Results for 'Anatomy education'

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  1.  67
    Anatomy Education and the Observational-Embodied Look.T. Kenny Fountain - 2010 - Medicine Studies 2 (1):49-69.
    Based on observations and interviews collected during a yearlong ethnography of two anatomy laboratory courses at a large Midwestern university, this article argues that students learn anatomy through the formation of an observational-embodied look. All of the visual texts and material objects of the lab—from atlas illustrations, to photographs, to 3D models, to human bodies—are involved in this look that takes the form of anatomical demonstration and dissection. The student of anatomy, then, brings together observation, visual evidence, (...)
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    Anatomies of desire: Education and human exceptionalism after Anti-Oedipus.Helena Pedersen - 2024 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 56 (3):252-261.
    Animals are at work everywhere in education, yet existing nowhere: Education doesn’t know them beyond their instrumental use value; as animals-for-us (Pedersen, 2019a, p. 7; Wallin, 2014, p. 149; c...
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    Changing medical education scenario: a wakeup call for reforms in Anatomy Act.Rekha Lalwani, Sheetal Kotgirwar & Sunita Arvind Athavale - 2020 - BMC Medical Ethics 21 (1):1-10.
    BackgroundAnatomy Act provides legal ambit to medical educationists for the acquisition of cadavers. The changing medical education scenario, socio-demographic change, and ethical concerns have necessitated an urgent review of its legal and ethical framework. Suitable amendments addressing the current disparities and deficiencies are long overdue.MethodsAnatomy Act in India is a state Act, which ensures the provision of human bodies for medical education and research.The methodology included three components namely: Comparison of various Anatomy Acts clause by clause,Feedback from (...)
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    The Anatomy of Frank and Stein. An Ontological Exploration of Cyborg Identity, Culture, and Education.Peter Strandbrink - 2020 - The New Bioethics 26 (3):210-223.
    This contribution aims to unpack the ontological nexus of cyborg identity and culture. It highlights a set of core assumptions driving its operations that merit critical attention as cyborgic and A...
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    The anatomy of a Victorian debate: An essay in the history of liberal education.Ralph White - 1986 - British Journal of Educational Studies 34 (1):38-65.
  6.  60
    Public Anatomies in Fin - de - Siècle Vienna.Tatjana Buklijas - 2010 - Medicine Studies 2 (1):71-92.
    Anatomical exhibitions, online atlases and televised dissections have recently attracted much attention and raised questions concerning the status of and the authority over the human body, the purpose of anatomical education within and outside medical schools and the methods of teaching in the digital age. I propose that for understanding the current public views of anatomy, we need to gain insight into their historical development. This article focuses on anatomies accessible to non-medical audiences in the capital of the (...)
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    Understanding the anatomy of religion as basis for religion in education.Johannes L. Van der Walt - 2011 - HTS Theological Studies 67 (3).
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    Learning anatomy in late sixteenth-century Padua.Michael Stolberg - 2018 - History of Science 56 (4):381-402.
    Based on the newly discovered, extensive manuscript notes of a virtually unknown German medical student by the name of Johann Konrad Zinn, who studied in Padua from 1593 to 1595, this paper offers a detailed account of what medical students could expect to learn about anatomy in late sixteenth-century Padua. It highlights the large number and wide range of anatomical demonstrations, most of which were private anatomies for a small circle of students and do not figure in Acta of (...)
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    Yet Another 'Crisis' in Primary Education? Anatomy of an Aborted Unpublished Enquiry 1948-1951.Colin Richards - 2001 - British Journal of Educational Studies 49 (1):4-25.
    In the period since 1944 English primary education has been subject to recurring criticism. Official enquiries, surveys of attainment, individual causes-célèbres and the pronouncements of pundits have drawn attention to purported 'crises'. The paper discusses the background, procedures and findings of the earliest of the post-war official enquiries - an unpublished and previously uncited investigation by the Central Advisory Council for Education.
