Results for 'Alberto T. Díscoli'

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  1. El logicismo autónomo.Alberto T. Arai - 1941 - [México]: Letras de México.
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  2. La equidad en el derecho.Alberto T. Díscoli - 1930 - In Alberto J. Rodríguez (ed.), Notas de filosofía del derecho del curso de 1929 de la Facultad de Derecho de Buenos Aires. Buenos Aires (Paso 667, Buenos Aires): Tall. Gráf. J. Glassman.
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  3. The timing of attentional modulation of visual processing as indexed by ERPs.Alberto Zani, Alice Mado Proverbio, I. Laurent, R. Geraint & K. T. John - 2005 - In Laurent Itti, Geraint Rees & John K. Tsotsos (eds.), Neurobiology of Attention. Academic Press.
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    Hegel y la Estetica.T. M. Knox & Raul Alberto Pierola - 1959 - Philosophical Quarterly 9 (34):86.
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    The Effect of Psychology Objective Structured Clinical Examination Scenarios Presentation Order on Students Autonomic Stress Response.Alberto Bellido-Esteban, Ana Isabel Beltrán-Velasco, Pablo Ruisoto-Palomera, Pantelis T. Nikolaidis, Beat Knechtle & Vicente Javier Clemente-Suárez - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    The objective structured clinical examination is a method for assessment clinical competencies and skills. However, there is a need to improve its design in psychology programs. The aim of this study was to analyze the effect of the different scenario's presentation order with different complexity/difficulty on the autonomic stress response of undergraduate students undergoing a Psychology OSCE. A total of 32 students of Psychology Bachelor's Degree were randomly selected and assigned to two OSCE scenarios of different complexity. While undergoing the (...)
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  6. Evidence on the Relationship Between Emotional Intelligence and Risk Behavior: A Systematic and Meta-Analytic Review.María T. Sánchez-López, Pablo Fernández-Berrocal, Raquel Gómez-Leal & Alberto Megías-Robles - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    The aim of the present study was to carry out a qualitative and quantitative synthesis of the existing literature studying the relationship between emotional intelligence and risk behavior. We conducted a systematic review and meta-analysis of the scientific evidence available relating both constructs. Particular attention was paid to identifying possible differences in this relationship as a function of the different conceptualizations of EI and the risk domain. The study was conducted following the Cochrane and PRISMA guidelines. Our results revealed a (...)
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    Indistinguishability, Choices, and Logics of Agency.Alberto Zanardo - 2013 - Studia Logica 101 (6):1215-1236.
    This paper deals with structures ${\langle{\bf T}, I\rangle}$ in which T is a tree and I is a function assigning each moment a partition of the set of histories passing through it. The function I is called indistinguishability and generalizes the notion of undividedness. Belnap’s choices are particular indistinguishability functions. Structures ${\langle{\bf T}, I\rangle}$ provide a semantics for a language ${\mathcal{L}}$ with tense and modal operators. The first part of the paper investigates the set-theoretical properties of the set of indistinguishability (...)
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  8. Just Ecological Integrity: The Ethics of Maintaining Planetary Life.Steven C. Rockefeller, Ana Isla, Terisa E. Turner, Paul T. Durbin, Eunice Blavascumas, Sonia Ftacnikova, Luis Alberto Camargo, Vicky Castillo, Garrick E. Louiis, Luna M. Magpili, Janos I. Toth, William E. Rees, Don Brown, Patricia H. Werhane, Mary A. Hamilton & Imre Lazar - 2002 - Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    Just Ecological Integrity presents a collection of revised and expanded essays originating from the international conference "Connecting Environmental Ethics, Ecological Integrity, and Health in the New Millennium" held in San Jose, Costa Rica in June 2000. It is a cooperative venture of the Global Ecological Integrity Project and the Earth Charter Initiative.
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    La historización de la muerte en Dialéctica negativa de T.W. Adorno.Alberto Pérez - 2005 - Revista Internacional de Filosofía Política 26:17-44.
