Results for 'Andrea Reupert'

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  1.  15
    Investigating the Impact of Isolation During COVID-19 on Family Functioning – An Australian Snapshot.Jade Sheen, Anna Aridas, Phillip Tchernegovski, Amanda Dudley, Jane McGillivray & Andrea Reupert - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    This study explored possible changes in family functioning from the perspective of parents during the COVID-19 pandemic. Thirty-four parents/guardians of children under 18 years completed a semi-structured interview, average length 47 min. Interviews focussed on changes in different aspects of family functioning including family roles, routines, and rules; parenting practices; communication and relationships; and strengths, challenges, and tensions. Data were analysed using reflexive thematic analysis applied in an idiographic and inductive manner to reduce the loss of individual experiences and perspectives. (...)
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  2. Algebraic Semantics and Mixed Validities: A Reply to Cotnoir.Andrea Strollo - 2018 - Logique Et Analyse 61.
    Alethic pluralism holds that there are many ways of being true. Such a view has been challenged to make sense of the standard account of logical validity as necessary truth preservation. In this paper, the recent solution elaborated by Aaron Cotnoir, based on an algebraic approach, is shown to be untenable. Some reflections about the relation of many-valued logics with truth pluralism are also discussed.
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    De-Psychologizing Benevolence. Lotze’s Ethics between Kant, Herbart, and the British Moralists.Andrea Sebastiano Staiti - 2017 - Philosophical Readings 9 (3):230-236.
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  4. How Simple Is the Simplicity of Truth? Reconciling the Mathematics and the Metaphysics of Truth.Andrea Strollo - 2014 - In Fabio Bacchini, Stefano Caputo & Massimo Dell'Utri (eds.), New Frontiers in Truth. Cambridge Scholar. pp. 161-175.
    The notion of truth is a central subject both in Philosophy and Mathematical Logic. The logical approach on the one side and the philosophical one on the other, however, mostly deal with problems which, apparently, require different tools to be tackled. In this paper I argue that such a separation can and should be overcome, and, in order to build a bridge, I focus on the philosophical issue of the insubstantiality of truth, which is a crucial topic to distinguish inflationist (...)
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    The dual systems in temporal cognition: A spatial analogy.Andrea Roselli - 2019 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 42.
    The model presented by the authors can explain an inherent contradiction in people's naïve theory of time. In this commentary I suggest a way in which another paradox of our phenomenal temporality may be addressed along these lines. In the final section, I also discuss some concerns that may arise about the clear-cut distinction between humans and non-human animals.
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    Correction to: What is Post-normal Science? A Personal Encounter.Andrea Saltelli - forthcoming - Foundations of Science:1-2.
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    Construction of Human Identity: A Vehicle for Hope.Andrea M. Stephenson - 2010 - In Janette McDonald & Andrea M. Stephenson (eds.), The resilience of hope. New York: Rodopi. pp. 68--83.
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    Aristote illustré: représentations du corps et schématisation dans la biologie aristotélicienne.Andrea L. Carbone - 2011 - Paris: Classiques Garnier.
    Ce livre propose une interprétation inédite de la biologie d'Aristote. Il montre que, dans la démarche aristotélicienne, à côté de la pensée discursive, oeuvre une pensée visuelle qui élabore une représentation de l'organisation spatiale du corps vivant, apportant ainsi une contribution décisive à la définition des deux tâches majeures de l'enquête scientifique aristotélicienne: l'explication causale et la détermination des genres.
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    Lust an der Erkenntnis. Rez. zu: Wolfgang Wieland: Urteil und Gefuhl.Andrea Kern - 2003 - Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 51 (6):1061.
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  10. The motivational theory of emotions.Andrea Scarantino - 2014 - In Justin D'Arms Daniel Jacobson (ed.), Moral Psychology and Human Agency: Essays on the New Science of Ethics. New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
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    Eventi mentali.Andrea Bonomi - 1999 - Il Saggiatore.
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    A sufficient condition for completability of partial combinatory algebras.Andrea Asperti & Agata Ciabattoni - 1997 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 62 (4):1209-1214.
