Results for 'Annalisa Colonna'

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  1.  23
    The Effects of Sleep on Emotional Target Detection Performance: A Novel iPad-Based Pediatric Game.Annalisa Colonna, Anna B. Smith, Stuart Smith, Kirandeep VanDenEshof, Jane Orgill, Paul Gringras & Deb K. Pal - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Novel mechanisms, treatments, and outcome measures in childhood sleep.Annalisa Colonna, Anna B. Smith, Deb K. Pal & Paul Gringras - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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    Extended Rationality: A Hinge Epistemology.Annalisa Coliva - 2015 - London, England: Palgrave-Macmillan.
    Extended Rationality: A Hinge Epistemology provides a novel account of the structure of epistemic justification. Its central claim builds upon Wittgenstein's idea in On Certainty that epistemic justifications hinge on some basic assumptions and that epistemic rationality extends to these very hinges. It exploits these ideas to address major problems in epistemology, such as the nature of perceptual justifications, external world skepticism, epistemic relativism, the epistemic status of basic logical laws, of the Principle of the Uniformity of Nature, of our (...)
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  4. Disagreement unhinged, constitutivism style.Annalisa Coliva & Michele Palmira - 2021 - Metaphilosophy 52 (3-4):402-415.
    Hinge epistemology has to dispel the worry that disagreeing over hinges is rationally inert. Building on a companion piece (Coliva and Palmira 2020), this paper offers a constitutivist solution to the problem of rational inertia by maintaining that a Humean sceptic and a hinge epistemologist disagree over the correct explication of the concept of epistemic rationality. The paper explores the implications of such a solution. First, it clarifies in what sense a disagreement over hinges would be a conceptual disagreement. Secondly, (...)
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    Strange bedfellows: on Pritchard’s disjunctivist hinge epistemology.Annalisa Coliva - 2018 - Synthese 198 (Suppl 15):3521-3532.
    The paper discusses some themes in Duncan Pritchard’s last book, Epistemic Angst. Radical Skepticism and the Groundlessness of Our Believing. It considers it in relation to other forms of Wittgenstein-inspired hinge-epistemology. It focuses, in particular, on the proposed treatment of Closure in relation to entailments containing hinges, the treatment of Underdetermination-based skeptical paradox and the avail to disjunctivism to respond to the latter. It argues that, although bold and thought-provoking, the mix of hinge epistemology and disjunctivism Pritchard proposes is not (...)
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    Processing Alterity, Enacting Europe: Migrant Registration and Identification as Co-construction of Individuals and Polities.Annalisa Pelizza - 2020 - Science, Technology, and Human Values 45 (2):262-288.
    This article introduces the concept of “alterity processing” to account for the simultaneous enactment of individual “Others” and emergent European orders in the context of migration management. Alterity processing refers to the data infrastructures, knowledge practices, and bureaucratic procedures through which populations unknown to European actors are translated into “European-legible” identities. By drawing on fieldwork conducted in Italy and the Hellenic Republic from 2017 to 2018, this article argues that different registration and identification procedures compete to legitimize different chains of (...)
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  7. On What There Really Is to Our Notion of Ownership of a Thought.Annalisa Coliva - 2002 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 9 (1):41-46.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Philosophy, Psychiatry, & Psychology 9.1 (2002) 41-46 [Access article in PDF] On What There Really Is to Our Notion of Ownership of a Thought Annalisa Coliva JOHN CAMPBELL'S REPLY to my paper aims at reestablishing the point that there are two strands to our notion of ownership of a thought. There are two ways of cashing out this idea. 1 First, one could say that A is the (...)
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    Hinges in the knowledge economy. on greco’s common and procedural knowledge.Annalisa Coliva - 2023 - Synthese 201 (5):1-18.
    In his “Common knowledge” (2016) and _The Transmission of Knowledge_ (2021), John Greco proposes a novel account of hinge propositions. Central to it is the idea that they are items of common knowledge – that is, of knowledge that is already present in the system, freely available to anyone, without having to figure it out by oneself or having to be taught it by others. As such, they are not subject to any quality control at all. Furthermore, they figure in (...)
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    Stebbing, Moore (and Wittgenstein) on common sense and metaphysical analysis.Annalisa Coliva - 2021 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 29 (5):914-934.
    Susan Stebbing is often portrayed as indebted to G. E. Moore for her ideas concerning the relationship between common sense and philosophy and about analysis. By focusing mostly on her article “The...
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  10.  58
    Moore and Wittgenstein: scepticism, certainty, and common sense.Annalisa Coliva - 2010 - New York, NY: Palgrave-Macmillan.
    Does scepticism threaten our common sense picture of the world? Does it really undermine our deep-rooted certainties? Answers to these questions are offered through a comparative study of the epistemological work of two key figures in the history of analytic philosophy, G. E. Moore and Ludwig Wittgenstein.
