Results for 'Angelo Mascherpa'

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  1.  6
    Cinema e filosofia: i grandi temi della filosofia "visti" sullo schermo.Angelo Mascherpa - 2022 - Milano, Italy: FrancoAngeli.
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    Aspetti deli’etica matrimoniale di Fulgenzio di Ruspe.Angelo De Nicola - 1978 - Augustinianum 18 (2):361-382.
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    L'educazione dell'uomo completo: scritti in onore di Mario Alighiero Manacorda.Mario Alighiero Manacorda & Angelo Semeraro (eds.) - 2001 - [Milan?]: La Nuova Italia.
  4.  53
    Assessing the performance of ChatGPT in bioethics: a large language model’s moral compass in medicine.Jamie Chen, Angelo Cadiente, Lora J. Kasselman & Bryan Pilkington - 2024 - Journal of Medical Ethics 50 (2):97-101.
    Chat Generative Pre-Trained Transformer (ChatGPT) has been a growing point of interest in medical education yet has not been assessed in the field of bioethics. This study evaluated the accuracy of ChatGPT-3.5 (April 2023 version) in answering text-based, multiple choice bioethics questions at the level of US third-year and fourth-year medical students. A total of 114 bioethical questions were identified from the widely utilised question banks UWorld and AMBOSS. Accuracy, bioethical categories, difficulty levels, specialty data, error analysis and character count (...)
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  5. Offensiphobia.J. Angelo Corlett - 2018 - The Journal of Ethics 22 (2):113-146.
    This essay provides a critical philosophical assessment of “offensiphobia,” which is the belief that higher educational academic freedom ought to be to some important extent censured because of the mere offensiveness of certain kinds of expressions, whether those expressions are perceived as being racist, sexist, etc., effectively holding that the offensiveness of such expressions is a sufficient condition to justify its prohibition. This paper concisely sets forth the general legal parameters of the United States constitutional First Amendment right to freedom (...)
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  6. Analyzing social knowledge.J. Angelo Corlett - 2007 - Social Epistemology 21 (3):231 – 247.
    In the tradition of justified true belief theory, I provide an epistemic responsibility-based philosophical analysis of collective knowledge which is both coherentist and reliabilist.
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    La concezione e la storia del male nel Contra Gentes - De Incarnatione di S. Atanasio.Angelo De Nicola - 1976 - Augustinianum 16 (1):85-106.
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  8. Responsibility in Law and Morality.J. Angelo Corlett - 2003 - Mind 112 (446):328-331.
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    Academic Placement Data and Analysis: 2017 Final Report.Carolyn Dicey Jennings, Patrice Cobb, Pablo Contreras Kallens & Angelo Kyrilov - 2017 - APA Grant Funds: Previously Funded Projects.
    Academic Placement Data and Analysis (APDA) has released its complete 2017 Final Report, an 81-page document that collects data on PhD-granting philosophy programs (including ratings by former students, placement rates, and diversity) and the discipline as a whole (including hiring networks, placement maps, cluster analyses of programs, job descriptions, non-academic hiring). The report was created by Carolyn Dicey Jennings, Patrice Cobb, Pablo Contreras Kallens, and Angelo Kyrilov, all of University of California, Merced. (from Daily Nous).
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  10. Race, racism, and reparations.J. Angelo Corlett - 2005 - Journal of Social Philosophy 36 (4):568–585.
  11. Collapse Models:a theoretical, experimental and philosophical review.Mauro Dorato, Angelo Bassi & Hendrik Ulbricht - 2023 - Entropy 25 (645):1.
    In this paper, we review and connect the three essential conditions needed by the collapse model to achieve a complete and exact formulation, namely the theoretical, the experimental, and the ontological ones. These features correspond to the three parts of the paper. In any empirical science, the first two features are obviously connected but, as is well known, among the different formulations and interpretations of non-relativistic quantum mechanics, only collapse models, as the paper well illustrates with a richness of details, (...)
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    A tentative I/O curve with consciousness: Effects of multiple simultaneous ambiguous figures presentation on perceptual reversals and time estimation.Anita D'Anselmo, Angelo Pisani & Alfredo Brancucci - 2022 - Consciousness and Cognition 99 (C):103300.
