Results for 'Adam Greene'

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  1. Chapter Six Love, Pattern Experience, and the Problem of Evil By Adam Green.Adam Green - 2007 - In Thomas Jay Oord (ed.), The many facets of love: philosophical explorations. Newcastle, UK: Cambridge Scholars Press. pp. 50.
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    Living Within Our Limits: A Defense of the Fall.Adam Green & Joshua Morris - 2020 - Journal of Analytic Theology 8 (1):371-389.
    In this paper, we use the biology of pain and Augustinian insights into the relationship between physical and spiritual death to give a defense of the Fall. If we think of pain as, biologically, a limiting system but one that interacts with advanced rationality in such a way as to create a new experience of one’s biological limits, then one can use Augustine’s treatment of our experience of physical death as both a consequence and a symbolic check on our moral (...)
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    It’s agony for us as well.Janet Green, Philip Darbyshire, Anne Adams & Debra Jackson - 2016 - Nursing Ethics 23 (2):176-190.
    Background: Improved techniques and life sustaining technology in the neonatal intensive care unit have resulted in an increased probability of survival for extremely premature babies. The by-product of the aggressive treatment is iatrogenic pain, and this infliction of pain can be a cause of suffering and distress for both baby and nurse. Research question: The research sought to explore the caregiving dilemmas of neonatal nurses when caring for extremely premature babies. This article aims to explore the issues arising for neonatal (...)
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    Analogical mapping across sensory modalities and evidence for a general analogy factor.Adam B. Weinberger, Natalie M. Gallagher, Griffin Colaizzi, Nathaniel Liu, Natalie Parrott, Edward Fearon, Neelam Shaikh & Adam E. Green - 2022 - Cognition 223 (C):105029.
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    The Right Side of History and Higher-Order Evidence.Adam Green - 2021 - Episteme 18 (1):1-15.
    Appeals to “being on the right side of history” or accusations of being on the wrong side of history are increasingly common on social media, in the media proper, and in the rhetoric of politics. One might well wonder, though, what the value is of invoking history in this manner. Is declaring who is on what side of history merely dramatic shorthand for one's being right and one's opponents wrong? Or is there something more to it than that? In this (...)
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    More than Inspired Propositions.Adam Green & Keith A. Quan - 2012 - Faith and Philosophy 29 (4):416-430.
    The Christian intellectual tradition consistently affirms that God is present in and continues to speak through Scripture. These functions of the Christian Scriptures have been underexamined in contemporary philosophy of religion and philosophical theology. Careful attention to the phenomenon of shared attention is instructive for providing an account of these matters, and the shared attention account developed here provides a useful conceptual framework within which to situate recent work on Scripture by scholars such as Kevin Vanhoozer, Nicholas Wolterstorff, and Michael (...)
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  7. An Epistemic Norm for Implicature.Adam Green - 2017 - Journal of Philosophy 114 (7):381-391.
    Timothy Williamson and others have made a strong case for the claim that knowledge is the norm of assertion. Reasons to think that assertion has an epistemic norm also, interestingly, provide a reason to think that conversational implicature has a norm as well. This norm, it is argued, cannot be knowledge. In addition to highlighting an under-explored topic at the intersection of epistemology and linguistics, the discussion of conversational implicature puts dialectical pressure on the knowledge norm of assertion account. The (...)
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    Extending the credit theory of knowledge.Adam Green - 2012 - Philosophical Explorations 15 (2):121 - 132.
    In a recent monograph, Sandy Goldberg argues that epistemology should be renovated so as to accommodate the way in which human beings are dependent on others for what they know. He argues that the way to accomplish this is to consider the cognition of others to be part of the belief-forming process for the purposes of epistemic assessment when radical dependence on others is in evidence. In this paper, I argue that, contrary to what one may expect, a credit theory (...)
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  9. Evaluating distributed cognition.Adam Green - 2014 - Synthese 191 (1):79-95.
