Results for 'A. N. J. Th A. Th van der Hoop'

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  1.  24
    The Stone-Age of IndonesiaThe Bronze-Iron-Age of Indonesia.A. N. J. Th à Th van der Hoop, H. R. van Heekeren & A. N. J. Th A. Th van der Hoop - 1960 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 80 (2):180.
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    Conscious Orientation: A Study of Personality Types in Relation to Neurosis and Psychosis.J. H. Van Der Hoop - 1999 - Routledge.
    Routledge is now re-issuing this prestigious series of 204 volumes originally published between 1910 and 1965. The titles include works by key figures such asC.G. Jung, Sigmund Freud, Jean Piaget, Otto Rank, James Hillman, Erich Fromm, Karen Horney and Susan Isaacs. Each volume is available on its own, as part of a themed mini-set, or as part of a specially-priced 204-volume set. A brochure listing each title in the "International Library of Psychology" series is available upon request.
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    Conscious Orientation.J. Van Der Hoop - 1941 - Philosophical Review 50:544.
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    Freedom in the philosophy of east and west.J. H. van der Hoop - 1947 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 8 (4):557-572.
  5. Understanding the Contribution of HRM Bundles for Employee Outcomes Across the Life-Span.Klaske N. Veth, Hubert P. L. M. Korzilius, Beatrice I. J. M. Van der Heijden, Ben J. M. Emans & Annet H. De Lange - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10:475130.
    Using the Job Demands-Resources model literature and the life-span theory as scholarly frameworks, we examined the effects of job demands and job resources as mediators in the relationship between bundles of used HRM practices and employee outcomes. In addition, we tested for age differences in our research model. Findings confirmed the hypothesized original 2-factor structure representing maintenance and development HRM practices. Structural Equation Modeling analyses showed that the maintenance HRM bundle related directly and negatively to employee outcomes, without moderating effects (...)
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    An International Validation of a Clinical Tool to Assess Carers’ Quality of Life in Huntington’s Disease.Aimee Aubeeluck, Edward J. N. Stupple, Malcolm B. Schofield, Alis C. Hughes, Lucienne van der Meer, Bernhard Landwehrmeyer & Aileen K. Ho - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10:442788.
    Family carers of individual’s living with Huntington’s Disease (HD) manage a distinct and unique series of difficulties arising from the complex nature of HD. This paper presents the validation of the definitive measure of quality of life for this group. The Huntington’s Disease Quality of Life Battery for carers (HDQoL-C) was expanded and then administered to an international sample of 1716 partners and family carers from 13 countries. In terms of the psychometric properties of the tool, exploratory analysis of half (...)
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    Bcom ldan ral gri (1227-1305) on Indian Buddhist logic and epistemology: his commentary on Dignāga's Pramāṇasamuccaya. van der Kuijp & W. J. Leonard - 2013 - Wien: Arbeitskreis für Tibetische und buddhistische Studien, Universität Wien. Edited by Arthur P. McKeown & Bcom-Ldan-Rigs-Paʼi-Ral-Gri.
    A diplomatic edition of a commentary by Bcom-ldan-ral-gri (1227-1305), a Tibetan Buddhist scholar of the Kadampa (Bka-gdams-pa) tradition, on the "Pramāṇasamuccaya" written by the Indian Buddhist logician, Dignāga (c. 480-540 CE); includes extensive introductory material on the life and work of Dignāga, and reception of this treatise in Tibet.
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    The Importance of Intra-Organizational Networking for Younger Versus Older Workers: Examining a Multi-Group Mediation Model of Individual Task Performance Enhancement.Beatrice I. J. M. Van der Heijden, Peter M. Kruyen & Guy Notelaers - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11:606383.
    The purpose of this paper is to investigate the effect of intra-organizational networking on individual task performance, via employability. Moreover, this study also examines whether this relationship differs for younger (<40 years) versus older employees (≥40 years). A self-report questionnaire was distributed among a sample of employees working in a range of different types of organizations (n= 374). We conclude that employability fully mediates the relationship between intra-organizational networking and individual task performance. However, this mediation effect did not vary between (...)
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    Conscious Orientation.Leonard S. Cottrell, J. H. Van der Hoop & Laura Hutton - 1941 - Philosophical Review 50 (5):544.
