Results for 'Allyson Cahill'

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  1.  52
    Young children’s recognition as a function of the spacing of repetitions and the type of study and test stimuli.Allyson Cahill & Thomas C. Toppino - 1993 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 31 (5):481-484.
  2. Intentions, gestures, and salience in ordinary and deferred demonstrative reference.Allyson Mount - 2008 - Mind and Language 23 (2):145–164.
    In debates about the proper analysis of demonstrative expressions, ostensive gestures and speaker intentions are often seen as competing for primary importance in securing reference. Underlying some of these debates is the mistaken assumption that ostensive gestures always make the demonstrated object maximally salient to interlocutors. When we abandon this assumption and focus on an object’s mutually-recognized salience itself, rather than on how the object came to be salient, we can work towards a more promising analysis with a uniform treatment (...)
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    Becoming a medical assistance in dying (MAiD) provider: an exploration of the conditions that produce conscientious participation.Allyson Oliphant & Andrea Nadine Frolic - 2021 - Journal of Medical Ethics 47 (1):51-58.
    The availability of willing providers of medical assistance in dying in Canada has been an issue since a Canadian Supreme Court decision and the subsequent passing of federal legislation, Bill C14, decriminalised MAiD in 2016. Following this legislation, Hamilton Health Sciences in Ontario, Canada, created a team to support access to MAiD for patients. This research used a qualitative, mixed methods approach to data collection, obtaining the narratives of providers and supporters of MAiD practice at HHS. This study occurred at (...)
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    Catholic Consensus on Critical Care, Patient Welfare and the Common Good.Lisa Sowle Cahill - 2001 - Christian Bioethics 7 (2):185-192.
    Lisa Sowle Cahill; Catholic Consensus on Critical Care, Patient Welfare and the Common Good, Christian bioethics: Non-Ecumenical Studies in Medical Morality, Vo.
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    The Glass Runway: How Gender and Sexuality Shape the Spotlight in Fashion Design.Allyson Stokes - 2015 - Gender and Society 29 (2):219-243.
    Fashion design is a feminized occupation, but there is a widespread perception that gay male designers are advantaged in receiving awards, publicity, and praise. This article develops the notion of a “glass runway” to explain this inequality. First, using design canons and lists of award recipients, I show that men, especially gay men, receive more consecration than women. Second, I show how men and women are consecrated differently by analyzing the content of 157 entries in Voguepedia’s design canon and 96 (...)
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  6. Family: A Christian Social Perspective.Lisa Sowie Cahill - 2000
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    Character, Impropriety, and Success: A Unified Account of Indexicals.Allyson Mount - 2015 - Mind and Language 30 (1):1-21.
    Core indexicals like ‘I’, ‘here’, and ‘now’ sometimes appear to refer to an object, place, or time other than the speaker, location, or time of utterance. This presents well-known problems for Kaplan's view, which treats reference shifting as a violation of the character rules that give the meaning of indexicals. I propose a view according to which indexical reference is essentially a matter of the mutually-accepted perspective of interlocutors. It follows that contexts need not be ‘proper’ in Kaplan's sense, and (...)
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  8. The impurity of “pure” indexicals.Allyson Mount - 2008 - Philosophical Studies 138 (2):193 - 209.
    Within the class of indexicals, a distinction is often made between “pure” or “automatic” indexicals on one hand, and demonstratives or “discretionary” indexicals on the other. The idea is supposed to be that certain indexicals refer automatically and invariably to a particular feature of the utterance context: ‘I’ refers to the speaker, ‘now’ to the time of utterance, ‘here’ to the place of utterance, etc. Against this view, I present cases where reference shifts from the speaker, time, or place of (...)
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  9.  46
    Dream content of Canadian males from adolescence to old age: An exploration of ontogenetic patterns.Allyson Dale, Alexandre Lafrenière & Joseph De Koninck - 2017 - Consciousness and Cognition 49:145-156.