    Human beings are promiscuously social creatures, and contemporary epistemologists are increasingly becoming aware that this shapes the ways in which humans process information. This awareness has tended to restrict itself, however, to testimony amongst isolated dyads. As scientific practice ably illustrates, information-processing can be spread over a vast social network. In this essay, a credit theory of knowledge is adapted to account for the normative features of strongly distributed cognition. A typical credit theory analyzes knowledge as an instance of obtaining (...)
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  10. Cognitive Science and the Natural Knowledge of God.Adam Green - 2013 - The Monist 96 (3):399-419.
    Rather than being in inherent conflict with religion or operating on planes that do not intersect, the cognitive science of religion (CSR) can be used to renovate a religious understanding of the world. CSR allows one to reshape the perspectives of Aquinas and Calvin on the natural knowledge of God. The Christian tradition affirms that all human beings have available to them some knowledge of God. This claim has empirical import and thus invites scientific investigation and clarification. A CSR-inspired lens (...)
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    The Intermediate Neutrino Program.C. Adams, Alonso Jr, A. M. Ankowski, J. A. Asaadi, J. Ashenfelter, S. N. Axani, K. Babu, C. Backhouse, H. R. Band, P. S. Barbeau, N. Barros, A. Bernstein, M. Betancourt, M. Bishai, E. Blucher, J. Bouffard, N. Bowden, S. Brice, C. Bryan, L. Camilleri, J. Cao, J. Carlson, R. E. Carr, A. Chatterjee, M. Chen, S. Chen, M. Chiu, E. D. Church, J. I. Collar, G. Collin, J. M. Conrad, M. R. Convery, R. L. Cooper, D. Cowen, H. Davoudiasl, A. De Gouvea, D. J. Dean, G. Deichert, F. Descamps, T. DeYoung, M. V. Diwan, Z. Djurcic, M. J. Dolinski, J. Dolph, B. Donnelly, S. da DwyerDytman, Y. Efremenko, L. L. Everett, A. Fava, E. Figueroa-Feliciano, B. Fleming, A. Friedland, B. K. Fujikawa, T. K. Gaisser, M. Galeazzi, D. C. Galehouse, A. Galindo-Uribarri, G. T. Garvey, S. Gautam, K. E. Gilje, M. Gonzalez-Garcia, M. C. Goodman, H. Gordon, E. Gramellini, M. P. Green, A. Guglielmi, R. W. Hackenburg, A. Hackenburg, F. Halzen, K. Han, S. Hans, D. Harris, K. M. Heeger, M. Herman, R. Hill, A. Holin & P. Huber - unknown
    The US neutrino community gathered at the Workshop on the Intermediate Neutrino Program at Brookhaven National Laboratory February 4-6, 2015 to explore opportunities in neutrino physics over the next five to ten years. Scientists from particle, astroparticle and nuclear physics participated in the workshop. The workshop examined promising opportunities for neutrino physics in the intermediate term, including possible new small to mid-scale experiments, US contributions to large experiments, upgrades to existing experiments, R&D plans and theory. The workshop was organized into (...)
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  12. Utopia: A New Translation, Backgrounds, Criticism. A Norton Critical Edition.Robert M. Adams, Thomas More, James J. Greene & John P. Dolan - 1992 - Utopian Studies 3 (2):102-120.
  13. Queer Theory and Sociology: Locating the Subject and the Self in Sexuality Studies.Adam Isaiah Green - 2007 - Sociological Theory 25 (1):26-45.
  14.  42
    Perceiving persons.Adam Green - 2012 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 19 (3-4):3-4.
    Since their discovery, mirror neurons have played a critical role in the interdisciplinary debate over how we come to understand other people, a topic often labelled 'mind-reading'. The philosopher Alvin Goldman argues that mirror neurons provide critical evidence that we come to understand others by simulating them. In this paper, I demonstrate that mirror neurons should be thought of as facilitating the perception of persons but should not be thought of as simulators. Our basic understanding of others does not come (...)
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    The Social Contexts of Intellectual Virtue: Knowledge as a Team Achievement.Adam Green - 2016 - New York: Routledge.
