Alan Soble [68]Alan G. Soble [5]A. Soble [2]
  1. Kant and Sexual Perversion.Alan Soble - 2003 - The Monist 86 (1):55-89.
    This article discusses the views of Immanuel Kant on sexual perversion (what he calls "carnal crimes against nature"), as found in his Vorlesung (Lectures on Ethics) and the Metaphysics of Morals (both the Rechtslehre and Tugendlehre). Kant criticizes sexual perversion by appealing to Natural Law and to his Formula of Humanity. Neither argument for the immorality of sexual perversion succeeds.
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  2. Pornography: Marxism, Feminism, and the Future of Sexuality.Alan Soble - 1989 - Studies in Soviet Thought 37 (1):37-38.
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  3. In defense of Bacon.Alan Soble - 1995 - Philosophy of the Social Sciences 25 (2):192-215.
    Feminist science critics, in particular Sandra Harding, Carolyn Merchant, and Evelyn Fox Keller, claim that misogynous sexual metaphors played an important role in the rise of modern science. The writings of Francis Bacon have been singled out as an especially egregious instance of the use of misogynous metaphors in scientific philosophy. This paper offers a defense of Bacon.
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  4. Union, Autonomy, and Concern.Alan Soble - 1997 - In Roger Lamb, Love analyzed. Boulder, Colo.: Westview Press. pp. 65--92.
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  5. Eros, agape, and philia: readings in the philosophy of Love.Alan Soble (ed.) - 1989 - New York, N.Y.: Paragon House.
    The philosophy of loveFor centuries, popular writers and respected scholars have written about and analyzed the phenomenon of love without exhausting its potential for contemporary debate. By representing the three major traditions in the philosophy of love--Platonic eros, Christian agape, and Aristotelian philia--editor Alan Soble has not only examined the intellectual problem of what "love" is, but has designed a dialogue among the three traditions in genuine philosophical style. "Eros is acquisitive, egocentric or even selfish; agape is a giving love. (...)
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  6. Philosophy of Love: A Partial Summing-Up.Irving Singer & Alan Soble - 2009 - MIT Press.
    In 1984, Irving Singer published the first volume of what would become a classic and much acclaimed trilogy on love. Trained as an analytical philosopher, Singer first approached his subject with the tools of current philosophical methodology. Dissatisfied by the initial results, he turned to the history of ideas in philosophy and the arts for inspiration. He discovered an immensity of speculation and artistic practice that reached wholly beyond the parameters he had been trained to consider truly philosophical. In his (...)
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  7. Masturbation and the Continuum of Sexual Activities.Alan Soble - 2022 - In Raja Halwani, Jacob M. Held, Natasha McKeever & Alan G. Soble, The Philosophy of Sex: Contemporary Readings, 8th edition. Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield. pp. 69-93.
    Some philosophical accounts imply that masturbation is inferior sexual activity. Against this, Soble argues that masturbation is central. Relying on the physical-anatomical indistinguishability of sexual act-types, he derives a Zeno-style paradox about sexual activity: either all sexual activity (even ordinary coitus) is masturbatory or none of it is (not even solitary masturbation). Soble argues for the first horn of the dilemma, thus ensuring that solitary masturbation is a member of the continuum of sexual activities. Going beyond anatomy, Soble also argues (...)
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  8. Deception in Social Science Research: Is Informed Consent Possible?Alan Soble - 1978 - Hastings Center Report 8 (5):40-46.
    Deception of subjects is used frequently in the social sciences. Examples are provided. The ethics of experimental deception are discussed, in particular various maneuvers to solve the problem. The results have implications for the use of deception in the biomedical sciences.
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  9. Gender, Objectivity, And Realism.Alan Soble - 1994 - The Monist 77 (4):509-530.
    A detailed examination of the philosophy of science of Evelyn Fox Keller, with special emphasis on her account of "objectivity" and her understanding of the methodology of Barbara McClintock.
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  10. A History of Erotic Philosophy.Alan Soble - 2009 - Journal of Sex Research 49 (2-3):104-120.
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    Sexual Use and What To Do About It.Alan Soble - 2001 - Essays in Philosophy 2 (2):37-54.
    I begin by describing the hideous nature of sexuality, that which makes sexual desire and activity morally suspicious, or at least what we have been told about the moral foulness of sex by, in particular, Immanuel Kant, but also by some of his predecessors (e.g., Augustine) and by some contemporary philosophers. A problem arises because acting on sexual desire, given this Kantian account of sex, apparently conflicts with the Categorical Imperative. I then propose a typology of possible solutions to this (...)
