Results for 'AI, crisis, history, experience, temporality'

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  1. Artificial Intelligence and the Phenomenology of Crisis (unpublished).Jacob Martin Rump - manuscript
    This is the lightly revised text of my commentary/response to David Carr’s keynote address, “Phenomenology of Crisis,” at the 2024 meeting of the Husserl Circle.
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  2. Experience, Temporality and History.David Carr - 2009 - Journal of the Philosophy of History 3 (4):335-354.
    Philosophers' reflections on history have been dominated for decades by two themes: representation and memory. On both of these accounts, historical inquiry is divided by a certain gap from what it seeks to find or wants to know, and its activity is seen by philosophers as that of bridging this gap. Against this background, the concept of experience, in spite of its apparent rootedness in the present, can be revived as a means of thinking about our connection to the past. (...)
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    Art Definition and Accelerated Experience: Temporal Dimension of AI Artworks.Wei Liu & Feng Tao - 2022 - Philosophies 7 (6):127.
    Time is a necessary element in understanding AI art. Firstly, time reveals the historical process by which art-theoretical predicates move from the unmarked to the marked, which can thus be utilized as a defense for arguing the legitimacy of AI art as art. Furthermore, AI art should be seen as a “new” art that is temporally ahead of the descriptive forms of art theory. Secondly, time provides a unique interpretation of AI artworks’ characteristics and aesthetic experience. The absence of experience, (...)
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    Una fenomenologia (del) possibile. Crisi del significato e senso della contingenza tra Heidegger e Richir.Francesco Pisano - 2019 - In Anna Pia Ruoppo (ed.), Essere eEssere e Tempo novanta anni dopo: attualità e inattualità dell'analitica esistenziale. FedOA - Federico II University Press. pp. 185-197.
    I present some aspects of Sein und Zeit’s phenomenology of possibility as a key feature of Heidegger’s theoretical confrontation with the crisis of European culture. I draw from paragraphs 73-74 for an inquiry into the relation between possibility and historicity within the structure of the Dasein. Specifically, I consider the concept of repetition in light of Heidegger’s idea that authentic historicity is to be grounded in temporality. Many interpreters found the concept of repetition to be the mark of a (...)
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    Three Moments in the Crisis of Exemplarity: Boccaccio-Petrarch, Montaigne, and Cervantes.Karlheinz Stierle - 1998 - Journal of the History of Ideas 59 (4):581-595.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Three Moments in the Crisis of Exemplarity: Boccaccio-Petrarch, Montaigne, and CervantesKarlheinz StierleIn his recent book History as Topic Peter von Moos denies that there was any crisis for the exemplum in the Renaissance. 1 He strongly argues against my essay on “History as exemplum,” where I pointed out that in Montaigne, as earlier in Boccaccio, the pragmatic form of exemplum is put into question. 2 My main interest in (...)
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  6.  46
    The Problem of History and Temporality in Kantian Ethics.Paul Stern - 1986 - Review of Metaphysics 39 (3):505 - 545.
    IT IS COMMON for critics of Kant's ethical theory to point out that he presents a distinctly ahistorical conception of the structure of moral experience and to conclude that this evident lack of historical understanding seriously vitiates his attempt to grasp the "universal" principles of morality. This objection is generally supported by an appeal to the evidence supplied by the study of anthropology and history. Both of these disciplines attest to the wide variety of moral codes and beliefs that characterize (...)
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  7.  12
    Committing the Future to Memory: History, Experience, Trauma.Sarah Clift - 2014 - Fordham University Press.
    Committing the Future to Memory: History, Experience, Trauma by Sarah Clift explores alternatives to the linear temporality of modern historiography through an examination of canonical philosophies of history, memory and identity. Close readings of John Locke and G.W.F. Hegel are set alongside explorations of Walter Benjamin, Hannah Arendt, and Maurice Blanchot, in order to set the book's exploration of philosophical modernity in the context of contemporary interest in finitude, identity and the temporalities of trauma.
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    The Experience of Time as Crisis: On Croce's and Benjamin's Concept of History.Axel Körner - 2011 - Intellectual History Review 21 (2):151-169.