  10.  36
    Functional magnetic resonance imaging (fmri) in the classroom.Allyson C. Rosen - 2009 - American Journal of Bioethics 9 (1):30 – 31.
  11.  42
    Research Ethics in the Assessment of PhD Theses: Footprint or Footnote?Allyson Holbrook, Kerry Dally, Carol Avery, Terry Lovat & Hedy Fairbairn - 2017 - Journal of Academic Ethics 15 (4):321-340.
    There is an expectation that all researchers will act ethically and responsibly in the conduct of research involving humans and animals. While research ethics is mentioned in quality indicators and codes of responsible researcher conduct, it appears to have little profile in doctoral assessment. There seems to be an implicit assumption that ethical competence has been achieved by the end of doctoral candidacy and that there is no need for candidates to report on the ethical dimensions of their study nor (...)
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  12.  15
    Medical Decision Making for Patients Without Proxies: The Effect of Personal Experience in the Deliberative Process.Allyson L. Robichaud - 2015 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 26 (4):355-360.
    The number of admissions to hospitals of patients without a proxy decision maker is rising. Very often these patients need fairly immediate medical intervention for which informed consent—or informed refusal—is required. Many have recommended that there be a process in place to make these decisions, and that it include a variety of perspectives. People are particularly wary of relying solely on medical staff to make these decisions. The University Hospitals Case Medical Center recruits community members from its Ethics Committee to (...)
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  13.  76
    The Status of the Embryo and Policy Discourse.L. Sowle Cahill - 1997 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 22 (5):407-414.
  14.  11
    Sobre “o Narrador”: Uma Leitura a Esse Escrito de Walter Benjamin.Allyson Nascimento - 2023 - Cadernos Do Pet Filosofia 13 (25):60-68.
    The present work proposes a reading about the text “The Narrator ” written in 1936, by Walter Benjamin, a commissioned text where he deals with the Art of Narrating and how its conceptual bias innovates/clarifies the modern view on this form of knowledge. We will show the main ideas contained in the author's work, through his reading, and seek at the end a formulation of a critical hermeneutic thought constant in the work. It is not a matter of giving new (...)
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  15.  37
    Blood, Race, and National Identity: Scientific and Popular Discourses.Allyson D. Polsky - 2002 - Journal of Medical Humanities 23 (3/4):171-186.
    This essay examines the symbolic significance of blood in the twentieth century and its role in determining the composition of a national community along racial lines. By drawing parallels between Nazi notions of blood and racial purity and historically contemporaneous U.S. policies regarding blood and blood products, Polsky reveals a disturbing proximity in discourse and policy. While the Nazis attempted to locate Jewish racial essence and inferiority in blood and instituted eugenic measures and laws forbidding racial admixture, similar policies existed (...)
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  16.  82
    Sex, Marriage, and Community in Christian Ethics.Lisa Sowle Cahill - 1983 - Thought: Fordham University Quarterly 58 (1):72-81.
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  17.  20
    Putting the Puzzle Back Together—A Narrative Case Study of an Athlete Who Survived Child Sexual Abuse in Sport.Allyson Gillard, Elisabeth St-Pierre, Stephanie Radziszewski & Sylvie Parent - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Denunciations of child sexual abuse in the sport context have been increasing in the last decades. Studies estimate that between 14 and 29% of athletes have been victim of at least one form of sexual violence in sport before the age of 18. However, studies suggest that many do not disclose their experience of CSA during childhood. This finding is alarming since studies have shown that the healing process usually starts with disclosure. Moreover, little is known about the healing process (...)
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  18.  17
    Do Self-Regulated Learning Practices and Intervention Mitigate the Impact of Academic Challenges and COVID-19 Distress on Academic Performance During Online Learning?Allyson F. Hadwin, Paweena Sukhawathanakul, Ramin Rostampour & Leslie Michelle Bahena-Olivares - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    The COVID-19 pandemic introduced significant disruptions and challenges to the learning environment for many post-secondary students with many shifting entirely to remote online learning. Barriers to academic success already experienced in traditional face-to-face classes may be compounded in the online environment and exacerbated by stressors related to the pandemic. In 2020–2021, post-secondary institutions were faced with the reality of rolling out fully online instruction with limited access to resources for assisting students in this transition. Instructional interventions that target students’ ability (...)
