Results for 'Adventure and adventurers'

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  1. Richard Routley postscript: Some setbacks on the choice and descriptions adventure.Descriptions Adventure - 1974 - In Edgar Morscher, Johannes Czermak & Paul Weingartner (eds.), Problems in logic and ontology. Graz: Akadem. Druck- u. Verlagsanst.. pp. 223.
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    Corrigendum to “Is dream recall underestimated by retrospective measures and enhanced by keeping a logbook? A review” [Conscious. Cogn. 33 (2015) 364–374]. [REVIEW]Denholm Jay Adventure-Heart, Paul Delfabbro & Michael Proeve - 2023 - Consciousness and Cognition 113 (C):103550.
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    The adventure of weak theology: reading the work of John D. Caputo through biographies and events.Stefan Stofanik - 2018 - Albany: SUNY. Edited by Joeri Schrijvers.
    Adventure -- Call -- Brother paul -- Transgression -- Two loves -- Freedom -- Interlude -- Freedom again -- Between Heidegger and Derrida -- Dancing in the void -- The advent of weak theology -- Kingdom.
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    Spinoza and Other Heretics, Volume 2: The Adventures of Immanence.Yirmiyahu Yovel - 1989 - Princeton University Press.
    This ambitious study presents Baruch Spinoza as the most outstanding and influential thinker of modernity--and examines the question of whether he was the "first secular Jew." A number-one bestseller in Israel, Spinoza and Other Heretics is made up of two volumes--The Marrano of Reason and The Adventures of Immanence. Yirmiyahu Yovel shows how Spinoza grounded a philosophical revolution in a radically new principlethe philosophy of immanence, or the idea that this world is all there is--and how he thereby anticipated secularization, (...)
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    Adventures of the Symbolic: Post-Marxism and Radical Democracy.Warren Breckman - 2013 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    Marxism's collapse in the twentieth century profoundly altered the style and substance of Western European radical thought. To build a more robust form of democratic theory and action, prominent theorists moved to reject revolution, abandon class for more fragmented models of social action, and elevate the political over the social. Acknowledging the constructedness of society and politics, they chose the "symbolic" as a concept powerful enough to reinvent leftist thought outside a Marxist framework. Following Maurice Merleau-Ponty's Adventures of the Dialectic, (...)
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    Adventure in Human Knowledges and Beliefs.Andrew Ralls Woodward - 2014 - Hamilton Books.
    In Adventure in Human Knowledges and Beliefs, readers are adjudicators who “measure” the acceptability of knowledges and beliefs. Andrew Ralls Woodward leads readers through an adventure which includes the philosophy of science, religious studies, and theology.
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    Philosophy and literature and rhetoric : adventures in polytopia.Walter Jost - 2007 - In Garry Hagberg & Walter Jost (eds.), A Companion to the Philosophy of Literature. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 38–51.
    This chapter contains sections titled: At Home in the Commonplace Re‐Thinking Proto‐Modernism: Dickinson Re‐Thinking High Modernism: Stevens.
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    Gratuitous risk: danger and recklessness perception of adventure sports participants.Philip A. Ebert, Ian Durbach & Claire Field - 2024 - Journal of the Philosophy of Sport 51 (2):267-284.
    Since the 1970’s there has been a major increase in adventure sports participation but it seems that engagement in such sports comes with a stigma: adventure sports participants are often regarded as reckless ‘daredevils’. We approach the questions about people’s perception of risk and recklessness in adventure sports by combining empirical research with philosophical analysis. First, we provide empirical evidence that suggests that laypeople tend to assess the danger of adventure sports as greater than more mundane (...)
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    Expert and lay judgements of danger and recklessness in adventure sports.Philip A. Ebert & Ian Durbach - 2023 - Journal of Risk Research 26 (2):133-146.