    In the early decades of the twentieth century the experience of time as crisis became the catalyst for a fundamental reorientation in the relationship between historical materialism and idealism, leading to the rejection of simplistic mechanical concepts of historical time. This reorientation represents a turning point in the history of European ideas, clearly evident in the work of two major thinkers of this period, usually associated with opposing political ideologies: the Marxist theorist Walter Benjamin and the liberal philosopher Benedetto Croce. (...)
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    Time of the End? More-Than-Human Humanism and Artificial Intelligence.Massimo Lollini - 2022 - Humanist Studies and the Digital Age 7 (1).
    The first part (“Is there a future?”), discusses the idea of the future in the context of Carl Schmitt’s vision for the spatial revolutions of modernity, and then the idea of Anthropocene, as a synonym for an environmental crisis endangering the very survival of humankind. From this point of view, the conquest of space and the colonization of Mars at the center of futuristic and technocratic visions appear to be an attempt to escape from human responsibilities on Earth. The second (...)
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  10. History, Markets,and Revolutions: Reviewing Foucault’s Contribution to the Analysis of Political Temporality.Alessandro Volpi & Alessio Porrino - 2024 - Foucault Studies 34:350-376.
    This article explores the Foucauldian analysis of the linkage between temporality and politics, addressing mainly two loci of Foucault’s production: the assessment of the post-WWII ordoliberal experience in The Birth of Biopoliticsand the Iran reportage for “Corriere Della Sera”. The article emphasizes the relevance of Foucault’s assessment of ordoliberal Germany for contemporary studies on neoliberalism and inscribes Foucault in a wider tradition of thought on the relevance of history and temporality for the comprehension of political dynamics. In TBoB, (...)
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  11.  23
    Una flor imposible. Walter Benjamin y la experiencia en crisis / An impossible flower. Walter Benjamin and the crisis of experience.Tatiana Staroselsky - 2020 - Resistances. Journal of the Philosophy of History 1 (1):9-22.
    El concepto de experiencia es central en la obra de Benjamin, como atestigua la multiplicidad de trabajos académicos que intenta esclarecerlo. Así, la crítica benjaminiana al concepto kantiano de experiencia, la posibilidad de hacer una experiencia con el pasado que interrumpa el curso de la historia, la potencialidad de la experiencia estética en el marco de la crisis de sus soportes tradicionales y el reconocimiento de la experiencia religiosa son algunos de los ámbitos problemáticos en los que la apelación al (...)
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    AI-based generative image production systems in the artistic problematisation of the past: the thematisation of memory and temporality in "AI art".Juan Martín Prada - forthcoming - AI and Society:1-12.
    This text analyses how generative AI systems are being employed in current artistic practice to question certain historical visual narratives, creating representations that challenge some conventional perceptions of the past and thus opening up new perspectives on the experience of temporality. In this regard, special emphasis will be placed on some artistic projects based on generative historical photography practices. These are works that develop new ways around ‘archival aesthetics’ (Sekula in October 39:3–64 1986; Buchloh in Deep storage. collecting, storing (...)
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  13. Temporal experience and the present in George P. Adams’ eternalism.A. R. J. Fisher - 2023 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 31 (2):355-376.
    In the early twentieth century, many philosophers in America thought that time should be taken seriously in one way or another. George P. Adams (1882-1961) argued that the past, present and future are all real but only the present is actual. I call this theory ‘actualist eternalism’. In this paper, I articulate his novel brand of eternalism as one piece of his metaphysical system and I explain how he argued for the view in light of the best explanations of temporal (...)
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  14.  53
    From experience to law: Leo Strauss and the Weimar crisis of the philosophy of religion.Samuel Moyn - 2007 - History of European Ideas 33 (2):174-194.
    This paper is a study of the origins of Leo Strauss's thought, arguing that its early development must be understood in the context of the philosophy of religion of late Wilhelmine and Weimar Germany. More specifically, it shows that Strauss's early works were written against the background of Kantian philosophy and post-Kantian accounts of religious experience, and that his turn towards medieval law as a topic and ideal was precipitated by the critique of those accounts by radical Protestant theologians writing (...)
