Results for 'Alfredo Ferro'

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  1.  30
    Fitting Melvin. First-order logic and automated theorem proving. Texts and monographs in computer science. Springer-Verlag, New York, Berlin, etc., 1990, xv + 242 pp. [REVIEW]Alfredo Ferro - 1993 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 58 (2):719-719.
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    Domenico Cantone, Alfredo Ferro, and Eugenio Omodeo. Computable set theory. Volume 1. International series of monographs on computer science, no. 6. Clarendon Press, Oxford University Press, Oxford and New York1989, xii + 347 pp. [REVIEW]Lincoln A. Wallen - 1993 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 58 (1):361-362.
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    Alfredo Fragueiro: in memoriam.Alfredo Fragueiro & Olsen A. Ghirardi (eds.) - 2007 - Córdoba: Academia Nacional de Derecho y Ciencias Sociales de Córdoba, Instituto de Filosofía del Derecho.
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  4. Husserl on the ego and its eidos (Cartesian Meditations, IV).Alfredo Ferrarin - 1994 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 32 (4):645-659.
    Husserl on the Ego and its Eidos (Cartesian Meditations, IV) ALFREDO FERRARIN THE THEORY OF the intentionality of consciousness is essential for Husserl's philosophy, and in particular for his mature theory of the ego. But it runs into serious difficulties when it has to account for consciousness's transcendental constitution of its own reflective experience and its relation to immanent time. This intricate knot, the inseparability of time and constitution, is most visibly displayed in Husserl's writings from the 192os up (...)
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  5. Entrevista de Alfredo Pereira Jr.Alfredo Pereira Jr & Leonardo Ferreira Almada - 2025 - Trans/Form/Ação 48 (1):e025001.
    This text is an interview given by Prof. Dr. Alfredo Pereira Jr. to Leonardo Ferreira Almada, on the occasion of the call for publication of interviews with different Brazilian philosophers. In response to the goal of the Trans/Form/Ação journal call, we sought to carry out an interview in which a PhD professor with an established career presents some elements of his personal and academic stories, as well as clarifies important points of his research, some of his theses and vision (...)
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    Pour introduire à l'intrinsèque.Frédéric Ferro - 2002 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 4 (4):501-509.
    Pour introduire à l’article de Lewis et Langton sur la définition des propriétés intrinsèques, il faut rappeler que les propriétés intrinsèques diffèrent d’autres notions comme les propriétés essentielles, les propriétés monadiques, les propriétés catégoriques, les propriétés qualitatives. Les propriétés intrinsèques sont définies selon David Lewis à partir de la notion plus primitive de propriété « naturelle », ce qu’il a continué à modifier jusqu’à des textes plus récents.
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    Scritti filosofici.Andrea Alberto Ferro - 1932 - Milano [etc.]: Albrighi, Segati & c..
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    National Income Inequality and International Business Expansion.Alfredo Jiménez, Luis F. Escobar, Guoliang Frank Jiang & Nathaniel C. Lupton - 2020 - Business and Society 59 (8):1630-1666.
    We examine the extent to which host country income inequality influences multinational enterprises’ (MNE) expansion strategy for foreign production investment, depending on their specific strategic objectives. Applying a transaction cost framework, we predict that national income inequality has an inverted U-shaped relationship with foreign production investment. As inequality increases, MNEs accrue lower transaction costs arising from interactions with various local actors, leading to higher probability of investment. As income inequality increases further, its effect on location attractiveness will become negative, as (...)
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    Colonialismo contemporáneo.Alfredo Guillermo Rajo Serventich - 2024 - Odeere 9 (3):58-68.
    Este articulo pretende brindar elementos sobre el tema de las identidades puestas al servicio de proyectos políticos y económicos. Es, conforme a una costumbre de quien firma este artículo, un diálogo entre el pasado y el presente, a la vez que se hace un esfuerzo de contextualización. El patriotismo emerge como coartada de intereses económicos, dejando una cauda de odios, sobre los que se debe pensar y contribuir a actitudes de hermanamientos. Esta colaboración se centra en el nuevo colonialismo hispano, (...)
