Results for 'Anastasiia Simakhova'

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  1. ”Green” economy: from global concept to reality of local development.Nataliia Stukalo, Nataliya Krasnikova, Iryna Steblianko, Nataliia Meshko, Anastasiia Simakhova, Svetlana Gaponenko, Liliya Golovko, Olha Dzhur, Оlena Dzyad, Olha Don, Kateryna Zhylenko, Olha Zinchenko, Oleksandr Krupskyi, Maryna Lytvyn, Vyacheslav Makedon, Olga Michaylenko, Irina Privarnikova, Victoriia Redko, Vyacheslav Slivenko, Viktoriia Тaranenko, Tatyana Fedotova & Sergii Sardak - 2018 - Dnipro: Seredniak T.K..
    The publication was carried out on the initiative and assistance of the Project “Green Decisions of Business - Unity for Sustainable Development”, which is implemented by the Dnipropetrovsk Regional Organization of Employers, in partnership with the Dnipropetrovsk Regional Council, the Dnipropetrovsk Investment Agency with the support of the Program for the Promotion of Green Modernization of the Ukrainian Economy, implemented by the German Society for International Cooperation (GIZ) GmbH. The monograph is devoted to the study of various aspects of the (...)
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  2. Сучасна Україна в глобальному середовищі: стратегічні орієнтири економічного розвитку: монографія.Nataliia Stukalo, Nataliia Meshko, Lidia Timoshenko, Maryna Lytvyn, Sergii Sardak, Victoriia Apal'kova, Elena Bezgina, Olha Bilska, Ruslana Bilyk, Kateryna Hudym, Anatoly Hladchenko, Оlena Dzyad, Olha Don, Olha Dzhur, Kateryna Zilina, Karina Karplyuk, Nataliya Krasnikova, Anatoly Kolosov, Oleksandr Krupskyi, Sergij Kucherenko, Olga Michaylenko, Anna Polishko, Olga Pashchenko, Irina Privarnikova, Oksana Prysvitla, Irina Relina, Anastasiia Simakhova, Vyacheslav Slivenko, Oleksiy Slivenko, Sergey Smerichevskyi, Alla Stavytska, Iryna Steblianko, Victoriia Tomareva-Patlahova, Yelina Falko, Tatyana Fedotova, Maria Chekhovska, Sergey Tsiganov, Olha Shtanko & Dmitry Shitov - 2015 - Днипро, Днепропетровская область, Украина, 49000: Oles Honchar Dnipro National University.
    Монографія об‘єднала зусилля науковців факультету міжнародної економіки Дніпропетровського національного університету імені Олеся Гончара та учасників Міжнародної науково-практичної конференції «Стратегії економічного розвитку країн в умовах глобалізації» у процесі пошуку й визначення стратегічних орієнтирів економічного розвитку України в глобальному середовищі й обрання своєї вірної дороги. На відміну від Ван Гога, усі дороги якого ведуть у нікуди, ми віримо, що спроможні обрати ту саму – нашу дорогу у світле й заможне майбутнє, й усі наші зусилля не будуть марними.
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    The Influence of Artistic Kitsch on the Formation of Political Memes.Anastasiia Tormakhova, Dmytro Tovmash & Ruslan Grechkosii - 2025 - Espes. The Slovak Journal of Aesthetics 13 (2):117-145.
    Memes are an integral part of the digital culture of the globalisation era. Being a powerful form of communication, they have a large audience and influence on society. Their origin was due to the emergence of kitsch and its spread in 20th century culture and art. It was kitsch, which went from ‘low’ art to camp, that initiated the spread of visual forms that perform a powerful communication function. Political memes have an ideological and relaxation function, and they have a (...)
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    Dance of expenditure.Anastasiia Prushkovska - 2019 - Filosofska Dumka (Philosophical Thought) 3:70-76.
    The article examines the impact of Georges Bataille’s philosophy on Hijikata Tatsumi’s butoh dance. Bataille’s understanding of dance as unproductive expenditure, the concepts of inner experience and communication are being reconsidered and incorporated in choreographic language of Hijikata, extending his technical and conceptual tooling. Bataille defines dance as an expenditure given in a form of sign. The butoh dance-experience is functioning as a metaphor of a speculation, created by a movement. It is experienced by dancers and spectators as an execution.
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    When does “no” mean no? Insights from sex robots.Anastasiia D. Grigoreva, Joshua Rottman & Arber Tasimi - 2024 - Cognition 244 (C):105687.
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    Absurdity as an inconsistently conducted reduction.Anastasiia Ponomareva - forthcoming - Philosophy and Culture (Russian Journal).
