Results for 'Alberto Abriani'

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  1. The Ethics of Vaccination.Alberto Giubilini - 2019 - Cham: Springer Verlag.
    This open access book discusses individual, collective, and institutional responsibilities with regard to vaccination from the perspective of philosophy and public health ethics. It addresses the issue of what it means for a collective to be morally responsible for the realisation of herd immunity and what the implications of collective responsibility are for individual and institutional responsibilities. The first chapter introduces some key concepts in the vaccination debate, such as ‘herd immunity’, ‘public goods’, and ‘vaccine refusal’; and explains why failure (...)
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    A political life.Alberto Papuzzi - 2002 - Malden, MA: Blackwell. Edited by Alberto Papuzzi & Allan Cameron.
    A Political Life is the compelling autobiography of Norberto Bobbio, one of the foremost political thinkers in postwar Italy. In dramatic and lively prose, Bobbio guides us through some of the most significant events of the twentieth century, charting their influence on his life and work. Born in 1909, Norberto Bobbio's early life was marked by the experience of growing up in Mussolini's Italy - an experience that helped to shape his passionate commitment to the anti-fascist cause. As a result (...)
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    Martin of Braga, De trina mersione and the See of Rome.Alberto Ferreiro - 2007 - Augustinianum 47 (1):193-207.
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    The Bernays—Schönfinkel—Ramsey class for set theory: decidability.Alberto Policriti & Eugenio Omodeo - 2012 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 77 (3):896-918.
    As proved recently, the satisfaction problem for all prenex formulae in the set-theoretic Bernays-Shönfinkel-Ramsey class is semi-decidable over von Neumann's cumulative hierarchy. Here that semi-decidability result is strengthened into a decidability result for the same collection of formulae.
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    Out of measure. A reading of Sophocles’ Antigone.Alberto Andronico - 2022 - Philosophica 93 (1).
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    Paesaggi fatti ad arte.Alberto Bertagna (ed.) - 2010 - Macerata: Quodlibet.
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    Aufklärung und Romantik als Herausforderung für katholisches Denken.Alberto Bonchino (ed.) - 2015 - Paderborn: Ferdinand Schöningh.
    Papers of the international conference "Franz von Baader: Philosophie und Theologie im Spannungsfeld von Technik, Naturwissenschaft und Geschichte" held Oct. 3-6, 2013 in Dresden.
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    Il difficile rinnovamento: percorsi fondamentali della teologia morale postconciliare.Alberto Bonandi - 2003 - Assisi (Perugia): Cittadella.
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  9. An exclusionist Europe? Islam and the reemergence of civic nationalism / ¿Una Europa excluyente? El Islam y el resurgimiento del nacionalismo cívico.Alberto Spektorowski - 2014 - Araucaria 16 (31).
    The fierce debates surrounding the 'emergence' of Muslim communities in Europe ensued in the resurgence of nationalism. The current article introduces an original criticism to the ongoing debates surrounding the return of Europe's national pride. This article suggests that Muslim demands for freedom of religion that were founded in Islamic theological perspectives, have catalyzed the restriction of liberal universalistic perspectives to such freedoms. In this study I present how such demands facilitated the advancement of a newly crafted liberal form of (...)
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    Inside and Outside Hermeneutics: Contributions Toward a Reconstructive Reason.Alberto Martinengo - 2010 - In Jeff Malpas & Santiago Zabala (eds.), Consequences of hermeneutics: fifty years after Gadamer's Truth and method. Evanston, Ill.: Northwestern University Press. pp. 81.
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    La double contrainte du principe et de l’anarchie.Alberto Martinengo - 2017 - Revue Internationale de Philosophie 279 (1):43-50.
    Les Cahiers noirs de Martin Heidegger ont suscité des réactions si divergentes qu’il n’est pas illégitime de s’interroger sur la cause de cette plurivocité. Est-il possible qu’une série de textes produise des réactions si discordantes – de la minimisation à l’exaspération, du sarcasme à la caricature, du scandale à l’excommunication? Il est opportun de chercher dans les Cahiers noirs les racines de cette fragmentation. Cet article soutenir la thèse selon laquelle la structure et les contenus mêmes des Cahiers noirs porteraient (...)
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    Oltre il disincanto: prospettive sul reincantamento del mondo.Alberto Martinengo (ed.) - 2015 - Ariccia (RM): Aracne editrice int.le S.r.l..
