Results for 'Leonardo Tamariz'

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  1.  23
    Minority Veterans Are More Willing to Participate in Complex Studies Compared to Non-minorities.Leonardo Tamariz, Irene Kirolos, Fiorella Pendola, Erin N. Marcus, Olveen Carrasquillo, Jimmy Rivadeneira & Ana Palacio - 2018 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 15 (1):155-161.
    BackgroundMinorities are an underrepresented population in clinical trials. A potential explanation for this underrepresentation could be lack of willingness to participate. The aim of our study was to evaluate willingness to participate in different hypothetical clinical research scenarios and to evaluate the role that predictors could have on the willingness of minorities to participate in clinical research studies.MethodsWe conducted a mixed-methods study at the Miami VA Healthcare system and included primary care patients with hypertension. We measured willingness to participate as (...)
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  2.  46
    Potential research ethics violations against an indigenous tribe in Ecuador: a mixed methods approach.Esteban Ortiz-Prado, Katherine Simbaña-Rivera, Lenin Gómez-Barreno, Leonardo Tamariz, Alex Lister, Juan Carlos Baca, Alegria Norris & Lila Adana-Diaz - 2020 - BMC Medical Ethics 21 (1):1-15.
    Background Biomedical and ethnographic studies among indigenous people are common practice in health and geographical research. Prior health research misconduct has been documented, particularly when obtaining genetic material. The objective of this study was to crossmatch previously published data with the perceptions of the Waorani peoples about the trading of their genetic material and other biological samples. Methods We conducted a mixed methods study design using a tailored 15-item questionnaire in 72 participants and in-depth interviews in 55 participants belonging to (...)
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  3.  49
    Culture: Copying, Compression, and Conventionality.Mónica Tamariz & Simon Kirby - 2015 - Cognitive Science 39 (1):171-183.
    Through cultural transmission, repeated learning by new individuals transforms cultural information, which tends to become increasingly compressible . Existing diffusion chain studies include in their design two processes that could be responsible for this tendency: learning and reproducing . This paper manipulates the presence of learning in a simple iterated drawing design experiment. We find that learning seems to be the causal factor behind the increase in compressibility observed in the transmitted information, while reproducing is a source of random heritable (...)
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  4.  55
    The Interactive Origin of Iconicity.Mónica Tamariz, Seán G. Roberts, J. Isidro Martínez & Julio Santiago - 2018 - Cognitive Science 42 (1):334-349.
    We investigate the emergence of iconicity, specifically a bouba-kiki effect in miniature artificial languages under different functional constraints: when the languages are reproduced and when they are used communicatively. We ran transmission chains of participant dyads who played an interactive communicative game and individual participants who played a matched learning game. An analysis of the languages over six generations in an iterated learning experiment revealed that in the Communication condition, but not in the Reproduction condition, words for spiky shapes tend (...)
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  5. Arbitrary imitation, pattern completion and the origin and evolution of human communication.Monica Tamariz - 2009 - In N. A. Taatgen & H. van Rijn, Proceedings of the 31st Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society. pp. 66--72.
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    (1 other version)Could arbitrary imitation and pattern completion have bootstrapped human linguistic communication?Monica Tamariz - 2011 - Interaction Studies 12 (1):36-62.
    The present study explores the idea that human linguistic communication co-opted a pre-existing population-wide behavioural system that was shared among social group members and whose structure reflected the structure of the environment. This system is hypothesized to have emerged from interactions among individuals who had evolved the capacity to imitate arbitrary, functionless behaviour. A series of agent-based computer simulations test the separate and joint effects of imitation, pattern completion behaviour, environment structure and level of social interaction on such a population-wide (...)
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  7.  69
    Compression and communication in the cultural evolution of linguistic structure.Simon Kirby, Monica Tamariz, Hannah Cornish & Kenny Smith - 2015 - Cognition 141 (C):87-102.
  8.  25
    Systematicity in language and the fast and slow creation of writing systems: Understanding two types of non-arbitrary relations between orthographic characters and their canonical pronunciation.Hana Jee, Monica Tamariz & Richard Shillcock - 2022 - Cognition 226 (C):105197.
