Results for 'Aloisius G. Peixoto Fortuna'

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  1. Ontologia.Aloisius G. Peixoto Fortuna, Salvador Cuesta & Ángel González Álvarez - 1950 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 6 (3):328-329.
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    Indifference, neutrality and informativeness: generalizing the three prisoners paradox.Sergio Wechsler, L. G. Esteves, A. Simonis & C. Peixoto - 2005 - Synthese 143 (3):255-272.
    . The uniform prior distribution is often seen as a mathematical description of noninformativeness. This paper uses the well-known Three Prisoners Paradox to examine the impossibility of maintaining noninformativeness throughout hierarchization. The Paradox has been solved by Bayesian conditioning over the choice made by the Warder when asked to name a prisoner who will be shot. We generalize the paradox to situations of N prisoners, k executions and m announcements made by the Warder. We then extend the consequences of hierarchically (...)
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    [Recensão a] Casertano, G. - Os pré-socráticos.Miriam C. D. Peixoto - 2011 - Archai: Revista de Estudos Sobre as Origens Do Pensamento Ocidental 7:145-149.
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  4. Elisabeth da Bohemia - Verbete.Katarina Peixoto - 2020 - Mulheres Na Filosofia.
    O estudo das Cartas de Descartes a Elisabeth ocupou a literatura, ao passo que a fortuna da contribuição de Elisabeth foi soterrada pela historiografia. Essa negligência intelectual merece registro, visto que as cartas de Elisabeth foram descobertas no Século XIX e publicadas pela primeira vez em 1876 (Ebbersmeyer 2020, p. 4). O fato de que Elisabeth tenha sido ignorada pela historiografia explicita a precariedade a que o viés pode condenar uma narrativa, e torna o estudo sobre Elisabeth da Bohemia (...)
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  5. " Fortuna" in the works and criticism of Carlo Michelstaedter.G. Costanzo - 1998 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 53 (4):821-823.
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  6. Il Corpus dionysiacum e la sua fortuna estetica.G. Garotta - 1985 - Filosofia Oggi 8 (2):285.
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    Renaissance Thought. [REVIEW]G. L. - 1971 - Review of Metaphysics 25 (1):144-145.
    This volume is third in a series, Monuments of Western Thought, which Cantor and Klein are editing at Colgate. The bulk of this book consists of excerpts from the work of Dante and Machiavelli. Of the Dante material, seventy-five pages is from the Divine Comedy, the rest from De Monarchia. Of the Machiavelli material, thirty pages are from The Prince, the rest excerpted from various works and arranged under such heads as "Warfare" and "Fortune." The text is introduced by a (...)
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  8. G. PIAIA, "Marsilio da Padova nella Riforma e nella Controriforma. Fortuna e interpretazione".P. A. P. A. - 1979 - Rivista di Filosofia Neo-Scolastica 71:477.
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    La fortuna del "De Corpore" Hobbesiano en la historia de la mecánica: su recepción en la obra de G.W. Leibniz.Alberto Guillermo Ranea - 2003 - Endoxa 1 (17):91.
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    E. Erculei y G. Grimaldi (eds.), Política, moralità, fortuna. Riflessioni storico-filosofiche sul Principe di Machiavelli. Roma, Carocci editore, 2015, pp. 238. [REVIEW]Veronica Rosich & Laura Perdomo - 2022 - Ingenium. Revista Electrónica de Pensamiento Moderno y Metodología En Historia de Las Ideas 16:71-72.
    Gli autori di Politica, morale e fortuna, volume che celebra il cinquantesimo anniversario della scrittura de Il principe di Machiavelli, propongono letture aggiornate di questo classico che ci permettono di rinnovare la prospettiva con cui lo affrontiamo. In questi articoli si instaurano dialoghi tra Machiavelli e altri autori di epoche diverse che consentono ancora una volta di ricostruire e problematizzare l'inesauribile opera del fiorentino, avvicinandola ai temi d'attualità. La novità che raccolgono le diverse prospettive è una lettura che riconosce (...)
