedures, harvesting, preparation, and storage of such blood. As a result, the status of UCB distribution remains unknown. We conducted a survey to investigate the current status of UCB storage and provision to private biobanks by Japanese institutions that (...)
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  5.  36
    A rebuttal to Akabayashi and colleagues’ criticisms of the iPSC stock project.Misao Fujita & Keiichi Tabuchi - 2019 - Journal of Medical Ethics 45 (7):476-477.
    In the October edition of theJournal of Medical Ethics, Akabayashi and colleagues state that ’to establish a heterogeneous [induced pluripotent stem cell] iPSC bank covering roughly 80% of Japan’s population…the Japanese government decided to invest JPY110 billion (US$ 1.1 billion) over 10 years in regenerative medicine research; a quarter of this was to be allocated to the iPSC stock project'. While they claim this amount of money to be an unfair distribution of state resources, we believe their assessment is based (...)
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  6.  41
    Throwing the baby out with the bathwater: a critique of Sparrow's inclusive definition of the term 'in vitro eugenics'.Misao Fujita, Yoshimi Yashiro & Mika Suzuki - 2014 - Journal of Medical Ethics 40 (11):735-736.
    Sparrow highlights three potential applications of in vitro eugenics, that is, (a) research into the heredity of genetic disorders, (b) production of cell lines with specific genotypes, and (c) breeding better babies, and points to the need for researchers to discuss in advance the potential ethical problems that may emerge if the realization of this technology occurs in the near future. In this commentary, we pose a question for the sake of discussion. Is it, in fact, appropriate to label all (...)
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  7.  49
    Transplant Tourism From Japan.Misao Fujita, Brian Taylor Slingsby & Akira Akabayashi - 2010 - American Journal of Bioethics 10 (2):24-26.
  8.  11
    Miyake Setsurei no seiji shisō: "shinzenbi" no yukue.Misao Nagatsuma - 2012 - Kyōto-shi: Mineruva Shobō.
  9. Ningen shikō kōi.Misao Horiuchi - 1979
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    Bunmei no kenkyū: rekishi no hōsoku to mirai yosoku = An universal history.Misao Murayama - 1984 - Kyōto-shi: Mitsumura Suiko Shoin.
  11.  75
    A new correctness criterion for the proof nets of non-commutative multiplicative linear logics.Misao Nagayama & Mitsuhiro Okada - 2001 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 66 (4):1524-1542.
    This paper presents a new correctness criterion for marked Danos-Reginer graphs (D-R graphs, for short) of Multiplicative Cyclic Linear Logic MCLL and Abrusci's non-commutative Linear Logic MNLL. As a corollary we obtain an affirmative answer to the open question whether a known quadratic-time algorithm for the correctness checking of proof nets for MCLL and MNLL can be improved to linear-time.
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  12.  27
    Normalization theorem for P-W.Misao Nagayama - 1999 - Bulletin of the Section of Logic 28 (2):83-88.
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    On Boolean algebras and integrally closed commutative regular rings.Misao Nagayama - 1992 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 57 (4):1305-1318.
    In this paper we consider properties, related to model-completeness, of the theory of integrally closed commutative regular rings. We obtain the main theorem claiming that in a Boolean algebra B, the truth of a prenex Σn-formula whose parameters ai partition B, can be determined by finitely many conditions built from the first entry of Tarski invariant T(ai)'s, n-characteristic D(n, ai)'s and the quantities S(ai, l) and S'(ai, l) for $l < n$. Then we derive two important theorems. One claims that (...)
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  14.  78
    Clinical Ethics Consultation: Examining how American and Japanese experts analyze an Alzheimeras case.Noriko Nagao, Mark P. Aulisio, Yoshio Nukaga, Misao Fujita, Shinji Kosugi, Stuart Youngner & Akira Akabayashi - 2008 - BMC Medical Ethics 9 (1):2-.
    BackgroundFew comparative studies of clinical ethics consultation practices have been reported. The objective of this study was to explore how American and Japanese experts analyze an Alzheimer's case regarding ethics consultation.MethodsWe presented the case to physicians and ethicists from the US and Japan (one expert from each field from both countries; total = 4) and obtained their responses through a questionnaire and in-depth interviews.ResultsEstablishing a consensus was a common goal among American and Japanese participants. In attempting to achieve consensus, the (...)
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  15.  21
    Ethical analysis of the first porcine cardiac xenotransplantation.Christopher Gyngell, Megan Munsie, Misao Fujita, Carrie Thiessen, Julian Savulescu & Igor E. Konstantinov - 2024 - Journal of Medical Ethics 50 (6):363-367.
    In this article, we provide an ethical analysis of the first porcine cardiac xenotransplant, performed in Maryland, USA in early 2022. David Bennett was offered the experimental procedure after he was deemed ineligible for human heart transplantation and mechanical circulatory support, based on a history of non-compliance. It was reported that Mr Bennett’s previous instances of non-compliance were for medically non-life-threatening conditions years earlier, where the risks of non-compliance were not as high. We argue that, in Mr Bennett’s case, a (...)
