Results for 'A. Leonardos'

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  1.  23
    Prof. Leonardo Polo, Agradecimiento.Leonardo Polo - 2006 - Studia Poliana:35-38.
    Palabras de agradecimiento al promotor del Congreso Internacional y a los participantes en él. Asimismo, a la persona que ha trabajado en la labor de transcripción de mis escritos y a otros colaboradores míos. También a quienes han tomado en cuenta mis ideas para elaborar sus tesis doctorales, y a otros colegas cuyos planteamientos filosóficos distan de los míos. Como la filosofía es una actividad interminable, queda abierta la sucesiva investigación en mis propuestas.
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  2. The Limits of Transcendence.Leonardo N. Mercado - 2009 - Budhi: A Journal of Ideas and Culture 13 (1-3).
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  3. Hacia una epistemología política: la tensión entre ciencia y política en la filosofía de la ciencia del positivismo lógico.Leonardo G. Rodríguez Zoya - 2010 - A Parte Rei 69:15.
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    Antropología política de la ciencia. Un examen epistemológico de la tensión entre ciencia e ideología.Leonardo G. Rodríguez Zoya - 2011 - Utopía y Praxis Latinoamericana 16 (55):11-38.
    El objetivo de este trabajo es realizar una crítica al concepto hegemónico-dominante de ciencia a través de un análisis de la construcción discursiva del paradigma de la simplificación heredado de la Modernidad. Se problematizan las exclusiones político-epistemológicas de la tradición del pensamien..
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  5. Biological regulation: controlling the system from within.Leonardo Bich, Matteo Mossio, Kepa Ruiz-Mirazo & Alvaro Moreno - 2016 - Biology and Philosophy 31 (2):237-265.
    Biological regulation is what allows an organism to handle the effects of a perturbation, modulating its own constitutive dynamics in response to particular changes in internal and external conditions. With the central focus of analysis on the case of minimal living systems, we argue that regulation consists in a specific form of second-order control, exerted over the core regime of production and maintenance of the components that actually put together the organism. The main argument is that regulation requires a distinctive (...)
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  6. Organization needs organization: Understanding integrated control in living organisms.Leonardo Bich & William Bechtel - 2022 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 93:96-106.
    Organization figures centrally in the understanding of biological systems advanced by both new mechanists and proponents of the autonomy framework. The new mechanists focus on how components of mechanisms are organized to produce a phenomenon and emphasize productive continuity between these components. The autonomy framework focuses on how the components of a biological system are organized in such a way that they contribute to the maintenance of the organisms that produce them. In this paper we analyze and compare these two (...)
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    Livro urbano do profeta Gentileza.Leonardo Guelman, Dado Amaral & Marianna Kutassy (eds.) - 2010 - Rio de Janeiro: Mundo das Idéias.
    Esta obra procura celebrar a conclusão do restauro de 56 pinturas da paisagem urbana carioca, que se encontram desde o Caju à Rodoviária Novo Rio. No livro, os autores registram o processo e documentam as imagens, além de trazer as versões das mensagens do Profeta em inglês e espanhol.
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    (2 other versions)Dos textos anticipadores sobre máquinas algebráicas Y sobre automática.Quevedo Leonardo Torres - 1986 - Theoria 2 (1):7-9.
    Com recuerdo y fiel homenaje a nuestro genial compatrinta, el ingeniero e inventar santanderino Leonardo Torres Quevedo, THEORIA quiere reeoger hoy en sus páginas dos breves, claros y luminosostextos -el primero sobre máquinas algébricas (1901) y el segundo sobre el alcance de una nueva ciencia: la Automática (1915)- de aquel español itinerante e infatigable que, como muy contadascompatriotas, supo aliar claridad y rlgor lógico en las definiciones de los conceptos básicos y desbordante inventiva creadora en la estricta y audaz aplicación (...)
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  9. On Satzklang: on the Sense and on the Nonsense.Leonardo Distaso - 2013 - Aisthesis: Pratiche, Linguaggi E Saperi Dell’Estetico 6 (1):263-273.