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  11. Thought insertion and immunity to error through misidentification.Annalisa Coliva - 2002 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 9 (1):27-34.
    John Campbell (1999) has recently maintained that the phenomenon of thought insertion as it is manifested in schizophrenic patients should be described as a case in which the subject is introspectively aware of a certain thought and yet she is wrong in identifying whose thought it is. Hence, according to Campbell, the phenomenon of thought insertion might be taken as a counterexample to the view that introspection-based mental selfascriptions are logically immune to error through misidentification (IEM, hereafter). Thus, if Campbell (...)
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  12.  33
    The Varieties of Self-Knowledge.Annalisa Coliva - 2016 - London: Palgrave.
    This book explores the idea that self-knowledge comes in many varieties. We “know ourselves” through many different methods, depending on whether we attend to our propositional attitudes, our perceptions, sensations or emotions. Furthermore, sometimes what we call “self-knowledge” is not the result of any substantial cognitive achievement and the characteristic authority we grant to our psychological self-ascription is a conceptual necessity, redeemed by unravelling the structure of several interlocking concepts. This book critically assesses the main contemporary positions held on the (...)
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    A Realistic and Effective Constraint on the Resort to Force? Pre-commitment to Jus in Bello and Jus Post Bellum as Part of the Criterion of Right Intention.Annalisa Koeman - 2007 - Journal of Military Ethics 6 (3):198-220.
    This paper explores Brian Orend's contribution to the just war tradition, specifically his proposed jus post bellum criteria and his idea of pre-commitment to jus in bello and jus post bellum as part of an expanded jus ad bellum criterion of right intention. The latter is based on his interpretation of Kant's work: that as part of the original decision to begin a war, a state should commit itself to certain rules of conduct and appropriate war termination, and if it (...)
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  14.  21
    The Rule of Exposure: From Bentham to Queen Grimhilde’s Mirror.Annalisa Verza - 2014 - Archiv für Rechts- und Sozialphilosophie 100 (4):450-466.
    This article reflects on the effects the media's constant projection of female images of sexually suggestive aesthetic perfection produces on woman's perception of herself and, above all, on her tendency to seek confirmation of her own worth essentially through other people's approving glances. After exploring the analogy between this mechanism and Bentham's Panopticon system, the article goes on to reflect on the profound psychological implications of the awareness of being scrutinized by others, leading to disempowerment and interiorization of the rule. (...)
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  15.  32
    Editorial: Embodied Cognition Over the Lifespan: Theoretical Issues and Implications for Applied Settings.Annalisa Setti & Anna M. Borghi - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
  16. Which Hinge Epistemology?Annalisa Coliva - 2016 - International Journal for the Study of Skepticism 6 (2-3):79-96.
    _ Source: _Volume 6, Issue 2-3, pp 79 - 96 The paper explores the idea of a “hinge epistemology,” considered as a theory about justification which gives center-stage to Wittgenstein’s notion of _hinges_. First, some basic methodological considerations regarding the relationship between merely exegetical work on Wittgenstein’s texts and more theoretically committed work are put forward. Then, the main problems raised in _On Certainty_ and the most influential interpretative lines it has given rise to so far are presented and discussed. (...)
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  17.  42
    Multiple Coordinate Systems and Motor Strategies for Reaching Movements When Eye and Hand Are Dissociated in Depth and Direction.Annalisa Bosco, Valentina Piserchia & Patrizia Fattori - 2017 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 11.
  18.  27
    A humanist in the kitchen. Platina's De honesta voluptate et valetudine.Annalisa Ceron - 2015 - Doctor Virtualis 13.
    Questo articolo analizza il De honesta voluptate et valetudine di Platina come esempio emblematico per mostrare che un'accurata analisi filologica può aiutare non solo a chiarire i contesti teorici in cui un'opera può essere collocata, ma anche a fornire una miglior comprensione delle sue implicazioni filosofiche. In questo lavoro letterario, che è sia un libro di cucina sia un manuale di dietetica, Platina ha intrecciato una varietà di fonti antiche e moderne, più o meno riconoscibili: egli non si è limitato (...)
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    Autofinzioni, affabulazioni e istinti.Vincent Colonna - 2015 - Ágalma: Rivista di studi culturali e di estetica 29.
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    Filosofía sin más: Leopoldo Zea e i cuadernos americanos.Roberto Colonna - 2008 - Firenze: Le Cáriti.
  21.  4
    L'art politique chez Machiavel: principes et méthode.Gérard Colonna D'Istria - 1980 - Paris: J. Vrin. Edited by Roland Frapet.
  22.  74
    Merleau-Ponty et la Simultanéité.Fabrice Colonna - 2002 - Chiasmi International 4:211-235.