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  10. Don't mind the gap: intuitions, emotions, and reasons in the enhancement debate.Alberto Giubilini - 2015 - Hastings Center Report 45 (5):39-47.
    Reliance on intuitive and emotive responses is widespread across many areas of bioethics, and the current debate on biotechnological human enhancement is particularly interesting in this respect. A strand of “bioconservatives” that has explicitly drawn connections to the modern conservative tradition, dating back to Edmund Burke, appeals explicitly to the alleged wisdom of our intuitions and emotions to ground opposition to some biotechnologies or their uses. So-called bioliberals, those who in principle do not oppose human bioenhancement, tend to rely on (...)
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    Please Don't Use Science or Mathematics in Arguing for Human Rights or Natural Law.Alberto Artosi - 2010 - Ratio Juris 23 (3):311-332.
    In the vast literature on human rights and natural law one finds arguments that draw on science or mathematics to support claims to universality and objectivity. Here are two such arguments: 1) Human rights are as universal (i.e., valid independently of their specific historical and cultural Western origin) as the laws and theories of science; and 2) principles of natural law have the same objective (metahistorical) validity as mathematical principles. In what follows I will examine these arguments in some detail (...)
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  12. Measurement of Motivation States for Physical Activity and Sedentary Behavior: Development and Validation of the CRAVE Scale.Matthew A. Stults-Kolehmainen, Miguel Blacutt, Nia Fogelman, Todd A. Gilson, Philip R. Stanforth, Amanda L. Divin, John B. Bartholomew, Alberto Filgueiras, Paul C. McKee, Garrett I. Ash, Joseph T. Ciccolo, Line Brotnow Decker, Susannah L. Williamson & Rajita Sinha - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Physical activity, and likely the motivation for it, varies throughout the day. The aim of this investigation was to create a short assessment (CRAVE: Cravings for Rest and Volitional Energy Expenditure) to measure motivation states (wants, desires, urges) for physical activity and sedentary behaviors. Five studies were conducted to develop and evaluate the construct validity and reliability of the scale, with 1,035 participants completing the scale a total of 1,697 times. In Study 1, 402 university students completed a questionnaire inquiring (...)
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  13. Possibility, actuality, and the growth of imagination: The many-worlds approach to quantum physics.Alberto Cordero - 2008 - Ontology Studies: Cuadernos de Ontología:93-102.
    Las interpretaciónes de la física cuántica de Everett-DeWitt hablan de una multiplicidad de mundos físicamente coexistenrtes. Éstas imaginativas reacciones a los problemas conceptuales de la mecánica cuántica estándar forman una família de propuestas de “universos múltiples” que, sin pleno éxito, han sido tachadas de incoherentes.Everett-DeWitt interpretations of quantum physics speak of a multiplicity of physically coexisting worlds. These imaginative reactions to the conceptual problems of standard quantum mechanics form a family of physicalist “many-worlds” proposals that have been variously dismissed as (...)
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    Leonard T. Hobhouse: libero scambio e giustizia sociale.Alberto De Sanctis - 2014 - Scandicci (Fi): Centro editoriale toscano.
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  15. (1 other version)Rejected posits, realism, and the history of science.Alberto Cordero - unknown
    Summary: Responding to Laudan’s skeptical reading of history an influential group of realists claim that the seriously wrong claims past successful theories licensed were not really implicated in the predictions that once singled them out as successful. For example, in the case of Fresnel’s theory of light, it is said that although he appealed to the ether he didn’t actually need to in order to derive his famous experimental predictions—in them, we are assured, the ether concept was “idle,” “inessential,” “peripheral” (...)
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  16.  22
    (2 other versions)Destins de la sexualité dans la thérapie psychanalytique de couple.Alberto Eiguer - 2016 - Dialogue: Families & Couples 212 (2):73.