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  9.  42
    Ultrafilters and non-Cantor minimal sets in linearly ordered dynamical systems.M. Hrušák, M. Sanchis & Á Tamariz-Mascarúa - 2008 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 47 (3):193-203.
    It is well known that infinite minimal sets for continuous functions on the interval are Cantor sets; that is, compact zero dimensional metrizable sets without isolated points. On the other hand, it was proved in Alcaraz and Sanchis (Bifurcat Chaos 13:1665–1671, 2003) that infinite minimal sets for continuous functions on connected linearly ordered spaces enjoy the same properties as Cantor sets except that they can fail to be metrizable. However, no examples of such subsets have been known. In this note (...)
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    Ultrafilters, monotone functions and pseudocompactness.M. Hrušák, M. Sanchis & Á Tamariz-Mascarúa - 2005 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 44 (2):131-157.
    In this article we, given a free ultrafilter p on ω, consider the following classes of ultrafilters:(1) T(p) - the set of ultrafilters Rudin-Keisler equivalent to p,(2) S(p)={q ∈ ω*:∃ f ∈ ω ω , strictly increasing, such that q=f β (p)},(3) I(p) - the set of strong Rudin-Blass predecessors of p,(4) R(p) - the set of ultrafilters equivalent to p in the strong Rudin-Blass order,(5) P RB (p) - the set of Rudin-Blass predecessors of p, and(6) P RK (p) (...)
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  11. Leonardo Bezzola: Photographs 1948-2007.Leonardo Bezzola, Andre Kamber & Clarenza Catullo - 2008 - Verlag Scheidegger and Spiess.
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  12.  23
    Prof. Leonardo Polo, Agradecimiento.Leonardo Polo - 2006 - Studia Poliana:35-38.
    Palabras de agradecimiento al promotor del Congreso Internacional y a los participantes en él. Asimismo, a la persona que ha trabajado en la labor de transcripción de mis escritos y a otros colaboradores míos. También a quienes han tomado en cuenta mis ideas para elaborar sus tesis doctorales, y a otros colegas cuyos planteamientos filosóficos distan de los míos. Como la filosofía es una actividad interminable, queda abierta la sucesiva investigación en mis propuestas.
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    Extended Evolutionary Synthesis: Neither Synthesis Nor Extension.Claudio Ricardo Martins dos Reis & Leonardo Augusto Luvison Araújo - 2020 - Biological Theory 15 (2):57-60.
    The extended evolutionary synthesis intends to offer a new framework for understanding evolution based mainly on empirical and theoretical findings of current studies, including heredity and evolutionary developmental biology. In this essay, we present and develop the following objections about the terminology associated with the EES literature: despite using the term "extension," EES protagonists claim new evolutionary processes, reformulate conceptual networks, and modify central assumptions of the evolutionary synthesis. Therefore, the difference between ES and EES should not be described in (...)
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  14.  29
    Amount of Learning and Signal Stability Modulate Emergence of Structure and Iconicity in Novel Signaling Systems.Vera Kempe, Nicolas Gauvrit, Nikolay Panayotov, Sheila Cunningham & Monica Tamariz - 2021 - Cognitive Science 45 (11):e13057.
    Cognitive Science, Volume 45, Issue 11, November 2021.
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  15.  31
    Network Connectivity Dynamics, Cognitive Biases, and the Evolution of Cultural Diversity in Round‐Robin Interactive Micro‐Societies.José Segovia-Martín, Bradley Walker, Nicolas Fay & Monica Tamariz - 2020 - Cognitive Science 44 (7):e12852.
    The distribution of cultural variants in a population is shaped by both neutral evolutionary dynamics and by selection pressures. The temporal dynamics of social network connectivity, that is, the order in which individuals in a population interact with each other, has been largely unexplored. In this paper, we investigate how, in a fully connected social network, connectivity dynamics, alone and in interaction with different cognitive biases, affect the evolution of cultural variants. Using agent‐based computer simulations, we manipulate population connectivity dynamics (...)
