Results for 'Alejandra Martínez Quintero'

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  1.  49
    Pregnant Agencies: Movement and Participation in Maternal–Fetal Interactions.Alejandra Martínez Quintero & Hanne De Jaegher - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11:516645.
    Pregnancy presents some interesting challenges for the philosophy of embodied cognition. Mother and fetus are generally considered to be passive during pregnancy, both individually and in their relation. In this paper, we use the enactive operational concepts of autonomy, agency, individuation, and participation to examine the relation between mother and fetus in utero. Based on biological, physiological, and phenomenological research, we explore the emergence of agentive capacities in embryo and fetus, as well as how maternal agency changes as pregnancy advances. (...)
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  2.  52
    Bizarreness and Emotion Identification in Grete Stern Photomontages: Gender and Age Disparities.Alejandra Rosales-Lagarde, Claudia Isabel Martínez-Alcalá, Patricia Pliego-Pastrana, Eva María Molina-Trinidad & José-Luis Díaz - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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    The ethics of algorithms from the perspective of the cultural history of consciousness: first look.Carlos Andres Salazar Martinez & Olga Lucia Quintero Montoya - 2023 - AI and Society 38 (2):763-775.
    Theories related to cognitive sciences, Human-in-the-loop Cyber-physical systems, data analysis for decision-making, and computational ethics make clear the need to create transdisciplinary learning, research, and application strategies to bring coherence to the paradigm of a truly human-oriented technology. Autonomous objects assume more responsibilities for individual and collective phenomena, they have gradually filtered into routines and require the incorporation of ethical practice into the professions related to the development, modeling, and design of algorithms. To make this possible, it is pertinent and (...)
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    Una Reflexión Autoetnográfica Sobre la Práctica de Las Artes Marciales de Contacto: Ser Una (Uno) Entre Todos Ellos.Alejandra Martínez - 2015 - Astrolabio: Nueva Época 14:290-312.
    Este artículo, escrito en clave autoetnográfica, recupera mi experiencia en la práctica de las artes marciales. Se centra en el sentido que adquiere la masculinidad entre mis compañeros varones, así como en mi propia transformación física y emocional para integrarme a ese mundo estrictamente masculino. El escrito supone un doble desafío: en la dimensión teórica, pretende arrojar luz sobre el sentido de la práctica marcial y su relación con las regulaciones que orientan la masculinidad. En la dimensión metodológica, busca explorar (...)
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  5. La inocencia cuestionada. Representaciones sociales, valores y jerarquías en películas animadas infantiles.Alejandra Martínez - 2013 - Aposta 57:5.
    En este escrito presentamos los principales resultados de un trabajo de investigación realizado entre 2010 y 2012, que tuvo como uno de sus objetivos centrales analizar las representaciones de las condiciones objetivas de existencia asignadas a personajes de películas animadas infantiles. Se trabajó con tres producciones de gran consumo en el mercado mundial. El análisis realizado nos permite señalar que, a pesar de los cambios sociales que se produjeron a lo largo de casi 40 años, las películas infantiles tienden a (...)
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    Reflexiones en torno al concepto de clase social - Pierre Bourdieu Y el espacio social pluridimensional.Alejandra Martínez - 2006 - Astrolabio: Nueva Época 2.
    REFLEXIONES EN TORNO AL CONCEPTO DE CLASE SOCIAL - Pierre Bourdieu y el espacio social pluridimensional.
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  7. Representaciones infantiles en torno a las normas de género.Alejandra Martínez - 2008 - Aposta 36:5.
    This article shows part of the results of a research work. Its objective was to analyze how girls and boys from the city of Córdoba of ages between 8 and 9, that belong to different socioeconomic levels, build discourse around gender norms. About the analysis, it is focused around discourses built by children that live in one of the poorest city areas. This work explains how girls and boys reproduce, in their discourses, schemes considered as “traditional” around gender definition. And, (...)
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  8.  26
    Representaciones sobre las normas de género: La resistencia al cambio.Alejandra Martínez, Aldo Merlino, Vanesa Garbero & Erika Barzola - 2011 - Aposta 51.
    This article is product of a research work that was developed between 2006 and 2009 in the city of Córdoba, Argentina. One of its main objectives was to analyze the representations of gender norms in men and women, and relate them with the interviewed social agents’ objective conditions of existence. In this paper we show articulations between social representations and objective conditions –specifically those related to possession/dispossession of economic and cultural capital– stressing the resistance of traditional representations related to gender (...)
