Results for 'Ana Figueiredo'

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  1.  15
    Editorial: Perinatal Mental Health and Well-Being in Fathers.Ana Conde, Barbara Figueiredo & Jeannette Milgrom - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
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    Pedagogia, sujeito e resistências: verdades do poder e poderes da verdade.Ana Godoy, Gláucia Figueiredo & Nildo Avelino (eds.) - 2013 - Curitiba: Editora Appris.
    Fundado em 14 de janeiro de 1933 como remanescente das associações culturais criadas pelo movimento anarquista e anarco-sindicalista nas primeiras décadas do século XX, o Centro de Cultura Social de São Paulo tem por objetivo o aprimoramento intelectual, a prática pedagógica e os debates públicos. Nesse intuito, organiza palestras, cursos, seminários, filmes, peças teatrais, entre outros, além de manter um acervo de arquivo e biblioteca voltada principalmente para os estudos. Desenvolve formas de ação e formação de militantes e de livres (...)
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    Physical Activity Levels of Adult Virtual Football Players.Ana M. Pereira, Evert Verhagen, Pedro Figueiredo, André Seabra, António Martins & João Brito - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Esports, including virtual football, are a worldwide phenomenon. Yet, little is known about the physical activity levels of individuals engaged in virtual football game play. Therefore, we aimed to perform a preliminary evaluation of the levels of physical activity, sedentarism, and habits of physical training of adults engaged with virtual football in Portugal. This was a cross-sectional investigation based on a structured online survey using the International Physical Activity Questionnaire and a set of questions regarding habits of physical training. The (...)
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    Asociaciones entre la depresión materna y el desarrollo neuroconductual de los niños.Ana Paula Parada, Marcos Gonçalves de Rezende, Juliana Arantes Figueiredo de Paula Eduardo, Felipe Pinheiro de Figueiredo, Heloisa Bettiol, Ricardo Cavalli, Viviane Cunha Cardoso & Cristina Marta Del Ben - 2024 - Prometeica - Revista De Filosofía Y Ciencias 30:236-251.
    We investigated the influence of maternal depression (MD) on the communication and motor dimensions of child neurodevelopment, by a longitudinal and descriptive study. We assessed 1,555 mother-baby dyads from two Brazilian cities with discrepant sociodemographic characteristics: Ribeirão Preto (RP) (N=663) and São Luís (SL) (N=892). MD during pregnancy and at the second year of child´s life was assessed, respectively, through the Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression Scale-CES-D (≥24) and the Edinburg Postnatal Depression Scale-EPDS (≥12). Child development was assessed through the (...)
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    Comment peut-on être philosophe au Brésil?Vinicius de Figueiredo, Ana Kiffer & Stéphane Pujol - 2012 - Rue Descartes 76 (4):1.
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    Humiliated self, bad self or bad behavior? The relations between moral emotional appraisals and moral motivation.Mia Silfver-Kuhalampi, Ana Figueiredo, Florencia Sortheix & Johnny Fontaine - 2015 - Journal of Moral Education 44 (2):213-231.
    It has often been found in the literature that guilt motivates reparative behavior and that shame elicits aggressive reactions. However, recent research suggests that it is not the experience of shame, but rather the experience of humiliation that triggers aggressive reactions. The present study focuses on the role of shame, guilt and humiliation appraisals in predicting the motivation to repair and be aggressive in four different countries, namely Argentina, Belgium, Finland and Portugal. Using multi-group structural equation modeling with situational-level assessments (...)
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    Mudança de terapeuta e abandono da psicoterapia em uma clínica-escola; Change of therapist and therapy drop out in a training clinic.Alfredo Cardoso Lhullier, Maria Lucia Tiellet Nunes, Ana Furlong Antochevis, Ana Maria Porto & Daniela Figueiredo - 2000 - Aletheia: An International Journal of Philosophy 11:7-11.
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    Realidade da produção do conhecimento em Educação Física: determinações históricas e epistemológicas.Moises Henrique Zeferino Alves, Ana Lúcia Silva Souza & Eliabe de Oliveira Figueiredo - 2016 - Filosofia E Educação 8 (3):81.
    Este artigo tem como objetivo contribuir com a crítica aos PNPG e suas determinações na produção do conhecimento dos professores de Educação Física das IES do estado da Bahia no período de 1982 a 2012, através da análise epistemológica. Trata-se de uma pesquisa documental, cujos dados foram analisado a luz do método do materialismo histórico e dialético. Os resultados apontam que os PNPG apresentam em seus objetivos e diretrizes uma concepção de pós-graduação que estimula o produtivismo acadêmico e a aproximação (...)