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    The temporalization of critique and the open riddle of history.Rodrigo Cordero - 2016 - Thesis Eleven 137 (1):55-71.
    The main goal of this paper is to offer a reading of Reinhart Koselleck’s work as an ally of critical theory. My contention is that, despite customary accusations of Koselleck being an anti-Enlightenment historian detrimental to social criticism and emancipatory politics, his investigations on the semantic fabric of modern society may actually expand our resources for the critique of domination. In order to make this argument plausible, I reconstruct some antinomies that are at the basis of Koselleck’s work (state/society, language/reality, (...)
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  16.  20
    Staging Embryos: Pregnancy, Temporality and the History of the Carnegie Stages of Embryo Development.Sara DiCaglio - 2017 - Body and Society 23 (2):3-24.
    The founding of the Carnegie Institute’s Department of Embryology in 1913, alongside its systematization of embryo staging, contributed to the mechanization of developmental stages of embryo growth in the early 20th century. For a brief period in the middle of the century, attention to the detailed interrelation between embryo development and time made pre-existing ideas about pregnancy ends less determinative of ideas about that developmental course. However, the turn to the genetic scale led to the disappearance of this attention, replaced (...)
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    Art histories from nowhere: on the coloniality of experiments in art and artificial intelligence.Mashinka Firunts Hakopian - 2024 - AI and Society 39 (1):29-41.
    This paper considers recent experiments in art and artificial intelligence that crystallize around training algorithms to generate artworks based on datasets derived from the Western art historical canon. Over the last decade, a shift towards the rejection of canonicity has begun to take shape in art historical discourse. At the same time, algorithmically enabled practices in the US and Europe have emerged that entrench the Western canon as a locus and guarantor of aesthetic value. Operating within the epistemic framework of (...)
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  18.  19
    Vermächtnis und Geschichte: Überlegungen zu Figuren responsiver Geschichtlichkeit im Anschluss an Waldenfels.Thomas Schwarz Wentzer - 2020 - Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 68 (1):121-138.
    This article applies Waldenfels’ responsive phenomenology to the field of history. It suggests interpreting historical experience along the lines of the logic of pathos and response. Using Husserl’s introductory chapter of The Crisis of the European Sciences and his autobiographical remarks as a case study, the article outlines a concept of diachronic responsiveness, which provides a phenomenological understanding of historical phenomena such as legacy, inheritance or witnessing. In particular, it analyses the temporal deferment lying at the heart of our notion (...)
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    Representing religion: essays in history, theory and crisis.Tim Murphy - 2007 - Oakville, CT: Equinox.
    The crisis of representation and the academic study of religion -- Phenomenology, consciousness, essence : critical surveys of the history of the study of religion -- Individual men in their solitude? : a critique of William James' individualistic approach to religion in the varieties of religious experience -- The concept of essence-and-manifestation in the history of the study of religion -- The concept of development in continental geisteswissenschaft and religionswissenshaft : before and after Darwin -- The transcendental pretense and Eliade's (...)
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  20. The Phenomenological Mind: An Introduction to Philosophy of Mind and Cognitive Science.Anthony F. Beavers - 2009 - Philosophical Psychology 22 (4):533-537.
    The Phenomenological Mind, by Shaun Gallagher and Dan Zahavi, is part of a recent initiative to show that phenomenology, classically conceived as the tradition inaugurated by Edmund Husserl and not as mere introspection, contributes something important to cognitive science. (For other examples, see “References” below.) Phenomenology, of course, has been a part of cognitive science for a long time. It implicitly informs the works of Andy Clark (e.g. 1997) and John Haugeland (e.g. 1998), and Hubert Dreyfus explicitly uses it (e.g. (...)
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    The varieties of temporal experience: travels in philosophical, historical, and ethnographic time.Michael Jackson - 2018 - New York: Columbia University Press.
    Michael Jackson demonstrates the significance of a phenomenology of time through a multifaceted consideration of the gap between our cultural representations of temporality and our experience. Jackson juxtaposes philosophy, history, and ethnography in an attempt to do justice to the bewildering multiplicity of temporal experience.
