Results for 'Alexander Glubotskii'

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  1. Partiinaya sostavlyayuschaya zakondatel'nykh sobranii rossisskikh regionov'.Alexander Glubotskii & Alexander Kynev - 2003 - Polis 6.
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    Alexander Pfänder and the New Science of Will.Alexander Tchikine - 2018 - Russian Journal of Philosophical Sciences 5:91-102.
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    Alexander von Aphrodisias. Über das Schicksal. Text und Übersetzung.Alexander von Aphrodisias - 1995 - In Alexander von Aphrodisias & Andreas Zierl (eds.), Über Das Schicksal. De Gruyter. pp. 23-148.
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  4. Alexander of Aphrodisias. Supplement to "on the Soul".R. W. Alexander & Sharples (eds.) - 2004 - Ithaca, N.Y.: Cornell University Press.
    The "Supplement" transmitted as the second book of "On the Soul" by Alexander of Aphrodisias is a collection of short texts on a wide range of topics from psychology, including the general hylomorphic account of soul and its faculties, and the theory of vision; questions in ethics ; and issues relating to responsibility, chance and fate. One of the texts in the collection, "On Intellect", had a major influence on medieval Arabic and Western thought, greater than that of (...)'s "On the Soul" itself. The treatises may all be by Alexander himself; certainly the majority of them are closely connected with his other works. Many of them, however, consist of collections of arguments on particular issues, collections which probably incorporate material from earlier in the history of the Peripatetic school. This translation is from a new edition of the Greek text based on a collation of all known manuscripts and comparison with medieval Arabic and Latin translations. (shrink)
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  5. LANGUAGE* Alexander Miller.Alexander Miller - 2003 - In John Shand (ed.), Fundamentals of Philosophy. New York: Routledge. pp. 262.
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    Alexander Bryan Johnson's A treatise on language.Alexander Bryan Johnson - 1947 - Berkeley,: Univ. of California Press. Edited by David Rynin.
  7. Peter M. Hart Alexander J. Wearing.Alexander J. Wearing - 2000 - In Walter J. Perrig & Alexander Grob (eds.), Control of Human Behavior, Mental Processes, and Consciousness: Essays in Honor of the 60th Birthday of August Flammer. Erlbaum. pp. 480.
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  8. The Works of Alexander Hamilton: Comprising His Most Important Official Reports; An Improved Edition of the Federalist, on the New Constitution, Written in 1788; And Pacificus, on the Proclamation of Neutrality, Written in 1793.Alexander Hamilton - 1971 - Philosophy and Rhetoric 4 (3):178-180.
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  9. Vital Symbolism:Harley Burr Alexander's basis For A Naturalistic Logic.Thomas Alexander - 1977 - Southwest Philosophical Studies.
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  10. The resurrection of the body: the writings of F. Matthias Alexander.F. Matthias Alexander - 1974 - New York: Dell Pub. Co..
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    The resurrection of the body: the essential writings of F. Matthias Alexander.F. Matthias Alexander - 1974 - New York: Distributed in the U.S. by Random House. Edited by Edward Maisel.
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    In Search of the Blue Flower: Alexander Hamilton and the Art of Cyanotype.Alexander Hamilton - 2023 - Edinburgh University Press.
    Alexander Hamilton presents his early formative years, sharing the way his engagement with the cyanotype process has informed his art practice, from his time at Edinburgh College of Art, to his program of exhibitions and residencies, through to his work within the field of public arts. This personal history is combined with essays by academics, scholars and curators who engage with the intellectual roots of his work and practice. A comprehensive selection of Hamilton’s photography, including his unique plant-based cyanotypes, (...)
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    Alexander of Hales, The Sum of Theology.Alexander of Hales & Oleg Bychkov - 2008 - Franciscan Studies 66:63-74.
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    Interview with Alexander Zinoviev.Alexander Razin - 2000 - Philosophy Now 26:45-47.
