Results for 'Amanda Sayonara Fernandes'

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  1.  1
    Breaking barriers in intercultural philosophy: the power of empathy and interrelationship.Amanda Sayonara Fernandes Prazeres - 2024 - Trans/Form/Ação 47 (2):e02400274.
    Resumo: Uma questão importante na filosofia intercultural diz respeito aos métodos empregados para investigar o pensamento que foi desenvolvido em diferentes contextos culturais. Em um mundo globalizado, é cada vez mais necessário incorporar diversas tradições de pensamento que são derivadas de distintas origens culturais, históricas e linguísticas, no trabalho filosófico acadêmico. No entanto, a questão permanece: como alguém pode aprender com outras tradições filosóficas, sem cair em uma perspectiva dualista ou relativista? Para abordar isso, analisam-se dois conceitos desenvolvidos por Nishitani (...)
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    Nihilismo: Un Problema Japonés.Amanda Sayonara Fernandes Prazeres - 2023 - Revista Dialectus 31 (31):132-144.
    En este artículo examinamos el fenómeno del nihilismo desde la perspectiva del filósofo de la Escuela de Kioto, Nishitani Keiji (1900-1990). Es ampliamente aceptado que el nihilismo como fenómeno histórico surgió en Europa a raíz de una crisis generada por la ruptura con el fundamento religioso cristiano, lo que llevó a una pérdida de sentido y propósito existencial. Nishitani desarrolla su análisis filosófico e histórico del fenómeno en su obra "Nihilismo", donde investiga la cuestión desde la literatura de Fiodor Dostoevski (...)
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    (1 other version)Conventional revolution: the ethical implications of the natural progress of neonatal intensive care to artificial wombs.Phillip Stefan Wozniak & Ashley Keith Fernandes - 2021 - Journal of Medical Ethics 47 (12):e54-e54.
    Research teams have used extra-uterine systems to support premature fetal lambs and to bring them to maturation in a way not previously possible. The researchers have called attention to possible implications of these systems for sustaining premature human fetuses in a similar way. Some commentators have pointed out that perfecting these systems for human fetuses might alter a standard expectation in abortion practices: that the termination of a pregnancy also entails the death of the fetus. With Biobags, it might be (...)
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  4. Generic Statements Require Little Evidence for Acceptance but Have Powerful Implications.Andrei Cimpian, Amanda C. Brandone & Susan A. Gelman - 2010 - Cognitive Science 34 (8):1452-1482.
    Generic statements (e.g., “Birds lay eggs”) express generalizations about categories. In this paper, we hypothesized that there is a paradoxical asymmetry at the core of generic meaning, such that these sentences have extremely strong implications but require little evidence to be judged true. Four experiments confirmed the hypothesized asymmetry: Participants interpreted novel generics such as “Lorches have purple feathers” as referring to nearly all lorches, but they judged the same novel generics to be true given a wide range of prevalence (...)
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    Race and Method.Tina Fernandes Botts - 2018 - Philosophy Today 62 (1):51-72.
    Methodological tools for doing philosophy that take into account the historical context of the phenomenon under consideration are arguably better suited for examining questions of race and gender than acontextual or ahistorical methodological tools. Accordingly, Rebecca Tuvel’s “defense” of so-called transracialism arguably veers off track to the extent that it relies on acontextual and ahistorical tools. While Tuvel argues, largely relying on such tools, that so-called transracialism is both metaphysically possible and ethically permissible, from a perspective that factors in context (...)
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    From Working Man’s Paradise to Women in Business: The Contribution of Australian Feminism to the Understanding of Women’s Economic Position within Australian Society.Maree V. Boyle & Amanda Roan - 2004 - Philosophy of Management 4 (3):25-33.
    In this paper we discuss how Australian feminism has contributed to a better understanding of women’s economic position within Australian society. Through this analysis we seek to shed some light on the current implementation of the ‘women in business’ policy in Australia. We trace the development of this position from the early beginnings of unionism and wage centralisation through to the social change movements of the 1960s and 1970s. We then examine how the neo-liberal turn of the 1990s manifested itself (...)
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    Justiça global e democracia: homenagem a John Rawls.Nythamar Fernandes de Oliveira, Draiton Gonzaga de Souza & John Rawls (eds.) - 2009 - Porta Alegre: EDIPUCRS.