    The Wittgenstein’s notion of plain and patent nonsense is fertile because it shows the discovery of the ambiguity of the sense, in particular of the nonsense of contingency at the end of complete clarification. All the reflection of Wittgenstein’s philosophy is a question on the possibility of crossing, from the inside, language as it is to move from the hidden nonsense of the contingency of the language and of the reality to the patent nonsense of the philosophy. But since the (...)
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  10. Crítica de la ética civil.Leonardo Rodríguez Duplá - 1996 - Diálogo Filosófico 35:217-228.
    En los últimos tiempos, destacadas figuras del horizonte filosófico y teológico español se han declarado partidarias de lo que ha dado en llamarse ética civil. El propósito de este trabajo es exponer las razones por las que no puedo compartir la postura de mis distinguidos colegas. El estudio de algunos de sus textos -que serán citados abundantemente en lo que sigue- me ha empujado a la conclusión de que bajo el nombre de ética civil circulan confundidas dos propuestas morales diferentes, (...)
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  11. Verità metafisica e verità ermeneutica.Leonardo Samonà - 2005 - Teoria 25 (2):65-74.
    The article argues Sainati’s critics to the truth as adaequatio, in which he sees an attempt to self-insurance of the human thinking, and so a «mundane conversion » of philosophy that avoids the problematic nature of the existence. To this interpretation of metaphysics as escape is opposed a more dialectical angle of metaphysical thinking.
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  12. Glycemia Regulation: From Feedback Loops to Organizational Closure.Leonardo Bich, Matteo Mossio & Ana M. Soto - 2020 - Frontiers in Physiology 11.
    Endocrinologists apply the idea of feedback loops to explain how hormones regulate certain bodily functions such as glucose metabolism. In particular, feedback loops focus on the maintenance of the plasma concentrations of glucose within a narrow range. Here, we put forward a different, organicist perspective on the endocrine regulation of glycaemia, by relying on the pivotal concept of closure of constraints. From this perspective, biological systems are understood as organized ones, which means that they are constituted of a set of (...)
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  13. (1 other version)Obras completas.Leonardo Coimbra - 1956 - Porto,: Livraria Tavares Martins.
    v. 1. A alegria, a dor e a gra̜ca. Do Amor e da morte. v. 2. O criacionismo (Síntese filosófica.).
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  14. Control Mechanisms: Explaining the Integration and Versatility of Biological Organisms.Leonardo Bich & William Bechtel - 2022 - Adaptive Behavior.
    Living organisms act as integrated wholes to maintain themselves. Individual actions can each be explained by characterizing the mechanisms that perform the activity. But these alone do not explain how various activities are coordinated and performed versatilely. We argue that this depends on a specific type of mechanism, a control mechanism. We develop an account of control by examining several extensively studied control mechanisms operative in the bacterium E. coli. On our analysis, what distinguishes a control mechanism from other mechanisms (...)
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  15. The Limits of Spinoza's Perfectionism.Leonardo Moauro - 2024 - Ergo: An Open Access Journal of Philosophy 11 (35):947-976.
    Spinoza is often described as an ethical perfectionist—one who accepts an account of the good centered on the development of our natural capacities. Perfectionists typically accept a perfectionist theory of value, in which the properties of good and evil are grounded in a normative property of perfection. Yet I argue that Spinoza rejects a perfectionist theory of value because he believes it conflicts with the doctrine of necessitarianism. This leads him to conclude that attributions of perfection in ethical contexts must (...)
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  16. There Are No Intermediate Stages: An Organizational View on Development.Leonardo Bich & Derek Skillings - 2023 - In Matteo Mossio (ed.), Organization in Biology. Springer. pp. 241-262.
    Theoretical accounts of development exhibit several internal tensions and face multiple challenges. They span from the problem of the identification of the temporal boundaries of development (beginning and end) to the characterization of the distinctive type of change involved compared to other biological processes. They include questions such as the role to ascribe to the environment or what types of biological systems can undergo development and whether they should include colonies or even ecosystems. In this chapter we discuss these conceptual (...)