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    Religión y cultura sin contradicción: el pensamiento de Ludwig Feuerbach.Alfredo Horacio Zecca - 1990 - Buenos Aires: Editorial de la Universidad Católica Argentina.
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  11. Filosofia, musica, arti: studi e testimonianze sull'opera di Alfredo Parente.Alfredo Parente (ed.) - 1979 - Napoli: Arte tipografica.
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    The Powers of Pure Reason: Kant and the Idea of Cosmic Philosophy.Alfredo Ferrarin - 2015 - Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
    The Critique of Pure Reason—Kant’s First Critique—is one of the most studied texts in intellectual history, but as Alfredo Ferrarin points out in this radically original book, most of that study has focused only on very select parts. Likewise, Kant’s oeuvre as a whole has been compartmentalized, the three Critiques held in rigid isolation from one another. Working against the standard reading of Kant that such compartmentalization has produced, The Powers of Pure Reason explores forgotten parts of the First (...)
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  13. La relazione tra docente e discente in chiave fenomenologica: i cambiamenti apportati dalla DaD.Floriana Ferro - 2023 - Scenari 18:68-83.
    This paper draws on previous research carried out by the author on the educative relationship between teacher and student in schools and universities, in order to enrich it with further studies and considerations on distance learning. The author uses the phenomenological method, assuming the point of view of both members of the relationship (student and teacher). The general characteristics of the relationship (reciprocity, asymmetry, and verticality) and the differences between the two parties involved (age and/or developmental stage, educational role, mastery (...)
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  14. Beyond the Digital: The Virtuality of the Flesh in Merleau-Ponty’s The Visibile and the Invisible.Floriana Ferro - 2024 - Scenari 19:88-101.
    This paper aims to find, in Merleau-Ponty’s late thinking, a definition of the virtual which aligns with the latest advancements in digital technology while avoiding a reduction to the digital realm or a stark opposition to reality. The virtual is considered as a crucial characteristic in Merleau-Ponty’s late ontology, especially in The Visible and the Invisible, where a “virtual focus” or “virtual center” of the flesh is introduced. The argument posits that Merleau-Ponty’s monism of the flesh results in a dynamic (...)
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    Against realism: Hegel and Adorno on philosophy’s critical role.Bernardo Ferro - 2020 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 46 (2):183-202.
    Key representatives of the dialectical tradition, Hegel and Adorno conceived philosophy as a critical tool, directed both at the naive realism of ordinary reason and the more sophisticated realism of modern scientific discourse. For the two authors, philosophy’s main task is to question received ideas and practices and to expose their underlying contradictions, thereby enabling meaningful forms of cultural and political change. But while for Hegel this procedure takes the form of a systematic enquiry, leading from a spurious to a (...)
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  16. Bruno Centrone (ed.), Platone: Sofista.Antonio Ferro - 2010 - Rhizai. A Journal for Ancient Philosophy and Science:91-102.
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  17. El verdadero punto de vista: sistema y finitud en la hipótesis de la armonía.Nuno Ferro - 2010 - In Manuel Sánchez Rodríguez & Sergio Rodero Cilleros (eds.), Leibniz en la filosofía y la ciencia modernas. Granada: Comares. pp. 17--32.
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    La filosofia di Platone.Andrea Alberto Ferro - 1932 - Roma,: Tipografia del Senato.
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    El problema del voluntarismo en Descartes.Alfredo LLanos - 1960 - Bahía Blanca: [Instituto de Humanidades, Universidad Nacional del Sur].
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    Profili. Paolo Casalegno.Alfredo Tomasetta - 2011 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 3:505-516.
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    Iglesia y cultura en el siglo XXI: una mirada teológica.Alfredo Horacio Zecca - 2011 - Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires: Agape Libros.
