Results for '160104 Social and Cultural Anthropology'

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  1. Cultural Anthropology in Schutzian Perspective.Lester Embree - unknown - Phainomena 74.
    Alfred Schutz’s scattered remarks about cultural anthropology can be related to the rubrics of disciplinary definition, basic concepts, and distinctive methods and also to his notion of the theoretical level in social science by consulting current textbooks. This shows a way in which a theory of this particular science can be developed that would fit into a general Schutzian Wissenschaftslehre of the cultural sciences.
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    Cultural-Anthropological Basis of Strong Constructivism in Social Cognition.O. N. Kubalskyi - 2024 - Anthropological Measurements of Philosophical Research 25:51-60.
    _Purpose._ This article is aimed at identifying the cultural-anthropological limits of the applicability of strong constructivism in social cognition. _Theoretical basis._ The study of epistemic cultures, carried out by the modern German philosopher of science Karin Knorr Cetina, gave reasons to rethink the role of cultural anthropology as a methodological basis of strong constructivism not only for scientific cognition, but also for educational practices, and perhaps also for some other social practices. An important role in (...)
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    Towards a Historical Cultural Anthropology.Christoph Wulf - 2018 - Dialogue and Universalism 28 (4):109-123.
    In today’s globalized world anthropology is a transdisciplinary and trans-cultural field of research. In the here-proposed concept it encompasses five paradigms: 1) hominization/evolution, 2) philosophical anthropology, 3) historical anthropology/mentality research, 4) cultural anthropology, 5) historical cultural anthropology. Anthropology contributes to the understanding of the human being at the beginning of the 21st century. Anthropology is characterized by a double historicity and culturality; it encompasses a great variety of research questions, methods (...)
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  4. Method in cultural anthropology.John Hast Weakland - 1951 - Philosophy of Science 18 (1):55-69.
    Those—other social scientists as well as laymen—who have read recent studies of national character and culture by anthropologists, while not having had experience in this field themselves, often seem to believe that the results which such anthropological investigators obtain are interesting, but that the methods used were intuitional, magical, or just invisible. The status of the work is cast in doubt, as falling short of an ideal that scientific description and analysis must be reproducible by any observer to whom (...)
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    Culture figures: a rhetorical reading of anthropology.Michal Mokrzan - 2024 - New York: Berghahn.
    Ethnographic research, anthropological theory, and the understanding of the objects of inquiry, are co-created through figuration (using tropes and rhetorical figures) and techniques of persuasion. Delving into descriptive ethnography and theoretical texts spanning across classical monographs and recent texts in cultural anthropology, Culture Figures places rhetoric and rhetoricity as central to the discipline's self-understanding. It focuses on how understandings of 'culture' and social life are shaped and conveyed in cultural anthropology through textual rhetoric. The book (...)
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  6. Culture, power, place: explorations in critical anthropology.Akhil Gupta & James Ferguson (eds.) - 1997 - Durham, N.C.: Duke University Press.
    Finally, this volume offers a self-reflective look at the social and political location of anthropologists in relation to the questions of culture, power, and ...
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    Anthropological Aesthetics of Greek Antiquity as a Narrative of Philosophical Discourse.O. M. Goncharova - 2022 - Anthropological Measurements of Philosophical Research 21:84-93.
    _Purpose._ The article aims to define the philosophical narratives about the "beautiful human" of Greek antiquity in the coordinates of the triad of "natural", "social" and "cultural" body. _Theoretical basis._ When achieving this purpose, the author based on the conceptual provisions of the philosophical anthropology of Н. Plessner, in particular, concerning the attitude of a limited body to its limit as an empirical comprehension of a human him/herself and the world. Developing the position of the body as (...)
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    Cultural Analysis of Corporate Social Action.James E. Mattingly, Harry T. Hall & Craig VanSandt - 2018 - Business and Society Review 123 (4):661-696.