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  9.  20
    Semilleros de investigación en modalidad virtual. Estrategia pedagógica.Magda Alejandra Martínez-Daza - 2022 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 11 (6):1-14.
    El propósito, sistematizar la estrategia pedagógica de formación y evaluación de la investigación, orientada a estudiantes de pregrado vinculados a un semillero virtual, que conduce a la comunicación y divulgación académica-científica. Se utilizó una metodología cualitativa a partir del modelo para la sistematización de experiencias que describe cinco momentos (planeación; diseño; implementación; tutorización y seguimiento evaluativo). Demostró que la formación para la investigación requiere de la gestión del conocimiento aspectos relacionados con: personas, pedagogía, didáctica, recursos tecnológicos, procesos, técnicas e instrumentos (...)
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  10.  39
    Lo sonoro, lo luminoso y lo líquido como elementos que construyen lo fantástico y lo sepulcral en la leyenda El miserere de Gustavo Adolfo Bécquer.Carmina Alejandra García Serrano, Gabino Cárdenas Olivares, Francisco Javier Ponce Martínez & Jovany Escareño Davalos - 2019 - Argos 7 (19):138-154.
    En el presente artículo se pretende demostrar que lo sonoro, lo luminoso y lo líquido, como elementos semánticos, son fundamentales para la construcción de lo fantástico y lo sepulcral en la leyenda El miserere de Gustavo Adolfo Bécquer. Estos elementos se interrelacionan por medio del ambiente sepulcral que se presenta en el texto, por medio de metáforas que los vinculan, y por medio de la forma en que se manifiestan en lo posible y lo imposible, cuya unión permite que lo (...)
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  11.  24
    Knowledge, Attitudes, Risk Perceptions, and Practices of Spanish Adolescents Toward the COVID-19 Pandemic: Validation and Results of the Spanish Version of the Questionnaire.Alejandra Aguilar-Latorre, Ángela Asensio-Martínez, Olga García-Sanz & Bárbara Oliván-Blázquez - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Background: Adolescence is a period with physical, psychological, biological, intellectual, and social changes in which there is usually little perception of risk. COVID-19 has generated constant situations of change and uncertainty worldwide. During the pandemic, the acquisition of preventive behaviors has been relevant. Various studies carried out with adults associate risk perception and the implementation of preventive behaviors with knowledge about the COVID-19 and with age, but there are not many studies with adolescents. Therefore, the objective is to validate, in (...)
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  12.  49
    The Color of Noise and Weak Stationarity at the NREM to REM Sleep Transition in Mild Cognitive Impaired Subjects.Alejandra Rosales-Lagarde, Erika E. Rodriguez-Torres, Benjamín A. Itzá-Ortiz, Pedro Miramontes, Génesis Vázquez-Tagle, Julio C. Enciso-Alva, Valeria García-Muñoz, Lourdes Cubero-Rego, José E. Pineda-Sánchez, Claudia I. Martínez-Alcalá & Jose S. Lopez-Noguerola - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9:361371.
    In Older Adults (OAs), Electroencephalogram (EEG) slowing in frontal lobes and a diminished muscle atonia during Rapid Eye Movement sleep (REM) have each been effective tracers of Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI), but this relationship remains to be explored by non-linear analysis. Likewise, data provided by EEG, EMG (Electromyogram) and EOG (Electrooculogram)—the three required sleep indicators—during the transition from REM to Non-REM (NREM) sleep have not been related jointly to MCI. Therefore, the main aim of the study was to explore, with (...)