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  15. The cosmos as a work of art Alexander R. Pruss november 22, 2004.Alexander Pruss - manuscript
    The cosmos is filled with evil that seemingly has no redeeming value. Granted, some evils do lead to greater goods, sometimes goods that could not exist without the evils. Thus, the exercise of courage is a good that requires either an actual evil to stand firm in the face of or the illusion of an evil—and an illusion is a kind of evil, too. But many evils appear to serve no such purpose. Philosophers call an evil that a supremely good (...)
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    Mystics, Philosophers, and Politicians: Essays in Jewish Intellectual History in Honor of Alexander Altmann.Alexander Altmann - 1982 - Durham, N.C. : Duke University Press.
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    Allzuständigkeit oder Beschränkung? Alexander Gottlieb Baumgartens Kritik an Christian Wolffs Begriff der Philosophie.Alexander Aichele - 2010 - Studia Leibnitiana 42 (2):162-185.
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    Hartley Burr Alexander: Humanistic Personalism and Pluralism.Thomas M. Alexander - 2008 - The Pluralist 3 (1):89 - 127.
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    On Liberty – Ed. Alexander.Edward Alexander (ed.) - 1999 - Peterborough, CA: Broadview Press.
    Mill predicted that “[t]he Liberty is likely to survive longer than anything else that I have written … because the conjunction of [Harriet Taylor’s] mind with mine has rendered it a kind of philosophic text-book of a single truth, which the changes progressively taking place in modern society tend to bring out in ever greater relief.” Indeed, _On Liberty_ is one of the most influential books ever written, and remains a foundational document for the understanding of vital political, philosophical and (...)
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  20. Programs, bugs, DNA and a design argument Alexander R. Pruss may 27, 2004.Alexander Pruss - manuscript
    I argue that an examination of the analogy between the notion of a bug and that of a genetic defect supports an analogy not just between a computer program and DNA, but between a computer program designed by a programmer and DNA. This provides an analogical teleological argument for the existence of a highly intelligent designer.
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    Presocratic philosophy: essays in honour of Alexander Mourelatos.Alexander P. D. Mourelatos, Victor Miles Caston & Daniel W. Graham (eds.) - 2002 - Aldershot, Hants, England: Ashgate.
    This book presents some of the most recent trends and developments in Presocratic scholarship. A wide range of topics are covered - from the metaphysical to the moral to the methodological - as well as a broad a range of authors: from recognized figures such as Heraclitus and Parmenides to Sophistic thinkers whose place has traditionally been marginalized, such as Gorgias and the author of the Dissoi Logoi. Several of the pieces are concerned with the later reception and influence of (...)
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  22. (1 other version)Ceteris Paribus Laws.Alexander Reutlinger, Gerhard Schurz, Andreas Hüttemann & Siegfried Jaag - 2011 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
    Laws of nature take center stage in philosophy of science. Laws are usually believed to stand in a tight conceptual relation to many important key concepts such as causation, explanation, confirmation, determinism, counterfactuals etc. Traditionally, philosophers of science have focused on physical laws, which were taken to be at least true, universal statements that support counterfactual claims. But, although this claim about laws might be true with respect to physics, laws in the special sciences (such as biology, psychology, economics etc.) (...)
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  23. Cooperation with past evil and use of cell-lines derived from aborted fetuses Alexander R. Pruss may 25, 2004.Alexander Pruss - manuscript
    The production of a number of vaccines involves the use of cell-lines originally derived from fetuses directly aborted in the 1960s and 1970s. Such cell-lines, indeed sometimes the very same ones, are important to on-going research, including at Catholic institutions. The cells currently used are removed by a number of decades and by a significant number of cellular generations from the original cells. Moreover, the original cells extracted from the bodies of the aborted fetuses were transformed to produce the cell (...)
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  24. Functionalism and the number of minds Alexander R. Pruss january 27, 2004.Alexander Pruss - manuscript
    I argue that standard functionalism leads to absurd conclusions as to the number of minds that would exist in the universe if persons were duplicated. Rather than yielding the conclusion that making a molecule-by-molecule copy of a material person would result in two persons, it leads to the conclusion that three persons, or perhaps only one person, would result. This is absurd and standard functionalism should be abandoned. Social varieties of functionalism fare no better, though there is an Aristotelian variety (...)