  10.  32
    Biological activities of the shrub Salsola tuberculatiformis Botsch.: Contraceptive or stress alleviator?Pieter Swart, Amanda C. Swart, Ann Louw & Kirsten J. van der Merwe - 2003 - Bioessays 25 (6):612-619.
    Plants belonging to the genus Salsola (Family: Chenopodiaceae) are common in the arid and semiarid regions of our planet with no less than 69 different Salsola species found in Namibia and the Republic of South Africa. This genus is used as a traditional medicine and aqueous extracts of Salsola have been used by Bushmen women as an oral contraceptive. Ingestion of the Namibian shrub Salsola tuberculatiformis Botsch. by pregnant Karakul sheep leads to prolonged gestation and fetal post‐maturity and, as a (...)
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    The Remmelink Study Two Years Later.Johannes J. M. van Delden, Loes Pijnenborg & Paul J. van der Maas - 1993 - Hastings Center Report 23 (6):24.
    The Remmelink Committee published its report on medical decisions at the end of life in the Netherlands in September 1991. As a result, the Dutch debate about physician aid‐in‐dying has been broadened to include life‐terminating acts that have not been explicitly requested by the patient.
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    Een Herinnering aan Ds. Dirk van der Hoff.N. J. Van Warmelo - 1953 - HTS Theological Studies 9 (3/4).
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    Strategies in sentential reasoning.Jean-Baptiste Van Der Henst, Yingrui Yang & Johnson-Laird N. Philip - 2002 - Cognitive Science 26 (4):425-468.
    Four experiments examined the strategies that individuals develop in sentential reasoning. They led to the discovery of five different strategies. According to the theory proposed in the paper, each of the strategies depends on component tactics, which all normal adults possess, and which are based on mental models. Reasoners vary their use of tactics in ways that are not deterministic. This variation leads different individuals to assemble different strategies, which include the construction of incremental diagram corresponding to mental models, and (...)
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  14.  32
    Cardiac organoids do not warrant additional moral scrutiny.Jannieke N. Simons, Rieke van der Graaf & Johannes J. M. van Delden - 2024 - BMC Medical Ethics 25 (1):1-5.
    Certain organoid subtypes are particularly sensitive. We explore whether moral intuitions about the heartbeat warrant unique moral consideration for newly advanced contracting cardiac organoids. Despite the heartbeat’s moral significance in organ procurement and abortion discussions, we argue that this significance should not translate into moral implications for cardiac organoids.
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    Toward a “Post-Posthuman Dignity Area” in Evaluating Emerging Enhancement Technologies.Johannes J. M. van Delden, Rieke van der Graaf & Annelien L. Bredenoord - 2010 - American Journal of Bioethics 10 (7):55-57.
    In his paper, Fabrice Jotterand clearly illustrates the difficulties of applying the concept of human dignity in the context of emerging enhancement technologies. Unfortunately, however, Jotterand'...
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    Bridge Over an Aging Population: Examining Longitudinal Relations Among Human Resource Management, Social Support, and Employee Outcomes Among Bridge Workers.Klaske N. Veth, Beatrice I. J. M. Van der Heijden, Hubert P. L. M. Korzilius, Annet H. De Lange & Ben J. M. Emans - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    ‘n Homilie oor geloofsonderskeiding in ‘n akkoord van drie.J. Christo Van der Merwe - 2012 - HTS Theological Studies 68 (1).
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    Effects of topography on the local variation in the magnetization of ultrasoft magnetic films: A Lorentz microscopy study.N. G. Chechenin, J. Th M. De Hosson & D. O. Boerma - 2003 - Philosophical Magazine 83 (25):2899-2913.
  19.  34
    Strategies in sentential reasoning.Jean-Baptiste Van der Henst, Yingrui Yang & P. N. Johnson-Laird - 2002 - Cognitive Science 26 (4):425-468.
    Four experiments examined the strategies that individuals develop in sentential reasoning. They led to the discovery of five different strategies. According to the theory proposed in the paper, each of the strategies depends on component tactics, which all normal adults possess, and which are based on mental models. Reasoners vary their use of tactics in ways that have no deterministic account. This variation leads different individuals to assemble different strategies, which include the construction of incremental diagrams corresponding to mental models, (...)
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    Prof dr L J S Steenkamp: 'n Oorsig van sy lewe en werk.P. J. Van der Merwe - 1999 - HTS Theological Studies 55 (2/3).