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  13. The Associations of Dyadic Coping and Relationship Satisfaction Vary between and within Nations: A 35-Nation Study.Peter Hilpert, Ashley K. Randall, Piotr Sorokowski, David C. Atkins, Agnieszka Sorokowska, Khodabakhsh Ahmadi, Ahmad M. Aghraibeh, Richmond Aryeetey, Anna Bertoni, Karim Bettache, Marta Błażejewska, Guy Bodenmann, Jessica Borders, Tiago S. Bortolini, Marina Butovskaya, Felipe N. Castro, Hakan Cetinkaya, Diana Cunha, Oana A. David, Anita DeLongis, Fahd A. Dileym, Alejandra D. C. Domínguez Espinosa, Silvia Donato, Daria Dronova, Seda Dural, Maryanne Fisher, Tomasz Frackowiak, Evrim Gulbetekin, Aslıhan Hamamcıoğlu Akkaya, Karolina Hansen, Wallisen T. Hattori, Ivana Hromatko, Raffaella Iafrate, Bawo O. James, Feng Jiang, Charles O. Kimamo, David B. King, Fırat Koç, Amos Laar, Fívia De Araújo Lopes, Rocio Martinez, Norbert Mesko, Natalya Molodovskaya, Khadijeh Moradi, Zahrasadat Motahari, Jean C. Natividade, Joseph Ntayi, Oluyinka Ojedokun, Mohd S. B. Omar-Fauzee, Ike E. Onyishi, Barış Özener, Anna Paluszak, Alda Portugal, Ana P. Relvas, Muhammad Rizwan, Svjetlana Salkičević & Sarmány-Schul - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
  14. El Rol de la Remuneración Variable en la Efectividad Organizacional de las Empresas.Adriana Segovia Romo, Joel Mendoza Gómez, Juan Rositas Martínez & José Luis Abreu Quintero - 2011 - Daena 6 (2):17-33.
    Resumen. El siguiente artículo conceptual muestra un análisis de la literatura con respecto a larelación entre la Efectividad Organizacional y los planes de Remuneración a los empleados sobretodo en su perspectiva variable. Se encontró la existencia de esta relación durante el análisis dediversas investigaciones en contextos diferentes al mexicano, por ello se propone profundizar más enel estudio de la misma en un contexto de empresas mexicanas debido a los pocos estudiosencontrados a este respecto.Palabras claves. Remuneración variable, efectividad organizacional, bono de (...)
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  15. Marital Satisfaction, Sex, Age, Marriage Duration, Religion, Number of Children, Economic Status, Education, and Collectivistic Values: Data from 33 Countries.Piotr Sorokowski, Ashley K. Randall, Agata Groyecka, Tomasz Frackowiak, Katarzyna Cantarero, Peter Hilpert, Khodabakhsh Ahmadi, Ahmad M. Alghraibeh, Richmond Aryeetey, Anna Bertoni, Karim Bettache, Marta Błażejewska, Guy Bodenmann, Tiago S. Bortolini, Carla Bosc, Marina Butovskaya, Felipe N. Castro, Hakan Cetinkaya, Diana Cunha, Daniel David, Oana A. David, Alejandra C. Domínguez Espinosa, Silvia Donato, Daria Dronova, Seda Dural, Maryanne Fisher, Aslıhan Hamamcıoğlu Akkaya, Takeshi Hamamura, Karolina Hansen, Wallisen T. Hattori, Ivana Hromatko, Evrim Gulbetekin, Raffaella Iafrate, Bawo James, Feng Jiang, Charles O. Kimamo, Fırat Koç, Anna Krasnodębska, Amos Laar, Fívia A. Lopes, Rocio Martinez, Norbert Mesko, Natalya Molodovskaya, Khadijeh Moradi Qezeli, Zahrasadat Motahari, Jean C. Natividade, Joseph Ntayi, Oluyinka Ojedokun, Mohd S. B. Omar-Fauzee, Ike E. Onyishi, Barış Özener, Anna Paluszak, Alda Portugal, Anu Realo, Ana P. Relvas, Muhammad Rizwan, Agnieszka L. Sabiniewicz & Salkič - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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    Corrigendum: Marital Satisfaction, Sex, Age, Marriage Duration, Religion, Number of Children, Economic Status, Education, and Collectivistic Values: Data from 33 Countries.Piotr Sorokowski, Ashley K. Randall, Agata Groyecka, Tomasz Frackowiak, Katarzyna Cantarero, Peter Hilpert, Khodabakhsh Ahmadi, Ahmad M. Alghraibeh, Richmond Aryeetey, Anna Bertoni, Karim Bettache, Marta Błazejewska, Guy Bodenmann, Tiago S. Bortolini, Carla Bosc, Marina Butovskaya, Felipe N. Castro, Hakan Cetinkaya, Diana Cunha, Daniel David, Oana A. David, Fahd A. Dileym, Alejandra C. Domínguez Espinosa, Silvia Donato, Daria Dronova, Seda Dural, Maryanne Fisher, Aslihan Hamamcıoğlu Akkaya, Takeshi Hamamura, Karolina Hansen, Wallisen T. Hattori, Ivana Hromatko, Evrim Gülbetekin, Raffaella Iafrate, Bawo James, Feng Jiang, Charles O. Kimamo, Firat Koç, Anna Krasnodębska, Amos Laar, Fívia A. Lopes, Rocio Martinez, Norbert Meskó, Natalya Molodovskaya, Khadijeh Moradi Qezeli, Zahrasadat Motahari, Jean C. Natividade, Joseph Ntayi, Oluyinka Ojedokun, Mohd S. B. Omar-Fauzee, Ike E. Onyishi, Barış Özener, Anna Paluszak, Alda Portugal, Anu Realo, Ana P. Relvas, Muhammad Rizwan & Agn Sabiniewicz - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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  17.  46
    Crime and Punishment: How Historical Narratives Affect the Evaluation of Restorative and Retributive Justice.Juan David Hernandez-Posada, Javier Corredor & Alejandra María Martínez-Salgado - 2023 - Journal of Human Values 29 (3):261-273.