    This book reconceives virtue epistemology in light of the conviction that we are essentially social creatures. Virtue is normally thought of as something that allows individuals to accomplish things on their own. Although contemporary ethics is increasingly making room for an inherently social dimension in moral agency, intellectual virtues continue to be seen in terms of the computing potential of a brain taken by itself. Thinking in these terms, however, seriously misconstrues the way in which our individual flourishing hinges on (...)
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  16.  39
    Moral dumbfounding and imaginative resistance.Adam Green - forthcoming - Philosophical Psychology.
  17.  61
    Hidden Divinity and Religious Belief: New Perspectives.Adam Green & Eleonore Stump (eds.) - 2015 - Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
    This collection of new essays written by an international team of scholars is a groundbreaking examination of the problem of divine hiddenness, one of the most dynamic areas in current philosophy of religion. Together, the essays constitute a wide-ranging dialogue on the problem. They balance atheistic and theistic standpoints, and they bring to bear not only on the standard philosophical perspectives but also on insights from Jewish, Muslim, and Eastern Orthodox traditions. The apophatic and the mystical are well-represented too. As (...)
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    Mapping Others: Representation and Mindreading.Adam Green - 2014 - Essays in Philosophy 15 (2):279-298.
    Thinking about the representational qualities of maps and models allows one to offer a new perspective on the nature of mindreading. The recent critiques of our dominant paradigms for mindreading, theory theory and simulation theory by enactivists such as Daniel Hutto reveal a flaw in the standard options for thinking about how we think about others. Views that rely on theorizing or simulation to account for the way in which we understand others often appear to over-intellectualize social interaction. In contrast, (...)
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    Forgiveness and the Repairing of Epistemic Trust.Adam Green - 2024 - Episteme 21 (1):246-262.
    The epistemic relevance of forgiveness has been neglected by both the discussion of forgiveness in moral psychology and by social epistemology generally. Moral psychology fails to account for the forgiveness of epistemic wrongs and for the way that wrongs in general have epistemic implications. Social epistemology, for its part, neglects the way that epistemic trust is not only conferred but repaired. In this essay, I show that the repair of epistemic trust through forgiveness is necessary to the economy of knowledge (...)
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    Neonatal nurses’ response to a hypothetical premature birth situation: What if it was my baby?Janet Green, Philip Darbyshire, Anne Adams & Debra Jackson - 2018 - Nursing Ethics 25 (7):880-896.
    Background: Evolving technology and scientific advancement have increased the chances of survival of the extremely premature baby; however, such survival can be associated with some severe long-term morbidities. Research question: The research investigates the caregiving and ethical dilemmas faced by neonatal nurses when caring for extremely premature babies (defined as ≤24 weeks’ gestation). This article explores the issues arising for neonatal nurses when they considered the philosophical question of ‘what if it was me and my baby’, or what they believed (...)
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    The Effect of Right Temporal Lobe Gliomas on Left and Right Hemisphere Neural Processing During Speech Perception and Production Tasks.Adam Kenji Yamamoto, Ana Sanjuán, Rebecca Pope, Oiwi Parker Jones, Thomas M. H. Hope, Susan Prejawa, Marion Oberhuber, Laura Mancini, Justyna O. Ekert, Andrea Garjardo-Vidal, Megan Creasey, Tarek A. Yousry, David W. Green & Cathy J. Price - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 16:803163.
    Using fMRI, we investigated how right temporal lobe gliomas affecting the posterior superior temporal sulcus alter neural processing observed during speech perception and production tasks. Behavioural language testing showed that three pre-operative neurosurgical patients with grade 2, grade 3 or grade 4 tumours had the same pattern of mild language impairment in the domains of object naming and written word comprehension. When matching heard words for semantic relatedness (a speech perception task), these patients showed under-activation in the tumour infiltrated right (...)
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    Quality versus quantity: The complexities of quality of life determinations for neonatal nurses.Janet Green, Philip Darbyshire, Anne Adams & Debra Jackson - 2017 - Nursing Ethics 24 (7):802-820.
    Background: The ability to save the life of an extremely premature baby has increased substantially over the last decade. This survival, however, can be associated with unfavourable outcomes for both baby and family. Questions are now being asked about quality of life for survivors of extreme prematurity. Quality of life is rightly deemed to be an important consideration in high technology neonatal care; yet, it is notoriously difficult to determine or predict. How does one define and operationalise what is considered (...)