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    The decision-making process for the fate of frozen embryos by Japanese infertile women: a qualitative study. [REVIEW]Shizuko Takahashi, Misao Fujita, Akihisa Fujimoto, Toshihiro Fujiwara, Tetsu Yano, Osamu Tsutsumi, Yuji Taketani & Akira Akabayashi - 2012 - BMC Medical Ethics 13 (1):9-.
    BackgroundPrevious studies have found that the decision-making process for stored unused frozen embryos involves much emotional burden influenced by socio-cultural factors. This study aims to ascertain how Japanese patients make a decision on the fate of their frozen embryos: whether to continue storage discard or donate to research.MethodsTen Japanese women who continued storage, 5 who discarded and 16 who donated to research were recruited from our infertility clinic. Tape-recorded interviews were transcribed and analyzed for emergent themes.ResultsA model of patients’ decision-making (...)
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  17. Nihon gendai tetsugaku nyūmon.Toyo Nobechi, Michitaka Nagao & Misao Horiuchi - 1967 - [Tokyo]: Risōsha.
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  18.  64
    A lambda proof of the p-w theorem.Sachio Hirokawa, Yuichi Komori & Misao Nagayama - 2000 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 65 (4):1841-1849.
    The logical system P-W is an implicational non-commutative intuitionistic logic defined by axiom schemes B = (b → c) → (a → b) → a → c, B' = (a → b) → (b → c) → a → c, I = a → a with the rules of modus ponens and substitution. The P-W problem is a problem asking whether α = β holds if α → β and β → α are both provable in P-W. The answer is (...)
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  19.  9
    Filozofska misao Frane Petrića.Mihaela Girardi Karšulin - 1988 - Zagreb: Odjel za povjest filozofije instituta za povijesne znanosti Sveučilišta u Zagrebu.
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    Filozofska misao V. S. Solovjova: radovi sa naucnog skupa: Podgorica, 15. decembar 1988. godine.Dragutin Leković (ed.) - 2009 - Podgorica: Crnogorska akademija nauka i umjetnosti.
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  21. Presokratska misao.Branko Pavloviâc & Slobodan ézunjiâc - 1997 - Beograd: Plato. Edited by Slobodan Žunjić.
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  22.  11
    Misao u vremenu: filozofske studije.Miodrag Cekić - 1985 - Beograd: Hegelovo društvo.
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    Srednjovekovna misao o društvu.Ljubinko Milosavljević - 2002 - Niš: Filozofski fakultet.
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  24. Misao u vremenu: filozofske studije.C. Miodrag Ceki - 1985 - Beograd: Hegelovo društvo.
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    Misao kao odraz vremena.Svetomir B. Nikolajević - 1971 - Beograd,: [Izdanje autora].
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    Filozofska misao Frane Petrića.Mihaela Girardi Karšulin - 1988 - Zagreb: Odjel za povjest filozofije instituta za povijesne znanosti Sveučilišta u Zagrebu.
  27. Filozofijska misao Georgiusa Raguseiusa.Marko Josipović - 1993 - Zagreb: Hrvatsko filozofsko društvo.
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    Filozofska misao u Crnoj Gori.Nikola Racković - 1994 - Cetinje: Centralna Narodna bibloteka Crne Gore "Đurđe Crnojević".
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  29.  11
    Misao i strast: filozofija Serena Kjerkegora.Miloš Todorović - 2001 - Beograd: Prosveta.
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    Filosofska misao Kine: od sinova neba do zmajeva našeg doba.Ostoja D. Đukić - 2017 - Banja Luka: Centar za društvena kretanja.
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  31.  12
    Tematiziranje kršćanske liturgike u časopisu Islamska misao.Haris Veladžić & Bajram Dizdarević - 2024 - Disputatio Philosophica 25 (1):79-91.
    Ono što islam kao religiju posebno karakterizira jest otvorenost prema drugim religijama i „duh dijalogiziranja“, što je zapravo jedna od suštinskih ideja Časnog Kur’āna. Za takvo što je nužan „drugi“, drugi koji će nastojati da se u svojoj ukupnosti razumije. Upravo je časopis Islamska misao jednim dijelom bio posvećen spomenutoj ideji, što potvrđuju tekstovi koje planiramo u ovom radu analizirati. Zapravo, sve to svjedoči jednom polaganom otvaranju koje je karakteriziralo period u kojemu je časopis izlazio, te kako političkoj emancipaciji (...)
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  32. Marko Josipovic: Filozofijska misao Georgiusa Raguseiusa (Das philosophische Denken von Georgius Raguseius).M. G. Karsulin - 1996 - Synthesis Philosophica 11:465-468.