    Previous studies of corporate environmental and social action identify exactly three similar patterns of activity. They provide divergent structural explanations for these patterns, as networks of institutional constraint, and networks of local inter-dependence, respectively. A theory of sociocultural viability, known in anthropology and policy science as Cultural Theory, explains that social systems consist of four patterns of social interaction, shaped by two distinct structural factors. Our own analysis of 45 items of environmental, social, and (...)
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    Trends in philosophical anthropology and cultural anthropology in postwar germany.Hermann Wein - 1957 - Philosophy of Science 24 (1):46-56.
    The semantic confusion in Europe about the term “anthropology” has of late been considerable. On the one hand there is meant by it, and quite justifiably, human biology and medical anthropology. On the other hand, the work of some contemporary thinkers, under the name of “philosophical anthropology,” has recently gone beyond the narrower compass. This has been noticeable at both the German and the international European philosophical conventions since the last war. In addition to this, there appeared (...)
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    Theoretical anthropology or how to observe a human being.Albert Piette - 2019 - Hoboken, NJ: Wiley.
    It may seem obvious that the human being has always been present in anthropology. This book, however, reveals that he has never really been a part of it. Theoretical Anthropology or How to Observe a Human Being establishes the foundations and conditions, both theoretical and methodological, which make it possible to consider the human being as a topic of observation and analysis, for himself as an entity, and not in the perspective of understanding social and cultural (...)
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    Leisure Anthropology of Ukrainian Refugees in Poland.N. V. Dobroier - 2023 - Anthropological Measurements of Philosophical Research 23:55-60.
    _Purpose. _The article is aimed at considering the concept of leisure in the daily practice of Ukrainian refugees in Poland and identifying the main trends in its development. _Theoretical basis._ The author used the quantitative method, the method of online search for respondents, the method of monitoring social networks, and the comparative method. The study was conducted in Poland from 01.08.2022 to 31.01. 2023 as part of grant support from the Polish Institute of Advanced Studies. The study is based (...)
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    Toward engaged anthropology.Sam Beck (ed.) - 2013 - New York: Berghahn Books.
    By working with underserved communities, anthropologists may play a larger role in democratizing society. The growth of disparities challenges anthropology to be used for social justice. This engaged stance moves the application of anthropological theory, methods, and practice toward action and activism. However, this engagement also moves anthropologists away from traditional roles of observation toward participatory roles that become increasingly involved with those communities or social groupings being studied. The chapters in this book suggest the roles anthropologists (...)
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  13. Notes on “Philosophical Anthropology” in Germany. An Introduction.Andrea Borsari - 2009 - Iris. European Journal of Philosophy and Public Debate 1 (1):113-129.
    The article opens (§ 1) with the paradoxical situation of philosophical anthropology between a heralded destiny of decadence (W. Schulz) and the surge of its argumentations and notions in the present-day debate on ethical themes and on the very idea of “human nature,” as well as in the redefinition of social philosophy (J. Habermas and P. Sloterdijk). It seeks, then (§§ 2-5), to trace a sort of “metaphilosophy” of philosophical anthropology, discussing the principal interpretations (H. Schnädelbach, H. (...)
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    Moral anthropology: a critical reader.Didier Fassin & Samuel Lézé (eds.) - 2014 - New York: Routledge.
    This Reader is an essential resource for students and scholars interested in the anthropology of morality. The collection includes classical and more recent material, carefully chosen to provide a critical and historical overview of an important and developing field. The selections are contextualized with lucid editorial material, including a substantial introduction.
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    Kant's Lectures on Anthropology: A Critical Guide.Alix Cohen (ed.) - 2014 - Cambridge, United Kingdom: Cambridge University Press.
    Kant's lectures on anthropology, which formed the basis of his Anthropology from a Pragmatic Point of View, contain many observations on human nature, culture and psychology and illuminate his distinctive approach to the human sciences. The essays in the present volume, written by an international team of leading Kant scholars, offer the first comprehensive scholarly assessment of these lectures, their philosophical importance, their evolution and their relation to Kant's critical philosophy. They explore a wide range of topics, including (...)
