Results for 'Andrezej Biłat'

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  1. (1 other version)Modal Logic vs. Ontological Argument.Andrezej Biłat - 2012 - European Journal for Philosophy of Religion 4 (2):179--185.
    The contemporary versions of the ontological argument that originated from Charles Hartshorne are formalized proofs based on unique modal theories. The simplest well-known theory of this kind arises from the b system of modal logic by adding two extra-logical axioms: “If the perfect being exists, then it necessarily exists‘ and “It is possible that the perfect being exists‘. In the paper a similar argument is presented, however none of the systems of modal logic is relevant to it. Its only premises (...)
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    Nietzsche et l'affectologie: pour une éthique des affects.Danilo Bilate - 2015 - Paris: L'Harmattan. Edited by Bertrand Binoche.
    Nietzsche est mort et c'est à nous à le faire vivre. Cet usage du texte n'est pas un retour à ce que Deleuze professait superbement : pour ce dernier, faire un enfant dans le dos (de Kant, de Bergson, voire de Nietzsche, même si Deleuze affirmait qu'avec ce dernier c'était l'inverse), c'était à la fois utiliser l'auteur pour lui faire dire ce qu'il n'avait explicitement pas dit, mais qui pouvait présenter un intérêt spéculatif, et, en même temps, dissimuler cet écart. (...)
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  3. Amicus Plato, sed..., czyli ontologiczne domknięcie logiki.Andrzej Biłat - 2001 - Przegląd Filozoficzny 3.
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    Dubito ergo non sum or the Logic of Skepticism.Andrzej Biłat - 2012 - Polish Journal of Philosophy 6 (2):7-14.
    The paper analyses three versions of skepticism: the attitude of a general withholding of belief; the attitude of general doubt and the view that all beliefs are unjustified. It is shown on the basis of epistemic logic that only the first of these versions can be deemed not to be self-contradictory.
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    O formalnej ontologii bytu i czasu.Andrzej Biłat - 2018 - Roczniki Filozoficzne 66 (1):5-32.
    W artykule pojęcie teorii ontologicznej zostało zdefiniowane zgodnie z ogólnymi zasadami wywodzącymi się z metaontologii Arystotelesa. Sformułowano problem struktury ontologii: Jakie są główne metodologiczne typy zaksjomatyzowanych teorii ontologicznych i jakie podstawowe relacje zachodzą między nimi? Zauważono, że zarówno w tradycyjnej, jak i we współczesnej filozofii bytu da się wyróżnić trzy odmienne idee formalnej ontologii: logicznej, eksplikacyjnej i empirycznej. Cel pracyjest dwojaki: 1) wskazaniejednolitej koncepcji formalnej ontologii uwzględniającej owe idee i dostarczającej rozwiązania problemu struktury ontologii oraz 2) zastosowanie wskazanej koncepcji w (...)
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    Uwagi o podręczniku „Logika i argumentacja” Andrzeja Kisielewicza.Andrzej Biłat - 2018 - Studia Philosophica Wratislaviensia 13 (3):63-70.
    Remarks on the handbook Logic and Argumentation by Andrzej KisielewiczThe paper contains some critical comments on Andrzej Kisielewicz’s handbook of critical thinking Logika i argumentacja. Praktyczny kurs krytycznego myślenia, Warszawa 2017. The comments generally refer to two main topics of the handbook: a the definite rejection of formal logic as a tool of critical thinking, and b the support for the so-called analysis of reasonable possibilities as an essential method of critical thinking. The paper shows that these topics are not (...)
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  7. Z Przewodnikiem po metafizyce.Andrzej Biłat - 2012 - Filozofia Nauki 20 (1).
    The paper is a review of the book Przewodnik po metafizyce (ed. S. Ko³odziej­czyk, WAM, Kraków 2011). The book consists of fourteen essays concerning key issues of metaphysics, mostly written by leading Polish experts. The review contains a number of critical and polemic comments on some of the essays.
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  8. The identity of persons. Selected positions and arguments.Andrzej Bilat - 2012 - Filozofia Nauki 20 (1).
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    Systemy leśniewskiego na tle współczesnych badań logicznych.Andrezej Grzegorczyk - 1955 - Studia Logica 3 (1):96-96.
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    Determinism, indeterminism and mathematics.Andrezej Lasota - 1997 - Foundations of Science 2 (1):73-75.
    The aim of this paper is to argue that very often one is not able to distinguish between deterministic processes governed by some dynamical systems and stochastic processes.
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    In a world where ends collide—Romantic discrepancies in the thought of Isaiah Berlin.Andrezej Wicher - 1995 - History of European Ideas 20 (1-3):375-381.
