Results for 'Andrzej Szała'

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  1.  33
    Towards incorporating background theories into quantifier elimination.Andrzej Szalas - 2008 - Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics 18 (2-3):325-340.
    In the paper we present a technique for eliminating quantifiers of arbitrary order, in particular of first-order. Such a uniform treatment of the elimination problem has been problematic up to now, since techniques for eliminating first-order quantifiers do not scale up to higher-order contexts and those for eliminating higher-order quantifiers are usually based on a form of monotonicity w.r.t implication (set inclusion) and are not applicable to the first-order case. We make a shift to arbitrary relations “ordering” the underlying universe. (...)
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    Prawdziwość sądów generowanych przez teorie fizykalne.Andrzej Szała - 1987 - Roczniki Filozoficzne 35 (3):49-59.
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    On an automated translation of modal proof rules into formulas of the classical logic.Andrzej Szalas - 1994 - Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics 4 (2):119-127.
  4.  23
    Second-order reasoning in description logics.Andrzej Szalas - 2006 - Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics 16 (3-4):517-530.
    Description logics refer to a family of formalisms concentrated around concepts, roles and individuals. They belong to the most frequently used knowledge representation formalisms and provide a logical basis to a variety of well known paradigms. The main reasoning tasks considered in the area of description logics are those reducible to subsumption. On the other hand, any knowledge representation system should be equipped with a more advanced reasoning machinery. Therefore in the current paper we make a step towards integrating description (...)
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    Logical foundations and complexity of 4QL, a query language with unrestricted negation.Jan Maluszyński & Andrzej Szalas - 2011 - Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics 21 (2):211-232.
    The paper discusses properties of 4QL, a DATALOG⌉⌉-like query language, originally outlined by Maluszyński and Szalas (Maluszyński & Szalas, 2011). 4QL allows one to use rules with negation in heads and bodies of rules. It is based on a simple and intuitive semantics and provides uniform tools for “lightweight” versions of known forms of nonmonotonic reasoning. Negated literals in heads of rules may naturally lead to inconsistencies. On the other hand, rules do not have to attach meaning to some literals. (...)
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    Second-Order Quantifier Elimination in Higher-Order Contexts with Applications to the Semantical Analysis of Conditionals.Dov M. Gabbay & Andrzej Szałas - 2007 - Studia Logica 87 (1):37-50.
    Second-order quantifier elimination in the context of classical logic emerged as a powerful technique in many applications, including the correspondence theory, relational databases, deductive and knowledge databases, knowledge representation, commonsense reasoning and approximate reasoning. In the current paper we first generalize the result of Nonnengart and Szałas [17] by allowing second-order variables to appear within higher-order contexts. Then we focus on a semantical analysis of conditionals, using the introduced technique and Gabbay’s semantics provided in [10] and substantially using a third-order (...)
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  7.  64
    Approximate databases: a support tool for approximate reasoning.Patrick Doherty, Martin Magnusson & Andrzej Szalas - 2006 - Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics 16 (1-2):87-117.
    This paper describes an experimental platform for approximate knowledge databases called the Approximate Knowledge Database, based on a semantics inspired by rough sets. The implementation is based upon the use of a standard SQL database to store logical facts, augmented with several query interface layers implemented in JAVA through which extensional, intensional and local closed world nonmonotonic queries in the form of crisp or approximate logical formulas can be evaluated tractably. A graphical database design user interface is also provided which (...)
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    Dual forgetting operators in the context of weakest sufficient and strongest necessary conditions.Patrick Doherty & Andrzej Szałas - 2024 - Artificial Intelligence 326 (C):104036.
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  9.  41
    Annotation Theories over Finite Graphs.Dov M. Gabbay & Andrzej Szałas - 2009 - Studia Logica 93 (2):147-180.
    In the current paper we consider theories with vocabulary containing a number of binary and unary relation symbols. Binary relation symbols represent labeled edges of a graph and unary relations represent unique annotations of the graph's nodes. Such theories, which we call annotation theories^ can be used in many applications, including the formalization of argumentation, approximate reasoning, semantics of logic programs, graph coloring, etc. We address a number of problems related to annotation theories over finite models, including satisfiability, querying problem, (...)