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    Cultural Evolution: Conceptual Challenges.Tim Lewens - 2015 - Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press UK.
    Tim Lewens aims to understand what it means to take an evolutionary approach to cultural change, and why it is that these approaches are sometimes treated with suspicion. While making a case for the value of evolutionary thinking for students of culture, he shows why the concerns of sceptics should not dismissed as mere prejudice, confusion, or ignorance. Indeed, confusions about what evolutionary approaches entail are propagated by their proponents, as well as by their detractors. By taking seriously the (...)
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  17. Understanding Cultural Traits: A Multidisciplinary Perspective on Cultural Diversity.Fabrizio Panebianco & Emanuele Serrelli (eds.) - 2018 - Springer.
    UNESCO Universal Declaration on Cultural Diversity (2 November 2001) defines culture with an emphasis on cultural features: “culture should be regarded as the set of distinctive spiritual, material, intellectual and emotional features of society or a social group”, encompassing, “in addition to art and literature, lifestyles, ways of living together, value systems, traditions and beliefs”. Cultural traits are also the primitive of mathematical models of cultural transmission inspired by population genetics, imported and refined by economics. (...)
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    The Anthropology of Intentions: Language in a World of Others.Alessandro Duranti - 2014 - Cambridge University Press.
    How and to what extent do people take into account the intentions of others? Alessandro Duranti sets out to answer this question, showing that the role of intentions in human interaction is variable across cultures and contexts. Through careful analysis of data collected over three decades in US and Pacific societies, Duranti demonstrates that, in some communities, social actors avoid intentional discourse, focusing on the consequences of actions rather than on their alleged original goals. In other cases, he argues, (...)
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    Exotics at home: anthropologies, others, American modernity.Micaela Di Leonardo - 1998 - Chicago, Ill.: University of Chicago Press.
    In this pathbreaking study, Micaela di Leonardo reveals the face of power within the mask of cultural difference. From the 1893 World's Fair to Body Shop advertisements, di Leonardo focuses on the intimate and shifting relations between popular portrayals of exotic Others and the practice of anthropology. In so doing, she casts new light on gender, race, and the public sphere in America's past and present. "An impressive work of scholarship that is mordantly witty, passionately argued, and takes (...)
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    The cultural evolution of shamanism.Manvir Singh - 2018 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 41:e66.
    Shamans, including medicine men, mediums, and the prophets of religious movements, recur across human societies. Shamanism also existed among nearly all documented hunter-gatherers, likely characterized the religious lives of many ancestral humans, and is often proposed by anthropologists to be the “first profession,” representing the first institutionalized division of labor beyond age and sex. In this article, I propose a cultural evolutionary theory to explain why shamanism consistently develops and, in particular, (1) why shamanic traditions exhibit recurrent features around (...)
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    Adequate anthropology of Karol Wojtyla.M. G. Kokhanovska - 2018 - Anthropological Measurements of Philosophical Research 14:172-179.
    Purpose. The article is aimed to introduce Karol Wojtyła’s anthropological teaching into the philosophical discourse through the systematization of anthropological issues in his philosophical and theological works. Provision of insight into the peculiar features of his adequate anthropology implies the fulfillment of the following tasks: first, identification of the methodology and the meaning of the principal concepts; secondly, study of the thinker’s key ideas; thirdly, presentation of the periodization of his anthropological doctrine development. Theoretical basis comprises of Karol Wojtyła’s (...)
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    Culture as practices: A pragmatist conception.Svend Brinkmann - 2007 - Journal of Theoretical and Philosophical Psychology 27-27 (2-1):192-212.
    This article outlines three conceptions of culture: The normative, the anthropological, and the pragmatist. I advocate a pragmatist conception of culture as practices using the conceptual resources found in John Dewey's pragmatism. I argue that culture is not to be thought of as a distinct, non-natural ontological realm, but is nature as it directs itself intelligently through historically evolved social practices. In Dewey's pragmatism, culture is another name for human experience as a practical process. I further argue that we (...)