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  16.  17
    Palabras de agradecimiento de Leonardo Polo con motivo de la imposición de la Cruz de Carlos III del Gobierno de Navarra.Leonardo Polo - 2009 - Studia Poliana:224-226.
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    An International Survey of Deep Brain Stimulation Utilization in Asia and Oceania: The DBS Think Tank East.Chencheng Zhang, Adolfo Ramirez-Zamora, Fangang Meng, Zhengyu Lin, Yijie Lai, Dianyou Li, Jinwoo Chang, Takashi Morishita, Tooru Inoue, Shinsuke Fujioka, Genko Oyama, Terry Coyne, Valerie Voon, Paresh K. Doshi, Yiwen Wu, Jun Liu, Bhavana Patel, Leonardo Almeida, Aparna A. Wagle Shukla, Wei Hu, Kelly Foote, Jianguo Zhang, Bomin Sun & Michael S. Okun - 2020 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 14.
  18. Contextuality in the Integrated Information Theory.J. Acacio de Barros, Carlos Montemayor & Leonardo De Assis - 2017 - In J. A. de Barros, B. Coecke & E. Pothos, Quantum Interaction - 10th International Conference, QI2016. Lecture Notes on Computer Science. Springer International Publishing.
    Integrated Information Theory (IIT) is one of the most influential theories of consciousness, mainly due to its claim of mathematically formalizing consciousness in a measurable way. However, the theory, as it is formulated, does not account for contextual observations that are crucial for understanding consciousness. Here we put forth three possible difficulties for its current version, which could be interpreted as a trilemma. Either consciousness is contextual or not. If contextual, either IIT needs revisions to its axioms to include contextuality, (...)
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  19.  49
    On Painting.Leon Battista Alberti, John R. Spencer, Leonardo da Vinci & A. Philip Mcmahon - 1956 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 15 (4):488-489.
  20.  34
    Complexity in Manufacturing Processes and Systems.Rosario Domingo, Julio Blanco-Fernández, Jorge Luis García-Alcaraz & Leonardo Rivera - 2018 - Complexity 2018:1-3.
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  21. The Child Emotion Facial Expression Set: A Database for Emotion Recognition in Children.Juliana Gioia Negrão, Ana Alexandra Caldas Osorio, Rinaldo Focaccia Siciliano, Vivian Renne Gerber Lederman, Elisa Harumi Kozasa, Maria Eloisa Famá D'Antino, Anderson Tamborim, Vitor Santos, David Leonardo Barsand de Leucas, Paulo Sergio Camargo, Daniel C. Mograbi, Tatiana Pontrelli Mecca & José Salomão Schwartzman - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Background: This study developed a photo and video database of 4-to-6-year-olds expressing the seven induced and posed universal emotions and a neutral expression. Children participated in photo and video sessions designed to elicit the emotions, and the resulting images were further assessed by independent judges in two rounds. Methods: In the first round, two independent judges, experts in the Facial Action Coding System, firstly analysed 3,668 emotions facial expressions stimuli from 132 children. Both judges reached 100% agreement regarding 1,985 stimuli, (...)
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  22.  18
    El “milagro” español y la IED norteamericana: una nueva interpretación.Julio Luis Tascón Fernández & Leonardo Roberto Caruana de las Cagigas - 2023 - Araucaria 25 (54).
    En el trabajo reconstruimos la trayectoria seguida en España por los agentes económicos extranjeros a lo largo del período 1936-1959. El primer estudio fue de Muñoz, Roldán y Serrano en 1978. En nuestros días hay más aportaciones, pues el tema es crucial para cualquier país. Analizamos los problemas con los nuevos "arreglos" legales y el liderazgo final de los Estados Unidos. Los datos de EE.UU. muestran una buena evidencia y por tanto una muy buena prueba del gran impacto de la (...)
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  23.  24
    O Refúgio Por Uma Perspectiva Filosófica a Partir de Derrida.Ana Flávia Costa Eccard, Jordana Aparecida Teza & Leonardo Rabelo de Matos Silva - 2020 - Revista Brasileira de Filosofia do Direito 6 (1):208-226.