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    Exotics at home: anthropologies, others, American modernity.Micaela Di Leonardo - 1998 - Chicago, Ill.: University of Chicago Press.
    In this pathbreaking study, Micaela di Leonardo reveals the face of power within the mask of cultural difference. From the 1893 World's Fair to Body Shop advertisements, di Leonardo focuses on the intimate and shifting relations between popular portrayals of exotic Others and the practice of anthropology. In so doing, she casts new light on gender, race, and the public sphere in America's past and present. "An impressive work of scholarship that is mordantly witty, passionately argued, and takes no prisoners."--Lesley (...)
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  18. Organisational teleology 2.0: Grounding biological purposiveness in regulatory control.Leonardo Bich - 2024 - Ratio (4):327-340.
    This paper critically revises the organisational account of teleology, which argues that living systems are first and foremost oriented towards a goal: maintaining their own conditions of existence. It points out some limitations of this account, mainly in the capability to account for the richness and complexity of biological systems and their purposeful behaviours. It identifies the reason of these limitations in the theoretical grounding of this account, specifically in the too narrow notion of closure of constraints, focused on self-production. (...)
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  19. Mechanism, autonomy and biological explanation.Leonardo Bich & William Bechtel - 2021 - Biology and Philosophy 36 (6):1-27.
    The new mechanists and the autonomy approach both aim to account for how biological phenomena are explained. One identifies appeals to how components of a mechanism are organized so that their activities produce a phenomenon. The other directs attention towards the whole organism and focuses on how it achieves self-maintenance. This paper discusses challenges each confronts and how each could benefit from collaboration with the other: the new mechanistic framework can gain by taking into account what happens outside individual mechanisms, (...)
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  20. The role of regulation in the origin and synthetic modelling of minimal cognition.Leonardo Bich & Alvaro Moreno - 2016 - Biosystems 148:12-21.
    In this paper we address the question of minimal cognition by investigating the origin of some crucial cognitive properties from the very basic organisation of biological systems. More specifically, we propose a theoretical model of how a system can distinguish between specific features of its interaction with the environment, which is a fundamental requirement for the emergence of minimal forms of cognition. We argue that the appearance of this capacity is grounded in the molecular domain, and originates from basic mechanisms (...)
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  21. Understanding Multicellularity: The Functional Organization of the Intercellular Space.Leonardo Bich, Thomas Pradeu & Jean-Francois Moreau - 2019 - Frontiers in Physiology 10.
    The aim of this paper is to provide a theoretical framework to understand how multicellular systems realize functionally integrated physiological entities by organizing their intercellular space. From a perspective centered on physiology and integration, biological systems are often characterized as organized in such a way that they realize metabolic self-production and self-maintenance. The existence and activity of their components rely on the network they realize and on the continuous management of the exchange of matter and energy with their environment. One (...)
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  22. Complex emergence and the living organization: an epistemological framework for biology.Leonardo Bich - 2012 - Synthese 185 (2):215-232.
    In this article an epistemological framework is proposed in order to integrate the emergentist thought with systemic studies on biological autonomy, which are focused on the role of organization. Particular attention will be paid to the role of the observer’s activity, especially: (a) the different operations he performs in order to identify the pertinent elements at each descriptive level, and (b) the relationships between the different models he builds from them. According to the approach sustained here, organization will be considered (...)
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    Lichtung: leggere Heidegger.Leonardo Amoroso - 1993 - Torino: Rosenberg & Sellier.
    Lichtung -- La questione del domandare -- L'altro inizio -- Incontro a Hölderlin -- Essere e linguaggio -- Congedo dall'essere -- Il colloquio dei mortali.
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    ¿Cuál globalización?Leonardo Boff - 2003 - Polis 4.
    Se sostiene een este artículo que los poderosos se apropiaron de la palabra globalización y le impusieron una significación que sirve a sus intereses, dentro del modo de producción capitalista, que victimiza a casi la mitad de la humanidad. Frente a esa crueldad, gana dignidad ética la alternativa propuesta por el pueblo de Porto Alegre que propone otra globalización que pasa por la solidaridad, la mundialización de los derechos humanos, y la socialización de la democracia como valor universal.
