Results for 'Angela Grünberg'

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  1. Saying and Doing: Speech Actions, Speech Acts and Related Events.Gruenberg Angela - 2011 - European Journal of Philosophy 22 (2):173-199.
    The question which this paper examines is that of the correct scope of the claim that extra-linguistic factors (such as gender and social status) can block the proper workings of natural language. The claim that this is possible has been put forward under the apt label of silencing in the context of Austinian speech act theory. The ‘silencing’ label is apt insofar as when one’s ability to exploit the inherent dynamic of language is ‘blocked’ by one’s gender or social status (...)
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  2. Control, responsibility, and moral assessment.Angela Smith - 2008 - Philosophical Studies 138 (3):367 - 392.
    Recently, a number of philosophers have begun to question the commonly held view that choice or voluntary control is a precondition of moral responsibility. According to these philosophers, what really matters in determining a person’s responsibility for some thing is whether that thing can be seen as indicative or expressive of her judgments, values, or normative commitments. Such accounts might therefore be understood as updated versions of what Susan Wolf has called “real self views,” insofar as they attempt to ground (...)
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  3. Naturalizing Intentionality: Tracking Theories Versus Phenomenal Intentionality Theories.Angela Mendelovici & David Bourget - 2014 - Philosophy Compass 9 (5):325-337.
    This paper compares tracking and phenomenal intentionality theories of intentionality with respect to the issue of naturalism. Tracking theories explicitly aim to naturalize intentionality, while phenomenal intentionality theories generally do not. It might seem that considerations of naturalism count in favor of tracking theories. We survey key considerations relevant to this claim, including some motivations for and objections to the two kinds of theories. We conclude by suggesting that naturalistic considerations may in fact support phenomenal intentionality theories over tracking theories.
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  4. Animal Research that Respects Animal Rights: Extending Requirements for Research with Humans to Animals.Angela K. Martin - 2022 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 31 (1):59-72.
    The purpose of this article is to show that animal rights are not necessarily at odds with the use of animals for research. If animals hold basic moral rights similar to those of humans, then we should consequently extend the ethical requirements guiding research with humans to research with animals. The article spells out how this can be done in practice by applying the seven requirements for ethical research with humans proposed by Ezekiel Emanuel, David Wendler and Christine Grady to (...)
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  5. Attitudes, Tracing, and Control.Angela M. Smith - 2015 - Journal of Applied Philosophy 32 (2):115-132.
    There is an apparent tension in our everyday moral responsibility practices. On the one hand, it is commonly assumed that moral responsibility requires voluntary control: an agent can be morally responsible only for those things that fall within the scope of her voluntary control. On the other hand, we regularly praise and blame individuals for mental states and conditions that appear to fall outside the scope of their voluntary control, such as desires, emotions, beliefs, and other attitudes. In order to (...)
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    The problem of reflexivity in the sociology of science.Barry Gruenberg - 1978 - Philosophy of the Social Sciences 8 (4):321-343.
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    Genomic Data-Sharing Practices.Angela G. Villanueva, Robert Cook-Deegan, Jill O. Robinson, Amy L. McGuire & Mary A. Majumder - 2019 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 47 (1):31-40.
    Making data broadly accessible is essential to creating a medical information commons. Transparency about data-sharing practices can cultivate trust among prospective and existing MIC participants. We present an analysis of 34 initiatives sharing DNA-derived data based on public information. We describe data-sharing practices captured, including practices related to consent, privacy and security, data access, oversight, and participant engagement. Our results reveal that data-sharing initiatives have some distance to go in achieving transparency.
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  8. Conflicting Attitudes, Moral Agency, and Conceptions of the Self.Angela M. Smith - 2004 - Philosophical Topics 32 (1-2):331-352.
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    Science and the Public Mind.Benjamin C. Gruenberg - 1935 - Philosophy of Science 2 (3):383-383.
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  10. The phenomenological presuppositions of psychiatry and the meaning of life: The life-struggle for the light of the spirit.L. Gruenberg - 1996 - Analecta Husserliana 48:299-308.
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  11. (1 other version)Guilty Thoughts.Angela M. Smith - 2011 - In Carla Bagnoli, Morality and the Emotions. Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press UK.
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    Animal Vulnerability and its Ethical Implications: An Exploration.Angela K. Martin - 2019 - Journal of Applied Philosophy 38 (2):196-216.
