Results for 'Adrienne van Eeden-Wharton'

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  1. Chapter ultramarine : on aftermaths, afterlives, and afterimages.Adrienne van Eeden-Wharton - 2023 - In Karin Murris & Vivienne Bozalek (eds.), In conversation with Karen Barad: doings of agential realism. New York: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group.
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  2. Chapter ultramarine : on aftermaths, afterlives, and afterimages.Adrienne van Eeden-Wharton - 2023 - In Karin Murris & Vivienne Bozalek (eds.), In conversation with Karen Barad: doings of agential realism. New York: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group.
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  3. (1 other version)Psycho-thérapie.F. Van Eeden - 1894 - The Monist 5:452.
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  4. De Rorschach-proef en de verbeeldingsphenomenologie van Jean-Paul Sartre.H. van Eeden - 1946 - Nijmegen,: Dekker & van de Vegt.
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  5. Past measurement and future prediction.Adriënne van den Bogaard - 1999 - In Mary S. Morgan & Margaret Morrison (eds.), Models as Mediators: Perspectives on Natural and Social Science. Cambridge University Press.
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    (1 other version)Signifiese Dialogen.L. E. J. Brouwer, Fred van Eeden, J. Van Ginneken & S. J. G. Mannoury - 1937 - Synthese 2 (1):316-324.
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  7. (2 other versions)Signifiese Dialogen.L. E. J. Brouwer, Fred Van Eeden, J. Van Ginneken & G. Mannoury - 1937 - Synthese 2 (7):261-268.
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    A psychological perspective on god-belief as a source of well-being and meaning.E. Karen Van der Merwe, Chrizanne Van Eeden & Hans J. M. Van Deventer - 2010 - HTS Theological Studies 66 (1).
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    Voices from Central Europe: bauman, kertész and žižek in search of europe.Mare van den Eeden - 2010 - Angelaki 15 (3):153-167.
    This article discusses the idea of Europe, its values and identity from a Central European perspective. It uses the concept of Central Europe as a discursive framework in which ideas of Europe are shaped. Analysing the writings of the Polish-born sociologist and philosopher Zygmunt Bauman, the Hungarian writer Imre Kertész and the Slovenian philosopher and psychoanalyst Slavoj Žižek, the paper explores what Europe means after the twentieth century placed such heavy burdens on the European idea and how the experience of (...)
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    The Cultural Origins of the Dutch Economic Modeling Practice.Adrienne van den Bogaard - 1999 - Science in Context 12 (2):333-350.
    The ArgumentThe Netherlands has been a pioneering country in the development of macroeconometric modeling and its use in economic policy. The paper shows that the model was used to overcome the fragmented culture of Dutch pillarization. It proves that the specific use of modeling in the policy process is at least partly shaped by a nation's social structure. The case study relates to the outcome of a controversy within the social democratic pillar in the Netherlands in the period 1930–50 as (...)
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  11. The book of nature after Darwin the nature writing of Frederik Van eeden sr.Klaas van Berkel - 2005 - In Patrick Dassen & M. G. Kemperink (eds.), The many faces of evolution in Europe, c. 1860-1914. Dudley, MA: Peeters. pp. 41.
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    On the Distances between Sun, Moon, and Earth according to Ptolemy, Copernicus, and ReinholdJanice Adrienne Henderson.Albert Van Helden - 1992 - Isis 83 (3):488-488.
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    In memoriam Jac. Van Ginneken S.J.G. Mannoury - 1946 - Synthese 5 (1-2):35-37.
    Dr. J. van Ginneken S.J., whose death occurred on the 20th of October 1945, was the author of the well-known "Principes de Linguistique psychologique". In the above article the writer commemorates Dr. van Ginneken particularly as a significist. During the years 1919-1924 the writer was privileged -- together with his friends L. E. J. Brouwer and Fred. van Eeden -- to collaborate with Dr. van Ginneken on the subject of significs. This collaboration has always been a precious memory to (...)
