Results for 'Abdulrahman Kiki'

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  1.  11
    Typologie des implicites ethnosocioculturels en discours.Abdulrahman Kiki - 2022 - Semiotica 2022 (249):127-143.
    Résumé Cet article présente la notion d’implicite ethnosocioculturel et dresse, avec de nombreux exemples, une typologie des implicites ethnosocioculturels en discours à partir d’un corpus constitué des médiacultures. Onze formes d’implicites ethnosocioculturels ont été détectées dans différents types de discours. Ces formes permettent de distinguer les implicites pragmatiques, logiques et interpersonnels des implicites ethnosocioculturels qui, ces derniers, relèvent désormais d’une sémiotique patrimoniale. Le résultat de cette étude peut aider à combler certains déficits constatés dans la formation des traducteurs-interprètes en matière (...)
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    Number-induced shifts in spatial attention: a replication study.Kiki Zanolie & Diane Pecher - 2014 - Frontiers in Psychology 5.
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    Simone de Beauvoir on the Curse of Immortality.Kiki Berk - 2024 - Simone de Beauvoir Studies 35 (1-2):105-124.
    This paper identifies and analyzes the arguments against the desirability of immortality implicit in Beauvoir’s philosophical novel All Men Are Mortal. The main argument is based on the idea that an immortal life would necessarily lack four key values that make human life worth living: meaning, love, identity, and virtue. The novel contains four additional arguments, one regarding each specific value. I analyze and evaluate all five arguments and place them in the context of the ongoing debate over immortality’s desirability. (...)
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    Association between exposure to media and body weight concern among female university students in five arab countries: A preliminary cross-cultural study.Abdulrahman O. Musaiger & Mariam Al-Mannai - 2013 - Journal of Biosocial Science 46 (2):240-247.
    Mass media play an important role in changing body image. This study aimed to determine the role of media (magazines and television) in body weight concern among university females in five Arab countries. A total sample of 1134 female university students was selected at convenience from universities in five Arab countries: Bahrain, Egypt, Jordan, Oman and Syria. The females' ages ranged from 17 to 32. A pre-tested questionnaire was used to assess the exposure to mass media regarding weight concerns. For (...)
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    Death, Meaning, and Existential Crises.Kiki Berk - 2020 - In Kimberly S. Engels (ed.), The Good Place and Philosophy. Wiley. pp. 153–165.
    Existential crises come in different flavors, but they're typically evoked by confrontations with mortality and accompanied by feelings of existential angst. The English philosopher Bernard Williams (1929–2003) argues that immortality would not be a good thing and that an endless life would become so excruciatingly and unbearably boring that all of us would want “out” at some point. This is exactly what happens in The Good Place. The idea that death makes life meaningful seems to be one of the major (...)
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    Doing Philosophy: A Practical Guide for Students, 2nd edition, by Clare Saunders, David Mossley, George MacDonald Ross, and Danielle Lamb, with Julie Closs.Kiki Berk - 2015 - Teaching Philosophy 38 (1):115-117.
  7.  33
    The role of social factors and weight status in ideal body-shape preferences as perceived by arab women.Abdulrahman O. Musaiger, Nora E. Shahbeek & Maryama Al-Mannai - 2004 - Journal of Biosocial Science 36 (6):699-707.
    This study investigated the social factors associated with body-shape preferences for females and males as perceived by Arab women living in Qatar, and correlated the current weight status of women studied with these preferences. The subjects were 535 non-pregnant Arab women aged 20–67 years, who attended heath centres in Doha City, the capital of the State of Qatar. Illustrations of male and female body shapes ranging from very thin to very obese using the 9-figure Silhouettes scale were shown to women, (...)
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    Genre and constructional analysis.Kiki Nikiforidou - 2018 - Pragmatics and Cognition 25 (3):543-575.
