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A. I. Hernández [3]Arturo E. Hernández [3]A. Hernández [3]Ana Hernández [3]
Alfredo I. Hernández [3]Aleksandra Hernandez [2]Ana Cristina Gallego Hernández [2]Arturo R. Álvarez Hernández [2]

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  1.  26
    Hoping for More: Tocqueville and the Insufficiency of ‘Self-Interest Well Understood’.Abraham Martínez Hernández - 2024 - The European Legacy 29 (1):22-36.
    Alexis de Tocqueville (1805–1859) was convinced that without a new possibility for transcendence, democracies would be ill-prepared to allow for actual freedom. In Democracy in America, his study of the United States, he explained that when self-interest was enlightened, individuals would tend to identify their personal benefits with the well-being of the community. By transcending their individualistic tendency to self-enclose, they would contribute to forming and maintaining a real sovereignty of the people. However, unless the “doctrine of self-interest well understood” (...)
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  2.  16
    15 Somatosensory Discrimination: Neural Coding and Decision-Making Mechanisms.Ranulfo Romo, Victor de Lafuente & Adrián Hernandez - 2004 - In Michael S. Gazzaniga (ed.), The Cognitive Neurosciences III. MIT Press.
  3. Symbiosis, Parasitism and Bilingual Cognitive Control: A Neuroemergentist Perspective.Arturo E. Hernandez, Hannah L. Claussenius-Kalman, Juliana Ronderos & Kelly A. Vaughn - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
    Interest in the intersection between bilingualism and cognitive control and accessibility to neuroimaging methods have resulted in numerous studies with a variety of interpretations of the bilingual cognitive advantage. Neurocomputational Emergentism (or Neuroemergentism for short) is a new framework for understanding this relationship between bilingualism and cognitive control. This framework considers Emergence, in which two small elements are recombined in an interactive manner, yielding a non-linear effect. Added to this is the notion that Emergence can be captured in neural systems (...)
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  4.  34
    What does a critical period for second language acquisition mean?: Reflections on Hartshorne et al.Arturo E. Hernandez, Jean P. Bodet, Kevin Gehm & Shutian Shen - 2021 - Cognition 206 (C):104478.
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    A bond graph model of the cardiovascular system.V. Le Rolle, A. I. Hernandez, P. Y. Richard, J. Buisson & G. Carrault - 2005 - Acta Biotheoretica 53 (4):295-312.
    The study of the autonomic nervous system (ANS) function has shown to provide useful indicators for risk stratification and early detection on a variety of cardiovascular pathologies. However, data gathered during different tests of the ANS are difficult to analyse, mainly due to the complex mechanisms involved in the autonomic regulation of the cardiovascular system (CVS). Although model-based analysis of ANS data has been already proposed as a way to cope with this complexity, only a few models coupling the main (...)
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  6. Analysis of Constraint-Handling in Metaheuristic Approaches for the Generation and Transmission Expansion Planning Problem with Renewable Energy.Lourdes Martínez-Villaseñor, Hiram Ponce, José Antonio Marmolejo-Saucedo, Juan Manuel Ramírez & Agustina Hernández - 2018 - Complexity 2018:1-22.
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  7.  19
    ¿Cómo nombrar nuestra violencia? La lucha por las denominaciones de la guerra en Colombia.Luis Fernando Trejos Rosero, Amparo Bravo Hernández & Reynell Badillo Sarmiento - 2024 - Araucaria 26 (55).
    En este artículo intentamos recopilar las diferentes respuestas que se han dado al interrogante: ¿cuál es la naturaleza de la guerra en Colombia? Para ello, hemos estudiado seis formas de definir la violencia en Colombia: i) guerra anti/comunista; ii) conflicto agrario; iii) conflicto criminalizado; iv) guerra civil/guerra contra la sociedad; v) conflicto internacionalizado; vi) amenaza terrorista. Concluimos que los cambios de los actores armados, sus repertorios de violencia y del contexto internacional son respondidos por masas críticas con nuevas denominaciones. Las (...)