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    Deleuze e a imagem: um problema estético.Danilo Bilate - 2019 - Trans/Form/Ação 42 (3):153-170.
    Resumo: Este artigo busca investigar possíveis significações da palavra “imagem”, que se depreendam dos textos de Deleuze sobre as artes, através de uma pesquisa filológica que respeita a cronologia de suas obras. Essa noção de imagem, fundamental para a Estética, aparece em seus comentários sobre Proust, o cinema, Bacon e Beckett, principalmente, seja com o uso do termo “imagem”, seja com os termos “signo” e “ideia”, àquele correlatos. Assim, verifica-se um vácuo na década de 70, de modo que, se a (...)
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    Nietzsche, entre o Übermensch e o Unmensch.Danilo Bilate - 2014 - Cadernos Nietzsche 34:215-229.
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    The correctness and relevance of the modal ontological argument.Andrzej Biłat - 2020 - Synthese 199 (1):2727-2743.
    This paper deals with some metaphilosophical aspects of the modal ontological argument originating from Charles Hartshorne. One of the specific premises of the argument expresses the idea that the existence of God is not contingent. Several well-known versions of the argument have been formulated that appeal to different ways of clarifying the latter. A question arises: which of the formally correct and relevant versions is proper or basic? The paper points to some criteria of formal correctness, and distinguishes two types (...)
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  15. Głos „scjentysty”.Andrzej Biłat - 2005 - Diametros:240-243.
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    Non-Fregean Logics of Analytic Equivalence (II).Andrzej Biłat - 2015 - Bulletin of the Section of Logic 44 (1/2):69-79.
    This paper presents the main assumptions of Andrzej Grzegorczyk’s last research project concerning the logic of synonymity. It shows that the basis of logic of analytic equivalence, presented in the first part of the work, fully corresponds with these assumptions.
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    O formalnej ontologii bytu i czasu.Adam Biłat - 2018 - Roczniki Filozoficzne 66 (1):5-32.
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  18. (1 other version)Objects, Properties and Russell's Paradox.Andrzej Biłat - 2006 - Poznan Studies in the Philosophy of the Sciences and the Humanities 89:129-142.
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    Prawda i stany rzeczy.Andrzej Biłat - 1995 - Lublin: Wydawn. Uniwersytetu Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej.
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  20. Classical concepts of existence. From Aristotle to the Present.Andrzej Bilat - 2012 - Filozofia Nauki 20 (1).
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    Le cas Napoléon.Danilo Bilate - 2021 - Nietzsche Studien 50 (1):121-140.
    Napoleon Bonaparte is a veritable “case” for Nietzsche: he does not reduce Napoleon to a single image, but he rather builds up an ambiguous image of Napoleon for years without trying to define a final result. This ongoing construction is due to Nietzsche’s deep admiration for Napoleon that, however great it may be, does not avoid a certain distancing. Defined as the synthesis of Unmensch and Übermensch, Nietzsche regards Napoleon as an extraordinary human being because of his immorality when he (...)
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    Nietzsche, a honestidade E o projeto natimorto do novo aufklärung.Danilo Bilate - 2011 - Philósophos - Revista de Filosofia 16 (2):10-5216.
    Normal 0 21 false false false PT-BR X-NONE X-NONE Normal 0 21 false false false PT-BR X-NONE X-NONE MicrosoftInternetExplorer4 Analisaremos o sentido implícito no projeto nietzschiano do livro que teria como título “O novo Aufklärung ”, esboçado nos póstumos e nunca publicado, como sintoma da importante e enigmática relação de seu pensamento com os conceitos de “razão” e de “verdade”. Nesse intento, será questionada a tentativa de divisão cronológica da obra de Nietzsche, na medida em que se mostrará que a (...)
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    O Charlatanismo Como Problema Estético Na Filosofia Moderna.Danilo Bilate - 2019 - Prometeus: Filosofia em Revista 11 (31).
    O objetivo do artigo é o de explorar o uso do termo “charlatanismo” e de suas variações durante a filosofia moderna. Através desse estudo histórico, delimitar-se-á um campo semântico que desvela questões estéticas ou retóricas que dizem respeito à construção do texto acadêmico. É ao problema do estilo, portanto, que se dá atenção, tomando-se o cuidado de sinalizar como suas versões pedantes podem prejudicar o projeto humanista de compartilhamento de conhecimento.
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  24. O nojo pelo homem e o “humanismo” nietzschiano.Danilo Bilate - 2024 - Cadernos Nietzsche 45 (3):45-3.
