Results for 'A. Hallowell'

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  1.  72
    Healthcare professionals' and researchers' understanding of cancer genetics activities: a qualitative interview study.N. Hallowell, S. Cooke, G. Crawford, M. Parker & A. Lucassen - 2009 - Journal of Medical Ethics 35 (2):113-119.
    Aims: To describe individuals’ perceptions of the activities that take place within the cancer genetics clinic, the relationships between these activities and how these relationships are sustained. Design: Qualitative interview study. Participants: Forty individuals involved in carrying out cancer genetics research in either a clinical (n = 28) or research-only (n = 12) capacity in the UK. Findings: Interviewees perceive research and clinical practice in the subspecialty of cancer genetics as interdependent. The boundary between research and clinical practice is described (...)
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    Research ethics: An investigation of patients’ motivations for their participation in genetics-related research.N. Hallowell, S. Cooke, G. Crawford, A. Lucassen & M. Parker - 2010 - Journal of Medical Ethics 36 (1):37-45.
    Design: Qualitative interview study. Participants: Fifty-nine patients with a family history of cancer who attend a regional cancer genetics clinic in the UK were interviewed about their current and previous research experiences. Findings: Interviewees gave a range of explanations for research participation. These were categorised as social—research participation benefits the wider society by progressing science and improving treatment for everyone; familial—research participation may improve healthcare and benefit current or future generations of the participant’s family; and personal—research participation provides therapeutic or (...)
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  3. Phenomenological Perspectives in Caring Pro-fessions Curriculum.David A. Hallowell - 2011 - ENCYCLOPAIDEIA 15 (31):19-29.
    La fenomenologia possiede un implicito potenziale pedagogico estremamente promettente e tuttavia ancora largamente inesplorato. Il presente articolo suggerisce che l’orientamento fenomenologico-esistenziale nella didattica e nell’educazione rappresenti una possibile soluzione per: 1) riportare tutti i differenti aspetti metodologici del processo formativo ad una unità tematica; 2) sviluppare negli studenti che si preparano ad esercitare una professione di cura l’attitudine a svolgere il loro servizio in modo autentico, sostenendo la motivazione, rendendo possibile il coinvolgimento emotivo senza il quale il gesto di cura (...)
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    What ethical and legal principles should guide the genotyping of children as part of a personalised screening programme for common cancer?N. Hallowell, S. Chowdhury, A. E. Hall, P. Pharoah, H. Burton & N. Pashayan - 2014 - Journal of Medical Ethics 40 (3):163-167.
    Increased knowledge of the gene–disease associations contributing to common cancer development raises the prospect of population stratification by genotype and other risk factors. Individual risk assessments could be used to target interventions such as screening, treatment and health education. Genotyping neonates, infants or young children as part of a systematic programme would improve coverage and uptake, and facilitate a screening package that maximises potential benefits and minimises harms including overdiagnosis. This paper explores the potential justifications and risks of genotyping children (...)
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  5.  20
    The Phenomenon of ManPierre Teilhard de Chardin.A. Hallowell - 1961 - Isis 52 (3):439-441.
  6.  20
    Studies in Religion, Folk-Lore, and Custom in British North Borneo and the Malay Peninsula.A. Irving Hallowell & Ivor H. N. Evans - 1925 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 45:92.
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    Compromise as a political ideal.John H. Hallowell - 1943 - Ethics 54 (3):157-173.
  8. Balancing autonomy and responsibility: the ethics of generating and disclosing genetic information * Commentary * Author's reply.N. Hallowell - 2003 - Journal of Medical Ethics 29 (2):74-79.
    Using data obtained during a retrospective interview study of 30 women who had undergone genetic testing—BRCA1/2 mutation searching—this paper describes how women, previously diagnosed with breast/ovarian cancer, perceive their role in generating genetic information about themselves and their families. It observes that when describing their motivations for undergoing DNA testing and their experiences of disclosing genetic information within the family these women provide care based ethical justifications for their actions. Finally, it argues that generating genetic information and disclosing this information (...)