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    Filosofia analitica e problemi educativi.Alberto Granese - 1968 - Firenze,: La nuova Italia.
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    El incendiado de Turín.Alberto Constante - 2019 - Argos 6 (17):140-148.
    El 3 de enero de 1889, en Turín, se produjo la primera crisis que callaría a aquel que se llamaba a sí mismo Dionisos o el Crucificado, o ambos a la vez. Ya en Basilea, a Nietzsche se le había diagnosticado "parálisis progresiva". En Jena, los médicos supusieron una infección sifilítica que se remontaba hacia 1866. Paradójicamente, a fines del mismo mes de enero se publicaba El ocaso de los ídolos y en la primavera de ese mismo año, cuando Nietzsche (...)
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    Autognosis y periautografía en Giambattista Vico.Alberto Mario Damiani - 2024 - Educação E Filosofia 38:1-22.
    Resumen: El propósito de este artículo es explorar la conexión entre autognosis y autobiografía en Giambattista Vico. El artículo comienza con una explicación del significado de la autognosis filosófica como método de la Ciencia nueva de Vico. Luego, la autognosis política es considerada como un objeto de esa ciencia. Por último, es formulado el problema de la conexión de estas dos formas de autognosis con la Autobiografía de Vico. Palabras clave: Vico, Autognosis como método, Autognosis como objeto, Autobiografía, Porcia. Autognose (...)
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    Il faut savoir désespérer où il faut. Pascal et le désespoir de la philosophie.Alberto Frigo - 2024 - Journal of Early Modern Studies 13 (1):71-83.
    Whether it's a question of "human philosophy" or of the Christian understanding of action in a regime of efficacious grace, for Pascal despair is always the effect of an error of appreciation. We overestimate our misery and powerlessness, we make them the whole of our being and our action, and so we consider ourselves only miserable and totally powerless. Despair should therefore be prevented and neutralised when it takes hold of the soul, never advocated or fed. Never - except perhaps (...)
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  17. Modalities in Temporal Logic of Agency.Alberto Zanardo - 2009 - Humana. Mente 8:1-15.
  18. Ende der Kunst, Ende der Moderne? : Hegel, Vattimo und die posthermeneutische Debatte.Alberto Martinengo - 2015 - In Klaus Vieweg, Francesca Iannelli & Federico Vercellone (eds.), Das Ende der Kunst als Anfang freier Kunst. Paderborn: Wilhelm Fink.
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    Thomas Berns, La guerre des philosophes.Alberto Fabris - forthcoming - Astérion.
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    Francesco Toto, L’origine e la storia: il Discorso sull’ineguaglianza di Rousseau.Alberto Frigo - forthcoming - Astérion.
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    Dignity and Equality in Women’s Health Issues to Inspire an Ethics of Care.Alberto García Gómez & Angela Colotti - 2022 - The New Bioethics 28 (3):196-198.
    A careful observation of the phenomenon of human life allows us to understand that from the beginning of the human life cycle until its destruction, the existence of each subject is deeply marked b...
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    L'Antropologia di Nemesio di Emesa.Alberto Siclari - 1974 - Padova: La garangola.
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    Il giovane Gentile e Marx.Alberto Signorini - 1966 - Milano,: Giuffrè.
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  24. Mesa y libertad.Alberto Soria - 2010 - Apuntes Filosóficos 19 (37).
    La democracia hizo que los sentados a la mesa fuésemos más. Que pudiéramos tener mejores productos y más cocineros. Que el sabor no tuviese que pedir permiso para poder viajar. Que los aromas no fuesen detenidos por alcabalas ni en aduanas. Con la libertad se come mejor. La posibilidad de escoger se agranda hasta volverse casi infinita. La presencia de la democracia, y también su ausencia y restricciones, se observan no sólo en la calle y en la prensa sino también (...)
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  25. Emmanuel Lévinas : la moral como absoluto en tiempos de barbarie.Alberto Sucasas - 2014 - In Julia Urabayen Pérez & Sergio Sánchez-Migallón Granados (eds.), Reflection on morality in contemporary philosophy: performing and ongoing phenomenology. Hildesheim: G. Olms.
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    Modelling Accuracy and Trustworthiness of Explaining Agents.Alberto Termine, Giuseppe Primiero & Fabio Aurelio D’Asaro - 2021 - In Sujata Ghosh & Thomas Icard (eds.), Logic, Rationality, and Interaction: 8th International Workshop, Lori 2021, Xi’an, China, October 16–18, 2021, Proceedings. Springer Verlag. pp. 232-245.