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    The Role of Philosophy in Academic Ethics.J. Angelo Corlett - 2014 - Journal of Academic Ethics 12 (1):1-14.
    This paper seeks to provide some of the roles of philosophy in the field of academic ethics.
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  14. A Road Map of Interval Temporal Logics and Duration Calculi.Valentin Goranko, Angelo Montanari & Guido Sciavicco - 2004 - Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics 14 (1-2):9-54.
    We survey main developments, results, and open problems on interval temporal logics and duration calculi. We present various formal systems studied in the literature and discuss their distinctive features, emphasizing on expressiveness, axiomatic systems, and (un)decidability results.
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    Ethical issues in journal Peer-review.J. Angelo Corlett - 2005 - Journal of Academic Ethics 2 (4):355-366.
    In some recent articles, Dr. Leigh Turner [Doffing the Mask: Why Manuscript Reviewers Ought to Be Identifiable,” Journal of Academic Ethics, 1 (2003), pp. 41–48; “Promoting F.A.I.T.H. in Peer Review: Five Core Attributes in Effective Peer Review,” Journal of Academic Ethics, 1 (2003), pp. 181–188.] makes some rather critical observations regarding the processes of peer-review in academic journals. I shall note them in turn, note wherein I concur and wherein I disagree, and discuss some of Turner's suggestions to resolve such (...)
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  16.  82
    The good professor.J. Angelo Corlett - 2005 - Journal of Academic Ethics 3 (1):27-54.
    This paper seeks to provide a philosophical analysis of the features of an excellent professor, but a well-balanced one, professionally speaking. What makes for excellence in research, teaching and service is explored in some detail, with attention paid to the contexts of four-year colleges and comprehensive universities in the united states.
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    Epistemology, psychology, and Goldman.J. Angelo Corlett - 1991 - Social Epistemology 5 (2):91 – 100.
  18.  27
    Law Without Law or “Just” Limit Theorems?Sergio Caprara & Angelo Vulpiani - 2018 - Foundations of Physics 48 (9):1112-1127.
    About 35 years ago Wheeler introduced the motto “law without law” to highlight the possibility that Physics may be understood only following regularity principles and few relevant facts, rather than relying on a treatment in terms of fundamental theories. Such a proposal can be seen as part of a more general attempt summarized by the slogan “it from bit”, which privileges the information as the basic ingredient. Apparently it seems that it is possible to obtain, without the use of physical (...)
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  19. Making sense of retributivism.J. Angelo Corlett - 2001 - Philosophy 76 (1):77-110.
    This paper explicates and challenges John Rawl's argument concerning a rule-utilitarian theory of punishment. In so doing, it argues in favour of a retributivist theory of punishment, one that seeks to justify, not only particular forms of punishment, but the institution of punishment itself. Some crucial objections to retributivism are then considered: one regarding the adverse effects of punishment on the innocent, another concerning proportional punishment, a third pertaining to vengeance and retribution, a Marxian concern with retributive punishment, and a (...)
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    Searle on Human Rights.J. Angelo Corlett - 2016 - Social Epistemology 30 (4):440-463.
    This article is a critical philosophical assessment of John Searle’s theory of human rights as it is articulated both in his earlier book, The Construction of Social Reality and especially in his more recent book, Making the Social World.
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    Profiling Color.J. Angelo Corlett - 2011 - The Journal of Ethics 15 (1-2):21 - 32.
    This paper examines philosophically the nature and possible moral justification of racial profiling in terms of color profiling. Precisely what is such profiling, and can it ever be morally justified? If so, under what conditions is it morally justified?
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    Las lecciones sobre estética de Hegel: discrepancias fundamentales entre la edición de Hotho y los Nachschriften.Italo Angelo Debernardi Cárcamo - 2020 - Aisthesis 67:9-30.
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  23. Self-Efficacy and Academic Resilience Among Grade 12 Students in a Private School: A Correlational Study.Michael Angelo Valentin, Ruelma Velasco, Christia Jhean Robles, Princess Noren Canlas, Junizhel Paraguya & Jhoselle Tus - 2023 - Psychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journal 11 (2):225-231.