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  9.  82
    Genetic research on rare familial disorders: consent and the blurred boundaries between clinical service and research.M. Ponder, H. Statham, N. Hallowell, J. A. Moon, M. Richards & F. L. Raymond - 2008 - Journal of Medical Ethics 34 (9):690-694.
    Objectives: To study the consent process experienced by participants who are enrolled in a molecular genetic research study that aims to find new genetic mutations responsible for an apparently inherited disorder.Design: Semi-structured interviews and analysis/description of main themes.Participants: 78 members of 52 families who had been recruited to a molecular genetic study.Results: People were well informed about the goals, risks and benefits of the genetic research study but could not remember the consent process. They had mostly been recruited to take (...)
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  10.  29
    Digital/computational phenotyping: What are the differences in the science and the ethics?Nina Hallowell & Federica Lucivero - 2021 - Big Data and Society 8 (2).
    The concept of ‘digital phenotyping’ was originally developed by researchers in the mental health field, but it has travelled to other disciplines and areas. This commentary draws upon our experiences of working in two scientific projects that are based at the University of Oxford’s Big Data Institute – The RADAR-AD project and The Minerva Initiative – which are developing algorithmic phenotyping technologies. We describe and analyse the concepts of digital biomarkers and computational phenotyping that underlie these projects, explain how they (...)
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  11.  58
    COVID-19 and Contact Tracing Apps: Ethical Challenges for a Social Experiment on a Global Scale.Federica Lucivero, Nina Hallowell, Stephanie Johnson, Barbara Prainsack, Gabrielle Samuel & Tamar Sharon - 2020 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 17 (4):835-839.
    Mobile applications are increasingly regarded as important tools for an integrated strategy of infection containment in post-lockdown societies around the globe. This paper discusses a number of questions that should be addressed when assessing the ethical challenges of mobile applications for digital contact-tracing of COVID-19: Which safeguards should be designed in the technology? Who should access data? What is a legitimate role for “Big Tech” companies in the development and implementation of these systems? How should cultural and behavioural issues be (...)
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  12.  20
    A Just Standard: The Ethical Management of Incidental Findings in Brain Imaging Research.Mackenzie Graham, Nina Hallowell & Julian Savulescu - 2021 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 49 (2):269-281.
    Neuroimaging research regularly yields “incidental findings”: observations of potential clinical significance in healthy volunteers or patients, but which are unrelated to the purpose or variables of the study.
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  13.  24
    Seeking ethical approval: opening up the lines of communication.Nina Hallowell & Julia Lawton - 2006 - Clinical Ethics 1 (2):109-113.
    This paper attempts to open debate about the nature of and need for ethical review of health-related social science research. Drawing upon personal experience and anecdotal reports we describe some of the problems social scientists and ethics committee members may encounter when social science research is reviewed by Multicentre and Local Research Ethics Committees. We argue that the boundary between research methods and ethics is ambiguous and flexible, and that ethics therefore permeates research at all levels from the construction of (...)
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  14.  41
    AIgorithmic Ethics: A Technically Sweet Solution to a Non-Problem.Aurelia Sauerbrei, Nina Hallowell & Angeliki Kerasidou - 2022 - American Journal of Bioethics 22 (7):28-30.
    In their proof-of-concept study, Meier et al. built an algorithm to aid ethical decision making. In the limitations section of their paper, the authors state a frequently cited ax...
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  15.  75
    Ethics and research governance: the views of researchers, health-care professionals and other stakeholders.Nina Hallowell, Sarah Cooke, Gill Crawford, Michael Parker & Anneke Lucassen - 2008 - Clinical Ethics 3 (2):85-90.
    The objective of this study is to describe researchers', health-care providers' and other stakeholders' views of ethical review and research governance procedures. The study design involved qualitative semi-structured interviews. Participants included 60 individuals who either undertook research in the subspecialty of cancer genetics (n = 40) or were involved in biomedical research in other capacities (n = 20), e.g. research governance and oversight, patient support groups or research funding. While all interviewees observed that oversight is necessary to protect research participants, (...)