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  12. Sexual Gifts and Sexual Duties.Alan Soble - 2022 - In Raja Halwani, Jacob M. Held, Natasha McKeever & Alan G. Soble, The Philosophy of Sex: Contemporary Readings, 8th edition. Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield. pp. 539-556.
    Relying on a sexual encounter that he had once while in graduate school, Soble explores in this essay two important and under-explored ideas in sexual ethics. The first is whether there are sexual duties to others (including, even especially, to strangers), and what the source of such duties might be. He provides good reasons, rooted in both religious and secular thought, for believing that such duties exist. The second is whether there are supererogatory sexual actions—sexual actions that go beyond the (...)
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  13. Sexual Use.Alan Soble - 2022 - In Raja Halwani, Jacob M. Held, Natasha McKeever & Alan G. Soble, The Philosophy of Sex: Contemporary Readings, 8th edition. Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield. pp. 395-421.
    In this essay, Soble addresses the various attempts in the philosophical literature to solve the "Kantian sex problem"—people's mere instrumental use of each other (and allowing themselves to be used as such by others) during sexual activity and the diminishing of one's sexual rationality and autonomy when experiencing sexual desire. The problem won't be solved by denying Kant's account of sexuality or the validity of his Formula of Humanity, but by fashioning a sexual ethics consistent with Kant's views. Soble critically (...)
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  14. Pornography.Alan Soble - 1985 - Social Theory and Practice 11 (1):61-87.
  15. Antioch's “Sexual Offense Policy”: A Philosophical Exploration.Alan Soble - 1997 - Journal of Social Philosophy 28 (1):22-36.
  16. The Coherence of Love.Alan Soble - 2000 - Philosophy and Theology 12 (2):293-315.
    I examine three common beliefs about love: constancy, exclusivity, and the claim that love is a response to the properties of the beloved. Following a discussion of their relative consistency, I argue that neither the constancy nor the exclusivity of love are saved by the contrary belief, that love is not (entirely) a response to the properties of the beloved.
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    Physical Attractiveness and Unfair Discrimination.Alan Soble - 1982 - International Journal of Applied Philosophy 1 (1):37-64.
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    Masturbation.Alan Soble - 1980 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 61 (3):233-244.
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  19. The History of Sexual Anatomy and Self-Referential Philosophy of Science.Alan G. Soble - 2003 - Metaphilosophy 34 (3):229-249.
    This essay is a case study of the self-destruction that occurs in the work of a social-constructionist historian of science who embraces a radical philosophy of science. It focuses on Thomas Laqueur's Making Sex: Body and Gender from the Greeks to Freud in arguing that a history of science committed to the social construction of science and to the central theses of Kuhnian, Duhemian, and Quinean philosophy of science is incoherent through self-reference. Laqueur's text is examined in detail in order (...)
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    Sex from Plato to Paglia: a philosophical encyclopedia.Alan Soble (ed.) - 2006 - Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press.
    Sexuality has captured the imagination of thinkers since antiquity. It has inspired numerous creative works and posed myriad ethical, legal, and social challenges. Unlike other references which discuss the biology of sex, this encyclopedia explores sexuality as the subject of philosophy. Through more than 150 alphabetically arranged entries on thinkers, topics, movements, religions, and concepts, the encyclopedia locates sexuality in its humanistic and social contexts.
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  21. Sexual use and what to do about it : internalist and externalist sexual ethics.Alan Soble - 2011 - In Adrianne McEvoy, Sex, Love, and Friendship: Studies of the Society for the Philosophy of Sex and Love, 1993-2003. New York, NY: Rodopi. pp. 2.
    I begin by describing the hideous nature of sexuality, that which makes sexual desire and activity morally suspicious, or at least what we have been told about the moral foulness of sex by, in particular, Immanuel Kant, but also by some of his predecessors and by some contemporary philosophers.2 A problem arises because acting on sexual desire, given this Kantian account of sex, apparently conflicts with the Categorical Imperative. I then propose a typology of possible solutions to this sex problem (...)
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  22. Philosophy of sexuality.Alan Soble - 2009 - Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
    This encyclopedia article on the philosophy of sexuality discusses the main themes, concepts, and debates in the field, including the metaphysics (or philosophical anthropology) of sex, the morality of sexual behavior, pragmatic and utilitarian evaluations of sexuality, and sexual perversion.