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    Michael C. Rea. The Hiddenness of God.Adam Green - 2020 - Journal of Analytic Theology 8 (1):733-737.
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    Disability, Humility, and the Gift of Friendship.Adam Green - 2016 - Res Philosophica 93 (4):797-814.
    When trying to find the place of humility amongst the virtues, there is a temptation to assimilate humility into a kind of noblesse oblige as if it were a way of being strong and capable with grace. If one attends to the experience of persons one might describe as humbled by their life experiences, then a very different perspective is afforded. In particular, if one examines the way in which certain disabled persons turn experiences of dependency or limitation in productive (...)
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    Gratitude and the web of knowledge.Adam Green - forthcoming - Episteme:1-16.
    Epistemic trust in others frequently cannot be disentangled from interpersonal trust more generally, but the epistemic implications of how we affectively express our trust in others are under-investigated. This essay claims that gratitude, despite its empirically undeniable importance to human flourishing generally, is also important epistemically and in several intersecting ways. To be grateful to a person is to represent the world differently in key respects. Gratitude, even if it is for past non-epistemic benefits, should play an important role in (...)
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    Deficient testimony is deficient teamwork.Adam Green - 2014 - Episteme 11 (2):213-227.
    Jennifer Lackey presents a puzzle to which she argues there is no current solution. Lackey's claim is that testimonial knowledge can have something conspicuously wrong with it and still be knowledge. Testimonial knowledge can be ‘deficient’. Given that knowledge is a normative category, that it describes what it is for a belief to go right, there is a puzzle that comes with accounting for how a testimonial belief could be knowledge and yet go wrong in the ways Lackey has in (...)
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  27. Omnisubjectivity and Incarnation.Adam Green - 2017 - Topoi 36 (4):693-701.
    In her 2013 Aquinas lecture and a previous article, Linda Zagzebski argues for a new divine trait, that of omnisubjectivity. In brief, omnisubjectivity is God’s ability to know what it is like for each of God’s creatures to be themselves. This knowledge is not merely propositional but ascribes to God knowledge of the sort that one typically associates with a first-person perspective on the self. Zagzebski’s considered opinion about what grounds omnisubjectivity appears to be that it is grounded in simulations (...)
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    Dynamic development of intuitions and explicit knowledge during implicit learning.Adam B. Weinberger & Adam E. Green - 2022 - Cognition 222 (C):105008.
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    Matter and psyche: Lewis Mumford's appropriation of Marx and Jung in his appraisal of the condition of man in technological civilization.Adam Green - 2006 - History of the Human Sciences 19 (3):33-64.
    The aim of this article is to draw attention to the breadth and importance of Mumford's philosophical outlook by exploring his critical appropriation of the theories of Marx and Jung which he employed to create a penetrating, visionary collection of works that offer us a powerful and timely insight into the ills besetting our current technological civilization. Mumford partially accepted Marx's matter–psyche dynamic but expanded it to include architecture, technology and urban planning. He surpassed the one-way process of Marxist historical-economic (...)
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    The Mindreading Debate and the Cognitive Science of Religion.Adam Green - 2015 - Sophia 54 (1):61-75.
    The relationship between understanding other natural minds, often labeled ‘mindreading,’ and putative understanding of the supernatural is a critical one for the dialogue centering on the cognitive science of religion . A basic tenet of much of CSR is that cognitive mechanisms that typically operate in the ‘natural’ domain are co-opted so as to generate representations of the extra-natural. The most important mechanisms invoked are, arguably, the ones that detect agency, represent actions, predicate beliefs and desires of others, and track (...)
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    The myth of the miracle baby: how neonatal nurses interpret media accounts of babies of extreme prematurity.Janet Green, Philip Darbyshire, Anne Adams & Debra Jackson - 2015 - Nursing Inquiry 22 (3):273-281.