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  16. Consent to genetic testing: a family affair?Nina Hallowell - 2009 - In Oonagh Corrigan (ed.), The limits of consent: a socio-ethical approach to human subject research in medicine. New York: Oxford University Press.
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  17.  37
    Research or clinical care: what’s the difference?Nina Hallowell - 2018 - Journal of Medical Ethics 44 (6):359-360.
    In 1979 the National Commission for the Protection of Human Subjects of Biomedical and Behavioural Research in the US delivered a set of guidelines for the ethical conduct of research on human research subjects.1 In developing these guidelines, subsequently known as The Belmont Report, the Commission was “...directed to consider: the boundaries between biomedical and behavioural research and the accepted and routine practice of medicine”; and outline a set of ethical principles which would specifically govern research activities. The Report notes (...)
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  18. Is consent sufficient? - a case study of qualitative research with men with intellectual disabilities.Margaret Ponder, Helen Statham, Nina Hallowell & Martin Richards - 2009 - In Oonagh Corrigan (ed.), The limits of consent: a socio-ethical approach to human subject research in medicine. New York: Oxford University Press.
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  19.  28
    Written versus verbal consent: a qualitative study of stakeholder views of consent procedures used at the time of recruitment into a peripartum trial conducted in an emergency setting.J. Lawton, N. Hallowell, C. Snowdon, J. E. Norman, K. Carruthers & F. C. Denison - 2017 - BMC Medical Ethics 18 (1):36.
    Obtaining prospective written consent from women to participate in trials when they are experiencing an obstetric emergency is challenging. Alternative consent pathways, such as gaining verbal consent at enrolment followed, later, by obtaining written consent, have been advocated by some clinicians and bioethicists but have received little empirical attention. We explored women’s and staff views about the consent procedures used during the internal pilot of a trial, where the protocol permitted staff to gain verbal consent at recruitment. Interviews with staff (...)
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  20.  37
    If you build it, they will come: unintended future uses of organised health data collections.Kieran C. O’Doherty, Emily Christofides, Jeffery Yen, Heidi Beate Bentzen, Wylie Burke, Nina Hallowell, Barbara A. Koenig & Donald J. Willison - 2016 - BMC Medical Ethics 17 (1):54.
    Health research increasingly relies on organized collections of health data and biological samples. There are many types of sample and data collections that are used for health research, though these are collected for many purposes, not all of which are health-related. These collections exist under different jurisdictional and regulatory arrangements and include: 1) Population biobanks, cohort studies, and genome databases 2) Clinical and public health data 3) Direct-to-consumer genetic testing 4) Social media 5) Fitness trackers, health apps, and biometric data (...)
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  21.  39
    Encounters with medical professionals: a crisis of trust or matter of respect? [REVIEW]Nina Hallowell - 2008 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 11 (4):427-437.
    In this paper I shed light on the connection between respect, trust and patients’ satisfaction with their medical care. Using data collected in interviews with 49 women who had managed, or were in the process of managing, their risk of ovarian cancer using prophylactic surgery or ovarian screening, I examine their reported dissatisfaction with medical encounters. I argue that although many study participants appeared to mistrust their healthcare professionals’ (HCPs) motives or knowledge base, their dissatisfaction arose not from a lack (...)
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  22.  33
    Political philosophy: the search for humanity and order.John H. Hallowell - 1997 - Scarborough, Ont.: Prentice Hall Canada. Edited by J. M. Porter.
    This book is designed as an introduction to the major thinkers in political philosophy. This is a representation of a wide range of philosophers from Plato to Nietzsche. Although it acquaints the reader with some of the key controversies in interpreting each thinker and the socio-cultural context in which they wrote, this book focuses on the arguments developed in each of their key works. Discussing the intellectual, cultural, and social context for each philosopher, this book is a collection of works (...)