    Constructional approaches to genre model genre knowledge in terms of genre-based constructions. Like all constructions, these represent conventionalized pairings of meaning and form, of varying degrees of length and schematicity, whose pragmatic specifications include their association with a particular socio-cultural context. In this state-of-the-art article I review genre-related constructional work, discussing grammatical patterns that are licensed only in particular contexts, including conversational genres, as well as expressions that qualify as constructions simply on the basis of socio-cultural currency. The appropriateness of (...)
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    Saudi broadcast interviews: Moving towards aggressiveness.Abdulrahman Alfahad - 2015 - Discourse and Communication 9 (4):387-406.
    This article presents an overview of the transition that has taken place in Arab media over the course of time. It focuses more specifically on the case of Saudi Arabia to show how television interviewers there have performed their roles throughout three different phases. The first phase covers the period when the media was still controlled by Arab governments, the second focuses on the advent of satellite and the third focuses on the aftermath of the recent series of uprisings which (...)
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    The meanings of the genitive: A case study in semantic structure and semantic change.Kiki Nikiforidou - 1991 - Cognitive Linguistics 2 (2):149-206.
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    Bridging the gap: The role of Teaching Knowledge Test in improving English Language teaching in Saudi Arabia. A Case Study.Abdulrahman Alhejaili - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:1367-1381.
    The present case study explores the contribution of the Teaching Knowledge Test to Saudi Arabia's English Language Teaching development regarding the educational reforms presented by Vision 2030. Drawing on a qualitative research approach, twelve EFL TKT-certified Saudi male teachers participated in semi-structured interviews to establish how TKT certification contributes to teacher professional development, motivation, and teaching competency. The study examined how TKT has led to personal growth, job satisfaction, and matching teaching practices prescribed in national education standards, including the Professional (...)
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    The Limits of Predictive Remapping of Attention Across Eye Movements.Kiki Arkesteijn, Artem V. Belopolsky, Jeroen B. J. Smeets & Mieke Donk - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Mathematical and Statistical Models with Applications of Spread of Private Tutoring in Saudi Arabia.Alanazi Talal Abdulrahman & Adel A. Attiya - 2022 - Complexity 2022:1-9.
    Over the past century, private tutoring in many countries has increased dramatically. Moreover, the main disadvantage of PT is that has a byproduct and a characteristic on the educational system in developing countries in terms of contributing to conditions such as large class sizes, low public expenditures, and an inadequate number of universities. In Saudi Arabia, the spread of PT at school and university levels has yet to be addressed by researchers. One goal of this examination was to research the (...)
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  14.  22
    The Mediating Roles of Psychological Autonomy, Competence and Relatedness on Work-Life Balance and Well-Being.Anestis Fotiadis, Khadija Abdulrahman & Anastasia Spyridou - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    What's in a dialogic construction? A constructional approach to polysemy and the grammar of challenge.Kiki Nikiforidou, Sophia Marmaridou & George K. Mikros - 2014 - Cognitive Linguistics 25 (4).
    Name der Zeitschrift: Cognitive Linguistics Jahrgang: 25 Heft: 4 Seiten: 655-699.
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  16.  18
    Conceptual blending and the interpretation of relatives: A case study from Greek.Kiki Nikiforidou - 2005 - Cognitive Linguistics 16 (1):169-206.
    This article examines instances of the pu relative construction in Modern Greek in which the semantic role of the head is underspecified by the syntax. Such cases include sentences whose nominal head corresponds to some complement of the relative clause predicate and sentences in which the head does not have any sort of syntactic relationship with the relative. The latter, which are characteristic of oral, informal discourse, have been completely ignored in the previous literature, which has defined relatives on the (...)
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    An experimental study of gender and cultural differences in hue preference.Abdulrahman S. Al-Rasheed - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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    Controversies and considerations regarding the termination of pregnancy for Foetal Anomalies in Islam.Abdulrahman Al-Matary & Jaffar Ali - 2014 - BMC Medical Ethics 15 (1):10.
    Approximately one-fourth of all the inhabitants on earth are Muslims. Due to unprecedented migration, physicians are often confronted with cultures other than their own that adhere to different paradigms.
