Results for 'Agata Żaroń'

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  1.  33
    Postawa, jako trójczynnikowy model określający istotę dobra.Agata Żaroń - 2013 - Filo-Sofija 13 (20).
    Agata Żaroń An Attitude as a Three-Determinant Model Defining the Essence of GoodPeople have always been trying to find a principle that could define the essence of good. The present paper propounds a model, based on moral attitudes, which takes into account three determinants: emotional, cognitive and behavioral ones. The first is connected with feelings, especially with moral emotions and sensibility, the second is based primarily on intellectual reflection, which creates appropriate beliefs. They both motivate people to good (...)
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  2. Algebraic proof theory for substructural logics: cut-elimination and completions.Agata Ciabattoni, Nikolaos Galatos & Kazushige Terui - 2012 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 163 (3):266-290.
  3.  62
    A proof-theoretical investigation of global intuitionistic (fuzzy) logic.Agata Ciabattoni - 2005 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 44 (4):435-457.
    We perform a proof-theoretical investigation of two modal predicate logics: global intuitionistic logic GI and global intuitionistic fuzzy logic GIF. These logics were introduced by Takeuti and Titani to formulate an intuitionistic set theory and an intuitionistic fuzzy set theory together with their metatheories. Here we define analytic Gentzen style calculi for GI and GIF. Among other things, these calculi allows one to prove Herbrand’s theorem for suitable fragments of GI and GIF.
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    Towards Responsible and Sustainable Supply Chains – Innovation, Multi-stakeholder Approach and Governance.Agata Gurzawska - 2020 - Philosophy of Management 19 (3):267-295.
    Supply chains are an indispensable element of any global economy. At the same time such supply chains create a societal and environmental burden. Drastic actions are required to mitigate these effects. Supply chains should become responsible and sustainable (where responsibility and sustainability are understood in a broad sense) addressing economic, political, societal, legal, human rights, ethical and environmental concerns. This research shifts from the question of why companies should implement responsibility and sustainability into supply chains, to how they should do (...)
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    ¿Por qué leer a Husserl hoy?Agata Bak - 2013 - Investigaciones Fenomenológicas 10:197.
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    The Concept of Subject in Julia Kristeva’s Theory – an Attempt at Reconstruction.Agata Czarnacka - 2007 - Idea. Studia Nad Strukturą I Rozwojem Pojęć Filozoficznych 19:107-114.
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    The contemporary model manager as a new man the creator.Agata Dembek - 2013 - International Journal of Management Concepts and Philosophy 7 (2):103.
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    “But what a place / to put a piano”: Nostalgic Objects in Robert Minhinnick’s Diary of the Last Man.Agata Handley - 2019 - Text Matters - a Journal of Literature, Theory and Culture 9 (9):331-344.
    In 2003, Martin Rees referred to the present as “mankind’s final century.” A few years later, Slavoj Žižek wrote that humankind is heading towards “apocalyptic zero-point,” when the ecological crisis will most probably lead to our complete destruction. In his 2017 collection, Diary of the Last Man, Welsh poet Robert Minhinnick offers readers a meditation upon Earth at a liminal moment—on the brink of becoming completely unpopulated. Imagining a solitary human being, living in the midst of environmental collapse, Minhinnick yet (...)
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    Reproductive justice beyond the pill: Donna Drucker: Contraception: a concise history. Cambridge: The MIT Press, 264pp, 2020, $15.95 PB.Agata Ignaciuk - 2021 - Metascience 30 (3):491-493.
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  10. \"Powiedzieć to inaczejniz tak i niż nie\". O Najryzykowniejszej Andrzeja Sosnowskiego.Agata Kołodziej - 2010 - Estetyka I Krytyka 19 (2):289-292.
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  11. Biofabbriche: sul "futuro della natura umana".Agata C. Amato Mangiameli - 2004 - Rivista Internazionale di Filosofia Del Diritto 4:549-578.
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  12. L'idea de la morte e l'Induismo.Agata Pellegrini - 2000 - Giornale di Metafisica 22 (1):321-326.
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  13. Kryptoteologie deleuzjanizmu: wokół książki Michała Herera ( Gilles Deleuze . Struktury-maszyny-kreacje).Agata Bielik- Robson - 2007 - Kronos - metafizyka, kultura, religia 1:139-153.
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  14. Przemoc w narracji i etyce Simone Weil.Agata Sapkowska - 2002 - Nowa Krytyka 12:65-80.
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    Etica e politica nell'utilitarismo di Cesare Beccaria.Giuseppe Zarone - 1971 - Napoli,: [Istituto italiano per gli studi storici].
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  16. La ciudad y el número.Giuseppe Zarone - forthcoming - Res Publica.