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    (1 other version)Experience and History.David Carr - 2012 - In Dan Zahavi (ed.), The Oxford handbook of contemporary phenomenology. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
    Phenomenological questions differ from those of metaphysics and epistemology. Regarding history, rather than asking: What is history? Or: How do we know history? a phenomenology of history inquires into history as a phenomenon, and into the experience of the historical. How does history present itself to us, how does it enter our lives, and what are the forms of experience in which it does so? The purpose of this essay is to outline a distinctively phenomenological approach to history. History is (...)
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    Utopia and the Contemporary British Novel by Caroline Edwards (review).Mark Schmitt - 2024 - Utopian Studies 34 (3):595-600.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Utopia and the Contemporary British Novel by Caroline EdwardsMark SchmittCaroline Edwards. Utopia and the Contemporary British Novel. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2021. 277 pp. Paperback, ISBN 9781108712392.The development of the novel as a literary form is closely linked to the representational mode of realism and how it can convey the human experience of time. That the novel distinguishes itself substantially from earlier forms of literature in how it (...)
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    (1 other version)Guest Editor’s Introduction: A Moment for Kairos.Tina Skouen - 2023 - Philosophy and Rhetoric 56 (3):267-273.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Guest Editor's Introduction:A Moment for KairosTina SkouenHow does one describe a crucial moment, a moment that calls for action? What kinds of time are opened, disclosed, or foreclosed in such moments? This section explores a concept that has a long history in rhetoric and philosophy, but which is urgently called for now, in a time that many think of as critical, catastrophic, or even apocalyptic. Changes in the economy, (...)
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  25. “Emotion”: The History of a Keyword in Crisis.Thomas Dixon - 2012 - Emotion Review 4 (4):1754073912445814.
    The word “emotion” has named a psychological category and a subject for systematic enquiry only since the 19th century. Before then, relevant mental states were categorised variously as “appetites,” “passions,” “affections,” or “sentiments.” The word “emotion” has existed in English since the 17th century, originating as a translation of the French émotion, meaning a physical disturbance. It came into much wider use in 18th-century English, often to refer to mental experiences, becoming a fully fledged theoretical term in the following century, (...)
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  26. Evolutionary Explanations of Temporal Experience.Heather Dyke & James Maclaurin - 2013 - In Adrian Bardon & Heather Dyke (eds.), A Companion to the Philosophy of Time. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 521-535.
    A common approach in the Philosophy of Time, particularly in enquiry into the metaphysical nature of time, has been to examine various aspects of the nature of human temporal experience, and ask what, if anything, can be discerned from this about the nature of time itself. Many human traits have explanations that reside in facts about our evolutionary history. We ask whether features of human temporal experience might admit of such evolutionary explanations. We then consider the implications of any proposed (...)
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  27.  42
    La experiencia moderna de la temporalidad. Naturaleza e historia en el pensamiento del joven Herder= The modern experience of temporality. Nature and history in young Herder's thought.María Verónica Galfione - 2013 - Endoxa (32):33.
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    The Crisis of Authority: Buddhist History for Buddhist Practitioners.Rita M. Gross - 2010 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 30:59-72.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:The Crisis of AuthorityBuddhist History for Buddhist PractitionersRita M. GrossAs a Buddhist scholar-practitioner who is also a feminist, I have multiple loyalties. The potential for conflict between different standards could be great, and I have often been asked whether my fundamental loyalty is to Buddhist standards and Buddhist teachers, to the values of feminism, or to standards of academic scholarship. This is a question I always refuse to answer (...)
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    Clashes of Temporality in AI and Artistic Creativity.Nevena Ivanova - 2023 - Balkan Journal of Philosophy 15 (1):61-68.
    Art creates a specific relation to time and especially to the present moment. It opens the experience of the present towards its indeterminacy and emergence. On the contrary, AI does not know the present. It recognizes only the past and future. We could even say that artificial neural networks do not “know” time at all. Instead, they know only logical functions which process patterns of information. Yet, what makes time “time” is genuine transformation, which happens outside of the abstract realm (...)