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    Anthropology of visual self-objectification of the painter.O. M. Goncharova - 2020 - Anthropological Measurements of Philosophical Research 17:144-155.
    Purpose. Based on the anthropocentric approach to the analysis of visual self-presentations of Artemisia Gentileschi in paintings, to present the artwork as self-objectifications of the artist, which give rise to a new cultural reality and are at the same time a means of knowing the essence of man. Theoretical basis. The principles and methods of philosophical and anthropological research in combination with biographical, historical and comparative, iconographic, figurative and stylistic methods were used when writing the article. Among philosophical and (...)
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    Anthropological insights into the use of race/ethnicity to explore genetic contributions to disparities in health.Simon M. Outram & George T. H. Ellison - 2006 - Journal of Biosocial Science 38 (1):83-102.
    Anthropological insights into the use of race/ethnicity to explore genetic contributions to disparities in health were developed using in-depth qualitative interviews with editorial staff from nineteen genetics journals, focusing on the methodological and conceptual mechanisms required to make race/ethnicity a genetic variable. As such, these analyses explore how and why race/ethnicity comes to be used in the context of genetic research, set against the background of continuing critiques from anthropology and related human sciences that focus on the social (...)
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    The ‘Cultures’ of Global Mental Health.Leandro David Wenceslau & Francisco Ortega - 2022 - Theory, Culture and Society 39 (3):99-119.
    Global Mental Health is a field of research and practice that addresses the expansion of universal and equitable mental health care worldwide. This article explores the ways the concept of culture is employed in Global Mental Health literature. Global Mental Health advocates and critics assume an ontological separation between ‘nature’ and ‘culture’ to typify mental illness, linking it predominantly to one or the other of these two categories. Advocates of Global Mental Health view mental disorders as a nature–culture hybrid, while (...)
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    Philosophical Anthropology as a Space for the Evolution of Biopolitical Knowledge: From Ancient Natural Philosophy to Modern Microbiopolitics.S. K. Kostiuchkov & I. I. Kartashova - 2022 - Anthropological Measurements of Philosophical Research 21:15-27.
    _Purpose._ The study aims to substantiate philosophical anthropology as a space for the development of biopolitics, which is a relatively new synthetic scientific knowledge of the political in the biological and the biological in the political, which, however, has its roots in the era of antiquity. The analysis of biopolitics in the context of contemporary global challenges, in particular the COVID-19 pandemic, is carried out, which allows to actualize a new direction of biopolitics – microbiopolitics. _Theoretical basis._ The study (...)
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    Understanding cultural clusters: An ethnographic perspective.Polly Wiessner - 2022 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 45:e180.
    The cultural evolutionary approach to the dynamics of cumulative culture is insufficient for understanding how culture affects heritability estimates; it ignores the agency of individuals and internal complexity of social groups that drive cultural evolution. Both environmental and social selection need consideration. The WEIRD (western, educated, industrialized, rich, and democratic) problem has never plagued anthropology: A wealth of ethnography is available for the problem at hand.
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    Philosophical Anthropology: Wittgenstein's Perspective.Jesús Padilla Gálvez (ed.) - 2010 - De Gruyter.
    If we read Ludwig Wittgenstein's works and take his scientific formation in mathematical logic into account, it comes as a surprise that he ever developed a particular interest in anthropological questions. The following questions immediately arise: What role does anthropology play in Wittgenstein's work? How do problems concerning mankind as a whole relate to his philosophy? How does his approach relate to philosophical anthropology? How does he view classical issues about Man's affairs and actions? The aim of this (...)