    We investigate differences in perceived danger and recklessness judgements by experts (experienced skiers, N=362) and laypeople (N=2080) about participation in adventure sports across the same judgemental task using a third person perspective. We investigate the relationship between danger and recklessness and the extent to which fatality frequency, as well as other contextual factors such as gender, dependants, competence, and motivations of the sports participant affect expert and laypeople judgements respectively. Experienced skiers gave lower overall danger and recklessness ratings than (...)
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    Adventurers, Foreign Women and Masculinity in the Colombian Wars of Independence.Matthew Brown - 2005 - Feminist Review 79 (1):36-51.
    This paper examines changing conceptions of honour and masculinity during the Colombian Wars of Independence in the early 19th century. It explores the position of the foreign women who accompanied British and Irish expeditions to join the war against Spanish rule, and shows how colonial, imperial and republican conceptions of masculinity were affected by the role that women played in these volunteer expeditions and in the wars in general. The paper considers women's experiences during war and peace, and examines their (...)
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    Crime and Adventure.Frances L. Restuccia - 2023 - Philosophy Today 67 (2):427-444.
    This article arranges a dialogue between Gide’s Lafcadio’s Adventures and Agamben’s The Adventure, prompting a foray into Lacanian theory. Gide emerges as the bridge between Lacan and Agamben, enabling us to observe a transformation of what psychoanalysis deems pathology—perversion—into a political stance: perversion involves play with the law. Gide and Agamben promote a life of adventure composed of gestures that elude the law’s ability to stamp one’s behavior as crimen. For Gide and Agamben, life is not, or should (...)
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  12. Nature and risk in adventure sports.Kevin Krein - 2007 - In Mike J. McNamee (ed.), Philosophy, Risk and Adventure Sports. London ;Routledge. pp. 80.
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    Marxism and Totality: The Adventures of a Concept from Lukács to Habermas.Terence Ball - 1984 - Berkeley: University of California Press.
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    The Adventure of Education: Process Philosophers on Learning, Teaching, and Research.Adam Christian Scarfe (ed.) - 2009 - Rodopi.
    This book on process-relational philosophy of education suggests that the notion of Adventure is foundational for the advancement of knowledge. Learning, teaching, and research are best conceived as rhythmic and relational processes, involving curiosity, imagination, valuation, creativity, and self-realization. Thus construed, contemporary educational practices can be revitalized from pedagogies of information retention and the current overemphasis on analytic precision.
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    The Adventures of Transcendental Philosophy: Karl-Otto Apel's Semiotics and Discourse Ethics.Eduardo Mendieta - 2002 - Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    In The Adventures of Transcendental Philosophy, critical theory scholar Eduardo Mendieta examines the philosophical origins of discourse ethics through the prism of Apel's thought. Mendieta finds that Apel fundamentally transformed German philosophy, which had become stagnant in the years before World War II, and deeply influenced later thinkers such as JYrgen Habermas.
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  16. Art and the Human Adventure: André Malraux's Theory of Art.Derek Allan - 2009 - Rodopi.
    " Suitable for both newcomers to Malraux and more advanced students, the study also examines critical responses to these works by figures such as Maurice ...
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    Body, environment and adventure: experience and spatiality.Ana Zimmermann & Soraia Saura - 2017 - Sport, Ethics and Philosophy 11 (2):155-168.
    The purpose of this article is to investigate human spatiality and perception in general, with the experience of adventure sports as its background. These activities highlight especially our strong relationship with the world when we consider the specific way in which the environment participates in the development of human potential. We first analyse the notions of risk and instability as important elements in adventure sports. Then we explore the notion of experience and spatiality, considering the way in which (...)
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    Spinoza and the philosophy of immanence: Reflections on Yovel's the adventures of immanence.Henry E. Allison - 1992 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 35 (1):55 – 67.
    This essay examines the main line of argument of Yirmiyahu Yovel's The Adventures of Immanence. Expressing general agreement with Yovel's central thesis that Spinoza's ?immanent revolution? marked an important tuming?point in the history of modernity and profoundly influenced subsequent thought, I none the less take issue with some of the details of the story. In particular, I question his omission of Lessing, his account of the relationship between Spinoza and Kant, and his treatment of Marx. In a final section I (...)