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  19.  17
    Book Review: Targeting in Social Programs: Avoiding Bad Bets, Removing Bad Apples.Allyson Hall - 2008 - Inquiry: The Journal of Health Care Organization, Provision, and Financing 45 (1):131-133.
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  20.  33
    Erratum to: Research Ethics in the Assessment of PhD Theses: Footprint or Footnote?Allyson Holbrook, Kerry Dally, Carol Avery, Terry Lovat & Hedy Fairbairn - 2017 - Journal of Academic Ethics 15 (4):341-341.
  21.  35
    Grading Arson.Michael T. Cahill - 2009 - Criminal Law and Philosophy 3 (1):79-95.
    Criminalizing arson is both easy and hard. On the substantive merits, the conduct of damaging property by fire uncontroversially warrants criminal sanction. Indeed, punishment for such conduct is overdetermined, as the conduct threatens multiple harms of concern to the criminal law: both damage to property and injury to people. Yet the same multiplicity of harms or threats that makes it easy to criminalize arson (in the sense of deciding to proscribe the underlying behavior) also makes it hard to criminalize arson (...)
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  22.  22
    Unravelling the dark matter-dark energy paradigm.Cahill Rt - 2009 - Apeiron: Studies in Infinite Nature 16 (3).
  23.  21
    Sexuality, Christian Theology, and the Defense of Moral Practices.Lisa Sowle Cahill - 2000 - Modern Theology 16 (3):347-352.
  24.  26
    Culture, Cognition and Jean Laplanche’s Enigmatic Signifier.Allyson Stack - 2005 - Theory, Culture and Society 22 (3):63-80.
    Empathy is widely touted as a springboard for social change. Within the academy, ‘identification’ is often used to promote the social value of literary and cultural studies. But to what degree have scholars, in seeking to defend the value of literary and cultural studies, conceived the act of reading in problematic ways? ‘An Ethics of Reading’ argues that adopting a Lacanian paradigm of self (reader) and text (other) to discuss the act of textual interpretation reduces a complex event involving multiple (...)
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  25.  53
    Navigating the maze: ethics approval pathways for intellectual disability research: Table 1.Allyson Thomson, Peter Roberts & Alan Bittles - 2014 - Journal of Medical Ethics 40 (11):782-786.
  26.  13
    Collegial or Contentious? Reflections on an Interdisciplinary Panel Discussion about an Oil Pipeline.Allyson Wiley, Attie Marshall, Angela Person & Randy Peppler - 2023 - Studies in Social Justice 17 (3):527-537.
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  27.  17
    Sounding bodies: identity, injustice, and the voice.Ann J. Cahill - 2022 - New York, NY: Methuen Drama. Edited by Christine Hamel.
    A new, provocative study of the ethical, political, and social meanings of the everyday voice. Utilising the framework of feminist philosophy, authors Ann J. Cahill and Christine Hamel approach the phenomenon of voice as a lived, sonorous and embodied experience marked by the social structures that surround it, including systemic forms of injustice such as ableism, sexism, racism, and classism. By developing novel theoretical constructs such as "intervocality" and "respiratory responsibility," Cahill and Hamel cut through the static between (...)
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  28. Unjust Sex vs. Rape.Ann J. Cahill - 2016 - Hypatia 31 (4):746-761.
    This article returns to a philosophical conundrum that has troubled feminist theory since the topic of sexual violence has been taken seriously, what I call the problem of the “heteronormative sexual continuum”: how sexual assault and hegemonic heterosex are conceptually and politically related. I continue my response to the work of Nicola Gavey, who has argued for the existence of a “gray area” of sexual interactions that are ethically questionable without rising to the category of sexual assault, but whose analysis (...)
