Results for 'Adriel Akario'

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  1.  53
    Nature, Action, and Politics.Adriel M. Trott - 2017 - Ancient Philosophy 37 (1):113-128.
    Political theorists and feminist theorists alike have challenged accounts of political life that rest on an overcoming or separation from nature. They argue that such conceptions of political life divide between those who overcome their more natural existence to become political and those persons who are more closely associated with nature—women, workers, persons of color—and unable to be political (eg, Okin 1991, Pateman 1988, Mills 1997, Agamben 1998). Aristotle might be taken to offer an alternative conception of political community by (...)
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  2.  47
    Aristotle on the Nature of Community.Adriel M. Trott - 2013 - New York, NY: Cambridge University Press.
    This reading of Aristotle's Politics builds on the insight that the history of political philosophy is a series of configurations of nature and reason. Aristotle's conceptualization of nature is unique because it is not opposed to or subordinated to reason. Adriel M. Trott uses Aristotle's definition of nature as an internal source of movement to argue that he viewed community as something that arises from the activity that forms it rather than being a form imposed on individuals. Using these (...)
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  3.  49
    Effects of traumatic stress and perceived stress on everyday cognitive functioning.Adriel Boals & Jonathan B. Banks - 2012 - Cognition and Emotion 26 (7):1335-1343.
  4.  37
    Aristotle on the Matter of Form: A Feminist Metaphysics of Generation.Adriel M. Trott - 2019 - Edinburgh, Scotland: Edinburgh University Press.
    Adriel M. Trott challenges the wholesale acceptance of the view that nature operates in Aristotle's work on a craft model, which implies that matter has no power of its own. Instead, she argues for a robust sense of matter in Aristotle in response to feminist critiques. She finds resources for thinking the female's contribution (and the female itself) on its own terms and not as the contrary to form, or the male. Using the image of a Möbius strip, Trott (...)
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  5.  14
    Aristotle’s End of Action in Itself and the Determination of Character: A Reply to Vardoulakis.Adriel M. Trott - 2022 - Australasian Philosophical Review 6 (3):262-270.
    This article responds to Dimitris Vardoulakis’s claim that Heidegger’s mistaken reading of phronēsis’s relation to the hou heneka, or that-for-the-sake-of-which, in Nicomachean Ethics VI at 1139a32–33, leads to an evacuation of ends from action. I argue that Heidegger is not wrong in his reading of Aristotle on phronēsis’s relation to the end. I offer a reading of the passage on which Vardoulakis focuses, which I believe is consistent with Heidegger’s, to show how Aristotle’s view of phronēsis’s role in action can (...)
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  6. “The Truth of Politics in Alain Badiou: ‘There is Only One World.Adriel Trott - 2011 - Parrhesia 12:82-93.
    In recent years, the growing number of persons to whom basic human rights have been explicitly denied—stateless persons, refugees, undocumented workers, sans papiers and unlawful combatants—has evidenced the logic of contemporary nation-state politics. According to this logic, the state defines itself by virtue of what it excludes while what is excluded is given no other recourse than the state for its protection. Hannah Arendt elucidates this logic when she observes that the stateless and the refugee can only be recognized as (...)
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  7.  33
    Language exposure facilitates talker learning prior to language comprehension, even in adults.Adriel John Orena, Rachel M. Theodore & Linda Polka - 2015 - Cognition 143 (C):36-40.
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  8.  18
    The Difference Sexual Difference Makes in Aristotle’s Corpus.Adriel M. Trott - 2023 - Polis 40 (2):339-348.
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  9. The Human Animal.Adriel Trott - 2012 - Epoché: A Journal for the History of Philosophy 16 (2):269-285.
    I argue that the human being fits squarely within the natural world in Aristotle’s anthropology. Like other natural beings, we strive to fulfill our end from the potential within us to achieve that end. Logos does not make human beings unnatural but makes us responsible for our actualization. As rational, the human can never be reduced to mere living animal but is always already concerned with living well; yet, as natural, she is not separated from the animal world, a dangerous (...)
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  10. Rule in Turn: Political Rule against Mastery in Aristotle's Politics.Adriel M. Trott - 2013 - Epoché: A Journal for the History of Philosophy 17 (2):301-311.
    Aristotle’s political theory is often dismissed as undemocratic due to his treatment of natural slavery and women and to his conception of political rule as rule by turns. The second reason presents no less serious challenges than the first for finding democracy in Aristotle’s political theory. This article argues that Aristotle’s account of ruling in turns hinges on a critique of master rule and an affirmation of political rule, which involves both the rulers and the ruled in the project of (...)
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  11. (1 other version)Rancière and Aristotle: Parapolitics, Part-y Politics and the Institution of Perpetual Politics.Adriel Trott - 2012 - Journal for Speculative Philosophy 26 (4):627-646.