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  10.  61
    Voting by Eliminating Quantifiers.Dov M. Gabbay & Andrzej Szałas - 2009 - Studia Logica 92 (3):365-379.
    Mathematical theory of voting and social choice has attracted much attention. In the general setting one can view social choice as a method of aggregating individual, often conflicting preferences and making a choice that is the best compromise. How preferences are expressed and what is the “best compromise” varies and heavily depends on a particular situation. The method we propose in this paper depends on expressing individual preferences of voters and specifying properties of the resulting ranking by means of first-order (...)
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  11.  54
    ExpTime Tableau Decision Procedures for Regular Grammar Logics with Converse.Linh Anh Nguyen & Andrzej Szałas - 2011 - Studia Logica 98 (3):387-428.
    Grammar logics were introduced by Fariñas del Cerro and Penttonen in 1988 and have been widely studied. In this paper we consider regular grammar logics with converse ( REG c logics) and present sound and complete tableau calculi for the general satisfiability problem of REG c logics and the problem of checking consistency of an ABox w.r.t. a TBox in a REG c logic. Using our calculi we develop ExpTime (optimal) tableau decision procedures for the mentioned problems, to which various (...)
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  12.  28
    Logics from rough sets.Mohua Banerjee, Mihir K. Chakraborty & Andrzej Szałas - 2024 - Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics 34 (2):171-173.
    Rough Sets were introduced by Z. Pawlak in the year 1982 with the intention to address knowledge representation and data processing from the angle of computation and decision making. The main idea...
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  13.  40
    Converse-PDL with regular inclusion axioms: a framework for MAS logics.Barbara Dunin-Kęplicz, Linh Anh Nguyen & Andrzej Szalas - 2011 - Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics 21 (1):61-91.
    In this paper we study automated reasoning in the modal logic CPDLreg which is a combination of CPDL (Propositional Dynamic Logic with Converse) and REGc (Regular Grammar Logic with Converse). The logic CPDL is widely used in many areas, including program verification, theory of action and change, and knowledge representation. On the other hand, the logic REGc is applicable in reasoning about epistemic states and ontologies (via Description Logics). The modal logic CPDLreg can serve as a technical foundation for reasoning (...)
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    S. Thomae Aquinatis Quaestiones disputatae de bono-De appetitu boni et voluntate.Andrzej Maryniarczyk - 2003 - Lublin: Wydawn. KUL. Edited by Aleksander Białek, Mieczysław Albert Krąpiec & Andrzej Maryniarczyk.
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    ``On a system of computer-aided instruction of logic''.Andrzej Trybulec - 1983 - Bulletin of the Section of Logic 12 (4):214-218.
    There are at least two reasons for the wide spread of CAI: 1. that the student is able to control his own process of learning due to immediate evaluation of his work and progress and 2. that evaluation is homogeneous, i.e. independent of subjective fac- tors, which compensates for possible lack of depth. Also, the psychology of man is such that he is less ashamed to be reprimanded for his errors by a machine than by another human being. It is (...)
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  16.  9
    (1 other version)Zarys logiki matematycznej.Andrzej Grzegorczyk - 1969 - Warszawa,: Państwowe Wydawn. Naukowe.
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    Liberalism in Poland.Andrzej Walicki - 1988 - Critical Review: A Journal of Politics and Society 2 (1):8-38.
  18.  50
    Some Classes of Recursive Functions.Andrzej Grzegorczyk - 1955 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 20 (1):71-72.
  19.  28
    (1 other version)A note on the theory of propositional types.Andrzej Grzegorczyk - 1964 - Fundamenta Mathematicae 54 (3):27-29.
  20. Implied Questions.Andrzej Wiśniewski - 1990 - Manuscrito 13 (2):23--38.
  21.  68
    Socratic Proofs for Quantifiers★.Andrzej Wiśniewski & Vasilyi Shangin - 2006 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 35 (2):147-178.
    First-order logic is formalized by means of tools taken from the logic of questions. A calculus of questions which is a counterpart of the Pure Calculus of Quantifiers is presented. A direct proof of completeness of the calculus is given.