    The subject of the study is the connection between the absurd and phenomenology.The texts of representatives of the absurdist trend in literature and philosophy (Camus, Kafka, Musil), as well as the works of academic philosophers of the phenomenological direction (Husserl, Sartre, Merleau-Ponty, Fink) are considered. The commonality of phenomenological interpretations of reality for some texts of the absurdist genre is proved. As a hypothesis, the existence of an epistemological dimension of meaning in the works of the absurd is put forward, (...)
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    The Holocaust Trauma and Autobiographism in Ida Fink’s and Charlotte Delbo’s Stories.Anastasiia Mikhieieva - 2023 - Kyiv-Mohyla Humanities Journal 10:120-131.
    The research is based on a study of short story collections by Israeli writer Ida Fink’s, All the Stories, and French writer Charlotte Delbo’s, Auschwitz and After, to reflect the impact of the Holocaust on autobiographical elements in their work. The authors are representatives of the first generation of Holocaust survivors, which means that the mass systematic genocide during World War II was a personal traumatic experience for them. The works of female writers are studied using the theory of trauma (...)
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    Forming physical culture teachers’ motivation to study.Melnyk Anastasiia & Chernii Physical - 2017 - Science and Education: Academic Journal of Ushynsky University 23 (8):150-156.
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  9. Проблемні питання процедури добору кадрів в органах місцевого самоврядування.Anastasiia Kasperska & Alina Khaletska - forthcoming - Схід:16-20.
    У статті проаналізовані сучасні вимоги законодавства України до процедури добору кадрів в органи місцевого самоврядування. Особливості проведення перевірок щодо кандидатів на посади місцевого самоврядування показано у світлі законодавства про очищення влади та боротьбу з корупцією. Визначені актуальні проблемні питання, з якими стикаються кадровики при прийнятті на роботу претендентів на посади "ззовні" та при переведенні державних службовців, або прирівняних до них посадових осіб. Запропоновані шляхи вдосконалення добору кадрів на службу в органах місцевого самоврядування.
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    Соціальний порядок міста у філософських теоріях: від Георга Зіммеля до Мішеля де Серто.Anastasiia Kosynska - 2021 - Multiversum. Philosophical Almanac 1 (2):77-98.
    У статті розглянуто місто з точки зору соціального порядку від класичних соціальних теорій до сьогодення. В основу покладено погляди Георга Зіммеля, механістична теорія Мамфорда Льюїса, ідея розподілу праці Дюркгейма та місто як продукт культури Макса Вебера, за допомогою яких автор аналізує міську реальність Анрі Лефевра, соціум спектаклю Гі Дебора та протиставлення стратегії та тактики в містах Мішеля де Серто. Поняття «соціальний порядок» стосується визначених обмежень, заборон та контролю у суспільній житті; має на увазі існування взаємин у суспільстві; включає в себе (...)
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  11. Rights of indigenous people in Russian Federation within un declaration and national legislation.Anastasiia Kraskovska - 2016 - In Giuseppe Limone, Ars boni et aequi: il diritto fra scienza, arte, equità e tecnica. Milano: F. Angeli.
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    Awareness of physiological differentiation and functional peculiarities of men and women in mentally retarded adolescent girls.Mukhina Anastasiia - 2017 - Science and Education: Academic Journal of Ushynsky University 17 (3):41-44.
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  13. Chelovek i krasota.Anastasiia Grigorʹevna Nigai - 1975
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    Wood, Stone, Thread: Aesthetics of the Most Ancient Archetypes in Modern Decorative and Applied Art.Anastasiia Nikiforova & Natlia Voronova - 2022 - Philosophy and Culture (Russian Journal) 9:108-120.
    The article is devoted to the transformation of traditional folk culture archetypes of wood, stone, thread in modern decorative and applied art, as well as ways of using threads, wood and stone as materials for the manufacture of objects of modern art. The research does not aim to repeat classical ethnographic studies or to refer monographs on the history of culture. The article is an attempt at a comprehensive analysis of the modern practice of decorative and applied art from the (...)
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    Питання етики та моралі у соціальних мережах.Anastasiia Oleinyk - 2022 - Multiversum. Philosophical Almanac 1 (1):52-61.