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    The Duty to Protect Women from Sexual Violence in South Africa.Sibongile Ndashe - 2004 - Feminist Legal Studies 12 (2):213-221.
    In 1998 Ghia Van Eeden was sexually assaulted by a serial rapist who had escaped from police custody due to the negligence of the South African police authorities. Claiming that the State owed a common law duty of care to potential victims to protect them from violent crimes, Van Eeden sought damages for the harm she had suffered. In a path-breaking decision, the Supreme Court of Appeal (S.C.A.) found that a duty of care did indeed exist and that (...)
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    Generics and typicality: a bounded rationality approach.Robert van Rooij & Katrin Schulz - 2020 - Linguistics and Philosophy 43 (1):83-117.
    Cimpian et al. observed that we accept generic statements of the form ‘Gs are f’ on relatively weak evidence, but that if we are unfamiliar with group G and we learn a generic statement about it, we still treat it inferentially in a much stronger way: all Gs are f. This paper makes use of notions like ‘representativeness’, ‘contingency’ and ‘relative difference’ from psychology to provide a uniform semantics of generics that explains why people accept generics based on weak evidence. (...)
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    Taal en wereld van meervoudig ruimtegebruik.K. Van Assche - 2003 - Topos: Periodiek Lab. Ruimtelijke Planvorming 13.
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  17. De dynamiek van de religie.A. Whitehead & J. Van der Veken - 1989 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 51 (4):735-736.
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  18. A paradigm shift for robot ethics: from HRI to human–robot–system interaction.Aimee van Wynsberghe & Shuhong Li - 2019 - Medicolegal and Bioethics:11-21.
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  19. Philosophy of Chemistry. Between the Manifest and the Scientific Image.Jaap van Brakel - 2001 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 63 (2):431-432.
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  20. Moral rationalism and rational amoralism.Mark van Roojen - 2010 - Ethics 120 (3):495–525.
  21. Van Plato tot Pinxten: 38 vrijdenkers over hun lijfboek.Karel Van Dinter - 2018 - Brussel: VUB Press.
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    Janos J. Sarbo Radboud University, The Netherlands Jozsef l. Farkas Radboud University, The Netherlands Auke JJ van Breemen.Auke Jj van Breemen - 2006 - In Ricardo Gudwin & Jo?O. Queiroz (eds.), Semiotics and Intelligent Systems Development. Idea Group.
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  23. Kunst, cognitie en communicatie. Over de kunsttheorie van Jan Mukarovský.Joost van Baak - 2012 - Filosofie En Praktijk 33 (3).
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  24. Tegen de aanpassing. Lacans 'ondermijning' van het subject.Philippe Van Haute - 2002 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 64 (1):182-183.
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  25. Verlichting en vooruitgang in de geschiedenisfilosofie van Immanuel Kant Lumières et progrès dans la philosophie de l'histoire de Kant.H. Van Erp - 1988 - Algemeen Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Wijsbegeerte 80 (1):1-17.
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    Wetenschap, wijsheid, filosoferen: opstellen aangeboden aan Hendrik van Riessen bij zijn afscheid als hoogleraar in de wijsbegeerte aan de Vrije Universiteit te Amsterdam.H. van Riessen & P. Blokhuis (eds.) - 1981 - Assen: Van Gorcum.
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    Van Antigone tot Dolly: veertig jaar kritisch denken.Etienne Vermeersch, Johan Braeckman & Hugo van den Enden - 1997 - Antwerpen: Hadewijch. Edited by Johan Braeckman & Hugo van den Enden.
    Keuze van artikelen uit het werk van de Vlaamse filosoof over wetenschap, milieu, en medische en biologische ethiek.
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  28. Alfonsus a ligorio spiritualiteit van~ 1949, 103-104~ en het princiep., Non tali incommode" 1953, 397 Alonso cmf.Aardse Waarden, Albertus Magnus, Alexander van Hales & Apologetische Zekerheid - 1959 - Augustinus 4:42-45.
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  29. A pragmatist defense of non-relativistic explanatory pluralism in history and social science.Jeroen van Bouwel & Erik Weber - 2008 - History and Theory 47 (2):168–182.