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  23.  21
    Taking it to the bank: the ethical management of individual findings arising in secondary research.Mackenzie Graham, Nina Hallowell, Berge Solberg, Ari Haukkala, Joanne Holliday, Angeliki Kerasidou, Thomas Littlejohns, Elizabeth Ormondroyd, John-Arne Skolbekken & Marleena Vornanen - 2021 - Journal of Medical Ethics 47 (10):689-696.
    A rapidly growing proportion of health research uses ‘secondary data’: data used for purposes other than those for which it was originally collected. Do researchers using secondary data have an obligation to disclose individual research findings to participants? While the importance of this question has been duly recognised in the context of primary research, it remains largely unexamined in the context of research using secondary data. In this paper, we critically examine the arguments for a moral obligation to disclose individual (...)
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  24.  27
    Broadening the Debate About Post-trial Access to Medical Interventions: A Qualitative Study of Participant Experiences at the End of a Trial Investigating a Medical Device to Support Type 1 Diabetes Self-Management.J. Lawton, M. Blackburn, D. Rankin, C. Werner, C. Farrington, R. Hovorka & N. Hallowell - 2019 - AJOB Empirical Bioethics 10 (2):100-112.
    Increasing ethical attention and debate is focusing on whether individuals who take part in clinical trials should be given access to post-trial care. However, the main focus of this debate has been upon drug trials undertaken in low-income settings. To broaden this debate, we report findings from interviews with individuals (n = 24) who participated in a clinical trial of a closed-loop system, which is a medical device under development for people with type 1 diabetes that automatically adjusts blood glucose (...)
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  25.  33
    Therapeutic appropriation: a new concept in the ethics of clinical research.Rosalind McDougall, Dominique Martin, Lynn Gillam, Nina Hallowell, Alison Brookes & Marilys Guillemin - 2016 - Journal of Medical Ethics 42 (12):805-808.
    Ethical concerns about therapeutic misconception have been raised since the early 1980s. This concept was originally described as research participants' assumptions that decisions relating to research interventions are made on the basis of their individual therapeutic needs. The term has since been used to refer to a range of ‘misunderstandings’ that research participants may have. In this paper, we describe a new concept—therapeutic appropriation. Therapeutic appropriation occurs when patients, or clinicians, actively reframe research participation as an opportunity to enhance patients' (...)
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  26. A practical checklist for return of results from genomic research in the European context.Danya F. Vears, Signe Mežinska, Nina Hallowell, Heidi Beate Hallowell, Bridget Ellul, Therese Haugdahl Nøst, , Berge Solberg, Angeliki Kerasidou, Shona M. Kerr, Michaela Th Mayrhofer, Elizabeth Ormondroyd, Birgitte Wirum Sand & Isabelle Budin-Ljøsne - 2023 - European Journal of Human Genetics 1:1-9.
    An increasing number of European research projects return, or plan to return, individual genomic research results (IRR) to participants. While data access is a data subject’s right under the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), and many legal and ethical guidelines allow or require participants to receive personal data generated in research, the practice of returning results is not straightforward and raises several practical and ethical issues. Existing guidelines focusing on return of IRR are mostly project-specific, only discuss which results to (...)
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  27.  16
    Ethical preparedness in genomic medicine: how NHS clinical scientists navigate ethical issues.Kate Sahan, Kate Lyle, Helena Carley, Nina Hallowell, Michael J. Parker & Anneke M. Lucassen - 2024 - Journal of Medical Ethics 50 (8):517-522.
    Much has been published about the ethical issues encountered by clinicians in genetics/genomics, but those experienced by clinical laboratory scientists are less well described. Clinical laboratory scientists now frequently face navigating ethical problems in their work, but how they should be best supported to do this is underexplored. This lack of attention is also reflected in the ethics tools available to clinical laboratory scientists such as guidance and deliberative ethics forums, developed primarily to manage issues arising within the clinic.We explore (...)
