Results for 'Afrikaner'

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  1. Principes de justice sociale, précédés de Un précurseur.Afrikan Spir - 1945 - Genève,: Éditions du Mont-Blanc.
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    Right and wrong.Afrikan Spir - 1954 - Edinburgh,: Published for the University Court of the University of St. Andrews [by] Oliver and Boyd.
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    Esquisses de philosophie critique.Afrikan Spir & A. Penjon - 1930 - Paris,: F. Alcan.
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    Denken und wirklichkeit.Afrikan Spir - 1908 - Leipzig,: J. A. Barth.
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    Moralität und religion.Afrikan Spir - 1909 - Leipzig,: J. A. Barth. Edited by Claparède, Hélène Mme & [From Old Catalog].
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    Afrikaners in post-apartheid South Africa: Inward migration and enclave nationalism.Christi van der Westhuizen - 2016 - HTS Theological Studies 72 (4):1-9.
    South Africa's transition to democracy coincided and interlinked with massive global shifts, including the fall of communism and the rise of western capitalist triumphalism. Late capitalism operates through paradoxical global-local dynamics, both universalising identities and expanding local particularities. The erstwhile hegemonic identity of apartheid, 'the Afrikaner', was a product of Afrikaner nationalism. Like other identities, it was spatially organised, with Afrikaner nationalism projecting its imagined community onto a national territory. The study traces the neo-nationalist spatial permutations of (...)
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    Afrikaner nationalism and the light side of the colonial/modern gender system: understanding white patriarchy as colonial race technology.Azille Coetzee - 2021 - Feminist Review 129 (1):93-108.
    There is a growing body of feminist scholarship and literature exploring the ways in which Western patriarchal technologies of gender differentiation and sexual violence structure the racial categorisation and dehumanisation that define South Africa’s history of slavery, colonialism and apartheid. In this article, I consider the gendered history of white Afrikaner nationalism in the context of these insights. Using the decolonial feminist lens of María Lugones, I interpret the historical and contemporary patriarchal subjugation of the white Afrikaner woman (...)
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    Afrikaner Claims for Cultural Recognition.Courtney E. Cole - 2002 - Philosophy in the Contemporary World 9 (2):1-6.
    When assessing the history of Afrikaners domination in South Africa and its current fragile status in the new dispensation, what becomes clear is that their claims for cultural recognition and protection turn contemporary Western discourse regarding multiculturalism on its ear. In this paper, I organize my discussion of recognition of Afrikaners in contemporary South Africa by first giving some background on Afrikaners, as well as their history and current status in South Africa. I go on to examine how the notions (...)
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    Afrikaner Civil Religion and the Current South African Crisis.David J. Bosch - 1986 - Transformation: An International Journal of Holistic Mission Studies 3 (2):23-30.
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    Racism amongst white Afrikaner adolescents: The challenge of I-Thou (Buber) relations.Sebastiaan van Dyk - 2020 - HTS Theological Studies 76 (2):9.
    This article was derived from my doctoral thesis, ‘Post-apartheid racism among Afrikaans speaking urban adolescents: A narrative-pastoral reflection’. The impetus for this study was the seemingly increasing occurrences of racism amongst post-apartheid Afrikaans-speaking urban adolescents in South Africa by taking a narrative practical theological perspective on the matter to help build meaningful cross-cultural dialogue. This study explored the level of dialogue of the participants using a postfoundational paradigm. Two questions guided the investigation: (1) How deeply embedded are objectifying of cross-cultural (...)
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  11. Critical Afrikaner Intellectuals and Apartheid, 1943-1958.H. Giliomee - 2001 - South African Journal of Philosophy 20 (1):22-41.
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    (1 other version)Was Afrikan Spir a Phenomenalist (and What Difference Does It Make for Understanding Nietzsche)?Michael Green - 2013 - Journal of Nietzsche Studies 44 (2):152-176.
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    A cold wind from the north and the making of Lembede’s Afrikanism: Notes on the Indigenous Fundamentalist Tradition and the Philosophy of Garveyism in South Africa.Masilo Lepuru - 2023 - Filosofia Theoretica: Journal of African Philosophy, Culture and Religions 12 (3):1-16.
    Literature on the radical indigenous resistance tradition, which predated the emergence of Garveyism as a form of Afrikan philosophy of liberation is scarce in South African politics and history. Robert Edgar and Robert Vinson have contributed to the literature on the influence of Garveyism in South Africa in the 1920s. However, their scholarship does not delve into the emergence of the radical indigenous resistance tradition which was a reaction to conquest since 1652 in wars of colonization in South Africa. This (...)