    Сьогоднішнє інформаційно-цифрове століття пропонує широке використання соціальних мереж. Їх застосування є повсюдним і зачіпає всі вікові групи, соціальні класи та культури. Однак, ширше використання цих засобів масової інформації супроводжується проблемами конфіденційності та етичними проблемами. Актуальність дослідження полягає у висвітленні проблеми моральної ролі людини в соціальних мережах. Мета полягає в аналізі сучасних етичних та моральних проблем, що виникли у соціальних мережах. Таким чином, об'єктом дослідження постають проблеми етики та моралі у соціальних мережах. Для досягнення мети були використані філософські та загальнонаукові методи. (...)
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    “Teaching” of Vladimir Monomakh as Synthesis of Ethical Traditions Byzantine Patristics and National Paganism.Anastasiia A. Volkova & Волкова Анастасия Алексеевна - 2023 - RUDN Journal of Philosophy 27 (2):372-389.
    The research is devoted to the ethical views of Vladimir Monomakh, reflected in the “Teaching” of the Grand Duke. The author’s reflections concerning such fundamental moral categories as good and evil, virtue and vice, the meaning of life and death, free will, duty, happiness are considered and analyzed. A partial continuity of the Grand Duke’s views concerning the relationship to the categories of good and evil, as well as virtue and vice, with the Byzantine Christian tradition, in particular with regard (...)
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    Psychological bases of destructive behaviour and its manifestation in school-aged children.Anastasiia Yatsyshyna - 2016 - Science and Education: Academic Journal of Ushynsky University 11:72-79.
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    Building a Discourse of the Medial without Differentiating the Spheres of the Technological, the Natural, and the Human.Anastasiia V. Zhilina - 2019 - Russian Studies in Philosophy 57 (2):202-221.
    This article examines the possibilities of constructing a discourse of the medial that involves no essential distinction between the spheres of the technical, the natural, and the human. Because th...
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    In a Stranger’s House: Social Isolation of Internally Displaced People in Ukraine During Wartime.Natalia Tsybuliak, Anastasiia Popova, Hanna Lopatina & Yana Suchikova - forthcoming - Human Affairs.
    This article explores the impact of internal displacement during wartime in Ukraine on individuals’ social isolation. This study focused on understanding and comparing feelings of isolation in two different contexts: the native community in territories temporarily occupied by Russian troops since the full-scale war and the host community. The research reveals a consistent pattern of isolation characterized by feelings of loneliness, anxiety, and emotional exhaustion among internally displaced people (IDPs), irrespective of their location. Cultural disconnection emerges as a significant factor (...)
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  20. Ідентифікація асиметрій зовнішньоторговельних інтересів країн європи.Iryna Ivashchuk & Anastasiia Virkovska - 2015 - Схід 5 (137):37-45.
    У статті визначено основні асиметрії зовнішньоторговельних інтересів країн Європи. Запропоновано алгоритм формування та оцінки зовнішньоторговельних інтересів країни. Здійснено оцінку асиметрій зовнішньоторговельних інтересів країн Європи. Проведено аналіз впливу зовнішньої торгівлі на економічне зростання, залучення іноземних інвестицій та людський розвиток країн Європи.
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    The “double being” of the human being: culture as the basis for becoming a personality.Illya Reyderman & Anastasiia Zinevych - 2020 - Studia Philosophiae Christianae 56 (2):143-162.
    The main purpose of this article is to prove that one can become a personality only through culture. The authors propose to regard culture as a relatively autonomous spiritual sphere, which transcends the narrow requirements of the concrete society in its historical limitations. They argue that personality is the highest level of human development to emerge in culture, whereas the level of a biosocial organism is provided by society. The authors claim that only culture, be it religious or secular, contains (...)
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  22. Global factors which influence the directions of social development.Sergii Sardak & O. Bilskaya S. Sardak, M. Korneyev, A. Simakhova - 2017 - Problems and Perspectives in Management 15 (3):323 – 333.
    This study identifies global factors conditioning the global problematics of the direction of social development. Global threats were evaluated and defined as dangerous processes, phenomena, and situations that cause harm to health, safety, well-being, and the lives of all humanity, and require removal. The essence of global risks was defined. These risks were defined as events or conditions that may cause a significant negative effect for several countries or spheres within a strategic period if they occur. Global problems were conceptualized. (...)
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  23. Innovation factors of national economy competitive development.Sergii Sardak & A. O. Simakhova S. E. Sardak, N. Ye Skrypnyk, O. V. Bilskaya - 2016 - Prague Institute for Qualification Enhancement.
    These arguments prove the necessity of developing highly competitive effective innovation strategy of the national economy aimed at developing modern innovative system that ensures the competitiveness of the national economy through effective use of scientific and technological capabilities towards promoting good economic growth.