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    Philosophy and Literature: A Bibliographic Survey.François H. Lapointe - 1977 - Philosophy and Literature 1 (3):366-385.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:François H. Lapointe PHILOSOPHY AND LITERATURE: A BIBLIOGRAPHIC SURVEY ThL· survey is limited to articles written in English that have appeared in journals published between 1 January 1974 and 31 December 1976. Abbott, Don. "Marxist Influences on the Rhetorical Theory of Kenneth Burke." Philosophy and Rhetoric 7 (1974): 217-33. Abel, Lionel. "Jacques Derrida: His 'Difference' With Metaphysics." Salmagundi no. 25 (1974): 3-21. Adamowski, T. H. "Character and Consciousness: D. (...)
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    The history of an Italian action research experience.Giulia Mancini & Francesca Sbordone - 2004 - AI and Society 18 (2):175-207.
    The paper describes a highly specific Italian action research experience, connected with the trade unions, going through different phases from the 1970s to the present day. The journey is not only a journey through time but also through different approaches. It ranges from the initial experience focusing on health and safety problems at the workplace involving the workers as co-designers of new working environments to today’s search conference experience. For each phase there is a full description and comment on the (...)
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    Sceptical Idealist: Michael Oakeshott as a Critic of the Enlightenment.Roy Tseng - 2003 - Imprint Academic.
    This is the first book-length study to provide a structured interpretation of the significance of Michael Oakeshott's critique of the Enlightenment. By seeing the thinker as a 'sceptical idealist’ posing a serious challenge to the intellectual positions informed by the Enlightenment, this book attempts to resolve some of the issues debated by Oakeshott scholars. The author argues that Oakeshott’s famous critique of philosophisme and Rationalism in fact expresses a sense of the crisis of philosophical modernity. Moreover, notwithstanding some recent interpretations, (...)
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    Scattering community: Benjamin on experience, narrative and history.Kia Lindroos - 2001 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 27 (6):19-41.
    In discussing the cultural history of the 19th century, Walter Benjamin diagnosed the emergence of the modern novel and its form of narration as the sign of a fracturing experience. The split in experience is related to the scattering of a homogeneous idea of space and time, constituted especially during the Enlightenment and in the German historicism. Benjamin's claim reflected the fracturing temporality of modern communities as well as the transformations in the understanding of the meaning of tradition. Here, (...)
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    Sous les Masques Il n’y a Pas de Visages.Annabelle Dufourcq - 2015 - Chiasmi International 17:347-369.
    « Sous les masques, il n’y a pas de visages, l’homme historique n’a jamais été homme, et pourtant nul homme n’est seul » : notre article s’interroge sur le sens et les enjeux éthiques de cette affirmation merleau-pontyenne énoncée dans la préface de Signes. Partant du caractère énigmatique et très inquiétant de cette thèse et constatant sa résonance avec l’affirmations deleuzienne, dans Différence et répétition, « Les masques ne recouvrent rien, sauf d’autres masques », nous avons voulu explorer la possibilité (...)
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    On the musically melancholic: temporality and affects in western music history.Yonatan Bar-Yoshafat - 2021 - History of European Ideas 47 (6):918-938.
    ABSTRACT Music’s power to express and arouse feelings has been one of its principal attributes from antiquity. While the topic remains prevalent in contemporary discourse, relatively little attention had been given to specifically melancholic expressions in European music. The article examines various stages in western music history vis-à-vis the changing formulations and receptions of melancholy as a cultural phenomenon, from the time it was perceived as a sign of either a physical or a moral problem to later historical periods, when (...)
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    Lost in pandemic time: a phenomenological analysis of temporal disorientation during the Covid-19 crisis.Pablo Fernandez Velasco, Bastien Perroy, Umer Gurchani & Roberto Casati - 2023 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 22 (5):1121-1144.