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    African and Afrikaner'ways of knowing': Truth and the problems of superstition and'blood knowledge'.Kai Horsthemke - 2010 - Theoria: A Journal of Social and Political Theory 57 (123):27-51.
    The approbation, in the last few decades, of 'African ways of knowing' and, more recently, the critical emphasis on 'knowledge in the blood'—which refers to 'deeply entrenched' and 'received knowledge', notably of Afrikaners—give rise to all kinds of questions and concerns. What makes certain ways of knowing and kinds of knowledge 'African' and 'Afrikaner', respectively? What do these ideas cover and include, and what falls outside their respective ambits? What functions are served by appealing to these notions? Amongst other (...)
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    Critical Afrikaner Intellectuals and Apartheid, 1943–1958.Hermann Giliomee - 2000 - South African Journal of Philosophy 19 (4):321-339.
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    Being Afrikan.Mandivamba Rukuni - 2010 - Johannesburg: Penguin Books (South Africa).
    Originally published: Mandala Publishers, 2007.
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    Being Afrikan: rediscovering the traditional unhu-ubuntu-botho pathways of being human.Mandivamba Rukuni - 2007 - Arcadia, South Africa: Mandala.
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    Afrikaner spirituality: A complex mixture.Erna Olivier - 2006 - HTS Theological Studies 62 (4).
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    Nachweis aus Arnobius der Afrikaner, Sieben Bücher wider die Heiden (1842).Maria Cristina Fornari - 2012 - Nietzsche Studien 41 (1):355-355.
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    ‘The piety of Afrikaner women’: In conversation with Prof. Christina Landman on the piety of Afrikaner women.Selaelo T. Kgatla - 2019 - HTS Theological Studies 75 (1).
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    Afrikan wisdom: new voices talk Black liberation, Buddhism, and beyond.Valerie Mason-John (ed.) - 2021 - Berkeley: North Atlantic Books.
    A collection of spiritual essays written by Black thought leaders and teachers that discuss what it means to be Black in the world today.
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    Koers van die Afrikaner in die geskiedenis.P. S. Dreyer - 1998 - HTS Theological Studies 54 (1/2).
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    Nachweise Aus Arnobius der Afrikaner, Sieben Bücher Wider Die Heiden (1842).César Guarde-Paz - 2020 - Nietzsche Studien 49 (1):293-294.
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    Theological paradigms and conservative Afrikaners.H. C. G. Robbertze - 1991 - HTS Theological Studies 47 (3).
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    Wie umgehen mit dem Afrikaner-Bild aus den Texten von Immanuel Kant und Georg Friedrich Wilhelm Hegel?Jacob Emmanuel Mabe - 2021 - Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 69 (1):122-125.
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    Toinen järjestys: katsaus Afrikan filosofiaan.Juha Varto (ed.) - 1991 - Tampere: Jakelu, Tampereen yliopiston kirjasto.
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    The Mortality and Morality of Nations: Jews, Afrikaners, and French-Canadians.Uriel Abulof - 2015 - Cambridge University Press.
    Standing at the edge of life's abyss, we seek meaningful order. We commonly find this 'symbolic immortality' in religion, civilization, state and nation. What happens, however, when the nation itself appears mortal? The Mortality and Morality of Nations seeks to answer this question, theoretically and empirically. It argues that mortality makes morality, and right makes might; the nation's sense of a looming abyss informs its quest for a higher moral ground, which, if reached, can bolster its vitality. The book investigates (...)
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    O devir e o lugar da filosofia: alguns aspectos da recepção e da crítica de Nietzsche ao idealismo transcendental via Afrikan Spir.William Mattioli - 2013 - Kriterion: Journal of Philosophy 54 (128):321-348.
    A recepção de Nietzsche da filosofia transcendental de Kant é intermediada por diversos autores de diferentes tendências filosóficas que se viam em continuidade com o projeto kantiano de uma filosofia crítica. Um desses autores é Afrikan Spir, filósofo que levou a cabo um programa de renovação da filosofia crítica que ia na contramão da tendência hegemônica na segunda metade do século XIX de naturalização do kantismo. A influência de Spir na construção de algumas das teses epistemológicas centrais do pensamento de (...)
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    The religious statement of the Voortrekker Monument as a site of Afrikaner memory: Origin, composition and reception.Dolf Britz - 2018 - HTS Theological Studies 74 (3).
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    Kerk en kultuur by die vryheidsoekende Afrikaner van die 1ge eeu - 'n historiese ondersoek.A. D. Pont - 1996 - HTS Theological Studies 52 (4).
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    Logik, Metaphysik, Täuschung. Zur Motivikonstellation der Frühen Nietzsche-Rezeption in Afrikan Spirs Denken und Wirklichkeit.Sören Reuter - 2003 - Nietzscheforschung 10 (1):245-268.