    This article explores how historical narratives affect the evaluation of political decisions regarding justice during peace negotiations. Specifically, this study evaluates how different narratives of the Colombian armed conflict relate to the preference for either restorative or retributive justice. Results revealed that a historically accurate narrative that included structural elements correlated with the preference for restorative justice, whereas a schematic narrative that focused on individual greed favoured the preference for retributive justice. These results are explained in terms of the characteristics (...)
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  18.  36
    Exploring the Relationship Between Mental Well-Being, Exercise Routines, and the Intake of Image and Performance Enhancing Drugs During the Coronavirus Disease 2019 Pandemic: A Comparison Across Sport Disciplines.Mami Shibata, Julius Burkauskas, Artemisa R. Dores, Kei Kobayashi, Sayaka Yoshimura, Pierluigi Simonato, Ilaria De Luca, Dorotea Cicconcelli, Valentina Giorgetti, Irene P. Carvalho, Fernando Barbosa, Cristina Monteiro, Toshiya Murai, Maria A. Gómez-Martínez, Zsolt Demetrovics, Krisztina Edina Ábel, Attila Szabo, Alejandra Rebeca Melero Ventola, Eva Maria Arroyo-Anlló, Ricardo M. Santos-Labrador, Inga Griskova-Bulanova, Aiste Pranckeviciene, Giuseppe Bersani, Hironobu Fujiwara & Ornella Corazza - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Introduction: Physical distancing under the coronavirus disease 2019 pandemic had a significant impact on lifestyles, including exercise routines. In this study, we examined the relationship between mental health and addictive behaviors, such as excessive exercise and the use of image and performance enhancing drugs across 12 sport disciplines.Materials and methods: A large cross-sectional sample of the adult population was surveyed. The mean age was 33.09. The number of male participants was 668. The use of IPEDs was assessed in conjunction with (...)
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  19. Varieties of Aesthetic Autonomy.Irene Martínez Marín - 2024 - Philosophy Compass 19 (12):e70012.
    The concept of autonomy is central to many debates in aesthetics. However, exactly what it means to be autonomous in our aesthetic engagements is somewhat unclear in the philosophical literature. The normative significance of autonomy is also unclear and hotly debated. In this essay, I propose a method for clarifying this elusive concept by distinguishing three distinct senses or varieties of aesthetic autonomy: experiential autonomy, competence-based autonomy, and personal autonomy. On this taxonomy autonomy is a context-sensitive concept and autonomy applies (...)
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  20. Teleosemantics and productivity.Manolo Martinez - 2013 - Philosophical Psychology 26 (1):47-68.
    There has been much discussion of so-called teleosemantic approaches to the naturalization of content. Such discussion, though, has been largely confined to simple, innate mental states with contents such as ?There is a fly here.? Even assuming we can solve the issues that crop up at this stage, an account of the content of human mental states will not get too far without an account of productivity: the ability to entertain indefinitely many thoughts. The best-known teleosemantic theory, Millikan's biosemantics, offers (...)
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  21.  98
    Synergic kinds.Manolo Martínez - 2020 - Synthese 197 (5):1931-1946.