    People have experienced many forms of temporal disorientation during the Covid-19 crisis. For this study, we collected a rich corpus of reports on the multifaceted experiences of disorientation during the pandemic. In this paper, we study the resulting corpus using a descriptive approach. We identify six emerging themes: temporal rift; temporal vertigo; impoverished time; tunnel vision; spatial and social scaffolding of time; suspended time. We offer a phenomenological analysis of each of the themes. Based on the phenomenological analysis, we draw (...)
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    AI and the tyranny of Galen, or why evolutionary psychology and cognitive ethology are important to artificial intelligence.Eric Dietrich - 1994 - Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Artificial Intelligence 6 (4):325-330.
    Concern over the nature of AI is, for the tastes many AI scientists, probably overdone. In this they are like all other scientists. Working scientists worry about experiments, data, and theories, not foundational issues such as what their work is really about or whether their discipline is methodologically healthy. However, most scientists aren’t in a field that is approximately fifty years old. Even relatively new fields such as nonlinear dynamics or branches of biochemistry are in fact advances in older established (...)
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    Experimenting the human: art, music, and the contemporary posthuman.G. Douglas Barrett - 2023 - Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
    An engaging argument about what experimental music can tell us about being human. -/- In Experimenting the Human, G Douglas Barrett argues that experimental music speaks to the contemporary posthuman, a condition in which science and technology decenter human agency amid the uneven temporality of postwar global capitalism. Time moves forward for some during this period, while it seems to stand still or even move backward for others. Some say we’re already posthuman, while others endure the extended consequences of (...)
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  39. Broad’s Accounts of Temporal Experience.Oliver William Rashbrook - 2012 - Journal for the History of Analytical Philosophy 1 (5).
    Two extremely detailed accounts of temporal experience can be found in the work of C. D. Broad. These accounts have been subject to considerable criticism. I argue that, when we look more carefully at Broad’s work, we find that much of this criticism fails to find its target. I show that the objection that ultimately proves troubling for Broad stems from his commitment to two principles: i) the Thin-PSA, and ii) the ‘Overlap’ claim. I use this result to demonstrate that (...)
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    About the knowledge, use, and experience of history.Oscar Javier Jiménez-Piraján - 2023 - Estudios de Filosofía (Universidad de Antioquia) 69:95-114.
    The present work proposes reflecting on the historical fact as a determinant of present life and, therefore, of the destiny of men, peoples, and civilizations. Considering what Nietzsche raised in the Second Untimely Consideration, history can be narrated in a monumental, antiquarian, or critical way. These constitute ways of living the present and one’s destiny. It seeks to understand each of these possible attitudes towards the past while investigating the meaning of this interpretation for today’s man, immersed in his unique (...)
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    Temporality and the Future of Philosophy in Hegel’s Phenomenology.John Russon - 2008 - International Philosophical Quarterly 48 (1):59-68.
    In “Sense-Certainty” Hegel establishes “the now that is many nows” as the form of experience. This has implications for the interpretation of later figures within the Phenomenology of Spirit: specifically, the thing (from chapter 2), the living body (from chapter 4), and the ethical community (from chapter 6) are each significantly different forms of such a “now” in which the way that past and future are held within the present differs. Comparing these changing “temporalities” allows us to defend Hegel’s distinction (...)
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  42. Temporality and class analysis: A comparative study of the effects of class trajectory and class structure on class consciousness in sweden and the united states.Erik Olin Wright & Kwang-Yeong Shin - 1988 - Sociological Theory 6 (1):58-84.
    Some of the important conceptual debates between different approaches to class analysis can be interpreted as reflecting different ways of linking temporality to class structure. In particular, processual concepts of class can be viewed as linking class to the past whereas structural concepts link class to the future. This contrast in the temporality of class concepts in turn is grounded in distinct intuitions about why class is explanatory of social conflict and social change. Processural approaches to class see (...)
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  43. Temporal Externalism: A Taxonomy, an Articulation, and a Defence.Alessandra Tanesini - 2014 - Journal of the Philosophy of History 8 (1):1–19.
    I argue that the semantic content of thoughts and the linguistic meaning of expressions are things with a history in the sense that they can be made fully intelligible only from the point of view of the future. I defend this position by articulating a version of a view known in the philosophy of language as temporal externalism. Temporal externalism about content is the view that the content of a subject’s thoughts and utterances at a time t depends on features (...)