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    H.P. Wolmarans en die Kultuurstrewe van die Afrikaner.C. H. Rautenbach - 1959 - HTS Theological Studies 15 (2/3/4).
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    Prof. Dr S.P. Engelbrecht en die Geestelike kultuur van die Afrikaner.C. H. Rautenbach - 1961 - HTS Theological Studies 17 (2/3/4).
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    Nog nadenke na aanleiding van ‘Nadenke van ’n Afrikaner’ deur HJC Pieterse.A. S. Van Niekerk - 1990 - HTS Theological Studies 46 (1/2).
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    La superstition Des philosophes critiques. Nietzsche et afrikan spir.Paolo D'iorio - 1993 - Nietzsche Studien 22 (1):257-294.
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    Victory is Ours: Some Thoughts on Apartheid and Christianity.Alan Schwerin - 1999 - Janus Head 2 (1):29-72.
    In September 1982 then Bishop Desmond Tutu appeared before the Eloff Commission of Inquiry. After politely explaining the activities of the South African Council of Churches to the government appointed commission, Tutu ended on a defiant note: -/- God's purposes are certain. They [i.e. the S.A. government] may remove a Tutu; they may remove the South African Council of Churches, but God's intention to establish His Kingdom of justice, of love, of compassion, will not be thwarted. We are not scared, (...)
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    Conquest and Law as a Eurocentric enterprise: An Azanian philosophical critique of legal epistemic violence in “South Africa”.Masilo Lepuru - 2023 - Filosofia Theoretica: Journal of African Philosophy, Culture and Religions 12 (1):145-162.
    This essay will critically analyse how conquest that resulted in white settler colonialism laid the foundation for epistemic violence. Epistemic violence, which took the form of the imposition of the law of the European conqueror in the wake of land dispossession in 1652 in South Africa is the fundamental problem this essay will critically engage with. We will rely on the Azanian philosophical tradition as a theoretical framework to critique this legal epistemic violence. Our theoretical framework is in line with (...)
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    Bram Fischer, or What Happens When the World Becomes Inhospitable.Stephen Clingman - 2024 - Law and Critique 35 (3):571-586.
    Bram Fischer was born in 1908 into an eminent Afrikaner family in South Africa, and seemed destined for prominence in white South African life. His path, however, was an unexpected one. As a Rhodes Scholar he saw the rise of Nazism in Europe and travelled to the Soviet Union. Some time after his return to South Africa he joined the Communist Party, and from then on was involved in the iconic moments of the anti-apartheid struggle, working alongside figures such (...)
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    On the (in)tolerance of hate speech: does it have legitimacy in a democracy?Nuraan Davids - 2018 - Ethics and Education 13 (3):296-308.
    In May 2017, yet another South African university became a site of hate speech. Three students chose to display Nazi-inspired posters, which advertised an ‘Anglo-Afrikaner student’ event, under the motto ‘Fight for Stellenbosch’. That the posters provoked the response which it so obviously sought, was evident in the student outrage, and the swift condemnation from university management. Neither the prevalence of hate speech, nor its predictable responses, is new. The central concern of this article is to consider the extent (...)
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    Remembering Apartheid.Mark Sanders - 2002 - Diacritics 32 (3/4):60-80.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Remembering ApartheidMark Sanders (bio)What was apartheid? How is it being remembered? Two questions. The first of them, almost at once, encourages a third: what is apartheid? An answer to the first question will be an answer to the third. Knowing what apartheid was, it is implied, we will know what apartheid is. We will know what it is in essence. But if the answer supplied to the first question (...)
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    The Monumental Reconstruction of Memory in South Africa: The Voortrekker Monument.Robyn Kimberley Autry - 2012 - Theory, Culture and Society 29 (6):146-164.
    This article addresses debates around the fate of antiquated symbols of colonial domination in postcolonial societies. The handling of apartheid material culture still generates controversy more than 15 years after the country’s first democratic elections. Built in 1949 to commemorate the Great Trek into the interior of the country, the Voortrekker Monument in Pretoria has stood as the embodiment of Afrikaner nationalism and mythology. A number of factors prevented the demolition of the site, including the spirit of national reconciliation. (...)
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    The Dialectical Tradition in South Africa.Andrew Nash - 2009 - Routledge.
    This book brings into view the most enduring and distinctive philosophical current in South African history—one often obscured or patronized as Afrikaner liberalism. It traces this current of thought from nineteenth-century disputes over Dutch liberal theology through Stellenbosch existentialism to the prison writings of Breyten Breytenbach, and examines related themes in the work of Olive Schreiner, M. K. Gandhi, and Richard Turner. At the core of this tradition is a defence of free speech in its classical sense, as a (...)