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  19.  27
    Philosophy and/or Performance: A Discussion of Richard Shusterman's The Adventures of the Man in Gold.Tzachi Zamir - 2018 - Journal of Aesthetic Education 52 (4):116.
    The first thought that comes to mind when reading Richard Shusterman’s The Adventures of the Man in Gold is how refreshingly unorthodox its author is. Shusterman is a respected aesthetician, responsible for books such as Surface and Depth: Dialectics of Criticism and Culture, Body Consciousness: A Philosophy of Mindfulness and Somaesthetics, and Pragmatist Aesthetic: Living Beauty, Rethinking Art —all disciplined, carefully argued contributions to the philosophy of art and/or the body. The new book steps off path. It presents a different (...)
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    Between adventure and delicacy: sailing as a powerful experience for women.Maria Altimira Hackerott, A. C. Zimmermann & S. C. Saura - 2024 - Journal of the Philosophy of Sport 51 (2):239-252.
    The nautical environment has been challenging for women. However, interviewing experienced female sailors, we noticed that despite the adversity they face, they consider the experience of sailing as something profoundly impactful and powerful in their lives. This research discusses the power of the aesthetic experience of sailing for women, thus adding to the gender discussion. In order to do so, we make use of a theoretical framework that addresses the relationship between being and the materiality of the world. In describing (...)
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    The adventure of the human intellect: self, society and the divine in ancient world cultures.Kurt A. Raaflaub (ed.) - 2016 - Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell.
    The Adventure of the Human Intellect presents the latest scholarship on the beginnings of intellectual history on a broad scope, encompassing ten eminent ancient or early civilizations from both the Old and New Worlds. Borrows themes from The Intellectual Adventure of Ancient Man (1946), updating an old topic with a new approach and up-to-date theoretical underpinning, evidence, and scholarship Provides a broad scope of studies, including discussion of highly developed ancient or early civilizations in China, India, West Asia, (...)
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    Adventures of Feminism: Simone de Beauvoir's Autobiographies, Women's Liberation, and Self-Fashioning.Ann Curthoys - 2000 - Feminist Review 64 (1):3-18.
    While The Second Sex is usually taken as Simone de Beauvoir's major theoretical contribution to feminism, in the 1960s and 1970s it was very often through her autobiographies – especially Memoirs of a Dutiful Daughter, The Prime of Life, and Force of Circumstance, along with novels such as She Came to Stay and The Mandarins – that her feminist ideas were most thoroughly absorbed. The autobiographies became nothing less than a guide for the fashioning of a new kind of feminine (...)
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    Adventures in Transcendental Materialism: Dialogues with Contemporary Thinkers.Adrian Johnston - 2014 - Edinburgh: Speculative Realism.
    Critically engaging with thinkers including Slavoj Zizek, Alain Badiou, Catherine Malabou, Jean-Claude Milner, Martin Hagglund, William Connolly and Jane Bennett, Johnston formulates a materialist and naturalist account of subjectivity that does full justice to human beings as irreducible to natural matter alone.
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    Philosophy: Adventures in Thought and Reasoning.Michaël Picard - 2012 - New York: Metro.
    An expanded edition of "This Is Not a Book" (2007). This book will expand your mind, put your neurons through their paces, and go as far as question the foundations of your options and knowledge itself. You'll discover that you can't even trust your own senses-even though they are all that you have. Filled with philosophical puzzles that have intrigued the greatest minds, quizzes that reveal the inconsistency of our ideas, insoluble logical paradoxes, and moral dilemmas that force us to (...)