    According to the homeostatic property cluster family of accounts, one of the main conditions for groups of properties to count as natural is that these properties be frequently co-instantiated. I argue that this condition is, in fact, not necessary for natural-kindness. Furthermore, even when it is present, the focus on co-occurrence distorts the role natural kinds play in science. Co-occurrence corresponds to what information theorists call redundancy: observing the presence of some of the properties in a frequently co-occurrent cluster makes (...)
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  22.  33
    (1 other version)Why Experimental Balance Is Still a Reason to Randomize.Marco Martinez & David Teira - forthcoming - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science.
    Experimental balance is usually understood as the control for the value of the conditions, other than the one under study, which are liable to affect the result of a test. We discuss three different approaches to balance. ‘Millean balance’ requires identifying and equalizing ex ante the value of these conditions in order to conduct solid causal inferences. ‘Fisherian balance’ measures ex post the influence of uncontrolled conditions through the analysis of variance. In ‘efficiency balance’ the value of the antecedent conditions (...)
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  23.  31
    Sports Teaching, Traditional Games, and Understanding in Physical Education: A Tale of Two Stories.Raúl Martínez-Santos, María Pilar Founaud, Astrid Aracama & Asier Oiarbide - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11:581721.
    Unlike Dickens’s novel, this is not a tale of light and darkness, order and chaos, good and evil… It is, though, a story worth to be told about two standpoints about games and sports, teaching and research, physical education simply put, that have pursued similar interests on parallel tracks for too long, despite their apparent closeness and expected shared cultural grounds. The objective of this conceptual analysis is to try and reconcile two perspectives, namely motor praxeology and teaching games for (...)
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  24.  19
    Agentive Cognitive Construction Grammar: a predictive semiotic theory of mind and language.Sergio Torres-Martínez - 2024 - Semiotica 2024 (257):141-175.
    This paper introduces a novel perspective on Agentive Cognitive Construction Grammar (AgCCxG) by examining the intricate interplay between mind and language through the lens of both Active Inference and Peircean semiotics. AgCCxG emphasizes the impact of intention and purpose on linguistic choices as a cognitive imperative to balance the symbolic Self (Intelligent Agent) with the dynamics of the environment. Among other things, the paper posits that linguistic constructions, particularly Constructional Attachment Patterns (CAPs), like argument structure constructions, embody experienced interactions with (...)
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  25. The activity of speaking.Jesús Gerardo Martínez del Castillo - 2015 - International Journal of Language and Linguistics 3 (6-1):59-66.
    The most comprehensive manifestation of language can be seen in the activity of speaking. In it the activity of speaking cannot be understood unless it is referred to the concepts of language and a language. Anything in language can be found in the activity of speaking. Because of this you can find what language is if you abstract from the innumerable manifestations of the activity of speaking.
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    Aproximación a una hermenéutica de las artes visuales 'in itinere' desde la Filosofía del límite.Herminia Pagola Martínez - 2024 - Contrastes: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 29 (2):133-148.
    Partiendo de las consignas de la hermenéutica contemporánea, este texto pretende desentrañar algunas claves para una hermenéutica de las artes visuales in itinere. Para ello se introduce en las nociones de método (Eugenio Trías), pauta inmanente de acción (Upanishads), disposición afectiva, círculo estético-hermenéutico y espiral estético-hermenéutica. Se desprenden dos hipótesis: el cuestionamiento sobre en qué medida la pauta paradigmática y ejemplar que rige en un arte visual in itinere es proporcional al despliegue de la pauta inmanente de acción del artista (...)
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  27. Sound Ontology and the Brentano-Husserl Analysis of the Consciousness of Time.Jorge Luis Méndez-martínez - 2020 - HORIZON. Studies in Phenomenology 9 (1):184-215.
    Both Franz Brentano and Edmund Husserl addressed sound while trying to explain the inner consciousness of time and gave to it the status of a supporting example. Although their inquiries were not aimed at clarifying in detail the nature of the auditory experience or sounds themselves, they made some interesting observations that can contribute to the current philosophical discussion on sounds. On the other hand, in analytic philosophy, while inquiring the nature of sounds, their location, auditory experience or the audible (...)
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  28.  36
    The ignorance behind inconsistency toleration.María del Rosario Martínez-Ordaz - 2020 - Synthese 198 (9):8665-8686.