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    Alexander Aphrodisiensis, "de Anima Libri Mantissa": A New Edition of the Greek Text with Introduction and Commentary.H. G. Alexander Aphrodisiensis - 2008 - De Gruyter.
    R. W. Sharples provides a new edition, with introduction and commentary in English, of the Greek text. The Mantissa is a collection of short discussions, transmitted as a supplement to the treatise On the Soul by the Aristotelian commentator Alexander of Aphrodisias (c.200 AD).The collection includes discussion of a range of topics, among them the nature of soul and intellect, theories of how seeing takes place, issues in ethics, and the nature of fate. The text is based upon a (...)
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    Alexander of Aphrodisias on fate: text, translation, and commentary.Alexander Aphrodisiensis, Alexander of Aphrodisias, Alexander & R. W. Sharples (eds.) - 1983 - London: Duckworth.
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    The Light of Truth and Beauty: The Lectures of Alexander 'Greek' Thomson, Architect, 1817-1875.Alexander Thomson - 1999
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    The Age of the Intelligent Machine: Singularity, Efficiency, and Existential Peril.Alexander Amigud - 2024 - Philosophy and Technology 37 (2):1-20.
    Machine learning, and more broadly artificial intelligence (AI), is a fascinating technology and can be considered as the closest approximation to the Cartesian “thinking thing” that humans have ever created. Just as the industrial revolution required a new ethos, the age of intelligent machines will create its own, challenging the established moral, economic, and political presuppositions. This paper discusses the relationship between AI and society; it presents several thought experiments to explore the complexity of the relationship and highlights the insufficiency (...)
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    Infinity, Causation, and Paradox.Alexander R. Pruss - 2018 - Oxford, England: Oxford University Press.
    Alexander R. Pruss examines a large family of paradoxes to do with infinity - ranging from deterministic supertasks to infinite lotteries and decision theory. Having identified their common structure, Pruss considers at length how these paradoxes can be resolved by embracing causal finitism.
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  30. Die Ungewißheit des Gewissens. Alexander Gottlieb Baumgartens forensische Aufklärung der Aufklärungsethik.Alexander Aichele - 2005 - Jahrbuch für Recht Und Ethik 13.
    Alexander Gottlieb Baumgarten grenzt sich in seinem Ius Naturae, das einen knappen Kommentar zu den Exercitationes Iuris Naturalis Heinrich Köhlers darstellt, nach über zwanzigjähriger Auseinandersetzung mit dieser Vorlage entschieden von einer der zentralen Thesen Köhlers ab. Baumgarten löst nämlich dessen Identifikation der Stimmen der Vernunft, des Gewissens, der Natur und Gottes in der Moral auf und zeigt, daß im Gegenteil göttlicher und irdischer Bereich vollständig disjunkt sind.Dies folgt aus der Einsicht in die prinzipielle Ungewißheit eines jeden möglichen moralischen Urteils, (...)
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    Vietzke, Alexander, Dr. Die transzendentale Deduktion der Kategorien in der ersten und in der zweiten A uflage der Kritik der reinen Vernunft. [REVIEW]Alexander Vietzke - 1911 - Kant Studien 16 (1-3).
  32. (1 other version)Reduction: Between the Mind and the Brain.Alexander Hieke & Hannes Leitgeb (eds.) - 2009 - Frankfurt: Ontos Verlag.
  33.  10
    Epistemic landscapes, optimal search and the division of cognitive labor.J. McKenzie Alexander, Johannes Himmelreich & Christopher Thompson - 2015 - Philosophy of Science 82 (3):424-453.
    This paper examines two questions about scientists’ search for knowledge. First, which search strategies generate discoveries effectively? Second, is it advantageous to diversify search strategies? We argue pace Weisberg and Muldoon (2009) that, on the first question, a search strategy that deliberately seeks novel research approaches need not be optimal. On the second question, we argue they have not shown epistemic reasons exist for the division of cognitive labor, identifying the errors that led to their conclusions. Furthermore, we generalize the (...)
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  34. Lakatosian Consolations for Economics.Alexander Rosenberg - 1986 - Economics and Philosophy 2 (1):127.