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    Azioni & Natura Umana, Un Breve viaggio tra complessità e filosofia della vita.Leonardo Caffo (ed.) - 2011 - Fara Editore.
    Di cosa siamo veramente responsabili? Qual è il margine di libertà delle nostre azioni, anche di quelle che crediamo dipendano esclusivamente dalla nostra volontà? Fino a che punto la società capitalistica globalizzata “svia” i caratteri fondamentali della nostra natura umana? Quanto c’è di innato e di culturale in questa “natura”? La violenza e la guerra sono naturali?
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    The Ideology of AI.Leonardo Sias - 2021 - Philosophy Today 65 (3):505-522.
    This paper criticises the ideological dimension of the AI narrative. It does so by questioning the implicit assumptions behind its vision, which promises a world that automatically adapts to our desires before we even know them. These assumptions hinge on a misconception of the value of desire as residing exclusively with its fulfilment, warranting human manipulation for increased predictability. This social trajectory towards algorithmic governance, rather than delivering on the promised fulfilment, undermines our capacity to sustain the same desire that (...)
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    Does Locke Have an Akrasia Problem?Leonardo Moauro & Samuel C. Rickless - 2019 - Journal of Modern Philosophy 1 (1):9.
    Starting in the second edition of the Essay, Locke becomes interested in the phenomenon of akrasia, or weakness of will. As he conceives it, akrasia occurs when we will something contrary to what we acknowledge to be our greater good. This commitment represents an important shift from the first edition of the Essay, where Locke argues that the will is always determined by a judgement of our greater good. But traces of the first-edition view are present even in the second (...)
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    Robustness and autonomy in biological systems: how regulatory mechanisms enable functional integration, complexity and minimal cognition through the action of second-order control constraints.Leonardo Bich - 2018 - In Marta Bertolaso, Silvia Caianiello & Emanuele Serrelli (eds.), Biological Robustness. Emerging Perspectives from within the Life Sciences. Cham: Springer. pp. 123-147.
    Living systems employ several mechanisms and behaviors to achieve robustness and maintain themselves under changing internal and external conditions. Regulation stands out from them as a specific form of higher-order control, exerted over the basic regime responsible for the production and maintenance of the organism, and provides the system with the capacity to act on its own constitutive dynamics. It consists in the capability to selectively shift between different available regimes of self-production and self-maintenance in response to specific signals and (...)
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  29. On instrumental zetetic normativity.Leonardo Flamini - forthcoming - Philosophical Topics.
    Jane Friedman claims that when we inquire, there is a tension between the instrumental normativity of our inquiries and some basic epistemic norms: The former forbids what the latter permit. Moreover, she argues that since the instrumental normativity of inquiry is epistemic, the previous tension shows that our current conception of epistemic normativity is incoherent and needs to be revised. To solve the problem, she suggests that all our epistemic norms should be considered “zetetic”, namely, norms of inquiry. In this (...)
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    Dos problemas sobre la invarianza para propósitos intervencionistas o de política.Leonardo Ivarola - 2024 - Pensamiento 79 (304):1005-1024.
    El uso de un conocimiento invariante para alcanzar propósitos intervencionistas o de política es comúnmente aceptado por los enfoques manipulabilistas. Sin embargo, dicho uso plantea dos problemáticas filosóficas que serán examinadas en el presente trabajo. El primer problema es ontológico, y refiere a la dificultad de encontrar genuinos factores causales estables en ciencias sociales. En este sentido, se mostrará que los fenómenos sociales no responden a una lógica de factores estables como los mecanismos o las «capacidades», sino que se adecúan (...)
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    Encuentros y desencuentros filosóficos y políticos entre Badiou y Rancière.Leonardo Colella - 2017 - Contrastes: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 20 (2).
