Results for 'Ajtai‐Fagin game'

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  1.  75
    Reachability is harder for directed than for undirected finite graphs.Miklos Ajtai & Ronald Fagin - 1990 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 55 (1):113-150.
    Although it is known that reachability in undirected finite graphs can be expressed by an existential monadic second-order sentence, our main result is that this is not the case for directed finite graphs (even in the presence of certain "built-in" relations, such as the successor relation). The proof makes use of Ehrenfeucht-Fraisse games, along with probabilistic arguments. However, we show that for directed finite graphs with degree at most k, reachability is expressible by an existential monadic second-order sentence.
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  2.  56
    Comparing the power of games on graphs.Ronald Fagin - 1997 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 43 (4):431-455.
    The descriptive complexity of a problem is the complexity of describing the problem in some logical formalism. One of the few techniques for proving separation results in descriptive complexity is to make use of games on graphs played between two players, called the spoiler and the duplicator. There are two types of these games, which differ in the order in which the spoiler and duplicator make various moves. In one of these games, the rules seem to be tilted towards favoring (...)
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    An Ehrenfeucht‐Fraïssé class game.Wafik Boulos Lotfallah - 2004 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 50 (2):179-188.
    This paper introduces a new Ehrenfeucht-Fraïssé type game that is played on two classes of models rather than just two models. This game extends and generalizes the known Ajtai-Fagin game to the case when there are several alternating moves played in different models. The game allows Duplicator to delay her choices of the models till the very end of the game, making it easier for her to win. This adds on the toolkit of winning strategies (...)
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    Regular Subgraphs in Graphs and Rooted Graphs and Definability in Monadic Second‐Order Logic.Iain A. Stewart - 1997 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 43 (1):1-21.
    We investigate the definability in monadic ∑11 and monadic Π11 of the problems REGk, of whether there is a regular subgraph of degree k in some given graph, and XREGk, of whether, for a given rooted graph, there is a regular subgraph of degree k in which the root has degree k, and their restrictions to graphs in which every vertex has degree at most k, namely REGkk and XREGkk, respectively, for k ≥ 2 . Our motivation partly stems from (...)
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    A syntactic framework with probabilistic beliefs and conditionals for the analysis of strategic form games.Thorsten Clausing - 2002 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 11 (3):335-348.
    In this paper, I develop a syntactic framework for the analysis ofstrategic form games that is based on a straightforward combination ofstandard systems of doxastic, probabilistic and conditionalpropositional logic. In particular, for the probabilistic part I makeuse of the axiomatization provided in Fagin and Halpern (1994). The use ofconditionals allows to represent a strategic form game by a logicalformula in a very natural way. Also expected utility maximization can benaturally captured. I use this framework to prove a version of (...)
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  6. Merging Frameworks for Interaction.Johan van Benthem Jelle Gerbrandy - unknown
    Many logical systems today describe intelligent interacting agents over time. Frameworks include Interpreted Systems (IS, Fagin et al. [8]), Epistemic-Temporal Logic (ETL, Parikh & Ramanujam [22]), STIT (Belnap et al. [5]), Process Algebra and Game Semantics (Abramsky [1]). This variety is an asset, as different modeling tools can be fine-tuned to specific applications. But it may also be an obstacle, when barriers between paradigms and schools go up. This paper takes a closer look at one particular interface, between two (...)
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  7. Cooperation, knowledge, and time: Alternating-time temporal epistemic logic and its applications.Wiebe van der Hoek & Michael Wooldridge - 2003 - Studia Logica 75 (1):125-157.
    Branching-time temporal logics have proved to be an extraordinarily successful tool in the formal specification and verification of distributed systems. Much of their success stems from the tractability of the model checking problem for the branching time logic CTL, which has made it possible to implement tools that allow designers to automatically verify that systems satisfy requirements expressed in CTL. Recently, CTL was generalised by Alur, Henzinger, and Kupferman in a logic known as Alternating-time Temporal Logic (ATL). The key insight (...)