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  8.  60
    Escala de medición de la satisfacción laboral.Edalid Álvarez Velázquez, Adriana Nicole Vargas Hernández & Cesar Enrique Martínez Sánchez - 2023 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 12 (3):1-11.
    La investigación propone un diseño metodológico de una escala que permite conocer el grado de satisfacción laboral en Pequeñas y Medianas Empresas (Pymes). Se basa en la teoría de higiene y motivación de Herzberg. Se integra por 15 ítems. La claridad y pertinencia de los ítems se validó con cinco expertos. Para su validez y confiabilidad se obtuvo una adecuación maestral KMO de.863. Se encontró que los resultados son significativos (X2 = 441.790, gl = 105, p =.000). El alfa de (...)
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  9.  58
    Desarrollo Del Pensamiento Multidimensional Para la Construcción de Una Ciudadanía Creativa.Víctor Andrés Rojas Chávez, Alejandra Herrero Hernández, Simón Dumett Arrieta, Adriana Tabares Salazar & Zaily Del Piar García Gutiérrez - 2023 - Childhood and Philosophy 19:01-23.
    The Creative Citizenship project was founded to promote critical, ethical, and creative thinking in early childhood, and to recognize and encourage children as social actors and peacebuilders. In concert with the methodology of North American philosopher Matthew Lipman's Philosophy for Children (P4C), Creative Citizenship seeks to promote in children the ability to think critically, ethically, and creatively in and from their own realities, and to exercise multidimensional thinking skills in the various areas of their daily lives. The research documented here (...)
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  10.  19
    RETRACTION NOTICE: Job satisfaction measurement scale.Edalid Álvarez Velázquez, Adriana Nicole Vargas Hernández & Cesar Enrique Martínez Sánchez - 2023 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 21 (2):1-11.
    Retraction note: Alvarez Velázquez, E., Vargas Hernández, A. N. & Martínez Sánchez, C. E. (2023). Job satisfaction measurement scale. HUMAN REVIEW. International Humanities Revista Internacional De Humanidades, 17(3), 1–11. https://doi.org/10.37467/revhuman.v12.4730 The Editorial Office of Eurasia Academic Publishing Group has retracted this article. An investigation carried out by our Research Integrity Department has found a group of articles, among which this one is found, that are not within the thematic scope of the journal. We believe that the editorial process was manipulated (...)
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  11.  99
    What Goes on in This House Do Not Stay in This House: Family Variables Related to Adolescent-to-Parent Offenses.Antonia Hernández, Ana M. Martín, Stephany Hess-Medler & Juan García-García - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11:581761.
    Research on adolescent-to-parent violence (APV) associates specific psychosocial characteristics with adolescents who assault their parents, whether they are within or outside the juvenile justice system, or whether these characteristics are shared by other adolescents convicted of other crimes. The aim of this paper is to compare three groups of adolescents. Those who have been sentenced for APV are compared with adolescents who have committed other crimes, and with a group who have not been involved in the justice system. The sample (...)
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  12.  6
    Caso Mampujan: valoración del daño material, moral y social en víctimas del conflicto armado colombiano.María Isabel Borda Arias & Álvaro Parra Hernández - 2024 - Araucaria 26 (57).
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  13.  60
    Multi-formalism modelling and simulation: Application to cardiac modelling.A. Defontaine, A. Hernández & G. Carrault - 2004 - Acta Biotheoretica 52 (4):273-290.
    Cardiovascular modelling has been a major research subject for the last decade. Different cardiac models have been developed at a cellular level as well as at the whole organ level. Most of these models are defined by a comprehensive cellular modelling using continuous formalisms or by a tissue-level modelling often based on discrete formalisms. Nevertheless, both views still suffer from difficulties that reduce their clinical applications: the first approach requires heavy computational resources while the second one is not able to (...)