    A Partial Combinatory Algebra is completable if it can be extended to a total one. In [1] it is asked (question 11, posed by D. Scott, H. Barendregt, and G. Mitschke) if every PCA can be completed. A negative answer to this question was given by Klop in [12, 11]; moreover he provided a sufficient condition for completability of a PCA (M, ·, K, S) in the form of ten axioms (inequalities) on terms of M. We prove that just one (...)
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  13. Hacia la construcción de una pedagogía de la conciencia y de la liberación desde la perspectiva de Milton Santos.Andrea Carrasco - 2020 - In Pablo Javier Aguzín & Javier Di Matteo (eds.), Filosofía americana y educación. [Rosario, Provincia de Santa Fe, República Argentina?]: Editorial Fundación Ross.
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  14. Witchcraft and Science in the Renaissance: the witch of edmonton, the late lancashire witches and Renaissance attitudes toward science.Andrea Rohfls Wright - 1996 - Endoxa 7:217-230.
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    Sometimes a Motorcycle Is Just a Motorcycle.Andrea Zanin - 2013 - In George A. Dunn & Jason T. Eberl (eds.), Sons of Anarchy and Philosophy. Wiley. pp. 151–164.
    Sons of Anarchy offers a weekly spectacle of arson, gun‐running, murder, kidnapping, drugs, blackmail, porn, prostitution, and sundry other violent activities, but it's the relationships that really drive the show. Sons of Anarchy exposes the bloody, misshapen core of the human condition. Applying a little Freudian philosophy to these Shakespearean characters can provide insight into some of the core questions raised by this epic television show, such as those on the defiant attitude of protagonists, their engagement in subversive criminal activities, (...)
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    How Did Regius Become Regius? The Early Doctrinal Evolution of a Heterodox Cartesian.Andrea Strazzoni - 2018 - Early Science and Medicine 23 (4):362-412.
    This article offers an assessment of Henricus Regius’s (1598-1679) pre-Cartesian sources and their role in his appropriation of Descartes’s ideas, via two main questions: 1) Who was Regius, doctrinally speaking, before his exposure to Cartesianism? And 2) how did he use Descartes’s theories before his quarrel with Descartes himself in the mid-1640s? These questions are addressed by means of a textual analysis that concerns his theory of matter. In this article, I will show that 1) Regius started out with a (...)
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    Detection and Development of Visual Talent.Andrea Kárpáti - 1997 - The Journal of Aesthetic Education 31 (4):79.
  18. Books of the Body: Anatomic Ritual and Renaisance Learning.Andrea Carlino & I. I. Francis H. Straus - 2000 - Perspectives in Biology and Medicine 43 (4):609-640.
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  19. Historical Formalism in Music: Toward a Philosophical Theory of Musical Form.Andrea Baldini - 2014 - Contemporary Aesthetics 12:N/A.
    In this paper I begin to fashion a theory of musical form that I call historical formalism. Historical formalism posits that our perception of the formal properties of a musical work is informed by considerations not only of artistic categories but also of the historical, sociopolitical, and cultural circumstances within which that work was composed.
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  20. Biological, Technical and Social Normativity.Andrea Bardin - 2015 - In Epistemology and Political Philosophy in Gilbert Simondon. Springer Netherlands.
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  21. Genesis and Structure of the Collective: The Transindividual.Andrea Bardin - 2015 - In Epistemology and Political Philosophy in Gilbert Simondon. Springer Netherlands.
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    Simondon materialismo? Um movimento para além do pensamento político moderno.Andrea Bardin - 2019 - Doispontos 16 (2).
    : This paper combines Simondon’s philosophy of individuation with some aspects of post-humanist and‘new materialist’ thought, while, at the same time, remaining within the ambit of a more classically ‘historical’characterisation of materialism. Two keywords drawn from Karen Barad and Simondon respectively – ‘ontoepistemology’and ‘axiontology’ – represent the red thread of a narrative that connects the early modern invention of civil science to Wiener’s cybernetic theory ofsociety. The political stakes common to these forms of what I call ‘banal’ materialism, Simondon attacked (...)
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  23. Museums as critical spaces for alterity in a post-truth world.Andrea Gallardo Ocampo & Miguel A. Híjar-Chiapa - 2021 - In Marius Gudonis & Benjamin T. Jones (eds.), History in a post-truth world: theory and praxis. New York: Routledge.