    This article addresses Rancière’s critique of Aristotle’s political theory as parapolitics in order to show that Aristotle is a resource for developing an inclusionary notion of political community. Rancière argues that Aristotle attempts to cut off politics and merely police (maintain) the community by eliminating the political claim of the poor by including it. I respond to three critiques that Rancière makes of Aristotle: that he ends the political dispute by including the demos in the government; that he includes the (...)
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  12.  93
    Aristotle, Politics: A New Translation, translated by C.D.C. Reeve.Adriel M. Trott - 2019 - Polis 36 (1):170-176.
  13. Toward a Feminist Ontology.Adriel M. Trott - 2006 - Philosophy Today 50 (Supplement):22-30.
  14.  98
    Not Slavery, but Salvation.Adriel M. Trott - 2017 - Polis 34 (1):115-135.
    This paper argues that Aristotle challenges the view of Athenian democrats that all rule is master rule – the imposition of the will of the powerful on the powerless – by arguing that the politeuma, or government, should be identical with the politeia, understood both as the constitution and the collectivity of citizens. I examine Aristotle’s analysis and response to democrats’ skepticism of the law that the constitution embodies. Aristotle argues that democrats think law limits license even when the source (...)
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  15.  54
    Logos and the Political Nature of Anthrōpos in Aristotle’s Politics.Adriel M. Trott - 2010 - Polis 27 (2):292-307.
    Departing from Aristotle's two-fold definition of anthrōpos (human) as having logos and being political, the argument of this article is that human beings are always fundamentally political for Aristotle. This position challenges the view that ethical life is prior to or beyond the scope of political life. Aristotle's conception of the political nature of the human is developed through a reading of the linguistic argument at Politics 1.2; a careful treatment of autos, or self, in Aristotle; and an examination of (...)
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  16.  73
    Expressive writing can increase working memory capacity.Kitty Klein & Adriel Boals - 2001 - Journal of Experimental Psychology: General 130 (3):520.
  17.  26
    Colloquium 2 Saving the Appearances of Plato’s Cave.Adriel M. Trott - 2021 - Proceedings of the Boston Area Colloquium of Ancient Philosophy 36 (1):31-56.
    This article considers Plato’s view of philosophy depicted in his cave analogy in light of Arendt’s distinction between Socratic and Platonic philosophy. Arendt argues that philosophy functions, for Socrates, in an immanent world, characterized by examining and considering—in addition to refining opinions through persuasion about—the currency of politics, which thereby closely associates philosophy with politics. On her view, Plato makes philosophy transcend politics—the world of opinion—when Socrates fails to persuade the Athenians. The cave analogy seems to support Arendt’s view that (...)
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  18.  19
    9 Does It Matter? Material Nature and Vital Heat in Aristotle’s Biology.Adriel M. Trott - 2017 - In Abraham Jacob Greenstine & Ryan J. Johnson (eds.), Contemporary Encounters with Ancient Metaphysics. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press. pp. 158-179.
  19. Book Review "Gender: Antiquity and Its Legacy, by Brooke Holmes". [REVIEW]Adriel M. Trott - 2014 - Hypatia Reviews Online 192.
  20.  9
    L’inversion motivationnelle, un problème d’irrationalité? Thi Nguyen et le spectre de la duperie de soi.Adrielle Pelchat-Rochette - 2023 - Philosophiques 50 (2):253.
    Dans « Games and the Art of Agency » puis dans Games : Agency as Art, Thi Nguyen introduit l’inversion motivationnelle, un état motivationnel adopté par certain·e·s agent·e·s qui ne visent la victoire que pour éprouver les défis qui se présentent dans le cadre du jeu. Celleux-ci sont amené·e·s à considérer les objectifs largables du jeu comme des fins, bien qu’iels sachent ne désirer les rencontrer que dans une perspective instrumentale. Il s’agit ici de préciser la description de ce phénomène (...)
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  21.  22
    Fanny Söderbäck. Feminist Readings of Antigone. [REVIEW]Adriel M. Trott - 2012 - philoSOPHIA: A Journal of Continental Feminism 2 (2):234-237.
  22.  33
    Plato’s Republic by Alain Badiou; Susan Spitzer trans. [REVIEW]Adriel M. Trott - 2015 - Ancient Philosophy 35 (1):216-220.
  23.  30
    Examining the role of emotional valence of mind wandering: All mind wandering is not equal.Jonathan B. Banks, Matthew S. Welhaf, Audrey V. B. Hood, Adriel Boals & Jaime L. Tartar - 2016 - Consciousness and Cognition 43:167-176.
  24.  42
    Badiou and Hegel: Infinity, Dialectics, Subjectivity.A. J. Bartlett, Justin Clemens, Norman Madarasz, Adriel M. Trott, Gabriel Riera, Frank Ruda, Tzuchien Tho & Alberto Toscano - 2015 - Lanham: Lexington Books.