    Inconsistency toleration is the phenomenon of working with inconsistent information without threatening one’s rationality. Here I address the role that ignorance plays for the tolerance of contradictions in the empirical sciences. In particular, I contend that there are two types of ignorance that, when present, can make epistemic agents to be rationally inclined to tolerate a contradiction. The first is factual ignorance, understood as temporary undecidability of the truth values of the conflicting propositions. The second is what I call “ignorance (...)
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  29. If Sounds were Dispositions, a framework proposal for an undeveloped theory.Jorge Luis Mendez-Martinez - 2020 - Organon F: Medzinárodný Časopis Pre Analytickú Filozofiu 27 (4):446-479.
    In the realm of the philosophy of sounds and auditory experience there is an ongoing discussion concerned with the nature of sounds. One of the contestant views within this ontology of sound is that of the Property View, which holds that sounds are properties of the sounding objects. A way of developing this view is through the idea of dispositionalism, namely, by sustaining the theory according to which sounds are dispositional properties (Pasnau 1999; Kulvicki 2008; Roberts 2017). That portrayal, however, (...)
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    The Priestley duality for wajsberg algebras.N. G. Martínez - 1990 - Studia Logica 49 (1):31 - 46.
    The Priestley duality for Wajsberg algebras is developed. The Wajsberg space is a De Morgan space endowed with a family of functions that are obtained in rather natural way.As a first application of this duality, a theorem about unicity of the structure is given.
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    There's no pain in the FitzGerald contraction, is there?Alberto A. Martínez - 2007 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 38 (1):209-215.
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    Semioosiline tõlge: uus teoreetiline raam pedagoogilise suunitlusega subitreerimise rakendamiseks.Sergio Torres Martínez - 2015 - Sign Systems Studies 43 (1):130-130.
    In this paper, I explore a new type of semiotic translation in the context of Audiovisual Translation Studies (AVTS). To that end, a set of formulaic sequencesbestowed of pragmalinguistic value (hedging strings) is analysed. It is argued that the semiotic analysis of conversational features in English may contribute to facilitate their pedagogical exploitation in English as a Foreign Language (EFL) classrooms. This analysis builds theoretically on a semiotic translational framework termed Semiosic Translation (and its subset, Semiosic Subtitling) predicated upon three (...)
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    The Efficacy of Music for Emotional Wellbeing During the COVID-19 Lockdown in Spain: An Analysis of Personal and Context-Related Variables.Pastora Martínez-Castilla, Isabel M. Gutiérrez-Blasco, Daniel H. Spitz & Roni Granot - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    The strict lockdown experienced in Spain during March–June 2020 as a consequence of the COVID-19 crisis has led to strong negative emotions. Music can contribute to enhancing wellbeing, but the extent of this effect may be modulated by both personal and context-related variables. This study aimed to analyze the impact of the two types of variables on the perceived efficacy of musical behaviors to fulfill adults’ emotional wellbeing-related goals during the lockdown established in Spain. Personal variables included age, gender, musical (...)
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  34. Travelling in Branching Time.Manolo Martínez - 2011 - Disputatio 4 (31):59-75.
    Miller (2005) and Miller (2008) argue that the branching picture of time is incompatible with the possibility of backwards time travel. In this paper I show that Miller’s conclusion is based on a hidden assumption which, while generally plausible, is unwarranted if time travel is possible. Branching time is, after all, compatible with time travel as Miller characterises it.
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    Tran Duc Thao: The Foundations of Anti-Colonial Phenomenology.Ernesto Blanes-Martinez - 2024 - Journal of Speculative Philosophy 38 (3):260-273.
    ABSTRACT This article argues that Tran Duc Thao’s anticolonial work constitutes one of the first mobilizations of phenomenology in a political context. It also argues that by transposing Husserl’s reflections on objective sense and on transcendental horizons to the pre-objective sphere of perception, as well as drawing on Husserl’s genetic analyses on the affective dimensions of modalization to articulate a form of homeworld/alienworld structure, Tran Duc Thao anticipates generative developments in phenomenology and foreshadows the movement of critical phenomenology. However, as (...)
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    Lindsay Grace: Models of the mind: how physics, engineering and mathematics have shaped our understanding of the brain.Carlos Andres Salazar-Martinez - forthcoming - AI and Society:1-3.
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  37. What Do Law Professors Believe about Law and the Legal Academy?Eric Martínez & Kevin Tobia - 2023 - Georgetown Law Journal 112:111-189.