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    The ambiguity of interdisciplinarity.Andrea Hollingsworth - 2011 - Zygon 46 (2):461-470.
    Abstract. What kind of consciousness is best prepared to undertake effective interdisciplinary explorations in religion and science in our twenty-first century context? This paper draws on the thought of theologian David Tracy and psychologist and philosopher of religion James W. Jones to suggest that negation and ecstasy are mutually conditioning factors that go into the shaping of just such a consciousness. Healthy, constructive modes of relating to the disciplinary other imply the emergence of a transformed way of knowing and being (...)
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    Philosophy, Expertise, and the Myth of Neutrality.Andrea Lavazza (ed.) - 2024 - Routledge.
    This volume offers a new framework for understanding expertise. It proposes a reconceptualization of the traditional notion of expertise and calls for the development of a new contextual and action-oriented notion of expertise, which is attentive to axiological values, intellectual virtues, and moral qualities. -/- Experts are usually called upon, especially during times of emergency, either as decision-makers or as advisors in formulating policies that often have a significant impact on society. And yet, for certain types of choices, there is (...)
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    Politica: concetti per una definizione.Andrea Millefiorini - 2024 - Milano: Mondadori università.
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    Prosseno e gli Hypomnemata Pyrrhou: Una tradizione apocrifa?Andrea Primo - 2011 - Hermes 139 (1):92-96.
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  28. Il concetto della figura e la poetica della visione nei commentatori trecenteschi della Commedia.Andrea Ciotti - forthcoming - Convivium: revista de filosofía.
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    La parola che nasce. Paci lettore di Rilke.Andrea Cirolla - 2015 - Rivista di Estetica 58:147-165.
    In this article the Author reconstructs some aspects of Enzo Paci’s aesthetics theory, focusing the attention on the concept of “rebirth”, connected to the topic of “growing” (reifen) in Rilke’s poetry. This interpretation of Rilke’s poetry, which he read during his imprisonment in several nazist concentration camps between 1943 and 1945, confirmed in Paci his previous philosophical perspective and allowed for new developments of thought. According to Paci, art cannot be separated from the theoretical field, thus displaying an essential role (...)
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    Iconostasis/Iconomania.Andrea Collins - 1991 - Feminist Studies 17 (2):366.
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  31. Königsberg nel bicentenario di Kant.Andrea Gentile - 2004 - Studium 100 (3):413-422.
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    Algebraic Art: Mathematical Formalism and Victorian Culture.Andrea K. Henderson - 2018 - Oxford University Press.
    Algebraic Art explores the invention of a peculiarly Victorian account of the nature and value of aesthetic form, and it traces that account to a surprising source: mathematics. Drawing on literature, art, and photography, it explores how the Victorian mathematical conception of form still resonates today.
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    Couples Adjusting to Multimorbidity: A Dyadic Study on Disclosure and Adjustment Disorder Symptoms.Andrea B. Horn, Victoria S. Boettcher, Barbara M. Holzer, Klarissa Siebenhuener, Andreas Maercker, Edouard Battegay & Lukas Zimmerli - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Back from the future.Andrea Masini, Lucio Vigano & Marco Volpe - 2010 - Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics 20 (3):241-277.
    Until is a notoriously difficult temporal operator as it is both existential and universal at the same time: A∪B holds at the current time instant w iff either B holds at w or there exists a time instant w' in the future at which B holds and such that A holds in all the time instants between the current one and ẃ. This “ambivalent” nature poses a significant challenge when attempting to give deduction rules for until. In this paper, in (...)
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    Metafisica e ontologia.Andrea Vasa - 1953 - Proceedings of the XIth International Congress of Philosophy 3:90-95.
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  36. Aristotle and Kant on self-knowledge and self-disclosure through friendship.Andrea Veltman - 2011 - In Adrianne McEvoy (ed.), Sex, Love, and Friendship: Studies of the Society for the Philosophy of Sex and Love, 1993-2003. New York, NY: Rodopi.
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    La prima circolazione del pensiero di Kant in area francofona.Andrea Bellantone - 2006 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 4.
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    Isochrony, vocal learning, and the acquisition of rhythm and melody.Andrea Ravignani - 2021 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 44.