    Aujourd’hui, le thérapeute psychanalytique de couple ( tpc ) ne se réfère que rarement dans sa pratique au sexuel et à la sexualité. L’auteur étudie cette évolution en proposant deux hypothèses. Les orientations théoriques les plus répandues parmi les tpc auraient-elles une influence sur la difficulté à intégrer le sexuel et les troubles sexuels du couple dans l’analyse des cas? La spécificité de ce cadre, un couple/un analyste, n’y joue-t-elle pas un certain rôle? L’auteur rappelle le travail d’auto-analyse du thérapeute (...)
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  17. "Ours is an engineering approach": Flow cytometry and the constitution of human T-cell subsets.Peter Keating & Alberto Cambrosio - 1994 - Journal of the History of Biology 27 (3):449-479.
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    Undivided and indistinguishable histories in branching-time logics.Alberto Zanardo - 1998 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 7 (3):297-315.
    In the tree-like representation of Time, two histories are undivided at a moment t whenever they share a common moment in the future of t. In the present paper, it will first be proved that Ockhamist and Peircean branching-time logics are unable to express some important sentences in which the notion of undividedness is involved. Then, a new semantics for branching-time logic will be presented. The new semantics is based on trees endowed with an indistinguishability function, a generalization of the (...)
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  19.  26
    Conscientious refusal or conscientious provision: We can't have both.Ryan Kulesa & Alberto Giubilini - 2024 - Bioethics 38 (5):445-451.
    Some authors argue that it is permissible for clinicians to conscientiously provide abortion services because clinicians are already allowed to conscientiously refuse to provide certain services. Call this the symmetry thesis. We argue that on either of the two main understandings of the aim of the medical profession—what we will call “pathocentric” and “interest‐centric” views—conscientious refusal and conscientious provision are mutually exclusive. On pathocentric views, refusing to provide a service that takes away from a patient's health is professionally justified because (...)
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    Towards a History of Syriac Rhetoric in Late Antiquity.Alberto Rigolio - 2022 - Millennium 19 (1):197-218.
    This article presents the first comprehensive study of Syriac rhetoric in late antiquity. It builds on existing scholarship on the Syrians’ engagement with Graeco-Roman paideia and Christian rhetoric, but it also goes further in that it draws attention to the Syrians’ participation in Near Eastern rhetorical traditions (mainly transmitted through Aramaic) and in the rhetoric of the Hebrew Bible, which was translated into Syriac without Greek intermediaries. At the same time, this article demonstrates that Syriac rhetoric flourished in distinctive and (...)
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  21. Alberto Carrillo canan.A. T. Tymieniecka & Analecta Husserliana - 1998 - Analecta Husserliana 53:155.
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    De l'emploi inadéquat du terme ·primitif·.Alberto Carlo Blanc - 1957 - Dialectica 11 (3‐4):247-275.
    RésuméL'emploi inadéquat du terme » primitif « est la conséquence d'une confusion entre la primitivité réelle des formes archaïques et la » primitivité « secondaire des formes spécialisées.Dans toute évolution, la transition du simple au complexe et celle de l'indistinct au distinct suivent des modalités semblables. On y reconnai̊t une phase d'enrichissement lent, une phase de polymorphisme originel, et une phase de ségrégation et de spécialisation. Il est nécessaire de distinguer entre:1. la simplicité archaïque des formes authentiquement primitives et la (...)
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    A Gabbay-Rule Free Axiomatization of T x W Validity.Maria Concetta Di Maio & Alberto Zanardo - 1998 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 27 (5):435 - 487.
    The semantical structures called T x W frames were introduced in (Thomason, 1984) for the Ockhamist temporal-modal language, $[Unrepresented Character]_{o}$ , which consists of the usual propositional language augmented with the Priorean operators P and F and with a possibility operator ◇. However, these structures are also suitable for interpreting an extended language, $[Unrepresented Character]_{so}$ , containing a further possibility operator $\lozenge^{s}$ which expresses synchronism among possibly incompatible histories and which can thus be thought of as a cross-history 'simultaneity' operator. (...)