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    Neural Differentiation of Incorrectly Predicted Memories.Andrea Greve, Hunar Abdulrahman & Richard N. Henson - 2018 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 12.
  20.  35
    Books of definition in Islamic philosophy: the limits of words.Kiki Kennedy-Day - 2003 - New York: RoutledgeCurzon.
    The first section of this book surveys the development of Islamic philosophy though an examination of the definitions for substance, cause and matter. These important philosophical terms were defined by each new generation of philosophers. The definitions show an awareness of Greek philosophy, but also take metaphysical thought into an Islamic matrix. In the second section the author translates Ibn Sina's Kitab al-hudud and puts the tenth-century philosopher in his proper geopolitical sphere. Questions of Ibn Sina' connection with the East (...)
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    Public Perception of Money Politics Acceptance (Case Study in Bandung Regency and West Bandung Regency).Yusa Djuyandi, Kiki Pratama Nugraha, Agus Sugiharto & Mohammad Fazrulzaman Azmi - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:494-504.
    If money politics tends to be seen as a threat to electoral democracy, what is the public's actual perception of money politics? This research uses quantitative methods, especially descriptive statistics to explain perceptions of the acceptability of money politics in elections. The case study for this research is the Bandung Regency and West Bandung Regency (KBB) areas. This locus shows the existence of spatial influences that explain geopolitical differences in the Greater Bandung area, especially in the district area. The researchers (...)
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    Psychometric Properties of ADHD Rating Scale—5 for Children and Adolescents in Sudan—School Version.Abdulkarim Alhossein, Abdulrahman Abdullah Abaoud, David Becker, Rashed Aldabas, Salaheldin Farah Bakhiet, Mohammed Al Jaffal, Manar Alsufyani, Nagda Mohamed Abdu Elrahim & Nouf Alzrayer - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    The ADHD Rating Scale—5 for Children and Adolescents, School Version, has been adopted and validated to be used in assessing ADHD among school children within Western contexts. However, there are few assessment tools in use for identifying ADHD characteristics in children in Sudan. Therefore, this study aimed to investigate the psychometric properties of this rating scale in the context of Sudan. To accomplish this, data were collected on a sample of 3,742 school-aged children and adolescents as reported by their teachers. (...)
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    Early Ibāḍī Theological Arguments on Atoms and Accidents.Abdulrahman Al-Salimi - 2013 - Arabic Sciences and Philosophy 23 (1):117-134.
    RésuméLe gros de la recherche orientaliste consacrée à la littérature théologique islamique a négligé les idées théologiques Ibāḍī à portée cosmologique, ce qui a conduit à une compréhension incomplète de la théologie islamique et à un manque considérable dans la recherche occidentale. L'omission de ce mouvement important de l'Islam est compréhensible étant donné que les textes Ibāḍī ne sont accessibles, publiés, diffusés et traduits que de façon très partielle. Cette étude vise donc à combler certaines de ces lacunes dans la (...)
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    Changing Femininity, Changing Concepts of Citizenship in Public and Private Spheres.Gabrielle Ivinson, Kiki Deliyanni, Helena Araújo & Madeleine Arnot - 2000 - European Journal of Women's Studies 7 (2):149-168.
    This article reports on an EU-funded project conducted in Greece, Portugal, England and Wales. Data were collected from male and female student teachers using surveys, interviews and focus groups. The project investigated their understanding of citizenship and the role of men and women in public and private life. Pateman's concept of a sexual contractwas used to discover how student teachers understood changing relations between men and women. Young professionals in each country had relatively similar representations of the public sphere, which (...)
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  25.  11
    The accountability of assessments in news interviews.El Mustapha Lahlali & Abdulrahman Alroumi - 2022 - Discourse and Communication 16 (1):3-20.