    The purpose of this article is to present Nietzsche’s thought as “humanist”. To this end, we study the meaning of the term “humanism” for Nietzsche’s commentators, for himself and for some of the authors he was able to read. It is shown that his humanism is free from morality, but it is seen through the love for man expressed above all in Also sprach Zarathustra. The notion of superman is then considered and, even more, it is considered how it depends (...)
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  25. Odpowiedź na uwagi Korduli Świętorzeckiej.Andrzej Biłat - 2014 - Filozofia Nauki 22 (1):139-142.
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  26. Semantyczny paradygmat ontologii i zasada uniwersalizmu.Andrzej Biłat - 2014 - Filozofia Nauki 22 (1):25-44.
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  27. W stronę ekstensjonalnej teorii przekonań.Andrzej Biłat - 2014 - Studia Z Kognitywistyki I Filozofii Umysłu 8 (1).
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  28. A Neo-Fregean Theory of Objects and Functions.Andrzej Biłat - 2012 - Studies in Logic, Grammar and Rhetoric 27 (40).
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  29. Amicus Plato.Andrzej Biłat - 2001 - Przeglad Filozoficzny - Nowa Seria 40 (4):79-89.
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  30. Czy epistemologia jest nauką? Głos w dyskusji.Andrzej Biłat - 2005 - Diametros:185-186.
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  31. Logika drugiego rzędu jako ontologia.Andrzej Biłat - 2008 - Przeglad Filozoficzny - Nowa Seria 68.
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  32. Logika modalna a dowód ontologiczny.Andrzej Biłat - 2012 - Filozofia Nauki 20 (1).
    The contemporary versions of the ontological argument originated from Charles Hartshorne are formalized proofs (in the metalogical sense of the word) based on unique modal theories. The simplest well-known theory of this kind arises from the system B of modal logic by adding two extra-logical axioms: (AA) “If the perfect being exists, then it necessarily exists” (Anselm’s Axiom) and (AL) “It is possible that the perfect being exists” (Leibniz’s Axiom). In the paper a similar argument is presented, however none of (...)
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    Non-Fregean Logics of Analytic Equivalence (I).Andrzej Biłat - 2015 - Bulletin of the Section of Logic 44 (1/2):53-68.
    The identity connective is usually interpreted in non-Fregean logic as an operator representing the identity of situations. This interpretation is related to the modal criterion of the identity of sentence correlates, characteristic of the WT system and some stronger systems. However, this connective can also be interpreted in a different way – as an operator representing the identity of propositions. The “propositional” interpretation is in turn associated with the modal-contents criterion of the identity of sentence correlates. This begs the question (...)
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  34. Odpowiedź recenzentowi.Andrzej Biłat - 2001 - Filozofia Nauki 4.
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    Od redakcji.Andrzej Biłat - 2016 - Studia Semiotyczne 30 (1):5-5.
    Niniejsze wydanie Studiów Semiotycznych jest pierwszym owocem procesu przekształcania czasopisma w zespołowo redagowany periodyk, ukazujący się jednocześnie drukiem i w Internecie. Podobnie jak wiele wcześniejszych tomów Studiów obecny numer zawiera artykuły badawcze z zakresu analitycznej filozofii języka oraz zastosowań metod semantycznych w filozofii. Numer zawiera także sprawozdanie z konferencji oraz – zgodnie z piękną tradycją Studiów sięgającą lat siedemdziesiątych ubiegłego wieku – wspomnienia o filozofach.
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    Od redaktora naczelnego.Andrzej Biłat - 2018 - Studia Semiotyczne 32 (1):5-5.
    Problematyka rozpraw, które udostępniamy Państwu w niniejszym numerze „Studiów Semiotycznych”, dotyczy takich zagadnień, jak argumentacja, potoczne rozumowania i publiczne debaty. Mieszczą się one w obrębie czterech dyscyplin bezpośrednio związanych z profilem „Studiów”: filozofii, językoznawstwa, psychologii oraz nauk o komunikacji społecznej i mediach. Interdyscyplinarny charakter prezentowanych badań jest zgodny z tradycją Czasopisma ukształtowaną przez Jerzego Pelca w latach 1970–2015 i kontynuowaną w ostatnich latach.
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    Od redaktora numeru.Andrzej Biłat - 2018 - Studia Semiotyczne 32 (2):5-8.
    Niniejszy numer „Studiów Semiotycznych” jest w całości poświęcony filozoficznej problematyce podstaw matematyki. Podjęte tematy dotyczą w szczególności kwestii natury przedmiotowego odniesienia terminów matematycznych, prawdy matematycznej i rozstrzygalności problemów matematycznych. Punktem odniesienia zdecydowanej większości rozpraw i esejów są znane twierdzenia limitacyjne Kurta Gödla.
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  38. Ontologia w filozofii logiki.Andrzej Biłat - 2004 - Ruch Filozoficzny 4 (4).