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  14.  25
    A Bond Graph Model of the Cardiovascular System.V. Rolle, A. Hernandez, P. Richard, J. Buisson & G. Carrault - 2005 - Acta Biotheoretica 53 (4):295-312.
    The study of the autonomic nervous system (ANS) function has shown to provide useful indicators for risk stratification and early detection on a variety of cardiovascular pathologies. However, data gathered during different tests of the ANS are difficult to analyse, mainly due to the complex mechanisms involved in the autonomic regulation of the cardiovascular system (CVS). Although model-based analysis of ANS data has been already proposed as a way to cope with this complexity, only a few models coupling the main (...)
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  15.  14
    A Bond Graph Model of the Cardiovascular System.V. Rolle, A. I. Hernandez, P. Y. Richard, J. Buisson & G. Carrault - 2005 - Acta Biotheoretica 53 (4):295-312.
    The study of the autonomic nervous system (ANS) function has shown to provide useful indicators for risk stratification and early detection on a variety of cardiovascular pathologies. However, data gathered during different tests of the ANS are difficult to analyse, mainly due to the complex mechanisms involved in the autonomic regulation of the cardiovascular system (CVS). Although model-based analysis of ANS data has been already proposed as a way to cope with this complexity, only a few models coupling the main (...)
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  16.  27
    Wonder Woman vs. Harley Quinn.Jill Hernandez & Allie Hernandez - 2017 - In Jacob M. Held (ed.), Wonder Woman and Philosophy. Wiley. pp. 31–43.
    This chapter is unique for several reasons. First, it brings together two unlikely authors, a PhD ethicist and her 15‐year‐old high‐school daughter, whose diverse interests include thinking about depictions of female characters in graphic novels. Second, it compares two unlikely DC female characters, Wonder Woman (the Amazonian princess heroine who protects innocent citizens from evil) and Harley Quinn (the ever‐evolving anti‐hero who vacillates between being an outright villain to being merely window dressing for her boyfriend, the Joker). The conclusion of (...)
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  17.  37
    Pragmatist Feminist Utopias: Gilman, Mead, and the Problem of Choice.Aleksandra Hernandez - 2022 - Hypatia 37 (1):76-96.
    This article focuses on the pragmatist feminist theories of social reformer Charlotte Perkins Gilman and cultural anthropologist Margaret Mead. It begins by delineating Gilman's understanding of how the material-cultural environment affects the lives of women. Believing the American way of life to be too individualistic, Gilman developed a theory of social change aimed at generating more collectivist ways of living and promoting the economic independence of women. To achieve these ends, Gilman advocated for the reconstruction of the Victorian nursery, which (...)
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  18.  21
    Disentangling Critical Questions from Argument Schemes.Alfonso Hernández - 2023 - Argumentation 37 (3):377-395.
    Critical questions have been understood in the framework of argument schemes from their conception. This understanding has influenced the process of evaluating arguments and the development of classifications. This paper argues that relating these two notions is detrimental to research on argument schemes and critical questions, and that it is possible to have critical questions without relying on argument schemes. Two objections are raised against the classical understanding of critical questions based on theoretical and analytical grounds. The theoretical objection presents (...)
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  19.  30
    ARAGÜÉS, Juan Manuel: Ochenta sombras de Marx, Nietzsche y Freud. Diccionario de filósofos y filósofas en la senda de la sospecha, Madrid: Plaza y Valdés, 2021.Ana Isabel Hernández - 2022 - Contrastes: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 27 (2):167-170.
  20. Simulacion de la distorsion durante el tratamiento termico de Temple en piezas de Acero utilizadas en la industria automotriz.Miguel Angel Neri Flores, Hector Castillo Espinosa & Antonino Perez Hernandez - 2008 - Scientia 14.
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  21. Artículo convertido automáticamente ver artículo original.Lissette Franchi Boscán, Héctor José Bohórquez, Ana Ismenia Hernández & Niorka Medina - 2011 - Telos (Venezuela) 13 (3):371-396.