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    “I don’t think people are ready to trust these algorithms at face value”: trust and the use of machine learning algorithms in the diagnosis of rare disease.Angeliki Kerasidou, Christoffer Nellåker, Aurelia Sauerbrei, Shirlene Badger & Nina Hallowell - 2022 - BMC Medical Ethics 23 (1):1-14.
    BackgroundAs the use of AI becomes more pervasive, and computerised systems are used in clinical decision-making, the role of trust in, and the trustworthiness of, AI tools will need to be addressed. Using the case of computational phenotyping to support the diagnosis of rare disease in dysmorphology, this paper explores under what conditions we could place trust in medical AI tools, which employ machine learning.MethodsSemi-structured qualitative interviews with stakeholders who design and/or work with computational phenotyping systems. The method of constant (...)
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  29. Governing AI-Driven Health Research: Are IRBs Up to the Task?Phoebe Friesen, Rachel Douglas-Jones, Mason Marks, Robin Pierce, Katherine Fletcher, Abhishek Mishra, Jessica Lorimer, Carissa Véliz, Nina Hallowell, Mackenzie Graham, Mei Sum Chan, Huw Davies & Taj Sallamuddin - 2021 - Ethics and Human Research 2 (43):35-42.
    Many are calling for concrete mechanisms of oversight for health research involving artificial intelligence (AI). In response, institutional review boards (IRBs) are being turned to as a familiar model of governance. Here, we examine the IRB model as a form of ethics oversight for health research that uses AI. We consider the model's origins, analyze the challenges IRBs are facing in the contexts of both industry and academia, and offer concrete recommendations for how these committees might be adapted in order (...)
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  30.  28
    Primary care physicians' views about gatekeeping in clinical research recruitment: A qualitative study.Marilys Guillemin, Rosalind McDougall, Dominique Martin, Nina Hallowell, Alison Brookes & Lynn Gillam - 2017 - AJOB Empirical Bioethics 8 (2):99-105.
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  31.  10
    Culture in Phylogenetic Perspective: An Appreciation of the Contributions of A. I. Hallowell.Benson Saler - 2009 - In Understanding religion: selected essays. New York: Walter de Gruyter.
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  32.  30
    Contributions to Anthropology: Selected Papers of A. Irving Hallowell.Regna Darnell - 1978 - Isis 69 (4):632-633.
  33.  50
    A messy business: qualitative research and ethical review.Angus J. Dawson - 2006 - Clinical Ethics 1 (2):114-116.
    This paper argues that qualitative research is both useful and necessary, as it provides an essential means of gaining a richer understanding of patients' perceptions, social processes and meanings. In their paper in this edition of Clinical Ethics, Hallowell and Lawton raise many issues relating to the way that qualitative research is treated by RECs in the UK. In this paper I discuss just three key topics stimulated by their paper: the way that methodology relates to ethics, the experience (...)
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    Special section: The future of a discipline: Considering the ontological/methodological future of the anthropology of consciousness, part II†.Marc Blainey - 2010 - Anthropology of Consciousness 21 (2):113-138.
    In order for the valuable research published in the Anthropology of Consciousness (AoC) journal to have the impact it ought to have upon the anthropological mainstream, contributors must demonstrate that they appreciate the historical tradition of anthropology as an intellectual forebear. Although “ethnometaphysics” has been cited sporadically by anthropologists over the past half-century, it never really caught on as an interdisciplinary speciality like ethnobotany, ethnomusicology, and ethnomathematics. Pointing to the example of discord in the West between viewing psychoactive substances as (...)
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  35. Natural Right and History (Chicago, 1953).Leo Strauss - 1953 - The Correspondence Between Ethical Egoists and Natural Rights Theorists is Considerable Today, as Suggested by a Comparison of My" Recent Work in Ethical Egoism," American Philosophical Quarterly 16 (2):1-15.