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    Pericles' Anatomy of Democratic Courage.Ryan K. Balot - 2001 - American Journal of Philology 122 (4):505-525.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Pericles' Anatomy of Democratic CourageRyan BalotIn his celebrated dissertation, Adam Parry (1988, 21) outlined the traditional relationship between intelligence and action in the following way: "The popular cliché, going from Hesiod through Solon and later writers, reveals a basic distrust of the intellect. The man of action is admired, the man of intelligence and words looked on with suspicion. The philosophic writers emphasized the split by turning the (...)
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    Anatomy of a clinical ethics consultation.Barry Hoffmaster - 1999 - Human Studies 22 (1):53-68.
    Theoretical accounts of the nature and purposes of clinical ethics consultation are disappointingly superficial and diffuse. Attempts to illuminate the goals, the forms, the substance, and the criteria for the success of ethics consultations need to focus on detailed reports of cases and the contexts in which they occur. The uncommonly rich description of the consultation surrounding Mrs. Roses plight provides a splendid opportunity to explore such matters. The ethics consultant pursues a number of ventures providing and clarifying information, improving (...)
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  12.  30
    The Anatomy of Judgment.K. Neuberg & M. L. Johnson Abercrombie - 1960 - British Journal of Educational Studies 9 (1):86.
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    Architecture for Anatomy: History, Affect, and the Material Reproduction of the Body in Two Medical School Buildings.John Nott - 2023 - Body and Society 29 (2):99-129.
    Medical schools are among the most important spaces for the history of the body. It is here that students come to know the anatomical bodies of their future patients and, through a process of cognitive and embodied practice, that the knowing bodies of future clinicians are also shaped. Practical and theoretical understandings of medicine are formed in these affective and historied buildings and in collaboration with a broad material culture of education. Medical schools are, however, both under-theorised and under-historicised. (...)
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    The Anatomy Lecture Then and Now: A Foucauldian Analysis.Norm Friesen & Wolff-Michael Roth - 2014 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 46 (10):1111-1129.
    Although there are many points of continuity, there are also a number of changes in the pedagogical form of the anatomy lecture over the longue durée, over centuries of epistemic change, rather than over years or decades. The article begins with an analysis of the physical and technical arrangements of the early modern anatomy lecture, showing how these present a general underlying similarity compared to those in place today. It then goes on to consider examples of elements of (...)
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  15.  52
    The anatomy of autonomy.D. C. Phillips - 1975 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 7 (2):1–12.
  16.  32
    Authenticity in Anatomy Art.Jessica Adkins - 2019 - Journal of Medical Humanities 40 (1):117-138.
    The aim of this paper is to observe the evolution and evaluate the 'realness' and authenticity in Anatomy Art, an art form I define as one which incorporates accurate anatomical representations of the human body with artistic expression. I examine the art of 17th century wax anatomical models, the preservations of Frederik Ruysch, and Gunther von Hagens' Body Worlds plastinates, giving consideration to authenticity of both body and art. I give extra consideration to the works of Body Worlds since (...)
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  17.  30
    Comtismo, Castilhismo, and Varguismo: Anatomy of a Brazilian Creed.Jens R. Hentschke - 2021 - Locus: Revista de Hist 27 (2):245-287.
    The author argues that polity and policies of Getúlio Vargas’s Estado Novo cannot be fully understood without exploring the legacy of Rio Grande do Sul. The southern state’s first republican governor, Júlio de Castilhos, had taken inspiration in Auguste Comte’s multifaceted political philosophy and inculcated its authoritarian traits into political institutions. Yet, he and his followers substantially adapted Comte’s positivism to the specific economic and political circumstances in their republiqueta sui generis. In contrast to Comte, the State merged temporal and (...)
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  18. What's in a Name? The Anatomy of Defining New/Multi/Modal/Digital/Media Texts.Claire Lauer - 2012 - Kairos: A Journal of Rhetoric, Technology, and Pedagogy 17 (1):n1.
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    The Donor Letter Project: Learning Professionalism and Fostering Empathy in an Anatomy Curriculum.Abigail Kaye, Madison Miranda & Therese Jones - 2019 - Journal of Medical Humanities 40 (4):607-612.