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  8. Reasoning about knowledge.Ronald Fagin, Joseph Y. Halpern, Yoram Moses & Moshe Vardi - 2003 - Cambridge: MIT Press.
    Reasoning About Knowledge is the first book to provide a general discussion of approaches to reasoning about knowledge and its applications to distributed ...
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  9.  58
    Belief, awareness, and limited reasoning.Ronald Fagin & Joseph Y. Halpern - 1987 - Artificial Intelligence 34 (1):39-76.
  10.  80
    Probabilities on finite models.Ronald Fagin - 1976 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 41 (1):50-58.
  11.  23
    First-order definability on finite structures.M. Ajtai - 1989 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 45 (3):211-225.
  12.  34
    Monadic generalized spectra.Ronald Fagin - 1975 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 21 (1):89-96.
  13.  17
    A nonstandard approach to the logical omniscience problem.Ronald Fagin, Joseph Y. Halpern & Moshe Y. Vardi - 1995 - Artificial Intelligence 79 (2):203-240.
  14. What is an inference rule?Ronald Fagin, Joseph Y. Halpern & Moshe Y. Vardi - 1992 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 57 (3):1018-1045.
    What is an inference rule? This question does not have a unique answer. One usually finds two distinct standard answers in the literature; validity inference $(\sigma \vdash_\mathrm{v} \varphi$ if for every substitution $\tau$, the validity of $\tau \lbrack\sigma\rbrack$ entails the validity of $\tau\lbrack\varphi\rbrack)$, and truth inference $(\sigma \vdash_\mathrm{t} \varphi$ if for every substitution $\tau$, the truth of $\tau\lbrack\sigma\rbrack$ entails the truth of $\tau\lbrack\varphi\rbrack)$. In this paper we introduce a general semantic framework that allows us to investigate the notion of inference (...)
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  15.  39
    Common knowledge revisited.Ronald Fagin, Joseph Y. Halpern, Yoram Moses & Moshe Y. Vardi - 1999 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 96 (1-3):89-105.
  16.  30
    A spectrum hierarchy.Ronald Fagin - 1975 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 21 (1):123-134.
  17.  66
    A quantitative analysis of modal logic.Ronald Fagin - 1994 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 59 (1):209-252.
    We do a quantitative analysis of modal logic. For example, for each Kripke structure M, we study the least ordinal μ such that for each state of M, the beliefs of up to level μ characterize the agents' beliefs (that is, there is only one way to extend these beliefs to higher levels). As another example, we show the equivalence of three conditions, that on the face of it look quite different, for what it means to say that the agents' (...)
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  18.  23
    A two‐cardinal characterization of double spectra.Ronald Fagin - 1975 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 21 (1):121-122.
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  19. Fifth Conference on Theoretical Aspects of Reasoning about Knowledge (TARK V).Ronald Fagin - 1993 - Journal of Logic, Language, and Information 2 (338).
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  20.  26
    Liberty and community online.Barry Fagin - 1998 - Acm Sigcas Computers and Society 28 (2):69-78.
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    Skepticism and Cryptography.Barry S. Fagin, Leemon C. Baird, Jeffrey W. Humphries & Dino L. Schweitzer - 2007 - Knowledge, Technology & Policy 20 (4):231-242.
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  22.  25
    Standardization/innovation trade-offs in computing: Implications for high-tech antitrust regulation.Barry Fagin - 1999 - Knowledge, Technology & Policy 12 (3):80-93.
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  23. The New Know-Nothings.B. Fagin - 2000 - Knowledge, Technology & Policy 13 (2):109-112.
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  24. The Playful World.B. Fagin - 2002 - Knowledge, Technology & Policy 15 (1-2):211-213.