    Explanatory pluralism has been defended by several philosophers of history and social science, recently, for example, by Tor Egil Førland in this journal. In this article, we provide a better argument for explanatory pluralism, based on the pragmatist idea of epistemic interests. Second, we show that there are three quite different senses in which one can be an explanatory pluralist: one can be a pluralist about questions, a pluralist about answers to questions, and a pluralist about both. We defend the (...)
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  30. God, Knowledge, and Mystery.Peter van Inwagen (ed.) - 1988 - Cornell Up.
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  31. What counts as original appropriation?Bas van der Vossen - 2009 - Politics, Philosophy and Economics 8 (4):355-373.
    I here defend historical entitlement theories of property rights against a popular charge. This is the objection that such theories fail because no convincing account of original appropriation exists. I argue that this argument assumes a certain reading of historical entitlement theory and I spell out an alternative reading against which it misfires. On this reading, the role of acts of original appropriation is not to justify but to individuate people’s holdings. I argue that we can identify which acts count (...)
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    Minimizing prediction errors in predictive processing: from inconsistency to non-representationalism.Thomas van Es - 2020 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 19 (5):997-1017.
    Predictive processing is an increasingly popular approach to cognition, perception and action. It says that the brain is essentially a hierarchical prediction machine. It is typically construed in a representationalist and inferentialist fashion so that the brain makes contentful inferences on the basis of representational models. In this paper, I argue that the predictive processing framework is inconsistent with this epistemic position. In particular, I argue that the combination of hierarchical modeling, contentful inferentialism and representationalism entail an internal inconsistency. Specifically, (...)
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    Prenatal Testing and Disability Rights.Erik Parens & Adrienne Asch (eds.) - 2000 - Georgetown University Press.
    "In these essays, health care professionals, scholars, and members of the disability community debate the implications of prenatal testing for people with disabilitties and for parent-child relationships generally."--Cover.
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  34. The knowledge relation: Binary or ternary?René van Woudenberg - 2008 - Social Epistemology 22 (3):281-288.
    Contrastivism is the claim that the knowledge relation is ternary, it relates three relata: a subject, a proposition, and a class of contrastive propositions. The present paper is a discussion of Jonathan Schaffer’s arguments in favour of contrastivism. The case is made that these are unconvincing: the traditional binary account of knowledge can handle the phenomena that ternarity is claimed to handle in a superior way.
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  35. In Defence of Discrete Space and Time.Jean Paul van Bendegem - 1995 - Logique Et Analyse 38 (150-1):127-150.
    In this paper several arguments are discussed and evaluated concerning the possibility of discrete space and time.
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  36. Understanding the Relationship Between Disability and Well-Being.David Wasserman & Adrienne Asch - 2015 - In David Wasserman & Adrienne Asch (eds.), Disability and the Good Human Life. pp. 139-67.
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  37. Persons and bodies: A constitution view.Peter Van Inwagen - 2002 - Philosophical Review 111 (1):138-141.
    Philosophers of mind have not in general been very attentive to metaphysics. This book is a salutary exception to this general observation. A philosopher of mind—at least the body of her very influential work would be classified by most philosophers as belonging to the philosophy of mind—attempts to ground a theory of the relation between human persons and their bodies in an extended essay on the metaphysics of the natural world. Baker is a materialist : in her book, you and (...)
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    Enactivism and the Paradox of Moral Perception.Janna Van Grunsven - 2021 - Topoi 41 (2):287-298.
    In this paper I home in on an ethical phenomenon that is powerfully elucidated by means of enactive resources but that has, to my knowledge, not yet been explicitly addressed in the literature. The phenomenon in question concerns what I will term the paradox of moral perception, which, to be clear, does not refer to a logical but to a phenomenological-practical paradoxicality. Specifically, I have in mind the seemingly contradictory phenomenon that perceiving persons as moral subjects is at once incredibly (...)
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    Playing Hesiod: The 'Myth of the Races' in Classical Antiquity.Helen Van Noorden - 2014 - Cambridge University Press.
