Results for 'Andreas Brüschweiler'

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    Andrea C. White’s Response to Victor Carmona.Andrea C. White - 2021 - Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics 41 (2):253-255.
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  2. Cesalpino, Andrea.Andrea Strazzoni - 2022 - Encyclopedia of Renaissance Philosophy.
    Andrea Cesalpino is an important figure in the history of science. He demonstrated that blood circulates into heart from veins and from the heart to arteries, paving the way to Harvey’s complete description of blood circulation. Moreover, he was the founder of botany as a systematic discipline, which he based, rather than on the observation of accidental similarities of plants, on the discovery of their vegetative-generative principle. In philosophy, he attempted to conciliate the immortality of the soul (i.e., the form (...)
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    Festschrift für Andreas Heldrich zum 70. Geburtstag.Andreas Heldrich & Stephan Lorenz (eds.) - 2005 - München: C.H. Beck.
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    Andreas Renner, Russischer Nationalismus und Öffentlichkeit im Zarenreich 1855–1875. [REVIEW]Andreas Renner - 2004 - Studies in East European Thought 56 (1):79-82.
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    Andreas Bächli / Andreas Graeser, Grundbegriffe der antiken Philosophie. [REVIEW]Andreas Dorschel - 2003 - Philosophical Books 44 (2):162-168.
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    Andrea Mantegnas camera pida im Kastell von Mantua. Ein Kraftwerk für intelligentes Sehen.Andreas Hauser - 2006 - In Andrea Mantegnas camera pida im Kastell von Mantua. Ein Kraftwerk für intelligentes Sehen. pp. 1-38.
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    Democracy and the politics of the extraordinary: Max Weber, Carl Schmitt, and Hannah Arendt.Andreas Kalyvas - 2008 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    Although the modern age is often described as the age of democratic revolutions, the subject of popular foundings has not captured the imagination of contemporary political thought. Most of the time, democratic theory and political science treat as the object of their inquiry normal politics, institutionalized power, and consolidated democracies. The aim of Andreas Kalyvas' study is to show why it is important for democratic theory to rethink the question of its beginnings. Is there a founding unique to democracies? (...)
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    Words of power: a feminist reading of the history of logic.Andrea Nye - 1990 - New York: Routledge.
    Is logic masculine? Is women's lack of interest in the "hard core" philosophical disciplines of formal logic and semantics symptomatic of an inadequacy linked to sex? Is the failure of women to excel in pure mathematics and mathematical science a function of their inability to think rationally? Andrea Nye undermines the assumptions that inform these questions, assumptions such as: logic is unitary, logic is independenet of concrete human relations, and logic transcends historical circumstances as well as gender. In a series (...)
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    Insight and Vision Essays in Philosophy in Honor of Radoslav Andrea Tsanoff.Konstantin Kolenda & Radoslav Andrea Tsanoff - 1965 - Principia Press of Trinity University.
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    Der Arzt Andrea Alpago und sein medizinisches Umfeld im mamlukischen Syrien.Lydia Wegener & Andreas Speer - 2006 - In Lydia Wegener & Andreas Speer, Wissen Über Grenzen: Arabisches Wissen Und Lateinisches Mittelalter. Walter de Gruyter.
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    Spinoza on Reason, Passions, and the Supreme Good.Andrea Sangiacomo - 2019 - Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxford University Press.
    Andrea Sangiacomo offers a new understanding of Spinoza's moral philosophy, how his views significantly evolved over time, and how he himself struggled during his career to develop a theory that could speak to human beings as they actually are--imperfect, passionate, and often not very rational.
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  12. A dispositional theory of possibility.Andrea Borghini & Neil E. Williams - 2008 - Dialectica 62 (1):21–41.