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  9. Fidelino, um filósofo da transitoriedade: análise crítica do pensamento filosófico de Fidelino de Figueiredo.Amorim de Carvalho - 1974 - São Paulo: [Universidade de São Paulo, Faculdade de Filosofia, Letras e Ciências Humanas].
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  10. On similarity in counterfactuals.Ana Arregui - 2009 - Linguistics and Philosophy 32 (3):245-278.
    This paper investigates the interpretation of counterfactual conditionals. The main goal of the paper is to provide an account of the semantic role of similarity in the evaluation of counterfactuals. The paper proposes an analysis according to which counterfactuals are treated as predications “ de re ” over past situations in the actual world. The relevant situations enter semantic composition via the interpretation of tense. Counterfactuals are treated as law-like conditionals with de re predication over particular facts. Similarity with respect (...)
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    The somatic mutation theory of cancer: growing problems with the paradigm?Ana M. Soto & Carlos Sonnenschein - 2004 - Bioessays 26 (10):1097-1107.
    The somatic mutation theory has been the prevailing paradigm in cancer research for the last 50 years. Its premises are: (1) cancer is derived from a single somatic cell that has accumulated multiple DNA mutations, (2) the default state of cell proliferation in metazoa is quiescence, and (3) cancer is a disease of cell proliferation caused by mutations in genes that control proliferation and the cell cycle. From this compelling simplicity, an increasingly complicated picture has emerged as more than 100 (...)
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    Kants Ethischer Autonomiebegriff: Eine Genetische Rekonstruktion von 1762 Bis 1785.Ana-Carolina Gutiérrez-Xivillé - 2018 - Boston: De Gruyter.
    Ana‐Carolina Gutiérrez‐Xivillé präsentiert eine neue Lesart zu Kants Grundlegung zur Metaphysik der Sitten. Während ältere Studien die kantische Ethik als bloße Ausarbeitung von bereits in den 1760er Jahren vorliegenden Begriffen lesen, zeigt diese Studie eine Neubestimmung des Freiheitsbegriffs und bietet eine gewandelte Sicht auf das Verhältnis zwischen „Moralvermögen“, „moralischem Gefühl“ und „Moralprinzip“. Gutiérrez‐Xivillé betrachtet die Texte weder isoliert noch monolithisch. Ihre aus einem analytischen und einem exegetischen Moment bestehende Methode erfasst Kants bekannte Schriften ebenso wie in jüngerer Zeit neu edierte, (...)
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    Assessing States’ Claims to Self-Determination in the Real World.Ana Tanasoca - 2022 - Res Publica 28 (3):445-450.
    In her recent book Gillian Brock argues that states’ legitimacy depends on their being part of a just state system that protects human rights. Here I discuss some practical limitations raised by Brock’s legitimacy framework: mainly, (1) the problematic real-world implications of such an account, and (2) the epistemic challenges that judgements inspired by this account would have to face, were we to proceed solely on the basis of it.
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  14. Ethics in global business and in a plural society.Ana Marta González - 2003 - Journal of Business Ethics 44 (1):23 - 36.
    The contemporary confluence of globalization and ethical pluralism is at the origin of many ethical challenges that confront business nowadays, both in practice and in theory. One of the challenges arising from the development of globalization has to do with respect for cultural diversity. It is often said that the success of economic globalization tends towards social and cultural homogeneity. To the extent that cultural diversity is usually seen as a valuable reality, that global trend seems to contradict our efforts (...)
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    De la filosofía moral popular a la metafísica de las costumbres.Ana María Fajardo Fajardo - 2024 - Revista Internacional de Filosofía Teórica y Práctica 2 (1):193-205.
    El presente artículo hace a una reflexión sobre Kant y su énfasis en el apriorismo moral, sobre todo en cuanto se refiere al concepto de deber en la pura razón. Dicho concepto juega un papel fundamental como criterio de valor de la acción moral; una acción es moral en tanto sea hecha por deber y nada más que por deber. ¿Qué es el deber y dónde se fundamenta?, es de lo que se va a tratar el presente texto; igualmente nos (...)
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    An Escape From Vardanyan’s Theorem.Ana de Almeida Borges & Joost J. Joosten - 2023 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 88 (4):1613-1638.
    Vardanyan’s Theorems [36, 37] state that $\mathsf {QPL}(\mathsf {PA})$ —the quantified provability logic of Peano Arithmetic—is $\Pi ^0_2$ complete, and in particular that this already holds when the language is restricted to a single unary predicate. Moreover, Visser and de Jonge [38] generalized this result to conclude that it is impossible to computably axiomatize the quantified provability logic of a wide class of theories. However, the proof of this fact cannot be performed in a strictly positive signature. The system $\mathsf (...)