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  21. Branigan, HP, B13.V. Christian, N. le CrawfordGrosset, F. W. Hesse, J. Huttenlocher, G. Kempen, U. Oestermeier, H. K. J. van der Lely & T. Vosse - 2000 - Cognition 75:267.
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    Exploring health and disease concepts in healthcare practice: an empirical philosophy of medicine study.Rik R. van der Linden & Maartje H. N. Schermer - 2024 - BMC Medical Ethics 25 (1):1-15.
    In line with recent proposals for experimental philosophy and philosophy of science in practice, we propose that the philosophy of medicine could benefit from incorporating empirical research, just as bioethics has. In this paper, we therefore take first steps towards the development of an empirical philosophy of medicine, that includes investigating practical and moral dimensions. This qualitative study gives insight into the views and experiences of a group of various medical professionals and patient representatives regarding the conceptualization of health and (...)
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    F. de Graaff, Spinoza en de crisis van de Westerse cultuur. J. N. Voorhoeve, Den Haag, 1977.J. van der Hoeven - 1977 - Philosophia Reformata 42 (1-2):104-108.
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    Paradigmas en progressie in die teologie: ’n Perspektief op die RGN-kongres van April 1988.P. J. Van der Merwe - 1989 - HTS Theological Studies 45 (2).
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    Klag en Antwoord: 'n Studie oor Probleme van Jes. 51:9-16.B. J. Van der Merwe - 1959 - HTS Theological Studies 14 (2/3).
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    Liefde in die familie van God 'n Beskrywende uiteensetting van familiale liefdesverhoudinge in die Johannesevangelie.J. G. Van der Watt - 1997 - HTS Theological Studies 53 (3).
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    Op pad na ’n nuwe bedieningstruktuur: ’n Analise van die gemeente as deel van hierdie proses.B. J. Van der Walt & M. J. Du P. Beukes - 1993 - HTS Theological Studies 49 (4).
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    Accounting for the social: Investigating commensuration and Big Data practices at Facebook.Fernando N. van der Vlist - 2016 - Big Data and Society 3 (1).
    This study explores Big Data practices at Facebook through an investigation of the role of commensuration or ‘the transformation of different qualities into a common metric’ in the structuration of analysis and interaction with a major online social media platform. It proposes a conceptual framework and demonstrates the empirical potential of a pragmatic approach based on reading published materials and available documentation. Facebook’s Data Warehousing and Analytics Infrastructure serves as an illustrative example to begin tracing out and describe data assemblages (...)
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    Die Nederduitsch Hervormde Kerk en sy bediening in ’n toekomstige Suid-Afrika: Die visie van ‘Kerk en wêreld 2000’.P. J. Van der Merwe - 1990 - HTS Theological Studies 46 (4).
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    Vise Op Die Werklikheid Die Bevrydende Krag van 'N Christelike Lewensbeskouing En Filosofie'.B. J. Van der Walt - 1999 - Potchefstroom: Potchefstroomse Universiteit vir Christelike Hoër Onderwys.
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    ’n Narratief vir kerk-wees vandag.J. Christo Van der Merwe - 2014 - HTS Theological Studies 70 (1).
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    The Charmides of Plato: problems and interpretations.N. van der Ben - 1985 - Amsterdam: B.R. Grüner Pub. Co..
    The Charmides is among Plato's most intriguing and perplexing dialogues. The range of subjects touched or treated is extremely wide: matters logical, epistemological, moral, ethical, political, and religious. In many cases, these are discussed in a highly inconclusive and aporetic way, especially when it comes to the subject of knowledge. Finally, the dialogue is also difficult on almost every level of its expression; mock-reasonings, misunderstandings, ironies, paradoxes, and perplexities abound. As a result, the run of its many arguments, both on (...)
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    Kerk en kultuur - 'n godsdiens-teologiese perspektief.P. J. Van der Merwe - 1996 - HTS Theological Studies 52 (4).
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    Oor gode en mense: 'n Christeli'ke Godsdiensfilosofie.P. J. Van der Merwe - 1995 - HTS Theological Studies 51 (2).
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    III. Zur aufteilung der ökologie in autökologie und synökologie, im lichte der ideen AlS grundlage der systematik der zoologischen disziplinen.C. J. van der Klaauw - 1936 - Acta Biotheoretica 2 (3):195-241.