    O atual trabalho se debruça sobre o instituto do refúgio por um prisma jusfilosófico, significa a construção dos ditames jurídicos constituídos por uma via filosófica que permite uma pluralidade de oportunidade para concepção de possíveis soluções a partir de uma metodologia explicativa e do método de pesquisa bibliográfica. Os objetivos da pesquisas são: perscrutar a relação entre justiça e direito, compreender o conceito do refúgio jurídico, estudar o fenômeno do refúgio pelos conceitos de alteridade e hospitalidade do filósofo Derrida, analisar (...)
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    The Legal Surrealism as a Method for Legal Education to Warat.Ana Flávia Costa Eccard & Leonardo de Matos Silva Rabelo - 2016 - Revista Brasileira de Filosofia do Direito 2 (2):116-131.
    This work is aimed at interested reflection of the thought of Luis Alberto Warat under the aegis of legal education, it is a reinterpretation of the work The Legal Science and her two husbands, which addresses the carnavalizado imaginary. This proposal is born motivated concepts and deconstructions made by the author in question. It is analyzing the legal doctrine from a deconstruction that takes the intertwining of Law and Art, passing the love having as a method the legal surrealism. This (...)
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  25.  35
    "Estudio introductorio" de J. Locke, La razonabilidad del cristianismo.Leopoldo José Prieto López & Leonardo Rodriguez Duplá (eds.) - 2017 - Madrid: Tecnos, Clásicos del pensamiento.
  26.  15
    Malestares en la escritura académica-científica.María Alejandra Celi, Alejandra Gabriele, Emiliano Jacky Rosell, Francisco Machin, Leandro Velasco Cicchitti & Leonardo Visaguirre - 2022 - Saberes y Prácticas. Revista de Filosofía y Educación 7 (2):1-14.
    El trabajo que aquí compartimos surge de nuestras prácticas de enseñanza-aprendizaje de metodología de la investigación. En donde nos preguntamos cómo se produce conocimiento en la Facultad de Ciencias Económicas de la Universidad Nacional de Cuyo (FCE-UNCUYO), qué saberes aparecen en aquellas investigaciones, qué supuestos epistemológicos amparan los conocimientos producidos y cuáles silencian los saberes y las experiencias que se cuelan en los textos. Partimos de una sospecha: detrás de una aparente confusión entre producción de conocimientos e investigaciones para la (...)
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  27.  52
    Obtención y caracterización de la oleoresina del ajo (allium sativum).Melvin A. Durán Rincón, Paula Andrea González Patiño & Leonardo Cardona Pareja - forthcoming - Scientia.
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    Design and Validation of Augmented Reality Stimuli for the Treatment of Cleaning Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder.Zoilo Emilio García-Batista, Kiero Guerra-Peña, Ivan Alsina-Jurnet, Antonio Cano-Vindel, Luisa Marilia Cantisano-Guzmán, Asha Nazir-Ferreiras, Luciana Sofía Moretti, Leonardo Adrián Medrano & Luis Eduardo Garrido - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Fear to contamination is an easy-to-provoke, intense, hard-to-control, and extraordinarily persistent fear. A worsening of preexisting psychiatric disorders was observed during the COVID-19 outbreak, and several studies suggest that those with obsessive–compulsive disorder may be more affected than any other group of people. In the face of worsening OCD symptoms, there is a need for mental health professionals to provide the support needed not only to treat patients who still report symptoms, but also to improve relapse prevention. In this line, (...)
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  29.  44
    Estudios de la gubernamentalidad: La subjetividad como categoría de la política.Vanina Papalini, Marcelo Córdoba & Leonardo Marengo - 2012 - Astrolabio: Nueva Época 8.