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    What Did Central Banks Learn from Financial Crises?Andrzej Sławiński - 2021 - Studies in Logic, Grammar and Rhetoric 66 (4):497-512.
    During the global financial crisis of 2007–2009 and the currentCovid-19 debacle, central banks acted quickly, boldly, and effectively. The paper argues that they did so thanks to the lessons learned from the past financial crises, which provided them with opportunities to reconsider their previous beliefs. A case in point is the banking crisis in the United States during the Great Depression of the 1930s that taught central banks to act rapidly and decisively in order to prevent an initial liquidity crisis (...)
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  23. Logika modalna a dowód ontologiczny.Andrzej Biłat - 2012 - Filozofia Nauki 20 (1).
    The contemporary versions of the ontological argument originated from Charles Hartshorne are formalized proofs (in the metalogical sense of the word) based on unique modal theories. The simplest well-known theory of this kind arises from the system B of modal logic by adding two extra-logical axioms: (AA) “If the perfect being exists, then it necessarily exists” (Anselm’s Axiom) and (AL) “It is possible that the perfect being exists” (Leibniz’s Axiom). In the paper a similar argument is presented, however none of (...)
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  24. Adam Podgórecki, Socjotechnika a wartości. Uwagi metodologiczne.Andrzej Delorme - 1977 - Etyka 15.
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    Zadanie, metoda, rozwiązanie.Andrzej Góralski (ed.) - 1980 - Warszawa: Wydawn. Naukowo-Techniczne.
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    Our Eras.Andrzej Grzegorczyk & Franek Lyra - 2006 - Dialogue and Universalism 16 (7-9):155-156.
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    Constructivity of Endofunctors on Categories of Partial Enumerated Sets I. General Results.Andrzej Orlicki - 1991 - Zeitschrift fur mathematische Logik und Grundlagen der Mathematik 37 (19-22):307-316.
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    (1 other version)Some remarks on ω‐powers of enumerated sets and their applications to ω‐operations.Andrzej Orlicki - 1990 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 36 (2):149-161.
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  29. Poznanie a zmysły.Andrzej Półtawski - 1986 - Studia Filozoficzne 242 (1-2).
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  30. \\\"Mała encyklopedia filozofii. Pojęcia, problemy, kierunki, szkoły\\\", red. Stanisław Jedynak.Andrzej Kucner - 1997 - Humanistyka I Przyrodoznawstwo 3.
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  31.  12
    Filozofia transcendentalna między Heglem a Heideggerem: od teorii poznania do ontologii = Transcedental philosophy between Hegel and Heidegger: from epistemology to ontology.Andrzej Lisak - 2012 - Gdańsk: Wydawnictwo Politechniki Gdańskiej.
  32. Niewykorzystana szansa. O niedoszłym do skutku dialogu aksjologicznym Ingardena i Elzenberga.Andrzej Lorczyk - 2025 - Studia Philosophica Wratislaviensia 19 (3):95-102.
    In this paper, I take as a starting point an exchange between Henryk Elzenberg and Roman Ingarden concerning the mode of existence of values. Based on their correspondence, I attempt to trace the missed and lost opportunities for dialogue between the two great Polish axiologists. I demonstrate that while sharing an intense interest in the issue of the existence of values, they addressed them independently and in divergent ways. Following that, I also look at the posthu- mous fate of their (...)
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  33. O bałamutnej i nierzetelnej recenzji „O dobru”.Andrzej Maryniarczyk - 2004 - Diametros 2:222-228.
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    Wybrane aspekty konwersji semantycznej - przypadek tolerancji.Andrzej Stoiński - 2017 - Politeja 48:85-104.
    Tekst dotyczy procesu konwersji semantycznej, w wyniku którego sens tradycyjnej koncepcja tolerancji (negatywnej) jest zastępowany przez tak zwaną tolerancje pozytywną. W artykule analizowany jest podmiotowy i przedmiotowy aspekt tolerancji, trudności w pogodzeniu obu koncepcji tolerancji oraz problemy jakie generuje idea tolerancji pozytywnej. Wyróżnione zostały również proste i złożone przedmioty tolerancji.