    While human vulnerability has been discussed for some time in the contemporary philosophy and bioethics literature, animal vulnerability has received less attention. In this article, I investigate whether the concept of vulnerability, as it is currently used in bioethics, can be meaningfully extended to animals. Furthermore, I discuss the ethical implications of ascribing vulnerability to animals and I show what vulnerability discourse can add to debates on animal ethics. In a first step, I analyse the conditions of vulnerability ascription. By (...)
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  13. Character, blameworthiness, and blame: comments on George Sher’s In Praise of Blame.Angela M. Smith - 2008 - Philosophical Studies 137 (1):31-39.
    In his recent book, In Praise of Blame, George Sher argues (among other things) that a bad act can reflect negatively on a person if that act results in an appropriate way from that person's "character," and defends a novel "two-tiered" account of what it is to blame someone. In these brief comments, I raise some questions and doubts about each of these aspects of his rich and thought-provoking account.
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    Water Justice: A Multilayer Term and Its Role in Cooperation.Angela Kallhoff - 2014 - Analyse & Kritik 36 (2):367-382.
    In discussing water justice, this paper distinguishes four concepts of water justice: Distributive justice claims a fair share of water, ecological justice focuses on the integrity of water as a vulnerable resource, cultural justice addresses values attached to water reservoirs, and procedural justice explicates fair procedures in negotiating water conflicts. After having given an overview over recent contributions to the various meanings of water justice, the paper tries to answer the question of how standards of justice can be integrated into (...)
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  15. Decision-making under non-ideal circumstances: Establishing triage protocols for animal shelters.Angela K. Martin - 2023 - In Valéry Giroux, Angie Pepper & Kristin Voigt, The Ethics of Animal Shelters. New York, US: Oxford University Press.
    In this chapter, it is argued that some animal shelters fulfill the conditions that make triage protocols necessary, namely, the operation with limited financial budgets, space, medical resources, and staff. It is suggested that requirements presented for triage in humans can be fruitfully applied to the context of animal shelters. The focus lies on the criteria of maximizing benefit, justice, medical criteria, life-span considerations, fair decision-making, patient will, re-evaluation of triage decisions and changes in the therapeutic goal, and burden of (...)
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  16. Epidemics and food security: the duties of local and international communities.Angela K. Martin - 2021 - In Hanna Schübel & Ivo Wallimann-Helmer, Justice and food security in a changing climate. Wageningen Academic Publishers. pp. 408-413.
    Over 60% of all epidemics have a zoonotic origin, that is, they result from the transmission of infectious diseases from animals to humans. The spill-over of diseases often happens because humans exploit and use animals. In this article, I outline the four most common interfaces that favour the emergence and spread of zoonotic infectious diseases: wildlife hunting, small-scale farming, industrialised farming practices and live animal markets. I analyse which practices serve human food security – and thus have a non-trivial purpose (...)
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  17. Hume on Animals and the Rest of Nature.Angela Coventry & Avram Hiller - 2014 - In Elisa Aaltola & John Hadley, Animal Ethics and Philosophy: Questioning the Orthodoxy. New York: Rowman & Littlefield International. pp. 165-184..
    This paper develops a Humean environmental meta-ethic to apply to the animal world and, given some further considerations, to the rest of nature. Our interpretation extends Hume’s account of sympathy, our natural ability to sympathize with the emotions of others, so that we may sympathize not only with human beings but also animals, plants and ecosystems as well. Further, we suggest that Hume has the resources for an account of environmental value that applies to non-human animals, non-sentient elements of nature (...)
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    Relative Risk and Relatives' Risks in Genomic Medicine.Angela Fenwick, Shiri Shkedi-Rafid & Anneke Lucassen - 2016 - American Journal of Bioethics 16 (2):25-27.
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    Klimagerechtigkeit Und Klimaethik.Angela Kallhoff (ed.) - 2015 - De Gruyter.
    In der hoch aktuellen und international geführten Debatte um Klimagerechtigkeit präsentiert der Band die einschlägigen Positionen erstmals in deutscher Sprache. Fachvertreter aus der Ethik, der politischen Philosophie und den Klimawissenschaften diskutieren Prinzipien fairer Verteilungen, zukunftsweisende Kooperationsmodelle angesichts des globalen Klimawandels und ethische Reaktionen auf Vorschläge des Klima-Engineering.