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  22. Actitud del estudiante de ingeniería hacia sus errores en el aprendizaje de la matemática/Attitudes of Engineering Students toward Their Mistakes while Learning Mathematics.Lissette Franchi, Héctor Bohórquez, Ana Hernández & Niorka Medina - 2011 - Telos (Venezuela) 13 (3):371-396.
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  23. Arte como "formelle Bildung" en el mundo moderno en la estética de Hegel.Angel Domínguez Hernández - 2008 - Estudios de Filosofía (Universidad de Antioquia) 37:201-222.
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  24. Bilingual sentence processing.Arturo E. Hernández, Eva M. Fernández & Aznar-Besé & Noémi - 2009 - In Gareth Gaskell (ed.), Oxford Handbook of Psycholinguistics. Oxford University Press.
  25.  20
    Contrapunteo Deleuze-Guattari / benítez Rojo: Diferencia Y repetición de la isla en la geofilosofía Del caribe.Amalia Boyer Hernández - 2020 - Universitas Philosophica 37 (74):231-251.
    In this paper I shall address the connections between Deleuze and Guattari’s philosophy and Caribbean thought. However, I will only focus on Antonio Benítez Rojo’s essay The Repeating Island, since I have found in it the presence—or expression—of some key deleuzian and deleuzo-guattarian concepts. I will use the deleuzian concept of repetition to defend this stance, as well as to argue that one may find some of the most interesting readings of Deleuze’s texts in the work of Caribbean authors such (...)
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  26.  31
    Competition, resonance, parasitism and entrenchment.Arturo Hernandez, Ping Li & Brian MacWhinney - 2005 - Trends in Cognitive Sciences 9 (5):220-225.
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  27.  22
    La cortesía lingüística en la publicidad editorial.Asunción Escribano Hernández - 2015 - Pragmática Sociocultural 3 (2):204-234.
    Resumen Todas las estrategias corteses que refuerzan la imagen o el territorio de los dos polos del proceso comunicativo, emisor y receptor, o que mitigan la vulneración de ambos, se ponen en la retórica publicitaria editorial al servicio de la venta de los productos editoriales y librescos. La cortesía es recurrida, por tanto, en este ámbito comercial como modo de acercamiento al posible comprador mediante los refuerzos valorizantes de la imagen y del territorio, propios o ajenos, y atenuadores, en el (...)
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  28. La congrega o encomienda en el Nuevo Reino de León.Andrés Montemayor Hernández - 1970 - Humanitas 11:539-575.
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  29. La ecología, una ciencia para nuestra sociedad.Ana Jesús Hernández - 2012 - Critica: La Reflexion Calmada Desenreda Nudos 62 (980):12-16.
    Cuando hace ahora 40 años terminaba mi carrera universitaria y comenzaba meses después a ser profesora de Ecología en la Universidad de Salamanca, poco se sabía que desde 1968 se había consolidado la Ecología como una nueva área del conocimiento científico, según la UNESCO. Una ciencia, nacida un siglo antes de esa fecha, que serviría ya desde mayo de ese año (mayo del 68), también para definir una ideología nueva del mundo contemporáneo, el ecologismo. Y así, en menos de medio (...)
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  30.  32
    La grandeza de lo pequeño.Anabel Hernández - 2020 - Cuadernos Filosóficos / Segunda Época 16.
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  31.  3
    La Organización Panamericana de la Salud como modelo para la cooperación sanitaria internacional.Ana Cristina Gallego Hernández - 2024 - Araucaria 26 (57).
    Frente a las duras pandemias y condiciones insalubres, desde mediados del S. XIX comienza a desarrollarse una verdadera cooperación internacional por la seguridad sanitaria. En este sentido, en 1902 se crea la Oficina Sanitaria Internacional, la primera organización internacional de salud de la historia, pero de ámbito regional. Esta es la antecesora de la actual OPS (Organización Panamericana de Salud) y es el resultado de múltiples conferencias que se celebraron a nivel panamericano, en la Unión Internacional de Repúblicas Americanas, actual (...)