    RESUMENEl objetivo de este artículo es contrastar las posturas filosóficas y políticas de Alain Badiou y Jacques Rancière, y aplicar los resultados de ese análisis al ámbito educativo. Para ello abordamos inicialmente las diferencias entre ambos autores respecto de sus teorías del sujeto, sus relaciones con Platón y sus propuestas ontológicas. A continuación consideramos, en primer lugar, una coincidencia acerca del carácter prescriptivo del concepto de «igualdad», y en segundo lugar, una divergencia respecto del «sujeto» y de las consecuencias disruptivas (...)
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    Incompatibility of uncertainty in economics with the logic of the homo economicus and with the construction of closed systems.Leonardo Ivarola - 2017 - Cinta de Moebio 58:1-12.
    Resumen La tesis principal del artículo es que la estrategia estándar de modelización económica basada en la construcción de sistemas cerrados y de agentes optimizadores es ineficaz para el tratamiento de la incertidumbre. Puesto que bajo incertidumbre los agentes económicos desconocen cuál es el resultado final de un curso de acción, las decisiones de estos no deberían ser representadas por el cálculo de optimización bajo restricciones. La construcción de sistemas axiomáticos deductivos que conducen a la derivación de un único resultado (...)
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  33. Merleau-Ponty lector de Marx. La Praxis dialéctica como génesis de Sentido.Eiff Leonardo - 2010 - A Parte Rei 67:7.
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    As Conexões Entre o Ceticismo Acadêmico e o Naturalismo Filosófico No Empirismo Radical de David Hume.Leonardo Delatorre Leite, Gerson Leite de Moraes & Carlos Roberto de Melo Almeida - 2023 - Complexitas – Revista de Filosofia Temática 7 (2).
    O presente artigo apresenta como intuito primordial a promoção de uma análise acerca das relações entre o naturalismo filosófico de Hume e a sua oposição ao ceticismo radical, estabelecendo, nesse sentido, uma vinculação entre as teses naturalistas do autor em questão e a sua argumentação em prol do ceticismo moderado. A dissertação, num primeiro momento, abordará sobre os elementos centrais da chamada “geografia mental”, proposta por David Hume na primeira seção de seu livro Investigação sobre o entendimento Humano. Além disso, (...)
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    Expectations-based Processes – An Interventionist Account of Economic Practice: Putting the Direct Practice of Economics on the Agenda of Philosophy of Economics.Leonardo Ivarola, Gustavo Marques & Diego Weisman - 2013 - Economic Thought 2 (2):20.
    The paper starts by distinguishing between two kinds of economic practice: theoretical economic practice (TEP) (model and theory building) and direct economic practice (DEP) (the practical operation upon real economies). Most of the epistemological and philosophical considerations have been directed to the first type of practice, one of whose main goals is the discovery of particular sorts of economic laws, mechanisms and other regularities which throw light on relevant economic patterns. We do not deny that in some restricted domains these (...)
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  36. On Interrogative Inquiries Without Suspended Judgement and Doxastic Neutrality.Leonardo Flamini - forthcoming - Dialogue.
    It is a widespread idea that suspended judgement implies a state of doxastic neutrality. Jane Friedman has recently claimed that while inquiring into a given question, one suspends one’s judgement on it. Jointly considered, the previous claims imply that one is in a state of doxastic neutrality about a given question while inquiring into it. In this article, I explore the leading cases against Friedman’s perspective, arguing that it is debatable whether they exhibit inquiries into questions without doxastic neutrality. However, (...)
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    Perpetual Duration and Atemporal Eternity in Parmenides and Plato.Leonardo Tarán - 1979 - The Monist 62 (1):43-53.
    The purpose of this paper is less ambitious than its title might suggest, since it does not deal with everything that Plato has said on time and on eternity. Rather, it attempts to clarify some issues which have arisen in the controversy as to whether Parmenides or Plato was the first Western philosopher to grasp the notion of atemporal eternity. It is particularly concerned with some publications on the subject that have appeared within the last twelve years or so. G. (...)
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    After the Glow: Race ambivalence and other educational prognoses.Zeus Leonardo - 2011 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 43 (6):675-698.