    While cadaver dissection remains an unmatched learning tool for structural anatomy, recent shifts in medical culture and pedagogy indicate that developing humanistic practices and fostering empathic responses are crucial components of early medical education. The Donor Letter Project was designed to accompany a traditional dissection curriculum, and the pilot, described here, tested its quality and efficacy. In 2017, family members of recently deceased donors to the Colorado State Anatomical Board were invited to submit letters about their loved ones, (...)
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  20.  16
    Cutting Deep: The Transformative Power of Art in the Anatomy Lab.Katie Grogan & Laura Ferguson - 2018 - Journal of Medical Humanities 39 (4):417-430.
    On Tuesday evenings at New York University School of Medicine, the anatomy lab is transformed into an art studio. Medical students gather with a spirit of creative enterprise and a unique goal: to turn anatomy into art. They are participants in Art & Anatomy, an innovative drawing course within the Master Scholars Program in Humanistic Medicine —a component of NYUSoM, which offers elective courses across a range of interdisciplinary topics in medical humanities. Art & Anatomy has (...)
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    The free child and the spoiled child: Anatomy of a progressive distinction.David Carr - 1985 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 19 (1):55–64.
    David Carr; The Free Child and the Spoiled Child: anatomy of a progressive distinction, Journal of Philosophy of Education, Volume 19, Issue 1, 30 May 2006, Pag.
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    Humane images: visual rhetoric in depictions of atypical genital anatomy and sex differentiation.Shelley Wall - 2010 - Medical Humanities 36 (2):80-83.
    Visual images are widely used in medical and patient education to enhance spoken or written explanations. This paper considers the role of such illustrations in shaping conceptions of the body; specifically, it addresses depictions of variant sexual anatomy and their part in the discursive production of intersex bodies. Visual language—even didactic, ‘factual’ visual language—carries latent as well as manifest content, and influences self-perceptions and social attitudes. In the case of illustrations about atypical sex development, where the need for (...)
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  23.  20
    Engineers: The Anatomy of a Profession.J. E. Gerstl & S. P. Hutton - 1967 - British Journal of Educational Studies 15 (2):218-219.
  24.  11
    An Anatomy of Musical Criticism. [REVIEW]Lawrence Dennis - 1969 - Journal of Aesthetic Education 3 (1):124.
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    Fish Fingered: Anatomy of a Deconstructionist.Hugo A. Meynell - 1989 - The Journal of Aesthetic Education 23 (2):5.
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    Teaching the Anatomy of Death: A Dying Art? [REVIEW]Philomena Horsley - 2010 - Medicine Studies 2 (1):1-19.
    Along with anatomical dissection, attendance at hospital autopsies has historically been seen as an essential part of medical education. While the use of the dead body for teaching purposes is losing favour in Australian medical schools, this shift is preceded by a significant decline in the rate of autopsies nationwide (and internationally). The decline of the autopsy has particular implications for pathology training where the capacity to perform an autopsy is a requirement. Rather than join the debates in medical (...)
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    ‘Islamic Epistemology’ in a Modern Context: Anatomy of an Evolving Debate.Mohamed Fouz Mohamed Zacky & Md Moniruzzaman - forthcoming - Social Epistemology.
    This paper critically analyses how Islamization of Knowledge (IOK), Radical Reform (RR), and Maqasid Methodology (MM), three distinct Islamic intellectual projects, attempted to develop discourses of Islamic epistemology in facing contemporary developments of natural and social sciences. Mainly, the paper focuses on similarities, differences, and potential contributions of all three projects respectively. Initially, this paper observes that IOK, RR, and MM have solid agreements among themselves in defining the core crisis of the modern Islamic intellectual tradition, as well as in (...)
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    Theoretical and Methodological Problems of Educational Psychology.Stoyko Ivanov - 2022 - Diogenes 30 (1):21-52.
    Educational psychology is an applied science created on the basis of the integration of knowledge from pedagogy, psychology, philosophy, sociology, anatomy, physiology, and other sciences. In this paper, the existing views on the object, subject and structure of educational psychology are analyzed. The aim is achieved by presenting the different concepts about them, describing the guiding principles that influence the study of its main problems, and revealing the interdependence that exists between them.