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    Rescue Obligations and Collective Approaches: Complexities in Genomics.Angela Fenwick, Sandi Dheensa, Gillian Crawford, Shiri Shkedi-Rafid & Anneke Lucassen - 2015 - American Journal of Bioethics 15 (2):23-25.
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    (1 other version)The study of the soul between psychology and phenomenology in Edith Stein.Angela Ales Bello - 2001 - Recherches Husserliennes 15 (2):31-52.
    In the study of the soul between psychology and phenomenology in Edith Stein works it becomes clearer that it is only phenomenology that really comes to gripswith the question of psychic causality by correlating the two moments and it is therefore only phenomenology that can respond to Hume’s objections while yetremaining on his selfsame terrain. It is very important to distinguish between psychology and phenomenology and also to clarify the relationship between psyche and consciousness; there is thus reproposed the distinction (...)
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    Sobre la religión y lo religioso en la obra de Valle-Inclán.Ángela Ena Bordonada - 1998 - 'Ilu. Revista de Ciencias de Las Religiones 3:33.
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    9. Umweltethik nach Kant: Ein analogischer Ansatz.Angela Breitenbach - 2009 - In Die Analogie von Vernunft Und Naturthe Analogy of Reason and Natur: Eine Umweltphilosophie Nach Kant. Walter de Gruyter.
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    Describing our “humanness”: Can genetic science Alter what it means to be “human”?Angela Campbell, Kathleen Cranley Glass & Louis C. Charland - 1998 - Science and Engineering Ethics 4 (4):413-426.
    Over the past several decades, geneticists have succeeded in identifying the genetic mutations associated with disease. New strategies for treatment, including gene transfer and gene therapy, are under development. Although genetic science has been welcomed for its potential to predict and treat disease, interventions may become ethically objectionable if they threaten to alter characteristics that are distinctively human. Before we can determine whether or not a genetic technique carries this risk, we must clarify what it means to be “human”. This (...)
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  25. Tiepolo, Vico e il" mito di Venezia".Angela Castello & Alessandro Stile - 2009 - Bollettino Del Centro di Studi Vichiani 39 (2):73-101.
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    Hume: A Guide for the Perplexed.Angela Michelle Coventry - 2007 - New York: Continuum.
    A student guide that covers the full range of Hume's major works and ideas, including detailed examination of his influential contributions to epistemology and metaphysics.
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  27. Hume’s Empiricist Inner Epistemology: A Reassessment of The Copy Principle.Angela Coventry & Tom Seppalainen - 2012 - In Alan Bailey & Dan O'Brien, The Continuum Companion to Hume. Continuum. pp. 38--56.
    Vivacity, the “liveliness” of perceptions, is central to Hume’s epistemology. Hume equated belief with vivid ideas. Vivacity is a conscious quality so believable ideas are felt to be lively. Hume’s empiricism revolves around a phenomenological, inner epistemology. Through copying, Hume bases vivacity in impressions. Sensory vivacity also concerns liveliness or patterns of change. Through learnt skillful use, it tracks change specific to intentional sense-perceptual experience, Hume’s “coherent and constant” complex impressions. Copying, in turn, communicates the conscious skill of vivacity to (...)
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  28. (1 other version)Remaking responsibility: complexity and scattered causes in human agency.Angela Coventry & Joshua Fost - 2013 - Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Philosophy: Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow 1.
    Contrary to intuitions that human beings are free to think and act with “buck-stopping” freedom, philosophers since Holbach and Hume have argued that universal causation makes free will nonsensical. Contemporary neuroscience has strengthened their case and begun to reveal subtle and counterintuitive mechanisms in the processes of conscious agency. Although some fear that determinism undermines moral responsibility, the opposite is true: free will, if it existed, would undermine coherent systems of justice. Moreover, deterministic views of human choice clarify the conditions (...)
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    Elizabeth Blackburn and the Story of Telomeres: Deciphering the Ends of DNA.Angela N. H. Creager - 2010 - Annals of Science 67 (2):265-268.
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    Owning solutions: a collaborative model to improve quality in hospital care for Aboriginal Australians.Angela Durey, Dianne Wynaden, Sandra C. Thompson, Patricia M. Davidson, Dawn Bessarab & Judith M. Katzenellenbogen - 2012 - Nursing Inquiry 19 (2):144-152.