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    The Anthropological Character of Theology: Conditioning Theological Understanding by David A. Pailin.Ralph Del Colle - 1994 - The Thomist 58 (4):694-698.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:694 BOOK REVIEWS Exercises in the Work of HUvB," Antonio Sicari writes on "Theology and Holiness," and Georges Chantraine writes on the relationship of "Exegesis and Contemplation." Missing from Henrici's account of Balthasar's philosophical presup· positions, as well as from the other contributions, are further sugges· tions for exploring possible relationships with some of the current con· cerns in North America like the hermeneutical debates or those surrounding other (...)
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    Philosophical Analysis of the Anthropological Revolution of the Human Person.Martinho Borromeu, Nicolau Borromeu, Duarte da Costa Barreto, Marciana Almeida Soares & Elda Sarmento Alves - 2023 - International Journal of Philosophy 11 (4):121-128.
    This article will address Edith Stein's interests in relation to the microcosm of man, whether as a material, living, animated or spiritual body, as well as in his social, historical, community and cultural position. For Edith Stein, only through this set of interrelated and exclusive instances, each with its own particularities and yet dependent on the others. The phenomenological study of the SELF presented by the author, in the search for the Divine, for awareness of “character”, in the (...)
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    Anthropological Problems in the Philosophy of H. S. Skovoroda in the Context of Modern National State-Forming Processes.P. Kravchenko - 2023 - Philosophical Horizons 47:113-123.
    The philosophical symbolism of H. Skovoroda’s works lies in wisdom, congenial work, seeing the big in the small, unveiling mysteries through the symbolic world. Skovoroda states that to be a human-being is to be a philosopher. The aim of philosophy is to reawaken the main mottos of the Age of Enlightenment (honor, dignity, freedom, justice, solidarity, morality). Creating open society in Ukraine on the basis of these mottos is the aim of the modern national state-building. The aim of the article (...)
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    An Anthropological Vision of Christian Marriage.German Martinez - 1992 - The Thomist 56 (3):451-472.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:AN ANTHROPOLOGICAL VISION OF CHRISTIAN MARRIAGE GERMAN MARTINEZ Fordham University Bronx, New York VIEWED FROM the institutional, interpersonal, or religious standpoint, marriage is not a distinctively Christian phenomenon, but it is a human partnership with inherently religious symbolism. Consider the complexity of its dimensions : it is a personal bond that is consummated in a sexual relationship; yet its full human reality contains different levels of meaning which point (...)
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    Anthropological approaches to 'primitive' religions.Max Charlesworth - 2009 - Sophia 48 (2):119-125.
    The study of religion by social anthropologists, as distinct from the classical philosophical approach of the Greeks and their medieval heirs, began in the late 19th century with Edward Tyler’s Primitive Culture (1871). Tyler’s approach was completely a priori in style in that it did not rest on systematic field work or empirical observation. The same approach characterized James Frazer’s famous book, The Golden Bough (1891). Baldwin Spencer, the founding father of Australian anthropology, was persuaded by Frazer to (...)
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  34. Rethinking Incest Avoidance: Beyond the Disciplinary Groove of Culture-First Views.Robert A. Wilson - 2020 - Biological Theory 16 (3):162-175.
    The Westermarck Effect posits that intimate association during childhood promotes human incest avoidance. In previous work, I articulated and defended a version of the Westermarck Effect by developing a phylogenetic argument that has purchase within primatology but that has had more limited appeal for cultural anthropologists due to their commitment to conventionalist or culture-first accounts of incest avoidance. Here I look to advance the discussion of incest and incest avoidance beyond culture-first accounts in two ways. First, I shall dig (...)
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  35. Exotic no more: anthropology on the front lines.Jeremy MacClancy (ed.) - 2002 - Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
    Since its founding in the nineteenth century, social anthropology has been seen as the study of exotic peoples in faraway places. But today more and more anthropologists are dedicating themselves not just to observing but to understanding and helping solve social problems wherever they occur--in international aid organizations, British TV studios, American hospitals, or racist enclaves in Eastern Europe, for example. In Exotic No More , an initiative of the Royal Anthropological Institute, some of today's most respected (...)