    – The paper defends a naturalistic version of modal actualism according to which what is metaphysically possible is determined by dispositions found in the actual world. We argue that there is just one world—this one—and that all genuine possibilities are anchored by the dispositions exemplified in this world. This is the case regardless of whether or not those dispositions are manifested. As long as the possibility is one that would obtain were the relevant disposition manifested, it is a genuine possibility. (...)
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    Ricordo di Andrea Vasa.Andrea Vasa, Cesare Luporini, Luciano Handjaras & Maria Grazia Sandrini (eds.) - 1982 - Firenze: Olschki.
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    How distinctive is affective processing? On the implications of using cognitive paradigms to study affect and emotion.Andreas B. Eder, Bernhard Hommel & Jan De Houwer - 2007 - Cognition and Emotion 21 (6):1137-1154.
    Influential theories on affect and emotion propose a fundamental differentiation between emotion and cognition, and research paradigms designed to test them focus on differences rather than similarities between affective and cognitive processes. This research orientation is increasingly challenged by the widespread and successful use of cognitive research paradigms in the study of affect and emotion—a challenge with far-reaching implications. Where and on what basis should theorists draw the line between cognition and emotion, and when is it useful to do so? (...)
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  15. Selflessness and responsibility for self: Is deference compatible with autonomy?Andrea C. Westlund - 2003 - Philosophical Review 112 (4):483-523.
    She was intensely sympathetic. She was immensely charming. She excelled in the difficult arts of family life. She sacrificed herself daily. If there was chicken, she took the leg, if there was a draught, she sat in it—in short, she was so constituted that she never had a mind or wish of her own, but preferred to sympathise always with the minds and wishes of others. — Virginia Woolf (1979, 59).
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  16. Laws and dispositions.Andreas Hüttemann - 1998 - Philosophy of Science 65 (1):121-135.
    Laws are supposed to tell us how physical systems actually behave. The analysis of an important part of physical practice--abstraction--shows, however, that laws describe the behavior of physical systems under very special circumstances, namely when they are isolated. Nevertheless, laws are applied in cases of non-isolation as well. This practice requires an explanation. It is argued that one has to assume that physical systems have dispositions. I take these to be innocuous from an empiricist's standpoint because they can--at least in (...)
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    (1 other version)Democratic Decision Making and the Psychology of Risk.Christiansen Andreas & Hallsson Bjørn - 2017 - Les ateliers de l'éthique/The Ethics Forum 12 (1):51-83.
    Andreas Christiansen,Bjørn Hallsson | : In many cases, the public want to restrict an activity or technology that they believe to be dangerous, but that scientific experts believe to be safe. There is thus a tension between respecting the preferences of the people and making policy based on our best scientific knowledge. Deciding how to make policy in the light of this tension requires an understanding of why citizens sometimes disagree with the experts on what is risky and what (...)
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  18. (2 other versions)Defending the structural concept of representation.Andreas Bartels - 2006 - Theoria 21 (55):7-19.
    The aim of this paper is to defend the structural concept of representation, as defined by homomorphisms, against its main objections, namely: logical objections, the objection from misrepresentation, theobjection from failing necessity, and the copy theory objection. The logical objections can be met by reserving the relation.
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    Otto Kresten/Andreas E. Müller, Samtherrschaft, Legitimationsprinzip und kaiserlicher Urkundentitel in Byzanz in der ersten Hälfte des 10. Jahrhunderts.Andreas Schminck - 2000 - Byzantinische Zeitschrift 93 (2).
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  20. Affordances explained.Andrea Scarantino - 2003 - Philosophy of Science 70 (5):949-961.
    I examine the central theoretical construct of ecological psychology, the concept of an affordance. In the first part of the paper, I illustrate the role affordances play in Gibson's theory of perception. In the second part, I argue that affordances are to be understood as dispositional properties, and explain what I take to be their characteristic background circumstances, triggering circumstances and manifestations. The main purpose of my analysis is to give affordances a theoretical identity enriched by Gibson's visionary insight, but (...)