    As we owe the division of ecology into autecology and synecology to botanists, the arguments for this subdivision and also the definitions and contents of both subsciences as given bySchröter, Flahault &Schröter, Gams andDu Rietz are communicated in full. The same is the case with the division of ecology given by the zoologistsAdams andChapman. Moreover the opinions of these authors in this respect are critisized in detail as well as in their general aspects. This critique is connected with the author's (...)
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    Op soek na gemeenskaplike kulturele waardes vir 'n toekomstige Suid-Afrika.B. J. Van der Walt - 1993 - Potchefstroom: Instituut vir Reformatoriese Studie.
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    Medicine and Philosophy in Classical Antiquity: Doctors and Philosophers on Nature, Soul, Health and Disease.Philip J. Van der Eijk - 2005 - Cambridge University Press.
    This work brings together Philip van der Eijk's previously published essays on the close connections that existed between medicine and philosophy throughout antiquity. Medical authors such as the Hippocratic writers, Diocles, Galen, Soranus and Caelius Aurelianus elaborated on philosophical methods such as causal explanation, definition and division and applied key concepts such as the notion of nature to their understanding of the human body. Similarly, philosophers such as Plato and Aristotle were highly valued for their contributions to medicine. This interaction (...)
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    Interdisciplinary integration in biology? An overview.Wim J. van der Steen - 1990 - Acta Biotheoretica 38 (1):23-36.
    Philosophical theories about reduction and integration in science are at variance with what is happenign in science. A realistic approach to science show that possibilities for reduction and integration are limited. The classical ideal of a unified science has since long been rejected in philosophy. But the current emphasis on interdisciplinary integration in philosophy and in science shows that it survives in a different guise. It is necessary to redress the balance, specifically in biology. Methodological analysis shows that many of (...)
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  39.  18
    Die inkarnering van die missio Dei as praktykmodel vir die Nederduitsch Hervormde Kerk van Afrika.J. Christo van der Merwe - 2015 - HTS Theological Studies 71 (3):16.
    The incarnation of the missio Dei practice model for the Dutch Reformed Church of Africa. The decline of the church in the West is of great concern to many today. The Netherdutch Reformed Church of Africa (NRCA), experiences the same tendency. We are living in a time when survival is on the mind of most mainline congregations and denominations. The question is what shall we do to turn this situation around? The answer is to be found in the rediscovery of (...)
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    Theo-genetiese kodes van die APEHL, soos afgelei uit Efesiërs 4, beliggaam.J. Christo Van der Merwe - 2017 - HTS Theological Studies 73 (1).
    The focus of this article is on the incarnation of Jesus Christ, the Word become flesh, as a way of talking about and understanding mission and addresses at least two concerns in the contemporary debate about the missional church. Many missionary methods and strategies have contradicted both the teaching and actions of Jesus as he trained his disciples to continue his ministry. The message may have been the gospel, but the way the message was made known was often not congruent (...)
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    Universal intuitions of spatial relations in elementary geometry.Ineke J. M. Van der Ham, Yacin Hamami & John Mumma - 2017 - Journal of Cognitive Psychology 29 (3):269-278.
    Spatial relations are central to geometrical thinking. With respect to the classical elementary geometry of Euclid’s Elements, a distinction between co-exact, or qualitative, and exact, or metric, spatial relations has recently been advanced as fundamental. We tested the universality of intuitions of these relations in a group of Senegalese and Dutch participants. Participants performed an odd-one-out task with stimuli that in all but one case display a particular spatial relation between geometric objects. As the exact/co-exact distinction is closely related to (...)
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  42.  42
    Analyzing Societal Circumstances, Sustainability and Sustainable Urban Development: New Theoretical and Methodological Challenges.Laurent J. G. van der Maesen - 2013 - International Journal of Social Quality 3 (1):82-105.
    This article reviews the development of social quality indicators and the challenges ahead. First, through a review of recent Asian and Australian work carried out on social quality indicators, and the World Bank related work on “social development indicators,” the article argues that social quality indicators research should move beyond the empirical level of particular policy areas. Therefore, it should be guided by a clear methodological perspective regarding the role of indicators as part of a social quality theory (SQT) and (...)
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  43.  15
    Die wonder en wonderverteiling gesien teen die agtergrond van mite en ontmitologisering.P. J. Van der Merwe - 1987 - HTS Theological Studies 43 (1/2):192-204.