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    Between Patriotism and Pacifism. Ernesto Teodoro Moneta and the Italian conquest of Libya.Alberto Castelli - 2010 - History of European Ideas 36 (3):324-329.
    In 1911, the prominent Italian Nobel Peace Prize laureate Ernesto T. Moneta and, with him, a number of Italian “pacifists” actively supported the invasion of Libya (carried out) by the Italian army. On the columns of “La Vita Internazionale”, journal edited by Moneta since 1898, Italian “pacifists” not only agreed that it was good and convenient for Italy to conquer a part of North Africa, but showed an enthusiasm they had never manifested before in support of pacifist initiatives. The question (...)
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    Liberalismo e antimarxismo: Richard Rorty em diálogo com Dewey e Casto riadis.Alberto Tosi Rodríguez - 2004 - Utopía y Praxis Latinoamericana 9 (24):9-30.
    This ar ti cle has as ob jec ti ve for mu la tes a cri tic to Ri chard Rorty`s an ti mar xism and his de fen se of the po li ti cal li be ra lism. The ar ti cle tries to do it, in first pla ce, des cri bing the phi lo sop hi cal cri tic of Rorty to Marx; in se cond pla ce iden tif ying two in t..
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    First-Order Definability of Transition Structures.Antje Rumberg & Alberto Zanardo - 2019 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 28 (3):459-488.
    The transition semantics presented in Rumberg (J Log Lang Inf 25(1):77–108, 2016a) constitutes a fine-grained framework for modeling the interrelation of modality and time in branching time structures. In that framework, sentences of the transition language L_t are evaluated on transition structures at pairs consisting of a moment and a set of transitions. In this paper, we provide a class of first-order definable Kripke structures that preserves L_t-validity w.r.t. transition structures. As a consequence, for a certain fragment of L_t, validity (...)
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    Ethik, Vernunft, und Rationalität: Beiträge zur 33. Jahrestagung der Societas Ethica in Luzern, Schweiz, 1996 = Ethics, reason, and rationality.Alberto Bondolfi, Stefan Grotefeld & Rudi Neuberth (eds.) - 1997 - Münster: Lit.
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  28. Diachronic Realism about Successful Theories.Alberto Cordero - 2008 - Proceedings of the Xxii World Congress of Philosophy 43:51-66.
    The success of a scientific theory T is not an all-or-nothing matter; nor is a theory something one can usually accept or reject in toto (i.e. one may take T as being "approximately true", or take as true just certain "parts" of it, without necessarily affirming every posit and claim specific to T as being either completely right or completely wrong). This, however, raises questions about precisely which parts of T deserve to be taken as approximately true. on the basis (...)
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    The contingency of the Word of God, necessary premise of biblical hermeneutics.Juan Alberto Casas Ramírez - 2012 - Veritas: Revista de Filosofía y Teología 27 (27):137-164.
    «Palabra de Dios» no se dice sólo con referencia a las Sagradas Escrituras; Jesucristo es la Palabra de Dios por antonomasia frente a la cual las demás expresiones de Palabra de Dios, incluyendo la Biblia, lo serán en sentido análogo y dependiente. Esto significa que tras la hermenéutica bíblica cristiana subyace la fe cristológica, de tal modo que lo que se predica de la naturaleza de la Sagrada Escritura, Palabra de Dios puesta por escrito, sea consecuencia directa de lo que (...)
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    Social, Family, and Educational Impacts on Anxiety and Cognitive Empathy Derived From the COVID-19: Study on Families With Children.Alberto Quílez-Robres, Raquel Lozano-Blasco, Tatiana Íñiguez-Berrozpe & Alejandra Cortés-Pascual - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12:562800.