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    Lydia Marinelli;, Andreas Mayer. Träume nach Freud: Die “Traumdeutung” und die Geschichte der psychoanalytischen Bewegung. 216 pp., apps. Vienna: Turia & Kant, 2002. €22, $22.09. [REVIEW]Andreas Killen - 2003 - Isis 94 (4):752-753.
  22. Diptychon.Andreas Ēlia Michalopoulos - 1975
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    An Interview with Andrea Lorenzo Baldini.Andrea Lorenzo Baldini & Nathan Hirscher - 2021 - Washington University Review of Philosophy 1:41-52.
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    Interview mit Dr. Andreas Höfer zum Thema „Olympia und Erinnerung“.Andreas Höfer - 2021 - Sport Und Gesellschaft 18 (1):81-89.
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    Trespassing Through Shadows: Memory, Photography, and the Holocaust.Andrea Liss - 1998 - Univ of Minnesota Press.
    Art historian Andrea Liss examines the inherent difficulties and productive possibilities of using photographs to bear witness, initiating a critical dialogue about the ways the post-Auschwitz generation has employed these documents to ...
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    Values: Why We Need Them Although They Don’t Exist.Andreas Urs Sommer - 2023 - Springer Verlag.
    In his book, Andreas Urs Sommer reflects on the question of what it really means when everybody’s appealing to values, all the time – the question, fundamentally, of what values actually are. Values explores both of these points, arriving at two intriguing suggestions: Maybe what we call values are just a set of elaborate fictions. And maybe those fictions serve some very important purposes.
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  27. Giovanni Dosi, Luigi Marengo, Andrea Bassanini, and Marco Valente.Andrea Bassanini - 1998 - In Peter Danielson, Modeling Rationality, Morality, and Evolution. New York: Oup Usa. pp. 7--442.
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  28. A theory of formal truth arithmetically equivalent to ID.Andrea Cantini - 1990 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 55 (1):244 - 259.
    We present a theory VF of partial truth over Peano arithmetic and we prove that VF and ID 1 have the same arithmetical content. The semantics of VF is inspired by van Fraassen's notion of supervaluation.
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  29. Aristotle on causality.Andrea Falcon - 2008 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
    Each Aristotelian science consists in the causal investigation of a specific department of reality. If successful, such an investigation results in causal knowledge; that is, knowledge of the relevant or appropriate causes. The emphasis on the concept of cause explains why Aristotle developed a theory of causality which is commonly known as the doctrine of the four causes. For Aristotle, a firm grasp of what a cause is, and how many kinds of causes there are, is essential for a successful (...)
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  30. Determinism in Physics and Biology (edited book).Andreas Hüttemann - 2003 - Paderborn, Deutschland: Mentis.
    Papers by Andreas Bartels, Ansgar Beckermann, Frédéric Bouchard, Thomas Breuer, Bruno Eckhardt, Bruce Glymour, Claus Kiefer, Roberta Millstein and Alexander Rosenberg.
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  31. Core affect and natural affective kinds.Andrea Scarantino - 2009 - Philosophy of Science 76 (5):940-957.
    It is commonly assumed that the scientific study of emotions should focus on discrete categories such as fear, anger, sadness, joy, disgust, shame, guilt, and so on. This view has recently been questioned by the emergence of the “core affect movement,” according to which discrete emotions are not natural kinds. Affective science, it is argued, should focus on core affect, a blend of hedonic and arousal values. Here, I argue that the empirical evidence does not support the thesis that core (...)
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    Victorian Equations.Andrea Kelly Henderson - 2024 - Critical Inquiry 50 (2):252-276.
    As familiar as the form of the mathematical equation is to us, the ostensibly simple act of equating unlike things was an achievement many centuries in the making, and one that would ultimately redefine European mathematical enquiry such that its bias toward geometry and the concrete would be displaced by a bias toward algebraic abstraction. The moment of that displacement was the nineteenth century, and its broader significance is on particularly striking display in the British context, where the implications of (...)