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  32.  49
    Overview of carmem: A new dynamic quantitative cardiac model for ECG monitoring and its adaptation to observed signals.A. I. Hernández, G. Carrault, F. Mora & A. Bardou - 2000 - Acta Biotheoretica 48 (3-4):303-322.
    Different approaches have been proposed in order to achieve knowledge integration for coronary care monitoring applications, usually in the form of expert systems. The clinical impact of these expert systems, which are based only on "shallow" knowledge, has not been remarkable due to the difficulties associated with the construction and maintenance of a complete knowledge base. Model-based systems represent an alternative to these problems because they allow efficient integration of the "deep" knowledge on the underlying physiological phenomena being monitored. In (...)
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  33. ¿Qué tan republicano es John Rawls?Andrés Hernández - 2010 - Revista de Filosofía (México) 42 (127):93-124.
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  34.  17
    Recursive Model Identification for the Evaluation of Baroreflex Sensitivity.Alfredo I. Hernández, Patrick Pladys, Nathalie Samson, Jean-Paul Praud, Alain Beuchée & Virginie Le Rolle - 2016 - Acta Biotheoretica 64 (4):469-478.
    A method for the recursive identification of physiological models of the cardiovascular baroreflex is proposed and applied to the time-varying analysis of vagal and sympathetic activities. The proposed method was evaluated with data from five newborn lambs, which were acquired during injection of vasodilator and vasoconstrictors and the results show a close match between experimental and simulated signals. The model-based estimation of vagal and sympathetic contributions were consistent with physiological knowledge and the obtained estimators of vagal and sympathetic activities were (...)
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  35.  26
    Socialist Feminism in Venezuela: Revolution on Three Fronts.Ana Hernández - 2021 - Feminist Studies 47 (3):576-593.
  36. Un nuevo paradigma para las relaciones entre Comunicación y Cristianismo.Asunción Escribano Hernández - 2012 - Naturaleza y Gracia 1:7-49.
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  37. Virgilio e Gallo nell'ultima egloga del libro bucolico.A. Hernández - 1993 - Annali Della Facoltà di Lettere E Filosofia: Università degli Studi di Bari 35:169-200.
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  38.  15
    Verg. Ecl. 9. 44-55: cantores, canciones, ficción de oralidad.Arturo R. Álvarez Hernández - 2022 - Argos 46:e0031.
    Respecto del pasaje en cuestión (Verg. Ecl. 9. 44-55), la tradición manuscrita no se muestra uniforme: la mayor parte de los MSS asignan los vv. 46-50 a Meris; algunos pocos (M y γ) los asignan a Lícidas. El artículo aporta fundamentación en favor de la atribución de esos versos a Lícidas; repasa diversas soluciones adoptadas en ediciones y comentarios recientes, incluyendo la última edición crítica (Ottaviano, 2013), en la que se adopta (equivocadamente, a nuestro criterio) la enmienda nisi en el (...)
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  39.  24
    Exploring the Discursive Construction of Obedience: An Analysis of Application Letters for the Position of Executioner in Hitler’s Germany.Daniel Leisser, Katie Bray, Anaruth Hernández & Doha Nasr - 2021 - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique 35 (2):687-722.
    This article presents an empirical investigation into the construction of obedience in letters of applications mailed to National Socialist authorities for the position of executioner between the years 1933 and 1945. To this end, a corpus of 178 letters of application was compiled, annotated, and analyzed using the corpus analysis toolkits Antconc and Lancsbox. A quantitative and qualitative analysis of the corpus was conducted. The findings were related to and interpreted from the perspectives of applied legal linguistics, stylistics, and legal (...)
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  40.  35
    Mathematical Modeling of Respiratory System Mechanics in the Newborn Lamb.Virginie Le Rolle, Nathalie Samson, Jean-Paul Praud & Alfredo I. Hernández - 2013 - Acta Biotheoretica 61 (1):91-107.