  8. The social desirability response bias in ethics research.Donna M. Randall & Maria F. Fernandes - 1991 - Journal of Business Ethics 10 (11):805 - 817.
    This study examines the impact of a social desirability response bias as a personality characteristic (self-deception and impression management) and as an item characteristic (perceived desirability of the behavior) on self-reported ethical conduct. Findings from a sample of college students revealed that self-reported ethical conduct is associated with both personality and item characteristics, with perceived desirability of behavior having the greatest influence on self-reported conduct. Implications for research in business ethics are drawn, and suggestions are offered for reducing the effects (...)
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  9.  40
    Mapping Bioethics in Latin America: History, Theoretical Models, and Scientific Output.Lucas F. Garcia, Marcia S. Fernandes, Jonathan D. Moreno & Jose R. Goldim - 2019 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 16 (3):323-331.
    Objective: To present a narrative review of the history of bioethics in Latin America and of scientific output in this interdisciplinary field. Methods: This was a mixed-methods study. Results: A total of 1458 records were retrieved, of which 1167 met the inclusion criteria. According to the Web of Science classification, the predominant topics of study were medical ethics, social sciences and medicine, and environmental and public health topics. Four themes of bioethics output in the Latin American literature have emerged: issues (...)
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  10.  21
    Concentração e dispersão da formação dos pesquisadores da gestão do conhecimento.Edcleyton Bruno Fernandes Silva - 2023 - Logeion Filosofia da Informação 10 (2):583-597.
    Este trabalho objetivou analisar a formação dos pesquisadores da Gestão do Conhecimento, essencialmente os da Ciência da Informação no Brasil, a partir do estabelecimento de relações de concentração e dispersão das formações dos pesquisadores. Para tanto, foram considerados artigos indexados na Base de Dados Referenciais de Artigos de Periódicos em Ciência da Informação nos últimos cinco anos e verificação dos currículos lattes dos pesquisadores. A metodologia adotada foi de caráter quali-quantitativo, por meio de pesquisa tipo bibliográfica, exploratória e descritiva. Concluiu (...)
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    Afeto Na Filosofia de Espinosa.Marcela Fernandes Silva & Cláudia Gomes - 2017 - Revista Sul-Americana de Filosofia E Educação 27:119-135.
    Neste trabalho de cunho teórico, buscamos analisar a dinâmica dos afetos na perspectiva filosófica de Baruch Espinosa. Ao projetar esse objetivo, procuramos trazer elementos que favoreçam análises da compreensão escolar como espaço de potencialização. Defendemos como considerações finais do estudo que essa perspectiva e entendimento são nucleares para o debate e compreensão da dinâmica dos afetos no processo de humanização.
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    Resenhas.Pedro Fernandes Galé - 2022 - Discurso 52 (1):203-210.
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    Pedagogia do outro: um instrumento de Jesus para despertar o seu discipulado.Adiel Fernandes Braga Junior - 2017 - Revista de Teologia 11 (19):05-15.
    A presente pesquisa oferece ao leitor um estudo exegético-teológico do evangelho segundo Lucas 10:25-37, perícope na qual se narra um diálogo de Jesus com um intérprete da lei. O que se percebe é que há muitos estudos que consideram demasiadamente a parábola e ignoram o diálogo teológico presente no texto. Esta pesquisa pretende aprofundar o recurso narrativo de perguntas e respostas, utilizado por Lucas, para indicá-lo como um instrumento pedagógico de Jesus a fim de despertar seu discipulado. A perícope é (...)
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  14. Capitalismo Global e Reorganização da Cadeia Têxtil-Confecção: uma revisão bibliográfica.Paulo Fernandes Keller - 2002 - Enfoques 1 (1).
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    Attributions toward Artificial Agents in a modified Moral Turing Test.Eyal Aharoni, Sharlene Fernandes, Daniel Brady, Caelan Alexander, Michael Criner, Kara Queen, Javier Rando, Eddy Nahmias & Victor Crespo - 2024 - Scientific Reports 14 (8458):1-11.