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    Analyzing Love.Alan Soble - 1989 - Philosophy of the Social Sciences 19 (4):493-500.
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  24. Bad apples: Feminist politics and feminist scholarship.Alan Soble - 1999 - Philosophy of the Social Sciences 29 (3):354-388.
    Some exceptional and surprising mistakes of scholarship made in the writings of a number of feminist academics (Ruth Bleier, Ruth Hubbard, Susan Bordo, Sandra Harding, and Rae Langton) are examined in detail. This essay offers the psychological hypothesis that these mistakes were the result of political passion and concludes with some remarks about the ability of the social sciences to study the effect of the politics of the researcher on the quality of his or her research.
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  25. Straight bar?Andrew Norton & Alan Soble - 2008 - The Philosophers' Magazine 40 (40):68-73.
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    Prolegomena to the Study of Love.Alan Soble - 2023 - Philosophies 8 (3):44.
    Consider this propositional function which includes the dyadic predicate “loves”: “X does not love Y unless Y loves X” (or “if Y does not love X”). This function may be treated in four ways. (1) If universally quantified, it states a (purported) conceptual truth about “love” or the nature or essence of love. Love is necessarily reciprocal. (2) If universally quantified, it may alternatively be a nomological generalization stating an empirical or factual truth about human nature, i.e., about a pattern (...)
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    Feminist epistemology and women scientists.Alan Soble - 1983 - Metaphilosophy 14 (3-4):291-307.
  28. (1 other version)Philosophy of Sex: Contemporary Readings.David Benatar, Cheshire Calhoun, Louise Collins, John Corvino, Yolanda Estes, John Finnis, Deirdre Golash, Alan Goldman, Greta Christina, Raja Halwani, Christopher Hamilton, Eva Feder Kittay, Howard Klepper, Andrew Koppelman, Stanley Kurtz, Thomas Mappes, Joan Mason-Grant, Janice Moulton, Thomas Nagel, Jerome Neu, Martha Nussbaum, Alan Soble, Sallie Tisdale, Alan Wertheimer, Robin West & Karol Wojtyla (eds.) - 1980 - Totowa, N.J.: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    This book's thirty essays explore philosophically the nature and morality of sexual perversion, cybersex, masturbation, homosexuality, contraception, same-sex marriage, promiscuity, pedophilia, date rape, sexual objectification, teacher-student relationships, pornography, and prostitution. Authors include Martha Nussbaum, Thomas Nagel, Alan Goldman, John Finnis, Sallie Tisdale, Robin West, Alan Wertheimer, John Corvino, Cheshire Calhoun, Jerome Neu, and Alan Soble, among others. A valuable resource for sex researchers as well as undergraduate courses in the philosophy of sex.
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  29. The Philosophy of Sex.Raja El El Halwani, Alan Soble, Sarah Hoffman & Jacob Held (eds.) - 2017 - Rowman & Littlefield.
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    (1 other version)The Philosophy of Sex: Contemporary Readings.Raja Halwani, Alan Soble, Sarah Hoffman & Jacob M. Held (eds.) - 1980 - Totowa, N.J.: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    This best-selling volume examines the nature, morality, and social meanings of contemporary sexual phenomena. Updated and new discussion questions offer students starting points for debate in both the classroom and the bedroom.
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  31. The Philosophy of Sex: Contemporary Readings, 8th edition.Raja Halwani, Jacob M. Held, Natasha McKeever & Alan G. Soble (eds.) - 2022 - Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield.
    This is the 8th edition of the book, with eight new essays to the volume. Table of contents: Are We Having Sex Now or What? (Greta Christina); Sexual Perversion (Thomas Nagel); Plain Sex (Alan Goldman); Sex and Sexual Perversion (Robert Gray); Masturbation and the Continuum of Sexual Activities (Alan Soble); Love: What’s Sex Got to Do with It? (Natasha McKeever); Is “Loving More” Better? The Values of Polyamory (Elizabeth Brake); What Is Sexual Orientation? (Robin Dembroff); Sexual Orientation: What Is It? (...)
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    Case Studies in Bioethics: Drug Treatment or Drug Addiction?Robert F. Murray & Alan Soble - 1974 - Hastings Center Report 4 (3):10.