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  22. Meeting the Gaze of the Robot: A Phenomenological Analysis on Human-Robot Empathy.Floriana Ferro - 2022 - Scenari 17:215-229.
    This paper discusses the possibility of the phenomenon of empathy between humans and robots, starting from what happens during their eye contact. First, it is shown, through the most relevant results of HRI studies on this matter, what are the most important effects of the robot gaze on human emotions and behaviour. Secondly, these effects are compared to what happens during the phenomenon of empathy between humans, taking inspiration from the studies of Edmund Husserl and Edith Stein. Finally, similarities and (...)
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    Fatigue of pure iron and of iron containing a small quantity of carbon after strain ageing.A. Ferro & G. Montalenti - 1963 - Philosophical Magazine 8 (85):105-119.
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  24. The quantum mind/classical brain problem.Alfredo Pereira - 2003 - Neuroquantology.
  25.  83
    (1 other version)From Rechtsphilosophie to Staatsökonomie: Hegel and the philosophical foundations of political economy.Bernardo Ferro - 2022 - European Journal of Philosophy 31 (1):80-96.
    Although Hegel is increasingly recognized as an important figure in the history of political economy, his economic views are never strictly economic. In contrast to other modern thinkers, his primary concern is not the economic efficacy of different practices or institutions but the extent to which they enable and promote the development of human freedom. In this article, I argue that Hegel's pioneering critique of modern liberal economy plays out simultaneously at a more empirical level, corresponding to the properly economic (...)
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  26.  17
    Friedrich Nietzsche e a crítica da subjetividade cartesiana.Alfredo Gatto - 2021 - Educação E Filosofia 34 (72):1105-1122.
    Friedrich Nietzsche e a crítica da subjetividade cartesiana O nome de Descartes aparece várias vezes nas obras publicadas e nos fragmentos póstumos de Nietzsche. As considerações do filósofo alemão são quase sempre críticas e recuperam, embora com um diferente juízo de valor, a interpretação do pensamento cartesiano fornecida pela tradição idealista. Nesta perspetiva, Descartes é considerado o pai do racionalismo ocidental, o pensador que teria colocado o cogito no centro da representação. A este respeito, analisar criticamente a leitura nietzschiana não (...)
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  27. The Undoing of the Subject: Levinas’ Thought on Ipseity.Floriana Ferro - 2019 - Scenari 10:165-180.
    This paper focuses on Levinas’ concept of ipseity and on its change between the 1960’s and the 1970’s, arguing that this change implies the undoing of the subject. In Totality and Infinity (1961), ipseity is considered as the deep core of the I, whereas, in Otherwise Than Being (1974), it is the other person inside the self. Levinas also theorizes another kind of other-in-the-same, which is illeity, the trace of God inside the human soul. It is shown that illeity is (...)
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    Labour precarity and new democratic repertories in digital delivery platforms.Alfredo Sánchez Santiago - forthcoming - Recerca.Revista de Pensament I Anàlisi.
    This paper examines the new forms of labour exploitation introduced by delivery platforms and proposes key insights for interpreting the exercise of power in the digital economy. Additionally, it explores the repertoire of democratic counter-conducts that gig economy workers have deployed in Spain and other parts of Europe to counteract the deterioration of their working conditions: practices of ‘savage’ democracy, cooperative associations, and legal struggles for the formalisation of their labour activity. The aim is to apply the conceptual tools from (...)
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  29.  35
    (1 other version)Determinação e diferença: considerações sobre a razão suficiente segundo Leibniz.Nuno Ferro - 2014 - Doispontos 11 (2).
    Entre os muitos textos em que Leibniz introduz e apresenta o princípio de razão suficiente está, como se sabe, o do parágrafo 7 dos Princípios da Natureza e da Graça. O texto diz: "Jusqu'icy nous n'avons parlé qu'en simples Physiciens : maintenant il faut s'elever à la Metaphysique, en nous servant du Grand Principe, peu employé communement, qui porte que rien ne se fait sans raison suffisante, c'est à dire que rien n'arrive, sans qu'il soit possible à celuy qui connoitroit (...)