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    Religion, Wissenschaft und Politik im protestantischen Idealstaat: Johann Valentin Andreaes "Christianopolis".Andreas Urs Sommer - 1996 - Zeitschrift für Religions- Und Geistesgeschichte 48 (2):114-137.
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    Markus Ophälders, Filosofia Arte Estetica. Incontri e conflitti.Andrea Camparsi - 2010 - Rivista di Estetica 45:192-197.
    Markus Ophälders presenta un breve ma altrettanto denso lavoro che intende dimostrare come l’estetica non sia una semplice branca della ricerca filosofica, nata nel Settecento e sviluppatasi nei secoli a venire, bensì come lo studio filosofico estetico sia una costante che accompagna la storia della filosofia nella sua interezza. Sebbene l’autore non voglia presentare una minuziosa storia dell’estetica, i tre capitoli di cui è composto il testo si impegnano a porre in rilievo i concetti fonda...
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    A Jesuit Shakespeare?Andrea Campana - 2016 - Heythrop Journal 57 (5):770-787.
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    Lettere e materiali (Furio Jesi, Gershom Scholem).Andrea Cavalletti & Enrico Lucca - 2013 - Scienza and Politica. Per Una Storia Delle Dottrine 25 (48).
    Furio Jesi to Max Brod (Turin, le 15 Janvier 1965) - L'esploratore della Kabbalah. Scholem e i mistici - Furio Jesi in «La Stampa», 7 Marzo 1980 - Furio Jesi to Gershom Scholem (Turin, le 26 Novembre 1966) - Gershom Scholem to Furio Jesi (Jerusalem, 1.4.1973) - Furio Jesi to Gershom Scholem (Novara, 28.5.1973).
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  37. Uso y anarquía (lectura de Homo sacer IV, 2).Andrea Cavalletti - 2022 - In Gerardo Muñoz, Giorgio Agamben: arqueología de la política. Leiden, The Netherlands: Almenara.
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    Aliraza Javaid, Masculinities, Sexualities and Love. Abingdon & New York: Routledge, 2019. Pp. 189.Andrea Colombo - 2022 - Foucault Studies:89-91.
  39.  6
    Bild-Beispiele: zu einer pikturalen Logik des Exemplarischen.Andreas Cremonini & Markus Klammer (eds.) - 2020 - Paderborn: Wilhelm Fink.
    Die Untersuchung von Strukturen des Exemplarischen ist in den letzten Jahren vermehrt in den Fokus geisteswissenschaftlicher Forschung gerückt. Der Band beleuchtet in systematischer und historischer Perspektive Funktionen der Verwendung von Bildern als Beispielen, Illustrationen und Exempla. Im Mittelpunkt des Buches steht die Frage, wie Bilder in epistemologische, kunsttheoretische und philosophische Diskurse eingebunden sind. Die grundlegende Annahme lautet: Der theoretische Umgang mit Bildern gehorcht einer Logik des Exemplarischen, welche die Allgemeinheit der Argumente an die konkrete Gegebenheit eines Anschaulichen bindet. 'Logik' wird (...)
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  40. Arbeit am Kanon: Ästhetische Studien zur Musik von Haydn bis Webern.Andreas Dorschel & Federico Celestini - 2010 - Universal Edition.
    In 'Arbeit am Kanon', Italian musicologist Federico Celestini and German philosopher Andreas Dorschel discuss aesthetic issues in the work of composers Joseph Haydn, Franz Schubert, Johannes Brahms, Anton Bruckner, Hugo Wolf, Gustav Mahler, Anton Webern, and Franz Schreker.
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    Vollkommenes hält sich fern. Ästhetische Näherungen.Andreas Dorschel & Philip Alperson - 2012 - Universal Edition.