    The F-twist is giving way to the methodology of scientific research programs. Milton Friedman's “Methodology for Economics” is being supplanted as the orthodox rationale for neoclassical economics by Imre Lakatos' account of scientific respectability. Friedman's instrumentalist thesis that theories are to be judged by the confirmation of their consequences and not the realism of their assumptions has long been widely endorsed by economists, under Paul Samuelson's catchy rubric “the F-twist.” It retains its popularity among economists who want no truck with (...)
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  35. Alexander Leitsch/From the Editor 3–5 Matthias Baaz and Rosalie Iemhoff/Gentzen Calculi for the Existence Predicate 7–23 Ulrich Berger, Stefan Berghofer, Pierre Letouzey and Helmut Schwichtenberg/Program Extraction from. [REVIEW]Alexander Leitsch - 2006 - Studia Logica 82:40.
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    Deep Learning Meets Deep Democracy: Deliberative Governance and Responsible Innovation in Artificial Intelligence.Alexander Buhmann & Christian Fieseler - forthcoming - Business Ethics Quarterly:1-34.
    Responsible innovation in artificial intelligence calls for public deliberation: well-informed “deep democratic” debate that involves actors from the public, private, and civil society sectors in joint efforts to critically address the goals and means of AI. Adopting such an approach constitutes a challenge, however, due to the opacity of AI and strong knowledge boundaries between experts and citizens. This undermines trust in AI and undercuts key conditions for deliberation. We approach this challenge as a problem of situating the knowledge of (...)
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  37. (1 other version)Die Grundlegung einer Hermeneutik des Kunstwerks. Zum Verhältnis von metaphysischer und ästhetischer Wahrheit bei Alexander Gottlieb Baumgarten.Alexander Aichele - 1991 - Studia Leibnitiana 31 (1):82-90.
    A. G. Baumgarten's foundation of aesthetics as a branch of philosophical reflection is itself deeply rooted in Leibnizian metaphysics. From this starting-point Baumgarten comes to a kind of monadological concept of the work of art, that gets now an inexhaustible and thruthrepresenting meaning. This truth of the work of art however cannot be recognized rationally, for it is impossible for human beings to be aware of a beautiful object's 'metaphysical truth', which can only be perceived by the senses as - (...)
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    The Life and Work of Hartley Burr Alexander.Thomas M. Alexander - 2008 - The Pluralist 3 (1):1 - 10.
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    Die arabische Übersetzung der Schrift des Alexander von Aphrodisias über das Wachstum (Quaestio I 5).Hans-Jochen Alexander & Ruland - 1981 - Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht. Edited by Hans-Jochen Ruland.
    Text und Übersetzung -- Arabisch-lateinisch-griechisches Wörterverzeichnis -- Griechisch-arabisches Wörterverzeichnis -- Versio Latina.
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    A Logical Theory of Nonmonotonic Inference and Belief Change.Alexander Bochman - 2001 - Springer.
    This is the first book that integrates nonmonotonic reasoning and belief change into a single framework from an artificial intelligence logic point-of-view.
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  41. John Dewey’s Theory of Art, Experience and Nature: The Horizons of Feeling.Thomas M. Alexander - 1987 - State University of New York Press.
    Thomas Alexander shows that the primary, guiding concern of Dewey's philosophy is his theory of aesthetic experience.
  42. Desire Satisfactionism and Time.Alexander Sarch - 2013 - Utilitas 25 (2):221-245.
    In this article, I aim to clarify how Actual Desire Satisfactionism should accommodate the ways in which desire and time are connected. In particular, I argue that Weak Concurrentism represents the most promising way for the Desire Satisfactionist to capture the temporal nature of desire. I consider the Desire Satisfactionist's other main options, but argue that none succeeds. This leaves Weak Concurrentism looking attractive. However, Weak Concurrentism might also be thought to have some implausible consequences of its own. Nonetheless, I (...)
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  43. Introduction to Issues 2 and 3: Symposium on Consent in Sexual Relations: Larry Alexander.Larry Alexander - 1996 - Legal Theory 2 (2):87-88.