    DUREY A, WYNADEN D, THOMPSON SC, DAVIDSON PM, BESSARAB D and KATZENELLENBOGEN JM. Nursing Inquiry 2012; 19: 144–152 [Epub ahead of print]Owning solutions: a collaborative model to improve quality in hospital care for Aboriginal AustraliansWell‐documented health disparities between Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander (hereafter referred to as Aboriginal) and non‐Aboriginal Australians are underpinned by complex historical and social factors. The effects of colonisation including racism continue to impact negatively on Aboriginal health outcomes, despite being under‐recognised and under‐reported. Many Aboriginal people (...)
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  31. Organizational cybernetics as a tool box to assist in the development of evolutionary learning networks.Angela Espinosa - 2004 - World Futures 60 (1 & 2):137 – 145.
    Organizational cybernetics offers theoretical and methodological support for self-organizing communities seeking to contribute to the conscious evolution of society. Previous experiences with the Viable Systems Model (VSM) and Team Syntegrity (TS) illustrate ways of enabling social networks to create a shared language, reach democratic agreements, and develop knowledge networks.
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    Clinical Ethics Committee Case 11: Is the insertion of a percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy in our patient's best interests?Angela Fenwick - 2010 - Clinical Ethics 5 (3):118-121.
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    Crítica de libros.Ángela Lorena Fuster, Ester Jordana, Matías Sirczuk, José Luis Delgado Rojo, Marina López, Rocío Orsi, Alfredo Bergés, Clara Fernández Díaz-Rincón, Antonio Campillo Meseguer, Fernando Broncano, M. Teresa López de la Vieja & Carmen Rivera Parra - 2013 - Isegoría 49 (49):683-732.
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    Regras e Ordem do Mercado nas visoes de Adam Smith e F.A. Hayek.Ángela Ganem - 2006 - Endoxa 1 (21):295.
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  35. Doing genre: praxeologische Perspektiven auf Gattungen und Gattungsdynamiken.Angela Gencarelli (ed.) - 2024 - Boston: De Gruyter.
    Literarische Gattungen existieren nicht einfach so, sondern sie werden vielmehr 'gemacht'. Der Band perspektiviert Gattungen und ihre wechselvollen Dynamiken von daher praxeologisch und nimmt sie als Ergebnis spezifischer Praktiken der Produktion, Distribution, Klassifikation und Wertung durch unterschiedliche Akteur*innen des Literatursystems und der Literaturwissenschaft in den Blick.
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    Plant hormones and homeoboxes: bridging the gap?Angela Hay, Judith Craft & Miltos Tsiantis - 2004 - Bioessays 26 (4):395-404.
    Plant hormones are signalling molecules that control growth and development. Growth of the aerial parts of higher plants requires the continuous activity of the shoot apical meristem, a small mound of cells at the apex of a plant. KNOTTED1‐like HOMEOBOX (KNOX) genes are involved in regulating meristem activity, however, little is known about how this regulation is mediated. Recent evidence suggests that KNOX transcription factors may control meristem development by regulating the balance of activities of multiple hormones. BioEssays 26:395–404, 2004. (...)
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    Gründe und Motive.Angela Kallhoff, Christoph Halbig & Andreas Vieth - 2008 - In Angela Kallhoff, Christoph Halbig & Andreas Vieth, Ethik Und Die Möglichkeit Einer Guten Weltethics and the Possibility of a Good World: Eine Kontroverse Um Die „Konkrete Ethik“. Walter de Gruyter.
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    Kann die Konkrete Ethik auf den kategorischen Imperativ verzichten?Angela Kallhoff, Christoph Halbig & Andreas Vieth - 2008 - In Angela Kallhoff, Christoph Halbig & Andreas Vieth, Ethik Und Die Möglichkeit Einer Guten Weltethics and the Possibility of a Good World: Eine Kontroverse Um Die „Konkrete Ethik“. Walter de Gruyter.
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    Martha C. Nussbaum: ethics and political philosophy: lecture and colloquium in Münster 2000.Angela Kallhoff (ed.) - 2001 - New Brunswick: Distributed in North America by Transaction Publishers.
    Duties of Justice, Duties of Material Aid: Cicero's Problematic Legacy1 Martha C . Nussbaum I. The Statesmen's Bible A child born this year in the United ...
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    Umkämpfte Gestalt einer guten Welt.Angela Kallhoff, Christoph Halbig & Andreas Vieth - 2008 - In Angela Kallhoff, Christoph Halbig & Andreas Vieth, Ethik Und Die Möglichkeit Einer Guten Weltethics and the Possibility of a Good World: Eine Kontroverse Um Die „Konkrete Ethik“. Walter de Gruyter.