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    The Commentary Tradition on Aristotle's de Generatione Et Corruptione: Ancient, Medieval and Early Modern.J. M. M. H. Thijssen & H. A. G. Braakhuis - 1999 - Brepols Publishers.
    In this book, a dozen distinguished scholars in the field of the history of philosophy and science investigate aspects of the commentary tradition on Aristotle's De generatione et corruptione, one of the least studied among Aristotle's treatises in natural philosophy. Many famous thinkers such as Johannes Philoponus, Albert the Great, Thomas Aquinas, John Buridan, Nicole Oresme, Francesco Piccolomini, Jacopo Zabarella, and Galileo Galilei wrote commentaries on it. The distinctive feature of the present book is that it approaches this commentary tradition (...)
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    Propertius and literary genres - (g.) bonamente, (r.) cristofoli, (c.) santini (edd.) I generi letterari in properzio: Modelli E fortuna. Proceedings of the twenty-second international conference on propertius. Assisi–spello, 24–27 may 2018. (Studi di poesia latina 22.) pp. 402. Turnhout: Brepols, 2020. Paper, €95. Isbn: 978-2-503-58926-8. [REVIEW]Paola Gagliardi - 2022 - The Classical Review 72 (2):525-528.
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    A díade virtù-fortuna na fundação e manutenção da ordem em Niccolò Machiavelli.Jean Felipe De Assis - 2020 - Griot : Revista de Filosofia 20 (2):309-331.
    O par Fortuna-Virtù é discutido nas diversas análises críticas do pensamento de Machiavelli e, embora tais termos possuam origens e tradições bem determinadas ao longo do pensamento latino, principalmente específicas considerações antigas e medievais em algumas recepções durante o humanismo cívico, suas características elusivas ao longo das argumentações de Machiavelli são mantidas, possibilitando inúmeros debates acadêmicos. Diante da ambivalência e da ambiguidade da ideia de Virtù perante relevantes e variadas tradições, contínuas buscas por clarificação são feitas ao longo do (...)
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    Fortunas klädnader: lycka, olycka och risk i det tidigmoderna Sverige.Kristiina Savin - 2011 - Lund: Sekel.
    This dissertation explores learned conceptions of uncertainty and risk during the period stretching approximately between 1560 and 1720. Previous historical overviews of the ideas about risk hold that pre-industrial societies viewed all worldly happenings as emanations of God's will or other forces lying beyond human control. This viewpoint is scrutinized and called into question in the dissertation through an examination of early modern Swedish sources. In order to show how earthly uncertainty was conceptualized documents dealing with actual calamities are analyzed. (...)
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  15. Listening to the Cicadas: A Study of Plato's Phaedrus.G. R. F. Ferrari - 1987 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    This full-length study of Plato's dialogue Phaedrus, now in paperback, is written in the belief that such concerted scrutiny of a single dialogue is an important part of the project of understanding Plato so far as possible 'from the inside' - of gaining a feel for the man's philosophy. The focus of this account is on how the resources both of persuasive myth and of formal argument, for all that Plato sets them in strong contrast, nevertheless complement and reinforce each (...)
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  16. The Importance of What We Care About: Philosophical Essays.Harry G. Frankfurt - 1988 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    This 1988 volume is a collection of thirteen seminal essays on ethics, free will, and the philosophy of mind. The essays deal with such central topics as freedom of the will, moral responsibility, the concept of a person, the structure of the will, the nature of action, the constitution of the self, and the theory of personal ideals. By focusing on the distinctive nature of human freedom, Professor Frankfurt is able to explore fundamental problems of what it is to be (...)
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  17. Necessity, Volition, and Love.Harry G. Frankfurt - 1998 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    One of the most influential of contemporary philosophers, Harry Frankfurt has made major contributions to the philosophy of action, moral psychology, and the study of Descartes. This collection of essays complements an earlier collection published by Cambridge, The Importance of What We Care About. Some of the essays develop lines of thought found in the earlier volume. They deal in general with foundational metaphysical and epistemological issues concerning Descartes, moral philosophy, and philosophical anthropology. Some bear upon topics in political philosophy (...)
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    (1 other version)Metarecursive sets.G. Kreisel & Gerald E. Sacks - 1965 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 30 (3):318-338.