    In this classic work, Leo Strauss examines the problem of natural right and argues that there is a firm foundation in reality for the distinction between right and wrong in ethics and politics. On the centenary of Strauss's birth, and the fiftieth anniversary of the Walgreen Lectures which spawned the work, _Natural Right and History_ remains as controversial and essential as ever. "Strauss... makes a significant contribution towards an understanding of the intellectual crisis in which we find ourselves... [and] brings (...)
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  36.  24
    From Rupert Lodge to Sweat Lodge.Richard Maundrell - 1995 - Dialogue 34 (4):747-.
    This book is presented as “a study in ethno-metaphysics,” an exploration of the worldview of Canada's Native peoples. In offering this as a work of philosophy rather than of cultural anthropology or Native spirituality, authors Rabb and McPherson take as their point of departure anthropologist A. I. Hallowell's claim that a cultural worldview is a “cognitive orientation” from which a set of metaphysical claims might be deduced—even if it is not consciously recognized as such by those who live within (...)
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    Historicizing theories, identities, and nations.Regna Darnell & Frederic W. Gleach (eds.) - 2017 - Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press.
    The Histories of Anthropology Annual presents diverse perspectives on the discipline’s history within a global context, with a goal of increasing awareness and use of historical approaches in teaching, learning, and conducting anthropology. The series includes critical, comparative, analytical, and narrative studies involving all aspects and subfields of anthropology. Volume 11, Historicizing Theories, Identities, and Nations, examines the work and influence of scholars, including Franz Boas, Ruth Benedict, John Dewey, Randolph Bourne, A. Irving Hallowell, and Edward Westermarck, and anthropological (...)
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    A Return to Civilization or "Formational Isolation"?A. S. Panarin - 1992 - Russian Studies in Philosophy 31 (2):52-67.
    The crisis of the theory of socioeconomic formations has recently become clearly apparent in our social philosophy. Earlier as well, the "formational" approach, with its presumption that the new order has "decisive advantages," caused perceptible epistemological difficulties associated with the effect of "inverted perspective." It followed from the theory that socialist Mongolia, Vietnam, and Cuba were a "whole epoch" ahead of the USA and other developed countries of the West that had preserved the outmoded capitalist order.
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  39. Metasemantics : a normative perspective.Manuel García-Carpintero - 2021 - In Piotr Stalmaszczyk (ed.), The Cambridge Handbook of the Philosophy of Language. New York, NY: Cambridge University Press.
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    (1 other version)A Note on Positive Equivalence Relations.A. H. Lachlan - 1987 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 33 (1):43-46.
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  41.  16
    A cognitive architecture for artificial vision.A. Chella, M. Frixione & S. Gaglio - 1997 - Artificial Intelligence 89 (1-2):73-111.
  42.  67
    A pragmatic solution to the liar paradox.A. P. Martinich - 1983 - Philosophical Studies 43 (1):63 - 67.
  43.  22
    A probabilistic clustering theory of the organization of visual short-term memory.A. Emin Orhan & Robert A. Jacobs - 2013 - Psychological Review 120 (2):297-328.
  44. ree. a: R. Welle\: Storia della critica moderna-in.A. Rigobello - forthcoming - Humanitas.
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  45. (1 other version)A Short Commentary on Kant's `Critique of Pure Reason'.A. C. Ewing - 1939 - Mind 48 (191):373-377.
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  46. I︠A︡zyk, myshlenie i deĭstvitelʹnostʹ: ocherk teorii znachenii︠a︡ v analiticheskoĭ filosofii.A. Degutis - 1984 - Vilʹni︠u︡s: "Mintis".
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    A Solovyov Anthology.A. M. Fairweather - 1952 - Philosophical Quarterly 2 (7):190.
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  48. Bolatito A. lanre-abass.A. Feminist - 2005 - In R. A. Akanmidu (ed.), Footprints in philosophy. Ibadan, Nigeria: Hope Publications. pp. 64.
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    A search for conduction electron paramagnetic resonance in white tin.A. D. Caplin - 1964 - Philosophical Magazine 10 (104):241-251.
  50.  4
    A távol közelében.Ákos Cseke - 2011 - Budapest: Kairosz.
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