    This book collects the work of leading scholars on Alain Badiou and G.W.F. Hegel, creating a dialogue between, and a critical appraisal of, these two central figures in European philosophy.
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  25.  68
    Bioethical analysis to the therapeutic use of Cannabis: Integrative review.Selene Cordeiro Vasconcelos, Antonia Oliveira Silva, Maria Adelaide Silva Paredes Moreira, Analine de Souza Bandeira Correia, Ana Luisa Antunes Gonçalves Guerra, Adrielle Rodrigues dos Santos & Iracema da Silva Frazão - 2019 - Nursing Ethics 26 (1):96-104.
    Introduction: Despite being considered as a contravention under some countries’ legislation, the therapeutic use of Cannabis sativa has been growing in Brazil, due to the promising results observed in many pathologies. Such a scenario has fostered the need to deepen discussions on the subject and possibly revise legislation governing the substance use and access. Objectives: Identify the types of stigma related to the therapeutic use of Cannabis and describe the strategies people use to overcome stigma. Methods: This integrative review was (...)
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  26. Politics in Socrates’ Cave: Comments on Adriel M. Trott.Thornton Lockwood - 2021 - In Gary Gurtler & Daniel Maher (eds.), Proceedings of the Boston Area Colloquium on Ancient Philosophy, vol. 36. pp. 57-62.
    In her “Saving the Appearances in Plato’s Cave,” Dr. Adriel M. Trott argues that “the philosopher’s claim to true knowledge always operates within the realm of the cave.” In order to probe her claim, I challenge her to make sense of “politics in the cave,” namely the status and practices of two categories of people in the cave: “woke” cave dwellers (namely, those who recognize shadows as shadows but have not left the cave) and “woke” puppeteers (namely, philosophers ruling (...)
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  27.  30
    Aristotle on the Nature of Community by Adriel M. Trott.Stephen Salkever - 2016 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 54 (1):158-159.
    This is a fresh, substantial, and engaging contribution to the ongoing Aristotle revival in political philosophy and theory. Trott’s project, like that of other works in this newish tradition, is not simply to interpret Aristotle but to advance an interpretation that has practical significance, one that employs Aristotle-interpretation as a starting point for calling into question key elements of the modern Western political imaginary. The book is as much a contribution to democratic theory as it is to Greek philosophy. This (...)
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  28.  13
    Book review: Aristotle on the Nature of Community, written by Adriel M. Trott. [REVIEW]Kevin M. Cherry - 2015 - Polis 32 (1):252-255.
  29.  23
    Aristotle on the Nature of Community. By Adriel M. Trott. Pp. xiii, 239, NY/Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2014, £60.00/$95.00. [REVIEW]Patrick Madigan - 2015 - Heythrop Journal 56 (3):461-462.
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  30.  51
    Aristotle on the Nature of Community, by Adriel M. Trott: New York: Cambridge University Press, 2014, p. xiii + 239, US$95. [REVIEW]Fred D. Miller - 2016 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 94 (2):417-418.
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    Colloquium 2 Commentary on Trott.Thornton C. Lockwood - 2021 - Proceedings of the Boston Area Colloquium of Ancient Philosophy 36 (1):57-62.
    In her “Saving the Appearances of Plato’s Cave,” Dr. Adriel M. Trott argues that “the philosopher’s claim to true knowledge always operates within the realm of the cave.” In order to probe her claim, I challenge her to make sense of “politics in the cave,” namely, the status and practices of two categories of people in the cave: “woke” cave-dwellers and “woke” puppeteers.
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  32. Pellegrin, Endangered Excellence. On the Political Philosophy of Aristotle. [REVIEW]Thornton Lockwood - 2021 - Bryn Mawr Classical Review 10 (38).
    Pierre Pellegrin has devoted his scholarly life to the understanding of Aristotle the political philosopher, Aristotle the life-scientist, and—perhaps most importantly—Aristotle the analyst of life-science who is also a political philosopher. Like D. M. Balme, Allan Gotthelf, and James Lennox—Pellegrin is one of the foremost scholars who has sought to understand Aristotle’s biological writings in a philosophically and philologically sophisticated fashion. Pellegrin is also one of the foremost scholars who has sought to understand the intersection between Aristotle’s biological studies and (...)
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  33. Review of Trott, Aristotle on the Nature of Community. [REVIEW]Thornton Lockwood - 2016 - Classical Journal 10:08.
    Aristotle's Politics claims that the polis or city-state "exists by nature" (Pol. 1.2.1252630). Thinkers as diverse as Marsilius of Padua, Thomas Hobbes, and Martha Nussbaum have struggled with how to interpret such a claim-some finding in it a salutary alternative to existing political theories, others finding in it the basis of deeply wrong-headed political thinking. In Aristotle on the Nature of Community, Adriel Trott seeks both to elucidate and to defend Aristotle's claim about the naturalness of the polis by (...)
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