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    Philosophical adventures in the lands of oz and ev.Gareth B. Matthews - 2009 - Journal of Aesthetic Education 43 (2):pp. 37-50.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Philosophical Adventures in the Lands of Oz and EvGareth B. Matthews (bio)Charles Dodgson, using the pen name “Lewis Carroll,” was the first author in English to write philosophical fantasy for children. In naming his first Alice book Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland,1 Lewis Carroll may have been inspired by the famous saying of Aristotle that philosophy begins in wonder. More exactly, what Aristotle said was this: “For it is owing (...)
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  26. Intellectual Adventures in the Isles: Kearney and the Ireland Peace Process.Dennis Dworkin - 2007 - In Peter Gratton & John Panteleimon Manoussakis (eds.), Traversing the Imaginary: Richard Kearney and the Postmodern Challenge. Evanston, Ill.: Northwestern University Press.
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    The adventure of study: thinking with artifices in a Palestinian experimental university.Hans Schildermans, Maarten Simons & Jan Masschelein - 2019 - Ethics and Education 14 (2):184-197.
    ABSTRACTThe question concerning the relation between thinking and the university is the starting point of this paper. After a very brief outline of some reflections on this topic, the case of Campus in Camps, a Palestinian experimental university, is presented to shed light on this issue. Inspired by Isabelle Stengers’ ecology of practices, it is possible to discern four requirements on thinking in the work of Campus in Camps, namely storytelling, comparing, mapping, and using. It will be argued that the (...)
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    Adventures in Bioaesthetics - Art, Biology and Aesthetic Experience in Early German Romanticism and the Art of Sturm und Drang.Johan Redin - 2001 - Nordic Journal of Aesthetics 13 (24).
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  29. Adventures in the metaontology of art: local descriptivism, artefacts and dreamcatchers.Julian Dodd - 2013 - Philosophical Studies 165 (3):1047-1068.
    Descriptivism in the ontology of art is the thesis that the correct ontological proposal for a kind of artwork cannot show the nascent ontological conception of such things embedded in our critical and appreciative practices to be substantially mistaken. Descriptivists believe that the kinds of revisionary art ontological proposals propounded by Nelson Goodman, Gregory Currie, Mark Sagoff, and me are methodologically misconceived. In this paper I examine the case that has been made for a local form of descriptivism in the (...)
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    (1 other version)Adventure, climbing excellence and the practice of bolting.Simon Robertson & Philip A. Ebert - 2007 - In Mike J. McNamee (ed.), Philosophy, Risk and Adventure Sports. London ;Routledge. pp. 56.
    forthcoming in M. McNamee (ed) Philosophy, Risk and Adventure Sports, Routledge The final draft of a co-authored article with Simon Robertson (Leeds). In this paper we examine a recent version of an old controversy within climbing ethics. Our organising topic is the ‘bolting’….
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  31. (1 other version)Philosophy and the adventure of the virtual: Bergson and the time of life.Keith Ansell-Pearson - 2002 - New York: Routledge.
    Informed by the philosophy of the virtual, Keith Ansell Pearson offers up one of the most lucid and original works on the central philosophical questions. He asks that if our basic concepts on what it means to be human are wrong then, what is this to mean for our ideas of time, being, consciousness? A critical examination ensues, one informed by a multitude of responses to a large number of philosophers. Under discussion is the mathematical limits as found in Russell, (...)
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    Adventurous and challenging play outdoors.Helen Tovey - 2012 - In Tina Bruce (ed.), Early childhood practice: Froebel today. London: SAGE. pp. 43.
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    The Adventures Among the Asteroids of Angela Android, Series 8400XF with an Afterword on Planning, Prediction, Learning, the Frame Problem, and a Few Other Subjects.Clark Glymour - unknown
  34. My adventure with Popper and Wittgenstein.Peter Munz - 2004 - In Philip Catton & Graham Macdonald (eds.), Karl Popper: Critical Appraisals. New York: Routledge.
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    The Adventures of the Plesiosaurus and the Mammoth: How Prehistoric Animals Act in Heterogeneous Networks.P. S. Petrukhina - 2019 - Sociology of Power 31 (3):140-158.