    The learning process of both students and teachers can be predicted based on the learning mode. Therefore, because of the COVID-19 pandemic, schools must start using online learning and abandon more traditional teaching techniques. Thus, this study investigates the relationship between self-efficacy and academic resilience among 150 senior high school students. Thus, the researchers employed General Self-Efficacy and Resilience Scale. Finally, the statistical analysis reveals that the r coefficient of 0.78 indicates a high positive correlation between the variables. The p-value (...)
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  24. The introduction of the moral psychology in the ergon argument.Angelo Antonio Pires De Oliveira - 2020 - Rónai 8 (2):375-391.
    In this paper, I discuss in detail one of the first conclusions drawn by Aristotle in the ergonargument. The paper provides an in-depth approach to Nicomachean Ethics’ lines 1098a3-4, where one reads: “λείπεταιδὴπρακτικήτιςτοῦλόγονἔχοντος”. I divide the discussion into two parts. In the first part, I put under scrutiny how one should take the word “πρακτική” and argue that one should avoid taking this word as meaning “practical” in the passage. I will argue in favor of taking it as meaning “active”. (...)
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    Interpreting Plato's dialogues.J. Angelo Corlett - 2005 - Las Vegas: Parmenides.
    Introduction : approaching Plato's dialogues -- The mouthpiece interpretation -- The anti-mouthpiece interpretation -- A Socratic interpretation of the concept of art as mimesis -- Conclusion : appreciating Plato's dialogues.
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    Surviving evil: Jewish, african, and native americans.J. Angelo Corlett - 2001 - Journal of Social Philosophy 32 (2):207–223.
  27.  8
    A educação do homem interior.Daiane Costa & Angelo Vitório Cenci - 2021 - Educação E Filosofia 35 (73):273-299.
    A educação do homem interior: O cultivo da vontade em Agostinho de Hipona Resumo: O estudo aqui apresentado tem como objetivo principal a investigação da formação humana nas obras filosóficas Comentários Literal ao Gênesis, A Trindade e O livre-arbítrio, de Agostinho de Hipona. Para isso, aborda-se a noção da antropologia do referido autor; a sua compreensão de corpo e alma (dimensão humana no homem animal) e, por último, objetiva-se explicitar alguns pressupostos de uma educação do ser humano orientada a uma (...)
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    Raman spectroscopic and low-temperature calorimetric investigation of the low-energy vibrational dynamics of hen egg-white lysozyme.C. Crupi, G. D’Angelo, U. Wanderlingh & C. Vasi - 2011 - Philosophical Magazine 91 (13-15):1956-1965.
  29.  33
    Considerações sobre O método, a ordem E o entendimento em René Descartes E benedictus de Spinoza.Emanuel Angelo da Rocha Fragoso - 2006 - Estudios de Filosofía (Universidad de Antioquia) 33:53-64.
    El orden geométrico consiste en partir de definiciones y axiomas evidentes por sí mismos. El paralelismo entre ambos órdenes en el sistema de Spinoza, el ordo cognoscendi y el ordo essendi, hace posible postular la intensidad total de lo real, implicando necesariamente una semejanza entre el entendimiento finito, en cuanto productor del primer orden, y el entendimiento infinito, en cuanto productor del segundo orden, ausente en el cartesianismo. Martial Gueroult afirma el método como geométrico en Descartes porque obedece estrictamente a (...)
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    La religione nella vita dello spirito.E. Paolo Lamanna, Domenico Pesce & Angelo Scivoletto - 1967 - Firenze,: F. Le Monnier. Edited by Domenico Pesce & Angelo Scivoletto.
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    Comparative probability for conditional events: A new look through coherence.Giulianella Coletti, Angelo Gilio & Romano Scozzafava - 1993 - Theory and Decision 35 (3):237-258.
  32.  24
    Interpreting Plato's dialogues.J. Angelo Corlett - 1997 - Classical Quarterly 47 (2):423-437.
