Results for 'Aesthetics, German Congresses'

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    Geisteswissenschaften heute: eine Denkschrift.Wolfgang Frühwald (ed.) - 1991 - Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp.
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    Schopenhauer, Nietzsche und die Kunst.Wolfgang Schirmacher (ed.) - 1991 - Wien: Passagen Verlag.
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    Aestheticism, or Aesthetic Approach, in Arendt and Heidegger on Politics.Michael Halberstam - 2001 - The Proceedings of the Twentieth World Congress of Philosophy 11:219-232.
    Hannah Arendt’s aesthetic approach to politics is regarded as frequently reflecting the anti-political substitution of nonpolitical concerns for political ones characteristic of the German tradition from Schiller to Heidegger and beyond. Arendt’s relationship to this tradition can be understood as squarely calling into question her central claim to have rehabilitated the political. This paper examines the relationship between Arendt’s and Heidegger’s political thought in light of the distinction between an aestheticism and an aesthetic approach. Two issues are at stake: (...)
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    A Response to Günter Figal’s Aesthetic Monism: Phenomenological Sublimity and the Genesis of Aesthetic Experience.GermanyIrene Breuer Irene Breuer Bergische Universität Wuppertal, Dipl-Ing Arch: Degree in Architecture Phil), Then Professor for Architectural Design Germanylecturer, Phenomenology at the Buwdaad Scholarship Buenos Airesto Midlecturer for Theoretical Philosophy, the Support of the B. U. W. My Research Focus is Set On: Ancient Greek Philosophy Research on the Reception of the German Philosophical Anthropology in Argentina Presently Working on Mentioned Research Subject, French Phenomenology Classical German, Architectural Theory Aesthetics & Design Cf: Https://Uni-Wuppertalacademiaedu/Irenebreuer - 2025 - Journal of Aesthetics and Phenomenology 11 (1):151-170.
    This paper aims to pay tribute to Figal’s comprehensive and innovative analysis of the artwork and beauty, while challenging both his realist position on the immediacy of meaning and his monist stance that reduces sublimity to beauty. To enquire into the origin of aesthetic feelings and sense, and thus, to break the hermeneutic circle, we first trace the origin of this reduction to the reception of Burke’s concept of the sublime by Mendelssohn and Kant. We then recur to Husserl and (...)
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    Fourth German Congress of Philosophy, Stuttgart, 1954 (pt 1).Walter Brugger - 1955 - Modern Schoolman 32 (3):222-222.
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    New Queries in Aesthetics and Metaphysics.Anna-Teresa Tymieniecka & World Congress of Phenomenology - 1991 - Springer Verlag.
    This collection is the final volume of a four book survey of the state of phenomenology fifty years after the death of Edmund Husserl. Its publication represents a landmark in the comprehensive treatment of contemporary phenomenology in all its vastness and richness. The diversity of the issues raised here is dazzling, but the main themes of Husserl's thought are all either explicitly treated, or else they underlie the ingenious approaches found here. Time, historicity, intentionality, eidos, meaning, possibility/reality, and teleology are (...)
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  7. German Congress of Philosophy.Bremen Bremen - 1950 - Mind 59:431.
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    The Aesthetics of Enchantment in the Fine Arts.Marlies Kronegger, Anna-Teresa Tymieniecka & Fine Arts Aesthetics American Society for Phenomenology - 2000 - Springer Verlag.
    Published under the auspices of The World Institute for Advanced Phenomenological Research and Learning, 19 essays document the April 1998 international congress held at Harvard University. They ponder on such topics as the phenomenology of the experience of enchantment, Leonardo's enchantress, the ambiguous meaning of musical enchantment in Kant's Third Critique, art and the reenchantment of sensuous human activity, the creative voice, the allure of the Naza, Henri Matisse's early critical reception in New York, Zizek's sublimicist aesthetic of enchanted fantasy, (...)
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    Kryzys estetyki?Maria Golszewska, International Conference on Aesthetics "A. Crisis in Aesthetics?" & Uniwersytet Jagiello Nski (eds.) - 1983 - [Kraków]: Państwowe Wydawn. Nauk..