    Improved life sustaining technology in the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) has resulted in an increased probability of survival in extremely premature babies. Miracle baby stories in the popular press are a regular occurrence and these reports are often the first source from which the general public learn about extremely premature babies. The research from which this paper is drawn sought to explore the care‐giving and ethical dilemmas of neonatal nurses when caring for extremely premature babies 24 weeks gestation and (...)
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    The Jet Lag Theory of Purgatory.Adam Green - 2015 - Faith and Philosophy 32 (2):146-160.
    Models of purgatory tend to come paired with an operative conception of what perfection consists in. In the recent philosophical literature, two models, the satisfaction model and the sanctification model, have been pitted against one another. The former focuses on innocence before the law and makes purgatory out to be a place where a debt of punishment is paid. The latter focuses on moral character and describes purgatory in terms of character formation. If perfection consists in a certain way of (...)
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  33. The social evolution of religion.Adam Green - 2022 - In Mark A. Lamport (ed.), The Rowman & Littlefield Handbook of Philosophy and Religion. Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
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    Queer theory and sociology: Locating the subject and the self in sexuality studies (vol 25, pg 1, 2007).Adam Isaiah Green'S. - 2007 - Sociological Theory 25 (3):292-292.
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    The Transmission of Understanding.Adam Green - 2019 - Res Philosophica 96 (1):43-61.
    There is a substantial literature in epistemology concerning whether knowledge can be transmitted. So-called generative cases of testimony seem to show that testimony cannot transmit knowledge. This article defends the thesis that knowledge transmission by testimony is possible. Once one thinks more carefully about the model of transmission we are employing, however, the stage is set for two surprising results. Supposed counter-examples to knowledge transmission feature transmission in the relevant sense, and, more surprisingly, it is possible to transmit understanding, even (...)
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  36. The Social Organization of Desire: The Sexual Fields Approach.Adam Isaiah Green - 2008 - Sociological Theory 26 (1):25 - 50.
    Modern urban life is increasingly characterized by specialized erotic worlds designed for sexual partnership and sexual sociality. In this article, I build on sociological theory developed in areas other than the sociology of sexuality to formulate a framework uniquely suited to the analysis of such modern erotic worlds--the sexual fields framework. Coupling Goffman's social psychological focus on situational negotiation with a Bourdieusian model of routine practice, the sexual fields framework highlights the relationship of interactional work to fields of objective relations (...)
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  37. Reading the mind of God (without hebrew lessons): Alston, shared attention, and mystical experience.Adam Green - 2009 - Religious Studies 45 (4):455-470.
    Alston's perceptual account of mystical experience fails to show how it is that the sort of predicates that are used to describe God in these experiences could be derived from perception, even though the ascription of matched predicates in the natural order are not derived in the manner Alston has in mind. In contrast, if one looks to research on shared attention between individuals as mediated by mirror neurons, then one can give a perceptual account of mystical experience which draws (...)
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  38. Transparency and the Desires of the Heart: A Constructive Critique of Stump’s Theodicy.Adam Green - 2012 - European Journal for Philosophy of Religion 4 (3):167--184.
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    The Theological Virtue of Hope as a Social Virtue.Aaron D. Cobb & Adam Green - 2017 - Journal of Analytic Theology 5:230-250.
    Analyses of the theological virtue of hope tend to focus on its interior dispositional structure, shifting attention away from the social dimensions crucial to its formation and exercise. We argue that one can better appreciate the place of hope in Christian thought by attending to communal features that have been peripheral to or excluded from traditional analyses. To this end, we employ resources from the literature on the extended mind and group agency to develop an account of the theological virtue (...)
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    What Makes Mental Modeling Difficult? Normative Data for the Multidimensional Relational Reasoning Task.Robert A. Cortes, Adam B. Weinberger, Griffin A. Colaizzi, Grace F. Porter, Emily L. Dyke, Holly O. Keaton, Dakota L. Walker & Adam E. Green - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Relational reasoning is a complex form of human cognition involving the evaluation of relations between mental representations of information. Prior studies have modified stimulus properties of relational reasoning problems and examined differences in difficulty between different problem types. While subsets of these stimulus properties have been addressed in separate studies, there has not been a comprehensive study, to our knowledge, which investigates all of these properties in the same set of stimuli. This investigative gap has resulted in different findings across (...)