    The history of scholarship, philosophical or otherwise, about Plato and his writings reveals a quandary pertaining to the interpretation of the contents of Plato's dialogues. To understand Plato one must come to terms with this problem: how ought Plato's writings to be interpreted?
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    Latino identity.J. Angelo Corlett - 1999 - Public Affairs Quarterly 13 (3):273-295.
  34.  56
    Raimo Tuomela’s Social Ontology.J. Angelo Corlett & Julia Lyons Strobel - 2017 - Social Epistemology 31 (6):557-571.
    This paper summarizes some of the major concepts of Raimo Tuomela’s social ontology as it is articulated and defended in his most recent major works and provides a set of objections to it. It also suggests some ways to plausibly revise Tuomela’s analysis of social groups in order to evade our concerns.
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  35. Rare but routine: The physician's obligation to protect third parties.Elmer D. Abbo & Angelo E. Volandes - 2006 - American Journal of Bioethics 6 (2):34 – 36.
    Kenneth Kipnis (2006) presents a normative defense of strict confidentiality, but it follows from an empirical claim that allowing breach would result in all parties being worse off, including, par...
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    Habituation and Upbringing in the Nicomachean Ethics.Angelo Antonio Pires de Oliveira - 2024 - Ancient Philosophy 44 (1):169-183.
    I critically examine developmental approaches to the notion of habituation in the Nicomachean Ethics. Such approaches conceive of habituation in terms of upbringing. I challenge this view. Developmental approaches provide a restrictive view of habituation. I argue that it is possible for the habituation of character to occur after upbringing. My interpretation avoids the charge that Aristotle only granted the possibility of virtue to those who have had a good upbringing.
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    Conditional events with vague information in expert systems.Giulianella Coletti, Angelo Gilio & Romano Scozzafava - 1991 - In Bernadette Bouchon-Meunier, Ronald R. Yager & Lotfi A. Zadeh (eds.), Uncertainty in Knowledge Bases: 3rd International Conference on Information Processing and Management of Uncertainty in Knowledge-Based Systems, IPMU'90, Paris, France, July 2 - 6, 1990. Proceedings. Springer. pp. 106--114.
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    Corporate responsibility and punishment.J. Angelo Corlett - 1988 - Public Affairs Quarterly 2 (1):1-16.
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    Preface Bridging a Gulf (... or Perhaps Two!).Mauro Dorato & Angelo Cei - 2012 - European Journal of Analytic Philosophy 8 (1):4-13.
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  40. Benedictus de Spinoza e o método geométrico.Emanuel Angelo Fragoso - 2004 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 60 (1):47-59.
    A partir de uma análise da obra de Francis Kaplan L'Étique de Spinoza et Ia méthode Géométrique, complementada com análises de comentadores clássicos do Espinosismo, como por exemplo, Victor Delbos e Harry Austryn Wolfson, entre outros, o autor procura traçar um historial da utilização do método ou da ordem geométrica, por parte de diversos pensadores, visando apontar, reconhecer ou apenas supor, uma possível influência sobre Bento de Espinosa. /// Starting from Francis Kaplan's analysis in his work L'Étique de Spinoza et (...)
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    Olympia and the olympieia: the origin and the dissemination of Olympian Zeus' cult in Greece in the sixth and fifth centuries B.C.Lilian de Angelo Laky - 2008 - Archai: Revista de Estudos Sobre as Origens Do Pensamento Ocidental 1:61-71.
    The goal of this article is to present the dissertation research which studies the Olympian Zeus’ temples built during the sixth and fifth centuries B.C. The intention is to understand how Olympia was responsible for the origin and dissemination of Olympian Zeus´cult through the Greek world. From the poleis survey that consecrated these temples to the deity and by the mapping of the cult in association to textual informations we will discuss the Olympios epiteth and the name Olympieion, the spacial (...)
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  42. A experiência estética e a formação humana numa perspectifa monista em Dewey // DOI: 10.18226/21784612.v24.e019008.Aline Franciele Morigi & Angelo Vitório Cenci - 2019 - Conjectura: Filosofia E Educação 24:019008.