    Advances in artificial intelligence (AI) raise important questions about whether people view moral evaluations by AI systems similarly to human-generated moral evaluations. We conducted a modified Moral Turing Test (m-MTT), inspired by Allen et al. (Exp Theor Artif Intell 352:24–28, 2004) proposal, by asking people to distinguish real human moral evaluations from those made by a popular advanced AI language model: GPT-4. A representative sample of 299 U.S. adults first rated the quality of moral evaluations when blinded to their source. (...)
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    The Will and the Way: How State Capacity and Willingness Jointly Affect Human Rights Improvement.Alejandro Anaya-Muñoz & Amanda Murdie - 2021 - Human Rights Review 23 (1):127-154.
    When should we expect compliance with international human rights norms? Previous literature on the causal mechanisms underlying compliance have focused independently on the roles of state willingness, thought of as the preferences of the regime leadership, and on state capacity, in improving human rights practices within a state. We build an argument that neither of these factors are sufficient on their own to improve compliance with human rights norms. Instead, improved human rights practices require both “the will and the way.” (...)
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    Developing the Sense of Agency Rating Scale (SOARS): An empirical measure of agency disruption in hypnosis.Vince Polito, Amanda J. Barnier & Erik Z. Woody - 2013 - Consciousness and Cognition 22 (3):684-696.
    Two experiments report on the construction of the Sense of Agency Rating Scale (SOARS), a new measure for quantifying alterations to agency. In Experiment 1, 370 participants completed a preliminary version of the scale following hypnosis. Factor analysis revealed two underlying factors: Involuntariness and Effortlessness. In Experiment 2, this two factor structure was confirmed in a sample of 113 low, medium and high hypnotisable participants. The two factors, Involuntariness and Effortlessness, correlated significantly with hypnotisability and pass rates for ideomotor, challenge (...)
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    Partnering With Patients to Bridge Gaps in Consent for Acute Care Research.Neal W. Dickert, Amanda Michelle Bernard, JoAnne M. Brabson, Rodney J. Hunter, Regina McLemore, Andrea R. Mitchell, Stephen Palmer, Barbara Reed, Michele Riedford, Raymond T. Simpson, Candace D. Speight, Tracie Steadman & Rebecca D. Pentz - 2020 - American Journal of Bioethics 20 (5):7-17.
    Clinical trials for acute conditions such as myocardial infarction and stroke pose challenges related to informed consent due to time limitations, stress, and severe illness. Consent processes shou...
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    DNA adenine methylation in eukaryotes: Enzymatic mark or a form of DNA damage?Matthias Bochtler & Humberto Fernandes - 2021 - Bioessays 43 (3):2000243.
    Abstract6‐methyladenine (6mA) is fairly abundant in nuclear DNA of basal fungi, ciliates and green algae. In these organisms, 6mA is maintained near transcription start sites in ApT context by a parental‐strand instruction dependent maintenance methyltransferase and is positively associated with transcription. In animals and plants, 6mA levels are high only in organellar DNA. The 6mA levels in nuclear DNA are very low. They are attributable to nucleotide salvage and the activity of otherwise mitochondrial METTL4, and may be considered as a (...)
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    Uma leitura dos deveres do professor e do aluno no discurso oficial.Maria Helena Fernandes Cardoso - 2008 - Educação E Filosofia 1 (1):45-51.
    […] Este estudo tem como preocupação centrar algumas reflexões sobre a linguagem. E, por objetivo, questionar a consciência do homem quando este produz a linguagem, isto é, a prática do discurso e a reflexão sobre problemas que se originam dessa prática. O texto que constitui o escopo desta análise refere-se aos deveres do professor e do aluno contidos nos regimentos de algumas escolas estaduais de Minas Gerais. Visando à melhor compreensão, dividimos a análise em duas partes. A primeira apresenta uma (...)
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  21. O instituto da fidelidade partidária E a sua aplicabilidade no direito eleitoral brasileiro quanto à titularidade do mandato eletivo.Kleber Fernandes da Silva - 2014 - Revista Fides 5 (1):175-193.
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    Sophistry in Vygotsky: Contributions to the Rhetorical and Poetic Pedagogy.Erika Natacha Fernandes de Andrade & Marcus Vinicius da Cunha - 2019 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 39 (1):85-99.