    The Right has a long history of questioning the importance of race analysis. Recently, the conceptual and political status of race has come under increased scrutiny from the Left. Bracketing the language of ‘race’ has meant that the discourse of skin groups remains at the level of abstraction and does not speak to real groups as such. As a descriptor, race essentializes identity as if skin color were a reliable way to perceive one's self and group as well as others, (...)
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  39. Autonomous Systems and the Place of Biology Among Sciences. Perspectives for an Epistemology of Complex Systems.Leonardo Bich - 2021 - In Gianfranco Minati (ed.), Multiplicity and Interdisciplinarity. Essays in Honor of Eliano Pessa. Springer. pp. 41-57.
    This paper discusses the epistemic status of biology from the standpoint of the systemic approach to living systems based on the notion of biological autonomy. This approach aims to provide an understanding of the distinctive character of biological systems and this paper analyses its theoretical and epistemological dimensions. The paper argues that, considered from this perspective, biological systems are examples of emergent phenomena, that the biological domain exhibits special features with respect to other domains, and that biology as a discipline (...)
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    Ontologia social e teoria crítica: em torno do diagnóstico de experiências sociais negativas.Leonardo da Hora - 2024 - Trans/Form/Ação 47 (6):e02400282.
    What does it mean to assert that a society produces negative social experiences? From the standpoint of social ontology, what is the image or figuration of society presuposed in such a diagnosis? This article aims to address such inquiries through the reconstruction of some theoretical models, particularly critical ones. Methodologically, it involves starting from how each model diagnoses negative social experiences in order to better reflect on the various possibilities of understanding the social. This article is divided into three parts. (...)
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  41. Il pensiero come relazione o intero semantico? Intorno alla filosofia di Luciano Floridi.Leonardo Manna - 2021 - Phenomenology and Mind 20 (2021):164-174.
    In Pensare l’infosfera La filosofia come design concettuale, Luciano Floridi states the value of a correct analysis and philosophical responses within the information age we are living in. The aim of this paper is to suggest several ideas for reflecting on some of Floridi’s topics such as the analysis of presence, relationship and semantization. In the second paragraph, after a brief introduction about the author, I will analyse philosophical insights on the relationship between being and determination. In the third paragraph, (...)
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  42. Etica dell’educazione e dell’informazione: accesso alla conoscenza, design, reciprocità.Leonardo Manna - 2024 - Nuova Secondaria 6 (2).
    The article examines education in the information age, proposing an informational perspective. By analyzing the epistemology of informational learning, I offer a framework for understanding how individuals acquire knowledge, highlighting the role of design and models in active and constructive learning. Following this, the paper presents the UDL and ODDE educational models, outlining their key features and potential contributions. I then showcase the practical application of these models through case studies focusing on the use of AI to develop personalized learning (...)
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  43. Larison, Mariana . L’Être en forme. Dialectique et phénoménologie dans la dernière philosophie de Merleau-Ponty. Milán, Italia: Mimesis. 310 pp. [REVIEW]Leonardo Daniel Eiff - 2016 - Las Torres de Lucca: Revista Internacional de Filosofía Política 5 (9):323-328.
    La obra de pensamiento de Maurice Merleau-Ponty constituye hoy un pilar medular dentro del itinerario filosófico del siglo xx. No siempre fue así. Desplazada por el vendaval estructuralista y la sucedánea consagración del llamado post-estructuralismo, la filosofía de Merleau-Ponty qued ó arrinconada por las controversias rupturistas en torno al sujeto, la revolución y la metafísica humanista. Sin embargo, hacia finales del pasado siglo, la obra de nuestro autor comenzó a releerse y estudiarse con renovados bríos. La periódica publicación — aún (...)
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    Infancia, Una “Flora Abundante de Crueldades”.Leonardo Visaguirre - 2023 - Saberes y Prácticas. Revista de Filosofía y Educación 8 (1):1-17.