    A cross-species perspective can extend and provide testable predictions for Savage et al.'s framework. Rhythm and melody, I argue, could bootstrap each other in the evolution of musicality. Isochrony may function as a temporal grid to support rehearsing and learning modulated, pitched vocalizations. Once this melodic plasticity is acquired, focus can shift back to refining rhythm processing and beat induction.
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    Sovranità e armonia: la tolleranza religiosa nel Colloquium heptaplomeres di Jean Bodin.Andrea Suggi - 2005 - Roma: Edizioni di storia e letteratura.
  40. Lo pseudo Egidio (Guglielmo Arnaldi) e un'inedita continuazione del commento di Tommaso al 'Peryermenias'.Andrea Tabarroni - 1988 - Medioevo 14:371-427.
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  41. The 'in-between' of learning : (Re)valuing the process of learning.Andrea R. English - 2016 - In Peter Cunningham & Ruth Heilbronn (eds.), Dewey in our time: learning from John Dewey for transcultural practice. London: UCL Institute of Education Press, University College London.
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    Propositions.Andrea Iacona - 2002 - Name.
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    Palinsesto: i modi del discorso letterario e filosofico.Andrea Calzolari (ed.) - 1990 - Genova: Marietti.
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  44. Recent Trends in Neuroethics: A Selected bibliography.Andrea Polonioli - 2009 - Etica E Politica 11 (2):68-87.
    This article is concerned with major current developments in moral psychology, deriving from the study of the neurobiological bases of our responses to moral dilemmas. I briefly illustrate the most important research programs and outline the burning issues in neuroethics, both empirical and conceptual.
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    Seeing through Plato’s Looking Glass. Mythos and Mimesis from Republic to Poetics.Andrea Capra - 2017 - Aisthesis: Pratiche, Linguaggi E Saperi Dell’Estetico 10 (1):75-86.
    This paper revisits Plato’s and Aristotle’s views on mimesis with a special emphasis on mythos as an integral part of it. I argue that the Republic ’s notorious “mirror argument” is in fact ad hominem : first, Plato likely has in mind Agathon’s mirror in Aristophanes’ Thesmoforiazusae, where tragedy is construed as mimesis ; second, the tongue-in-cheek claim that mirrors can reproduce invisible Hades, when read in combination with the following eschatological myth, suggests that Plato was not committed to a (...)
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    O problema da legitimidade da autoridade política, ou sobre O que diferencia O estado da mafia.Andréa Luisa Bucchile Faggion - 2017 - Philósophos - Revista de Filosofia 22 (2):37.
    O artigo sugere que o Estado se diferencia de uma máfia sofisticada por sua pretensão de possuir autoridade legítima. Procedemos à análise do significado de tal pretensão, o que nos leva ao paradoxo denunciado pelo “anarquismo filosófico”, segundo o qual autoridade nenhuma poderia ser legítima, já que a obediência a qualquer autoridade implicaria, necessariamente, no abandono da racionalidade prática. Então, apresentamos uma teoria formal da razão prática destinada a resolver o paradoxo anarquista. Por fim, analisamos se, concretamente, poderia haver um (...)
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  47. Home movies: la storia formato ridotto.Andrea Sangiovanni - 2010 - Nuova Civiltà Delle Macchine 28 (3).
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  48. Steven Nadler, A Book Forged in Hell. Spinoza's Scandalous Treatise and the Birth of the Secular Age.Andrea Sangiacomo - 2012 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 67 (3):650.
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    Editorial: Towards a Meaningful Instrumental Music Education. Methods, Perspectives, and Challenges.Andrea Schiavio, Luc Nijs, Dylan van der Schyff & Marja-Leena Juntunen - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Em Defesa de Duas Teses da Separabilidade entre Legalidade e Direito.Andrea Faggion - 2019 - Dissertatio 49:23-44.
    Há algumas conexões necessárias entre direito e moral. Mas elas não derivam de conexões necessárias entre legalidade e valor moral, ou legalidade e pretensões morais, pois essas conexões não existem, ou ao menos é o que argumento. A primeira seção deste artigo se divide em duas partes. A primeira argumenta que a justiça formal (procedimental) em si mesma não é moralmente vinculante, de maneira que a legalidade não tem valor moral intrínseco. A segunda argumenta que algumas tarefas morais atribuídas à (...)
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