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  41. (1 other version)Enthüllung oder Verkleidung des Selbst? Aspekte einer Soziologie der Mode.Angela Keppler - 1995 - Deutsche Vierteljahrsschrift für Literaturwissenschaft Und Geistesgeschichte. Jg 68:392-403.
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    Negotiating the Inhuman: Bakhtin, Materiality and the Instrumentalization of Climate Change.Angela Last - 2013 - Theory, Culture and Society 30 (2):60-83.
    The article argues that the work of literary theorist Mikhail M. Bakhtin presents a starting point for thinking about the instrumentalization of climate change. Bakhtin’s conceptualization of human–world relationships, encapsulated in the concept of ‘cosmic terror’, places a strong focus on our perception of the ‘inhuman’. Suggesting a link between the perceived alienness and instability of the world and in the exploitation of the resulting fear of change by political and religious forces, Bakhtin asserts that the latter can only be (...)
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  43. A força do apelo do rosto Lévinasiano em contextos organizacionais marcados pela abertura à diferença.Angela Cristina Salgueiro Marques & Frederico Vieira - 2025 - Logos: Comuniação e Univerisdade 31 (3).
    Nosso intuito neste texto é elaborar uma reflexão que possa mostrar como o enigma configurado pela proximidade do outro, do diferente, pode perturbar e afetar ambientes organizacionais frequentemente hierarquizados e desiguais. A partir de estudo de caso do programa de Trainee exclusivo para pessoas negras colocado em prática pelo Magazine Luiza, investigamos como as ações de Luiza Trajano demonstram uma tensão entre a escuta do Rosto (Lévinas, Han, Ribeiro) e a reprodução de estratégias e ideologias neoliberais. De um lado, o (...)
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    Symposium on Public Health Law Surveillance: The Nexus of Information Technology and Public Health Law.Angela McGowan, Michael Schooley, Helen Narvasa, Jocelyn Rankin & Daniel M. Sosin - 2003 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 31 (S4):41-42.
    The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s goal is to develop a surveillance system of public health laws that would both support research and analysis among policymakers and legislators, and support the scientific basis for public health law. This session was convened, in part, to discuss the value of creating an electronic system to track public health legal information. Public health surveillance is the “ongoing, systematic collection, analysis, interpretation, and dissemination of data regarding a health-related event for use in public (...)
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    Feminism, Postmodernism and the Real Me.Angela McRobbie - 1993 - Theory, Culture and Society 10 (4):127-142.
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    Coscienza tattile: Maurice Merleau-Ponty e l'essere nell'arte.Angela Nunzella - 2019 - Firenze: Edizioni Polistampa.
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    Neuroestetica: bellezza, arte e cervello.Angela Savino - 2020 - Palermo: Nuova Ipsa editore. Edited by Ottavio De Clemente.
    Il testo si apre con una breve descrizione divulgativa della biologia della visione, dalla percezione delle linee complesse ai colori, e di come questa si sia evoluta nel corso dei millenni, da meccanismo pro-sopravvivenza legato all'analisi dell’ambiente naturale e dei propri simili, a strumento di valutazione e apprezzamento della composizione artistica. Indaga le analogie tra lo sviluppo del cervello nei bambini affetti da disturbi dello spettro affettivo e relazionale (autismo) e le rappresentazioni iconografiche degli uomini primitivi, dal paleolitico al neolitico. (...)
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    Evaluation and stance in war news: A linguistic analysis of American, British and Italian television news reporting of the 2003 Iraqi War.Angela Smith - 2010 - Critical Discourse Studies 7 (1):85-86.
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    Contemporary cosmopolitanism.Angela Taraborrelli - 2015 - New York: Bloomsbury Academic.
    Contemporary Cosmopolitanism is the first, much-needed, introduction to contemporary political cosmopolitanism. Although it has its roots in classical philosophy and politics, Cosmopolitanism has undergone a major revival in the last forty years, stirring far-reaching and intense international debates.Cosmopolitanism is a way of thought and life which entails an identification of the individual with the whole humankind, and implies a moral obligation to promote social and political justice at the global level. Contemporary cosmopolitanism reflects a global state that is already in (...)
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    Capitalism, Critical Theory, and Migration.Angela Taraborrelli - forthcoming - Philosophy and Public Issues - Filosofia E Questioni Pubbliche.
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