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    Tragic figures: Thoughts on the visual arts and anatomy[REVIEW]Mary G. Winkler - 1989 - Journal of Medical Humanities 10 (1):5-12.
    The illustrated anatomical works of Andreas Vesalius, now icons of medical history, exemplified Renaissance humanists' attitudes toward the human condition. Methods of teaching medical students gross anatomy have evolved from the attitudes and methods of Renaissance scientist-scholars. The work of Vesalius is crucial to understanding the revolution in early modern medicine, for not only is it devoted to minute observation and exploration of the human body, but also to translating new knowledge by means of art. In the process of (...)
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    And what rough beast? An ontotheological exploration of education as a being.Nicholas Stock - 2018 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 51 (4):404-412.
    This article is an exploration of whether education can be considered a beast-like being, developed by utilising Heidegger’s philosophy to consider education from an ontotheolgical perspective. Education is a hypernym for its constituent elements; this article is exploring this hypernym as a being, whilst arguing that the growing importance of education is causing it to gain a ‘monstrous anatomy’. This argument is parallel with the Heideggerean question of ontological difference: the divide of being and Being. (...)
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    Experiencing Body Worlds: Voyeurism, Education, or Enlightenment? [REVIEW]Charleen M. Moore & C. Mackenzie Brown - 2007 - Journal of Medical Humanities 28 (4):231-254.
    Until the advent of plastinated cadavers, few outside the medical professions have had firsthand experience with human corpses. Such opportunities are now available at the Body Worlds exhibits of Gunther von Hagens. After an overview of these exhibits, we explore visitor responses as revealed in comment books available upon exiting the exhibit. Cultural, philosophical, and religious issues raised in the comments serve as a microcosm of society at large. The conclusion considers the challenge of such exhibits in introducing the public (...)
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    A cabinet of the ordinary: domesticating veterinary education, 1766–1799.Kit Heintzman - 2018 - British Journal for the History of Science 51 (2):239-260.
    In the late eighteenth century, the Ecole vétérinaire d'Alfort was renowned for its innovative veterinary education and for having one of the largest natural history and anatomy collections in France. Yet aside from a recent interest in the works of one particular anatomist, the school's history has been mostly ignored. I examine here the fame of the school in eighteenth-century travel literature, the historic connection between veterinary science and natural history, and the relationship between the school's hospital and (...)
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    The Instructive Corpse: Dissection, Anatomical Specimens and Illustration in Early-Nineteenth Century Medical Education.Cindy Stelmackowich - 2012 - Spontaneous Generations 6 (1):50-64.
    At the turn of the nineteenth century when anatomy and hands-on dissection became the prerequisite for a medical career, the medical community in England and France increasingly relied upon visual representations as part of a complex system of reinforcement of their professional goals. The production of novel illustrated textbooks that disseminated arguments through systematizing illustrations were thus integral to their professional status. Through an examination of a series of realistic diagrams that outlined the new methods of surgical and preservation (...)
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    The Antonym of ‘Autonomy’: A Response to D. C. Phillips' ‘The Anatomy of Autonomy’.Nicholas C. Burbules - 1977 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 9 (2):57-62.
  35.  20
    Creative Writing as a Medical Instrument.Jay M. Baruch - 2013 - Journal of Medical Humanities 34 (4):459-469.
    Listening and responding to patients’ stories for over 20 years as an emergency physician has strengthened my appreciation for the many ways that the skills and principles drawn from writing fiction double as necessary clinical skills. The best medicine doesn’t work on the wrong story, and the stories patients tell sometimes feel like first drafts—vital and fragile works-in-progress. Increasingly complex health challenges compounded by social, financial, and psychological burdens make for stories that are difficult to articulate and comprehend. In this (...)
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    Voltaire's bastards: the dictatorship of reason in the West.John Ralston Saul - 1992 - New York: Vintage Books.
    In a wide-ranging, provocative anatomy of modern society and its origins, novelist and historian John Ralston Saul explores the reason for our deepening sense of crisis and confusion. Throughout the Western world we talk endlessly of individual freedom, yet Saul shows that there has never before been such pressure for conformity. Our business leaders describe themselves as capitalists, yet most are corporate employees and financial speculators. We are obsessed with competition, yet the single largest item of international trade is (...)