    This work relates L. S. Vygotsky’s theory to the rhetorical and poetic pedagogy, which is a set of educational ideas and practices derived from the philosophical-educational tradition initiated by the Sophists. It is verified that the Vygotskyan concepts contribute to broaden the foundations of poetic and rhetorical pedagogy, presenting a psychology of language that integrates decorum, kairos and antilogical argumentation within aesthetic experiences; communication sustains knowledge and reflection of reality, aiming at the strengthening of the individual’s identity, the education of (...)
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    (4 other versions)Expediente - Horizonte, Belo Horizonte, v. 20, n. 61, jan./abr. 2022.Brasil Fernandes de Barros - forthcoming - Horizonte.
    Expediente - Horizonte, Belo Horizonte, v. 20, n. 61, jan./abr. 2022.
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  24. Entrevista: Yvonne Maggie. Uma antropóloga no campo: dos terreiros de umbanda às salas de aula de escolas públicas do Rio de Janeiro.Ludmila Fernandes de Freitas, Yvonne Maggie & Ana Pires do Prado - 2013 - Enfoques: Sociologia e Antropologia da Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro 13 (1).
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    From social to cyber justice: critical views on justice, law, and ethics.Nythamar Fernandes de Oliveira, Marek Hrubec & Emil Albert Sobottka (eds.) - 2018 - Porto Alegre: PUCRS.
    The book contains critical analyses of injustice in connection to law and ethics, and develops normative alternatives linked to justice. It covers the relevant issues from social justice to cyber justice. The chapters address issues and concepts which guideline on social innovations, transformations inherent in democratizing processes, global conflicts and other interactions, including the ultimate danger of escalation to war conflicts, be they conventional wars or new cyberwars.--From publisher's website.
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    Compreendendo a construção do conceito de Ciência.Sandra Fernandes Leite - 2011 - Filosofia E Educação 3 (1):p - 400.
    Traduzido por João Duarte, o livro A Construção das Ciências: As Lógicas das Invenções Científicas, de Gerard Fourez, foi publicado em primeira edição no Brasil em 2002, pelo Instituto Piaget, recebendo uma reimpressão em 2009. O autor trabalha com a perspectiva socioconstrutivista.
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    (1 other version)Princípios, costumes E a fundação do conhecimento.Rogerio Fernandes Martins - 2020 - Cadernos Espinosanos 43:335-361.
    We will seek to position certain aspects of Pascal’s speculationfrom an epistemological background. We are going to frame them, moreprecisely, within what is called, in Theory of Knowledge, the traditionof Epistemic Foundationalism. The intention here will be to show thegenesis of the first principles, essential for the entire epistemologicalframework in this tradition, and the consequences arising therefrom.For this purpose, we will compare the pascalian developments with thecartesian ones on the subject. We hope, at the end of the article, to havedemonstrated (...)
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    Condillac e a história da química: de Newton a Lavoisier.Lourenço Fernandes Neto Silva - 2018 - Doispontos 15 (1).
    Abordamos aqui a influência do método de Condillac sobre a história da química. Partindo da confessada dívida de Lavoisier com o abade, propomo-nos a avaliar o aporte que o método condillaquiano terá para a filosofia natural da segunda metade do XVIII, colocando-a primeiramente na perspectiva da onda newtoniana que contaminou progressivamente as ciências a partir do fim do XVII. Mostramos então como o método de Newton, via alquimia, é capaz de inserir aspectos alheios ao mecanicismo estrito nas discussões, o que (...)
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    O lugar próprio no espaço impróprio: o negro, o judeu e o comum.Paulo Henrique Fernandes Silveira - 2021 - Educação E Filosofia 34 (70):175-191.
    O lugar próprio no espaço impróprio: o negro, o judeu e o comum Resumo: No pós-guerra, uma série de intelectuais que residiam na França, alguns deles, como exilados ou expatriados, travaram um intenso debate a respeito das condições do negro e do judeu. Jean-Paul Sartre formulou uma das questões centrais desse debate: haveria uma essência da negritude ou do judaísmo? Para Frantz Fanon, Maurice Blanchot, Jacques Derrida e Edmond Jabès, a negritude e o judaísmo podem ser compreendidos a partir das (...)
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    Técnica, tecnologia e educação em Heidegger e Simondon.José Fernandes Weber, Américo Grisotto & Wanderley Jose Ferreira Junior - 2014 - Filosofia E Educação 6 (3):1-8.