    This research aims to monitor the current situation of confinement in Spanish society motivated by COVID-19 crisis. For this, a study of its socio-family, psychological and educational impact is conducted. The sample (N= 165 families, 89.1% nuclear families with children living in the same household and 20.5% with a relative in a risk group) comes from the Aragonese region (Spain). The instruments used are: Beck-II Depression Inventory (BDI-II); Baron-Cohen and Wheelwright’s Empathy Quotient (EQ) with its cognitive empathy subscale, as well (...)
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    Women Philosophers on Autonomy.Sandrine Berges & Siani Alberto (eds.) - 2018 - New York: Routledge Taylor & Francis Group.
    We encounter autonomy in virtually every area of philosophy: in its relation with rationality, personality, self-identity, authenticity, freedom, moral values and motivations, and forms of government, legal, and social institutions. At the same time, the notion of autonomy has been the subject of significant criticism. Some argue that autonomy outweighs or even endangers interpersonal or collective values, while others believe it alienates subjects who don’t possess a strong form of autonomy. These marginalized subjects and communities include persons with physical or (...)
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    Women Philosophers on Autonomy: Historical and Contemporary Perspectives.Sandrine Berges & Alberto L. Siani (eds.) - 2018 - New York: Routledge.
    We encounter autonomy in virtually every area of philosophy: in its relation with rationality, personality, self-identity, authenticity, freedom, moral values and motivations, and forms of government, legal, and social institutions. At the same time, the notion of autonomy has been the subject of significant criticism. Some argue that autonomy outweighs or even endangers interpersonal or collective values, while others believe it alienates subjects who don't possess a strong form of autonomy. These marginalized subjects and communities include persons with physical or (...)
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    For Analytics Beyond “Personhood,” Bioethics Should Look Toward Science and Technology Studies (STS).Vishnu Subrahmanyam, Alberto Aparicio, Jacob D. Moses & Stephen Molldrem - 2024 - American Journal of Bioethics 24 (1):46-48.
    Jennifer Blumenthal-Barby (2024) argues that “[i]t is time for bioethics to end talk about personhood” (11). The author calls on the field to ask different kinds of normative questions about the mo...
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  34. J. Alberto Coffa.W. C. Salmon, G. Massey, N. D. Belnap Jr & T. M. Simpson - 1993 - In David-Hillel Ruben (ed.), Explanation. New York: Oxford University Press.
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  35. The fragmentary model of temporal experience and the mirroring constraint.Gerardo Alberto Viera - 2019 - Philosophical Studies 176 (1):21-44.
    A central debate in the current philosophical literature on temporal experience is over the following question: do temporal experiences themselves have a temporal structure that mirrors their temporal contents? Extensionalists argue that experiences do have a temporal structure that mirrors their temporal contents. Atomists insist that experiences don’t have a temporal structure that mirrors their contents. In this paper, I argue that this debate is misguided. Both atomism and extensionalism, considered as general theories of temporal experience, are false, since temporal (...)
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    Física cuántica para filo-sofos.Alberto Clemente de la Torre - 1992 - México: Fondo de Cultura Económica.
    En un estilo claro, despojado de t rminos t cnicos, Alberto Clemente de la Torre traza un recorrido por los principales t picos de la f sica cu ntica destinados a todos aquellos que quieren descubrir uno de los temas m s sugerentes de la ciencia contempor nea, sin exigirles Para ello conocimientos previos.
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    Genetic Immunisation.Tess Johnson & Alberto Giubilini - 2021 - In David Edmonds (ed.), Future Morality. Oxford: Oxford University Press, Usa.
    [book blurb:] The world is changing so fast that it's hard to know how to think about what we ought to do. We barely have time to reflect on how scientific advances will affect our lives before they're upon us. New kinds of dilemma are springing up. Can robots be held responsible for their actions? Will artificial intelligence be able to predict criminal activity? Is the future gender-fluid? Should we strive to become post-human? Should we use drugs to improve our (...)