    This study examines the accountability of assessments in news interview settings on two Arabic networks. It employs a conversation analytic approach, in addition to quantitative analysis to identify the most adopted practices that show participants’ orientation to the accountability of assessments. The data consists of 28 hours of recorded interviews on the Arab television news networks, Aljazeera Al-Arabiya channels. The findings show that interviewers and interviewees adopt different strategies to avoid the accountability of their displayed assessments. Interviewers attribute their assessments (...)
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    Idiocy-Dominated Communities: Trivial Education and Ineffectual Technology.Abdulrahman Essa Al Lily, Ahmed Ali Alhazmi & Saleh Alzahrani - 2019 - Social Epistemology 33 (6):538-554.
    This article examines the nature and reproduction of ‘institutional idiocy’, seen as a form of collective cognitive incapacity generated by cultural conditions. It shows idiocy to be active in numerous paths, wearing different clothes and taking dissimilar forms, spreading to the extent that it dominates communities. An empirically driven framework is established for idiocy-dominated communities – communities with access to futile education and fruitless technology. It demonstrates how idiocy-dominated communities disguise and protect their shared idiocy and handle non-idiotic minorities. It (...)
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    Avoiding the news to participate in society? The longitudinal relationship between news avoidance and civic engagement.Jakob Ohme, Kiki de Bruin, Yael de Haan, Sanne Kruikemeier, Toni G. L. A. van der Meer & Rens Vliegenthart - 2023 - Communications 48 (4):551-562.
    Lower levels of news use are generally understood to be associated with less political engagement among citizens. But while some people simply have a low preference for news, others avoid the news intentionally. So far little is known about the relationship between active news avoidance and civic engagement in society, a void this study has set out to fill. Based on a four-wave general population panel survey in the Netherlands, conducted between April and July 2020 (N = 1,084) during a (...)
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    Understanding Abortion: From Mixed Feelings to Rational Thought.Stephen D. Schwarz & Kiki Latimer - 2011 - Lexington Books.
    A stunning compilation of the strongest pro-choice and pro-life arguments brought together for the first time in a single work that allows for meaningful comparisons and intelligent dialogue. This gives the discerning reader an opportunity to see both sides comprehensively; and move beyond emotionally charged mixed feelings to rational thought.
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    Effect of Religious Commitment, Intrinsic Religiosity, and Perceived Service Quality on Purchase Intention: Exploring Moderating Role of Religious Belief.Musaddag Elrayah & Waleed Abdulrahman Alawad - 2023 - European Journal for Philosophy of Religion 15 (4):436-459.
    The primary objective of this study was to investigate the influence of religious commitment, intrinsic religiosity, perceived service quality, and CSR on customer purchase intention, with customer life satisfaction as a potential mediator. Additionally, the study examined the moderating effect of religious belief. A questionnaire was developed based on an extensive review of the literature to gather data from customers in the hospitality sector in Saudi Arabia, using convenience sampling. The study achieved a usable response rate of 81.4%. Structural equation (...)
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  30. Islamic History and Civilization, vol. 142.Abdulrahman al-Salimi - 2018
  31. Definition in the Philosophy of Al-Kindi, Al-Farabi, and Ibn Sina.Kiki Kennedy-day - 1995 - Dissertation, New York University
    In this dissertation we observe the diachronic development of certain vocabulary items which form the basis of discourse in Islamic philosophy in the Arabic language. Using a set of philosophical terms from al-Kindi, al-Farabi and Ibn Sina we analyze the use of each term, first individually and then comparatively. To examine philosophical terms in their natural setting, we will look at the philosophers' own definitions of these terms. Thus, we observe how definitions and their use change over two centuries, both (...)
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    Ordered Variables and Their Concomitants under Extropy via COVID-19 Data Application.Mohamed S. Mohamed, Alanazi Talal Abdulrahman, Zahra Almaspoor & M. Yusuf - 2021 - Complexity 2021:1-14.
    Extropy, as a complementary dual of entropy, has been discussed in many works of literature, where it is declared for other measures as an extension of extropy. In this article, we obtain the extropy of generalized order statistics via its dual and give some examples from well-known distributions. Furthermore, we study the residual and past extropy for such models. On the other hand, based on Farlie–Gumbel–Morgenstern distribution, we consider the residual extropy of concomitants of m-generalized order statistics and present this (...)