    Este artículo consiste de una referencia razonada a un conjunto definido de conceptos desarrollados en el seno de lo que ha llegado a conocerse como estudios de la gubernamentalidad. Comienza narrando sucintamente las vicisitudes conceptuales de un grupo de estudiosos anglosajones cuya apuesta intelectual, inspirada en gran medida por la analítica foucaultiana del poder, fue pensar la política sin reducirse—ni privilegiar—al Estado en tanto principio explicativo. A continuación, tras poner el foco sobre la noción de “procesos de subjetificación”, demuestra en (...)
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  30.  16
    Modulation of Spectral Representation and Connectivity Patterns in Response to Visual Narrative in the Human Brain.Zahraa Sabra, Ali Alawieh, Leonardo Bonilha, Thomas Naselaris & Nicholas AuYong - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 16:886938.
    The regional brain networks and the underlying neurophysiological mechanisms subserving the cognition of visual narrative in humans have largely been studied with non-invasive brain recording. In this study, we specifically investigated how regional and cross-regional cortical activities support visual narrative interpretation using intracranial stereotactic electroencephalograms recordings from thirteen human subjects (6 females, and 7 males). Widely distributed recording sites across the brain were sampled while subjects were explicitly instructed to observe images from fables presented in “sequential” order, and a set (...)
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  31. Agri(cultural) resistance : food sovereignty and anarchism in response to the socio-biodiversity crisis.Cassidy Thomas & Leonardo E. Figueroa-Helland - 2021 - In Martin Locret-Collet, Simon Springer, Jennifer Mateer & Maleea Acker, Inhabiting the Earth: anarchist political ecology for landscapes of emancipation. Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield.
  32.  76
    GeoPartitura: Collective concert with music, image, technology and interactivity.Suzete Venturelli, Claudia Loch, Francisco de Paula Barretto, Gustavo Soares, Juliana Hilário de Sousa, Leonardo Guilherme de Freitas, Ronaldo Ribeiro & Victor Valentim - 2012 - Technoetic Arts 9 (2-3):225-231.
    The text describes the research Geopartitura executed by the team MidiaLab Computer art research laboratory, that raises the thought about social artists and urban space. As a work of art it can be considered activist action. As a system, it is composed by software, database, locative media and mobile devices. The work was created to be performed as urban interactive cyberintervention, in order to interact with passers-by, a bias of social inclusion, transforming the urban landscape and its noises, at a (...)
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  33.  21
    Social sanitary development of a rural establishment from the perspective of the social sciences.José Eduardo Vera Rodríguez, Leonardo Santos Méndez, Marla Eunice Hernandez Cruz & Yudelmis Ramirez Duquerne - 2019 - Humanidades Médicas 19 (1):31-46.
    RESUMEN Se aplicó una intervención socio sanitaria en el asentamiento rural El León de Camagüey basada en los resultados de un estudio anterior, desde la comunicación social, educativa, así como aspectos socioculturales evaluados que permitieron la realización de este estudio. Su objetivo fue implementar una estrategia de intervención basada en acciones sociales y educativas colectadas en un manual que organizó contenidos de antropología socio cultural, psicología, sociología de la salud y trabajo social comunitario, la que fue conducida por profesionales de (...)
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    Case Report: Globus Pallidus Internus (GPi) Deep Brain Stimulation Induced Keyboard Typing Dysfunction.Joshua K. Wong, Melissa J. Armstrong, Leonardo Almeida, Aparna Wagle Shukla, Addie Patterson, Michael S. Okun & Irene A. Malaty - 2020 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 14.
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  35. Organization needs organization: Understanding integrated control in living organisms.Leonardo Bich & William Bechtel - 2022 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 93:96-106.
    Organization figures centrally in the understanding of biological systems advanced by both new mechanists and proponents of the autonomy framework. The new mechanists focus on how components of mechanisms are organized to produce a phenomenon and emphasize productive continuity between these components. The autonomy framework focuses on how the components of a biological system are organized in such a way that they contribute to the maintenance of the organisms that produce them. In this paper we analyze and compare these two (...)
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  36. Control Mechanisms: Explaining the Integration and Versatility of Biological Organisms.Leonardo Bich & William Bechtel - 2022 - Adaptive Behavior.