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    Temporal registers in the realist novel.Ilya Bernstein - 2008 - Philosophy and Literature 32 (1):pp. 173-182.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Temporal Registers in the Realist NovelIlya BernsteinIThere are two ways of thinking about time: in terms of sequences of events, and in terms of time-scales. In the first case, each event is conceived of as having a "before" and an "after": it is categorized as part of a sequence and distinguished from other events by its position in that sequence. In the second case, there is no "before" and (...)
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    The Crisis of Narrative in Contemporary Culture.Richard Kearney - 1997 - Metaphilosophy 28 (3):183-195.
    This article explores the crisis of narrative in contemporary culture. It begins by examining the challenge represented by the mass media for the continuing art of storytelling. Taking up Walter Benjamin’s warning that we are moving from an age of narrative experience to an age of instant information, it analyses the implications of the post‐modern ‘cult of simulation’ for education, historiography and ethics. The paper concludes by advocating a critical hermeneutic approach as the most apt response to this contemporary dilemma. (...)
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    Anthropological Crisis or Crisis in Moral Status: a Philosophy of Technology Approach to the Moral Consideration of Artificial Intelligence.Joan Llorca Albareda - 2024 - Philosophy and Technology 37 (1):1-26.
    The inquiry into the moral status of artificial intelligence (AI) is leading to prolific theoretical discussions. A new entity that does not share the material substrate of human beings begins to show signs of a number of properties that are nuclear to the understanding of moral agency. It makes us wonder whether the properties we associate with moral status need to be revised or whether the new artificial entities deserve to enter within the circle of moral consideration. This raises the (...)
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    Timeless Temporality.Jason C. Robinson - 2006 - Idealistic Studies 36 (2):97-107.
    This article explores Gadamer’s description of time(s) and situates it within his aesthetic account and hermeneutics. Bringing together all of Gadamer’s major discussions on time, I develop a consistent account which I then challenge. Whereas Heidegger famously describes transcendental temporality with an emphasis on futurity, Gadamer accentuates a historical temporal awareness and itsdiscontinuous nature. Gadamer’s notion of time is best understood, paradoxically, as a timeless temporality, when time is defined as the sequential movement along discrete points. I argue (...)
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    Beyond revisionism: the bicentennial of Independence, the early Republican experience, and intellectual history in Latin America.Elías José Palti - 2009 - Journal of the History of Ideas 70 (4):593-614.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Beyond Revisionism:The Bicentennial of Independence, the Early Republican Experience, and Intellectual History in Latin AmericaElías José PaltiLatin America's Revolution of Independence was an event of world-historical importance. Citizens of different regions simultaneously created new nation states and established republican systems of government. This occurred at a time when the very meaning of the notions of "nation" and "republic" remained ill-defined. In such a context, a number of debates naturally (...)
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    The COVID-19 Crisis and Clinical Ethics in New York City.Kenneth M. Prager & Joseph J. Fins - 2020 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 31 (3):228-232.
    The COVID-19 pandemic that struck New York City in the spring of 2020 was a natural experiment for the clinical ethics services of NewYork-Presbyterian (NYP). Two distinct teams at NYP’s flagship academic medical centers—at NYP/ Columbia University Medical Center (Columbia) and NYP/ Weill Cornell Medical Center (Weill Cornell)—were faced with the same pandemic and operated under the same institutional rules. Each campus used time as an heuristic to analyze our collective response. The Columbia team compares consults during the pandemic with (...)
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    Temporal Points of View: Subjective and Objective Aspects.Margarita Vázquez Campos (ed.) - 2015 - Cham: Springer.
    This book seeks to arrive at a better understanding of the relationships between the objective and subjective aspects of time. It discusses the existence of fluent time, a controversial concept in many areas, from philosophy to physics. Fluent time is understood as directional time with a past, a present and a future. We experience fluent time in our lives and we adopt a temporal perspective in our ways of knowing and acting. Nevertheless, the existence of fluent time has been debated (...)
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