    In this paper, a mathematical model of the respiratory mechanics is used to reproduce experimental signal waveforms acquired from three newborn lambs. As the main challenge is to determine specific lamb parameters, a sensitivity analysis has been realized to find the most influent parameters, which are identified using an evolutionary algorithm. Results show a close match between experimental and simulated pressure and flow waveforms obtained during spontaneous ventilation and pleural pressure variations acquired during the application of positive pressure, since root (...)
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  41.  24
    Sensitivity Analysis of a Left Ventricle Model in the Context of Intraventricular Dyssynchrony.Virginie Le Rolle, Elena Galli, David Danan, Karim El Houari, Arnaud Hubert, Erwan Donal & Alfredo I. Hernández - 2019 - Acta Biotheoretica 68 (1):45-59.
    The objective of the current study was to propose a sensitivity analysis of a 3D left ventricle model in order to assess the influence of parameters on myocardial mechanical dispersion. A finite element model of LV electro-mechanical activity was proposed and a screening method was used to evaluate the sensitivity of model parameters on the standard deviation of time to peak strain. Results highlight the importance of propagation parameters associated with septal and lateral segments activation. Simulated curves were compared to (...)
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  42.  27
    El estudio de caso en el contexto de la crisis de la modernidad.Pedro Reyes & Aymara Hernández - 2008 - Cinta de Moebio 32:70-89.
    Con la crisis de la Modernidad como contexto, se presenta en este ensayo una discusión sobre el Estudio de Caso como modalidad de investigación cualitativa. Su fundamentación epistémica incluye elementos marginados o excluidos del paradigma moderno, tales como: la complejidad, el investigador como e..
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  43.  39
    Vida e historia: La presencia de la Segunda intempestiva de Nietzsche en la hermenéutica temprana de Heidegger.Carlos Arturo Bedoya Rodas & Andrea Milena Guardia Hernández - 2018 - Escritos 26 (57):369-388.
    Este articulo pretende establecer una relación entre la Segunda consideración intempestiva, texto temprano de Friedrich Nietzsche publicado en 1874, y algunos de los textos de las lecciones tempranas que Heidegger impartio en Friburgo, en las cuales desarrolla una hermenéutica fenomenológica de la vida factica. Aunque el joven Heidegger se distancia de la filosofía de la vida, de la que Nietzsche ha sido considerado un representante, el artículo intenta mostrar algunas significativas correspondencias en el modo en el que ambos conciben lo (...)
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    A Tissue-Level Electromechanical Model of the Left Ventricle: Application to the Analysis of Intraventricular Pressure.Virginie Rolle, Guy Carrault, Pierre-Yves Richard, Philippe Pibarot, Louis-Gilles Durand & Alfredo Hernández - 2009 - Acta Biotheoretica 57 (4):457-478.
    The ventricular pressure profile is characteristic of the cardiac contraction progress and is useful to evaluate the cardiac performance. In this contribution, a tissue-level electromechanical model of the left ventricle is proposed, to assist the interpretation of left ventricular pressure waveforms. The left ventricle has been modeled as an ellipsoid composed of twelve mechano-hydraulic sub-systems. The asynchronous contraction of these twelve myocardial segments has been represented in order to reproduce a realistic pressure profiles. To take into account the different energy (...)
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  45. Publicaciones Del departamento.Ángela Uribe, Rodolfo Arango, Francisco Cortés & Andrés Hernández - 2004 - Ideas Y Valores 53 (125):135.
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  46.  10
    Book Review: Women Made Visible: Feminist Art and Media in Post-1968 Mexico City by Gabriela Aceves Sepúlveda. [REVIEW]Alberto McKelligan Hernández - 2021 - Feminist Review 128 (1):179-180.
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  47.  13
    Una filosofía feminista de la ciencia. Crasnow, S. e Intemann, K. (eds.) (2021). The Routledge Handbook of Feminist Philosophy of Acience, New York, Routledge. [REVIEW]Abraham Hernández - 2021 - Revista de Filosofía Laguna 49:122-124.