    Living organisms act as integrated wholes to maintain themselves. Individual actions can each be explained by characterizing the mechanisms that perform the activity. But these alone do not explain how various activities are coordinated and performed versatilely. We argue that this depends on a specific type of mechanism, a control mechanism. We develop an account of control by examining several extensively studied control mechanisms operative in the bacterium E. coli. On our analysis, what distinguishes a control mechanism from other mechanisms (...)
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  37. There Are No Intermediate Stages: An Organizational View on Development.Leonardo Bich & Derek Skillings - 2023 - In Matteo Mossio, Organization in Biology. Springer. pp. 241-262.
    Theoretical accounts of development exhibit several internal tensions and face multiple challenges. They span from the problem of the identification of the temporal boundaries of development (beginning and end) to the characterization of the distinctive type of change involved compared to other biological processes. They include questions such as the role to ascribe to the environment or what types of biological systems can undergo development and whether they should include colonies or even ecosystems. In this chapter we discuss these conceptual (...)
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  38. Biological regulation: controlling the system from within.Leonardo Bich, Matteo Mossio, Kepa Ruiz-Mirazo & Alvaro Moreno - 2016 - Biology and Philosophy 31 (2):237-265.
    Biological regulation is what allows an organism to handle the effects of a perturbation, modulating its own constitutive dynamics in response to particular changes in internal and external conditions. With the central focus of analysis on the case of minimal living systems, we argue that regulation consists in a specific form of second-order control, exerted over the core regime of production and maintenance of the components that actually put together the organism. The main argument is that regulation requires a distinctive (...)
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  39. Organisational teleology 2.0: Grounding biological purposiveness in regulatory control.Leonardo Bich - 2024 - Ratio (4):327-340.
    This paper critically revises the organisational account of teleology, which argues that living systems are first and foremost oriented towards a goal: maintaining their own conditions of existence. It points out some limitations of this account, mainly in the capability to account for the richness and complexity of biological systems and their purposeful behaviours. It identifies the reason of these limitations in the theoretical grounding of this account, specifically in the too narrow notion of closure of constraints, focused on self-production. (...)
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  40. Glycemia Regulation: From Feedback Loops to Organizational Closure.Leonardo Bich, Matteo Mossio & Ana M. Soto - 2020 - Frontiers in Physiology 11.
    Endocrinologists apply the idea of feedback loops to explain how hormones regulate certain bodily functions such as glucose metabolism. In particular, feedback loops focus on the maintenance of the plasma concentrations of glucose within a narrow range. Here, we put forward a different, organicist perspective on the endocrine regulation of glycaemia, by relying on the pivotal concept of closure of constraints. From this perspective, biological systems are understood as organized ones, which means that they are constituted of a set of (...)
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  41. (1 other version)Is defining life pointless? Operational definitions at the frontiers of Biology.Leonardo Bich & Sara Green - 2017 - Synthese:1-28.
    Despite numerous and increasing attempts to define what life is, there is no consensus on necessary and sufficient conditions for life. Accordingly, some scholars have questioned the value of definitions of life and encouraged scientists and philosophers alike to discard the project. As an alternative to this pessimistic conclusion, we argue that critically rethinking the nature and uses of definitions can provide new insights into the epistemic roles of definitions of life for different research practices. This paper examines the possible (...)
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  42. Mechanism, autonomy and biological explanation.Leonardo Bich & William Bechtel - 2021 - Biology and Philosophy 36 (6):1-27.
    The new mechanists and the autonomy approach both aim to account for how biological phenomena are explained. One identifies appeals to how components of a mechanism are organized so that their activities produce a phenomenon. The other directs attention towards the whole organism and focuses on how it achieves self-maintenance. This paper discusses challenges each confronts and how each could benefit from collaboration with the other: the new mechanistic framework can gain by taking into account what happens outside individual mechanisms, (...)
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  43. The Limits of Spinoza's Perfectionism.Leonardo Moauro - 2024 - Ergo: An Open Access Journal of Philosophy 11 (35):947-976.