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    German Aesthetics: fundamental concepts from Baumgarten to Adorno.J. D. Mininger & Jason Michael Peck (eds.) - 2016 - New York: Bloomsbury, Bloomsbury Academic, an imprint of Bloomsbury Publishing Plc.
    The first book of its kind, German Aesthetics assembles a who's who of German studies to explore 200 years of intellectual history, spanning literature, philosophy, politics, and culture.
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    German aesthetic and literary criticism.David Simpson (ed.) - 1984 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    The volume comprises selections from the major work of Kant, Schopenhauer, and Hegel, as well as from Fichte and Schelling, some of whose writings are translated here for the first time. The volume comprises selections from the major work of Kant, Schopenhauer, and Hegel, as well as from Fichte and Schelling, some of whose writings are translated here for the first time. It thus provides a much fuller context for the German Idealist movement than has been hitherto available in (...)
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    ⚘ The Agonistic Dimension of Peircean Semiotics and Its Postmodern Interpretations: Sebeok, Deely, Petrilli ☀ Ionut Untea.Ionut Untea, Elize Bisanz & William Passarini - unknown
    Be aware... and you will be mindful of a notable ambiguity in semiotics as well as of those who have masterfully strived to transcend it. This event, commented on by Elize Bisanz (Texas Tech University) and chaired by William Passarini (Institute for Philosophical Studies), is part of the activities of the 2022 International Open Seminar on Semiotics: a Tribute to John Deely on the Fifth Anniversary of His Passing, cooperatively organized by the Institute for Philosophical Studies of the Faculty of (...)
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    The German Aesthetic Tradition.Kai Hammermeister - 2002 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    This book, first published in 2002, is a systematic critical overview of German aesthetics from 1750 to the present. It begins with the work of Baumgarten and covers all the major writers on German aesthetics that follow, including Kant, Schiller, Schelling, Hegel, Nietzsche, Heidegger, Gadamer and Adorno. The book offers a clear and non-technical exposition of ideas, placing these in a wider philosophical context where necessary. Such is the importance of German aesthetics that the market for this (...)
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  14. Proceedings, Xith International Congress in Aesthetics, Nottingham 1988.Richard Woodfield - 1990 - Nottingham Polytechnic Press.
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    German aesthetic and literary criticism.Hugh Barr Nisbet (ed.) - 1985 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    This anthology, part of a three-volume series devoted to German aesthetic and literary criticism from the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, charts the development of aesthetic and literary theory in Germany in the latter half of the eighteenth century and its emancipation from the hitherto dominant influence of France. This development helped to produce an unprecedented flowering of German culture and art which culminated in the classicism of Goethe and Schiller and in the rise of the Romantic movement, with (...)
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    The Founding of Aesthetics in the German Enlightenment: The Art of Invention and the Invention of Art.Stefanie Buchenau - 2013 - Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
    When, in 1735, Alexander Gottlieb Baumgarten added a new discipline to the philosophical system, he not only founded modern aesthetics but also contributed to shaping the modern concept of art or 'fine art'. In The Founding of Aesthetics in the German Enlightenment, Stefanie Buchenau offers a rich analysis and reconstruction of the origins of this new discipline in its wider context of German Enlightenment philosophy. Present-day scholars commonly regard Baumgarten's views as an imperfect prefiguration of Kantian and post-Kantian (...)
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    Diotima's children: German aesthetic rationalism from Leibniz to Lessing.Frederick C. Beiser - 2009 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    Diotima's Children is a re-examination of the rationalist tradition of aesthetics which prevailed in Germany in the late seventeenth and eighteenth century.
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    (8 other versions)The third international congress on aesthetics.Thomas Munro - 1956 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 15 (2):255-256.
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  19. Bilder als Agenten kultureller Transformationsprozesse.Martina Sauer & Jacobus Bracker (eds.) - 2022 - IMAGE, Journal of Interdisciplinary Image Science 36, 7.