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    My Circumcision Decision: A Journey of Inquiry, Courage and Discovery.Laurie Evans - 2023 - Narrative Inquiry in Bioethics 13 (2):2-5.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:My Circumcision Decision:A Journey of Inquiry, Courage and DiscoveryLaurie EvansBefore becoming a mother, I was teaching parents to massage their babies and offering trainings for professionals. To promote my work, in 1984, I exhibited at the Whole Life Expo in New York City. When I returned to my booth after a break, I noticed someone had left a pamphlet by Edward Wallerstein, who wrote "Circumcision: An American Health Fallacy." (...)
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    Is it just semantics? Medical students and their ‘first patients’.Natalie Cohen - 2019 - Journal of Medical Ethics 45 (6):411-414.
    There have been multiple factors involved in the decline of the anatomy course’s central role in medical education over the last century. The course has undergone a multitude of changes, in large part due to the rise in technology and cultural shifts away from physical dissection. This paper argues that, as the desire of medical schools to introduce clinical experiences earlier in the curriculum increased, anatomy courses began implementing changes that would align themselves with the shifting culture (...)
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  39. The cultural roots of professional wisdom: Towards a broader view of teacher expertise.David Carr & Don Skinner - 2009 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 41 (2):141-154.
    Perhaps the most pressing issue concerning teacher education and training since the end of the Second World War has been that of the role of theory—or principled reflection—in professional expertise. Here, although the main post-war architects of a new educational professionalism clearly envisaged a key role for theory—considering such disciplines as psychology, sociology and philosophy as indispensable for reflective practice—there are nevertheless well-rehearsed difficulties about crediting such disciplines with quite the (applied) role in educational practice of (say) physiology or (...)
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    The Voice of Patients: The Exclusive Work of a Human Who Can Advocate.Laisson DeSouza - 2024 - Narrative Inquiry in Bioethics 14 (3):170-171.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:The Voice of Patients:The Exclusive Work of a Human Who Can AdvocateLaisson DeSouzaThere is much conversation in the medical interpreter community about the effects of artificial intelligence in the work we do, and how we may or may not be out of a job in the coming years. Back in the day, I used to think about the future of interpreting and dread the day machines would do something (...)
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    Talents and distributive justice: some tensions.Mitja Sardoč & Tomaž Deželan - 2021 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 53 (8):768-776.
    For much of its modern history, the notion of talent has been associated with the idea of ‘careers open to talent’. Its emancipatory promise of upward social mobility has radically transformed the distribution of advantaged social positions and has had a lasting influence on the very idea of social status itself. Nevertheless, unlike concepts traditionally associated with distributive justice, e.g. fairness, (in)equality, desert, equality of opportunity as well as justice itself, the notion of talent has received only limited examination. This (...)
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    A Critique of Darwin’s The Descent of Man by a Muslim Scholar in 1912: Muḥammad-Riḍā Iṣfahānī's Examination of the Anatomical and Embryological Similarities Between Human and Other Animals.Amir-Mohammad Gamini - 2021 - Journal of the History of Biology 54 (3):485-511.
    The cliché of the clergymen or the religious scholars battling against modern science oversimplifies the history of the encounter between modern science and religion, especially in the case of non-Western societies. Many religious scholars, Muslim and Christian, not only did not oppose modern science but used it instrumentally to propagate their religions. Marwa Elshakry, in her brilliant study of Darwin's opinions among the Arab World, concentrates more on Arab Christians and Sunni Muslims rather than on Shiite Muslims. Muḥammad-Riḍā Iṣfahānī, a (...)
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    Grigore T. Popa – Promoter of Medical Ethics in Romania.Ana-Maria Dumitrescu, Andreas Nilsen Myhre, Thorvald Nilsen Myhre & Rodica Ghiuru - 2016 - Annals of Philosophy, Social and Human Disciplines 2 (1):29-37.