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    Ciencia y religión en Michael Ruse.Alfredo Marcos - 2024 - Metatheoria – Revista de Filosofía E Historia de la Ciencia 13 (2):49-61.
    El tema de las relaciones entre ciencia y religión es central en la obra de Ruse. No se trata de una mera curiosidad o de una cuestión tratada tangencialmente, sino que está en el corazón de sus preocupaciones intelectuales e incluso vitales (sección 1). Hay que señalar, además, que la actividad de Ruse coincide con una cierta encrucijada histórica, en la cual se enfrentan dos posiciones extremas y mutuamente hostiles, el creacionismo, por una parte, y el nuevo ateísmo, por otra (...)
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  31. Oggetto, soggetto e destinatario dell'insegnamento filosofico: una riflessione teoretica.Floriana Ferro - 2015 - Forum. Supplement to Acta Philosophica 1:379-390.
    Nel presente scritto, l’attività di insegnamento filosofico viene sottoposta ad interrogativi riguardanti gli elementi che la caratterizzano, ovvero ciò che viene insegnato, chi insegna e a chi si insegna. Nasce così una riflessione teoretica su tre concetti basilari, ovvero la filosofia, il soggetto e l’altro. Attraverso le suggestioni di grandi pensatori, in primis l’Heidegger di Essere e Tempo, ma anche Platone, Aristotele, Cartesio, Deleuze e Levinas, vengono proposte possibili definizioni dei concetti suddetti. La filosofia viene così considerata in senso statico, (...)
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    Fatigue of iron and of Fe-Si 5% down to liquid helium temperature and the relationship between fatigue and brittleness.A. Ferro & G. Montalenti - 1971 - Philosophical Magazine 24 (189):619-628.
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  33. Monsignor Francesco Olgiati.Carmelo Ferro - 1974 - Milano: Vita e pensiero.
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    Sociologia dell'ironia: comunicazione e rappresentazione della complessità moderna nei romanzi filosofici di Voltaire e nel cinema di Woody Allen.Ludovico Ferro - 2009 - Padova: CLEUP.
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    La Enseñanza de las Metodologías en las Ciencias Sociales en Brasil.Alfredo A. Gugliano & Pedro Robertt - 2010 - Cinta de Moebio 38:61-71.
    El artículo parte de la preocupación de saber cómo se está desarrollando la formación de investigadores en las universidades brasileñas. Una primera dificultad que se coloca es el predominio de un abordaje segmentado de la investigación científica. Eso lleva a un cuestionamiento sobre si particularmente las asignaturas de metodologías sirven para formar investigadores. Entre diversas dificultades, se incluyen desde aspectos epistemológicos hasta los impactos de las asignaturas metodológicas sobre la formación de los investigadores. Se cuestionan las estructuras de las disciplinas, (...)
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    La juventud consumida: Representaciones de lo juvenil en el discurso publicitario.Alfredo Jaramillo - 2006 - Astrolabio: Nueva Época 2.
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  37. Estado final y redención histórica en Thomas Hobbes.Alfredo Cruz Prados - 1985 - Anuario Filosófico 18 (1):137-144.
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  38. Sapienza educativa e sofisma laicista.Alfredo Roncuzzi - 1962 - Roma,: A. Signorelli.
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    La historiografía sobre la independencia de México: un nuevo consenso.Alfredo Ávila - 2022 - Araucaria 24 (49).
    For more than a century, the historiography of Mexican independence had reached a consensus. There were, of course, debates, but the core of the interpretations seemed to be the same: the Mexican people, dominated by a foreign power, fought for their independence under the leadership of a group of enlightened Creoles, influenced by French revolutionary ideas and Americans. This consensus could not be sustained in the light of research on the social history of the colonial period. In the1990s, the new (...)