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  33.  14
    New details on the great altar of pergamon - (m.) klinkott Das fundament Des pergamonaltars und die aufnahme seiner fassadenfragmente. (Altertümer Von pergamon 3.3.) Pp. X + 231, b/w & colour ills. Berlin and boston: De gruyter, 2020. Cased, £109, €119.95. Isbn: 978-3-11-059814-8. [REVIEW]Kiki Karoglou - 2021 - The Classical Review 71 (1):188-190.
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    Academic Centrarchy: a Political System of Governing Education and Technology.Abdulrahman Essa Al Lily - 2020 - Journal of Academic Ethics 20 (1):23-38.
    This article relies on two international projects to argue for the existence of a ‘centrarchy’ in the fields of education and technology. Centrarchy denotes a power structure in which power rests with ‘the Centre’. The Centre signifies well-respected departments, top-tiered journals, the best editors, critical reviewers and leading authors; the Periphery denotes anyone else. The Centre has assigned itself the mission of guiding the Periphery out of its underdevelopment. It has served as a proxy for quality scholarship and believes that (...)
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    Poetic Anthology of Ibāḍī Theology. Historical Readings of Ibn al-Naẓar’s al-Daʿāʾim and its Commentaries.Abdulrahman al-Salimi - 2016 - Der Islam: Journal of the History and Culture of the Middle East 93 (1):85-100.
    Name der Zeitschrift: Der Islam Jahrgang: 93 Heft: 1 Seiten: 85-100.
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    Advances in frame semantics.Mirjam Fried & Kiki Nikiforidou (eds.) - 2013 - Philadelphia: John Benjamins.
    Presents some of the latest research in Frame Semantics, including work in computational lexicography as developed within the FrameNet project.
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    Audience Perceptions of COVID-19 Metaphors: The Role of Source Domain and Country Context.Britta C. Brugman, Ellen Droog, W. Gudrun Reijnierse, Saskia Leymann, Giulia Frezza & Kiki Y. Renardel de Lavalette - 2022 - Metaphor and Symbol 37 (2):101-113.
    Metaphors abound in descriptions of the COVID-19 pandemic: it is described, among other things, as a war, a flood, and a marathon. However, not all metaphors may resonate equally well with members...
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    Marketing and Ethics: What Islamic Ethics Have Contributed and the Challenges Ahead.Abbas J. Ali & Abdulrahman Al-Aali - 2015 - Journal of Business Ethics 129 (4):833-845.
    This article examines the role of Islamic ethics in the marketing field. It presents Islamic contributions to the field by referencing original sources and concepts that are often not easily available to researchers and practitioners alike. In foundational texts, Islamic ethics have their own marketing practice prescriptions, practices that are driven by a discipline which shuns any dichotomy between organizational and societal interests. The paper underscores the role of marketers in improving the well-being of individuals and the community and presents (...)
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  39.  19
    Adaptive Managers as Emerging Leaders During the COVID-19 Crisis.Abdulah Bajaba, Saleh Bajaba, Mohammad Algarni, Abdulrahman Basahal & Sarah Basahel - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    The coronavirus disease 2019 has taken the world by surprise and has impacted the lives of many, including the business sector and its stakeholders. Although studies investigating the impact of COVID-19 on the organizational structure, job design, and employee well-being have been on the rise, fewer studies examined the role of leadership and what it takes to be an effective leader during such times. This study integrates social cognitive theory and conservation of resources theory to argue for the importance of (...)
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    Preliminary psychometric properties of a standard vocabulary test administered using a non-invasive brain-computer interface.Seth Warschausky, Jane E. Huggins, Ramses Eduardo Alcaide-Aguirre & Abdulrahman W. Aref - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 16.