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    La nozione di “trascendenza” ne Il visibile e I’invisibile.Agata Zielinski - 2000 - Chiasmi International 2:431-431.
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    The Allure of Tyrannical Leaders: Moral Foundations, Belief in a Dangerous World, and Follower Gender.Agata Mirowska, Raymond B. Chiu & Rick D. Hackett - 2021 - Journal of Business Ethics 181 (2):355-374.
    AbstractWhat explains followers’ attraction to tyrannical leaders? They systematically coerce, belittle, and manipulate, often at the expense of subordinates’ mental and physical well-being and their organization’s long-term interests. To help address the question, we examine the tendencies of people who view the tyrannical leader prototype (characterized by domineering, pushy, manipulative, loud, conceited, and selfish traits) as a component of effective leadership (Epitropaki and Martin in J Appl Psychol 89:293–310, 2004; Foti et al. in Leadersh Q 23:702–717, 2012). Specifically, we apply (...)
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  19. Fabienne POMEL (dir.), Cloches et horloges dans les textes médiévaux.Agata Sobczyk - forthcoming - Rhuthmos.
    Ce compte rendu a déjà paru dans la revue Perspectives médiévales, 35 | 2014. Nous remercions Agata Sobczyk de nous avoir autorisé à le reproduire ici. F. Pomel (dir.), Cloches et horloges dans les textes médiévaux, Rennes, Presses Universitaires de Rennes, 2012. Le recueil fait suite à trois autres, consacrés à des objets que l'on peut considérer comme emblématiques pour un certain nombre de textes médiévaux, tous parus sous la direction de Fabienne Pomel aux Presses Universitaires de Rennes : (...)
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  20.  39
    Psychometric properties of the Polish version of the Trait Emotional Intelligence Questionnaire-Short Form.Agata Wytykowska, Aleksandra Jasielska & Dorota Szczygieł - 2015 - Polish Psychological Bulletin 46 (3):447-459.
    The study was aimed at validating the Polish version of the Trait Emotional Intelligence Questionnaire-Short Form. Our findings confirm the reliability and validity of the scale. With respect to reliability, internal consistency coefficients of the TEIQue-SF were comparable to those obtained using the original English version. The evidence of the validity of the TEIQue-SF came from the pattern of relations with the other self-report measure of EI, personality measures, as well as affective and social correlates. We demonstrated that the TEIQue-SF (...)
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    Definite descriptions of events: progressive interpretation in Ga.Agata Renans - 2019 - Linguistics and Philosophy 44 (2):237-279.
    This paper demonstrates that the progressive interpretation in Ga is an effect of the interaction between the imperfective aspect and a definite description of events. Crucially, the data from Ga point to the consequences of the view that definite descriptions of events encode the familiarity of the discourse referent and its uniqueness in bearing the property in question. Namely, they yield direct evidentiality and the necessary ongoingness of the event at the topic time. Thus, the paper identifies previously unattested variation (...)
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  22.  31
    Cultural and psychological variables predicting academic dishonesty: a cross-sectional study in nine countries.Agata Błachnio, Andrzej Cudo, Paweł Kot, Małgorzata Torój, Kwaku Oppong Asante, Violeta Enea, Menachem Ben-Ezra, Barbara Caci, Sergio Alexis Dominguez-Lara, Nuworza Kugbey, Sadia Malik, Rocco Servidio, Arun Tipandjan & Michelle F. Wright - 2022 - Ethics and Behavior 32 (1):44-89.
    Academic dishonesty has serious consequences for human lives, social values, and economy. The main aim of the study was to explore a model of relations between personal and cultural variables and academic dishonesty. The participants in the study were N = 2,586 individuals from nine countries (Pakistan, Israel, Italy, India, the USA, Peru, Romania, Ghana, and Poland). The authors administered the Academic Dishonesty Scale to measure academic dishonesty, the Kessler Psychological Distress Scale to measure distress, the Almost Perfect Scale – (...)
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  23.  24
    The New Biology as an Example of Newspeak: The Case of Polish Zoology, 1948–1956.Agata Strządała - 2020 - Journal of the History of Biology 53 (1):141-157.
    The “New Biology” that arose in the Eastern Block during Stalinist times was based on the idea of the heritability of acquired characteristics. In rejecting the paradigm of Mendelian chromosome genetics as well as science-based farming, the New Biology led to a deterioration of scientific life and the free exchange of ideas. In imposing Lysenko’s ideas onto zoology, the New Biology adopted the totalitarian language of Newspeak, which dominated public discourse in communist countries. Newspeak had several defining elements: a limited (...)
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  24.  21
    Facilitating Ukrainian Refugees’ Continued Participation in Clinical Trials.Agata Bloswick, David Mustra, Oksana Harasymiv & Alex Dubov - 2022 - Hastings Center Report 52 (3):6-8.