    Miracle and miracle narrative against the background of myth and demythologizing.Religio-scientific perspectives on communication, language, reality conception, myth and the world of the sacred, as well as a different angle on demythologizing, are utilised in formulating a broad theological view of miracles, miracle experiences and miracle narratives.
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  44.  56
    Faust und das Böse: Der Sündenfall, der Zauber und der Wille zur Macht.J. M. Van Der Laan - 2012 - Zeitschrift für Religions- Und Geistesgeschichte 64 (3):260-278.
    The Western Tradition has long struggled to define and understand evil, yet definitive answers continue to elude us. So, too, the role of evil in Goethe's Faust remains problematic. With the help of Mephistopheles, Faust acquires a forbidden,,knowledge of good and evil“, evoking the biblical story of the Fall. This study uncovers important layers of meaning in that story and reveals its special and unrecognized significance for Faust.
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    Forgoing Treatment at the End of Life in 6 European Countries.Georg Bosshard, Tore Nilstun, Johan Bilsen, Michael Norup, Guido Miccinesi, Johannes J. M. van Delden, Karin Faisst, Agnes van der Heide & for the European End-of-Life - 2005 - JAMA Internal Medicine 165 (4):401-407.
    Modern medicine provides unprecedented opportunities in diagnostics and treatment. However, in some situations at the end of a patient’s life, many physicians refrain from using all possible measures to prolong life. We studied the incidence of different types of treatment withheld or withdrawn in 6 European countries and analyzed the main background characteristics.
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    The Latest on Seleucid Empire Building in the East.R. J. Van der Spek - 2021 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 138 (2):385.
    Sonja Plischke’s Die Seleukiden und Iran is an attempt to study Seleucid empire building in Iran. In view of the fact that indigenous written sources from Iran are practically absent, Plischke decided to include Babylonia in this work, since the written cuneiform evidence from that region is fairly abundant. She detects some general tendencies—such as religious policy and the general wish to connect the different parts of the empire—supported by a personal conception of Seleucid kingship, beside more specific treatment of (...)
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    Challenges as catalysts: how Waymo’s Open Dataset Challenges shape AI development.Sam Hind, Fernando N. van der Vlist & Max Kanderske - forthcoming - AI and Society:1-17.
    Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) are becoming increasingly significant areas of research for scholars in science and technology studies (STS) and media studies. In March 2020, Waymo, Google/Alphabet’s autonomous vehicle project, introduced the ‘Open Dataset Virtual Challenge’, an annual competition leveraging their Waymo Open Dataset. This freely accessible dataset comprises annotated autonomous vehicle data from their own Waymo vehicles. Yearly, Waymo has continued to host iterations of this challenge, inviting teams of computer scientists to tackle evolving machine learning (...)
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    What is the best standard for the standard of care in clinical research?Rieke van der Graaf & Johannes J. M. van Delden - 2009 - American Journal of Bioethics 9 (3):35 – 43.
    During the past decennium, one of the main issues discussed in research ethics has been focused on the care that should be provided to the control group in a clinical trial. This discussion is also called the standard of care debate . Current international research ethics guidelines contain a wide variety of standards for the standard of care—including the provision of the highest attainable, the best available, the best current, a proven , and an established effective treatment. In this article, (...)
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    Ecological validity of virtual environments to assess human navigation ability.Ineke J. M. van der Ham, Annemarie M. E. Faber, Matthijs Venselaar, Marc J. van Kreveld & Maarten Löffler - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6:133724.
    Route memory is frequently assessed in virtual environments. These environments can be presented in a fully controlled manner and are easy to use. Yet they lack the physical involvement that participants have when navigating real environments. For some aspects of route memory this may result in reduced performance in virtual environments. We assessed route memory performance in four different environments: real, virtual, virtual with directional information (compass), and hybrid. In the hybrid environment, participants walked the route outside on an open (...)
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    Frankenstein as Science Fiction and Fact.J. M. van der Laan - 2010 - Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society 30 (4):298-304.
    Often called the first of its kind, Frankenstein paved the way for science fiction writing. Its depiction of a then impossible scientific feat has in our time become possible and is essentially recognizable in what we now refer to as bioengineering, biomedicine, or biotechnology. The fiction of Frankenstein has as it were given way to scientific fact. Of more importance, however, is the challenge Mary Shelley’s novel presents to the ostensibly high-minded and well-intentioned hopes and promises of the scientist/technologist. Finally, (...)
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