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  29.  87
    Genetics, commodification, and social justice in the globalization era.Lisa Sowle Cahill - 2001 - Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 11 (3):221-238.
    : he commercialization of biotechnology, especially research and development by transnational pharmaceutical companies, is already excessive and is increasingly dangerous to distributive justice, human rights, and access of marginal populations to basic human goods. Focusing on gene patenting, this article employs the work of Margaret Jane Radin and others to argue that gene patenting ought to be more highly regulated and that it ought to be regulated with international participation and in view of concerns about solidarity and the common good. (...)
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  30.  64
    Using Augustine in Contemporary Sexual Ethics: A Response to Gilbert Meilaender.Lisa Sowle Cahill - 2001 - Journal of Religious Ethics 29 (1):25-33.
    In response to Gilbert Meilaender 's innovative interpretation of Augustine and of Roman Catholic teaching, the author suggests that Meilaender attributes to Augustine a more positive view of sexual pleasure than the texts will support, that modern Roman Catholic teaching suggests that love should have priority over procreation as a meaning of sex; and that the moral logic of Meilaender's argument does not require a rejection of all reproductive technologies. Nonetheless, the author agrees that a more critical attitude should be (...)
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  31.  32
    Healing and feeling: The clinical ontology of emotion.Allyson L. Robichaud - 2003 - Bioethics 17 (1):59–68.
    In the clinical setting, not enough attention is paid to the role that emotion plays. It is at worst ignored or avoided, isolating those who are suffering, at best treated as something to help another to endure. This is the result, in part, of an impoverished idea that views emotion as mere feelings. However, emotions are not just feelings, they are cognitive. If we look beneath the surface, emotions can provide information about values and beliefs, some of which may be (...)
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  32.  33
    Ontogenetic patterns in the dreams of women across the lifespan.Allyson Dale, Monique Lortie-Lussier & Joseph De Koninck - 2015 - Consciousness and Cognition 37:214-224.
  33.  57
    Theological Ethics, the Churches, and Global Politics.Lisa Sowle Cahill - 2007 - Journal of Religious Ethics 35 (3):377 - 399.
    Several discourses about theology, church, and politics are occurring among Christian theologians in the United States. One influential strand centers on the communitarian theology of Stanley Hauerwas, who calls on Christians to witness faithfully against liberalism in general and war in particular. Jeffrey Stout, in his widely discussed "Democracy and Tradition" (2004), responds that religious people ought precisely to endorse those democratic and liberal American traditions that join religious and secular counterparts to battle injustice. Hauerwas, Stout, and many of their (...)
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  34. The Play of Reason: From the Modern to the Postmodern (review).Ann J. Cahill - 2001 - Journal of Speculative Philosophy 14 (4):308-311.
  35.  78
    Getting to My Fighting Weight.Ann J. Cahill - 2010 - Hypatia 25 (2):485 - 492.
  36.  21
    High-Intensity Interval Exercise: Methodological Considerations for Behavior Promotion From an Affective Perspective.Allyson G. Box & Steven J. Petruzzello - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
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  37.  55
    Catholics and Health Care.Lisa Sowle Cahill - 2010 - Journal of Catholic Social Thought 7 (1):29-49.
  38.  20
    An Enquiry into a Combined Approach for Nursing Ethics.Allyson Lipp - 1998 - Nursing Ethics 5 (2):122-138.
    A definitive theory for ethical decision making in nursing is still only conjecture. The literature confirms that there have been numerous examinations of ethical decision making in nursing, with most proposing either the justice or the care orientation, or a combination of both. In the absence of a definitive theory, this exploratory work sets out, via grounded theory, to shed some light on the methods used every day by nurses to make ethical decisions in the clinical area. The data show (...)