    Our ultimate purpose is to give an axiomatic treatment of recursion theory sufficient to develop the priority method. The direct or abstract approach is to keep in mind as clearly as possible the methods actually used in recursion theory, and then to formulate them explicitly. The indirect or experimental approach is to look first for other mathematical theories which seem similar to recursion theory, to formulate the analogies precisely, and then to search for an axiomatic treatment which covers not only (...)
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    Reasons to doubt the present evidence for metaphoric representation.G. Murphy - 1997 - Cognition 62 (1):99-108.
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    Response to Four Good Friends.John G. Stackhouse Jr - 2016 - Journal of Analytic Theology 4:215-221.
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    From Subsistence to Advanced Material Production.G. P. Manish & Benjamin Powell - 2015 - In Peter J. Boettke & Christopher J. Coyne (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Austrian Economics. Oxford University Press USA.
    This chapter provides a summary of the lessons that the Austrian theory of capital holds for the field of development economics. It provides an introduction to the concepts of the structure of production and time preference and a brief overview of how the rate of time preference limits both the available pool of savings and the extent of capital formation. The implications that this uniquely Austrian insight holds for the theory of economic growth are spelled out, in particular the fact (...)
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    An Introduction to Modal Logic.G. D. Duthie - 1971 - Philosophical Quarterly 21 (82):85-85.
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  23. Why "oughts" are not facts (or what the tortoise and Achilles taught mrs. Ganderhoot and me about practical reason).G. F. Schueler - 1995 - Mind 104 (416):713-723.
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    Chomsky's System of Ideas.G. R. Sampson & Fred D'Agostino - 1987 - Philosophical Quarterly 37 (149):477.
  25. The Combination Problem} for Panpsychism: A Constitutive Russellian Solution.G. E. Miller - 2018 - Dissertation, University of Liverpool
    In this thesis I argue for the following theory: constitutive Russellian phenomenal bonding panpsychism. To do so I do three main things: 1) I argue for Russellian panpsychism. 2) I argue for phenomenal bonding panpsychism. 3) I defend the resultant phenomenal bonding panpsychist model. The importance of arguing for such a theory is that if it can be made to be viable, then it is proposed to be the most promising theory of the place of consciousness within nature. This is (...)
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    Salvatore Settis, Futuro del classico.Federica Viganò - 2006 - Rivista di Estetica 32:201-203.
    A chi si rivolge l’agile volumetto di Settis? Lungi dall’essere - solo - un saggio per addetti ai lavori, la questione teorica sviluppata in questo percorso di ricognizione di “vita e fortuna” del classico rivela l’intenzione di catturare l’attenzione di un pubblico ben più vasto e non per forza specialistico. In un periodo di riforma del «Codice dei Beni culturali e del paesaggio», recentemente uscito a firma dell’attuale Ministro dei Beni culturali, è bene interrogarsi sul ruolo che hanno g...
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    Is visual information integrated across successive fixations in reading?G. W. McConkie & D. Zola - 1979 - Perception and Psychophysics 25:221-24.
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    Experiments Are the Key: Participants' Histories and Historians' Histories of Science.G. Gilbert & Michael Mulkay - 1984 - Isis 75 (1):105-125.
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    Vii—critical notices.G. Ryle - 1929 - Mind 38 (151):355-370.
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    Boyle, Locke, and Reason.G. A. J. Rogers - 1966 - Journal of the History of Ideas 27 (2):205.
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    Business Ethics in Developing Countries.G. J. Rossouw - 1994 - Business Ethics Quarterly 4 (1):43-51.
    Underlying this paper is the conviction that it is of utmost importance that business ethics should indeed become an integral part of business culture in all, and therefore also in developing countries. It is not to be denied that business ethics has to a much larger extent become part of the business culture in developed countries than in developing countries. In this paper, I first of all wish to provide an explanation for the fact that business ethics is fighting an (...)
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    Risk stratification: an important tool in the special review of research using oocytes and embryos.G. Owen Schaefer & Teck Chuan Voo - 2022 - Journal of Medical Ethics 48 (9):599-600.