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    Review of Contemporary With Christ: Kierkegaard and Second-Personal Spirituality. [REVIEW]Adam Green - 2021 - Journal of Analytic Theology 9:725-730.
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    The Micro-Category account of analogy.Adam E. Green, Jonathan A. Fugelsang, David J. M. Kraemer & Kevin N. Dunbar - 2008 - Cognition 106 (2):1004-1016.
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    New Models of Religious Understanding, edited by Fiona Ellis. [REVIEW]Adam Green - 2019 - Faith and Philosophy 36 (1):135-139.
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    Gay but not queer: Toward a post-queer study of sexuality. [REVIEW]Adam Isaiah Green - 2002 - Theory and Society 31 (4):521-545.
  45. Clarifying Our Stance on BMI and Accessibility in Gender-Affirming Surgery: A Commitment to Inclusive Care and Dialogue – A Reply to Castle & Klein (2024).Luke R. Allen, Noah Adams, Cody Dodd, Diane Ehrensaft, Lin Fraser, Maurice Garcia, Simona Giordano, Jamison Green, Thomas Johnson, Justin Penny, Katherine Rachlin & Jaimie Veale - forthcoming - International Journal of Transgender Health.
    We respond to a Letter to the Editor regarding "Principlism and contemporary ethical considerations for providers of transgender health care." We address criticisms by Castle & Klein (2024) of blatant fatphobia related to the ethical elements concerning BMI restrictions for gender-affirming surgery. Our response corrects several mischaracterizations of the article and clarifies our position. My co-authors and I remain focused on advocating for patient-centered, ethically sound, evidence-based, and equitable healthcare policies.
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  46. Principlism and Contemporary Ethical Considers in Transgender Health Care.Luke Allen, Noah Adams, Florence Ashley, Cody Dodd, Diane Ehrensaft, Lin Fraser, Maurice Garcia, Simona Giordano, Jamison Green, Thomas Johnson, Justin Penny, Rachlin Katherine & Jaimie Veale - forthcoming - International Journal of Transgender Health.
    Background: Transgender health care is a subject of much debate among clinicians, political commentators, and policy-makers. While the World Professional Association of Transgender Health (WPATH) Standards of Care (SOC) establish clinical standards, these standards contain implied ethics but lack explicit focused discussion of ethical considerations in providing care. An ethics chapter in the SOC would enhance clinical guidelines. Aims: We aim to provide a valuable guide for healthcare professionals, and anyone interested in the ethical aspects of clinical support for gender (...)
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    Erotic habitus: toward a sociology of desire. [REVIEW]Adam Isaiah Green - 2008 - Theory and Society 37 (6):597-626.
    In the sociology of sexuality, sexual conduct has received extensive theoretical attention, while sexual desire has been left either unattended, or, analyzed through a scripting model ill-suited to the task. In this article, I seek to address two related aspects of the problem of desire for sociology—what might roughly be referred to as a micro-level and a macro-level conceptual hurdle, respectively. At the micro-level, the sociology of sexuality continues to reject or more commonly gloss the role of psychodynamic processes and (...)
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  48. The Great Colonization Debate.Kelly C. Smith, Keith Abney, Gregory Anderson, Linda Billings, Carl L. DeVito, Brian Patrick Green, Alan R. Johnson, Lori Marino, Gonzalo Munevar, Michael P. Oman-Reagan, Adam Potthast, James S. J. Schwartz, Koji Tachibana, John W. Traphagan & Sheri Wells-Jensen - 2019 - Futures 110:4-14.
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    Adam Green and Eleonore Stump, eds. Hidden Divinity and Religious Belief: New Perspectives.Travis Dumsday - 2017 - Journal of Analytic Theology 5:907-914.
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    Adam Green and Eleonore Stump : Hidden Divinity and Religious Belief: New Perspectives. Cambridge University Press 2016.Tyler M. Taber - 2017 - European Journal for Philosophy of Religion 9 (2):240-243.
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