    This book offers a new description of the significance of Hesiod's 'myth of the races' for ancient Greek and Roman authors, showing how the most detailed responses to this story go far beyond nostalgia for a lost 'Golden' age or hope of its return. Through a series of close readings, it argues that key authors from Plato to Juvenal rewrite the story to reconstruct 'Hesiod' more broadly as predecessor in forming their own intellectual and rhetorical projects; disciplines such as philosophy, (...)
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    (1 other version)Monads and Sets: On Gödel, Leibniz, and the Reflection Principle.Mark van Atten & Mark Atten - 2014 - In Essays on Gödel’s Reception of Leibniz, Husserl, and Brouwer. Cham: Springer Verlag. pp. 3-33.
    Gödel once offered an argument for the general reflection principle in set theory that took the form of an analogy with Leibniz' Monadology. I discuss the mathematical and philosophical background to Gödel's argument, reconstruct the proposed analogy in detail, and argue that it has no justificatory force.
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    A Semblance of Aliveness.Janna van Grunsven & Aimee van Wynsberghe - 2019 - Techné: Research in Philosophy and Technology 23 (3):290-317.
    While the design of sex robots is still in the early stages, the social implications of the potential proliferation of sex robots into our lives has been heavily debated by activists and scholars from various disciplines. What is missing in the current debate on sex robots and their potential impact on human social relations is a targeted look at the boundedness and bodily expressivity typically characteristic of humans, the role that these dimensions of human embodiment play in enabling reciprocal human (...)
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    Dummett's objection to the ontological route to intuitionistic logic: a rejoinder.Mark van Atten - 2022 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 65 (6):725-742.
    ABSTRACT In ‘The philosophical basis of intuitionistic logic’, Michael Dummett discusses two routes towards accepting intuitionistic rather than classical logic in number theory, one meaning-theoretical and the other ontological. He concludes that the former route is open, but the latter is closed. I reconstruct Dummett's argument against the ontological route and argue that it fails. Call a procedure ‘investigative’ if that in virtue of which a true proposition stating its outcome is true exists prior to the execution of that procedure; (...)
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  43. People, Penguins, and Plastic Trees.Donald Van De Veer & Christine Pierce - 1987 - Environmental Ethics 9:373-375.
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    The Study of Metaphor in Argumentation Theory.Lotte van Poppel - 2021 - Argumentation 35 (1):177-208.
    This paper offers a review of the argumentation-theoretical literature on metaphor in argumentative discourse. Two methodologies are combined: the pragma-dialectical theory is used to study the argumentative functions attributed to metaphor, and distinctions made in metaphor theory and the three-dimensional model of metaphor are used to compare the conceptions of metaphor taken as starting point in the reviewed literature. An overview is provided of all types of metaphors distinguished and their possible argumentative functions. The study reveals that not all possible (...)
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  45. The problem with(out) consensus : the scientific consensus, deliberative democracy and agonistic pluralism.Jeroen Van Bouwel - 2009 - In The Social Sciences and Democracy. New York: Palgrave-Macmillan.
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    More letters from Rose La Touche.Van Akin Burd - 1983 - Bulletin of the John Rylands Library 65 (2):61-71.
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    Het geografische huis: de opbouw van een wetenschap.Ben de Pater & Herman van der Wusten - 1991 - Muiderberg: D. Coutinho. Edited by Herman van der Wusten.
  48. Passanten: Over wat ons rest van de stad als utopie.Ignaas Devisch, Thijs Lijster & Aukje van Rooden - 2009 - Algemeen Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Wijsbegeerte 101 (2):135-148.
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    G. H. Kramer, Ambrosius van Milaan en de geschiedenis.J. -L. Van Dielen - 1984 - Byzantinische Zeitschrift 77 (2).
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    Return of the repressed? An analysis of the subjective grounds for objective knowledge, with reference to van Fraassen's' Empirical Stance'.Filip Kolen & Gertrudis Van de Vijver - 2008 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 70 (2):317-338.
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