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    Conceptions of Childhood and Moral Education in Philosophy for Children.Dina Mendonça & Florian Franken Figueiredo (eds.) - 2021 - Berlin: Springer Nature.
    Philosophy for Children has long been considered as crucial for children’s ethical and moral education and a decisive contribution for education for the democratic life. The book gathers contributions from experts in the field who reflect on fundamental issues on how childhood and ethics are interrelated within the P4C movement. The main interest of this volume is to offer an understanding of how different philosophical conceptions of childhood can be coordinated with different ethical and meta-ethical philosophical considerations in P4C addressing (...)
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    Emotional valence and contextual affordances flexibly shape approach-avoidance movements.Ana Carolina Saraiva, Friederike Schüür & Sven Bestmann - 2013 - Frontiers in Psychology 4.
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    The Building of a Dam: Value Conflicts in Public Decision-Making.Ana Costa, José Castro Caldas, Ricardo Coelho, Maria De FáTima Ferreiro & Vasco Gonçalves - 2016 - Environmental Values 25 (2):215-234.
    Public decisions concerning large projects with detrimental environmental or heritage impacts involve value conflicts which stem from the diverse interests and variety of ways of evaluating the costs and benefits of such projects. They are also framed by institutionalised procedures and practices which favour certain concerns to the detriment of others. This paper aims to contribute towards a better understanding of how these procedures and practices, namely decision support tools such as the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA), tend to shape public (...)
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  20.  37
    ¿Qué Culpa Tengo Yo? Performing Identity and College Teaching.Ana M. Martinez Aleman - 1999 - Educational Theory 49 (1):37-51.
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    The Matacos in the Chaco (Argentina). Men and women in a late colonial context.Ana A. Teruel - 2011 - Clio 33:193-209.
    Cet article est un premier essai d’étude historique sur les relations de genre dans les sociétés indigènes du Chaco, en Amérique du Sud. Le traitement de cette question nécessitant de travailler à partir de contextes sociaux, temporels et spatiaux concrets, nous avons situé l’analyse dans un secteur de la « frontière » chaquéenne placé sous la juridiction argentine, à des moments immédiatement antérieurs et postérieurs à la campagne militaire engagée pour soumettre les populations indigènes entre 1884 et 1911. Nous travaillons (...)
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    Patent retrieval architecture based on document retrieval. Sketching out the Spanish patent landscape.Ana B. Gil-GonzÁlez, Andrea VÁzquez-Ingelmo, Fernando de la Prieta, Ana de Luis-Reboredo & Alfonso GonzÁlez-Briones - 2020 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 28 (4):558-569.
    A patent is a property granted to any new shape, configuration or arrangement of elements, of any device, tool, instrument, mechanism or other object or part thereof, that allows for a better or different operation, use or manufacture of the object that incorporates it or that provides it with some utility, advantage or technical effect that it did not have before. As a document, a patent really is a title that recognizes the right to exploit the patented invention exclusively, preventing (...)
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  23. La corporalidad performativa de los márgenes: cuerpo estético, cuerpo político.Ana Martín Cañas - 2007 - In Jesús Arpal Poblador & Ignacio Mendiola (eds.), Estudios sobre cuerpo, tecnología y cultura. Bilbao: Universidad del País Vasco.
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    Introduction: Vulnerability in Biomedical Research.Ana S. Iltis - 2009 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 37 (1):6-11.
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    Quantum Chemistry in Great Britain: Developing a Mathematical Framework for Quantum Chemistry.Ana Simões & Kostas Gavroglu - 2000 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 31 (4):511-548.
  26. Las operaciones ocultas de la naturaleza: Tomás de Aquino y la introducción de dos tipos de anomalías en la estructura física aristotélica.Ana Maria Carmen Minecan - 2017 - Agora 36 (1):31-51.
    El presente artículo analiza la asimilación en la obra de Tomás de Aquino de los principios fundamentales del necesitarismo físico aristotélico así como la introducción, desde el punto de vista de la cosmología cristiana, dos tipos de fenómenos ajenos a la filosofía de la naturaleza de Aristóteles: las operaciones ocultas de la naturaleza y los milagros. Se estudia la postura del Aquinate en torno al magnetismo, las mareas, las propiedades terapéuticas de los compuestos y el origen de los poderes de (...)
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  27. Non-deterministic algebras and algebraization of logics.Ana Claudia Golzio & Marcelo E. Coniglio - 2015 - Filosofia da Linguagem E da Lógica (Philosophy of Language and Philosophy of Logic, in Portuguese).