    This book is an anthology about transformation processes. It brings together contributions that were made during the 16th International Congress of the German Society for Semiotics 2021. Due to the Corona pandemic, it was finally not held in attendance at the TU Chemnitz, in Germany, but took place online. 11 sections with different focuses from archaeology, architecture, design, digital humanities, on the body, from the field of literature & youth and subcultures, media, fashion, environment, and carto/atlas semiotics and sign (...)
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    Following the first Russian congress of aesthetics.G. G. Kolomiets, Y. V. Parusimova & I. V. Kolesnikova - 2019 - RUDN Journal of Philosophy 23 (1):101-108.
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    XVth International Congress of Aesthetics. Makuhari/Tokyo, 27-31 augusti 2001.Michael Ranta - 2002 - Nordic Journal of Aesthetics 14 (25-26).
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    Classic and Romantic German Aesthetics.J. M. Bernstein (ed.) - 2002 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    This 2002 volume brings together major works by German thinkers, writing just prior to and after Kant, who were enormously influential in this crucial period of aesthetics. These texts include the first translation into English of Schiller's Kallias Letters and Moritz's On the Artistic Imitation of the Beautiful, together with translations of some of Hölderlin's most important theoretical writings and works by Hamann, Lessing, Novalis and Schlegel. In a philosophical introduction J. M. Bernstein traces the development of aesthetics from (...)
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    The dialectics of aesthetic agency: revaluating German aesthetics from Kant to Adorno.Ayon Maharaj - 2013 - New York: Bloomsbury Academic.
    This study examines how key figures in the German aesthetic tradition—Kant, Schelling, Friedrich Schlegel, Hegel, and Adorno—attempted to think through the powers and limits of art in post-Enlightenment modernity. The aesthetic speculations of these thinkers, Maharaj argues, provide the conceptual resources for a timely dialectical defense of “aesthetic agency”— art’s capacity to make available uniquely valuable modes of experience that escape the purview of Enlightenment scientific rationality. The book has two interrelated aims. First, it provides new interpretations of the (...)
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    The Aesthetic State: A Quest in Modern German Thought.Lydia Goehr - 1992 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 50 (3):260-262.
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    Aesthetics and politics in modern German culture: festschrift in honour of Rhys W. Williams.Brigid Haines, Stephen Parker, Colin Riordan & Rhys W. Williams (eds.) - 2010 - New York: Peter Lang.
    Cywydd Ffarwelio Rhys MERERID HOPWOOD Mae awr i fwynhau miri, y mae awr mi wn am hwyl cwmni, ond nawr, yn ein dathliad ni, mae un na fynnaf mo'ni. ...
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    Analytical psychology and German classical aesthetics: Goethe, Schiller, and Jung.Paul Bishop - 2008 - New York: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group.
    Volume 1, The Development of the Personality, investigates the extent to which analytical psychology draws on concepts found in German classical aesthetics. It aims to place analytical psychology in the German-speaking tradition of Goethe and Schiller, with which Jung was well acquainted. The second volume builds on the previous one to show how German classicism, specifically the classical aesthetics associated with Goethe and Schiller known as Weimar classicism, was a major influence on psychoanalysis and analytical psychology alike. (...)
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    The seventh international congress of aesthetics 1972.J. W. H. F. - 1973 - British Journal of Aesthetics 13 (1):76-77.
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  28. Aesthetics in the 21st Century: Report on the XVth International Congress of Aesthetics (Tokyo, Japan, August 27-31, 2001). [REVIEW]Ken-Ichi Sasaki - 2002 - Dialogue and Universalism 12 (4-5):175-178.
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    The seventh international congress of aesthetics 1972.H. W. - 1973 - British Journal of Aesthetics 13 (1).
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  30. Proceedings of the sixth International Congress of Aesthetics, Uppsala 1968.Rudolf Walter Zeitler (ed.) - 1972 - Stockholm,: Almqvist & Wiksell (distr.).