    Legal theorists seek to persuade other jurists of certain theories: Textualism or purposivism; formalism or realism; natural law theory or positivism; prison reform or abolition; universal or particular human rights? Despite voluminous literature about these debates, tremendous uncertainty remains about which views experts endorse. This Article presents the first-ever empirical study of American law professors about legal theory questions. A novel dataset of over six hundred law professors reveals expert consensus and dissensus about dozens of longstanding legal theory debates. -/- (...)
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    Caribbean Confederations as Relationalities.Yolanda Martínez-San Miguel - 2024 - Journal of French and Francophone Philosophy 32 (1):27-48.
    In this essay, I connect my work on Archipelago studies with Édouard Glissant’s notions of relationality and Caribbean confederations to formulate what I denominate as the erotics of archipelagic thinking. My main goal is to share my process of thinking with and through Glissant’s work to focus on a series of theoretical gestures that have allowed me to propose modes of reading literary depictions of Caribbean con/federations that go beyond the binary opposition between colonialism and nationalism. I am performing an (...)
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  39. Knowing Through Hearing, Towards an Epistemology of Auditory Perception.Jorge Luis Méndez-Martínez - 2022 - Epistemology and Philosophy of Science 59 (2):168-182.
    This paper proposes some guidelines for the undeveloped discussion of auditory epistemology. Auditory epistemology is an approach concerned with the perceptual basis for knowledge and belief, specifically around audition. The article pursues two goals. Firstly, it claims that addressing auditory perception from the viewpoint of epistemology is more fruitful than the discussion on phenomenology which has thus far dominated the debates in the literature on sound. Secondly, it elaborates a concrete proposal pertaining to the cooperation of sense-modalities. In so doing, (...)
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  40. What is Said by a Metaphor: The Role of Salience and Conventionality.Fernando Martínez-Manrique & Agustín Vicente - 2013 - Pragmatics and Cognition 21 (2):304-328.
    Contextualist theorists have recently defended the views (a) that metaphor-processing can be treated on a par with other meaning changes, such as narrowing or transfer, and (b) that metaphorical contents enter into “what is said” by an utterance. We do not dispute claim (a) but consider that claim (b) is problematic. Contextualist theorists seem to leave in the hands of context the explanation about why it is that some meaning changes are directly processed, and thus plausibly form part of “what (...)
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    Heidegger and Learning how to Inhabit and be Inhabited by the Truth.Luis Manuel Martínez-Domínguez - 2022 - Revista de Filosofía 39:73 - 82.
    This article raises the thought of Heidegger as an alternative to the modern conceptualizations of learning that consider it as mere acquisition or construction of truth by knowledge or integration in truth through the Development of a higher level of consciousness. With Heidegger is going to be able to talk about learning how to inhabit the truth and to be inhabited by it, which implies the acquisition, the construction, the integration, but also "being-in-the-world" (Dasein) like a self before the other. (...)
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    Direct evidentiality and discourse in Southern Aymara.Gabriel Martínez Vera - 2024 - Natural Language Semantics 32 (1):1-34.
    This paper discusses the discourse contrasts that arise in connection to direct evidentiality in Southern Aymara (henceforth, Aymara), an understudied Andean language. Aymara has two direct evidentials, the enclitic _=wa_ and the covert morpheme _-_∅, which are used whenever the speaker has the best possible grounds for some proposition. I make the novel observation that a sentence with _=wa_ can be felicitously uttered if the speaker attempts to update the common ground by addressing an issue on the table. In fact, (...)
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    Dehumanizing the human, humanizing the machine: organic consciousness as a hallmark of the persistence of the human against the backdrop of artificial intelligence.Sergio Torres-Martínez - forthcoming - AI and Society:1-19.
    The rise of generative artificial intelligence (GenAI), especially large language models (LLMs), has fueled debates on whether these technologies genuinely emulate human intelligence. Some view LLM architectures as capturing human language mechanisms, while others, from a posthumanist and a transhumanist perspective, herald the obsolescence of humans as the sole conceptualizers of life and nature. This paper challenges, from a practical philosophy of science perspective, such views by arguing that the reasoning behind equating GenAI with human intelligence, or proclaiming the “demise (...)
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    Virtuality in Modern Physics in the 1920s and 1930s: Meaning(s) of an Emerging Notion.Jean-Philippe Martinez - 2024 - Perspectives on Science 32 (3):350-371.