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    The constitution of the athenians in italian and in English - Rhodes aristotele: Costituzione degli ateniesi. Translated by A. zambrini and T. gargiulo. Pp. lii + 402. Rome / Milan: Fondazione Lorenzo valla / arnoldo Mondadori, 2016. Cased, €35. Isbn: 978-88-04-67169-5. - Rhodes the athenian constitution written in the school of Aristotle. Pp. XII + 441, maps. Liverpool: Liverpool university press, 2017. Paper, £19.99 . Isbn: 978-1-78694-837-3. [REVIEW]Alberto Esu - 2018 - The Classical Review 68 (2):366-369.
  39. Jean Baudrillard y la pérdida de ilusión estética. El desarrollo de un pensamiento apocalíptico.Luis Alberto Verdugo Torres - 2010 - Logos: Revista de la Facultad de Filosofia y Humanidades 17:189-205.
    The present article exposes the reasons which Jean Baudrillard says that it there is a loss of aesthetic illusion in the art-object of the simulation. Those reasons would prevent to the new artistic piece the chance to generate a symbolic level and it would lead to disappearance of the art. That is the reason which Baudrillard’s thought is designated apocalyptic. The article’s hypothesis is that the loss of aesthetic illusion announced by Baudrillard can be understood analyzing the way in that (...)
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    Extended Subjectivity, Conveyance of Cognitions and Community of Minds: About the Possibility of One’s Reasons become other’s Intuitions.Luis Alberto Carrillo Cáceres - 2024 - Revista de Humanidades de Valparaíso 24:163-182.
    The holist and inferential condition that, according with Davidson, defines imperatively the cognitive process collides with the existence of the intuitive believes, that is to say, those believes that are of themselves the fundamentum and that, thus, don’t require other belief for their grounds. Nonetheless, if, for one part, is adopted the way in which Peirce understands the term “intuition” and, for another, is accepted the extension of inferential holism, is allowed, even so, to admit the existence of intuitive believes, (...)
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    The Existentialism of Alberto Moravia.Joan Ross, Donald Freed & Harry T. Moore - 1972 - Southern Illinois University Press.
    In this detailed study giving more depth and breadth to Moravia’s work than has hitherto been done in English, the authors explore his background and assess his accomplishment as a twentieth-century artist. Students of the modern novel will be interested in the explication given here of the influences of Kierkegaard, Sartre, Camus, and Martin Buber on Moravia’s work.
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    O espírito histórico-filosófico do pensamento hisp'nico.Carlos Alberto Gomes - 2016 - Discusiones Filosóficas 17 (28):35-46.
    O pensamento filosófico hispânico na segunda metade do séc. XX, potenciou um processo de emancipação cultural e filosófica mais profundas, que destacaram o sentido e o alcance de uma utêntica filosofia, no continente sul-americano. Com tomada de consciência da circunstância americana o que está em causa, é a procura e busca de uma autenticidade da razão latino-americana, a qual na análise que desenvolvo, só terá sentido se integrada numa dinâmica de integração cultural. Esta deverá sempre partir das circunstâncias próprias, e (...)
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    La percepción de estrés, bienestar y ambiente laboral en las regiones sureste y norte de Brasil.Paulo Eduardo Benzoni, Jean Carlos Rodrigues Brustolin & Sérgio Alberto Nascimento Melo Junior - 2024 - Prometeica - Revista De Filosofía Y Ciencias 30:223-235.
    La percepción del estrés, el bienestar y la calidad del ambiente laboral son interdependientes y están influenciadas por factores individuales, económicos y culturales. En este estudio, el objetivo fue analizar comparativamente la percepción del estrés, el bienestar y el clima laboral en las regiones Norte y Sureste de Brasil. Participaron 235 trabajadores, 65,5% mujeres y 34,5% hombres, sin hijos (59,1%), con estudios superiores (43%), trabajando en servicios (42,1%) en régimen CLT (60,4%). Se utilizaron tres instrumentos para evaluar la percepción de (...)