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  25.  19
    (1 other version)Alexander S. Kechris and Alain Louveau. Descriptive set theory and the structure of sets of uniqueness. London Mathematical Society lecture note series, no. 128. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge etc. 1987, vii + 367 pp. [REVIEW]Miklos Ajtai - 1991 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 56 (1):344-345.
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  26. The Adaptive Function of Distributed Remembering: Contributions to the Formation of Collective Memory. [REVIEW]Martin M. Fagin, Jeremy K. Yamashiro & William C. Hirst - 2013 - Review of Philosophy and Psychology 4 (1):91-106.
    Empirical research has increasingly turned its attention to distributed cognition. Acts of remembering are embedded in a social, interactional context; cognitive labor is divided between a rememberer and external sources. The present article examines the benefits and costs associated with distributed, collaborative, conversational remembering. Further, we examine the consequences of joint acts of remembering on subsequent individual acts of remembering. Here, we focus on influences on memory through social contagion and socially shared retrieval-induced forgetting. Extending beyond a single social interaction, (...)
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  27.  67
    Reasoning about Knowledge: A Response by the Authors. [REVIEW]Ronald Fagin, Joseph Y. Halpern, Yoram Moses & Moshe Y. Vardi - 1997 - Minds and Machines 7 (1):113-113.
  28.  21
    Two views of belief: belief as generalized probability and belief as evidence.Joseph Y. Halpern & Ronald Fagin - 1992 - Artificial Intelligence 54 (3):275-317.
  29.  39
    Book notes. [REVIEW]Barry Fagin, Dan Vornberg, John Cogan, David Clarke & Marc Rotenberg - 2002 - Knowledge, Technology & Policy 15 (1-2):211-223.
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  30.  16
    Book notes. [REVIEW]Barry Fagin, Roland Person, Ron Thomas & Robert Lane - 2000 - Knowledge, Technology & Policy 13 (2):109-122.
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    Book notes. [REVIEW]Barry Fagin & David Clarke - 2002 - Knowledge, Technology & Policy 15 (3):100-102.
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  32.  76
    I'm OK if you're OK: On the notion of trusting communication. [REVIEW]Ronald Fagin & Joseph Y. Halpern - 1988 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 17 (4):329 - 354.
    We consider the issue of what an agent or a processor needs to know in order to know that its messages are true. This may be viewed as a first step to a general theory of cooperative communication in distributed systems. An honest message is one that is known to be true when it is sent (or said). If every message that is sent is honest, then of course every message that is sent is true. Various weaker considerations than honesty (...)
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  33.  12
    Aliza Cohen-Mushlin, Scriptoria in Medieval Saxony: St. Pancras in Hamersleben. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 2004. Pp. 251; 162 black-and-white and color figures and tables. €98. [REVIEW]Lisa Fagin Davis - 2006 - Speculum 81 (3):826-828.
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  34. Saṅgameśvarakrodam...Gummalūri Saṅgameśvarasāstri - 1933 - [Waltair],: Edited by Jagadīśatarkālaṅkāra.
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  35.  40
    Riding: Embodying the Centaur.Ann Game - 2001 - Body and Society 7 (4):1-12.
    Through a phenomenological study of horse-human relations, this article explores the ways in which, as embodied beings, we live relationally, rather than as separate human identities. Conceptually this challenges oppositional logic and humanist assumptions, but where poststructuralist treatments of these issues tend to remain abstract, this article is concerned with an embodied demonstration of the ways in which we experience a relational or in-between logic in our everyday lives.
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  36. Gender at Work.Ann Game & Rosemary Pringle - 1984
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  37.  58
    The Teacher’s Vocation: Ontology of Response.Ann Game & Andrew Metcalfe - 2008 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 27 (6):461-473.
    We argue that pedagogic authority relies on love, which is misunderstood if seen as a matter of actions and subjects. Love is based not on finite subjects and objects existing in Euclidean space and linear time, but, rather, on the non-finite ontology, space and time of relations. Loving authority is a matter of calling and vocation, arising from the spontaneous and simultaneous call-and-response of a lively relation. We make this argument through a reading of Buber’s I–You relation and Murdoch’ s (...)