    Hastings Center Report, Volume 52, Issue 3, Page 6-8, May–June 2022.
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    Two Types of Choice-Functional Indefinites: Evidence from Ga.Agata Renans - 2018 - Topoi 37 (3):405-415.
    There is a longstanding discussion whether wide-scope indefinites denote choice functions that are existentially bound or remain free. Data from Ga, an under-researched language spoken in Ghana, show that there are wide-scope indefinites denoting existentially bound skolemized choice functions whose parameter is bound by a higher quantificational NP, free skolemized choice functions with the speaker or a higher quantificational NP as a parameter, and narrow scope quantificational indefinites. Thus the data show that both existentially bound and free skolemized choice functions (...)
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  26.  34
    Equal in the presence of death?Agata Sagan - 2015 - Journal of Medical Ethics 41 (8):584-584.
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    Hypersequent and Display Calculi – a Unified Perspective.Agata Ciabattoni, Revantha Ramanayake & Heinrich Wansing - 2014 - Studia Logica 102 (6):1245-1294.
    This paper presents an overview of the methods of hypersequents and display sequents in the proof theory of non-classical logics. In contrast with existing surveys dedicated to hypersequent calculi or to display calculi, our aim is to provide a unified perspective on these two formalisms highlighting their differences and similarities and discussing applications and recent results connecting and comparing them.
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  28. Towards a Semantic Characterization of Cut-Elimination.Agata Ciabattoni & Kazushige Terui - 2006 - Studia Logica 82 (1):95-119.
    We introduce necessary and sufficient conditions for a (single-conclusion) sequent calculus to admit (reductive) cut-elimination. Our conditions are formulated both syntactically and semantically.
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    Prettier Faces, Better Lives? The Impact of South Korean Facial Beauty Standards and Plastic Surgery on Women’s Lives in Frances Cha’s If I Had Your Face.Agata Rupińska - 2024 - Avant: Trends in Interdisciplinary Studies 15 (1).
    With the rising popularity of South Korean worldwide culture (called hallyu or “the Korean wave”) which presents us with images of beautiful stars and k-beauty products, it is worth exploring the nature and impact of Korean facial beauty standards. The following article analyzes the depiction of South Korean appearance norms in the Korean American novel If I Had Your Face by Frances Cha. In the introduction, I familiarize the reader with the novel’s author and plot. Next I give an overview (...)
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  30. W poszukiwaniu prawdy o człowieku. Diokles Henryka Sienkiewicza.Agata Skała - forthcoming - Estetyka I Krytyka 17 (17/18):237-248.
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    Piano, ovvero, Ricerche filosofiche sulle lingue.Diego Colao Agata - 1774 - Napoli: Bibliopolis. Edited by Arturo Martone.
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    San Martín Sala, Javier: Antropología Filosófica I. De la Antropología científica a la filosófica, Madrid, Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia.Agata Bak - 2014 - Daimon: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 61.
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  33. O pojęciu sztuki życia: luźne wariacje na temat zwrotu Michela Foucaulta.Agata Bielik - 1995 - Przeglad Filozoficzny - Nowa Seria 16 (4):135-143.
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    The Impact of Money Attitudes on the Relationship Between Income and Financial Satisfaction.Agata Gasiorowska - 2015 - Polish Psychological Bulletin 46 (2):197-208.
    Prior research has showed that the subjective perception of objective wealth might be affected by various individual difference variables, such as one’s love of money, level of desires, or materialistic inclinations. This paper examines an impact of attitudes towards money on the relation between personal net income and household income, and its subjective evaluation, measured as financial satisfaction and subjective economic well-being. The results of two studies revealed that the affective dimension of money attitudes partially mediated the relationship between income (...)
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  35.  13
    Barbara Klich-Kluczewska, Rodzina, tabu i komunizm w Polsce, 1956-1989 [Famille, tabou.Agata Ignaciuk - 2018 - Clio 48.
    Ce livre de Barbara Klich-Kluczewska est sans aucun doute un des ouvrages les plus marquants des dernières années en histoire culturelle de l’État polonais communiste. Barbara Klich Kluczewska, qui est rattachée à la faculté d’histoire de l’université Jagellonne de Cracovie, est une des figures dirigeantes de l’histoire anthropologique et de l’histoire du genre en Pologne. Intéressée par les méthodes de l’histoire orale, visuelle et comparative, elle a publié une micro-histoire de la vie priv...
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  36.  24
    Pozór jako apolińskie okrucieństwo.Agata Janaszczyk - 2005 - Nowa Krytyka 15.
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    La clarté rédactionnelle en droit : une réflexion pluridisciplinaire.Agata de Laforcade - 2019 - Revue D’Études Benthamiennes 15.