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    The Philosophy of Sex: Contemporary Readings.Nicholas P. Power, Raja Halwani & Alan Soble (eds.) - 1980 - Lanham, Md.: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    Featuring twenty-nine essays, thirteen of which are new to this edition, this best-selling volume examines the nature, morality, and social meanings of contemporary sexual phenomena. Topics include sexual desire, masturbation, sex on the Internet, homosexuality, transgender and transsexual issues, marriage, consent, exploitation, objectification, rape, pornography, promiscuity, and prostitution.
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    Additional reading.Alan Soble - 2006 - In Sex from Plato to Paglia: a philosophical encyclopedia. Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press. pp. 2--767.
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    Comments on “Good Sex on Kantian Grounds, or A Reply to Alan Soble,” or A Reply to Joshua Schulz.Alan Soble - 2007 - Essays in Philosophy 8 (2):296-300.
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    Concerning Self-Love.Alan Soble - 2011 - Essays in Philosophy 12 (1):55-67.
    In The Reasons of Love, Harry Frankfurt proposes a philosophical account of love according to which there are four necessary conditions for the occurrence of love. We may ask reasonable questions about these four conditions: (1) Is each condition adequately analytically defined? (2) Is each condition plausibly a necessary condition for love, and has Frankfurt defended their necessity with good arguments? (3) Are all four conditions consistent with each other? And (4) if the four conditions are only necessary, and hence (...)
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  37. 1. Deception and Informed Consent in Research.Alan Soble - forthcoming - Bioethics: Basic Writings on the Key Ethical Questions That Surround the Major, Modern Biological Possibilities and Problems.
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  38. Desire: Paraphilias and Distress in DSM-IV.Alan Soble - 2004 - In Jennifer Radden, The Philosophy of Psychiatry: A Companion. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
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  39. J. Van Herik, "Freud on femininity and faith".A. Soble - 1987 - International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 22 (1/2):99.
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    Love is not beautiful: "Symposium" 200e-201c.Alan Soble - 1985 - Apeiron 19 (1):43 - 52.
  41. Legal Paternalism.Alan G. Soble - 1976 - Dissertation, State University of New York at Buffalo
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    Pornography and the social sciences: Reply to Brannigan and Goldenberg.Alan Soble - 1988 - Social Epistemology 2 (2):135 – 144.
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    Paternalism, Liberal Theory, and Suicide.Alan Soble - 1982 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 12 (2):335 - 352.
    A principle of paternalism must be able to answer three questions. Who are the persons who are the proper object of paternalism? Which actions should we prevent persons from doing or induce them to perform? What should our goals be when acting paternalistically toward these persons? A satisfactory principle will also be reasonably precise in distinguishing appropriate from inappropriate instances of paternalism, and it will be comprehensive, speaking to most potential cases, including suicide. My purpose is not to reach a (...)
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  44. Philosophy of Sex: Contemporary Readings, Sixth Edition.A. Soble, N. Power & R. Halwani (eds.) - 2013 - Rowan & Littlefield.
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  45. Readings in the Philosophy of Sex.Alan Soble (ed.) - 1980 - Littlefield, Adams & Co.
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    Sex, Love, and Friendship: Studies of the Society for the Philosophy of Sex and Love, 1977-1992.Alan Soble (ed.) - 1997 - Rodopi.
    This collection joins together sixty essays on the philosophy of love and sex. Each was presented at a meeting of The Society for the Philosophy of Sex and Love held between 1977 and 1992 and later revised for this edition. Topics addressed include ethical and political issues (AIDS, abortion, homosexual rights, and pornography), conceptual matters (the nature, essence, or definition of love, friendship, sexual desire, and perversion); the study of classical and historical figures (Plato, Aristotle, Spinoza, Kant, and Kierkegaard); and (...)
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    The natural, the social, and historical materialism.Alan Soble - 1985 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 46 (1):139-154.
  48. (1 other version)The philosophy of sex and love: an introduction.Alan Soble - 1998 - St. Paul: Paragon House.
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    The Pornography of Representation.Alan Soble - 1989 - Philosophy of the Social Sciences 19 (1):128-131.
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  50. The Unity of Romantic Love.Alan Soble - 1987 - Philosophy and Theology 1 (4):374-397.
    Romantic love is analyzed as including concern, admiration, the desire for reciprocity, exclusivity, and the passion for union. I argue that the passion for union is its central element. An analysis of “x admires y” which recognizes the intentionality of admiration is used to explain how romantic love practices turn out to be sexist. The analysis also shows that idealization is a special case of admiration, and is therefore not an essential part of romantic love.
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