    This article discusses the meaning of the notion of virtuality in modern physics. To this end, it develops considerations on the introduction and establishment in nuclear physics of two independent concepts at the turn of the 1920s and 1930s: that of the virtual state, used in the context of neutron scattering studies, and that of the virtual transition, useful for the theoretical understanding of strong nuclear forces, which forms the basis of what are now called virtual particles. Their comparative analysis (...)
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  45. What counts as "a" sound and how "to count" a sound, the problems of individuating and identifying sounds.Jorge Luis Méndez-Martínez - 2019 - Synthesis Philosophica 1 (67):173-190.
    This paper addresses the problem of sound individuation (SI) and its connection to sound ontology (SO). It is argued that the problems of SI, such as aspatiality, extreme individuation, indexical perplexity and duration puzzles are due to SO’s uncertainties. Besides, I describe the views in SO, including the wave view (WV), the property view (PV), and the event view (EV), as Casey O’Callaghan defends it. According to O’Callaghan, EV offers clear standards to individuate sounds. However, this claim is countered by (...)
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    Sujetos vulnerables, sujetos dignos: un nuevo modo de entender la dignidad humana a partir de la teoría de las capacidades de Martha Nussbaum.Cesar Martinez - 2024 - Praxis Filosófica 58:e20212945.
    El presente artículo examina la concepción de sujeto que Martha Nussbaum (1947) establece en el marco de su teoría cognitivo-evaluadora de las emociones. El objetivo es mostrar cómo la revalorización de la dimensión afectiva que la autora sugiere, supone a su vez, un reconocimiento de la vulnerabilidad humana entendida como una condición subjetiva universal. Esta nueva concepción de sujeto vulnerable implica una resignificación de la noción de dignidad humana. Dicho giro tiene fuertes implicancias desde un punto de vista ético, sobre (...)
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    SOLANES CORELLA, Ángeles (Dir.): Dinámicas racistas y prácticas discriminatorias.José María Garrán Martínez - 2024 - Anuario de Filosofía Del Derecho 39.
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    Pathology of submeasures and $$F_{\sigma }$$ ideals.Jorge Martínez, David Meza-Alcántara & Carlos Uzcátegui - 2024 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 63 (7):941-967.
    We address some phenomena about the interaction between lower semicontinuous submeasures on $${\mathbb {N}}$$ N and $$F_{\sigma }$$ F σ ideals. We analyze the pathology degree of a submeasure and present a method to construct pathological $$F_{\sigma }$$ F σ ideals. We give a partial answers to the question of whether every nonpathological tall $$F_{\sigma }$$ F σ ideal is Katětov above the random ideal or at least has a Borel selector. Finally, we show a representation of nonpathological $$F_{\sigma }$$ (...)
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    Poéticas del testimonio: resistencia, verdad y afectos en marcos del agravio. Caso Inés Fernández Ortega.Miguel Ángel Martínez Martínez - 2023 - Resistances. Journal of the Philosophy of History 4 (8):e230123.
    Este trabajo indaga la dimensión poética del testimonio en situaciones donde el agravio se encuentra tejido entre discursos impulsados por aspiraciones democráticas y dinámicas destructivas de la diversidad lingüística y cultural. A partir de la documentación del caso de Inés Fernández Ortega y etnografías en La Casa de los Saberes, Gúwa Kúma, se abordarán las prácticas de cuidado, los discursos de verdad y resistencia ante los mecanismos de reproducción social, política y cultural generados por la transición partidista en México y (...)
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    Ideogramas cuaternarios como técnica didáctica para formar relaciones conceptuales matemáticas en estudiantes universitarios.Raúl Narciso Martínez-Zocón & José Theódulo Esquivel-Grados - 2023 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 21 (2):451-464.
    El estudio tuvo por objetivo establecer el grado de influencia de ideogramas cuaternarios como técnica didáctica en la formación de relaciones conceptuales matemáticas en universitarios. Los datos fueron recogidos con pruebas validadas para contrastar las hipótesis estadísticas de diferencia de medias con el estadístico z en un diseño cuasiexperimental con pre y posprueba, y grupo de control. Se concluyó que el uso de ideogramas cuaternarios influye significativamente en la formación de relaciones conceptuales, considerando un nivel de confianza del 95%, lo (...)
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