    Editorial do dossiê Técnica, tecnologia e educação em Heidegger e Simondon.
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    Highs and Lows in English Attachment.Nino Grillo, João Costa, Bruno Fernandes & Andrea Santi - 2015 - Cognition 144 (C):116-122.
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    Temporal Asymmetries in Philosophy and Psychology.Christoph Hoerl, Teresa McCormack & Alison Fernandes (eds.) - 2022 - Oxford: Oxford University Press.
    Humans’ attitudes towards an event often vary depending on whether the event has already happened or has yet to take place. The dread felt at the thought of a forthcoming examination turns into relief once it is over. People also value past events less than future ones – offering less pay for work already carried out than for the same work to be carried out in the future, as recent research in psychology shows. This volume brings together philosophers and psychologists (...)
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    Infants track action goals within and across agents.Jennifer Sootsman Buresh & Amanda L. Woodward - 2007 - Cognition 104 (2):287-314.
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    Rule is a dual character concept.Guilherme da Franca Couto Fernandes de Almeida, Noel Struchiner & Ivar Rodriguez Hannikainen - 2023 - Cognition 230 (C):105259.
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    Resenha de Schopenhauer, Freud e a Religião, de Guilherme Marconi Germer. Alegoria ou ilusão?José Fernandes Weber & Camila Gomes Weber - 2023 - Voluntas: Revista Internacional de Filosofia 14 (1):e85899.
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    (2 other versions)Philosophy, Childhood, and Subjectivity.Rosana Aparecida, Fernandes de Oliveira & Walter Omar Kohan - 2001 - Questions: Philosophy for Young People 1:4-6.
    Functions and objectives serve as an incentive for children living in Brazil to question their role as a child in society.
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    “É verdade este bilete”: relações dialógicas e(m) discurso no ciberespaço.Eliane Fernandes Azzari, Maria de Fátima Silva Amarante & Eliane Righi de Andrade - 2020 - Bakhtiniana 15 (1):7-32.
    RESUMO Este artigo contempla nosso estudo de práticas socioculturais que demonstram que/como o sujeito contemporâneo dialoga online com enunciados advindos de acontecimentos do universo off-line. Nosso corpus apresenta postagens circuladas publicamente em páginas diversas no Facebook em que se lê: “É verdade esse bilete”. A afirmativa, proveniente de um bilhete escrito por uma criança em sua esfera familiar e divulgado em redes sociais, foi apropriada por múltiplos interlocutores no ciberespaço a fim de produzir efeitos de humor e dizeres contraditórios em (...)
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    ZIKA Virus Disease as Public Health Emergency and Ethics.Rhyddhi Chakraborty & Edmond Fernandes - 2017 - Bangladesh Journal of Bioethics 8 (2):11-18.
    This paper argues that Zika virus infection has its ethical implications beyond the reproductive health of women. It claims that Zika virus infection like public health emergency exposes the underlying health determinants and health status of women. Therefore, ethical mitigation of Zika like public health emergencies should consider these underlying health determinants and health status of women. For, undermining and overlooking these underlying determinants and health status of women, during the public health emergencies, enhance the health inequities. The recent Zika (...)
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    Relações Étnicas, Educação e Cidadania - Apresentação.Daniel Valério Martins, Marcos Fernandes-Sobrinho & Alfredo Guillermo Rajo Serventich - 2024 - Odeere 9 (3):1-5.
    Apresentação do Dossiê - "Relações Étnicas, Educação e Cidadania".
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  40. A instituição da lei e o valor do justo: positivismo jurídico no pensamento de Nietzsche.Vinicius Fernandes Ormelesi - 2024 - Cadernos Nietzsche 45 (3):45-3.
    This paper analyzes the contestation of Dühring’s ideas made by Nietzsche in paragraph 11 of the second part of the book On the Genealogy of Morals, in order to relate the philosopher's arguments to the legal positivist theory of the time. Through the examination of the views and arguments articulated in the Nietzschean reasoning, it is sought to show that Nietzsche's positions not only welcome important premises of legal positivism but are also compatible with some developments of positivist legal theory (...)