    In ‘Vollkommenes hält sich fern’ (‘Perfection keeps itself aloof’) – the book title is drawn from a verse of American poet Kimberly Johnson (*1971) –, Philip Alperson and Andreas Dorschel discuss issues in the philosophy of music and general aesthetics related to the body, to practices and genres, values and education.
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    Dynamic epistemic logics: promises, problems, shortcomings, and perspectives.Andreas Herzig - 2017 - Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics 27 (3-4):328-341.
    Dynamic epistemic logics provide an account of the evolution of agents’ belief and knowledge when they learn the occurrence of an event. These logics started to become popular about 20 years ago and by now there exists a huge number of publications about them. The present paper briefly summarises the existing body of literature, discusses some problems and shortcomings, and proposes some avenues for future research.
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    Geschichtsbewusstsein: Enstehung und Auflösung zentraler Annahmen westlichen Geschichtsdenkens.Andreas Heuer - 2011 - Schwalbach/Ts.: Wochenschau.
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    Das Problem nicht-körperlicher Raumhaftigkeit.Andreas Höntsch - 2023 - Kant Studien 114 (1):98-132.
    The paper argues that Plessner’s theory of positionality can be traced back to Kant’s theory of predicabilia in the Critique of Pure Reason. Kant’s theory of predicabilia allows for the reformulation of Plessner’s distinction between the organic structure of the living body on the one hand and the positional unity of this living body on the other hand. This enables a concept of non-physical spatiality from which Plessner’s concept of the boundary can be derived. Therefore, Plessner’s theory of positionality competes (...)
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    Chaos und Naturgesetz: Cartesische Probleme.Andreas Hüttemann - 2002 - Zeitschrift für Philosophische Forschung 56 (4):517 - 544.
    Die Untersuchung besteht aus drei Teilen. Im ersten Teil argumentiere ich, daß in der frühen Neuzeit durch die Zurückweisung des scholastischen Vokabulars das Problem, Ordnung und Regelmäßigkeit in der Natur zu erklären, neu aufgeworfen wird. Descartes führt den Begriff des Naturgesetzes ein, um dieses Problem zu lösen. Im zweiten und dritten Teil analysiere ich, was Descartes unter einem Naturgesetz versteht. Im zweiten Teil zeige ich, daß es für die verbreitete Auffassung, Descartes halte Naturgesetze für ewige Wahrheiten, keine guten Gründe gibt. (...)
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    6. Die kontrafaktische Theorie der Kausalität.Andreas Hüttemann - 2013 - In Andreas Hüttemann, Ursachen. Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 99-118.
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    Et populistisk manifest.Andreas H. Hvidsten - 2019 - Agora Journal for metafysisk spekulasjon 37 (2):237-248.
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  48. Do abductive machines exist? Proposal for a multi-level concept of abduction.Andreas Kaminski & Sebastian Harrach - 2010 - In Klaus Mainzer, ECAP10. VIII European Conference on Computing and Philosophy. Hut. pp. 482–487.
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  49. Gutmann, Mathias; Rathgeber, Benjamin; Wiegerling, Klaus: Handbuch Technikphilosophie.Andreas Kaminski (ed.) - 2021 - Metzler.
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    Was bleibt von Nietzsches Philosophie?Andreas Urs Sommer - 2018 - Berlin: Duncker Und Humblot.
    So geschaftig die internationale Nietzsche-Forschung auch ist, bleibt doch weithin unklar, was eigentlich gemeint ist, wenn wir von Nietzsches Philosophie sprechen. Handelt es sich um ein Gefuge von Lehrsatzen Wille zur Macht, Ewige Wiederkunft des Gleichen, Ubermensch? Wie sollen philosophisch interessierte Leserinnen und Leser damit umgehen, dass Nietzsche sich offensichtlich unentwegt selbst ins Wort fallt und jede doktrinale Festlegung verweigert? Ist das nur eine billige literarische Strategie, um das eigene Gefuge von Lehrsatzen interessanter zu machen? Oder handelt es sich vielmehr (...)
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