  23. Note al testo dei poeti eolici.Aristide Colonna - 1955 - Paideia 10:307.
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  24. Recenti edizioni critiche dell'Odissea, in «.A. Colonna - 1964 - Paideia 19:161-65.
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  25. P. GILBERT-N. SPACCAPELO (a cura di), Il Teologo e la Storia. Lonergan's Centenary (1904-2004).Annalisa Fabris - 2008 - Rivista di Filosofia Neo-Scolastica 100 (1):140.
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  26. Le carte piacentine del Decameron.Annalisa Grippa - 1999 - Annali Della Facoltà di Lettere E Filosofia:Università di Siena 20:77-120.
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    (1 other version)On pseudo ‐n0‐categorical theories.Annalisa Marcja & Carlo Toffalori - 1984 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 30 (35):533-540.
  28.  23
    Il paesaggio è un mostro: città selvatiche e nature ibride.Annalisa Metta - 2022 - Roma: DeriveApprodi.
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    Donato Jaja nella formazione di Giovanni Gentile: Il problema del metodo tra critica gnoseologica e deduzione metafisica.Annalisa Passoni - 2000 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 2.
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  30. Lamberto Borghi e l'educazione hassidica in rapporto alla Gabbala.Annalisa Pinter - 2005 - In Franco Cambi, Paolo Orefice & Luciana Bellatalla (eds.), Educazione, libertà, democrazia: il pensiero pedagogico di Lamberto Borghi. Napoli: Liguori. pp. 61--167.
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    Towards a European millennium: The legacy of Italo Calvino.Annalisa Saccà - 1996 - The European Legacy 1 (4):1569-1574.
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    Learning and collective creativity: activity-theoretical and sociocultural studies.Annalisa Sannino & Viv Ellis (eds.) - 2014 - New York: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group.
    This book brings together leading representatives of activity-theoretically-oriented and socioculturally-oriented research around the world, to discuss creativity as a collective endeavour strongly related to learning to face the societal challenges of our world. As history shows, major accomplishments in arts and technological innovations have allowed us to see the world differently and to identify new learning perspectives for the future which were seldom limited to individual action or isolated activities. This book, while primarily focused on educational insitutions, extends its examination (...)
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    Learning and expanding with activity theory.Annalisa Sannino, Harry Daniels & Kris D. Gutierrez (eds.) - 2009 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    In this volume, Engeström's work is used as a springboard to reflect on the question of the use, appropriation, and further development of the classic heritage within activity theory.
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  34. Philosophical Progress, Skepticism, and Disagreement.Annalisa Coliva & Louis Doulas - 2024 - In Maria Baghramian, J. Adam Carter & Rach Cosker-Rowland (eds.), Routledge Handbook of Philosophy of Disagreement. New York, NY: Routledge.
    This chapter serves as an opinionated introduction to the problem of convergence (that there is no clear convergence to the truth in philosophy) and the problem of peer disagreement (that disagreement with a peer rationally demands suspending one’s beliefs), and some of the issues they give rise to, namely, philosophical skepticism and progress in philosophy. After introducing both topics and surveying the various positions in the literature we explore the prospects of an alternative, hinge-theoretic account.
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    Hinge Epistemology.Annalisa Coliva & Danièle Moyal-Sharrock (eds.) - 2016 - Boston: Brill.
    In _Hinge Epistemology_, eminent epistemologists investigate Wittgenstein's concept of basic or 'hinge' certainty as deployed in _On Certainty_ and show its importance for mainstream epistemology.
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    “No disease for the others”: How COVID-19 data can enact new and old alterities.Annalisa Pelizza - 2020 - Big Data and Society 7 (2).
    The COVID-19 pandemic invites a question about how long-standing narratives of alterity and current narratives of disease are entwined and re-enacted in the diagnosis of COVID-19. In this commentary, we discuss two related phenomena that, we argue, should be taken into account in answering this question. First, we address the diffusion of pseudoscientific accounts of minorities’ immunity to COVID-19. While apparently praising minorities’ biological resistance, such accounts rhetorically introduce a distinction between “Us” and “Them,” and in so doing produce new (...)
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  37.  24
    Présentation de la lettre de Raymond Ruyer à Jean Piaget.Fabrice Colonna & Nicolas Zaslawski - 2021 - Philosophie 149 (2):3-5.
    In “Ruyer’s Relation to Whitehead”, Fabrice Colonna seeks to establish the exact presence of Whitehead in the French philosopher’s work. The indisputable points of connection between the two thinkers, concerning the importance of metaphysics, the critics of the materialistic scheme, the relevance of a renewed platonism, should nevertheless not obscure certain differences in emphasis, which are apparent in the problem of the compounds beings and about certain principles of speculative theology, to which both of them have found deeply original (...)