    Spinoza is often described as an ethical perfectionist—one who accepts an account of the good centered on the development of our natural capacities. Perfectionists typically accept a perfectionist theory of value, in which the properties of good and evil are grounded in a normative property of perfection. Yet I argue that Spinoza rejects a perfectionist theory of value because he believes it conflicts with the doctrine of necessitarianism. This leads him to conclude that attributions of perfection in ethical contexts must (...)
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  44. Occurrent knowledge is the sole aim of inquiry.Leonardo Flamini - 2024 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy:1-30.
    Many philosophers have recently challenged the monistic idea that knowledge is the sole aim of our inquiries into questions. Specifically, by giving examples, they argue that we can factually and legitimately inquire into questions to achieve states different from the mere knowledge of the correct and complete answer. Given this, they end up with a pluralistic stance about the aim of our inquiries into questions. In this paper, I will show that the pluralists’ cases do not seriously threaten knowledge monism. (...)
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  45. Biological Organization.Leonardo Bich - 2024 - Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
    Living systems are complex systems made of components that tend to degrade, but nonetheless they maintain themselves far from equilibrium. This requires living systems to extract energy and materials from the environment and use them to build and repair their parts. They do so by regulating their activities on the basis of their internal and external conditions in ways that allow them to keep living. The philosophical and theoretical approach discussed in this book aims to explain these features of biological (...)
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    Exotics at home: anthropologies, others, American modernity.Micaela Di Leonardo - 1998 - Chicago, Ill.: University of Chicago Press.
    In this pathbreaking study, Micaela di Leonardo reveals the face of power within the mask of cultural difference. From the 1893 World's Fair to Body Shop advertisements, di Leonardo focuses on the intimate and shifting relations between popular portrayals of exotic Others and the practice of anthropology. In so doing, she casts new light on gender, race, and the public sphere in America's past and present. "An impressive work of scholarship that is mordantly witty, passionately argued, and takes (...)
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  47. The role of regulation in the origin and synthetic modelling of minimal cognition.Leonardo Bich & Alvaro Moreno - 2016 - Biosystems 148:12-21.
    In this paper we address the question of minimal cognition by investigating the origin of some crucial cognitive properties from the very basic organisation of biological systems. More specifically, we propose a theoretical model of how a system can distinguish between specific features of its interaction with the environment, which is a fundamental requirement for the emergence of minimal forms of cognition. We argue that the appearance of this capacity is grounded in the molecular domain, and originates from basic mechanisms (...)
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  48. Complex emergence and the living organization: an epistemological framework for biology.Leonardo Bich - 2012 - Synthese 185 (2):215-232.
    In this article an epistemological framework is proposed in order to integrate the emergentist thought with systemic studies on biological autonomy, which are focused on the role of organization. Particular attention will be paid to the role of the observer’s activity, especially: (a) the different operations he performs in order to identify the pertinent elements at each descriptive level, and (b) the relationships between the different models he builds from them. According to the approach sustained here, organization will be considered (...)
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  49. Integrating Multicellular Systems: Physiological Control and Degrees of Biological Individuality.Leonardo Bich - 2023 - Acta Biotheoretica 72 (1):1-22.
    This paper focuses on physiological integration in multicellular systems, a notion often associated with biological individuality, but which has not received enough attention and needs a thorough theoretical treatment. Broadly speaking, physiological integration consists in how different components come together into a cohesive unit in which they are dependent on one another for their existence and activity. This paper argues that physiological integration can be understood by considering how the components of a biological multicellular system are controlled and coordinated in (...)
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  50. Understanding Multicellularity: The Functional Organization of the Intercellular Space.Leonardo Bich, Thomas Pradeu & Jean-Francois Moreau - 2019 - Frontiers in Physiology 10.
    The aim of this paper is to provide a theoretical framework to understand how multicellular systems realize functionally integrated physiological entities by organizing their intercellular space. From a perspective centered on physiology and integration, biological systems are often characterized as organized in such a way that they realize metabolic self-production and self-maintenance. The existence and activity of their components rely on the network they realize and on the continuous management of the exchange of matter and energy with their environment. One (...)
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