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    Diderot et la philosophie.Jean-Christophe Bardout, Vincent Carraud & Alberto Frigo (eds.) - 2020 - Paris: Société Diderot.
    La philosophie de Diderot penseur des lumières, son matérialisme, ont fait l'objet d'études précises. Mais ici sa pensée est envisagée selon une autre perspective : dans son rapport à l'histoire de la philosophie. L'ouvrage explore le dialogue que Diderot entretient avec de grandes figures de la tradition philosophique comme avec ses contemporains, de Sénèque à Hume en passant par Bacon, Descartes, Leibniz ou l'esthétique de son temps. Alors apparaît l'originalité paradoxale d'un matérialisme qui conserve à la métaphysique toute sa pertinence. (...)
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  45. Combining Optimization and Randomization Approaches for the Design of Clinical Trials.Julio Michael Stern, Victor Fossaluza, Marcelo de Souza Lauretto & Carlos Alberto de Braganca Pereira - 2015 - Springer Proceedings in Mathematics and Statistics 118:173-184.
    t Intentional sampling methods are non-randomized procedures that select a group of individuals for a sample with the purpose of meeting specific prescribed criteria. In this paper we extend previous works related to intentional sampling, and address the problem of sequential allocation for clinical trials with few patients. Roughly speaking, patients are enrolled sequentially, according to the order in which they start the treatment at the clinic or hospital. The allocation problem consists in assigning each new patient to one, and (...)
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  46. Alberto Alesina and Francesco Giavazzi. The Future of Europe (Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2006), x+ 186 pp. 24.95 cloth. Sophie Bastien. Caligula et Camus: Interferences transhistoriques (Amsterdam: Rodopi, 2006), xiii+ 309 pp. E64. 00/$80.00 paper. John R. Bowen. Why the French Don't Like Headscarves: Islam, the State, and Public. [REVIEW]Denis Diderot Rameau’S. Nephew - 2007 - The European Legacy 12 (6):789-791.
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    (1 other version)Kant and the Continental Tradition: Sensibility, Nature and Religion: editors, by Sorin Baiasu and Alberto Vanzo, New York, Routledge, 2020, 254 pp., £120.00 (hardback), IBSN: 9781138503748.Annapaola Varaschin - 2021 - International Journal of Philosophical Studies 29 (3):426-432.
    Although Kant’s legacy for the subsequent continental tradition is widely acknowledged, studies dedicated to this complex and multifaceted relation are not as widespread. Kant and the Continental T...
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    An Argument for Compulsory Vaccination: The Taxation Analogy.Alberto Giubilini - 2019 - Journal of Applied Philosophy 37 (3):446-466.
    I argue that there are significant moral reasons in addition to harm prevention for making vaccination against certain common infectious diseases compulsory. My argument is based on an analogy between vaccine refusal and tax evasion. First, I discuss some of the arguments for compulsory vaccination that are based on considerations of the risk of harm that the non‐vaccinated would pose on others; I will suggest that the strength of such arguments is contingent upon circumstances and that in order to provide (...)
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  49. Entre el silencio y la mirada fugaz: acerca de una monografía sobre Ágnes Heller.Alberto Pérez Zamora - 1998 - Daimon: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 17:185-194.
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  50. Vaccination, Risks, and Freedom: The Seat Belt Analogy.Alberto Giubilini & Julian Savulescu - 2019 - Public Health Ethics 12 (3):237-249.
    We argue that, from the point of view public health ethics, vaccination is significantly analogous to seat belt use in motor vehicles and that coercive vaccination policies are ethically justified for the same reasons why coercive seat belt laws are ethically justified. We start by taking seriously the small risk of vaccines’ side effects and the fact that such risks might need to be coercively imposed on individuals. If millions of individuals are vaccinated, even a very small risk of serious (...)
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