    Our paper reveals Professor Grigore T. Popaʼs view on medical ethics of anatomical teaching as he was bringing in Romania the experience of the Anglo-Saxon education from both England and the United States. We analysed his lecture: “What Anatomy is or is not?” where he introduced some ideas of medical ethics. Professor Popa considered that medical ethics and deontology are required whenever someone studies the anatomy of the human body. Anatomy teaches us the lesson of respect (...)
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    Synopsis of Science: Volume 2: From the Standpoint of the Nyaya Philosophy.James R. Ballantyne - 2012 - Cambridge University Press.
    James Robert Ballantyne taught oriental languages in India for sixteen years, compiling grammars of Hindi, Sanskrit and Persian, along with translations of Hindu philosophy. In 1859, for the use of Christian missionaries, he prepared a guide to Hinduism, in English and Sanskrit. Published in two volumes in 1852, Synopsis of Science was intended to introduce his Indian pupils to Western science by using the framework of Hindu Nyaya philosophy, which was familiar to them and which Ballantyne greatly respected. This second (...)
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    Training and Other Important Needs for Nursing Assistants.Nanci Robinson - 2011 - Narrative Inquiry in Bioethics 1 (3):147-151.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Training and Other Important Needs for Nursing AssistantsNanci RobinsonTraining of Nursing AssistantsI think the nursing assistant (NA) training programs should be longer. My original course for Long Term Care was four weeks long after that I took an additional two months at a hospital to work on a Med/ Surg floor. So, I have a combined three months of schooling.Personally, I'd like to see certified nursing assistants (CNAs) given (...)
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    The Enlightenment.Frank Edward Manuel - 1965 - Englewood Cliffs, N.J.,: Prentice-Hall.
    This collection brings together the moral, social, and political ideas of the great eighteenth-century thinkers at the height of their influence. Included here are Voltaire's popularization of Newton's scientific worldview, Hume's anatomy of the origins of religion, Rousseau on education and the "natural man," Diderot in dialogue with literature's first "alienated man," Kant on universal peace, and Condorcet on the idea of progress.
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    Reflection and refraction.Sue Eckstein, Rachel Turner & Nabil Al-Khalisi - 2010 - Clinical Ethics 5 (2):103-107.
    Personal narratives in which medical students and clinicians reflect on their education and practice, or recipients of health care reflect on their journey though the system can provide valuable insights which can usefully be shared. In this paper, a medical student describes the effect of a humanities-based student-selected component on her understanding of anatomy and dissection, and a junior doctor in Iraq learns some painful lessons about medicine and society during a night shift in the casualty department.
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    The Philosophy of George Turnbull.Juan Manuel Gomez Paris - 2014 - Dissertation, University of Otago
    George Turnbull is one of the figures of the Scottish Enlightenment who has been largely overlooked. In this thesis I give the first detailed analysis of his major writings by focusing on a set of principles that guided and unified his work. I show that he constructed a unified system of philosophy and a proper Science of Man, which in turn draws attention to his relevance as an important figure of the early stages of the Scottish Enlightenment. I present an (...)
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    Perspectives on anatomical donation and holding services of thanksgiving.Darrell J. R. Evans & Samantha Fossey - 2011 - Clinical Ethics 6 (4):195-199.
    The value of human bodies for the teaching of anatomy has been recognized since the 16th century. Many medical students are exposed to the process of body donation as human dissection continues to play a fundamental role in many medical courses. The opportunity of dissection not only provides students with an educational approach to learning human structure but also exposes them to the emotions surrounding death and dying and the role of the anatomical donor in their journey. This paper (...)
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    A Human Paradox: The Nazi Legacy of Pernkopf’s Atlas.Jane A. Hartsock & Emily S. Beckman - 2019 - Conatus 4 (2):317.
    Eduard Pernkopf’s Atlas of Topographical and Applied Human Anatomy is a four-volume anatomical atlas published between 1937 and 1963, and it is generally believed to be the most comprehensive, detailed, and accurate anatomy textbook ever created. However, a 1997 investigation into “Pernkopf’s Atlas,” raised troubling questions regarding the author’s connection to the Nazi regime and the still unresolved issue of whether its illustrations relied on Jewish or other political prisoners, including those executed in Nazi concentration camps. Following this (...)
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