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  31. The 5th Mediterranean Congress of Aesthetics (conference report).Tereza Hadravová & Jakub Stejskal - 2011 - Estetika: The European Journal of Aesthetics:246-247.
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    The Origins of modern critical thought: German aesthetic and literary criticism from Lessing to Hegel.David Simpson (ed.) - 1988 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    Originally published in 1988, this book provides a comprehensive anthology in English of the major texts of German literary and aesthetic theory between Lessing ...
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  33. The creativity and the human world: proceedings of the 9th Intern. Congress of Aesthetics = Stvaralaštvo i ljudski svet: akti 9. medjunarodnog kongresa za estetiku.Milan Damnjanović (ed.) - 1980 - Beograd: International Congress of Aesthetics.
    v. 1-3. Section papers, plenary sessions papers -- [v. 4] Abstracts.
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  34. Kant's aesthetic theory.Donald W. Crawford - 1974 - [Madison]: University of Wisconsin Press.
    Immanuel Kant was a German philosopher. He is a central figure of modern philosophy, and set the terms by which all subsequent thinkers have had to grapple. He argued that human perception structures natural laws, and that reason is the source of morality. His thought continues to hold a major influence in contemporary thought, especially in fields such as metaphysics, epistemology, ethics, political philosophy, and aesthetics.
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    The German Philosophical Congress.Walter Brugger & J. Lotz - 1951 - Modern Schoolman 28 (3):223-223.
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    (1 other version)The German Aesthetic Tradition (review).Michael Thompson - 2003 - Philosophy and Literature 27 (2):478-480.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Philosophy and Literature 27.2 (2003) 478-480 [Access article in PDF] The German Aesthetic Tradition,by Kai Hammermeister; xv & 259 pp. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2002; $60.00 cloth; $22.00 paper. In some ways, aesthetic theory has become a thing of the past. With the exception of a kind of fascination with works such as T. W. Adorno's Aesthetic Theory, as a project, as a tradition, aesthetics has surrendered its (...)
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    The German Aesthetic Tradition (review).Kirk E. Pillow - 2003 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 41 (4):565-566.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Journal of the History of Philosophy 41.4 (2003) 565-566 [Access article in PDF] Kai Hammermeister. The German Aesthetic Tradition. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2002. Pp. xv + 259. Cloth, $60.00. Paper, $22.00. This history of German (or more accurately, Germanic) aesthetics surveys the tradition stretching from Alexander Baumgarten to Theodor Adorno. The author has divided his survey into three thematic parts. In the first, "The Age (...)
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    German Pietism and the Genesis of Literary Aesthetics: The Discourse of Erfahrung in the 1700s.F. Corey Roberts - 2004 - Deutsche Vierteljahrsschrift für Literaturwissenschaft Und Geistesgeschichte 78 (2):200-228.
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    The Aesthetics of Fear in German Romanticism.Paola Mayer - 2019 - McGill-Queen's University Press.
    Enlightenment - both the phenomenon specific to the eighteenth century and the continuing trend in Western thought - is an attempt to dispel ignorance, achieve mastery of a potentially hostile environment, and contain fear of the unknown by promoting science and rationality. Enlightenment is often accompanied and challenged by countercultures such as German Romanticism, which explored the nature of fear and deployed it as a corrective to the excesses of rationalism. The Aesthetics of Fear in German Romanticism uncovers (...)
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  40. Besedy ob ėstetike.Sh M. German - 1982 - Moskva: Izd-vo "Znanie". Edited by V. K. Skatershchikov.
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    The German Aesthetic Tradition (review).Kirk Pillow - 2003 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 41 (4):565-566.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Journal of the History of Philosophy 41.4 (2003) 565-566 [Access article in PDF] Kai Hammermeister. The German Aesthetic Tradition. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2002. Pp. xv + 259. Cloth, $60.00. Paper, $22.00. This history of German (or more accurately, Germanic) aesthetics surveys the tradition stretching from Alexander Baumgarten to Theodor Adorno. The author has divided his survey into three thematic parts. In the first, "The Age (...)