    ObjectiveTo examine measurement agreement between a vocabulary test that is administered in the standardized manner and a version that is administered with a brain-computer interface.MethodThe sample was comprised of 21 participants, ages 9–27, mean age 16.7 years, 61.9% male, including 10 with congenital spastic cerebral palsy, and 11 comparison peers. Participants completed both standard and BCI-facilitated alternate versions of the Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test - 4. The BCI-facilitated PPVT-4 uses items identical to the unmodified PPVT-4, but each quadrant forced-choice item (...)
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    The Heart of Islamic Philosophy: The Quest for Self-Knowledge in the Teachings of Afdal al-Din Kashani (review). [REVIEW]Kiki Kennedy-Day - 2006 - Philosophy East and West 56 (1):180-182.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:The Heart of Islamic Philosophy: The Quest for Self-Knowledge in the Teachings of Afdal al-Din KashaniKiki Kennedy-DayThe Heart of Islamic Philosophy: The Quest for Self-Knowledge in the Teachings of Afdal al-Din Kashani. By William C. Chittick. New York: Oxford University Press, 2001. Pp. 360. Hardcover.Are you tired of feeling that the scientifically quantifiable world is not all there is, but that most books about philosophy are airy-fairy or (...)
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  42. The Cambridge Companion to Classical Islamic Theology ed. Tim Winter, 2008. [REVIEW]Kiki Kennedy-day - 2010 - Journal of Shi‘a Islamic Studies 3:239-241.
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    HIP: A Method for Linguistic Hyperbole Identification in Discourse.Christian Burgers, Britta C. Brugman, Kiki Y. Renardel de Lavalette & Gerard J. Steen - 2016 - Metaphor and Symbol 31 (3):163-178.
    ABSTRACTThis article introduces the Hyperbole Identification Procedure, a first systematic method for identifying linguistic hyperbole in discourse. We start by comparing existing definitions of linguistic hyperbole. Based on the commonalities shared by these definitions, we provide our operational definition of hyperbole as “an expression that is more extreme than justified given its ontological referent.” The next section argues why it is useful to identify hyperbole, as with metaphor in Metaphor Identification Procedure Vrije Universiteit, at the level of lexical units, and (...)
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  44. Islamic Perspectives on Profit Maximization.Abbas J. Ali, Abdulrahman Al-Aali & Abdullah Al-Owaihan - 2013 - Journal of Business Ethics 117 (3):467-475.
    Ethical considerations, especially those religiously driven, play a significant role in shaping business conduct and priorities. Profit levels and earnings constitute an integral part of business considerations and are relevant and closely linked to prevailing ethics. In this paper, Islamic prescriptions on profit maximization are introduced. Islamic business ethics are outlined as well. It is suggested that while Islamic teaching treats profits as reward for engaging in vital activities necessary for serving societal interests, profit maximization is not sanctioned and therefore (...)
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    An extensive review of state-of-the-art transfer learning techniques used in medical imaging: Open issues and challenges.Mazin Abed Mohammed, Belal Al-Khateeb & Abdulrahman Abbas Mukhlif - 2022 - Journal of Intelligent Systems 31 (1):1085-1111.
    Deep learning techniques, which use a massive technology known as convolutional neural networks, have shown excellent results in a variety of areas, including image processing and interpretation. However, as the depth of these networks grows, so does the demand for a large amount of labeled data required to train these networks. In particular, the medical field suffers from a lack of images because the procedure for obtaining labeled medical images in the healthcare field is difficult, expensive, and requires specialized expertise (...)
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    Dental Anxiety Amongst Pregnant Women: Relationship with Dental Attendance and Sociodemographic Factors.Mohammed Abdullah Saeed Alghamdi, Abdullah Hussain Abdullah Al Rashah, Abdullah Saleh Ahmad Alghamdi, Mohammed Abdullah Jamaan Alghamdi, Mansour Dhaifallah Ali Alghamdi, Abdullah Ali Mehedi Al Mansour, Mohammed Abdullah Harbi Alshawi, Bdulrahman Hezam Abdulrahman Albahli & Ahmad Nasser Abdullah Alyami - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:476-482.