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  35. Klasyczna definicja wiedzy a świadomość posiadanych przekonań.Andrzej Stępnik - 2009 - Studia Philosophiae Christianae 45 (2):139-154.
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  36. Richard Rorty (1931-2007). Wspomnienie.Andrzej Szahaj - 2007 - Studia Philosophica Wratislaviensia:17-24.
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  37. Normy i wyjątki: filozoficzne aspekty dyskusji wokół norm ogólnie ważnych we współczesnej teologii.Andrzej Szostek - 1980 - Lublin: Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski.
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    Rola natury czynu w argumentacji etycznej.Andrzej Szostek - 1979 - Roczniki Filozoficzne 27 (2):97-112.
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    Some Impredicative Definitions in the Axiomatic Set-Theory.Andrzej Mostowski - 1951 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 16 (4):274-275.
  40. Protestantyzm doby ekumenizmu.Andrzej Tokarczyk - 1969 - Człowiek I Światopogląd 2 (10):97-110.
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  41. Normatywny, opisowy, krytyczny.Andrzej Zalewski - Transcendentzlizm - 1992 - Principia 6.
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    Filozoficzne przesłanki holizmu historiozoficznego w myśli Augusta Cieszkowskiego.Andrzej Wawrzynowicz - 2010 - Poznań: Wydawn. Naukowe Uniwersytetu im. Adama Mickiewicza.
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    Uwaginie-etyka.Andrzej Wawrzyniak - 1983 - Roczniki Filozoficzne 31 (2):103-104.
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    Remarks on Hallden-completeness of modal and intermediate logics.Andrzej Wronski - 1976 - Bulletin of the Section of Logic 5 (4):126-129.
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  45. Classical concepts of existence. From Aristotle to the Present.Andrzej Bilat - 2012 - Filozofia Nauki 20 (1).
  46.  25
    Polish Democratic Thought in the Occupied Country 1939–1945.Andrzej Friszke - 2006 - Dialogue and Universalism 16 (7-9):79-87.
    Political thought of the war and occupation period continued the ideological and program searches started already before 1939. The concept of democracy was mostly associated with the values such as individual freedom, civil rights, safety of citizens, society of the state; cooperation among nations in the fields of politics, economy and protection of peace. The author deals with topics like: democratic international order; democratic political order and economic system. The author concludes the article with a few synthesizing remarks.
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  47. Problem intersubiektywności W świetle wspolczesnej neurokognitywistyki: Od neuronów lustrzanych po narrację.Andrzej Kapusta - 2008 - Studia Philosophiae Christianae 44 (2):127-164.
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    Neoneo-Kantianism—Transcendental Philosophy as a Reflection on Validity.Andrzej Lisak - 2013 - Dialogue and Universalism 23 (2):101-114.
    The article presents the philosophical thought of Rudolf Zocher, Wolfgang Cramer and Hans Wagner, whose theoretical stance can be dubbed Neoneo-Kantianism. The article investigates their philosophical output and argues that they developed a transcendental reflection of a different kind than that of Baden Neo-Kantianism. The transcendental reflection of Neoneo-Kantianism, especially in the work of Hans Wagner, takes on the topic of phenomenological inquiry and treats consciousness as a source of subject- object distinction, unlike Rickert and Windelband, who were developing transcendental (...)
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  49. Mechanika kwantowa a zdrowy rozsądek.Andrzej Łukasik - 2010 - Filozofia Nauki 18 (2).
    Quantum mechanics implies many paradoxes (e.g. Schrödinger's cat, double-slit experiment, non-locality) which are in contradiction to our ordinary experience. To comprehend quantum theory we must revise our understanding of such matters as the objective nature of reality, the nature of causality, and the nature of a complex system and its relation to its components. Finally, common sense seems to be an epistemo-logical obstacle in our understanding of the quantum picture of the world.
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  50. Katolickie imperium Rosji. O genezie i sensie teokratycznej utopii Sołowjowa.Andrzej Walicki - 1997 - Archiwum Historii Filozofii I Myśli Społecznej 42.
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