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  39.  27
    Lessons from Evidence-Based Operating Room Management in Balancing the Needs for Efficient, Effective and Ethical Healthcare.Allyson C. Rosen & Franklin Dexter - 2009 - American Journal of Bioethics 9 (4):43-44.
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  40.  40
    The status of the embryo and policy discourse.Lisa Sowle Cahill - 1997 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 22 (5):407-414.
  41.  10
    Towards a philosophical anthropology of culture: naturalism, relativism, and skepticism.Kevin M. Cahill - 2021 - London: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group.
    This book explores the question of what it means to be a human being through sustained and original analyses of three important philosophical topics: relativism, skepticism, and naturalism in the social sciences. Kevin Cahill's approach involves an original employment of historical and ethnographic material that is both conceptual and empirical in order to address relevant philosophical issues. Specifically, while Cahill avoids interpretative debates, he develops an approach to philosophical critique based on Cora Diamond's and James Conant's work on (...)
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  42.  73
    Enforcing Normalcy: Disability, Deafness and the Body.S. Kay Toombs, Lisa Sowle Cahill, Margaret A. Farley, Paul A. Komesaroff, Arthur W. Frank & Lennard J. Davis - 1997 - Hastings Center Report 27 (5):39.
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  43. Feminist Pleasure and Feminine Beautification.Ann J. Cahill - 2003 - Hypatia 18 (4):42-64.
    This paper explores the conditions under which feminine beautification constitutes a feminist practice. Distinguishing between the process and product of beautification allows us to isolate those aesthetic, interapos;Subjective, and embodied elements that empower rather than disempower women. The empowering characteristics of beautification, however, are difficult and perhaps impossible to represent in a sexist context; therefore, while beautifying may be a positive experience for women, being viewed as a beautified object in current Western society is almost always opposed to women's equality (...)
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  44.  18
    The Fate of Wonder: Wittgenstein's Critique of Metaphysics and Modernity.Kevin M. Cahill - 2011 - Columbia University Press.
    Kevin M. Cahill reclaims one of Ludwig Wittgenstein's most passionately pursued endeavors: to reawaken a sense of wonder around human life and language and its mysterious place in the world. Following the philosopher's spiritual and cultural criticism and tying it more tightly to the overall evolution of his thought, Cahill frames an original interpretation of Wittgenstein's engagement with Western metaphysics and modernity, better contextualizing the force of his work. Cahill synthesizes several approaches to Wittgenstein's life and thought. (...)
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  45. In Defense of Self-Defense.Ann J. Cahill - 2009 - Philosophical Papers 38 (3):363-380.
    Some feminist theorists have argued that emphasizing women's self-defense mistakenly emphasizes women's behavior and choices rather than male aggression as a cause of sexual violence. I argue here that such critiques of self-defense are misguided, and do not sufficiently take into account the ways in which feminist self-defense courses can constitute embodied transformations of the meanings of femininity and rape. While certainly not sufficient to counter a rape culture by themselves, self-defense courses should remain a crucial element in feminist anti-rape (...)
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  46.  26
    Introduction: Biomedical Sciences and Popular Culture: Mutually Constitutive, Not Oppositional.Allyson D. Polsky - 2002 - Journal of Medical Humanities 23 (3/4):167-169.
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  47.  10
    The Truth of Value: A Conversation with Theaster Gates.Zachary Cahill - 2023 - Critical Inquiry 50 (1):164-174.
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  48. “Dark matter” and the fine structure constant.Cahill Rt Gravity - 2005 - Apeiron 12 (2):144-177.
  49.  22
    Haunted by her: lesbian feminist ghostly drags on representation and reception.Allyson Mitchell - 2019 - Feminist Theory 20 (4):431-443.
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  50. Parenting Black Children in a Joyful and Sorrowful World: The Buddha's Teaching of the Heavenly Abodes.Allyson Pimentel - 2021 - In Valerie Mason-John (ed.), Afrikan wisdom: new voices talk Black liberation, Buddhism, and beyond. Berkeley: North Atlantic Books.
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