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  36. What Cultural Theorists of Religion have to learn from Wittgenstein, or, How to Read Geertz as a Practice Theorist.Jason A. Springs - 2008 - Journal of the American Academy of Religion 76 (4).
    Amid the debates over the meaning and usefulness of the word “culture” during the 1980s and 90s, practice theory emerged as a framework for analysis and criticism in cultural anthropology. While theorists have gradually begun to explore practice-oriented frameworks as promising vistas in cultural anthropology and the study of religion, these remain relatively recent developments that stand to be historically explicated and conceptually refined. This article assesses several ways that practice theory has been articulated by some (...)
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    Anthropology as a Counterculture. Against the Mainstream (from the 1960s until Today).Waldemar Kuligowski - 2021 - Anthropos 116 (2):429-438.
    This article is an attempt to ascertain the relationship between anthropology and counterculture. However, I am interested not so much in artistic affiliations (though, certainly, extremely interesting), but rather in strategies of activity and a specific shared “spirit” of resistance. My assumption is that anthropology has been a critical discipline from its beginnings, transgressing the cultural, social, political, and even moral mainstream. A dialogical, collaborative, advocational, and activist attitude are all hallmarks of an anthropological counterculture. In (...)
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    A Plea for a Pragmatist Anthropology.Roberta Dreon - 2024 - European Journal of Pragmatism and American Philosophy 16 (2).
    In this paper, I defend the claim that a philosophical anthropology inspired by the Classical Pragmatists, while being explicitly naturalistic, can avoid biological reductionism and environmental determinism, as well as dogmatic forms of anthropocentrism and human exceptionalism, insofar as it offers a picture of human nature as historical and contingent, dynamically constituted through interactions with a natural, naturally social, and enculturated environment. Cultural naturalism, I suggest, provides the theoretical framework for a pragmatist anthropology that includes at (...)
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  39. Does culture evolve?Joseph Fracchia & R. C. Lewontin - 1999 - History and Theory 38 (4):52–78.
    The drive to describe cultural history as an evolutionary process has two sources. One from within social theory is part of the impetus to convert social studies into "social sciences" providing them with the status accorded to the natural sciences. The other comes from within biology and biological anthropology in the belief that the theory of evolution must be universal in its application to all functions of all living organisms. The social scientific theory of (...)
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    American Medicine As Culture.Howard F. Stein - 2019 - Routledge.
    This book situates biomedicine within American culture and argues that the very organization and practice of medicine are themselves cultural. It demonstrates the symbolic construction of clinical reality within American biomedicine and shows how biomedicine never leaves the realm of the personal.
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    On making a cultural turn in religious ethics.Richard B. Miller - 2005 - Journal of Religious Ethics 33 (3):409-443.
    This essay critically explores resources and reasons for the study of culture in religious ethics, paying special attention to rhetorics and genres that provide an ethics of ordinary life. I begin by exploring a work in cultural anthropology that poses important questions for comparative and cultural inquiry in an age alert to "otherness," asymmetries of power, the end of value-neutrality in the humanities, and the formation of identity. I deepen my argument by making a foundational case for (...)
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    The cultural part of cognition.Roy Goodwin D'Andrade - 1981 - Cognitive Science 5 (3):179-195.
    This paper discusses the role of cultural anthropology in Cognitive Science. Culture is described as a very large pool of information passed along from generation to generation, composed of learned “programs” for action and understanding. These cultural programs differ in important ways from computer programs. Cultural programs tend to be unspecified and inexplicit rather than clearly stated algorithms learned through a slow process of guided discovery, and involve the manipulation of content based rather than formal symbol (...)
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    Cultural Anthropology in the USA.Dmitri M. Bondarenko - 2022 - Anthropos 117 (2):411-422.
    The outburst of antiracist protests in the USA in 2020 demonstrates how deeply this society’s present-day problems are rooted in its past. From this perspective, a study of the cultural memory of the time of the Civil War and the abolition of slavery, the key moment in the contemporary American nation formation, is especially relevant and important. The cultural frontier between the North and the South that had appeared as an outcome of differences in US history has not (...)