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    Diotima's Children: German Aesthetic Rationalism from Leibniz to Lessing.Kai Hammermeister - 2011 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 19 (2):353-355.
    (2011). Diotima's Children: German Aesthetic Rationalism from Leibniz to Lessing. British Journal for the History of Philosophy: Vol. 19, No. 2, pp. 353-355.
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    Actes du cinquième Congrès International d'Esthétique. Amsterdam 1964. Proceedings of the fifth International Congress of Aesthetics.Jan Aler - 1968 - Walter de Gruyter.
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  44. Frant︠s︡uzskai︠a︡ burzhuaznai︠a︡ ėstetika.German Pavlovich Predvechnyĭ - 1967
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    Herder: aesthetics against imperialism.John K. Noyes - 2015 - Toronto: University of Toronto Press.
    Among his generation of intellectuals, the eighteenth-century German philosopher Johann Gottfried Herder is recognized both for his innovative philosophy of language and history and for his passionate criticism of racism, colonialism, and imperialism. A student of Immanuel Kant, Herder challenged the idea that anyone--even the philosophers of the Enlightenment--could have a monopoly on truth. In Herder: Aesthetics against Imperialism, John K. Noyes plumbs the connections between Herder's anti-imperialism, often acknowledged but rarely explored in depth, and his epistemological investigations. Noyes (...)
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    (1 other version)Aesthetics and subjectivity from Kant to Nietzsche.Andrew Bowie - 1990 - Manchester [England] ;: Manchester University Press ;.
    This new, completely revised and re-written edition of aesthetics and subjectivity brings up to date the original book's account of the path of German philosophy from Kant, via Fichte and Holderlin, the early Romantis, Schelling, Hegel, Schleimacher, to Nietzsche, in view of recent historical research and contemporary arguments in philosophy and theory in the humanities. The original book helped make subjectivity, aesthetics, music and language a significant part of debate in the humanity. Bowie develops the approaches to these areas (...)
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  47. The Aesthetics of Idealism. Facets and Relevance of an Aesthetic Paradigm. Introduction.Giovanna Pinna - 2022 - Rivista di Estetica 81 (2022,3 The aesthetics of German):5-15.
    1 More than two centuries later, the aesthetic reflection of Idealism does not seem to have lost interest in philosophical debate at all. It is a multifaceted interest, which has partly historical-conceptual reasons, since it was post-Kantian philosophy that first posed the problem of defining art in systematic and cognitive terms, and partly more genuinely theoretical ones, for instance the contemporary declinations of a typically Idealistic theme such as the socio-historical determination o...
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    Beyond Autonomy in Eighteenth-Century British and German Aesthetics.Karl Axelsson, Camilla Flodin & Mattias Pirholt (eds.) - 2020 - New York: Routledge.
    This volume re-examines traditional interpretations of the rise of modern aesthetics in eighteenth-century Britain and Germany. It provides a new account that connects aesthetic experience with morality, science, and political society. In doing so, the book challenges longstanding teleological narratives that emphasize disinterestedness and the separation of aesthetics from moral, cognitive, and political interests. The chapters are divided into three thematic parts. The chapters in Part I demonstrate the heteronomy of eighteenth-century British aesthetics. They chart the evolution of aesthetic concepts (...)
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    Aesthetics and Life-World in German-Chinese Dialogue: Preface.Hans Feger - 2018 - Yearbook for Eastern and Western Philosophy 2018 (3):1-6.
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    From Eco’s Aperturato Fractal Narrative: Recursion as a Tool of Order in Contemporary Narratives.German A. Duarte - 2017 - Human and Social Studies. Research and Practice 6 (1):13-33.
    In 1962 Umberto Eco published his Opera aperta. Forma e indeterminazione nelle poetiche contemporanee, in which he dealt with the televised space and its influence on the development of plot in contemporary narratives. The analysis of the aesthetic of television led him to highlight the exclusive capacity of television to transmit events in real time: Live TV.Eco affirms in particular that through the editing in Live TV, the role of choice completely changes in comparison to what happens in the editing (...)
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