    Current research in Explainable AI includes post-hoc explanation methods that focus on building transparent explaining agents able to emulate opaque ones. Such agents are naturally required to be accurate and trustworthy. However, what it means for an explaining agent to be accurate and trustworthy is far from being clear. We characterize accuracy and trustworthiness as measures of the distance between the formal properties of a given opaque system and those of its transparent explanantes. To this aim, we extend Probabilistic Computation (...)
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    Modeling language and cognition with deep unsupervised learning: a tutorial overview.Marco Zorzi, Alberto Testolin & Ivilin P. Stoianov - 2013 - Frontiers in Psychology 4.
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    Forgetting Machines: Knowledge Management Evolution in Early Modern Europe.Alberto Cevolini - 2016 - Brill.
    _Forgetting Machines. Knowledge Management Evolution in Early Modern Europe_ investigates the evolution of scholarly practices and the transformation of cognitive habits in the early modern age, focussing on the development of note-taking systems and data storage devices.
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    Orfeo y Eleusis.Alberto Bernabé - 2008 - Synthesis (la Plata) 15:13-36.
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    Una etimologìa platònica: Σωμα-σημα.Alberto Bernabé - 1995 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 139 (2):204-237.
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    Central command and reflex regulation: Cardiovascular patterns during behavior.Alberto Del Bo & Alberto Zanchetti - 1986 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 9 (2):297-298.
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    Notas sobre la función metódica de la sociología del derecho.Alberto Montoro Ballesteros - 2022 - Anales de la Cátedra Francisco Suárez 13 (1):77-110.
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    John L. Bell: A biographical note.Alberto Peruzzi - 2015 - Aisthesis: Pratiche, Linguaggi E Saperi Dell’Estetico 8 (1):157-158.
    Born in 1945, John Lane Bell is not only one of the greatest logicians of our time, but he is also one the most gifted in the art of writing, as witnessed by the success of his introductory texts, many of which were originally written as lecture notes: their essential clarity is an exemplar of the Attic style. More generally, Bell’s works are a rare example of how rigour and sophisticated elegance can coexist.
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    The Concept of Time in Husserlian Phenomenology and Quantum Physics.Alberto Giovanni Biuso - 2023 - Humana Mente 16 (43).
    Through a comparison between phenomenology and quantum physics, the paper aims to show that naturalising phenomenology can also mean bringing it into a critical and fruitful relationship with some of the most complex and fundamental questions of contemporary physics, thus showing both the truly ever-open potential of Husserlian and Heideggerian thinking and the need for the sciences to receive a theoretical light without which they risk remaining either magical, arbitrary and esoteric knowledge or technical, reductionist and epistemologically sterile.
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    Alteracións climáticas e mudanza democrática. Unha aproximación dende a ecoloxía política.Alberto José Franco Barrera - 2019 - Agora 38 (1).
    A mudanza climática representa un desafío urxente para as democracias modernas e para as formas de acción colectiva organizadas para loitar contra as consecuencias das alteracións climáticas. Ante isto, poden os sistemas democráticos evolucionar para enfrontar estes desafíos? O presente traballo deseña unha reformulación da democracia liberal baseada en dous principios xerais: a sostenibilidade e a democratización da democracia. Tendo en consideración que as consecuencias xeradas pola mudanza climática terán un impacto considerábel nas formas sociais de organización, analizarei o vencello (...)
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  36. Santo Tomás.Alberto Bonet - 1952 - Madrid,: Acción Católica Española.
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  37. Contra la conspiración.Alberto Moreiras - 2022 - In Gerardo Muñoz (ed.), Giorgio Agamben: arqueología de la política. Leiden, The Netherlands: Almenara.
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    Observation of Point-Light-Walker Locomotion Induces Motor Resonance When Explicitly Represented; An EEG Source Analysis Study.Alberto Inuggi, Claudio Campus, Roberta Vastano, Ghislain Saunier, Alejo Keuroghlanian & Thierry Pozzo - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Ontological Syncretistic Noneism.Alberto Voltolini - 2018 - Australasian Journal of Logic 15 (2):124-138.
    In this paper I want to claim, first, that despite close similarities, noneism and Crane’s psychological reductionism are different ontological doctrines. For unlike the latter, the former is ontologically committed to objects that are nonentities. Once one splits ontological from existential commitment, this claim, I guess, is rather uncontroversial. Second, however, I want to claim something more controversial; namely, that this ontological interpretation of noneism naturally makes noneism be nonstandardly read as a form of allism, to be however appropriately distinguished (...)