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  39. Pięć kwestii z zakresu teorii stanów rzeczy.Andrzej Biłat - 2001 - Filozofia Nauki 4.
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    The World as an Object of Formal Philosophy.Andrzej Biłat - 2019 - In Bartłomiej Skowron (ed.), Contemporary Polish Ontology. Berlin: De Gruyter. pp. 87-108.
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  41. Uwagi o języku i gramatyce. Szkic gramatyki formalnej.Andrzej Biłat - 1992 - Nowa Krytyka 3.
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  42. Situations, states of things and events.Andrzej Bilat - 2012 - Filozofia Nauki 20 (1).
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    O charlatanismo como problema estético-filosófico em Schopenhauer.Danilo Bilate de Carvalho - 2019 - Voluntas: Revista Internacional de Filosofia 10 (3):199.
    O objetivo deste texto é o de apresentar as questões filosóficas que giram em torno da acusação schopenhaueriana corriqueira de charlatanismo contra seus adversários. O estudo dessas questões-satélites mostra que o charlatanismo pode ser compreendido como um problema filosófico e não mero xingamento vazio de relevância teórica, como se entende comumente. Elas podem ser resumidas como questões estéticas ou retóricas, porque problematizam o estilo do texto filosófico, o seu uso e sua função comunicativa. Próximo do pedante e do sofista, o (...)
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  44. Book Review of 'Hermeneutic Rationality' by Maria Luisa Portocarrero, Luis António Umbelino, Andrezej Wiercinski. [REVIEW]María G. Navarro - forthcoming - LIT Verlag.
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    From imperial to international horizons: A hermeneutic study of bengali modernism.Kris Manjapra - 2011 - Modern Intellectual History 8 (2):327-359.
    This essay provides a close study of the international horizons of Kallol, a Bengali literary journal, published in post-World War I Calcutta. It uncovers a historical pattern of Bengali intellectual life that marked the period from the 1870s to the 1920s, whereby an imperial imagination was transformed into an international one, as a generation of intellectuals born between 1885 and 1905 reinvented the political category of . Hermeneutics, as a philosophically informed study of how meaning is created through conversation, and (...)
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  46. Odpowiedź na recenzję „Z Przewodnikiem po metafizyce”.Sebastian Tomasz Kołodziejczyk - 2012 - Filozofia Nauki 20 (1).
    Presented paper is my reply to Prof. Andrzej Biłat’s review of the book Przewodnik po metafizyce (A Companion to Metaphysics) edited by myself and published by WAM Press. It contains answers to both general and particular remarks and comments risen by Prof. Biłat.
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  47. Truth, states of affairs, and aspects. Roman Ingarden's ontology of truth and its interpretations.Konrad Werner - 2009 - Diametros:107-131.
    The article consists of three parts. The first is an outline of Roman Ingarden’s semantics, including the theory of the act of judging, the theory of semantic content, and his definition of truth. Ingarden developed his intuition about truth in two different ways. I emphasize this difference. In the second part I present a formal interpretation of Ingarden’s definition developed by Andrzej Biłat. In the third part I try to formulate my own interpretation using the category of aspect.
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    Voltaire philosophe: regards croisés.Sébastien Charles & Stéphane Pujol (eds.) - 2017 - Ferney-Voltaire: Centre international d'étude du XVIIIe siècle.
    Voltaire historien de la philosophie. De l'Antiquité au Grand Siècle Renan Laruc, Porphyre de Tyr, héros voltairien; Marc-André Nadeau, Défense et critique de Montaigne dans les Lettres philosophiques; Véronique Le Ru, Voltaire, lecteur de Descartes; Gerhardt Stenger, Un philosophe peut en cacher un autre: Malebranche et Spinoza dans Tout en Dieu; Lorenzo Bianchi, Voltaire lecteur et critique de Bayle; Miguel Benitez, Locke, Voltaire et la matière pensante; Claire Fauvergue, Voltaire et l'idée d'automate. Voltaire et la philosophie des Lumières Debora Sicco, (...)
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    The significance of the Culture Based Model in designing culturally aware tutoring systems.Patricia A. Young - 2011 - AI and Society 26 (1):35-47.
    Designing for culture through intelligent tutoring systems is on the rise. The needs of military personnel to communicate and understand cultures other than their own in deployments, missions, and work-related assignments have strongly encouraged the creation of culturally aware tutoring systems (CATS) that teach about other cultures. This paper critically analyzes three systems (i.e., ELECT-BiLAT, Tactical Iraqi, and VECTOR) and the frameworks that guided the design and development process. The examination reveals that there is a need for comprehensive guidelines to (...)
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