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  38. What philosophical disagreement and philosophical skepticism hinge on.Annalisa Coliva & Louis Doulas - 2022 - Synthese 200 (3):1-14.
    Philosophers disagree. A lot. Pervasive disagreement is part of the territory; consensus is hard to find. Some think this should lead us to embrace philosophical skepticism: skepticism about the extent to which we can know, or justifiably believe, the philosophical views we defend and advance. Most philosophers in the literature fall into one camp or the other: philosophical skepticism or philosophical anti-skepticism. Drawing on the insights of hinge epistemology, this paper proposes another way forward, an intermediate position that appeals both (...)
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  39. Was Wittgenstein an epistemic relativist?Annalisa Coliva - 2009 - Philosophical Investigations 33 (1):1-23.
    The paper reviews the grounds for relativist interpretations of Wittgenstein's later thought, especially in On Certainty . It distinguishes between factual and virtual forms of epistemic relativism and argues that, on closer inspection, Wittgenstein's notes don't support any form of relativism – let it be factual or virtual. In passing, it considers also so-called "naturalist" readings of On Certainty , which may lend support to a relativist interpretation of Wittgenstein's ideas, finds them wanting, and recommends to interpret his positive proposal (...)
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  40. Varieties of failure (of warrant transmission: what else?!).Annalisa Coliva - 2012 - Synthese 189 (2):235-254.
    In the contemporary expanding literature on transmission failure and its connections with issues such as the Closure principle, the nature of perceptual warrant, Moore’s proof of an external world and the effectiveness of Humean scepticism, it has often been assumed that there is just one kind of it: the one made familiar by the writings of Crispin Wright and Martin Davies. Although it might be thought that one kind of failure is more than enough, Davies has recently challenged this view: (...)
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  41. The First Person.Annalisa Coliva - 2003 - Journal of Philosophy 100 (8):416-431.
  42. Seminar on science and its ancient tradition.Annalisa Arci & Enrico Rini - 2009 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 64 (4):809-811.
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    (1 other version)Genre as cognitive construction.Annalisa Baicchi & Aneider Iza Erviti - 2018 - Pragmatics and Cognition 25 (3):576-601.
    The present article investigates a set of discourse connectors in the academic lecture genre from the viewpoint of the inseparable pair of pragmatics and cognition. Making use of theMICASEcorpus for data retrieval, a selection of discourse constructions encoding comparative contrastive meanings are analysed and their distinctive features are critically described and explained. The aim is to show how each particular genre promotes the use of certain constructions. TheMICASEdatabase reveals that, among all the subgroups of complementary contrastive constructions, some seem incompatible (...)
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    abstract: Merleau-Ponty Thinker of the Imaginary.Fabrice Colonna - 2003 - Chiasmi International 5:145-146.
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  45. ch. 34. Scepticism and knowledge : Moore's proof of an external world.Annalisa Coliva - 2013 - In Michael Beaney (ed.), The Oxford Handbook of The History of Analytic Philosophy. Oxford, England: Oxford University Press.
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  46. Il Puzzle della Prova del mondo esterno di Moore.Annalisa Coliva - 2006 - Epistemologia 29 (1):61-78.
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    L'homme ruyérien.Fabrice Colonna - 2007 - Les Etudes Philosophiques 80 (1):63.
    L’intérêt de la réflexion de Ruyer sur l’homme vient de ce qu’elle s’intègre dans une cosmologie philosophique. Elle tient ainsi compte de l’ensemble des résultats des sciences contemporaines, et permet de renouveler toutes les questions classiques, en s’orientant dans les querelles de l’humanisme et de l’anti-humanisme. L’anthropologie ruyérienne, telle qu’on peut la reconstruire, procède en quatre temps : faire de l’éthologie comparée le préalable incontournable de la réflexion sur l’homme, déterminer la différence humaine par le biais de la fonction symbolique, (...)
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  48. Sugli hapax in Eliodoro.A. Colonna - 1986 - Paideia 40:213-214.
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    La vulnerabilità come metodo: percorsi di ricerca tra pensiero politico, diritto ed etica.Annalisa Furia & Silvia Zullo (eds.) - 2020 - Roma: Carocci editore.
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    Decidability for ℤ2 G-lattices when G Extends the Noncyclic Group of Order 4.Annalisa Marcja & Carlo Toffalori - 2002 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 48 (2):203-212.
    Let G be the direct sum of the noncyclic groupof order four and a cyclic groupwhoseorderisthe power pn of some prime p. We show that ℤ2G-lattices have a decidable theory when the cyclotomic polynomia equation image is irreducible modulo 2ℤ for every j ≤ n. More generally we discuss the decision problem for ℤ2G-lattices when G is a finite group whose Sylow 2-subgroups are isomorphic to the noncyclic group of order four.
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