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  38.  25
    A Question of Fit: Cultural and Individual Differences in Interpersonal Justice Perceptions.Annilee M. Game & Jonathan R. Crawshaw - 2017 - Journal of Business Ethics 144 (2):279-291.
    This study examined the link between employees’ adult attachment orientations and perceptions of line managers’ interpersonal justice behaviors, and the moderating effect of national culture. Participants from countries categorized as low collectivistic and high collectivistic completed an online survey. Attachment anxiety and avoidance were negatively related to interpersonal justice perceptions. Cultural differences did not moderate the effects of avoidance. However, the relationship between attachment anxiety and interpersonal justice was non-significant in the Southern Asia cultural cluster. Our findings indicate the importance (...)
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  39.  37
    Do brokers act in the best interests of their clients? New evidence from electronic trading systems.Annilee M. Game & Andros Gregoriou - 2014 - Business Ethics: A European Review 25 (2):187-197.
    Prior research suggests brokers do not always act in the best interests of clients, although morally obligated to do so. We empirically investigated this issue focusing on trades executed at best execution price, before and after the introduction of electronic limit-order trading, on the London Stock Exchange. As a result of limit-order trading, the proportion of trades executed at the best execution price for the customer significantly increased. We attribute this to a sustained increase in the liquidity of stocks as (...)
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  40.  29
    A factorial analysis of verbal learning tasks.Paul A. Games - 1962 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 63 (1):1.
  41.  17
    Comments on "A power comparison of the F and L tests: I.".Paul A. Games - 1966 - Psychological Review 73 (4):372-375.
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  42. Foreword vii Acknowledgements viii.Essays on Cooperative Games, in Honor of Guillermo Owen & Gianfranco Gambarelli - 2004 - Theory and Decision 56:405-408.
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  43.  43
    Non-equilibrium thermodynamics and the brain.C. J. A. Game - 1994 - In Karl H. Pribram (ed.), Origins: Brain and Self Organization. Lawrence Erlbaum. pp. 196.
  44. Primary literature.Mike Game - 2007 - In Diarmuid Costello & Jonathan Vickery (eds.), Art: key contemporary thinkers. New York: Berg. pp. 159.
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  45.  34
    RASMUSEN, ERIC, Folk Theorems for the Observable Implications of Repeated.Implications of Repeated Games - 1992 - Theory and Decision 32:147-164.
  46. Game Theory, Indirect Modeling, and the Origin of Morality.Arnon Levy - 2011 - Journal of Philosophy 108 (4):171-187.
  47. What is a game?Bernard Suits - 1967 - Philosophy of Science 34 (2):148-156.
    By means of a critical examination of a number of theses as to the nature of game-playing, the following definition is advanced: To play a game is to engage in activity directed toward bringing about a specific state of affairs, using only means permitted by specific rules, where the means permitted by the rules are more limited in scope than they would be in the absence of the rules, and where the sole reason for accepting such limitation is (...)
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  48. The game of metaphysics: towards a fictionalist (meta)metaphysics of science.Raoni Arroyo & Matteo Morganti - forthcoming - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale.
    Metaphysics is traditionally conceived as aiming at the truth — indeed, the most fundamental truths about the most general features of reality. Philosophical naturalists, urging that philosophical claims be grounded on science, have often assumed an eliminativist attitude towards metaphysics, consequently paying little attention to such a definition. In the more recent literature, however, naturalism has instead been taken to entail that the traditional conception of metaphysics can be accepted if and only if one is a scientific realist (and puts (...)
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  49. Game Theory and the Social Contract, Vol. II: Just Playing.Ken Binmore - 2001 - Mind 110 (437):168-171.
  50.  85
    Game-Playing Without Rule-Following.A. J. Kreider - 2011 - Journal of the Philosophy of Sport 38 (1):55-73.
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