    Like all research, embryo research can take a variety of forms, some posing substantially more risks to persons than others. Savulescu et al argue persuasively that regulatory regimes specially designed for sensitive embryo research should differentiate between person-affecting and non-person-affecting embryo research, with substantial scrutiny only warranted for the former.1 Yet if we find Savulescu et al ’s argument persuasive, what practical implications would it have? In this commentary, we focus in particular on how such an argument might apply in (...)
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  33. Privacy, Control, and Talk of Rights: R. G. FREY.R. G. Frey - 2000 - Social Philosophy and Policy 17 (2):45-67.
    An alleged moral right to informational privacy assumes that we should have control over information about ourselves. What is the philosophical justification for this control? I think that one prevalent answer to this question—an answer that has to do with the justification of negative rights generally—will not do.
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  34. Names and the 'de re — de dicto' distinction.G. W. Fitch - 1981 - Philosophical Studies 39 (1):25 - 34.
  35. The Second Vatican Council and the New Catholicism.G. C. Berkouwer & Lewis B. Smedes - 1965
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    Teaching Ethical Reasoning.G. Fletcher Linder, Allison J. Ames, William J. Hawk, Lori K. Pyle, Keston H. Fulcher & Christian E. Early - 2019 - Teaching Ethics 19 (2):147-170.
    This article presents evidence supporting the claim that ethical reasoning is a skill that can be taught and assessed. We propose a working definition of ethical reasoning as 1) the ability to identify, analyze, and weigh moral aspects of a particular situation, and 2) to make decisions that are informed and warranted by the moral investigation. The evidence consists of a description of an ethical reasoning education program—Ethical Reasoning in Action —designed to increase ethical reasoning skills in a variety of (...)
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    Comparing Concepts of God: Translating God in the Chinese and Yoruba Religious Contexts.G. U. Rouyan - 2022 - Filosofia Theoretica: Journal of African Philosophy, Culture and Religions 11 (1):139-150.
    This article discusses the concept of God with a focus on the translation of God in the Chinese and Yoruba religious contexts. Translating the word God is of the essence when comparing concepts of god. The translation of the Christian God as Olodumare misrepresents the latter. As suggested by Africanists, there should be appropriate translations for God, Olodumare, and other African gods. As a preliminary comparative attempt, this article presents a case on the introduction of God to the Chinese people. (...)
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  38. On t and u, and what they can do.G. Restall - 2010 - Analysis 70 (4):673-676.
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  39. The Triumph of Grace in the Theology of Karl Barth.G. C. Berkouwer, F. F. Bruce, Edward John Carnell, J. Gresham Machen, Reinhold Niebuhr & Paul Tillich - 1956
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  40. The Palgrave Handbook of Infertility in History.G. Davis & T. Loughran (eds.) - 2017
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    Andocides de Mysteriis.B. L. G. & W. J. Hickie - 1885 - American Journal of Philology 6 (4):486.
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    Aqhnaiwn Politeia. Aristotle on the Constitution of Athens.B. L. G. & F. G. Kenyon - 1891 - American Journal of Philology 12 (1):97.
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    Chapters on English Metre.F. B. G. & Joseph B. Mayor - 1887 - American Journal of Philology 8 (2):232.
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    Die Sintfluthsagen untersucht.B. L. G. & Hermann Usener - 1899 - American Journal of Philology 20 (2):210.
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    Shelley, Adonais.B. L. G. & William Michael Rossetti - 1891 - American Journal of Philology 12 (1):94.
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    The Anglo-Saxon Metaphor.J. M. G. - 1881 - American Journal of Philology 2 (5):108.
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    Thucydides, Book IV.B. L. G. & A. W. Spratt - 1912 - American Journal of Philology 33 (2):212.
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    The English Poets.B. L. G. & T. H. Ward - 1881 - American Journal of Philology 2 (5):105.
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    The Phaeacian Episode of the Odyssey.B. L. G. & Augustus C. Merriam - 1880 - American Journal of Philology 1 (4):468.
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    Aristotelhs Peri Yuxhs.G. S. M. & Edwin Wallace - 1883 - American Journal of Philology 4 (3):352.
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