    El presente artículo aborda la historia de la educación argentina desde una perspectiva ligada a la historia de las ideas filosóficas/pedagógicas (Roig, 1993, 2009; Arpini, 2003; Ramaglia, 2020), tomando como objeto de estudio la representación de la infancia presente en los trabajos sobre criminología infantil del pedagogo positivista Víctor Mercante (1870-1934). Analizamos los elementos epistemológicos que articulan el discurso positivista e higienista del pedagogo normalista argentino y su relación con el complejo universo discursivo que lo entrama y promueve. Realizamos una (...)
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    L'eredità di Giovanni Gentile nella filosofia italiana.Leonardo Manna - 2018 - Roma RM, Italia: Aracne editrice.
    Il volume offre una sintetica analisi dell’attualismo di Giovanni Gentile al fine di rilevare i dettagli fondamentali della sua posizione teoretica e di individuare gli elementi su cui si è strutturata la sua ricezione in Italia. La filosofia postattualista italiana è stata radicalmente influenzata dal filosofo siciliano e il suo sviluppo ha assunto le forme di un lungo dialogo con l’attualismo. Tra gli autori principali di questo dialogo figurano Ugo Spirito, Gustavo Bontadini e Andrea Emo in primis, oltre a Guido (...)
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    Single-Assumption Systems in Proof-Theoretic Semantics.Leonardo Ceragioli - 2022 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 51 (5):1019-1054.
    Proof-theoretic semantics is an inferentialist theory of meaning, usually developed in a multiple-assumption and single-conclusion framework. In that framework, this theory seems unable to justify classical logic, so some authors have proposed a multiple-conclusion reformulation to accomplish this goal. In the first part of this paper, the debate originated by this proposal is briefly exposed and used to defend the diverging opinion that proof-theoretic semantics should always endorse a single-assumption and single-conclusion framework. In order to adopt this approach some of (...)
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    The Dangers of Demagogues and Democratic Revolution: on Aristotle’s Education of the Serious.Kenneth Andrew Andres Leonardo - 2024 - Polis 41 (2):327-350.
    This article concerns the dangers of demagogues in democracies described in the Politics and the edifying purposes of Aristotle’s ethical works in relation to the politically ambitious student. The translation of σπουδαῖος as serious is key to understanding the connection between these works. Although similar arguments appear elsewhere in his Corpus, Aristotle’s arguments in the Great Ethics are unique because the audience is warned about the dangers of political rule and is ultimately led away from the pursuit of it. Aristotle (...)
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  48. Autopoiesis, Autonomy and Organizational Biology: Critical Remarks on “Life After Ashby”.Leonardo Bich & Argyris Arnellos - 2012 - Cybernetics and Human Knowing 19 (4):75-103.
    In this paper we criticize the “Ashbyan interpretation” (Froese & Stewart, 2010) of autopoietic theory by showing that Ashby’s framework and the autopoietic one are based on distinct, often incompatible, assumptions and that they aim at addressing different issues. We also suggest that in order to better understand autopoiesis and its implications, a different and wider set of theoretical contributions, developed previously or at the time autopoiesis was formulated, needs to be taken into consideration: among the others, the works of (...)
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    Aristotle Poetics : Editio Maior of the Greek Text with Historical Introductions and Philological Commentaries.Leonardo Tarán & Dimitri Gutas - 2012 - Brill.
    This important new editio maior of Aristotle's Poetics is based on all the primary sources and is accompanied by a details critical apparatus. The introductory chapters provide important new insights about the transmission of the text to the present day and especially the significance of the Syro-Arabic tradition.
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    Minority Veterans Are More Willing to Participate in Complex Studies Compared to Non-minorities.Leonardo Tamariz, Irene Kirolos, Fiorella Pendola, Erin N. Marcus, Olveen Carrasquillo, Jimmy Rivadeneira & Ana Palacio - 2018 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 15 (1):155-161.
    BackgroundMinorities are an underrepresented population in clinical trials. A potential explanation for this underrepresentation could be lack of willingness to participate. The aim of our study was to evaluate willingness to participate in different hypothetical clinical research scenarios and to evaluate the role that predictors could have on the willingness of minorities to participate in clinical research studies.MethodsWe conducted a mixed-methods study at the Miami VA Healthcare system and included primary care patients with hypertension. We measured willingness to participate as (...)
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