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    The semantic view of computation and the argument from the cognitive science practice.Alfredo Paternoster & Fabrizio Calzavarini - 2022 - Synthese 200 (2):1-24.
    According to the semantic view of computation, computations cannot be individuated without invoking semantic properties. A traditional argument for the semantic view is what we shall refer to as the argument from the cognitive science practice. In its general form, this argument rests on the idea that, since cognitive scientists describe computations (in explanations and theories) in semantic terms, computations are individuated semantically. Although commonly invoked in the computational literature, the argument from the cognitive science practice has never been discussed (...)
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  41.  33
    The culinary and social-semiotic meaning of food: Spicy meals and their significance in Mexico, Italy, and Texas.Alfredo Tenoch Cid Jurado - 2016 - Semiotica 2016 (211):247-269.
    The objective of this study is to provide insight into culinary systems. Each culture expresses its own identity through the way in which it transforms food into an elaborated cuisine. The phases of a cooking process start with the choice of ingredients, their preparation, their processing, how they are served, and how they are eaten. Each of these phases makes it possible to understand the semiotic and social behavior of a human group in the moment they choose to prepare and (...)
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  42. Do We See Facts?Alfredo Vernazzani - 2020 - Mind and Language (4):674-693.
    Philosophers of perception frequently assume that we see actual states of affairs, or facts. Call this claim factualism. In his book, William Fish suggests that factualism is supported by phenomenological observation as well as by experimental studies on multiple object tracking and dynamic feature-object integration. In this paper, I examine the alleged evidence for factualism, focusing mainly on object detection and tracking. I argue that there is no scientific evidence for factualism. This conclusion has implications for studies on the phenomenology (...)
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    Ideologia e contraideologia: temas e variações.Alfredo Bosi - 2010 - São Paulo, SP: Companhia das Letras.
    Neste livro, o autor percorre seis séculos de história da civilização ocidental em busca dos momentos decisivos da luta intelectual entre dominados e dominadores. Atento às formulações da tradição hegeliano-marxista e sem descartar os clássicos da Sociologia, Alfredo Bosi investiga a dinâmica de antagônicos, discursos que moldaram a feição da sociedade, bem como suas singularidades culturais. Na primeira parte, Alfredo Bosi discorre sobre alguns autores das áreas de filosofia, política e literatura universais, destacando as estratégias contraideológicas que utilizaram (...)
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  44. Ontologia, arte e oggetti: l’estetica come filosofia prima.Floriana Ferro - 2023 - In Graham Harman (ed.), Arte e oggetti. Milano-Udine: Mimesis. pp. 7-28.
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  45. Hegel and Aristotle.Alfredo Ferrarin - 2001 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 64 (1):165-166.
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    Deceso fallido, voto perdido.C. Andrés Alfredo Castrillón - 2021 - Perseitas 10.
    Un día de verano en medio de un insólito vendaval murió mi madre. Fue una extraña tarde de junio de torrencial lluvia y abrumadores rayos. “Tiene poca lividez, pero está muerta”, dijo el médico luego de auscultarla, tomarle el pulso, mirarle el reflejo pupilar a la velocidad de la luz y concluir: “Muerte súbita. Feneció de un ataque al corazón”.
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    Mental Disorders as Lacks of Mental Capacities.Alfredo Gaete - 2008 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 15 (4):345-347.
    This is a reply to Gipps' commentary on my 'The Concept of Mental Disorder'.
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    The Social and Economic Background of Portuguese Negro Poetry.Alfredo Margarido & H. Kaal - 1962 - Diogenes 10 (37):50-74.
  49. A Explicação da Interpretação Humana (Portuguese).Fernando Mão de Ferro (ed.) - 2005 - Edições Colibri.
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    Esperienze psicotiche: Questioni di struttura.Fm Ferro - 2010 - Comprendre: Archive International pour l'Anthropologie et la Psychopathologie Phénoménologiques 21:2.
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