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    Craig’s trick and a non-sequential system for the Lambek calculus and its fragments.Stepan Kuznetsov, Valentina Lugovaya & Anastasiia Ryzhova - 2019 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 27 (3):252-266.
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    Mixed Feelings About Supervisors: The Effect of LMX Ambivalence on Supervisor-Directed Behaviors.Lixin Chen, Qingxiong Weng, Anastasiia Popelnukha & Hui Jiang - forthcoming - Journal of Business Ethics:1-20.
    Integrating norms of reciprocity, affect theory of social exchange, and ambivalence literature, we investigated how leader-member exchange (LMX) ambivalence influences employees’ interpersonal behaviors toward supervisors. Study 1, with a time-lagged field method, revealed that LMX ambivalence was positively related to _both_ employee-rated supervisor-directed helping and deviant behaviors and that such relationships were mediated by emotional ambivalence toward supervisors. We also confirmed the amplification effects of workplace gossip about supervisors (WGS). Specifically, while receiving more positive WGS (PWGS) or less negative WGS (...)
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    Digitization of the Economy Under the Influence of the COVID-19 Pandemic.Iryna Stoianenko, Oksana Kondratiuk, Anastasiia Mostova, Ruslana Pikus, Hanna Kachan & Viktoriia Ilchenko - 2022 - Postmodern Openings 13 (4):127-141.
    This article examines the issues of digital transformation of the contemporary economy. The digital transformation of the contemporary economic system determines the general contours of development of all sectors of the economy. New digital technologies, platforms and infrastructures have significantly transformed economic life and contemporary entrepreneurship. The article examines the digital transformation of the contemporary economy at the micro and macroeconomic level. Significant positive impact of contemporary technological means on the activities of enterprises is noted. At the state level, digitalization (...)
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    The Information Revolution in the Post-Industrial Society: Dangers in Political Processes.Olga Kravchuk, Nataliia Shoturma, Ganna Grabina, Iryna Myloserdna, Vitalii Vedenieiev & Anastasiia Shtelmashenko - 2022 - Postmodern Openings 13 (4):113-126.
    The relevance of the study lies in the fact that the information and computer revolution has made it possible to create and include in the system of social circulation such information flows, which are currently sufficient to ensure the most rational use of nature, demographic, economic, industrial, agricultural and spiritual and cultural development of mankind. The phenomenon of the information revolution is the result of two parallel processes that can develop throughout history: an increase in the role and volume of (...)
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    Assessment in Sport and Exercise Psychology: Considerations and Recommendations for Translation and Validation of Questionnaires.Luis Cid, Diogo Monteiro, Diogo Santos Teixeira, Anastasiia Evmenenko, Ana Andrade, Teresa Bento, Anabela Vitorino, Nuno Couto & Filipe Rodrigues - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Translating and validating measurement instruments in sport and exercise psychology is not an easy task. Rather, it is a task that requires effort and time, for the process is not limited to a simple translation to translate words from one language to another, just in order to make valid and reliable measure. All researchers should be aware that the only proper way is to adopt rigorous and robust methodologies to conduct the process from the preliminary stage of translation to reaching (...)
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  29. Army Values of the Ukrainian Soldier: Its Contents and Its Assessment by Combatants.Ihor Prykhodko, Yanina Matsehora, Olexander Kolesnichenko, Anna Prikhodko, Anastasiia Bolshakova, Olena Bilyk, Viktoriia Kuzina & Dmytro Slurdenko - forthcoming - Journal of Military Ethics:1-15.
    Army values are the corporate values of the military organization, which guide military personnel, helping them fulfill their military duty to protect national interests, and maintain the security and defense of their state. This article explores ideas about army values and their content among Ukrainian combatants. The army values that ensure the unity of Ukrainian military personnel around their chosen profession and the performance of military duty are moral and physical courage, professionalism, self-discipline, honesty, loyalty, teamwork, dignity, and fortitude. Proponents (...)
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    Trends in Digital Marketing in the Context of Information Society Development.Valentyna Shevchenko, Iryna Taranenko, Svitlana Yaremenko, Tetiana Mishustina, Oleksandr Poprotskyy & Anastasiia Mostova - 2022 - Postmodern Openings 13 (2):448-460.
    This article examines the trends of digital marketing in the context of information society development. Under the influence of informatization of society, the spread of innovative development of the economic environment are transformed all its components, including changing approaches to marketing, which uses more and more digital opportunities to increase its efficiency. In society, specific relationships are formed associated with the search, receipt, transmission, production and dissemination of information using information technology. Under the influence of informatization of society, the contemporary (...)
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