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    An ethics of anthropology‐informed community engagement with COVID‐19 clinical trials in Africa.Sarah J. L. Edwards, Blessing Silaigwana, Danny Asogun, Julius Mugwagwa, Francine Ntoumi, Rashid Ansumana, Kevin Bardosh & Jennyfer Ambe - 2023 - Developing World Bioethics 23 (3):242-251.
    The COVID‐19 pandemic has reinforced the critical role of ethics and community engagement in designing and conducting clinical research during infectious disease outbreaks where no vaccine or treatment already exists. In reviewing current practices across Africa, we distinguish between three distinct roles for community engagement in clinical research that are often conflated: 1) the importance of community engagement for identifying and honouring cultural sensitivities; 2) the importance of recognising the socio‐political context in which the research is proposed; and 3) (...)
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    Culture, hégémonie et subjectivités. « Traductions » de Gramsci dans les sciences sociales critiques anglophones.Gianfranco Rebucini - 2015 - Actuel Marx 57 (1):82-95.
    This article examines the legacy of Gramscian thought in Anglophone social sciences. It focuses in particular on three currents or disciplines, namely Cultural Studies, Anthropology, and Gender Studies. All three have sought and sometimes found in Gramscian categories a number of theoretical and political instruments through which to think the structures of domination, individual or collective subjectivity, and their relation to culture, in particular through the use of the dialectical relationship of hegemony/subalternity. Demonstrating how Gramsci was received (...)
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    Cultural Anthropology[REVIEW]J. J. Williams - 1934 - Thought: Fordham University Quarterly 9 (1):170-172.
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    Relativism in the Philosophy of Anthropology.Inkeri Koskinen - 2019 - In Martin Kusch, The Routledge Handbook of Philosophy of Relativism. Routledge. pp. 425–434.
    This chapter explores arguments, ideas, and practices related to relativism in social and cultural anthropology. It covers discussions about cultural relativism, methodological relativism, conceptual relativism, relativism about rationality, moral relativism, epistemic relativism, and ontological relativism.
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    Tree leaf talk: a Heideggerian anthropology.James F. Weiner - 2001 - Oxford ; New York: Berg.
    This is the first book to explore the relationship between Martin Heidegger's work and modern anthropology. Heidegger attracts much scholarly interest among social scientists, but few have explored his ideas in relation to current anthropological debates. The discipline's modernist foundations, the nature of cultural constructionism and of art ñ even what an anthropology of art must include ñ are all informed and illuminated by Heidegger's work. The author argues that many contemporary anthropologists, in their concern to (...)
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    Shaking grounds, unearthing palimpsests: Semiotic anthropology of disaster.Ryo Morimoto - 2012 - Semiotica 2012 (192):263-274.
    This article will engage with the current disasters in Japan from the perspective of semiotic anthropology. Disaster seems to produce two moments of the sign: signa naturalia and signa data. The translation of the sign mirrors the architectonic of the signified of disaster, which is mediated by a token-level instantiation of signifiers that initially appears either absent or in excess. The conceptualization of disaster as a zero sign, that is, unlimited possibility, allows an investigation of “a struggle of interpretants” (...)
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  50. Hearing Voices in Different Cultures: A Social Kindling Hypothesis.Tanya M. Luhrmann, R. Padmavati, Hema Tharoor & Akwasi Osei - 2015 - Topics in Cognitive Science 7 (4):646-663.
    This study compares 20 subjects, in each of three different settings, with serious psychotic disorder who hear voices, and compares their voice-hearing experience. We find that while there is much that is similar, there are notable differences in the kinds of voices that people seem to experience. In a California sample, people were more likely to describe their voices as intrusive unreal thoughts; in the South Indian sample, they were more likely to describe them as providing useful guidance; and in (...)
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