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    A constituição da subjetividade na criança com diagnóstico de Transtorno de Déficit de Atenção e Hiperatividade.Rita de Cassia Fernandes Signor & Ana Paula de Oliveira Santana - 2020 - Bakhtiniana 15 (2):210-228.
    RESUMO O objetivo deste trabalho é analisar implicações subjetivas decorrentes do processo de patologização da educação. Para tanto, foram realizadas entrevistas com duas crianças com diagnóstico de Transtorno de Déficit de Atenção/Hiperatividade, seus pais e professores, observação em sala de aula, avaliação fonoaudiológica individual e pesquisa documental. Os resultados do estudo apontam que os discursos que se instauram em torno do aluno considerado resistente ao que a escola propõe terminam por comprometer a formação da sua subjetividade, uma vez que ele (...)
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    Apresentação - Dossiê Nietzsche na Fenomenologia.José Fernandes Weber, Anna Luiza Coli & Giovanni Jan Giubilato - 2021 - Voluntas: Revista Internacional de Filosofia 12 (1):e6.
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    Resignação como efeito trágico: a teoria schopenhaueriana da tragédia.José Fernandes Weber - 2017 - Voluntas: Revista Internacional de Filosofia 8 (2):72.
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    Attitudes toward cheating before and after the implementation of a modified honor code: A case study.Miguel Roig & Amanda Marks - 2006 - Ethics and Behavior 16 (2):163 – 171.
    A sample of students from a private, multicampus, midsize university completed 2 copies of Gardner and Melvin's (1988) Attitudes Toward Cheating Scale a semester before the implementation of a modified honor code. The authors instructed students to complete 1 copy of the scale according to their own opinions and the other copy according to what they thought would be the opinion of a "typical college professor." During the following semester when the honor code went into effect, the authors recruited a (...)
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  45. Brainwave Self-Regulation During Bispectral IndexTM Neurofeedback in Trauma Center Nurses and Physicians After Receiving Mindfulness Instructions.C. Michael Dunham, Amanda L. Burger, Barbara M. Hileman, Elisha A. Chance, Amy E. Hutchinson, Chander M. Kohli, Lori DeNiro, Jill M. Tall & Paul Lisko - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Legal Briefing: Voluntarily Stopping Eating and Drinking.Thaddeus Pope & Amanda West - 2014 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 25 (1):68-80.
    This issue’s “Legal Briefing” column covers recent legal developments involving voluntarily stopping eating and drinking (VSED). Over the past decade, clinicians and bioethicists have increasingly recognized VSED as a medically and ethically appropriate means to hasten death. Most recently, in September 2013, the National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization (NHPCO) called on its 2,000 member hospices to develop policies and guidelines addressing VSED. And VSED is getting more attention not only in healthcare communities, but also in the general public. For (...)
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    Grassroots resource mobilization through counter-data action.Carl DiSalvo & Amanda Meng - 2018 - Big Data and Society 5 (2).
    In this paper, we document the counter-data action and data activism of a grassroots affordable housing advocacy group in Atlanta. Our observation and insight into these data activities and strategies are achieved through ethnographic and engaged research and participatory design. We find that counter-data action through community-collected data is rooted in a legacy of Atlanta’s black activism and black scholarship; that this data activism enabled resource mobilization and critical conscious making; and that design and media production are essential post counter-data (...)
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    Semiotic relation in literary photobooks: the case of Leminski’s Quarenta Clics em Curitiba.Joao Queiroz & Ana Fernandes - 2022 - Semiotica 2022 (249):19-42.
    How should one describe the irreducible relationships in photopoetry observed in intermedial literary photobooks? According to most authors, in literary photobooks, the verbal sign system is linked to the photographic image as a bidirectional interaction, creating a coupled system that can be seen as a new sign system. Mutually modulatory influences link verbal text and photography. But the nature of such influences needs to be explained in detail and with accuracy. What kind of relation are we dealing with? Many authors (...)
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    Understanding infants' understanding of intentions: Two problems of interpretation.Jessica Heineman-Pieper & Amanda Woodward - 2003 - Consciousness and Cognition 12 (4):770-772.
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    Sources and Consequences of Workplace Pressure: Increasing the Risk of Unethical and Illegal Business Practices.Edward S. Petry, Amanda E. Mujica & Dianne M. Vickery - 1998 - Business and Society Review 99 (1):25-30.
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