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    Antimicrobial resistance and antimicrobial stewardship programmes: benefiting the patient or the population?Alberto Giubilini - 2017 - Journal of Medical Ethics 43 (10):653-654.
    Antimicrobial resistance kills people. According to a recent estimate, ‘7 00 000 people die of resistant infections every year’, and ‘by 2050 10 million lives a year are at risk due to drug resistant infections, as are 100 trillion USD of economic output’.1 Today, ‘bacteria are resistant to nearly all antibiotics that were earlier active against them’.2 For all these reasons, antimicrobial resistance is considered a ‘slowly emerging disaster’3 and a ‘global health security issue’.4 The prospect we are facing is (...)
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    What’s behind meaning?Alberto Peruzzi - 2017 - Journal of Philosophical Investigations at University of Tabriz 11 (21):119-145.
    The paper addresses the main questions to be dealt with by any semantic theory which is committed to provide an explanation of how meaning is possible. On one side the paper argues that the resources provided by the development of mathematical logic, theoretical computer science, cognitive psychology, and general linguistics in the 20th Century, however indispensable to investigate the structure of language, rely on the existence of end products in the morphogenesis of meaning. On the other, the paper argues that (...)
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    Nudging Immunity: The Case for Vaccinating Children in School and Day Care by Default.Alberto Giubilini, Lucius Caviola, Hannah Maslen, Thomas Douglas, Anne-Marie Nussberger, Nadira Faber, Samantha Vanderslott, Sarah Loving, Mark Harrison & Julian Savulescu - 2019 - HEC Forum 31 (4):325-344.
    Many parents are hesitant about, or face motivational barriers to, vaccinating their children. In this paper, we propose a type of vaccination policy that could be implemented either in addition to coercive vaccination or as an alternative to it in order to increase paediatric vaccination uptake in a non-coercive way. We propose the use of vaccination nudges that exploit the very same decision biases that often undermine vaccination uptake. In particular, we propose a policy under which children would be vaccinated (...)
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  43. Understanding quantum physics.Alberto Cordero - 2003 - Science & Education 12 (5):503-511.
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  44. The political Italy of the 18th century seen through Portuguese eyes.Alberto Antunes de Abreu - 2006 - Cultura:231-244.
    José de Sousa Pereira, membro do Conselho da Fazenda de D. Pedro II, foi enviado a Roma com a embaixada do Bispo de Lamego entre 1676 a 1682. Consignou as impressões da viagem A politica dos princepes de Itália em 1680, decerto com a finalidade de fornecer modelos críti­cos aos governantes portugueses. Da apreciação da política italiana ressaltam simpatias pela república veneziana, pelo Ducado de Saboia, mas também um conhecimento deficiente das políti­cas de Génova, Modena, Mântua, Parma e Lucca, tão (...)
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  45. A propósito do 'ethos' da ciência.Alberto Cupani - 1998 - Episteme 3 (6):16-38.
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  46. Logos en la oración. De un conciso comentario de Tomás de Aquino.Alberto Escallada Tijero - 2013 - Ciencia Tomista 140 (450):163-174.
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    “It’s like holding a human heart”: the design of Vital + Morph, a shape-changing interface for remote monitoring.Alberto Boem & Hiroo Iwata - 2018 - AI and Society 33 (4):599-619.
    Based on the concept of data physicalization, we developed Vital + Morph, an interactive surface for remote connection and awareness of clinical data. It enables users located in remote places to monitor and feel the vital signs measured from a hospitalized person through shape-change. We propose shape-changing interfaces as a way of making data physicalization a richer, intriguing and memorable experience that communicates complex information and insights about data. To demonstrate and validate our proposed concept, we developed an exploratory study (...)
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  48. Archeologia Dei sistemi autoreferenziali.Alberto Cevolini - 2010 - Divus Thomas 113 (2):11-36.
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    "Connessioni di destino". Cura, interdipendenza, convivialismo.Alberto Pirni - 2017 - Società Degli Individui 58:56-70.
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    Materie als geronnener Geist: Studien zu Franz von Baader in den philosophischen Konstellationen seiner Zeit.Alberto Bonchino - 2014 - Paderborn: Ferdinand Schöningh.
    Translated from the Italian by Dorothy Bonchino-Demmler.
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