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  33. Medhótá śrávaḥ II: Misao i slovo. Zbornik u čast Mislava Ježića povodom sedamdesetoga rođendana.Srećko Kovač (ed.) - 2023 - Zagreb: Hrvatska akademija znanosti i umjetnosti.
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    Simon Blackburn: Poziv na misao.Ćiril Čoh - 2003 - Prolegomena 2 (1):82-86.
  35.  12
    Kosmička misao, to je sama večnost: aforizmi, misli, refleksivno-književni zapisi.Emil Popović - 2004 - Beograd: E. M. Popović.
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  36. Prema identitetu realnog: Ne-filozofska misao imanencije.Gabriel Alkon & Boris Gunjević - 2011 - Synthesis Philosophica 26 (1):209-227.
    Jesu li stvari ovog svijeta nešto što je dano samoj misli? Jesu li stvari tako mišljene da budu spoznatljive, da budu objektivne manifestacije transcendentalno uvjetovanih moći? Zapadna filozofska tradicija prema Francoisu Laruellu pretpostavlja tu transcendentalnu konstituciju realnog. To je pretpostavka koja uzdiže samu filozofiju kao označenu primateljicu transcendentalnog dara. U našem članku o Laruellovom projektu želimo pokazati kako ta pretpostavka kontrolira čak i prividno radikalne kritike filozofske tradicije koje su se umnožile kao posljedice Nietzscheovog i Heideggerovog mišljenja. Zato učinkovita kritika (...)
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  37.  22
    Mozak i misao: jedna filozofska iluzija.Anri Bergson - 1996 - Theoria 39 (1):63-76.
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    Milan Kangrga – misao i granice.Emil Kušan - 2012 - Filozofska Istrazivanja 32 (2):219-226.
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    Filozofija krize i otpora: misao i delo Ljubomira Tadića.Marko Lolić (ed.) - 2019 - Beograd: Srpsko sociološko društvo.
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    Politička misao Džona Plamenca: radovi sa naučnog skupa Podgorica, 14. maj 2009.Dragan K. Vukčević (ed.) - 2012 - Podgorica: Crnogorska Akademija nauka i umjetnosti.
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  41. Pedagoška misao Svetozara Markovića: osnove, značenje i uticaj.Jašar Redžepagić - 1979 - Beograd: Srpska akademija nauka i umetnosti.
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    Patriotism and cosmopolitanism in intellectual discourse: Pescanik and Nova srpska politicka misao.Tamara Petrovic-Trifunovic & Ivana Spasic - 2014 - Filozofija I Društvo 25 (4):164-188.
    Rather than being just abstract notions scholars write about, patriotism and cosmopolitanism are used by social actors in ongoing social life. Whether employed to name?us? and exalt the values of one?s own group, or to name?them? and stigmatize what the opponents stand for, the two terms have long served as potent discursive weapons in the struggle for various kinds of power in Serbia. While they retain some significance to this day, the peak of their intensive and consequential employment in public (...)
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  43.  21
    Život i misao Ksenije Atanasijević.Ljiljana Vuletić - 2005 - Beograd: Izdanje autorke. Edited by Slobodan Raketic.
  44.  9
    Politička misao Džona Stjuarta Mila.Miša Đurković - 2006 - Beograd: JP Službeni glasnik.
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  45. Sputana i oslobođena misao: ogledi.Vladimir Vujić - 2006 - Beograd: Zadužbina Svetog manastira Hilandara.
  46.  29
    Poredak slobode: Politička misao Johna Stuarta Milla. [REVIEW]Ana Maršanić - 2002 - Croatian Journal of Philosophy 2 (2):241-245.
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    Simon Blackburn, Poziv na misao: poticajni uvod u filozofiju, prevela Lada Jurica, AGM, Biblioteka “Sintagma”, Zagreb 2002, 240 str. [REVIEW]Mihaela Girardi-Karšulin - 2003 - Prolegomena 2:1.
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  48. Der Gedanke.Eine logische Untersuchung / Misao. Jedno logičko istraživanje (Bosnian translation by Nijaz Ibrulj).Nijaz Ibrulj & Gottlob Frege - 1987 - Dijalog 1 (1-2):33-49.
    Frege's essay "Der Gedanke.Eine logische Untersuchung" was first published in the Beitrage zur Philosophie des Deutschen Idealismus for 1918-1919 and is one of three related logical studies published as a complete work by Gunther Patzig entitled Logische Untersuchungen in Gottingen, 1966 .
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  49. Franjo Petriš i njegova prirodnofilozofska i prirodoznanstvena misao.Žarko Dadić - 2000 - Zagreb: Školska knj..
  50. Slaven Ravlić, Poredak slobode: Politička misao Johna Stuarta Milla (The Order of Freedom: The Political Thought of John Stuart Mill).Ana Maršanić - 2002 - Croatian Journal of Philosophy 5:241-245.
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