    Purpose: The purposes of this study were to investigate the relationship between dental anxiety amongst pregnant women and their dental attendance patterns, considering various sociodemographic factors, at health centers in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Materials and Methods: Participants in this cross-sectional descriptive study were 386 pregnant women seeking care at Saudi Ministry of Health centers. A validated version of the Modified Dental Anxiety Scale (MDAS) was used to measure dental anxiety. Questionnaires including background data and dental anxiety were used (...)
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    Green Internet of Things and Big Data Application in Smart Cities Development.Zhai Yang, Liu Jianjun, Humaira Faqiri, Wasswa Shafik, Alanazi Talal Abdulrahman, M. Yusuf & A. M. Sharawy - 2021 - Complexity 2021:1-15.
    This study reveals that increases in the global population command an augmented demand for products and services that calls for more effective ways of using existing natural resources and materials. The recent development of information and communication technologies, which had a great impact on many areas, also had a damaging effect on the environment and human health. Therefore, societies are moving toward a greener future by reducing the consumption of nonrenewable materials, raw materials, and resources while at the same time (...)
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    Toward agent-based LSB image steganography system.Budoor Salem Edhah & Fatmah Abdulrahman Baothman - 2021 - Journal of Intelligent Systems 30 (1):903-919.
    In a digital communication environment, information security is mandatory. Three essential parameters used in the design process of a steganography algorithm are Payload, security, and fidelity. However, several methods are implemented in information hiding, such as Least Significant Bit (LBS), Discrete Wavelet Transform, Masking, and Discrete Cosine Transform. The paper aims to investigate novel steganography techniques based on agent technology. It proposes a Framework of Steganography based on agent for secret communication using LSB. The most common image steganography databases are (...)
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    The Role of Lifestyle Factors, Psychological Stress and Interventions in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus: A Comprehensive Review, Challenges and Future Direction.Zainab Ahmed Aljaroodi, Suad Salem Albalawi, Najla Sari Almutairi, Abdulaziz Khalid Albarti, Khalid Massad Saud Alharbi, Bunaydir Muteb Alharbi, Ahmed Saud Ali Alshowaiy, Fahad Abdullah Algahtani, Majed Mohammed Al Tamimi, Mohammad Abdulrahman A. Alzaiber, Theeb Faisal Alotaibi, Nawaf Turki Alanazi, Ahmed Ibraheem Assiri, Ali Abdullah Alalwan & Mansour Zaal Alanazi - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:95-111.
    Type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) is a multifaceted chronic condition characterized by insulin resistance and hyperglycemia. This review synthesizes evidence on the influence of lifestyle factors such as diet, physical activity, and stress on the development and progression of T2DM. It highlights the intricate relationship between obesity, insulin resistance, and β-cell dysfunction, with a particular focus on the role of psychological stress in exacerbating disease outcomes. Through the analysis of recent studies, the review explores how lifestyle interventions, including dietary changes, (...)
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    (1 other version)Individuals’ Self-Reactions Toward COVID-19 Pandemic in Relation to the Awareness of the Disease, and Psychological Hardiness in Saudi Arabia.Aljawharh Ibrahim Alsukah, Nourah Abdulrhman Algadheeb, Monira Abdulrahman Almeqren, Fatimah Sayer Alharbi, Rasis Abdullah Alanazi, Amal Abdulrahman Alshehri, Futiem Nasha Alsubie & Reem Khalid Ahajri - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    The coronavirus outbreak around the world has caused public health concerns and changes in peoples’ behaviors and psychological distress. The pandemic impacts on human behavior, emotions, and cognition, leading to diverse reactions in relation to awareness of the disease. However, there is little understanding around the psychological impacts of the pandemic and strategies to overcome this impact. This study aimed to examine individuals’ reactions toward the COVID-19 pandemic in relation to their psychological hardiness, their degree of awareness toward the pandemic, (...)
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