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  28. The Problem of Contraries and Prime Matter in the Reception of Aristotle’s Physical Corpus in the Work of Thomas Aquinas.Ana Maria C. Minecan - 2016 - Svmma Revista de Cultures Medievals 7:20-39.
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    Um brinde ao entrecruzamento de vozes.Eliete Hugueney de Figueiredo Costa & Simone de Jesus Padilha - 2020 - Bakhtiniana 15 (2):163-184.
    RESUMO Este estudo constitui um recorte de pesquisa doutoral que teve por objetivo compreender, na dimensão verbo-visual da revista cuiabana A Violeta, como se constitui discursivamente o entrecruzamento de vozes. Tomamos o enunciado Chronica, da edição de 31 de dezembro de 1937, a fim de desvelar as tensões discursivo-ideológicas por meio da análise de estratégias linguístico-discursivas e de mobilização do plano de expressão verbo-visual. Baseamo-nos na teoria de Bakhtin e o Círculo, quanto às questões que envolvem as relações dialógicas entre (...)
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    The far distant city of Paris and someone called Haussmann.Clovis Ultramari & Ana Lucia Ciffoni - 2015 - Dialogos 19 (3):1371-1388.
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    Na senda da razão: Filosofia e Ciência no Medievo Judaico, por Rosalie Helena de Souza Pereira.Ana Paula Tavares Magalhães - 2020 - Revista Filosófica de Coimbra 26 (52):387-309.
    A Idade Média foi cenário de manifestações variadas do conhecimento produzidas por letrados judeus, especialmente no campo da filosofia. O intervalo temporal predominante, os séculos XI, XII, XIII e XIV, coincide com a consolidação de uma tradição filosófica aristotélica sobre a base da língua e da cultura árabe. Uma tal riqueza em termos de produção do saber é, também, atestada por reconhecidos estudiosos de língua, cultura, religião, filosofia e história judaicas. Há um importante processo de encontro e desencontro, interação e (...)
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    The Democratic Virtues of Randomized Trials.Ana Tanasoca & Andrew Leigh - 2024 - Moral Philosophy and Politics 11 (1):113-140.
    Democratic alternation in power involves uncontrolled policy experiments. One party is elected on one policy platform that it then implements. Things may go well or badly. When another party is elected in its place, it implements a different policy. In imposing policies on the whole community, parties in effect conduct non-randomized trials without control groups. In this paper, we endorse the general idea of policy experimentation but we also argue that it can be done better by deploying in policymaking randomized (...)
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    Double Taxation, Multiple Citizenship, and Global Inequality.Ana Tanasoca - 2014 - Moral Philosophy and Politics 1 (1):147-169.
    National membership in itself aggravates global inequality, and plural membership does all the more so. A key mechanism by which that occurs are double taxation agreements that have the effect of favoring the global rich at the expense of the global poor. One egalitarian solution is a levy on multiple citizenship; another is redesigning double taxation agreements along prioritarian lines. Revising the OECD Model Tax Convention could be a feasible strategy for implementing such reforms.
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    Giuseppe Capograssi: Del Nihilismo a la Esperanza. Un Camino a Recorrer Hoy.Ana Llano Torres - 2009 - Anales de la Cátedra Francisco Suárez 43:217-243.
    En el actual contexto de un nihilismo que suele afirmarse como horizonte insuperable de nuestro tiempo, urge mostrar que no es así. Nada mejor que mirar la experiencia de hombres que han sabido recorrer hasta el fondo el camino del nihilismo y redescubrir su humanidad. Giuseppe Capograssi es uno de ellos. La vida y obra de este genial filósofo del Derecho del siglo XX están traspasadas por la conciencia de que la dependencia, la tristeza y la melancolía son la misma (...)
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    A construção da identidade nacional nas crônicas da Revista do Brasil.Ana Lúcia Trevisan - 2012 - Bakhtiniana 7 (1):276 - 279.
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    (1 other version)Lizbeth Sagols. La ética ante la crisis ecológica. México: Fontamara, 2014.Ana Violeta Trevizo - 2016 - Revista de Filosofía 72:248-250.
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    Entre la Manzana Loca y el Greenwich Village: El surgimiento del rock contracultural en Buenos Aires.Ana Sánchez Trolliet - 2018 - Aisthesis 63:115-144.
    The article studies the evolution of countercultural rock during the sixties through the circulation of ideas, cultural goods and people between Buenos Aires and New York. A set of trips by artists and intellectuals, and the creation of an original slang are considered the starting point to discusss how a part of youth took as their own the counter-cultural aesthetics, practices and ideology. This youth interpreted counter-cultural rock as a new specific urban and musical culture that would replace tango. Moreover, (...)