    Introduction Dans le cadre d’une convention de collaboration scientifique, l’Università degli Studi di Milano et l’ISIT de Paris ont organisé une journée d’étude internationale sur la clarté rédactionnelle en droit. L’objectif de cette manifestation était de favoriser les échanges pluridisciplinaires visant une meilleure compréhension du droit dans un contexte multilingue, international et multiprofessionnel. Le langage juridique est un vocabulaire technique, souvent difficile à comprendre su...
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    Other Mothers: Encountering In/visible Femininities in Migration and Urban Contexts.Agata Lisiak - 2017 - Feminist Review 117 (1):41-55.
    Whereas much has been written about migrants’ visibility, the multiple and complex layers of migrants’ invisibility invite further exploration. Migrants’ in/visibility is not clear-cut: it differs across various locations and, as such, demands a comparative, intersectional analysis. This paper seeks to explore it by investigating how recent migrants make sense of their own appearance, as well as those of others they encounter in their new places of residence. Specifically, I inquire into the notion of femininity as it is performed and (...)
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  39. (1 other version)Dal pre-giudizio al giudizio: note in margine al sistema della prova.Agata C. Amato Mangiameli - 2006 - Rivista Internazionale di Filosofia Del Diritto 1:47-66.
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  40. Cassirer wobec fenomenu (oraz filozofii) życia.Agata Mergler - 2006 - Fenomenologia 4:158-164.
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    Hegemonia dyskursu. Trudności związane z podporządkowaniem kobiecości.Agata Piórkowska - 2011 - Humanistyka I Przyrodoznawstwo 17:425-429.
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    Humaniści i przyrodoznawcy(a). O badaniach pozytywizmu.Agata Skała - 2019 - Humanistyka I Przyrodoznawstwo 24:629-635.
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    Il paradosso mariano: Cornelio Fabro rilegge S. Kierkegaard.Agata Epifania Spampinato - 2021 - Napoli: EDI, Editrice domenicana italiana.
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    Beyond the limits of language: apophasis and transgression in contemporary theoretical discourse.Agata Wilczek - 2016 - New York: Peter Lang.
    The book explores the way in which apophatic discourse of negative theology has illuminated contemporary critical theory. It demonstrates the significance of apophasis both in Jacques Derrida’s search for a «new language», responsive to singularity and alterity, and in the analyses of the experience of transgression developed by Maurice Blanchot, George Bataille and Michel Foucault. Following Derrida’s understanding of negative theology as a transgressive concept that transcends the linguistic, historical and religious contexts from which it arises, the book proves that (...)
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  45.  9
    Metafisica e senso morale: saggi e ricerche.Giuseppe Zarone - 1989 - Napoli: Edizioni scientifiche italiane.
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    Wybrane pojęcia etyczne w analizie semantycznej (kochaj bliźniego swego).Zofia Zaron - 1985 - Wrocław: Zakład Narodowy im. Ossolińskich.
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    Algebraic proof theory: Hypersequents and hypercompletions.Agata Ciabattoni, Nikolaos Galatos & Kazushige Terui - 2017 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 168 (3):693-737.
  48. Chińska ustawa eugeniczna w świetle bioetyki kulturowej.Agata Strządała - 2006 - Archeus. Studia Z Bioetyki I Antropologii Filozoficznej 7:105-114.
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    Lecture de Merleau-Ponty et Levinas: le corps, le monde, l'autre.Agata Zielinski - 2002 - Paris: Presses Universitaires de France - PUF.
    L'originalité de cet ouvrage consiste à poser à deux philosophes contemporains français des questions-clefs de la phénoménologie que jusqu'ici on ne posait guère qu'à Husserl. Ce changement de perspective permet de lire autrement des problèmes essentiels de ce champ philosophique : la corporéité, la relation à autrui, l'être au monde. Le renouveau actuel de l'intérêt pour Merleau-Ponty et Levinas, que l'on commence enfin à étudier pour eux-mêmes et non plus simplement comme des disciples plus ou moins fidèles de la phénoménologie (...)
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  50.  39
    The Affective Bases of Risk Perception: Negative Feelings and Stress Mediate the Relationship between Mental Imagery and Risk Perception.Agata Sobkow, Jakub Traczyk & Tomasz Zaleskiewicz - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7:190271.
    Recent research has documented that affect plays a crucial role in risk perception. When no information about numerical risk estimates is available (e.g., probability of loss or magnitude of consequences), people may rely on positive and negative affect toward perceived risk. However, determinants of affective reactions to risks are poorly understood. In a series of three experiments, we addressed the question of whether and to what degree mental imagery eliciting negative affect and stress influences risk perception. In each experiment, participants (...)
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