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    Adventures in philosophy and religion.James Bissett Pratt - 1931 - New York,: The Macmillan company.
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    Pojęcie piękna w „Process And Reality" i „Adventures of Ideas" Alfreda Northa Whiteheada [The Notion of Beauty in the „Process And Reality" and „Adventures of Ideas" of Alfred North Whitehead].Krzysztof Mądel - 1970 - Forum Philosophicum: International Journal for Philosophy 4 (1):291-292.
    Alfred North Whitehead is a prominent contemporary philosopher and scientist. He was an active participant of the scientific revolution in the two very first decades of this century. In a concise book dedicated to his philosophy the Author considers the concept of beauty elaborated by Whitehead, especially in his two principal works: Process and Reality and Adventures of Ideas.
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    Adventures in Retrieval: Han Murals and Shang Bronze Molds.David R. Knechtges & Wilma Fairbank - 1975 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 95 (1):128.
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    Adventure, Mystery, and Romance.George W. Linden & John G. Cawelti - 1976 - Journal of Aesthetic Education 10 (3/4):248.
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    1 Adventurous activity, prudent planners and risk.Mike McNamee - 2007 - In Mike J. McNamee (ed.), Philosophy, Risk and Adventure Sports. London ;Routledge. pp. 1.
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    Nature and Adventure.Ralph Nelson - 1991 - Maritain Studies/Etudes Maritainiennes 7:5-26.
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    Younghusband and Imperialism [review of Patrick French, Younghusband: the Last Great Imperial Adventurer ].Richard A. Rempel - 1995 - Russell: The Journal of Bertrand Russell Studies 15 (1).
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    Adventures in faith and works.Gordon R. Clapp - 1947 - Ethics 58 (1):57-62.
  44. The Adventure of the Image Through the Conflict of Interpretations.Ramona Nicoleta Arieșan - 2019 - Studia Universitatis Babeş-Bolyai Philosophia:171-178.
    The Adventure of the Image Through the Conflict of Interpretations. Starting from the self-image, through the image adventure landscape seen as an ensemble of conflict of interpretation, not only from a single glance or direction, whether it is evasive or complex, we follow our decipherment and transformation, be it process or state. Through multiple hypostases, whether isolated or open, I will focus on certain details that will be addressed as a dimension by means of text or material reproduction, (...)
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  45. Adventures in the Realm of Ideas and Other Essays in the Fields of Philosophy, Science, Political Economy, Theology, Humanism, Semantics, Agnosticism, Immortality and Related Subjects.Victor S. Yarros - 1947 - Haldeman-Julius.
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    The adventure of reason. Interplay between philosophy of mathematics and mathematical logic, 1900–1940. [REVIEW]Mark van Atten - 2012 - History and Philosophy of Logic 33 (2):191-193.
    P. Mancosu, The adventure of reason. Interplay between philosophy of mathematics and mathematical logic, 1900–1940. Oxford and New York: Oxford University Press, 2010. xii+618 pp. £60, $99. ISBN 97...
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    Philosophy and the adventure of the virtual: Bergson and the time of life, by Keith Ansell Pearson.Pete A. Y. Gunter - 2006 - Philosophia 34 (2):223-229.
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    Chesterton and the Meaning of Adventure.John Coates - 1979 - The Chesterton Review 5 (2):278-299.
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    Aging Adventure Athletes Assess Achievements and Alter Aspirations to Maintain Self-Esteem.Ralf C. Buckley - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Philosophical Adventures.Steven M. Cahn - 2019 - Peterborough, CA: Broadview Press.
    _Philosophical Adventures_ is a clear, concise introduction to philosophy, covering an engaging set of topics: reasoning, free will, religious belief, ethics, well-being, politics, and education. Stylishly written and cogently argued, the book engages readers by using compelling examples to make complex ideas accessible. The book’s distinctive and engaging content provides a welcoming path to understanding the appeal of philosophical inquiry.
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