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    Disciplining Nano.Ana Viseu - 2008 - Spontaneous Generations 2 (1):122.
    Monsters, argues Haraway, are sites of confusion and hybridity, entities that defy easy categorization and, as a consequence, hold promise, pleasure, and peril. Haraway adds that monsters are also not accidental or innocent: their creation requires sustained work, their existence has effects. Thus, to understand how Frankenstein came to be in Lilliput, the theme of this special edition, it is crucial to examine how monsters are constructed and how they do things in the world.In this article I propose to start, (...)
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    Embodied Identity and Political Participation: Squatters' Engagement in the Participatory Budget in Brazil.Ana Paula Pimentel Walker - 2013 - Ethos: Journal of the Society for Psychological Anthropology 41 (2):199-222.
  40. Metaphors.Ana Pasztor - 2004 - Pragmatics and Cognition 12 (2):317-350.
    The purpose of this paper is to contextualize the study of metaphors within constructivist-informed research, in the hope that this process will orient cognitive scientists to the usefulness of implementing qualitative research methodologies, especially to using the person of the researcher as the primary research instrument. First, I explore some of the differences between Johnson and Lakoff’s Contemporary Metaphor Theory (CMT) and approaches evolving from it on one hand, and the clinical approach to metaphor based on a constructivist therapy model, (...)
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    Ilia, y el camino de la felicidad.Ana Timonet Pérez - 2017 - Claridades. Revista de Filosofía 7 (1):151-154.
    Este trabajo es el ganador de la III Olimpiada de Filosofía que organiza FICUM en la modalidad de secundaria. Ana Timonet presentó su particular respuesta a la pregunta por el camino de la felicidad.
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    Knowledge Production in Non-European Spaces of Modernity: The Society of Jesus and the Circulation of Darwinian Ideas in Postcolonial Ecuador, 1860–1890.Ana Sevilla & Elisa Sevilla - 2015 - International Studies in the Philosophy of Science 29 (3):233-250.
    This article is based on a perspective on circulation of knowledge that allows the consideration of science as the result of the encounter between diverse communities. We tell a story that constantly changes places, scales, and cultures in order to stress the importance of networks as an alternative to the centre/periphery trope, which entangles world histories of science. The result is a picture much more complex and intertwined than the one suggested by these simplifying dichotomies. We focus on a case (...)
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  43. Herder en el jaripeo : Explicación, crítica y comprensión.Ana Cristina Ramírez Barreto - 2011 - In Ramírez Barreto & Ana Cristina (eds.), Filosofía desde América: Temas, balances y perspectivas: (simposio del ICA 53). Quito-Ecuador: Abya Yala, Universidad Politécnica Salesiana.
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    Digital identity: Contemporary challenges for data protection, privacy and non-discrimination rights.Ana Beduschi - 2019 - Big Data and Society 6 (2).
    The World Bank estimates that over one billion people currently lack official identity documents. To tackle this crucial issue, the United Nations included the aim to provide legal identity for all by 2030 among the Sustainable Development Goals. Technology can be a powerful tool to reach this target. In the digital age, new technologies increasingly mediate identity verification and identification of individuals. Currently, State-led and public–private initiatives use technology to provide official identification, to control and secure external borders, and to (...)
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    House calls.Ana Blohm - 2008 - Hastings Center Report 38 (4):pp. 12-13.
  46. Cave canem: Estudio sobre Una deriva conceptual: Del monstruo al otro a través de la literatura.Ana C. Conde - 2004 - A Parte Rei 34:4.
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    Carácter Inteligible.Ana Carrasco Conde - 2008 - Proceedings of the Xxii World Congress of Philosophy 15:283-291.
    The Platonic myth in Book X of The Republic tells us how the choice of “destinies” is carried out by human souls about to be born. The revenant Er, in his particular nekia, returns to life to tell all he has seen and heard: that what life bring us is related to the good or bad choice of our future life trough a draw carried out under the eyes of Necessity and her three daughters: Lachesis, Clotho and Atropo, who weave (...)
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  48. La religión de la Humanidad:¿ Culminación del sistema positivo? Estudio sobre el sentido de la religión positivista en el sistema de Comte.Ana C. Conde - 2004 - A Parte Rei 36:3.
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    Transformations of Meaning for Bicultural Bilinguals.Ana Jovanovic - 2006 - Semiotics:385-397.
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    Who, What, How? The Idea of Progress and Social Change.Ana Maskalan - 2019 - Filozofska Istrazivanja 38 (4):853-862.
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