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    Die bittereinderstandpunt van President M.T. Steyn tydens die Anglo-Boereoorlog van 1899–1902 – ‘n Etiese beoordeling.Piet J. Strauss - 2019 - HTS Theological Studies 75 (4):1-10.
    The die-hard viewpoint of an influential figure like President M.T. Steyn of the Republic of the Orange Free State led to the lengthening of the Anglo-Boer War by more than a year. The reasons for Steyn leading the Free State into this war, the reasons for his call not to surrender and the effect of the war on the Afrikaner, is discussed in this article. An ethical discussion of factors indicating a bitter end, is also on the cards. There (...)
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    Lewensbeskoulike aspekte in die openbare standpunte van twee presidente.Piet Strauss - 2017 - HTS Theological Studies 73 (3):1-8.
    The last two presidents of the Zuid-Afrikaansche Republic and the Republic of the Orange Free State, S.J.P. Kruger and M.T. Steyn, both stood in the tradition of the Christian Afrikaner. Kruger as the symbol of Afrikaner republicanism in the 19th century and Steyn as a younger and more modern Afrikaner, tried to base their policies openly and clearly on Biblical and Christian principles. Kruger as a member and recognised minister of the Reformed Churches in South Africa formulated (...)
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    Die toekoms van die drie Afrikaanse hoofstroomkerke saam.Barry Tolmay - 2014 - HTS Theological Studies 70 (3):01-05.
    The union of the three mainstream Afrikaans Churches encompasses inter alia a mutual origin, a mutual socio-historical contextualism, a mutual language experience and mutual Articles of Faith. These bonds form the foundation for greater cooperation and may even lead to future church unification. The Conventus of Reformed Churches is an exciting initiative that has developed over the last two decades. This organisation unites some 15 churches with a reformed background. Do the three Afrikaans mainstream churches take church unification seriously? Historically (...)
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    The New Nationalisms.Gillian Brock - 1999 - The Monist 82 (3):367-386.
    Nationalism has been a cause of great misery in the world. In this century alone we have seen a number of hideous forms of nationalism leading to genocide, ethnic cleansing, forced relocations, and civil wars. The violent conflicts between Serbians, Croatians, and Muslims in the former Yugoslavia; the Hutus and the Tutsis in Central Africa; Palestinians and Jews in the Middle East; Afrikaners, Zulus, and Xhosas in Southern Africa; and the Nazis and non-Aryans, are just some of these.
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    Reconsidering Reparations.Alasia Nuti - 2022 - Philosophical Quarterly 73 (3):884-887.
    On 17 November 2018, members of the ‘Stop The Maangamizi: We Charge Genocide/Ecocide Campaign’ (SMWeCGEC)—a Pan-Afrikan Liberation Advocacy Campaigning formatio.
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    (4 other versions)Editorial Note.Jessica N. Berry - 2015 - Journal of Nietzsche Studies 46 (2):151-151.
    On April 5, 2012, the North American Nietzsche Society held a session, chaired by myself, at the American Philosophical Association Pacific Division Meeting in Seattle on reading Nietzsche as a figure within the history of philosophy. Paul Loeb commented on papers by Michael Green and Gary Shapiro. Professor Green’s contribution, published in this issue, argues for the importance of Afrikan Spir’s work for understanding the “falsification thesis” about empirical judgments that he attributes to Nietzsche; here, he responds to Nadeem Hussain’s (...)
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    Comment nommer les éléments? les catégories anthropologiques en afrique du sud.Adam Kuper - 2000 - Revue de Synthèse 121 (3-4):265-290.
    L'anthropologie sud-africaine a historiquement été divisée en deux écoles: l'une, associée aux universités de langue afrikaans, appuyait l'apartheid; l'autre, associée aux universités anglophones, s'opposait à la ségrégation et à la discrimination raciale. L'anthropologie afrikaner se focalisait sur la culture, la tradition et l'ethnicité, tandis que l'école rivale voulait étudier l'Afrique du Sud comme une société unique, en transformation rapide. Cette opposition, qui a parfois été exagérée, a été la plus marquée dans la période de renforcement de l'apartheid, dans les (...)
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    The problem of violence in south Africa.Leo Kuper - 1964 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 7 (1-4):295 – 303.
    In an actual conflict situation many different factors can contribute to the view that a recourse to violence is inescapable and even desirable. Among them are natural responses to repression, encouragement from interested parties outside, and the oversimplification of the situation as it is described in the militant ideologies of the organizers of the conflict and in the moral evaluations of those who take sides in it. The reality is far more complex and the situation far less determined than it (...)
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