    Legal and social norms regarding gender relations have undergone dramatic changes in the past 25 years. The changes have come about largely because of the confluence of changing economic and technological realities, the unfolding of the norm dictating equal treatment of individuals, the sexual revolution and its corollaries of improved contraception and legal abortion, the rise of women as a self-conscious group and a presence in the academy, and the interrelations of all of these factors. As men and women have (...)
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  44. Sive vox naturae sive vox rationis sive vos Dei? Die metaphysische Begründung des Naturrechtsprinzips bei Heinrich Köhler, mit einer abschließenden Bemerkung zu Alexander Gottlieb Baumgarten.Alexander Aichele - 2004 - Jahrbuch für Recht Und Ethik 12.
    Der Jenenser Philosoph Heinrich Köhler versucht in seinen Exercitationes Juris Naturalis, eiusque cumprimis cogentis, methodo systematica propositi eine rationalistische Begründung des Naturrechts auf der Basis der Metaphysik von Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz. Die Rekonstruktion dieser metaphysischen Begründung, die mit dem Aufweiß der Erkennbarkeit des obersten Prinzips des Naturrechts rein aus der Vernunft zusammenfällt, ist Gegenstand der vorliegenden Studie. Ausgehend von der Identifikation jenes Erkenntnisgrundes mit der Natur des Menschen zeigt sich vermittels einer Analyse der von Köhler in Anschlag gebrachten Methode, daß (...)
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    The birth of quantum mechanics from the spirit of radiation theory.Alexander S. Blum & Martin Jähnert - 2022 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 91 (C):125-147.
  46. Getting Grounded: Essays in the Metaphysics of Fundamentality.Alexander Skiles - 2013 - Dissertation, University of Notre Dame
    When doing metaphysics, it is frequently convenient and sometimes essential to rely upon various notions of fundamentality when articulating the problems, positions, and arguments at issue. But what it is, exactly, the relevant notions are supposed to track remains obscure. The goal of this dissertation is to develop and defend a theory about the metaphysics of fundamentality; by doing so, I clarify and vindicate the roles that notions of fundamentality play in metaphysics. At the theory’s core are two notions particularly (...)
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    Alexandri in Aristotelis analyticorum priorum librum I commentarium.Alexander Aphrodisiensis - 1883 - De Gruyter.
    Seit dem 2. nachchristlichen Jahrhundert werden die Schriften von Aristoteles kommentiert. Diese Ausgabe enthält griechische Kommentare zu seinem Werk vom 3. bis 8. Jahrhundert n. Chr., u. a. von Alexander von Aphrodiensias, Themistios, Joh. Philoponus, Simplicius in griechischer Sprache.
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  48. Alexander Meiklejohn, Teacher of Freedom: A Collection of His Writings and a Biographical Study.Alexander Meiklejohn & Cynthia Stokes Brown - 1982 - Science and Society 46 (4):495-497.
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    Laruelle: Against the Digital.Alexander R. Galloway - 2014 - Minneapolis: Univ of Minnesota Press.
    _Laruelle_ is one of the first books in English to undertake in an extended critical survey of the work of the idiosyncratic French thinker François Laruelle, the promulgator of non-standard philosophy. Laruelle, who was born in 1937, has recently gained widespread recognition, and Alexander R. Galloway suggests that readers may benefit from colliding Laruelle’s concept of the One with its binary counterpart, the Zero, to explore more fully the relationship between philosophy and the digital. In _Laruelle_, Galloway argues that (...)
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  50. A satisfactory minimum conception of justice: Reconsidering Rawls's maximin argument.Alexander Kaufman - 2013 - Economics and Philosophy 29 (3):349-369.
    John Rawls argues that it is possible to describe a suitably defined initial situation from which to form reliable judgements about justice. In this initial situation, rational persons are deprived of information that is . It is rational, Rawls argues, for persons choosing principles of justice from this standpoint to be guided by the maximin rule. Critics, however, argue that (i) the maximin rule is not the appropriate decision rule for Rawls's choice position; (ii) the maximin argument relies upon an (...)
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