    O presente artigo trata da relação entre experiência estética e formação humana a partir da abordagem de John Dewey e tem como objetivo demonstrar as contribuições da experiência estética para a formação humana, a partir da perspectiva monista deste autor. Para dar conta desse propósito, tomamos como referência principal a sua obra Arte como Experiência e, como complementares, Democracia e Educação, Experiência e educação e Vida e Educação. O artigo aborda, inicialmente, a relação entre a experiência estética e o papel (...)
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  43. Alienation in capitalist society.J. Angelo Corlett - 1988 - Journal of Business Ethics 7 (9):699 - 701.
    In a recent paper in this journal Charles B. Saunders et al. argue that corporations have no social responsibility regarding alienation in the workplace in that there is no significant degree of alienation in the workplace, at least in white collar and management level positions in corporate America.Contrary to Saunders et al., this paper defines the concept of alienation. Having done that, it proceeds to show that the argument Saunders et al. make flounders on logical grounds. I conclude that Saunders (...)
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  44. Foundations of a Kantian theory of punishment.J. Angelo Corlett - 1993 - Southern Journal of Philosophy 31 (3):263-283.
    It has recently been argued that there is probably no theory of punishment to be found in Immanuel Kant’s writings, but that “if one selects carefully among the many remarks and insights that Kant has left us about crime and punishment, one might even be able to build such an edifice from the bricks provided.” In this paper, I seek to provide part of a foundation of a Kantian theory of punishment, one which is consistent with many, if not all, (...)
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  45. The Philosophy of Joel Feinberg.J. Angelo Corlett - 2006 - The Journal of Ethics 10 (1-2):131-191.
    This paper is offered as a tribute to Joel Feinberg. The first section of the paper applies Feinberg's analysis of freedom of expression to a contemporary case of academic freedom. The second section engages Feinberg's work on rights and punishment. The paper ends with numerous quotations from Feinberg's vast array of writings, words that express his ideas on a number of important problems that occupied his mind throughout his fruitful and influential career.
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    Affirmative Action in Business.J. Angelo Corlett - 2021 - In Deborah C. Poff & Alex C. Michalos (eds.), Encyclopedia of Business and Professional Ethics. Springer Verlag. pp. 44-48.
  47. Divine Justice and Human Sin.J. Angelo Corlett - 2017 - Philosophy and Theology 29 (1):133-145.
    This paper challenges the claim that the traditional Christian (Augustinian, Thomistic, Anselmian) idea of hell as a form of eternal punishment (damnation and torment) for human sin cannot be made consistent with the idea of proportionate punishment, and it raises concerns with the notion that divine justice requires divine forgiveness and mercy. It argues that divine justice entails or at least permits retribution as the meting out of punishment by God to those who deserve it in proportion to the degree (...)
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    Goldman and the foundations of social epistemology.J. Angelo Corlett - 1994 - Argumentation 8 (2):145-156.
    This essay argues that Alvin I. Goldman's truth-linked theory of group knowledge (veritism) omits individual components of social cognition, that all group based theories of knowledge lead to scepticism, and that if any sense is to be made of social knowledge, it must be done on individualist lines. I argue that Goldman's veritism can be reconstructed by adopting a reliabilist theory,social reliabilism. And I argue that Goldman's objections to a particular sort of consensualism are not telling. So there are now (...)
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    Liberating Liberation Theologies.J. Angelo Corlett & Marisa Diaz-Waian - 2013 - Philosophy and Theology 25 (1):3-32.
    Some recently articulated American Christian liberation theolo­gies maintain that they seek justice for the oppressed. But such “justice” fails to encompass the respecting of certain rights of the oppressed to compensation from their oppressors. The right of the oppressed to holistic (including compensatory) reparations from their oppressors is explored in terms of why liberation theologies ought to, among other things, respect and embrace such a right. For economic issues, both distributive and compensatory, are inseparable from oppression-based poverty and hence inseparable (...)
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    Rawls and Habermas on the cosmopolitan condition.J. Angelo Corlett, Mark Norzagary & Jeffrey Sharpless - 2010 - Philosophical Forum 41 (4):459-477.
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